The influence of the party ideology of the USSR on the development of ecological and naturalistic work in out-of-school education institutions of the Sumy region

A detailed description of the content and organizational principles of ecological and naturalistic work in out-of-school education institutions during the times of Soviet Ukraine. Creation of conditions for involving children in working in groups.

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Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko

The influence of the party ideology of the USSR on the development of ecological and naturalistic work in out-of-school education institutions of the Sumy region

Vladyslav Vertel


out-of-school education institution soviet

The article analyzes the influence of the party ideology of the Soviet Union on the development of ecological and naturalistic work in the out-of-school education institutions using the example of the Sumy region. The content and organizational foundations of ecological and naturalistic work in the out-of-school education institutions during the times of Soviet Ukraine are characterized.

It was established that the influence of the Communist Party on education, including extracurricular, was total. The efforts of the ruling elite to reform the existing political system did not lead to democratic changes in society. The development of ecological and naturalistic work in the conditions of strict regulation, ideologization and politicization led to the formation of a single ideological worldview in the participants of the educational process. It was concluded that the bureaucratic-conservative leadership style, frank voluntarism in decision-making, led to mistakes and miscalculations, inhibited the development of democratic changes in education, including out-of-school.

Key words: ecological and naturalistic work, institution of extracurricular education, party ideology of the USSR.


Вертель Владислав

Вплив партійної ідеології СРСР на розвиток еколого-натуралістичної роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти Сумської області

У статті проаналізовано влив партійної ідеології Союзу Радянських Соціалістичних Республік на розвиток еколого-натуралістичної роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти на прикладі Сумської області. Схарактеризовано змістові та організаційні засади еколого-натуралістичної роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти за часів Радянської України.

Установлено, що вплив комуністичної партії на освіту, у тому числі на позашкільну, був тотальний. Зусилля правлячої верхівки реформувати існуючу політичну систему не призвели до демократичних змін у суспільстві. Позитивним чинником є розбудова мережі закладів позашкільної освіти, створення умов для залучення дітей до роботи в гуртках. Це дало можливість охопити позакласною роботою сотні тисяч здобувачів освіти, залучити їх до еколого-натуралістичної та природоохоронної роботи. Рішення державних органів сприяли активізації юннатівського руху в Радянській Україні та зміцненню матеріально-технічної бази закладів позашкільної освіти. Водночас розвиток еколого-натуралістичної роботи в умовах жорсткої регламентації, ідеологізації та політизації призводив до формування в учасників освітнього процесу єдиного ідеологічного світогляду. Ідеологізація та політизація методичного забезпечення освітнього процесу стала нормою. Змістовна дослідницька та експериментальна робота в цей час майже відсутня. Основними формами еколого-натуралістичної роботи в позашкіллі були масові пересувні (естафети, конкурси, акції) та стаціонарні (гуртки), які були спрямовані на формування практичних знань, умінь і навичок здобувачів освіти в галузі сільського господарства. Зроблено висновок, що бюрократично-консервативний стиль керівництва, відвертий волюнтаризм у прийнятті рішень, призводив до хиб і прорахунків, гальмував розвиток демократичних змін в освіті і в тому числі позашкільній.

Ключові слова: еколого-натуралістична робота, заклад позашкільної освіти, партійна ідеологія СРСР.


The problem of the ecological and naturalistic work (hereinafter referred to as ENW) development in the out-of-school education institutions (hereinafter referred to as OEI) in Ukraine is very important, because it is in the OEI that students have the opportunity to spend their leisure time, realize their creative needs, interests, and abilities. Nowadays, a promising direction of historical and pedagogical research is the study of regional aspects of the development of various links of the education system, because this allows us to find out the territorial specificity of the latter. In this regard, the issue of establishment and further expansion of the network of OEI of the ecological and naturalistic direction in the Sumy region under the conditions of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Ukrainian SSR), as well as what influence it suffered during the communist era, becomes extremely relevant.

The analysis of current research

The analysis of current research has shown that the issue of the formation and development of ecological and naturalistic work and OEI is covered in the works of V. Bereka, H. Pustovit, I. Riabchenko, O. Sukhomlynska, T. Sushchenko, V. Bocharova and M. Plotkin, B. Vulfov and V. Semenov, H. Kaliechits, Z. Keilina, B. Kobzar. Some aspects of the dissertation research of V. Verbytskyi and L. Kostenko are devoted to the impact of the party ideology on the content of ENW in the OEI.

The aim of the article

The aim of the article is to analyze the influence of the party ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (hereinafter - the USSR) on the development of ENW in the OEI of the Sumy region.

Research methods

Research methods: theoretical: analysis, generalization of psychological-pedagogical and archival sources, identification of relationships between phenomena and processes and regularities and trends of their development, comparison, systems-structural method; empirical: comparison, interviews with teachers.

Research results

In the conditions of the dominance of communist ideology in the country, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (hereinafter - the Central Committee of the CPSU) and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine through their organizational structures influenced decision-making at the level of the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian SSR (hereinafter - the Ministry of Education) and departments of local education. In the post-war years, the dictatorship of the party bureaucracy prevailed, which made democratic renewal of the educational sector impossible. The 20th Congress of the CPSU, which condemned the cult of Stalin's personality, initiated the process of democratization of state-legal life, but did not completely destroy the party's command-administrative system. The latter, cloaked in democratic slogans, penetrated all layers of the Soviet society like an octopus. Bureaucratic, volunteer management methods, often veiled, remained effective until the 1990s. The current structure of society created a socio-political basis for the formation of employees of education institutions as primary leaders of the ideology of the existing party system. OEI, like all secondary schools, was under the constant control of party and state bodies. This fully applies to ecological and naturalistic work, taking into account the fact that ENW was organized and conducted by the Sumy Regional Station of Young Naturalists (hereinafter - SYN), district and city stations of young naturalists, palaces of pioneers, general secondary education institutions of the region (hereinafter - GSEI). From the end of the 50's to the mid-90's of the last century, the organizational, coordination and methodological and informational center of ENW among schoolchildren of the region was SYN. During the times of Soviet Ukraine, ecological and naturalistic OEIs functioned in the region - Yampil and Velyka Pysarivka district, Romny, Konotop, and Shostka city stations of young naturalists, Lebedyn district house of young naturalists (Vertel, 2021).

Taking into account the fact that the main organizers of the ENW at the beginning of its formation were teachers of educational establishments of various levels, the influence of party ideology in OEI was also felt. The foundations of the Soviet education system were centralization and unification. Such an environment was quite natural in the conditions of the Soviet authoritarian society.

Equipping students with certain knowledge, skills and abilities remained an important task of GSEI and out-of-school education institutions. In practice, education was a secondary element in the education system of a Soviet citizen. In the conditions of strict regulation, the school focused on the education of individuals with mediocre abilities, which was passed off as the democratic system of education and the implementation of the idea of social equality (Kahanov, 2018, pp. 66, 68). Pedagogy was also gradually transformed into a science of the personality education adapted to environmental conditions, obedient to the ideology and instructions of the authorities (Sydnev, 1990, p. 48). Party ideology caused changes in the theoretical and practical attitude to the study of nature and its protection. In the 1930's, the beginning of a theoretical and practical attitude to nature was laid in the conditions of existence of the Soviet state. There were calls to put nature under total control, to make it an average resource for human activity, there were calls for scientific discoveries that would “revolutionize the life of animals and plants”. Thus, a famous biologist M. Zavadskyi called at a meeting of the board of the People's Commissariat of Land Resources in 1931 to “catch up and outrun nature!”.

The thesis of class struggle, which was the cornerstone of Soviet ideology, extended to the field of nature protection, ENW, imbued it with a class-proletarian content. Opinions about the inadmissibility of invading nature were qualified as hostile bourgeois views (Kiselev, Konak, 2000, p. 247-248). The disposition to struggle with nature, its “revolutionization” served as the basis for “lysenkovism” in biological science. All this could not fail to be reflected in the teaching of natural sciences in GSEI and, naturally, in the planning and the process of ecological and naturalistic work. At the same time, it should be recognized that the resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and republican party bodies, government resolutions in the field of education, along with the negative consequences of its ideologization, had a positive impact on the civil and political life of society.

The educational sector was reformed, the curriculum was updated, the work on involving children to work in groups and sections, to participate in research and socially useful work was intensified.

In accordance with the communist ideological canons of the time, the implementation of the decisions of party congresses, plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and Komsomol bodies was mandatory not only for party members, but also for non-party workers in the education sector. References to them became widespread in the majority of regulatory, methodological, instructional and other documents and were reflected in calls for rallies and congresses of the young naturalists' activists (Materials ... DASO, file 31, sheet 56).

Thus, one of the main priorities of the work of the SYN for 1957 was that, guided by the decisions of the 19th and 20th Congresses of the CPSU, as well as the decisions of the Plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the promotion of socialist agriculture, the institution directed its work to the organization of assistance to young naturalists in solving the main economic task for our people - to catch up and overtake the United States of America in the production of meat, butter and milk per capita (Annual report... DASO, file 52, sheet 1). The level of ideologization of the educational sector is evidenced, for example, by the fact that out of 28 publications paid for by the SYN in 1950, only 13 belonged to the pedagogical press and specialized publications in the natural sciences (Estimate and staff... DASO, file 7, sheet 7).

The SYN's list of subscription publications for 1953 includes the following newspapers and magazines: “Pravda”, “Komsomolska Pravda”, “Soviet Ukraine”, “Leninska Pravda”, “Socialist Agriculture”, “Young Leninets”, “Pionerska Pravda”, “Teacher newspaper”, “Soviet Education”, “Perets” (Estimate and staff ... DASO, file 19, sheet 9). In this way, the government established the values of communist ideology in society and used education institutions to shape public opinion.

In the report on the work of the station for the year 1971, in the section “Increasing the ideological and political level and professional qualification of station employees”, it is stated that each employee had an individual self-education plan, for example, the station's senior methodologist processed the materials of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, V. Lenin's work “Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism”, took an active part in the seminar on the study of political philosophy of the magazine “Political Education” (Report on work... DASO, file 103, sheet 63).

The “corn company” of the 50's and 60's of the last century serves as a vivid example of the voluntary influence of the authorities on the educational sector, including OEI, which was a part of it. In 1954, the February-March plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU took place, which proposed further measures to develop agriculture and increase grain production. At it, the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, M. Khrushchev, for the first time raised the issue of the need for large-scale distribution of corn sown areas. The January plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1955 approved the beginning of the “corn project”, which affected not only the agricultural sector, but also the social sphere, including education institutions.

The project envisaged involving education institutions in practical work on growing corn crops. Student teams were created at education institutions: in biology classes, children studied the agricultural technology of corn, the peculiarities of its cultivation. Only in 1955, GSEI, groups of young naturalists and students of the region grew corn on 3,743.7 hectares of collective farm fields. In addition, its hybrid seeds were grown on 296 hectares (Materials ... DASO, file 31, sheet 1). The participation of schools and circles in the cultivation of corn was analyzed in the orders of the regional and district departments of education (Materials ... DASO, file 31, sheet 2), regional meetings of young corn growers were held. And on January 3-4, 1956, the 1st regional meeting of young corn farmers took place (hosted 203 delegates from 25 districts), in which Komsomol leaders, scientific workers and pioneers of agricultural production took part (Materials ... DASO, file 31, sheet 6). Later, their holding became an annual tradition. It became mandatory to hold republican and all-Union congresses of young corn growers.

Party and Komsomol bodies provided ideological support for the work of corn farming education seekers. For example, the regional department of education, the department of agriculture, the regional committee of the Lenin Communist Youth Union of Ukraine (hereinafter - LCYU) regularly reported on the work of the Ministry of Education. Annually, data were calculated by district and region on the area of corn sown in school plots and collective farm fields and its yield (Information of district... DASO, file 32, sheets 108, 117).

It is important that the existing at that time system of accounting for the working hours of collective farm workers was extended to education seekers. For example, in 1955, the students of the region spent 279,369 working days on growing corn (Information of the district ... DASO, file 32, sheet 122). A clear system of honoring and awarding winners was developed, which operated during the 50's and early 60's of the last century. Thus, a group of young corn growers from the village Osoivka was recognized as the best and was awarded a certificate from the Ministry of Education and the Central Committee of the LCYU (Orders of the Ministry of... DASO, file 41, sheet 26).

A significant part of solving the organizational and methodological tasks of organizing the cultivation of corn by the students was entrusted to the SYN and district naturalist stations. In view of this, the organizational and methodological direction of their activity has changed. In the work plans, a significant place was occupied by preparation for instructional and methodological meetings on the organization of work on growing corn, the share of research work on growing hybrid varieties, etc., increased. The dominance of this line of work, in our opinion, has narrowed the range of topics of research works in natural sciences in OEI. The corn company confirmed the impossibility of solving economic and social problems through the adoption of ill-considered and arbitrary decisions by the country's leadership.

In the 1950's, various actions, contests and relays were often started to help solve the economic problems of the state. At the same time, the possibilities of the educational sector, the safety of the life of the educational process participants, the age of students and their compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms were often not taken into account. For example, in 1954, at the request of collective farms and state farms, schoolchildren of the region made and handed over 2,167,000 peat humus pots (Provision of Sumy ... DASO, file 33, sheets 1-2). Only young naturalists of the Shtepivka district collected, dried and reseeded 1,675 kg of ash and 750 kg of bird droppings for transfer to the collective farm (Annual report ... DASO, file 21, sheet 9). Education institutions were involved in the feeding of mulberry silkworm caterpillars. In 1956, 10 districts of the region were assigned the task of growing 570 grams of silkworm caterpillars (Orders of the Ministry of... DASO, file 41, sheet 6).

In 1956, SYN announced a competition for the best collector of medicinal plants. The conditions of the competition stipulate that each participant must collect at least 5-10 kg of specified plants according to the specified collection instructions (Methodological letters ... DASO, file 29, sheet 77).

In 1957, in order to increase the gross harvest of agricultural products, rural youth and schoolchildren were involved in the fight against rodents - pests of agricultural crops. In order to ensure the maximum delivery of the skins of these rodents to the procurement points of the Consumer Cooperation, in March 1957, the Sumy Regional LCYU, the Department of Agriculture, SYN, the Department of Public Education and the board of the Sumy Regional Union of Consumer Societies announced regional competitions among youth and schoolchildren to fight gophers and other pests. In the conditions of the competition, individual tasks were defined: to identify places where rodents live, to destroy up to 10 of their nests, to catch at least 5 gophers with various devices by October 1, and to hand over their skins to the procurement institution. It was even recommended to organize brigades and units of pest catchers, and the number of education applicants to be involved in the fight against them was determined (Methodological letters ... DASO, file 29, sheet 75). At the same time, the danger of infection of students with infectious diseases transmitted by animals (tularemia, leptospirosis, etc.) was not taken into account.

Competitions of various levels are being held among juniors. The practice of conducting them, despite the present formalism, contributed to the mass involvement of school youth in environmental protection activities, caused competition in their conduct, and had a practical orientation. For example, in 1954, 325 pioneer groups, 91 groups of young naturalists-Michurinists, 1,845 branches and 15,452 students of the region participated in the All-Union Competition of Young Gardeners (Annual Report... DASO, file 21, sheet 9).

At that time, the educational and research work of SYN was aimed at explaining to students the resolution of the September Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1954 on the further development of agriculture, highlighting the priorities of domestic scientists in the development of agrobiological science, familiarizing them with the achievements of the pioneers of biological science. Experimental and practical work on educational and experimental land plots was aimed at achieving high yields, agricultural techniques for growing plants in greenhouses, their feeding and pollination (Annual report... DASO, file 21, sheet 14). That is, the work was aimed at forming the skills of caring for biological objects. Meaningful research and experimental work at this time was almost absent.

In the 1960's and 1980's, organization of recreation for high school students in labor and recreation camps became a widespread practice. Their mass opening was connected with the release of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU dated April 30, 1974 “On measures for the further improvement of the organization of recreation of pioneers and schoolchildren". Their work was regulated by the “Regulations on the work and rest camp for students of senior classes of secondary schools". All aspects of the operation of this institution, its location, tasks, content of work, personnel, as well as material, technical and financial support were determined in the specified provision (Berezniak, 1980, p. 315-319). In May 1976, a similar provision was issued by the Ministry of Education.

Staying in camps created on the basis of production crews was considered as the completion of production practice provided for in the curriculum. Considering the fact that such camps were created, as a rule, on the basis of agricultural enterprises and forestry, they were not only centers of labor education, but also contributed to the deepening of natural knowledge and skills of education seekers. SYN and district stations of young naturalists kept track of agricultural and nature conservation work performed during the entire period of existence of such camps.

For example, in 1975, there were 544 labor and recreation camps in Sumy region, where 50,000 students rested and worked. During the summer, they performed a lot of socially beneficial work. Pupils took care of grain, vegetable, technical crops and afforestation. During the stay in the camps during the summer, 1,478 excursions were visited, 1,137 meetings were held with industry pioneers and famous people (Report on work... DASO, file 162, sheet 44).

In the 1970's and 1980's, the construction and arrangement of such camps on a stationary basis spread. Only in 1978, 11 out of 1,710 places were opened. In order to attract high school students from the city of Sumy to work in the camps, three stationary camps for 800 places were built in the state farms “Teplychnyi", “Hannivskyi" and “Sumskyi" (Report on work ... DASO, file 182, sheet 52). In the summer of 1970, 200 young naturalists were rehabilitated in pioneer camps. In 1979, there were 363 labor and recreation camps in which 36,240 high school students were rehabilitated. 600 high school students of Shostka and the district spent their summer vacation in the newly built labor and recreation camp named after three times Hero of the Soviet Union I. Kozhedub (Annual report... DASO, file 199, sheet 5). In 1980, 254 camps for 5,480 students worked in the region. 278 young naturalists' circles were involved, in which 5,053 pupils were engaged (Report on work... DASO, file 198, sheet 58).

Work on involving groups of young people in the landscaping of school grounds, arranging plantings in settlements and public places received a significant boost after the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR dated July 13, 1956 No. 869 “On the Ten-Year Plan for the Creation and Development of Green Zones in Cities and Workers' Villages of the Ukrainian SSR for 1955-1966”. There started the work on involving young naturalists' circles and schoolchildren in the landscaping of school grounds, arranging plantings in settlements and public places. State-wide, republican and regional competitions and actions on gardening were launched.

In 1957, in the Republican competition for the best landscaping of schools, students of the region planted flowers on an area of 200-300 m2 near each secondary school. During the forest and garden month, 103,911 trees, 103,182 bushes were planted, and 42,145 seedlings were grown (Annual report... DASO, file 52, sheet 20). Landscaping work, as a rule, was intensified during the celebration of significant state events and holidays. In 1967, to the 50th anniversary of the creation of the All-Union LCYU, the education seekers of the region planted fruit orchards on an area of 409 hectares, collected 4,511 kg of tree seeds, planted 57.9 hectares of orchards, planted 409 hectares of forest (Report on work... DASO, file 88, sheet 2).

In 1971, 69,576 fruit and 37,963 ornamental trees and 193,035 bushes were planted during the pioneering five-year plan “Zelenbud”. More than 800 pioneer groups took part in operations “Walochian Walnut” and “Vitamin P”. Only in Okhtyrka region, that year, 1,047 blackcurrant bushes were planted (Information of the above ... DASO, file 104, sheet 15). In the course of the pioneer laboratory “Chebrets”, the students of the region collected and handed over 2442 kg of medicinal raw materials to procurement points (Information of the above... DASO, file 104, sheet 18).

Work on greening intensified after the announcement of the start of the Republican relay “For Lenin's attitude to nature”. During the years of its implementation, from 1967 to the mid-1980's, millions of trees and bushes were planted, hundreds of education institutions, hospitals, kindergartens, farms and estates were greened by the efforts of education seekers. Parks have been established, thousands of meters of hedges have been planted, and hundreds of kilometers of paths and roads have been landscaped.

It has become a practice to hold various contests, relays and actions of nature protection and ecological direction dedicated to V. Lenin, memorable dates in the activity of the party, Komsomol and pioneering organizations, as well as important historical events in the life of the country. 1970 was declared the first year of Michurin's five-year plan "Zelenbud". The results of its implementation were impressive: students of the region planted millions of bushes and trees, laid out hundreds of gardens and parks, restored thousands of hectares of forest plantations. In 1971-1972, a republican competition for the best research work on biology and the basics of agricultural work dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creation of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after V. Lenin was announced, which was held in the regions in three rounds. This competition had become massive. In 1971, it included 925 groups of young naturalists, 173 production teams, and 35 school forestry (Report on work... DASO, file 103, sheet 10).

The year 1973 marked the beginning of the work of the pioneer laboratory "Chebrets" on the preparation of medicinal plants by students. In 1974, a socialist competition was launched among student production crews "Young Owners of the Land". And already in 1975, 1,057 naturalistic circles of the region took part in it (Report on the work of the station ... DASO, file 162, sheet 7). To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the victory over the fascist invaders, a large-scale republican action "Green Landing" was held.

A particularly significant revitalization of ENW in OEI took place during the years of preparation and celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Lenin Komsomol and the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. Lenin. The republican relay "For Lenin's attitude to nature" became one of the most massive in the entire history of the young naturalists' movement in Ukraine. For example, in 1968, the nature of Sumy region was protected by 1,440 young naturalists' circles, 7,698 green patrols, 5,230 forest patrols, and 3,113 signal posts. Sections of nature protection were created under 819 GSEI. By the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, education seekers of the region planted orchards on an area of 409 hectares, collected 4,511 kg of seeds of various trees, planted 57.9 hectares of meadows and planted forests on 409 hectares (Report on work... DASO, file 88, sheet 2).

Since the 1950's, such a direction of ENW as rabbit breeding had been gaining in popularity. In 1955, with the aim of attracting students to participate in solving the tasks set by the January plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the further development of animal husbandry, regional competitions were organized among education seekers on rabbit breeding, in which 7,003 young rabbit breeders took part. They raised 26,716 rabbits, handed over 14,256 skins to procurement organizations (Annual report... DASO, file 28, sheet 14).

Rabbit breeding, as one of the mass forms of youth involvement in ENW and socially beneficial work, developed especially actively in the 1980's. District, regional and republican meetings of young rabbit breeders were held regularly. Arrangement of rabbit farms has become mandatory for all stations of young naturalists. Groups of young rabbit breeders remained the most common among the education seekers. For example, in 1971 they made up 11 % of all circles in the region. In 1975, there were 90 of them, and already in 1980 there were 249 circles of this profile in the region. Breeding and research work on the preservation of the gene pool of animal breeds was carried out on the basis of rabbit farms.

The declaration of independence of Ukraine and the collapse of the USSR enabled the further development of the national system of general secondary and out-of-school education.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Starting from the difficult post-war years and until the 90's of the last century, power in the country was concentrated in the hands of the party-state nomenclature. The leading role in it belonged to the CPSU. Its influence on education was total. The efforts of the ruling elite to reform the existing political system did not lead to democratic changes in society. It is positive that the party-state leadership and the public, along with the changes in the school network, built the network of the out-of-school education institutions, created conditions for involving children in working in circles. This made it possible to reach hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren with out-of-school work, to involve them, including in ENW and nature protection. The decisions of the leading party-state bodies, which affected the out-of-school link of education, definitely contributed to the activation of the young naturalists' movement in the country, strengthening the material and technical base of OEI. At the same time, the development of ENW in the OEI in the conditions of strict regulation, ideologization, and politicization led to the formation of a single ideological worldview in the participants of the educational process, and served to educate the “new Soviet person”. Excessive ideologization and politicization of the methodological support of the out-of-school education had become the norm. It was not important that the bureaucratic- conservative style of leadership, and often frank voluntarism in decisionmaking, led to mistakes and miscalculations, inhibited the development of democratic changes in education, including out-of-school.

Further research can be directed at the causes and consequences of the negative impact of the party-administrative system on the development of ENW in the OEI in terms of the compliance of the content of out-of-school education, the organization of research work with the contemporary progressive trends in the development of the natural sciences.


1. Березняк, Є.С. (Упор.) (1980). Основні документи про школу. Київ: Радянська школа (Berezniak, Ye.S. (comp.) (1980). Basic documents about school. Kyiv: Soviet School).

2. Годовой отчет о работе станции. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600, Оп. 1, Спр. 21 (Annual report on the work of the station. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 21).

3. Годовой отчет о работе секции юннатов за 1980 год. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 199 (Annual report on the work of the young naturalists' section for 1980. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 199).

4. Годовой отчет о работе станции юных натуралистов. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 28 (Annual report on the work of the station of young naturalists. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 28).

5. Годовой отчет о работе станции юных натуралистов за 1957 год. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 52 (Annual report on the work of the station of young naturalists for 1957. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 52).

6. Информация вышестоящих органов о работе станции за 1971 год. ДАСО. Ф. Р. 3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 104 (Information of higher authorities on the work of the station for 1971. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 104).

7. Информация районних отделов народного образования о работе школьных кружков юных натуралистов. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 32 (Information of district departments of people's education on the work of the station for 1971. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 104).

8. Каганов, О.Ю. (2018). «Діти - майбутні будівничі комунізму»: ідеологічна казуїстика шкільної освіти в Україні (1950 - 1991 рр.). Грані, 1, 63-~П (Kahanov, O. Yu. (2018). “Children - the future builders of communism”: ideological casuistry of school education in Ukraine (1950 - 1991). Grani, 1, 63-77.

9. Кісельов, М.М., Коняк, Ф.М. (2000). Національне буття серед екологічних реалій. Київ: Тандем (Kiseliov, M.M., Koniak, F.M. (2000). National existence among ecological realities. Kyiv: Tandem).

10. Материалы обласного слета юных кукурузооводов (планы, протоколы, списки делегатов, доклады). ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 31 (Materials of the regional meeting of young corn growers (plans, protocols, lists of delegates, reports). DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 31).

11. Методические письма, разработанные областной станцией юных натуралистов о работе кружков юных натуралистов. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 29 (Methodical writings developed by the regional station of young naturalists about the work of the clubs of young naturalists. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 29).

12. Отчет о работе. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 88 (Report on work. DASO. Fund R.- 3600, Descr. 1, file 88).

13. Отчет о работе станции за 1971 год. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 103 (Report on the work of the station for 1971. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 103).

14. Отчет о работе станции за 1975 год. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 162. (Report on the work of the station for 1975. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 162).

15. Отчет о работе станции за 1978 год. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 182 (Report on the work of the station for 1978. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 182).

16. Отчет о работе станции за 1980 год. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 198 (Report on the work of the station for 1980. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 198).

17. Смета и штатное расписание. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 7 (Budget and staff schedule. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 7).

18. Смета и штатное расписание. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 19 (Budget and staff schedule. DASO. Fund R.-3600, Descr. 1, file 19).

19. Положение Сумской станции юных натуралистов. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 33 (Provision of the Sumy station of young naturalists. DASO. Fund R-3600, Descr. 1, file 33).

20. Приказы по министерству просвещения о работе станций юных натуралистов за 1955-1956 учебный год по областям. Приказ Сумского обласного отдела народного образования по выдвыжению учасников первого обласного слета юных кукурудзоводов и др. ДАСО. Ф. Р.-3600. Оп. 1. Спр. 41 (Orders of the Ministry of Education on the work of stations of young naturalists for the 1955-1956 academic year by region. Order of the Sumy Regional Department of Public Education to nominate participants of the first regional meeting of young corn growers and other. DASO, Fund R-3600, Descr. 1, file 41).

21. Сиднев, Л.Н. (1990). Диалектика воспитания. Проблемы формирования новой концепции. Киев: Лыбидь (Sydnev, L.N. (1990). Dialectic of education. Problems of forming a new concept. Kyiv: Lybyd).

22. Vertel, V. (2021). Ecological and naturalistic work development in extracurricular educational institutions of Sumy region. Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології (Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies), 2 (106), 3-12.

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