Historiography and source base of the development of the content of school humanitarian education in Pidkarpatska Rus (1919-1939) as an important component of scientific research on the history of education in Transcarpathia
The historiography and source base of the development of the content of school humanitarian education in Subcarpathian Rus of the 20th century. The analysis of scientific literature on the research problem made it possible to single out the prerequisites.
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Дата добавления | 08.06.2024 |
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Historiography and source base of the development of the content of school humanitarian education in Pidkarpatska Rus (1919-1939) as an important component of scientific research on the history of education in Transcarpathia
Depchynska Ivetta Attilivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education, Beregovo
The article analyzes the historiography and source base of the development of the content of school humanitarian education in Subcarpathian Rus at the beginning of the 20th century. The analysis of scientific literature on the research problem made it possible to single out the prerequisites and factors for the development of the content of humanitarian school education in Transcarpathia in the outlined period (historical, socio-political, cultural- educational and material-economic). Among the main factors are the following: 1) «language question»; 2) political movement; 3) activities of pedagogical and educational societies; 4) influence of the church; 5) influence and contribution of advanced educators of the region and representatives of emigration.
The disclosure of the peculiarities of the development of schooling and education in the researched period contributed to the conditional distinction of four stages, each of which is characterized by a specific influence on the development of the content of school humanitarian education. The article also refers to scientific studies of the problem of linguistic confrontation, because the choice of literary language was of great importance for the content of humanitarian education in the schools of Pidcarpatska Rus. pidcarpatska rus historiography
On the basis of modern ideas about humanitarian education and in the context of the offered study, the author considered the works that reflected its content. The system-structural analysis of the content of school humanitarian education in Pidcarpatska Rus at the beginning of the 20th century made it possible to reveal the historiography of the research problem, represented by the following directions: regulatory and legislative; theoretical and conceptual; psychological-pedagogical and methodical; multifaceted; contextual in foreign studies.
Keywords: content of education, Pidcarpatska Rus, historiography, source base, humanitarian education.
Депчинська Іветта Аттілівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки, психології, початкової, дошкільної освіти та управління закладами освіти, Закарпатський угорський інститут ім. Ференца Ракоці ІІ, м. Берегово
Анотація. У статті проаналізовано історіографію та джерельну базу розвитку змісту шкільної гуманітарної освіти Підкарпатської Русі на початку ХХ століття.
Аналіз наукової літератури з проблеми дослідження дав змогу виокремити передумови та чинники розвитку змісту шкільної гуманітарної освіти Закарпаття в окреслений період (історичні, соціально- політичні, культурно-освітні та матеріально-економічні). Серед основних чинників названо: 1) «мовне питання»; 2) політичний рух; 3) діяльність педагогічних та освітніх товариств; 4) вплив церкви, релігійних конфесій; 5) вплив і внесок передових освітян краю та представників еміграції.
Розкриття особливостей розвитку шкільництва й освіти у досліджуваний період сприяло умовному розмежуванню чотирьох етапів, кожен з яких характеризується специфічним впливом на розвиток змісту шкільної гуманітарної освіти. У статті звертаються також до наукових студій проблеми мовного протистояння, адже вибір літературної мови мав велике значення для змісту гуманітарної освіти в школах Підкарпатської Русі.
На основі сучасних уявлень про гуманітарну освіту та в контексті пропонованого дослідження автором розглянуто праці, які відображали її зміст. Системно-структурний аналіз змісту шкільної гуманітарної освіти Підкарпатської Русі на початку ХХ століття уможливив розкриття історіографії проблеми дослідження, представленої такими напрямами: нормативно-законодавчим; теоретико-концептуальним; психолого-педа- гогічним і методичним; різноаспектним; контекстуальним у зарубіжних дослідженнях.
Ключові слова: зміст освіти, Підкарпатська Русь, історіографія, джерельна база, гуманітарна освіта.
Formulation of the problem
The gaining of Ukraine's independence caused an increase in scientific interest in the national historical-pedagogical process, in the study of the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people. The study of historiography and the source base on the problem of the development of the content of school humanitarian education is very important, because it contributes to the formation of national self-awareness, increased attention to its theoretical issues, as well as the formation of an objective picture of the past in society.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The development of the historiography of the problem of researching the development of the content of school humanitarian education in Transcarpathia involved the study of the methodological works of such scientists as: O. Adamenko, L. Berezivska, L. Butenko, L. Vakhovskyi, V. Vykhrushch, T. Zavhorodnia, I. Strazhnikova, O. Sukhomlynska, M. Chepil, etc. [5]
However, the problem of historiography and the source base of research on the development of the content of school humanitarian education in Pidcarpatska Rus at the beginning of the 20th century has not yet been systematized and not fully developed.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the historiography and source base of the development of the content of school humanitarian education in Pidcarpatska Rus at the beginning of the 20th century (1919-1939).
Presenting main material
In the work of O. Adamenko, the modern requirements for scientific research in the history of pedagogy are revealed, specifically stated that «a necessary condition for a reasonable and objective assessment of the theoretical and practical significance of research results, <...> and clarifying the expediency of their further use is a reflection on the means of scientific and cognitive activity», because the applied means and methods of cognitive activity determine the «quality of research <...>, which covers the analysis of its content, structure, main factors, driving forces and results» [1, р. 8].
Clarification of the specifics of the development of humanitarian science in the second half of the 20th century, offered by O. Sukhomlynska is important for a better understanding of the peculiarities of conducting research in the first half of the 20th century. The period analyzed in the thesis is marked by the accumulation of experience in the theory and practice of building a school under new socio-economic conditions and characterized by a lack of clear systematicity, integrity, completeness and objectivity of its research [7].
The systematization of ideas about the historiography of studies on the history and theory of pedagogy was facilitated by consideration of scientific studies of L. Berezivska, V. Vykhrushch, T. Zavhorodnia, I. Strazhnikova, O. Sukhomlynska, M.Chepil.
The essence of the humanistic educational paradigm through the prism of historiography is considered in the works of S. Vdovych, B. Savchuk, L. Slyvka, S. Stelmakh, Yu. Chopyk.
The analysis of the research of historians (M. Vehesh, Yu. Danylets, D. Danyliuk, M. Kashka, V. Kichera, R. Martseliuk) and political scientists (V. Marchuk, N. Marchuk, I. Striapko, M. Tokar) made it possible to reproduce a complete historical picture, the deployment of the studied pedagogical phenomena and processes; the clarification of the influence of socio-political, cultural and historical factors on the development of the content of humanitarian education in the period determined in the study.
In general, the history of secondary schools in Transcarpathia during the period under study has been thoroughly studied: by historians, pedagogues, and political scientists.
As A. M. Ignat notes, «... in different times and eras, representatives of different classes interpreted the school and its work in different ways. Some belittled its role in the development of society, others gave it a dominant meaning. <...>. The presence of ... a significant number of studies about the comprehensive school in Transcarpathia by historians of various directions and ideologies only emphasizes the importance of the investigated problem»[6, p. 2].
It should be noted that during the analyzed period of the development of schooling, there was no division of educational disciplines into humanitarian and natural-mathematical as separate blocks. Also, it was not foreseen to single out the tasks of humanitarian education, they were understood in connection with the general goals of education.
Therefore, on the basis of modern ideas about humanitarian education and in the context of the offered research, we will consider the works that reflected its content. In our opinion, for a complete and comprehensive study of the problem of the development of the content of humanitarian education, its historiography should be divided into the following areas: a) regulatory and legislative; b) theoretical and conceptual; c) psychological, pedagogical and methodical; d) multifaceted [5].
The first direction is represented by decrees, regulatory and legislative acts on the regulation of the issue of education and schooling in the region during the Czechoslovak period. Materials of this content were developed by the Ministry of Schooling and Public Education (now they are contained in the state archives), and some of them were published on the pages of the «Government Gazette». We consider the government document under the title «Literary language for Carpathian Rus» adopted in Prague on 20.XII.1919 to be important for our research. The legislative regulation of the language was based on: constitutional charter dated 29.II.1920 number 121; in § 131 of the constitutional letter it is stated that for children of non-Czech nationality, the possibility of education «in their own language» is provided [4, p. 41]; in the law dated 29.II.1920 number 122, language law, in the general charter dated November 18, 1919, number 26.536-1919 was noted: «...in all schools, the language of the people will be the language of instruction, and it will also be the official language in general» [4, p. 42].
The historiography of the offered study also covers archival materials, in particular, numerous orders of the Ministry of Education and Public Education and the Orders for schools of the regional government of Pidcarpatska Rus.
The materials of the State Archive of Transcarpathia Region made it possible to understand various aspects of the process of formation and development of the content of humanitarian education in Transcarpathia in the interwar period, reflected in such problems as: development and creation of school premises, classroom equipment, school playgrounds and workshops; class size, national composition of students, etc.;
creation of educational and methodological support for folk (primary), urban schools, gymnasiums, seminaries, which was the subject of consideration at pedagogical forums of various levels (meetings, conferences); arrangement of curricula, organization of education and upbringing of students in educational institutions of different levels and with different languages of instruction (Czech, Hungarian, German), as well as development of class schedules and recommended textbooks in schools; arrangement of statistical data on the number of students by nationality and religious affiliation for different years of study.
The theoretical and conceptual direction unites the works devoted to the methodological foundations of the development of the new school. This direction includes research on the theoretical foundations of school development from various methodological and ideological positions.
Analysis of the state of development of pedagogical thought makes it possible to understand the spirituality of the people, the component and indispensable part of which is religiosity, which is also reflected in the content of humanitarian education. This feature is represented by the works of Ye. Sabov, a cultural and educational activist, Greek Catholic priest, writer, publicist, author of a number of textbooks and manuals. Yevmenii Sabov is the author of the textbooks «Russkaja Grammar and Reader for the Study of the Ugro-Russkij Literary Language» (1890), «Church-Slavic Grammar» (1894), «Reader for Church-Slavic and Ugro-Russkih Literary Monuments...» (1893), «Grammar of the Russkij Language» (1924), «Essays on literary activity and education of Carpatho-Rusyns» (1925). Ye. Sabov's bibliography appears to be the only source of historical Ruthenian literature of that time [9].
The theoretical-conceptual direction of the historiography of the proposed study also includes the works of a number of scientists (ancient and modern) who raised the dissertation issues in the context of revealing the peculiarities of the formation of the national consciousness of Transcarpathians. As P. Chuchka notes, «more than 50 special studies have already been devoted to the formation of the national consciousness of Transcarpathians and its confirmation (the works of O. Myshanych, M. Tyvodar, I. Vanat, M. Vegesh, V. Khudanych and others)» [10].
P.Chuchka calls individual schools as centers of the Ukrainian national idea: the newly established Ukrainian gymnasium in Berehove with its talented teachers A. Alyskevych, V. Pachovskyi, K. Zaklynskyi, A. Didyk, M. Bachynskyi, etc., Mukachevo Trade Academy, Uzhhorod Ukrainian Gymnasium, Uzhhorod Teacher's Seminary headed by A. Voloshyn. Influential factors in the development of the national idea P. Chuchka recognizes the activities of the regional Teachers' Community, the «Prosvita» society. The analysis of P. Chuchka's work made it possible to identify common trends in the development of humanitarian education and national self-awareness of Transcarpathians [10].
During the Soviet period, a significant layer of scientific research devoted to the problems of school and education in Transcarpathia was also accumulated. First of all, it is worth mentioning the scientific studios of such Uzhhorod scientists: V. Homonnai, I. Hranchak, O. Dovhanych, A. Ihnat, O. Myshanych, I. Pop, and of scientists of Kyiv University A. Bondar, M. Hrytsenko, M. Hryshchenko who studied the formation of school education in Transcarpathia in a general historical sense and objectively noted the increase in the number of Ukrainian schools in Transcarpathia during the Czechoslovakia period. Modern researchers, analyzing the historiography of education in Transcarpathia during the Soviet period, emphasize its political involvement, the explanation of contemporary facts from an ideological point of view.
General issues of education and school development in Transcarpathia have been revealed in numerous works since the time of independence. The latter include works that highlight educational-pedagogical, historical-cultural, socio-political aspects of the development of education and schools in
Transcarpathia in the interwar period (as part of Czechoslovakia (1919-1938) and under Hungary (1938-1939)).
This direction includes a study by a group of authors entitled «Essays on the History of Transcarpathia: (1918-1945)» [8].
In the works of such scientists as V. Homonnai, V. Khymynets, M. Talapkanych, M. Basarab and others, the stages of the formation of education and school are revealed, rich material about teachers who affirmed European values, as well as unknown facts from the history of schools and gymnasiums are presented.
Psychological-pedagogical and methodical aspects of research problems are represented primarily by the works of A. Voloshyn. In the works of A. Voloshyn based on the analysis of the leading pedagogical ideas at the time and the experience of building European schools based on the ideas of democracy and humanism, the principles of school formation in the conditions of a democratic civil society are substantiated. A. Voloshyn is the author of more than 40 textbooks, but in the context of our research, the importance of works of methodological, psychological and pedagogical nature are outlined [5].
The methodical direction covers the works of researchers who reveal the peculiarities of teaching the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle, primarily language learning. These include grammars written in both Russophile (I. Haraida, H. Herovskyi, Ye. Sabov) and Ukrainian (V. Birchak, A. Voloshyn,
0. Markush; I. Pankevych; Yu. Revai) styles.
As P. Khodanych notes, the leading authors of textbooks of the humanitarian cycle for gymnasium education and urban schools were writer- pedagogues I. Pankevych, V. Birchak, V. Pachovskyi.
The theoretical searches of educators (F. Ahii, M. Bozhuk, A. Voloshyn,
1. Krainyk, O. Markush, V. Mashkarynets, O. Polianskyi, P. Yatsko etc.) were marked by their focus on solving the most important task - national education of young people [5].
The content of humanitarian education is realized primarily through the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle, which can be grouped by blocks: language-literary, social-humanitarian, and artistic-aesthetic.
The linguistic and literary block covers two directions: the first is represented by the works of scientists whose activities fall on the studied period, the second direction is represented by the works of modern scientists, who highlight the pedagogical aspects of the problem of the development of the language and literature of Transcarpathia in the outlined period. The first direction is represented by works of V. Birchak, Ye. Nedzelskyi, F. Tikhyi. The second one is represented by the research of B. Labinska (comprehending trends in the development of foreign language teaching methods in Western
Ukraine (second half of the 19th - first half of the 20th century); L. Maliar (studying the work of classics of Ukrainian and foreign literature in Transcarpathian schools of the second half of the 19th - the first half of the 20th century); V. Rosul (examination of trends in school development and pedagogical thought in Transcarpathia in the 19th-20th centuries); P. Khodanych (disclosing the contribution to the development of the national school of writers-pedagogues, political emigrants V. Birchak, V. Pachovskyi, I. Pankevych, M. Pidhirianka, characteristics of their pedagogical views); O. Fizeshi (development of primary school in Transcarpathia).
The socio-humanitarian block is formed by the works of such modern scientists as: O. Bentsa (civic education of students in the researched period); O. Voloshyn (the content of valeological education in Western Ukrainian lands 1918-1939); D. Danyliuk (historical science in Transcarpathia (end of the 18th - first half of the 20th century); A. Ihnat (formation and development of a comprehensive school in Transcarpathia in the 19th - early 20th centuries); L. Iliichuk (environmental protection activities of junior students in the interwar period); N. Kuzmenko (content of school textbooks as a factor of national education); I. Kurliak (development of the content of classical education); N. Marfynets (development of the content of school literary local studies in the schools of Transcarpathia over a period of almost a century); V. Muzhychok (physical culture and sports activities in schools of Western Ukraine in the interwar period); H. Rozlutska (the content of school textbooks as a factor in the multicultural education of younger schoolchildren in Transcarpathia (1919-1939); O. Fizeshi (the development of Ukrainian national primers at various historical stages of the educational process in the folk schools of Transcarpathia in the second half of the 19th - late 20th centuries).
The artistic and aesthetic block covers the works of: M. Zymomria (factors influencing the quality of aesthetic education, taking into account the role of folk crafts); T. Mochan (aesthetic education of students in a multicultural environment in Transcarpathia (1919-1939); I. Nebesnyk (development of art education in Transcarpathia in the 20th century); O. Yurosh (formation and development of musical education in Transcarpathia during its accession to Czechoslovakia (1919-1939).
Given the dependence of the content of education on many factors, we note in the historiography of the study of scientists, which reveal the essence of factors, determinants of the content of humanitarian education. Among the important factors, we single out the influence of the pedagogical press on educational and cultural processes in Pidcarpatska Rus. The works of such scientists are devoted to the comprehension of the latter research as:
M. Kukhta, S. Laba, I. Melnyk, O. Pyskach and others. The scientists established that conceptual approaches to the formation of the foundations of the native school were outlined in the periodical press of the period under study, the content, means and methods of educational work are defined, the purpose of education is formulated, and its principles are developed.
In the context of the research question, A. Voloshyn's scientific research «On the written language of the Pidcarpatski Rusyns» (1921) should be mentioned. The author devoted this work to the problem of the language issue in Pidcarpatska Rus [2]. The work of a state school inspector I. Husnai «Language Question in Pidcarpatska Rus» (1921) was devoted to the same problem as well. It is notable that these two works started an almost twenty- year «language struggle» in Transcarpathia [3].
The most complete picture of the functioning of associations related to the development of the content of humanitarian education in the schools of Transcarpathia during the period under study can be obtained from the works of: H. Shykitka (educational activities of regional pedagogical societies); O. Yatsyna (cultural and educational activity of «Prosvita» society). The contribution of individual scientists, teachers, and associates of education to the development of the content of humanitarian education is discussed in numerous studies, among which attention is drawn to the works of M. Shtets (the activity of I. Pankevych); M. Kliap (the activity of A. Voloshyn), etc. [5]
The importance of religious influence on educational processes in the region is revealed in scientific studies of: R. Husak (about the influence of the Greek Catholic Church on educational processes in the period under study); Yu. Danylets (about the influence of the Orthodox Church); H. Shykitka (influence of religious figures) etc.
The analysis of the work of foreign scientists made it possible to reconstruct the historical and cultural conditions of life and education of the Hungarians of Transcarpathia in the analyzed period. In a number of scientific investigations, the problems of learning native and state languages by Transcarpathian Hungarians in the interwar period (Russian, Czech) were considered. It should be mentioned that issues of pedagogical theory; organization of education of Hungarians; problems of the organization of education in schools with the Czech language of instruction; statistical data for different academic years about the state of schooling in the region; educational and methodical materials of Czech and German schools of Transcarpathia in the interwar period were also considered.
So, the development of the problem of the historiography of our study made it possible to determine the components of the content of school humanitarian education, namely, the essence of the humanistic educational paradigm; principles of forming the content of school humanitarian education; factors that influenced the formation of the content of education in Transcarpathian schools in a specific historical period of development and regional features of its implementation.
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