Ретродосвід благодійної та меценатської підтримки становлення закладів вищої освіти України
Дослідження проблеми благодійної та меценатської підтримки становлення закладів вищої освіти України. Надання коштів на відкриття закладів вищої освіти, передання матеріальних цінностей та земельних наділів, що доповнювало бюджетне фінансування.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 13.10.2024 |
Размер файла | 70,9 K |
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Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини (м. Умань, Україна)
Ретродосвід благодійної та меценатської підтримки становлення закладів вищої освіти України
Олена Кірдан
доктор педагогічних наук, професор
професор кафедри педагогіки та освітнього менеджменту
благодійний меценатський вищий освіта
Актуалізація дослідження проблеми благодійної та меценатської підтримки становлення закладів вищої освіти України зумовлена тим, що конструктивний ретродосвід має перспективи використання для повоєнного відновлення та розвитку сучасних закладів вищої освіти України.
Мета дослідження - проаналізувати досвід благодійної та меценатської підтримки становлення закладів вищої освіти України на початку ХІХ століття.
Методи дослідження. Досягнення мети статті уможливило використання методів аналізу, синтезу, порівняння, конкретизації, узагальнення.
У статті конкретизовано основні підходи до потрактування понять «благодійність», «благодійна діяльність», «меценатство», «меценатська діяльність».
На основі аналізу дисертаційних робіт, наукових публікацій констатовано, що становлення закладів вищої освіти України на початку ХІХ століття відбувалося за значної благодійної та меценатської підтримки широких верств населення: дворян, ремісників, колишніх козаків, селян. Вона виявлялася в наданні коштів на відкриття закладів вищої освіти, переданні матеріальних цінностей та земельних наділів тощо, що істотно доповнювало бюджетне фінансування.
Вказано на цінність досвіду благодійної та меценатської підтримки становлення та розвитку системи вищої освіти в Україні в першій половині ХІХ століття, оскільки меценати були ініціаторами та спонсорами відкриття більшості університетів, Вищих жіночих курсів, ліцеїв та училищ (гімназій) вищих наук, а меценатська підтримка відкриття та розвитку університетів та закладів вищої професійної освіти в Україні у ХІХ столітті стала поширеним явищем.
Ключові слова: заклади вищої освіти, благодійна діяльність, доброчинна діяльність, меценатська діяльність, університет, ретроспективний аналіз, конструктивний ретродосвід.
Olena Kirdan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Pedagogy and Educational Management Department, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (Uman, Ukraine)
Retro experience of charity and patronage support for the establishment of higher education institutions in Ukraine
The actualization of research on the problem of charitable and philanthropic support for the formation of higher education institutions of Ukraine is due to the fact that constructive retro-experience has prospects for use for the post-war recovery and development of modern institutions of higher education in Ukraine.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the experience of charitable and philanthropic support for the establishment of higher education institutions in Ukraine at the beginning of the 19th century.
Research methods. Achieving the goal of the article made it possible to use the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, concretization and generalization.
The article specifies the main approaches to interpreting the concepts of «charity», «charitable activity», «patronage», «patronage activity».
Based on the analysis of dissertations and scientific publications, it was established that the establishment of higher education institutions in Ukraine at the beginning of the 19th century took place with significant charitable and philanthropic support from broad sections of the population: nobles, craftsmen, former Cossacks, and peasants. It manifested itself in the provision of funds for the opening of higher education institutions, the transfer of material assets and land allotments, etc., which significantly supplemented budget funding.
The value of the experience of charitable and philanthropic support for the formation and development of the system of higher education in Ukraine in the first half of the 19th century is indicated, since philanthropists were the initiators and sponsors of the opening of most universities, higher women's courses, lyceums and schools (gymnasiums) of higher sciences, and philanthropic support for the opening and development of universities and institutions of higher professional education in Ukraine in the 19th century became a common phenomenon.
keywords: institutions of higher education, charitable activity, charitable foundation, charitable activity, philanthropic activity, university, retrospective analysis, constructive retroexperience.
The problem formulation. To ensure the post-war recovery and innovative development of Ukraine, the preservation of the potential of the higher education system plays a key role. To achieve the goals and fulfill the tasks of ensuring the financial autonomy of modern institutions of higher education, their integration into the world educational and scientific space, strengthening the ties of education with science and business, which are defined by the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032, attracting investments, charitable and philanthropic support becomes an objective necessity.
During the last decades, charitable and benevolent activities, which are called by a number of terms, have become widespread, namely: «charity», «charity», «charitable support», «patronage», «patronage activity», «sponsorship», etc. There is an opinion among contemporaries that these phenomena are a sign of the present, but they have a long tradition. Actualization of the problem of charitable and philanthropic support for the establishment and development of higher education institutions of Ukraine is due to the fact that in the XIXth and early XXth centuries domestic universities received quite significant assistance in the form of charitable donations, monetary assistance, support for scientific internships and research, etc.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of philanthropic and philanthropic support for the establishment and development of higher education institutions of Ukraine has become the subject of scientific analysis in the works of domestic researchers. P. Bilichenko's dissertation systematically analyzed the prerequisites for the formation of patronage in the history of national education; the work of charitable societies, which differed in terms of the object of assistance, industry and territory of activity, was characterized, and the role of scientific societies in universities and professional schools, scientific-technical, industrial-financial, and cultural associations was also revealed (Bilichenko, P.H., 2008, p. 22). B. Tymochko's dissertation research analyzed the educational and public activity of Orthodox brotherhoods in Volyn in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, and explored the main theoretical and methodological foundations of the educational and public activity of the brotherhoods as a historical and pedagogical phenomenon (Tymochko, I.B., 2011). The dissertation work of V. Kornienko (Korniyenko, V.M. 2005, p.19) is devoted to the study of charity in the educational sector of the Kharkiv province (second half of the 19th- beginning of the 20th centuries). In the research of V. Stynska, the normative and legal regulation of charitable activities in Ukraine was characterized (Stynska, V. 2021). According to the correct opinion of the researcher I. Zavulichna, the development of the charity institute in Ukraine is currently influenced by a number of factors, in particular, «the pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war led to the emergence of new charitable funds, and the existing funds outlined new tasks aimed in particular at education, health care, science, culture, art, protection of motherhood and childhood, and also to help internally displaced persons» (Stynska, V., Zavulichna, I., 2022, p. 13-27).
The materials of scientific studies of domestic researchers have significant scientific potential for multi-vector study of the process of charitable and philanthropic support for the establishment of higher education institutions. In our opinion, the constructive retrospective experience of charity and patronage in the field of higher education is instructive and useful for the modern generation of public figures, heads of business structures, entrepreneurs, and educators.
the purpose of the research is to analyze the experience of charitable and philanthropic support for the establishment of higher education institutions in Ukraine at the beginning of the 19th century.
Research methods
Achieving the goal of the article made it possible to use the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, concretization, and generalization.
Results of the research
Charity and philanthropy is a social phenomenon that goes back centuries. Today, we can interpret philanthropic and charitable activities as the oldest humanistic tradition.
Currently, the term «charity» has a rather broad meaning: financial and material support of socially vulnerable segments of the population, assistance to orphans, disabled people, etc. We are impressed by the approach of O. Donika, who, in researching the charitable and cultural and educational activities of the Tereshchenko family, proceeded from the fact that he interpreted charity as «an activity formed on public grounds and private initiative, carried out by individuals or legal entities, and has the following essential features: 1) presence of a socially significant goal; 2) voluntary, selfless organized nature of work; 3) high moral principles, public level of understanding of its necessity» (Donik O.M., 2001, p. 211).
It is generally known that the initial understanding of these terms was a manifestation of Christian compassion for one's neighbor and the moral obligation of the wealthy to help the poor and give alms to beggars. Today, «benevolence», «benevolence» and «caring» are also widely used synonymous concepts. Currently, the use of the term «charitable activity» is normalized thanks to a number of regulatory and legislative acts. Thus, according to the Law of Ukraine «On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations», the concept of «charitable activity» is interpreted as «voluntary personal and/or property assistance to achieve the goals defined by this Law, which does not involve the benefactor receiving a profit, as well as the payment of any remuneration or compensation to the benefactor on behalf of or on behalf of the beneficiary».
The concept of «charity» is interpreted as a voluntary, selfless donation of individuals and legal entities; provision of material, financial, organizational and other charitable assistance to those who need it. In fact, the concept of «philanthropy» in a broad sense is interpreted as a voluntary activity that directs public and private financial and property resources to help socially vulnerable sections of the population to solve social problems, in addition, it provides support for the professional, personal, and social development of specialists of various professions, those with higher education education, representatives of civil society, etc. problems, as well as improving the conditions of public life. Such support can be provided directly through charitable foundations, scholarships, grants, etc. The analysis of pedagogical sources shows that patronage is a specific form of philanthropy, as a voluntary, selfless activity of natural persons regarding material, financial, and other support for certain individuals (more precisely, the social roles they perform), as well as cultural and educational institutions, artistic activities, etc.
Current Ukrainian legislation interprets philanthropic activities as charitable activities in the fields of education, culture and art, protection of cultural heritage, science and scientific research (About charitable activities and charitable organizations, 2012).
We proceed from the fact that one of the forms of charity, as a purposeful activity for the benefit of others, is patronage. In the scientific studios of domestic scientists, the issue of philanthropic support in the 19th and early 20th centuries were considered in the context of various aspects of the formation of the education system, namely: the expansion of public and private initiatives to establish higher education institutions Udovytska, T.A. (Udovytska, T.A., 2002), O. Druganova (Druhanova, O.M., 2009, p.11.), etc., charity in the field of education (Seiko, N.A., 2009, p. 486).
Currently, there is a lack of systematic historical and pedagogical studies of philanthropy and patronage in the formation and development of universities at the beginning of the 19th century. Call for patronage at the beginning of the 19th century was announced at the state level regarding the material support of the state program for the reorganization of the education system, «We are sure that our loyal subjects will take an active part in these institutions, for the benefit of the general and each of the established ones, and thereby will contribute to... All well-intentioned citizens in setting up schools, helping the leadership with patriotic donations for the benefit of the common cause, will acquire a special and preferential right to the respect of their compatriots and to the solemn gratitude of the currently established institutions, which should enhance the present and confirm the glory of their homeland in the future» (Bagaley, D. 1893-1998, p. 62).
We will begin the retrospective analysis of charitable and philanthropic support with the creation of the first university on Ukrainian lands. It should be noted that a significant role in the organization of Kharkiv University belongs to V. Karazin, who in a rather short period of state activity (including as an adviser to Alexander I) achieved a number of achievements, in particular he contributed to the establishment of the Ministry of Public Education; was involved in the development of «Preliminary pre-planned national education»; drafted university statutes (in particular, Kharkiv University); organized the work of structural bodies of the Ministry of National Education, etc. One of the aspects that played a decisive role in the opening of the university in the city of Kharkiv was the enormous preparatory work of V. Karazin regarding the philanthropic support of the educational initiative: he enlisted the support of local nobles, merchants, and citizens, who for several months from the province and adjacent territories donated the amount of more than half a million rubles for the opening of the university, carried out large-scale work in power circles, and in the city of Kharkiv he was engaged in setting up a university: for this he even pledged his small estate, founded the Kharkiv library, buying part of the books with his savings (Bagaley, D. 1893-1998, p. 7, 121, 418).
In our opinion, the experience of collecting donations for the opening of Kharkiv University deserves special attention. Historical evidence convincingly demonstrates that thanks to the efforts of Karazin V., the Kharkiv nobility and merchants donated huge funds for the foundation of Kharkiv University at that time: the total amount was 658,506 rubles. However, not only the nobility, but also artisans, former Cossacks, provided substantial assistance for the foundation of the university. Thus, in the jubilee collection for the 150th anniversary of the university, it was mentioned about the contributions of craftsmen Ivan and Klymentii Kramarenko, Hryhoriy Lavrykov and Petro Timchenko, each of whom contributed 50 kopecks. Monetary contributions for the needs of Kharkiv University from private individuals totaled 9,650 rubles. However, donations were not only in the form of monetary contributions. So, for example, in 1808 State Councilor A. Alyonina gave the university a stone house in Kislovodsk and 1,000 rubles for its repair, and later - another 1,000 rubles (Harkovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet im. A.M. Gorkogo za 150 let, 1955, p. 11). Peasants and former Cossacks donated 125 acres of suburban land for the construction of university buildings free of charge (Bagaley, D. 1893-1998, p. 6).
Was philanthropic support necessary for the development of Kharkiv University? Of course, yes. After all, the states of higher education institutions determined the amount of appropriations for their maintenance and sources of financing, the main of which was income from the state treasury. Thus, according to the charter of 1804, 130,000 rubles were annually allocated from the state treasury for the needs of Kharkiv University. The increase in the number of public-funded students and the increase in expenses for their maintenance, as well as the opening of new departments, led to the provision of additional subsidies. Evidence of the financial deficit characteristic of the Ministry was the forced reduction in 1815 of the regular amount of the Kharkiv University by 19,200 rubles (Seiko, N.A., 2009, p. 876); in conditions of a budget deficit, the state leadership repeatedly used the practice of borrowing in financing (Seiko, N.A., 2009, p. 1166-1167).
Mostly patrons were sincerely ready to help the state leadership in the field of education, but there were also those who were guided by useful motives. For example, in 1816, fellow assessor Stieglitz expressed a desire to donate 100,000 rubles to the Richelieu Lyceum, refusing to publicize this fact and receive any award, but «with the provision that his brothers be granted full nobility or at least the right of nobility and ownership of real estate (property), so that after Stieglitz's death, they could inherit his estate and various institutions in the Novorossiysk region, which were given to them» (Udovytska, T. A., 1955, p. 886-888). It should be emphasized that the leadership of the country, as a rule, refused applicants in such cases. At the same time, wanting to encourage patrons, it used another means: on January 15, 1816, the Resolution on the procedure for encouraging persons who supported educational institutions was approved (Seiko, N.A., 2009, p.1124).
Conclusions and prospects of further research
We consider valuable the experience of charitable and philanthropic support for the establishment and development of other types of educational institutions, in particular lyceums. In fact, philanthropic aid contributed to the development of the higher education system in Ukraine in the first half of the 19th century, because philanthropists, as initiators and sponsors of the opening of most lyceums and schools (gymnasiums) of higher sciences, expressed a rather specific desire: to establish educational institutions that would have «the same degree with universities and all their advantages, starting a course of university sciences in them».
Therefore, the establishment of higher education institutions in Ukraine at the beginning of the 19th century took place with significant charitable and philanthropic support from broad sections of the population: nobles, craftsmen, former Cossacks, and peasants. It manifested itself in the provision of funds for the opening of higher education institutions, the transfer of material assets and land allotments, etc., which significantly supplemented budget funding.
Prospects for further investigations consist in the study of educational patronage (fundraising) as an effective mechanism for the development of material and technical, resource support of modern institutions of higher education.
1. Bagaley, D. (1893-1998). Experience of the history of Kharkov University: s prilozheniyem portretov i planov: v 2 t. KH.: Parovaya Tipografiya i Litografiya Zil'berberg, 1893-1898. T 1: (1802-1815 g.). 1204 p. (in Ukrainian).
2. Bilichenko, P.H. (2008). Educational activity of Ukrainian patrons of the Tereshchenko family (second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century): author's abstract thesis for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.01. H. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. Kharkiv, 22 p. (in Ukrainian).
3. Donik, O.M. (2001). Charitable and cultural and educational activities of the Tereshchenko family in Ukraine (second half of the XIXth century - beginning of the XXth century): dis... Candidate of Historical Sciences: 07.00.01. Kyiv, 211 p. (in Ukrainian).
4. Druhanova, O.M. (2009). Development of private initiative in education in Ukraine (the end of the eighteenth - the beginning of the twentieth century): dis. candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.01. Kharkiv. p. 11. (in Ukrainian).
5. Kornienko, V.M. (2005). Charity in the field of education of the Kharkiv province (second half of the XIXth - beginning of the XXth centuries: author's abstract thesis for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences: 07.00.01. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Kharkiv, 19 p. (in Ukrainian).
6. Pysarieva, E.A. (2001). Organizational and Legal Bases of the Universities of the Russian Empire in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century (based on the materials of Ukraine): dis. candidate of Legal Sciences: 12.00.01 Kharkiv (in Ukrainian).
7. About charitable activities and charitable organizations: Law of Ukraine (2012). URL: http://zakon4.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/5073-17 Seiko, N.A. (2009). Charity in the field of education of Ukraine (XIX - early XX centuries): dis. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.05. Luhansk (in Ukrainian).
8. Stynska, V. (2021). Normative-juridical regulation of charitable activity in Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. The series «Pedagogy.
9. Social Work». (48), 396-400. URL: http://visnyk-ped.uzhnu.edu.ua/article/view/235137 (in Ukrainian).
10. Stynska, V., Zavulichna, I. (2022). Activity of charitable funds of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk: history and modernity. Bulletin of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. Pedagogical sciences, 1 (108), 13-27. (in Ukrainian).
11. Tymochko, I.B. (2011). Educational and public activities of the Orthodox brotherhoods of Volyn (the second half of the XIX - the beginning of the XX centuries): dis. candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.01. Rivne (in Ukrainian).
12. Udovytska, T.A. (2002). Public and Private Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries: dis. candidate of Pedagogical Sciences:: Kharkiv (in Ukrainian).
13. A.М. Gorky Kharkiv State University named after for 150 years. (1802-1955) (1955). Kharkiv.
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статья [15,9 K], добавлен 15.07.2007Документальні свідчення про кількість загальноосвітніх закладів на Правобережжі, Лівобережжі та Слобожанщині. Ознайомлення із методами навчання у дяківських школах. Особливості жіночої освіти в Гетьманщині. Діяльність василіанських та піарських шкіл.
контрольная работа [28,1 K], добавлен 20.09.2010Трансформація духовних цінностей та культурної політики незалежної України. Освітні реформи: у пошуках оптимальної моделі освіти. Вища освіта та її значення в процесі культурного відродження. Характеристика наукового потенціалу незалежної України.
реферат [31,1 K], добавлен 20.09.2010Матеріальна база й стан освітніх кадрів на Поділлі у період відбудови. Соціально-побутове становище та ідеологічний тиск на вчительство у повоєнні роки. Історичні умови розвитку та відбудови середніх та вищих навчальних закладів у 1944-середині 50 років.
дипломная работа [137,0 K], добавлен 30.10.2011Відкриття училища торговельного мореплавства в Херсоні в 1834 р.: терміни та програма навчання. Розробка законодавчої бази для морехідних класів. Становлення пароплавства на Дніпрі та створення великих Чорноморських пароплавних компаній у ХІХ ст.
статья [22,7 K], добавлен 17.08.2017Історія становлення С.В. Шісслера в якості цісарсько-королівського старшого військового комісара у місті Львів. Соціально-культурні умови Австрійської імперії - фактор, що вплинув на становлення дошкільного виховання на західноукраїнських землях.
статья [21,1 K], добавлен 31.08.2017Роль М.В. Ломоносова в сфері освіти і його педагогічна діяльність. Принцип народності у вихованні. Основні ступені системи освіти. Лікарська діяльність видатного вченого, його роботи, присвячені медицині. Значення фізичних та хімічних знань для лікарів.
реферат [23,6 K], добавлен 12.05.2010Основні напрямки розвитку студентства та вищих навчальних закладів Росії та України кінця ХІХ – початку ХХ ст., визначення впливу освітніх статутів на даний процес. Кількісний та становий склад студентства, критерії формування груп, вимоги до їх членів.
курсовая работа [129,7 K], добавлен 19.09.2010Історія України як наука, предмет і методи її дослідження. періодизація та джерела історії України. Етапи становлення, розвитку Галицько-Волинського князівства. Українські землі у складі Великого Князівства Литовського та Речі Посполитої. Запорізька Січ.
краткое изложение [31,0 K], добавлен 20.07.2010Оцінка стану радянської вищої школи в перші роки після Великої Вітчизняної війни. Наявність матеріально-побутової та кадрової кризи педагогічних інститутів - одна з характерних особливостей системи професійної підготовки учителів повоєнної України.
статья [13,9 K], добавлен 14.08.2017Проголошення Західноукраїнської народної республіки та обставини її створення. Внутрішня політика ЗУНР та її головні завдання. Зовнішньополітична діяльність держави. Становлення національного шкільництва. Основні державні закони щодо організації освіти.
презентация [556,9 K], добавлен 13.03.2013Аналіз розвитку української інтелігенції - соціального прошарку населення професійно занятого розумовою працею, розвитком та поширенням культури та освіти у суспільстві. Соціально-економічні та соціокультурні фактори, які сприяли становленню інтелігенції.
реферат [31,8 K], добавлен 26.09.2010