From the history of the polish civil special services in the territory of interwar Volhynia and Galicia: department IV-D and its organizational structure (1920-1923)

Creation of a civilian security structure Division IV-D in Volyn and Galicia in 1920-1923. Work on the creation of special services in Poland after the restoration of independence in 1918. Functions of the security service on the territory of the Polish.

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Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Department of World History

Department of History of Ukraine and Archaeology

From the history of the polish civil special services in the territory of interwar Volhynia and Galicia: department IV-D and its organizational structure (1920-1923)

O. Razyhrayev, PhD (History), Ass. Prof.

H. Maleonchuk, PhD (History), Ass. Prof.



The purpose of the article is to elucidate the organizational structure of one of the Polish civilian special services - Division IV-D on the territories of Volhynia and Galicia in 1920-1923. From the first days of regaining independence in 1918, Poland began work on the creation of special services - an integral attribute of every country. During the interwar period, the functions of the security service on the territory of the Second Polish Republic were performed by military and civilian units. One of the civilian security structures was the political police, namely its Department IV-D, which conducted its activities in 1920 -1923 within the Ministry ofInternal Affairs. The article focuses on the organization of this structure on the territory of Volhynia and Galicia.

The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific and specially historical research methods, including problem-chronological, synchronous, diachronic, comparative and historical and the others.

The scientific novelty is that the authors tried, on the basis of unpublished archival materials, to highlight comprehensively the organizational structure of Department IV-D on the territory of Volhynia, Lviv, Ternopil and Stanislaviv voivodships of the Second Polish Republic.

The Conclusion. It has been determined that Department IV-D had its branches in every voivodeship center of the studied region - Lutsk, Lviv, Ternopil and Stanislaviv. At the poviat level, agencies of Department IV-D were located in Lutsk, Rivne, Ostroh, Kremenets, Volodymyr, Lviv, Peremyshl, Husiatyn, Skalat, Pidvolochysk (later in Ternopil), Stanislaviv, Stryi, Kolomyia, Turka and Sniatyn. The proper work of this special service was hindered by personnel and material problems, as well as competence misunderstandings both with other units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and with the administrative authorities. In the course of its short-term activity, the structural units of Department IV-D failed at skillful fulfilling of their duties and ensuring of safety in the social and political sphere. As a result, this led to the termination of Department IV-D and the creation of a new security structure - Information Service, which had similar tasks but a different system of organization and subordination.

Key words: Volhynia, Galicia, Poland, political police, special services.


З історії польських цивільних спецслужб на теренах міжвоєнної волині та галичини: відділ IV-Д та його організаційна структура (1920-1923)

О. Разиграєв, д.і.н., професор кафедри всесвітньої історії; Г. Малеончук, к.і.н., доцент кафедри історії України та археології Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки, м. Луцьк

Метою запропонованої статті визначено представлення організації на теренах Волині та Галичини однієї з польських цивільних безпекових структур - Відділу IV-Д у 1920-1923 рр. Польща з перших днів відновлення незалежності у 1918 р. розпочала роботу зі створення спецслужб - невід'ємного атрибуту кожної країни. Упродовж міжвоєнного періоду функції служби безпеки на теренах Другої Речі Посполитої виконували військові та цивільні підрозділи. Однією із цивільних безпекових структур була політична поліція, а саме її Відділ IV-Д, який провадив діяльність у 1920-1923 рр. у межах Міністерства внутрішніх справ. Організації цієї структури на теренах Волині та Галичини й присвячена ця стаття.

Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на використанні загальнонаукових і спеціально історичних методів дослідження, у тому числі проблемно-хронологічного, синхронного, діахронного, порівняльно-історичного та ін.

Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що автори спробували на основі неопублікованих архівних матеріалів комплексно висвітлити організаційну структуру Відділу IV-Д на теренах Волинського, Львівського, Тернопільського та Станіславівського воєводств Другої Речі Посполитої.

Висновки. Встановлено, що Відділ IV-Д мав експозитури (представництва) у кожному воєводському центрі досліджуваного регіону - Луцьку, Львові, Тернополі та Станіславові. На повітовому рівні боротьбою з проявами антидержавної діяльності займалися агентури (філії) Відділу IV-Д, які розташовувалися у Луцьку, Рівному, Острозі, Кременці, Володимирі, Львові, Перемишлі, Гусятині, Скалаті, Підволочиську (згодом у Тернополі), Станіславові, Стрию, Коломиї, Турці та Снятині. Справній роботі цієї спецслужби перешкоджали кадрові та матеріальні проблеми, а також компетенційні непорозуміння як з іншими підрозділами МВС, так і з адміністративною владою. Упродовж нетривалої діяльності структурним ланкам Відділу IV-Д не вдалося вправно організувати свою роботу, виконати покладені обов'язки та забезпечити безпеку у суспільно-політичній сфері. У підсумку це зумовило припинення діяльності досліджуваного спеціального підрозділу та створення нової безпекової інституції - Інформаційної служби, яка мала подібні завдання але вже іншу систему організації і підпорядкування.

Ключові слова: Волинь, Галичина, Польща, політична поліція, спеціальні служби.

The Problem Statement

Between the two World Wars, the lands of Western Volhynia and Eastern Galicia were part of the revived Polish state - the Second Polish Republic and administratively comprised four voivodships (Lviv, Ternopil, Stanislaviv and Volhynia). Integration and arrangement of the region, as part of the newly annexed eastern and southeastern lands, were important and at the same time difficult tasks to Poland in 1918 - 1923. This was caused both by the current international and domestic political situation (in particular, the issue of the statehood of Eastern Galicia and the recognition of the eastern border), and by a long stay of these territories within the boundaries of different empires - Russian and Austro-Hungarian. Having many internal and external factors that threatened the security of the state, from the first days of independence the Polish authorities began work on the creation of special services - an integral part of every country. Between World War I and World War II, the functions of the security service on the territory of the Second Polish Republic were performed by both military and civilian structures. The military ones included: Department II of the General (Main) Staff of the Polish Army, as well as formations related to the protection of the state border - the Border Guard Corps and the Information Service of the Border Guard. Instead, the tasks of the civil security service were performed by the political police (1919-1926), separate units of the investigative service, as well as the security departments of voivodship administrations and starostvs (1926-1939). Before the coup d'etat under J. Pilsudski in 1926, the political police were reorganized several times and, as a result, acted under different names: Inspectorate of Political Protection (Defensives) (1919 - 1920), political protection (defensive) - Department IV-D (1920-1923), Information Service (1923 - 1924), and Political Police (1924-1926) (Razyhrayev, 2012, p. 17).

The Analysis of Researches and Publications. The issue of the past of the civil special services in the Second Polish Republic was the subject of interest among the Polish researchers mostly. Accordingly, we can single out the works by A. Peplonski (Peplonski, 1991), А. Misiuk (Misiuk, 1998), R. Litwinski (Litwinski, 2007), К. Halicki (Halicki, 2010) and the others. In the Soviet historiography scholars analysed the outlined subject only in the context of the struggle of Polish security structures with communist activity in the territory of Western Ukraine. In modern Ukrainian historical science, there are analyses of the issue mainly through the prism of opposition to the Ukrainian national movement and anti-Polish anti-Bolshevik activities during the interwar period. At the same time, the issue of organization and activities of the civil state security bodies of Poland in Volhynia and Galicia, as well as the general functioning of the police and penitentiary structures of the Second Polish Republic, was highlighted by O. Razyhrayev (Razyhrayev, 2019, etc.).

The purpose of the article, taking into consideration its scope and nature, is to elucidate the organizational structure of one of the Polish civilian special services - Division IV-D in the territories of Volhynia and Galicia in 1920 - 1923.

The Results of the Research

Department IV-D was established in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Second Polish Republic at the climax of the Polish- Bolshevik War - in August of 1920. In this difficult time, the specified civil special service was called to counter anti-state activities and consisted of the following divisions: central surveillance, informational, and organizational personnel. The central surveillance unit was engaged in the accumulation and registration of personal and property materials related to crimes of state importance. The information division was divided into two departments (reference offices). The first collected materials related to anti-state activities through voivodeship branches, and the task of the second one was to search for information on non-Polish citizens and spies. The organizational and personnel division carried out personnel register, took care of the financial situation of its employees and economic affairs. As for the territorial subdivisions of this structure, in voivodeships there were branches (expositories) of Department IV-D, and within individual poviats - agencies of the specified department.

These formations were established, as it was written in the relevant legal documents, “to combat espionage, communism and anti-state activities in general”. Agencies of Division IV-D were part of the district police teams (departments) (Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie (ANK), zesp. 206, sygn. 74, рр. 2095-2099; Archiwum Panstwowe w Lublinie (APL), zesp. 448, sygn. 5 (mkf 116558), p. 2-6).

Department IV-D became the first political police unit that started operating on the territory of Volhynia Voivodeship. Its office was opened at the beginning of February of 1921 in the city of Lutsk and operated under the leadership of A. Tarnawski. At the district level, the agencies (branches) of Department IV-D, located in Lutsk, Rivne, Ostroh, and Kremenets, were engaged in the fight against manifestations of anti-state activity. In 1921, for a short time, Volodymyr agency of Department IV-D also operated (State Archive of the Volyn Region (SAVR), f.1, d.4а, c.97, p.4; f.46, d.9, c.7, p.27).

We learn about the first weeks of political police operating in Volhynia Voivodeship from the situational report of the district police commandant dated February 24, 1921, which he sent to the head of the state administration of the region. Thus, the document stated that a proper operation of Department IV-D depended on the quality selection of personnel, as well as elimination of weapons shortage, availability of appropriate office premises, as well as a proper cooperation with other authorities. At the same time, Department IV-D suspected illegal censorship of government correspondence by employees of Kovel and Lutsk post offices. According to the information of the specified special service, Kovel post office was mainly staffed by the Ukrainians and the Russians who did not want to leave for evacuation and did their work during the short-lived Bolshevik occupation in 1920 (SAVR, f.46, d.9, c.10, p.4).

Division IV-D also operated at Lviv, Ternopil, and Stanislaviv district administrations of the state police. In 1921, Lviv Division IV-D was headed by K. Ivakhuw and Zh. Kozlowski (ANK, zesp. 206, sygn. 74, s. 2100; SAVR, f.1, d.4, c.52, p.5). At the end of the same year, the above-mentioned police officers received a written note of gratitude by the head of the Polish State Police, W. Henschel, for their fruitful, long-lasting and effective work in the case of exposing the Communist Congress (ANK, zesp. 218, sygn. 162, s.119). It was probably about the revelation of a secret conference of representatives of the Communist Party of Poland and the Communist Party of Eastern Galicia in one of the buildings of St. George Cathedral in Lviv, which caused a wave of police arrests against left-wing radicals at the end of October of 1921. In general, from the first years of the revival of Poland's independence, the communists constituted one of the largest groups of political prisoners, whose guardianship was carried out by the International Organization for Aid to Revolutionaries from 1924 (Razyhrayev, 2020a, p. 88; Razyhrayev, 2020b, pp. 252-274).

According to the decree of the Minister of Internal Affairs of August 10, 1922, Ja. Sawitski became the head of Lviv Department IV-D (SAVR, f.1, d.4, c.103, p. 81). From March of 1921, Stanislaviv Department IV-D was headed by S. Hendryhowski (SAVR, f.1, d.4, c.56, p.9; ANK, zesp. 206, sygn. 74, p. 2100). From July of 1921, Ternopil Department IV-D was headed by Ja. Rosnor. M. Kolodzei was appointed the next head of the specified security unit (SAVR, f.1, d.4, c.57, pp. 64, 10).

At the district level in Galicia, as well as in Volhynia, agents of the specified department and specially trained policemen of the district offices staff of the state police carried out activities. Thus, 10 agencies of Department IV-D operated in Galicia, namely: Lviv Voivodeship - agencies in Lviv and Przemysl; Ternopil Voivodeship - agencies in Husiatyn, Skalat and

Pidvolochysk (later in Temopil); Stanislaviv Voivodeship - agencies in Stanislaviv, Stryi, Kolomyia, Turka and Sniatyn (SAVR, f.1, d.4, c.103, pp.71, 73; Misiuk, A, 1989, p. 339).

Department IV-D was headed by the head, who was subordinate to the district (voivodeship) commandant of the state police, as well as administrative and judicial authorities. On the other hand, the leadership of the agencies of Department IV-D was dependent on both their own leadership and the commandants of the district offices of the state police. The political police consisted of three departments (reference departments): informational and reporting; registration and investigation officer; administrative and legal. The first two departments were secret bodies and did not appear officially in the documents. Their managers in a conspiratorial way reported only to the head of Department IV-D or his deputy. Instead, the administrative and legal department was, to some extent, an open structure and could be located in the premises of the police investigative department (ANK, zesp. 206, sygn. 74, рр. 2095-2098; ANK, zesp. 218, sygn. 13, рр. 245-254; APL, zesp. 448, sygn. 5 (mkf. 116558), р. 11). The activities of Department IV-D agencies were of two types: intelligence and administrative legal. The heads of the agencies of Department IV-D informed the leadership of the regional offices of the state police about political affairs in the region. According to the instructions of the head of the poviat or the commandant of the poviat police department, they simultaneously engaged in political intelligence. In poviats where there were no agents of Department IV-D, the functions of the latter were performed by the commandants of the poviat police departments or their deputies (State archive of Ivano-Frankivsk region (SAIFR), f. 2, d.1, c.9, pp. 27-34).

In February of 1922, the following subdivisions of Department IV-D operated in Volhynia: the subdivision in Lutsk, in which 13 employees worked, agencies in Rivne (9 employees), Ostroh (6 employees), Kremenets (6 employees) and Lutsk (1 official). There were 4 policemen in Kovel and Dubno poviat administrations each, who were engaged in political affairs. Only 3 employees - in Volodymyr poviat administration, 2 employees - in Horokhiv and Liuboml each. In Volhynia the Control Station in Rivne, which checked the arriving repatriates from Soviet Ukraine, the Railway Commissariat of the State Police in Zdolbuniv, the Border Commissariat and the border post in Korets, the border posts in Mohyliany and Borshchivka also belonged to subdivisions of Department IV-D (SAVR, f.1, d.1, c.199, p.68). In 1923, agencies in Rivne, Ostroh, Dubno, Kremenets, Kovel, and Volodymyr operated under the leadership of Department IV-D in Lutsk (Misiuk, 1989, p. 339). civil security special service volyn galicia poland

At the beginning of 1922, developed by the Main Directorate of the State Police, the staff list of Department IV-D included 55 employees in Lutsk. There was even a smaller staff of the political police of Eastern Galicia: the branch of Department IV-D in Lviv - 49 employees; the branch office of Department IV-D in Temopil - 34 employees; the branch office of Department IV-D in Stanislaviv - 31 employees. The decrease in the number of employees of both political police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was largely due to a difficult economic situation in Poland at the time (Misiuk & Peplonski, 1992, p. 299).

In Lviv assistance to the units of the political defense was provided by the state police of this voivodeship centre, which from August 15, 1921 received a special status - it operated under the authority of the poviat administration (command) of the state police. In particular, in addition to the main duties inherent to internal affairs bodies, the mentioned above unit supervised foreigners who lived in Lviv; had the right to “oust” suspicious people from the city; participated in the fight against espionage and anti-state activities in general (ANK, zesp. 248, sygn. 132, no pagination). In 1923, Ternopil agency of Department IV-D also took over the documentation and functions of the reorganized Control Station of the State Police in Ternopil, which dealt with population registration in the context of repatriation processes with the Soviet authorities (State archive of Ternopil region (SATR), f. 274, d.1, c.728, p.1).

In Galicia competence misunderstandings regarding “political issues” between the special service and the state administration were observed at the beginning of Department IV-D activities. Thus, on June 16, 1921, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a “completely secret” letter to the temporary head of the state administration in Eastern Galicia - the General Delegate of the Government in Lviv, in which it asked the latter not only to control the activities of Department IV-D in the field of social and political supervision life, and moreover, to manage such activities of the political police. At the same time, in this letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs it was noted that the state administration was supposed to supervise a legal social and political life, instead, illegal social and political activity was supposed to be within the competence of the employees of Department IV-D (SAIFR, f.2. d.1, c.9, p.2).

Inconsistencies in the activities between the administrative authorities and Department IV-D were also recorded in Volhynia. For example, in a letter to the voivode dated June 17, 1921, in Volodymyr the starosta (a community chief member) complained about the nonfulfillment of duties by the local civilian special services regarding the collection of information about various people, including politically suspicious ones. The mayor noted that at first the political police explained the failure to fulfill their tasks by the need to study the situation better, familiarize themselves with the poviat, and material problems. However, later the situation did not change. According to the starosta, the head of the agency of Department IV-D did not fulfill any of his serious assignments. In the letter to the voivode, in Volodymyr starosta gave the following example of the lack of cooperation with Department IV-D: “I instructed the head to prepare a characteristic of the founder of the Ukrainian consumer cooperative. During the month, the head did not collect any information. When I gave him a final five-day deadline... he volunteered to see me and stated that he would not be able to prepare the characteristics due to a lack of personnel” (SAVR, f.46, d.9, c.7, p.27). In 1923, the head of Kremenets Poviat of Volhynia Voivodeship stated that the relations between the agents of Department IV-D and starostvo had not been settled. Such a situation led to the fact that even the starosta, together with the employees of local state administration, could be the object of a secret surveillance by civilian special services (SAVR, f.46, d.9, c.5, pp. 24-24a).

Along with the conflict situations with the representatives of the state administration, the issue of the place of political defensiveness in the internal structure of the police arose quite acutely. Branch offices and agencies of Department IV-D were accused of ignoring contacts with local police authorities, as well as independence in practical activities, there were often observed misunderstandings between employees of Department IV-D and ordinary law enforcement officers. In particular, in a letter dated March 3, 1922, the deputy of Lviv commandant of the state police complained to subordinate structural units about a tactless behavior of representatives of the general police corps towards political police officers during official relations. For example, police officers could call out the names of their “political” colleagues, which eventually led to the deconspiracy of the latter (CSHAUL, f.601, d.1, c.11, p. 2). At the beginning of the same year, the head of the branch office of Department IV-D in Lviv, sub-inspector Zh. Kozlowski, appealed to the top leadership of the political police with a demand to prohibit the Ukrainian press from publishing the names of employees of his department, which also contributed to their exposure. In general, the attitude of the aforementioned head of the political defense of Lviv Voivodeship towards the Ukrainians was quite biased. Thus, in 1922, at one of the conferences of heads of Department IV-D branch offices, he noted, that in Eastern Galicia, the security authorities could not send criminal cases to prosecutors of the “Ruthenian” (Ukrainian - the author) nationality due to their attitude towards the Polish state (ANK, zesp. 206, sygn. 74, ss. 2088, 2093).

At the end of April 1921, in a letter to Volhynia Voivodeship Administration, the head of Ostroh poviat complained about an inadequate professional training of the local agents of Department IV-D and the absence of its head (SAVR, f.46, d.9, c.6, p.1). A low level of professional training and moral qualities of employees of Kremenets Agency of Department IV-D was noted by the local headman at the beginning of April of 1923. In particular, in a letter to Volhynia Voivode S. Srokowski dated April 3, he wrote that not numerous political police of the poviat did not even deserve their name: “These are some not very smart people who are completely clueless in their tasks; mostly drunkards of a low ethical level, confident of their impunity due to the population's depression, abuse their official position for various dishonest purposes, from violence to ordinary bribery... At the moment, of the total number of four agents, two have been suspended from their duties and are under investigation for abuse ...” (SAVR, f.46, d.9, c.5, pp. 24-24a). At the same time, the headman of Kremenets poviat characterized the activities of the intelligence units of Department II of the General Staff of the Polish army positively.

An effective activity of the special services could be marked with special gratitude both at the voivodeship and national level. In particular, in April of 1922, the head of Ternopil police expressed his gratitude in a written form to the local head of Department IV-D,

M. Kolodzei for his conscientious work. On the other hand, at the end of the same year, the Chief Commandant of the State Police in Warsaw noted the success of the entire corps of Department IV-D in Ternopil Voivodeship in the fight against the anti-state movement (SAVR, f.1, d.4, c.110, pp.43, 145). Another letter of gratitude by the head of the Polish police, V Goszowski, dated December 18, 1922, concerned the employees of Department IV-D of all three Eastern Galicia voivodeships. In particular, it referred to the “devoted work” of the police in the fight against anti-state activities, which led to stabilization of the security situation in the region (SAVR, f.1, d.4, c.109, p.77).

In March of 1922, the congress of heads of Department IV-D brances was held in Warsaw, at which Volhynia Voivodeship was represented by A. Tarnawski, Lviv Voivodeship - by Zh. Kozlowski, Ternopil Voivodeship - by M. Kolodzei, Stanislaviv Voivodeship - by S. Hendryhowski. Characterizing the results of the political police, the deputy chief commandant of the state police highly praised the work of the structural divisions of Volhynia and Lviv voivodeships. At the same time, the head of Volhynia branch of Department IV-D submitted a request to the Main Directorate of the State Police to resolve the issue of strengthening the staff and improving the material base of the local political police unit. According to A. Tarnawski, the material and technical base at that time greatly hindered a proper execution of orders and directives of the management (Misiuk & Peplonski, 1992, pp. 292-293, 308).

Similar requests were also expressed by the managers of the Galician branch offices of Department IV-D. For example, the head of the political police of Lviv region, Zh. Kozlowski, asked the Main Directorate of the State Police to increase the number of “intelligence officers” who were supposed to deal with “political affairs” from 14 to about 50. M. Kolodzei, the head of Department IV-D branch in Ternopil, expressed a request for 10 full-time units of police officers, who should be engaged in “political investigation”, as well as to increase the number of employees from 14 to 30. In addition, Ternopil political police were in need of clothes for civilian “intelligence officers”. The head of the political police of Stanislaviv Voivodeship, S. Hendryhowski, asked the Main Directorate of the State Police to increase the number of employees of Department IV-D. At the same time, he noted that the wages of his subordinates were extremely low and had impact on the intensity of work. Moreover, according to his information, employees of the criminal (investigative) police earned significantly more than employees of the political unit, which was unfair considering the importance of work of the latter (Misiuk & Peplonski, 1992, pp. 307-308).

The head of Department IV-D branch in Volhynia Voivodeship, A. Tarnawski's official request was not properly satisfied because in January of 1923, in Department IV-D of Volhynia State Police Department there were 66 employees, i.e. only one person more than in the previous year (AAN, zesp. 349, sygn. 1628, ss. 28-30). At the same time, in Department IV-D of Lviv State Police Department there were 58 employees, 42 - in Ternopil and 39 - in Stanislaviv, respectively (Misiuk A., 1998, s. 163). Such statistics, provided by the Polish researcher A. Misiuk, allows us to assert a certain increase in the number of employees in comparison with the state determined by the Main Directorate of the State Police at the beginning of 1922. At the same time, the statistical reports of Ternopil Voivodeship police territorial units for January of 1923 indicate that 15 employees worked in the agencies of Department IV-D of the specified administrative unit, in particular, 4 policemen in Skalat, 6 policemen in Ternopil, and 5 policemen in Husiatyn (SATR, f.274, d.1, c.549, pp. 3, 13-14).


During their short-term activity, the branch offices of Department IV-D could not skillfully fulfill their duties and ensure safety in a social and political sphere. A difficult economic situation contributed to the growth of the labor movement and activation of communist elements, which greatly threatened the state system of that time. Dissatisfaction with the “new Polish government” was also manifested by the national minorities of the region under analysis, primarily the Ukrainians, who testified to their anti-Polish sentiments, which was especially intensified in the context of the issue of determining the international status and statehood of Eastern Galicia. There were also serious misunderstandings of competence both between Department IV-D and the administrative authority, and within the structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result, all these factors led to the termination of this special unit and the creation of a new security structure - the Information Service, which had similar tasks but a different system of subordination. The organization of Department IV-D on the territory of Volhynia and Galicia requires in-depth studies, in particular, regarding the national and religious structure of personnel, their professional training, work methods, etc.


1. Archiwum Akt Nowych - AAN [Archive of New Acts]

2. Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie - ANK [National Archives in Krakow]

3. Archiwum Panstwowe w Lublinie - APL [State Archives in Lublin]

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16. Razyhrayev, O. (2020b). W obronie wizionych komunistow. Czerwona Pomoc Zachodniej Ukrainie: struktura organizacyjna i dzialalnosc na Wolyniu i w Galicji Wschodniej w okresie midzywojennym [In Defense of Imprisoned Communists. Red Aid to Western Ukraine: organizational structure and activities]. Pamiqc i Sprawiedliwosc - Memory and Justice, 1, 252-274.

17. Razyhrayev, O. (2022а). Ksztaltowanie si$ sluzby wiziennej na Wolyniu oraz w Galicji Wschodniej w latach 1918 - 1923 [The development of the prison service in Volyn and Eastern Galicia in the years 1918-1923]. Przeglqd Nauk Historycznych - Review of Historical Sciences, 1, 301-321.

18. Razyhrayev, O. (2022b). Z regionalnej historii wiziennictwa II Rzeczypospolitej. Wizienie karne w Drohobyczu na Gorce w latach 1918-1939. Wybrane zagadnienia [From the Regional History of the Prison System of the Second Polish Republic. Penal Prison in Drohobych on Gorka in 1918-1939. Selected Issues]. Przeglqd Nauk Historycznych - Review of Historical Sciences, 2, 159-189.

19. Razyhrayev, O., Rudyanin, 1 & Kunytskyy, M. (2021). Diialnist Mizhpartiinoho sekretariatu borotby za amnistiiu politychnykh viazniv u mizhvoiennii Polshchi v 1926-1928 rr. (na prykladi Volyni ta Skhidnoi Halychyny) [The Inter-Party Secretariat for the Fight for the Amnesty of Political Prisoners Activities in 1926-1928 Interwar Poland (Case Study of Volyn and Eastern Galicia)]. Storinky istorii - Pages of History, 52, 224-237.

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