The role of Heydar Aliyev in the development of literature and cultural life in the southern regions of Azerbaijan

Consideration of issues of concern for the literary traditions of the southern regions of Azerbaijan, the development of literary culture in 1969-2003, when Azerbaijan was led by the H. Aliyev. The role of the national leader as the head of state.

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The role of Heydar Aliyev in the development of literature and cultural life in the southern regions of Azerbaijan

Sadikhova R., Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

The aim of the article is to consider issues of concern for the literary traditions of the southern regions of Azerbaijan, especially the development of literary culture in 1969-2003, when Azerbaijan was led by the Heydar Aliyev. Based on the facts, attention was brought to the regional branches of the Azerbaijan Writers Union, especially to poets and writers, about the role of the national leader as the head of state.

Methods and methodology. During the study, biographical andformal literary methods were used to analyze literary works based on facts.

Novelty of the article. For the first time in domestic scientific literature, based on the cultural policy of the world-famous politician Heydar Aliyev, the positive influence of the attention and care of the head of state on representatives of the literary activities of the region is shown.

Conclusions. Today, throughout Azerbaijan, especially in the southern region of our then independent republic, we have witnessed the role of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev once again being confirmed. The economic development laid down by Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued and developed by his worthy follower Ilham Aliyev, in many ways raises Azerbaijan to the heights that it deserves in the world community. From this height, not only the economy of Azerbaijan is clearly visible, but also the rich literary culture, which serves to raise the image of our nation, making it the owner of respect and authority among the civilized peoples of the world.

It is gratifying that in the southern regions, which is one of the charming corners of the republic, based on ancient and rich cultural traditions, enjoying the best, advanced cultural and literary-spiritual traditions of the modern world, we have. The article touches on only one aspect: a multifaceted cultural and spiritual life is rapidly developing here. In this case, we must once again note that the basis of this development is the attention and care of the state. There is no doubt that respected literary and cultural figures of the southern regions played a historical role in the further enrichment of Azerbaijani literature as a whole.

Key words: literature, Southern region of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, dynamics of development of poetic heritage.

Роль Гейдара Алієва у розвитку літератури та культурного життя у південних регіонах Азербайджана

Садіхова Р.

Метою статті є розгляд питань, що хвилюють літературні традиції південних регіонів Азербайджану, особливо розвиток літературної культури в 1969-2003 роках, коли Азербайджан очолював Гейдар Алієв. На основі фактів доведено увагу про роль загальнонаціонального лідера як глави держави до регіональних відділень Спілки письменників Азербайджану, особливо до поетів та письменників.

Методи та методологія. У ході дослідження при аналізі літературних творів за фактами було використано біографічний та формально-літературний методи.

Новизна статті. Вперше у вітчизняній науковій літературі на основі культурної політики всесвітньо відомого політика Гейдара Алієва показано позитивний вплив уваги та турботи глави держави представникам літературної діяльності регіону.

Висновки. Сьогодні у всьому Азербайджані, особливо у південному регіоні нашої тоді незалежної республіки, ми були свідками, роль Великого Вождя Гейдара Алієва вкотре знайшла своє підтвердження. Економічний розвиток, закладений Гейдаром Алієвим і успішно продовжений і розвинений його гідним послідовником Ільхамом Алієвим, багато в чому піднімає Азербайджан на ті висоти, на які він заслуговує у світовому співтоваристві. З цієї висоти добре видно не лише економіка Азербайджану, а й багата літературна культура, яка служить підняттю іміджу нашої нації, робить її володарем поваги та авторитету серед цивілізованих народів світу.

Втішно, що в південних регіонах, який є одним із чарівних куточків республіки, заснованої на стародавніх та багатих культурних традиціях, що користується кращими, передовими культурними та літературно-духовними традиціями сучасного світу, і які ми маємо. У статті порушено лише один аспект: тут бурхливо розвивається багатогранне культурне та духовне життя. І тут повинні вкотре наголосити, що основою цього розвитку є увага і турбота держави. Немає сумніву, що шановні діячі літератури та культури південних регіонів відіграли історичну роль у подальшому збагаченні азербайджанської літератури загалом.

Ключові слова: література, Південний регіон Азербайджану, Гейдар Алієв, динаміка розвитку поетичної спадщини.


National Leader, Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, who holds one of the leading places among the greatest personalities created by the Azerbaijani people throughout their ancient and rich history devoted his entire profound phenomenal life and his inexhaustible energy to the tireless struggle for the development of our people to the promotion of literary heritage and taking the high position it deserves in the world community until his last breath.

During a period of nearly 35 years, from the time he came to power in Azerbaijan in 1969 until his death in 2003, The great leader in his public speeches, he always quoted prominent representatives of Azerbaijani literature and promoted his native language. His skill in the field of oratory has become the language of all over the world, and the right path defined by Heydar Aliyev for the development of our national literature was of exceptional importance.

Indeed, as a result of faithfully following the course set by the great leader Heydar Aliyev, our Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev is leading our country and people from victory to victory in the field of literature and culture. Among these victories, it is can not be deny the exceptional importance of post-war peacebuilding and culture-building.

literary culture aliyev leader

The main factors of Heydar Aliyev's cultural policy

During Heydar Aliyev's leadership of Azerbaijan, continued and developed of the ancient and rich cultural traditions of the Azerbaijani people within the requirements of the new era and the new global geopolitical conditions. Without this factor, it makes no sense to talk about the peculiarities of the national mentality and national image of any nation and people. Thanks to God's grace and the wisdom of our people, we have enough cultural and moral values that define our national identity and make us stand out among other ethnic groups.

The great leader used to say that, “the nation is known, considered and distinguished among the nations of the world by its many characteristics. The highest and greatest of these features is culture”. That is why the great leader always focused on the development of the people's culture during all the periods he was in power” [1, p. 5].

In the classical literature of Azerbaijan, which draws strength from the ancient culture of Azerbaijan and the rich oral literature of people, the cultural development of the people was highly valued, and Heydar Aliyev, who is deeply familiar with this literature, brought his own idea with quotes from this rich treasure whenever he had the opportunity and strengthened his conclusions.

The immortal legacy of Dede Gorgud, Nizami Ganjavi, Muhammad Fuzuli, Molla Panah Vagif, Huseyn Javid, Samad Vurgun and many other classical artists, as well as the creativity of contemporary poets and writers, who are the authors of the rare pearls that Azerbaijan has given to the treasury of world literature, as well as the creativity of contemporary poets and writers, is always the care and attention of the Great Leader, the promotion of these unique values not only among our people, but throughout the world has always made him think.

It is not by chance that academician Teymur Karimli in his book “Heydar Aliyev and classical heritage” used the famous couplet of the immortal Nizami Ganjavi, “If you ask after 100 years: “Where is he?” Everything sounds: “It's here, it's here!” improvising in the form, he continues: Indeed, if you look at any sphere of life in the independent Republic of Azerbaijan, you will see a trace of Heydar Aliyev, a result of activity, a perfectly realized work, a cultural-spiritual monument, and in this regard, of course, the great activity of the National Leader in connection with the classical heritage cannot be excluded. Because this activity is directly related to the ideology of Azerbaijanism, which Heydar Aliyev formed, systematized and turned into a social-political- historical concept and it is known that the National Leader attached great importance to the promotion of this ideology and its transformation into an action incentive that every Azerbaijani would be proud of and should turn into a means of national existence” [2, p. 3-4].

The National Leader who cherished even the most ordinary parts of his Motherland, loved every corner of it, became an example to generations by focusing his struggle for the whole Azerbaijan and the ideology of Azerbaijaniism on the development of the regions, especially on their cultural and spiritual development.

The role of Heydar Aliyev in the development of the literature of the Southern region of Azerbaijan

The Southern region of Azerbaijan was no exception in terms of national leader Heydar Aliyev's concern for national literature. Sabuhi Aran, who highly appreciated the great attention and care shown to Lankaran region by Heydar Aliyev since the first period of his rule, wrote:

“The development of the Lankaran region has always been a special focus of the national leader Heydar Aliyev. He came to Lankaran 6 times (in 1973, 1974, 1979, 1992 and 1998) took a close interest in the life of the region, studied the problems of the population and took appropriate measures on the spot. The visits of the leader, who held meetings in factories and other enterprises and communicated directly with the workers in the fields, became a significant event in the socio-economic and cultural life of Lankaran, and had a strong impact on the general progress” [3, p. 15].

Of course, Heydar Aliyev was first of all an enlightened leader,a patron of science and art, apatron of creative people, and precisely in this respect, unlike other leaders of the former Soviet republics, during his visits to the regions, he meets and talks not only with hard-working people, but also with intellectuals, people of words and arts, worries about various spiritual and moral problems, and reveals the aspects that hinder the rise of cultural development in the places showing ways to correct them. It can be thought that the following verses of the genius Azerbaijani poet and thinker Nizami Ganjavi, whose work he knows by heart, and whose 880th anniversary was named the “Year of Nizami” by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev on January 5, 2021, are for a moment the phenomenal of the Great Leader did not leave his memory:

He ordered that such a decree be issued:

"A scientist is the dearest person in my eyes!

With science, with art, no one else

Can't give preference to anyone!

Among the ranks, one is selected -

The place of the scientist is higher than all!" [4, p. 37]

Academician Isa Habibbeyli, in his famous article on Heydar Aliyev and literature, highly appreciates the role of literature in the formation of this great personality and writes:

“Heydar Aliyev is one of the rare statesmen in the world who has extensive and systematic knowledge of literature. The factor of literature occupied a special place in the formation of the worldview of Heydar Aliyev, who was distinguished by his extraordinary reading ability from his youth, and who bravely appeared on stage alongside professional theater actors even at a young age. This historical figure himself acknowledged the great role of fiction in his personal destiny:

“Personally, I am a person who loves literature very much and I have loved literature since my youth, even since I was a child, when I read the first examples of literature in school... literature and culture had a great role in my formation as a person, in my education, morals, and spirituality. When I was in high school, I read all the works of Azerbaijani poets and writers with pleasure. In those years, in those years of childhood and youth, they influenced me so much that I have not forgotten them. These words "I have read, I have not forgotten" are not just an opinion. In other words, they influenced me, I benefited from them, I received spiritual food” [5, p. 4].

Heydar Aliyev, who highly appreciates the role of museums where material culture samples are collected and preserved in the formation of the national image of the people, while visiting the city of Lankaran in 1979, the history-local history museum, which he met with great interest, made a great impression on him and recommended the spread of this advanced example to the whole country. This fact itself is a clear proof of how much attention Heydar Aliyev paid to the cultural development of the regions and the importance he gave to the spread of advanced practice. Again, let's turn to the source:

“On December 8, 1979, Heydar Aliyev, who got acquainted with the museum (Lankaran City History - Geography Museum - R.S.) was satisfied with what he saw and wrote the following notes in the memorial book with his signature:

“The Lankaran History-Geography Museum creates a broad idea of Lankaran. The exhibits here provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements of workers and hardworking people. I thank the employees of the museum for their activities. I hope that the museum will always be a temple to which working people will turn.”

It was after getting acquainted with this museum that the head ofthe country issued an order the creation of local history museums in all regions that will keep local history alive. This process started in 1980. The Lankaran History-Geography Museum preserves and displays the notes signed by Heydar Aliyev like hundreds of exhibits of the special corner named after him. This signature is a permanent confirmation of the attention and love that Heydar Aliyev has always shown to Lankaran, rich in local culture, traditions, and history” [3, p. 15].

It's no secret that in places with fascinating nature, poets and artists with fine taste and nature are born. The Southern region of our country has inspired poets since ancient times not only with its beautiful nature, but also with its open-hearted and sincere people, encouraging them to write and create. However, as a creative organization, the Union of Writers in the Southern region was formed during the reign of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and continues its activities successfully today. Prominent Azerbaijani journalist Flora Khalilzadeh writes while investigating the history of the Lankaran branch of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union:

“The Lankaran branch of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union was established at the end of 1978. The division covers Astara, Lankaran, Lerik, Yardimli, Masalli and Jalilabad regions. At that time, the branch was called the Lankaran branch of the Azerbaijan Union of Writers. The first head of the branch was the writer Mammadhuseyn Aliyev. When the branch was newly established, there were only 6 members of the Union of Writers in 6 districts. A literary meeting was held every Sunday. The writers of the region would read their works for the first time in this assembly. Mammadhuseyn Aliyev, the head of the department, would make sacrifices for the further development of literary life in the southern region. He led the department for 14 years” [6, p. 7].

Attention and care of Heydar Aliyev to the Lankaran branch of theAzerbaijan Writers' Union

Since the revitalization of literary life in the regions, then in the Southern region, was one of the factors that spurred the cultural and spiritual development as a whole, it could not remain unnoticed by Heydar Aliyev, who highly valued the role of literature in the life of the society, and the Lankaran branch of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union also developed from a small organization and established its own role in contemporary Azerbaijani literature its transformation into an institution that speaks its word was possible as a result of the attention and care of the National Leader. So, in the following years, the section, which started its activity with only 5-6 members, has become a number of prominent representatives, among them, along with the chairmen of the section after Mammadhuseyn Aliyev, Shakar Aslan and Iltifat Saleh, there are more than 50 members, many of whom are already well-known writers like Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, they operate in a lively literary environment. Among them are Ahad Mukhtar, Zulfugar Godmanli, Novruz Ibadoglu, Azad Talishoglu, Allahverdi Mammadli, Firudin Agayev, Agaddin Mansurzade, Bahlul Abdulla, Zeydulla Agayev, Ayaz Vafali, Maarif Teymur, Azade Musayeva, Jamal Yusifzade, Sevda Aliyeva, Aslan Guliyev, Fakhreddin Ziya, Zohrab Zovunlu, Mammad Kazim, Alisa Nijat, Sahib Aliyev, Etibar Ahadov, Aliye Seyidgizi, Agafar Hasanli, Kardashkhan Aziz and others are possible to mention the names of well- known artists who have effective literary activity. The published books of Ilham Ilhamin, Hafiz Mirza, Ahmet Hagsever, Mehman Karakhanoglu, Meykhosh Abdulla, and Kardash Alishoglu, among the members of the section, are well known to the readers.

It is also clear that literature and culture in itself, as a phenomenon of a superstructure, are developed and enriched in a state with a strong economy, where the welfare of the people is improving day by day, and where household concerns are relatively light, and there is an ideological-aesthetic demand for it among the people, especially among the representatives of the growing younger generation increases. With this in mind, the Great Leader put forward a very popular programmatic idea: "A state with a strong economy is capable of everything!”

Today in all of Azerbaijan, in the Southern region of our then independent republic, we see the truth of this brilliant idea of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, which has the nature of a program, once again found its proof. The economic development, which was founded by National Leader Heydar Aliyev, and successfully continued and developed by Ilham Aliyev, the worthy follower of the Great Leader, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, in many ways, raises Azerbaijan to the heights it deserves in the world community. Looking from that height, not only the economy of Azerbaijan, but also the rich culture is clearly visible, it serves to raise the image of our nation, to make it the owner of respect and authority among the people of the world.

It is gratifying that in the Southern region, which is one of the charming corners of our paradise-like Motherland, based on ancient and rich cultural traditions, benefiting from the best, advanced cultural and spiritual traditions of the modern world, and which we have only touched on one aspect of here, the multifaceted cultural and spiritual life is developing vigorously. We feel obliged to mention once again that the basis of this development is the attention and care of our state, our powerful heads of state like Heydar Aliyev and Ilham Aliyev. There is no doubt that the respected cultural figures of the Southern region will also respond to this care and attention, and will play their historical role in the further enrichment of Azerbaijani culture in general.


Today, throughout Azerbaijan, especially in the southern region of our then independent republic, we have witnessed the role of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev once again being confirmed. The economic development laid down by Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued and developed by his worthy follower Ilham Aliyev, in many ways raises Azerbaijan to the heights that it deserves in the world community. From this height, not only the economy of Azerbaijan is clearly visible, but also the rich literary culture, which serves to raise the image of our nation, making it the owner of respect and authority among the civilized peoples of the world.

It is gratifying that in the southern regions, which is one of the charming corners of the republic, based on ancient and rich cultural traditions, enjoying the best, advanced cultural and literary-spiritual traditions of the modern world, we have. The article touches on only one aspect: a multifaceted cultural and spiritual life is rapidly developing here. In this case, we must once again note that the basis of this development is the attention and care of the state. There is no doubt that respected literary and cultural figures of the southern regions played a historical role in the further enrichment of Azerbaijani literature as a whole.


1. Olikram 0liyev. Milli madaniyyatimiz Heydar 0liyev ideyalarindan guc alir // Xalq qazeti. 6 may 2010-cu il. s.5.

2. Karimli T. Heydar 0liyev va klassik irs / T.Karimli. - Baki: Elm va tahsil. 2023. 188 s.

3. Sabuhi Aran. Lankaran: unudulmaz xatiralarin melodiyasi. // Madaniyyat qazeti. 9 may 2009-cu il. s. 15.

4. Nizami Gancavi. Iskandarnama. Iqbalnama / tarc. ed. M.Rzaquluzada - Baki: Lider. 2004. 256 s.

5. Isa Habibbayli. Heydar 0liyevin dovlatgilik taliminda adabiyyat siyasati va muasir dovr // Azarbaycan. 27 aprel 2010-cu il. s.4.

6. Flora Xalilzada. Canub bolgasinin adabi hayati // Azarbaycan. 2 oktyabr 2009-cu il. s.7.

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