Social and political activity of Mykhaylo Zubrytskyi
The social and political activities of the famous Greek-Catholic priest, ethnographer, researcher, folklorist, publicist, active member of the National Academy of Sciences M. Zubrytskyi at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 59,1 K |
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Rev. Zubrytskyi did not have a clear-cut one-sided view on emigration as a way of people looking for of a better life. One could agree with researcher H. Demian who argued that Mykhailo Zubrytskyi never considered emigration a rational solution when it came to the problem of national suppression and it was the foreign rule in the native lands that caused severe poverty Дем'ян Г. Національно-державницьке спрямування діяльності М. Зубрицького (Тематико-бібліографічний огляд публікацій). Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 2: Матеріали до біографії. Львів, 2016. С. 410.. He highlighted threats and challenges of emigration, among which there was the loss of the strong young working generation that would start to see the new world as their home home; as a countermeasure he suggested introduction of the best foreign practices by migrant workers at home.
H. Demyan noted that the researcher attached great importance to elections for ideological and national hardening and consolidation, and also tried to use the elections in the most effective way and left a noticeable mark in his numerous publications. He was interested in politics since 1883. Mykhailo Zubrytskyi saw his political activity as an opportunity to change the situation in Galicia, that is to positively influence the socio-economic and cultural life of the peasantry. H. Demian pointed out that the researcher thought high of elections in terms of ideological and national education and consolidation, thus he tried to use the elections to the fullest, and he had a lot to say in his numerous publications Дем'ян Г. Національно-державницьке спрямування діяльності М. Зубрицького (Тематико-бібліографічний огляд публікацій). Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 2: Матеріали до біографії. Львів, 2016. С. 402.. He had been interested in politics since 1883.
The priest was a candidate. In 1894 and 1895, he was running for a post of an ambassador in the additional election. The idea to nominate M. Zubrytskyi came from the national People's Council Зубрицький М. Автобіографія. Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 2: Матеріали до біографії. Львів, 2016. С. 95.. However, that election campaign was not successful for him. The electorate favoured priest's opponent Kazymyr Belaanskyi, who won Зубрицький М. Выборь посла вь Старомь-мЪстЪ (Письмо зь старо-мЪского). Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 3: Газетні публікації, етнографічні та архівні матеріали. Львів, 2019. С. 252-257..
In the autumn of 1895, M. Zubrytskyi decided to run for a post for the second time. He had been analyzing the mood of potential voters since the spring of 1895, hoping for the support from the mountain communities Листи Михайла Зубрцикього до Олександра Барвінського (1894-1895 рр.). Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 1: Наукові праці. Вид. 2-е, випр. Львів, 2019. С. 248.. Government officials tried to defame him and spread information about him being a Russophile Зубрицький М. Зь руху выборчого. Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 3: Газетні публікації, етнографічні та архівні матеріали. Львів, 2019. С. 332., however he publicly announced his negative attitude towards Russophiles. Still, M. Zubrytskyi lost the election in 1895 Зубрицький М. Выборь посла вь Сгаромь-мЪстЪ (Письмо зь старо-мЪского). Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 3: Газетні публікації, етнографічні та архівні матеріали. Львів, 2019. С. 252..
Researcher H. Demian believed that partaking in the election the priest was showing his solidarity with those representatives of the Ukrainian intelligentsia who used every chance and various opportunities to improve situation of their fellow people Дем'ян Г. Національно-державницьке спрямування діяльності М. Зубрицького (Тематико-бібліографічний огляд публікацій). Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 2: Матеріали до біографії. Львів, 2016. С. 402..
Social and political activities of M. Zubrytskyi can be studied not only through the prism his participation in the elections, but also by means of reading the local political newspaper articles of the time. H. Demian drew attention to the fact that Rev. Mykhailo Zubrytskyi's speeches for the press had a clear and defined aim - to help the local population make a right and timely choice in terms of the best candidate, to understand which political views they represent and whose interests they would defend in the future Дем'ян Г. Маловідомі сторінки життя і наукової праці Мих. Зубрицького. Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 2: Матеріали до біографії. Львів, 2016. С. 389.. The analysis of electoral trends in the Boykiv region helped to understand ongoing moods and learn about the political culture of the local population. M. Zubrytskyi's papers were dedicated to the elections in Starosambir, Syanok, Lisy counties, and Turkiv region.
On April 25, 1914, Mykhailo Zubrytskyi was appointed to the parish in the village Berehiv Dolishnyi. During World War I, he was arrested on suspicion of being a Russophile Горак Р. Феномен сільського священника. Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори та матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 2: Матеріали до біографії. Львів, Літопис. 2016. С. 441.. However, M. Zubrytskyi managed to flee Thalerhof for Carniola in Slovenia, where he lived until 1916; later he returned to Berehiv Dolishnyi Зубрицький М. Словенський щоденник. Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 2: Матеріали до біографії. Львів, 2016. С. 116..
Mykhailo Zubrytskyi took part in the events during the establishment of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic in November 1918. In his house he organized a hospital for Ukrainian soldiers Зборовський П. Славетний син бойківського краю (до 100-річчя від дня загибелі видатного українського вченого, душпастиря, історика, теолога, етнографа, фольклориста, дійсного члена НТШ). Бойківщина. 2019. 17 травня. С. 6.. The priest recorded details of the events related to the ZUNR (WUPR) authorities in Lisk, Przemysl, Ustryky during the period of November 6 - December 21, 1918 Дем'ян Г. Національно-державницьке спрямування діяльності М. Зубрицького (Тематико-бібліографічний огляд публікацій). Зубрицький М. Зібрані твори і матеріали: у 3 т. Т. 2: Матеріали до біографії. Львів, 2016. С. 413-417.. The Polish authorities arrested M. Zubrytskyi on November 25, 1918 Ibid. P. 414..
To summarize, social and political activitiy of Mykhailo Zubrytskyi had different vector and constituted an important part of his life. He was the one to organize and open "Prosvita" reading rooms as well as shops in the villages of Starosambir and Turka counties, he contributed to the development of the peasants' educational level as well as improvements in their economic situation. In his printed works in press and periodicals the priest addressed topical problems of the Ukrainian life: poverty, illiteracy, inertia, labor migration, and political struggle. M. Zubrytskyi was an active participant in election campaigns, however he never won. During World War I, he was arrested by the Austrian authorities. In 1918, he actively took part in the creation and establishment of ZUNR (WUPR) govermental bodies.
Activities of M. Zubrytskyi during 1914-1919, his arrest and stay in Slovenia make up an object of further research.
1. Hlushko M. (2020). Mykhailo Zubrytskyi - diialnyi chlen Naukovoho tovarystva imeni Shevchenka u Lvovi [Mykhailo Zubrytskyi is an active member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv]. Narodna tvorchist ta etnolohiia - Folk creativity and ethnology. 3. S. 7-27 (in Ukrainian).
2. Horak R. (2016). Fenomen silskoho sviashchennyka [The phenomenon of the village priesty. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory ta materialy u trokh tomakh. Tom 2: Materialy do biohrafii [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials in three volumes. Volume 2: Materials for biography - Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials in three volumes. Volume 2: Materials for biographyy. S. 418-442 (in Ukrainian).
3. Demian H. (2016). Malovidomi storinky zhyttia i naukovoi pratsi Mykhaila Zubrytskoho [Little-known pages of the life and scientific work of Mykhailo Zubrytskyi]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 2: Materialy do biohrafii [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials in three volumes. Volume 2: Materials for biographyy (in Ukrainian).
4. Demian H. (2016). Natsionalno-derzhavnytske spriamuvannia diialnosti M. Zubrytskoho (Tematykobibliohrafichnyi ohliad publikatsii) [The national-state orientation of the activities of M. Zubrytskyi (Thematic and bibliographic review of publications)]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 2: Materialy do biohrafii. S. 396-417 (in Ukrainian).
5. Zborovskyi P. (2019). Slavetnyi syn boikivskoho kraiu (do 100-richchia vid dnia zahybeli vydatnoho ukrainskoho vchenoho, dushpastyria, istoryka, teoloha, etnohrafa, folklorysta, diisnoho chlena NTSh) [Glorious son of the Boykiv region (to the 100th anniversary of the death of an outstanding Ukrainian scientist, pastor, historian, theologian, ethnographer, folklorist, active member of the National Academy of Sciences)]. Boikivshchyna - Boykivshchyna. 17 travnia. S. 6 (in Ukrainian).
6. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). “Tisne years”. Reasons for the history of Galicia 1846-1861 [“Tight years”. Reasons for the history of Galicia 1846-1861]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 1: Naukovi pratsi [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 1: Scientific worksy. Lviv. P. 125137 (in Ukrainian).
7. Zubrytskyi M. (2016). Avtobiohrafiia [Autobiography]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 2: Materialy do biohrafii [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials in three volumes. Volume 2: Materials for biographyy. Lviv. S. 89 (in Ukrainian).
8. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). V istoryi neraz deshcho povtoriuie sia (Pysmo z kruhiv dukhovenstva) [History sometimes repeats itself (Letter from clergy circles)]. Zubrytskyi. M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materialsy. Lviv. S. 692 (in Ukrainian).
9. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Vid Staroho Sambora (Rozviazanie chytalni “Prosvity” v Holovetsku) [From Staryy Sambor (The reading room “Prosvity” in Holovetsk is untied)]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materialsy. Lviv, 2019. S. 677-678 (in Ukrainian).
10. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Vubor posla v Starom-mLstL (Pysmo z staro-m'bskoho) [Election of the ambassador in Starom-mLstL (Letter from Starom-m'bskogo)]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 252-257 (in Ukrainian).
11. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Dnia 28 liutoho 1892 otvoreno chytalniu “Prosv'btu” v Mshantsy [On February 28, 1892, the "Prosv'bty" reading room was opened in Mshantsi]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materialsy. Lviv. S. 130 (in Ukrainian).
12. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Emihratsiia selian z Mshantsia do pivnichnoi Ameryky (Dopys z Starosambirshchyny) [Emigration of peasants from Mshanets to North America (Post from Staro Sambirshchyna)]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materialsy. Lviv, 2019. S. 767. (in Ukrainian).
13. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Z pid Liutovysk (Melioratsyi v Mykhnivtsy - Chytalna “Prosvity” v Lypiu - Emihratsyia - Tiazhkyi rik) [From under Lutovysk (Melioration in Mykhnivtsi - Reading room “Prosvity” in Lypy - Emigration - Difficult year)]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 686-687 (in Ukrainian).
14. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 1: Naukovi pratsi [Collected works and materials: in 3 vol. T. 1: Scientific works]. Lviv. S. 25. (in Ukrainian).
15. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Z rukhu vuborchoho [From the electoral movement.]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy - Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials. Lviv. S. 332. (in Ukrainian).
16. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Z sela (Deiaky hadky do rozvahy nashym maturystam) [From the village (some riddles for the entertainment of our graduates)]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 323. (in Ukrainian).
17. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Z StaromSskoho (Selianskii teatr v chytalny v Lavrov'S) [From Staromeskogo (Selyanska theater in the reading room in Lavrov)]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 241 (in Ukrainian).
18. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Kilka sliv z nahody stati DSla p. z. “Lytsemiru” [A few words on the occasion of the gender of Dila p. z. “Hypocrites”]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 641 (in Ukrainian).
19. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Moskvofily na usluhakh polshchyny [Muscophiles at the service of Poland]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 695 (in Ukrainian).
20. Zubrytskyi M. O teperSshnom polozheniu nashoho naroda y yak bu yeho moralno y materiialno poddvyhnuty (Referat o. Zubrytskoho na vSchy v TurtsS) [About the current situation of our people and how to improve it morally and materially (Abstract by Fr. Zubrytskyi at a school in Turts)]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv, 2019. S. 119 (in Ukrainian).
21. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Pysmo z Staro-mSskoho: Narodne vSche sklykane do Staroho-mSsta na 22-oho s. m. znov zaboronylo mSstseve ts. k. starostvo [A letter from Staro-mSskogo: The People's Assembly convened in Staro-mSst on the 22nd p. the city was again banned by the local ts. old age]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 496 (in Ukrainian).
22. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Pravo pryzenty sviashchenykiv [The right to present priests]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 289 (in Ukrainian).
23. Zubrytskyi M. (2019) Pro emihratsiiu pyshut u nas chasto [We often write about emigration]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 643 (in Ukrainian).
24. Zubrytskyi M. (2019). Pro sumnu podiiu v peremyskii ruskii himnazyi [About the sad event in the Russian gymnasium in Peremysk]. Zubrytskyi M. Zibrani tvory i materialy: u 3 t. T. 3: Hazetni publikatsii, etnohrafichni ta arkhivni materialy [Zubrytskyi M. Collected works and materials: in 3 volumes. Volume 3: Newspaper publications, ethnographic and archival materials]. Lviv. S. 752 (in Ukrainian).
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доклад [10,7 K], добавлен 14.04.2010Kennedy is first president USA catholic, first president born in the XX century. The almost three-year presidency of Kennedy, interrupted by his enigmatic murder, is marked the Caribbean crisis; by serious steps on equalization black-skinned in rights.
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презентация [772,8 K], добавлен 12.11.2013The American Wars is an extremely complex and controversial topic. The United States Armed Forces are the military forces of the United States. The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard. America in Great War, Korean War and Vietnam War.
доклад [53,4 K], добавлен 11.09.2012The birth and first interests of Soviet rocket scientists, S. Korolev. The beginning of a career aircraft designer and getting my pilot's license. He created satellites, rockets and launch it into space the first cosmonaut Y. Gagarin. He received awards.
презентация [680,9 K], добавлен 15.05.2016Characteristics of the economic life of Kazakhstan in the post-war years, the beginning of economic restructuring on a peace footing. Economic policies and the rapid development of heavy industry. The ideology of the industrial development of Kazakhstan.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 13.12.2014History Semipalatinsk Medical University. The cost of training, specialty and duration of education. Internship and research activities. Student life. Residency - a form of obtaining an in-depth postgraduate medical education in clinical specialties.
презентация [509,2 K], добавлен 11.04.2015The formation of the Bund as the organization was laid union of the circles of the Jewish workers and artisans Russia empire, basis of the organizational structure. Creation of striking funds. Evolution of the organizational structure of the Bund.
статья [8,6 K], добавлен 14.10.2009History of world's most famous ghost towns, causes havoc:: Kolmanskop (Namibia), Prypiat (Ukraine), San Zhi (Taiwan), Craco (Italy), Oradour-Sur-Glane (France), Gunkanjima (Japan), Kowloon Walled City (China), Famagusta (Cyprus), Agdam (Azerbaijan).
презентация [1,2 M], добавлен 29.11.2013