Cooperation of Ukraine - NATO (1991-2023): from partnership to membership
The current state of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO: challenges, prospects and the importance of security programs. Approaches to the implementation of the policy of Ukrainian-NATO relations by modernizing the mechanisms of their implementation.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 26,2 K |
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Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
Department of History of Ukraine, Archeology and Special Branches of Historical Science
Cooperation of Ukraine - NATO (1991-2023): from partnership to membership
Klish A.B., PhD History, Professor
The aim of the article is to analyze the current state of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, identify key challenges and prospects, and elucidate the significance of security programs.
The research methodology comprises the principles of historicism and objectivity, general scientific methods (induction and deduction, analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, comparison, specification), special-historical methods (synchronic, the method of periodization; historical-chronological, systemic-structural, historical-typological, retrospective, statistical), and some other scientific methods related to humanitarian studies. Additionally, a systemic-disciplinary and pluralistic approach is applied to study the transformation of Ukraine-NATO relations during the researched period based on the comprehensive use of sources related to the common spatiotemporal localization and subject matter parameters.
The scientific novelty of the constructive results obtained lies in the theoretical-conceptual justification of the proposed problem, a comprehensive study of Ukraine-NATO relations from 1991 to 2023, and the identification and analysis of approaches. This set of approaches will contribute to the successful implementation of the Ukrainian-NATO policy through the modernization of mechanisms for their implementation.
Conclusions. Ukraine's NATO membership is a realistic but challenging goal that requires significant efforts from Ukraine and support and solidarity from NATO. The evolution of Ukrainian-NATO relations has a gradual character, influenced by historical-geopolitical factors and the need to adapt to the contemporary international order. Relations with NATO are based on several key documents, such as the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership (1997), the Declaration on the Enhancement of the Charter (2009), the Ukraine-NATO Action Plan (2002), and others. The NATO Representation in Ukraine, established in 2016, including the NATO Information and Documentation Center (1997) and the NATO Liaison Office (1999), contributes to the development of the partnership on the ground. It supports the process of reforming Ukraine's security and defense structures and maintains constant connections with Ukrainian authorities. The deepening of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO began with the introduction of the Intensified Dialogue, reflecting Ukraine's aspirations for membership and reform. The implementation of reforms is endorsed by the Alliance through Annual National Programs (ANP) since 2009, which will be replaced by a simplified system in 2023. Ukraine is fostering its relations with NATO through various institutions and forums, including the Partnership for Peace program and the North Atlantic Partnership Council. This path, defined by institutional and legal foundations, signifies an evolution from cooperation and strategic partnership to Euro-Atlantic integration, reflected in the Constitution of Ukraine.
Keywords: NATO, Ukraine, cooperation, security, Euro-Atlantic integration, partnership, membership, Ukraine-NATO relations, collaboration.
Співпраця України - НАТО (1991-2023 рр.): від партнерства до членства
Кліш А.Б., д.і.н., професор кафедри історії України, археології та спеціальних галузей історичних наук, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка, м. Тернопіль
Метою статті є проаналізувати поточний стан співпраці між Україною та НАТО, виділити ключові виклики та перспективи, розкрити значення безпекових програм.
Методологію дослідження складають принципи історизму та об'єктивності, загальнонаукові (індукція та дедукція, аналіз, синтез, узагальнення, абстрагування, порівняння, конкретизація, ін.), спеціально-історичні (синхронний, метод періодизації; історико-хронологічний, системно-структурний, історико-типологічний, ретроспективний, статистичний) та деякі інші наукові методи суміжних гуманітарних наук, а також системно-дисциплінарний і плюралістичний підходи до вивчення трансформаційних відносин Україна-НАТО у досліджуваний період на основі цілісного застосування сукупності джерел з теми, що мають спільну просторово-часову локалізацію та предметні площинні параметри.
Наукова новизна одержаних конструктивних результатів полягає у теоретико-концептуальному обґрунтуванні запропонованої проблеми, комплексному дослідженні відносин Україна-НАТО упродовж 1991-2023 рр., а також визначенні та аналізові підходів, сукупність яких сприятиме успішній реалізації політики українсько-натовських взаємовідносин, шляхом модернізації механізмів їх здійснення.
Висновки. Членство України в НАТО є реальною, але не простою метою, яка вимагає від України значних зусиль, а від НАТО - підтримки та солідарності. Можемо зазначити, що еволюція українсько-натовських відносин має поступальний характер, обумовлений історико-геополітичними факторами та потребою адаптації до сучасної системи міжнародного порядку. Взаємини з НАТО базуються на ряді ключових документів, таких як Хартія про особливе партнерство (1997 р.), Декларація про доповнення Хартії (2009 р.), План дій Україна-НАТО (2002р.), та інші.
Засноване в 2016 р. Представництво НАТО в Україні, що включає Центр інформації та документації НАТО (1997 р.) та Офіс зв'язку НАТО (1999 р.), сприяє розвитку партнерства прямо на місці. Він підтримує процес реформування структур безпеки і оборони України та підтримує постійні зв'язки з українськими владними органами. Процес поглиблення співпраці Україна - НАТО почався із запровадження Інтенсифікованого діалогу, який визначав прагнення України до членства та реформ. Реалізація реформ підтримується Альянсом через річні національні програми від 2009 р., яка згодом у 2023 р. буде замінена на спрощену систему. Україна розвиває свої відносини з НАТО в рамках різних інституцій та форумів, включаючи програму «Партнерство заради миру», Раду Північноатлантичного партнерства. Цей шлях, визначений інституційно-правовими основами, відзначається еволюцією від співпраці та стратегічного партнерства до євроатлантичної інтеграції, що знаходить відображення в Конституції України.
Ключові слова: НАТО, Україна, співпраця, безпека, євроатлантична інтеграція, партнерство, членство, відносини Україна-НАТО, співробітництво.
The problem statement in the article involves an analysis of the current state of cooperation between NATO and Ukraine, highlighting key challenges and unresolved issues in this collaboration. Emphasis is placed on the need to enhance interaction to strengthen Ukraine's national security, as well as considering the possibilities and limitations regarding Ukraine's potential membership in the alliance.
Analysis of the source base. The study of various aspects of Ukraine- NATO interaction in national historiography has shown interest from the very beginning of Ukraine's independence. This was driven by the necessity to strengthen defense capabilities, ensure security and peace in the region, and implement democratic reforms. Among recent works, attention should be drawn to the book "Geopolitics Against Security" by O. Potekhin and Yu. Klymenko [10], which focuses on the experience of creating military- political alliances and their impact on European security. In the textbook by I. Todorov [16], the need to enhance knowledge about the implementation of constitutional provisions regarding Ukraine's integration into NATO and issues of international and European security is emphasized.
The national report "Euroatlantic Vector of Ukraine" by S. Pyrozhkov, I. Kresina, A. Kudryachenko, and Yu. Shemshuchenko [8] analyzes the issues of the Euroatlantic community, the values and connections between Ukrainian and Western European identity, as well as the prospects of Ukraine's membership in NATO and the European Union. Particularly interesting are also the works of O. Soskin [15] and V. Horbulin [4]. Essential for understanding the issue of Ukraine's accession to NATO is the historiosophical collection by Ye. Marchuk [7] "Ukraine on the Path to NATO." The work "Ukraine in International Organizations" by Yu. Makar, B. Gdychnskyi, V. Makar, S. Popyk, and N. Rotar [6] remains relevant for defining the main problems. The works of L. Alekseyevets and M. Alekseyevets [1-2] are also worth mentioning. Analytical articles in the media and statements by politicians are an integral part of this topic.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, identify key challenges and prospects, and elucidate the significance of security programs.
Exposition of the main material
Geopolitics and security in the world are primarily associated with a collective agreement, and international organizations play a significant role in it. NATO is a military-political alliance established in 1949 to ensure the collective security and defense of its members belonging to North America and Europe. NATO is based on the principle of collective defense, whereby an attack on one member country is considered an attack on all. NATO also contributes to international peace and stability by collaborating with other international organizations, including the UN, OSCE, EU, and others.
NATO is not a tool for the geopolitical pursuits of individual states but adheres to its statutes and objectives, which include the defense of its members, balanced defense plans, and the support of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Using NATO as an instrument for geopolitical games could have a negative impact on the security and stability of the region and the world.
It can be said that joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a matter of historical choice between European civilization and Eurasian [6]. This choice for Ukraine is natural and quite evident. In the relations between Ukraine and NATO, we can observe a trend of increasing levels of cooperation, as well as the transition of key security and defense areas of our state to the standards of the North Atlantic Alliance.
Ukraine is active in international politics and has long been involved in practical NATO projects aimed at enhancing its defense capabilities, national security, and regional safety. The deepening of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO began with the introduction of the Intensified Dialogue, which outlined Ukraine's aspirations for membership and reforms. The implementation of reforms is supported by the Alliance through annual National Programs since 2009, with the latest program completed in 2021. NPs are structured similarly to the Annual National Programs, with 5 main sections mirroring the 5 chapters of the ANP. Since then, our country has executed 13 such programs [5].
Since gaining independence and restoring statehood, the political geography of Ukraine has constantly expanded and transformed. In March 2014, the war with Russia began. In 2022, due to a full-scale war, the Annual National Program was not approved; accordingly, in 2023, an adapted Annual National Program was outlined in the Vilnius Summit communique. From the Vilnius Summit held on July 11, NATO member states approved a support package for Ukraine, consisting of three key elements aimed at expediting the country's accession to the Alliance. This package includes the lifting of requirements for the Membership Action Plan, the provision of a long-term military assistance program, and the initiation of the Ukraine-NATO Council.
Today, we observe an obvious mistake, namely that Ukraine has not become a full-fledged member of the NATO.
Certainly, NATO is not a perfect structure, and Ukrainian citizens should indeed be aware of everything about it - this, along with many other factors, adds relevance to this topic. NATO, like any large international organization, has its flaws and criticisms. Sometimes, even former advisors and high-ranking officials speak out about these issues. For instance, former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, Richard Shirreff, stated that at one point, many high-ranking military officials within the Alliance believed that NATO's strategic goal should be a partnership with Russia, even despite its invasion of Georgia in 2008. This event began to interest Ukrainian scholars, with most representatives of Ukrainian historiography being particularly interested in the historical preconditions of the confrontation. After all, the Russian-Georgian confrontation in 2008 differed from the Russian-Moldovan conflict in the period 1990-1992 in significantly larger scales and the involvement of Russian troops [14, с. 542]. From this, one can conclude that the wars and conflicts created by the Russian Federation are evolving, becoming more complex, and on a larger scale.
Today, Shirreff, like most NATO generals, holds the view that the Alliance should properly arm Ukraine, as the experience of war with Russia in Ukraine is the most significant among all NATO member states [3].
In general, international organizations and their activities remain one of the least explored actors in the world politics within domestic historical science [6, с. 3], with NATO being particularly deserving of attention.
The history of Ukraine-NATO relations is complex, with most scholars still portraying it as a conflict of mythologies. The mentioned conflict of mythologies in the study of Ukraine-NATO relations may indicate differences in approaches and interpretations of historical events. However, there is one solution that outweighs all other political factors hindering an objective assessment of the activities of all European international organizations: "the necessity of creating international organizations lies in the need to unite the efforts of states" [13, с. 104]. Indeed, international organizations are created to collectively prevent a return to the harsh politics of power. It is worth noting that in 2014, the world and the Alliance's leadership witnessed a new form of state-to-state warfare, often referred to by researchers as "hybrid warfare". ukraine's security policy cooperation nato
The issue of interaction between Ukraine and NATO has sparked increased interest among scholars and the public. This problem has gained even more significance today, both in the scientific-theoretical aspect and in practical terms. Regarding the works, the contributions of V. Horbulin stand out. According to Horbulin, the term "hybrid war" is the most apt to describe the specifics of Russia's actions. "By combining military, quasi-military, diplomatic, informational, and economic means, without resorting to nuclear blackmail, it consistently seeks to achieve its own, not entirely clear to the international community, political goals in Ukraine and other parts of the world" [4, с. 15]. Volodymyr Horbulin supports Ukraine's accession to NATO as one of the ways to counter Russia's hybrid war. Historically, Ukraine's entry into NATO is divided into two categories: cooperation and integration.
Cooperation between Ukraine and NATO and Ukraine's integration into NATO are two different things.
Cooperation entails the development of relations between countries with the aim of achieving common goals. In the case of cooperation between
Ukraine and NATO, this means conducting joint military exercises, exchanging experiences, and other forms of collaboration to enhance Ukraine's defense capabilities and contribute to stability in the region.
Integration, on the other hand, involves Ukraine's accession to NATO, which requires meeting specific criteria and fulfilling requirements in the military, political, and economic spheres. Joining NATO follows a certain formula that necessitates approval from other NATO members, making the process more complex and resource-intensive compared to simple cooperation. The development of relations between Ukraine and NATO can be traced through the prism of these categories.
Ukraine was one of the first countries to join the NATO Partnership for Peace Program in 1994, recognizing NATO as a crucial partner in ensuring its security and sovereignty. Since then, Ukraine and NATO have expanded their cooperation in various areas, including military, political, economic, scientific, educational, and more. Ukraine has also actively participated in peacekeeping operations under NATO auspices, contributing its military and civilian resources to uphold international security and stability.
In 1997, Ukraine and NATO signed a foundational agreement on special partnership during the Madrid Summit, known as the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership between Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This agreement outlined the key principles and directions of cooperation, constituting the political commitments of Ukraine and NATO to develop a special and effective partnership aimed at promoting greater stability and shared democratic values in Central and Eastern Europe. The Charter also envisages various areas of consultation and cooperation between Ukraine and NATO [17]. In 2002, the State Council for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine was established to coordinate efforts as the principal mechanism for political dialogue and coordination of actions with the Alliance. In 2003, Ukraine expressed its ambition to become a NATO member, which was supported by the Alliance at the Bucharest Summit in 2008. While Ukraine obtained the status of an aspirant country, it did not receive a Membership Action Plan, a prerequisite for NATO membership.
The support among Ukrainians for the idea of Ukraine's accession to NATO has been heterogeneous throughout different periods of history. According to sociological surveys, it has consistently fluctuated. However, NATO requires aspirant countries to have support from over 60% of their population for entry into the Alliance [7]. In 2023, the support for Ukraine's accession to NATO reached its highest level in history, standing at approximately 86% [9].
In 2010, Ukraine adopted a law on non-aligned status, excluding the possibility of joining NATO. This led to a decrease in the level of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, as well as a halt to military reforms. In 2014, after the Revolution of Dignity and Russian aggression, Ukraine revoked its non-aligned status and reinstated its ambition to become a NATO member. The Alliance condemned the Russian annexation of Crimea and the military aggression in Donbas, providing support to Ukraine through consultations, training, technical assistance, financing, and more.
Cooperation between Ukraine and NATO in the military sphere encompasses four main directions:
Enhancement of operational capabilities: Ukraine participates in various NATO initiatives aimed at improving interoperability and readiness for joint operations. For instance, Ukraine joined the Operational Capabilities Concept in 2004, the Connected Forces Initiative in 2012, and the Partnership Interoperability Initiative in 2014.
Defensive reforms: Ukraine receives assistance from NATO in conducting reforms in its defense sector, including the enhancement of professionalism, effectiveness, transparency, and civilian control over the Armed Forces of Ukraine. NATO also provides consultation and funding for the modernization of military equipment, infrastructure, medical services, cybersecurity, and more.
Participation in peacekeeping operations: Ukraine has been one of the largest contributors to NATO's peacekeeping operations, providing its military and civilian resources to ensure international security and stability. Ukraine has participated in NATO peacekeeping operations in former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Somalia, Libya, and more.
Consultations and military exercises: Ukraine and NATO conduct regular consultations on security and defense issues and organize joint military exercises to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation. For example, Ukraine has been involved in the NATO Air Situation Data Exchange Program since 2008 and participates in annual military-maritime exercises such as "Sea Breeze" and "Rapid Trident".
Regarding Ukraine's NATO membership prospects, Ukrainian diplomats emphasize the unchanged ambition to become a NATO member. This commitment is affirmed in Ukraine's Constitution since 2019 and is reflected in documents such as the National Security Strategy, the Law on the Principles of Internal and Foreign Policy, and others. Ukraine has also developed and implemented 13 Annual National Programs under the auspices of the Ukraine-NATO Commission. These programs serve as a systemic mechanism and instrument for implementing reforms in Ukraine according to the standards of the Membership Action Plan since 2009.
In 2023, at the Vilnius Summit, the Ukraine-NATO Commission is replaced by the Ukraine-NATO Council, bringing simplifications to documentation and granting Ukraine equal status in meetings, which can now be convened at the level of states and governments [12].
NATO supports Ukraine's sovereign right to choose its future course, including potential membership in the Alliance. NATO also backs reforms in Ukraine that contribute to its Euro-Atlantic integration. However, for Ukraine to join NATO, it needs to meet a set of criteria, including:
Majority support from the population for NATO membership.
Fulfillment of all duties and requirements set by NATO for aspiring countries.
Unanimous agreement from all NATO member countries to admit Ukraine to the Alliance.
Fulfillment of the Annual National Program from 2023 is no longer the primary criterion for accession. Moreover, Ukraine has been fulfilling its main content within the framework of the ANP for 13 years. However, the full-scale Russian invasion has complicated the requirements, as one of the criteria for Ukraine's NATO membership is now the liberation of territories from Russian occupiers. Jens Stoltenberg has repeatedly emphasized the priority of providing Ukraine with weapons to repel aggression because if Ukraine suffers defeat in the war, joining the alliance will be unlikely. The Alliance continues to support Kyiv on the path to membership [11].
Thus, Ukraine's NATO membership is a realistic but challenging goal that requires significant efforts from Ukraine and support and solidarity from NATO. The evolution of Ukrainian-NATO relations has a gradual character, influenced by historical-geopolitical factors and the need to adapt to the contemporary international order. Relations with NATO are based on several key documents, such as the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership (1997), the Declaration on the Enhancement of the Charter (2009), the Ukraine-NATO Action Plan (2002), and others. The NATO Representation in Ukraine, established in 2016, including the NATO Information and Documentation Center (1997) and the NATO Liaison Office (1999), contributes to the development of the partnership on the ground. It supports the process of reforming Ukraine's security and defense structures and maintains constant connections with Ukrainian authorities. The deepening of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO began with the introduction of the Intensified Dialogue, reflecting Ukraine's aspirations for membership and reform. The implementation of reforms is endorsed by the Alliance through Annual National Programs since 2009, which will be replaced by a simplified system in 2023. Ukraine is fostering its relations with NATO through various institutions and forums, including the Partnership for Peace program and the North Atlantic Partnership Council. This path, defined by institutional and legal foundations, signifies an evolution from cooperation and strategic partnership to Euro-Atlantic integration, reflected in the Constitution of Ukraine.
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