Development of ukrainian archeology in the second half of the 19th - 30s of the 20th century in the context of women’s history: a source-based review

The analysis of the source base of the activity issue of Ukrainian women archaeologists in Naddniprianshchyna region during the second half of the 19th - 30s of the 20th century. Study of interviews used to obtain oral testimony about a specific event.

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Development of Ukrainian archeology in the second half of the 19th - 30s of the 20th century in the context of women's history: a source-based review

Natalia Shkoda, PhD (History), Associate Professor; Alla Krylova, PhD (History), Associate Professor, History and Archeology Department, Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University


The purpose of the research is to analyze the source base of the activity issue of the Ukrainian women archaeologists in Naddniprianshchyna region during the second half of the 19th - 30s of the 20th century. The research methodology includes the application of a set of the following methods: dialectical, idiographic, prosopographic, comparative, historical feminology, microhistory, biographical. Inductive and deductive methods have been also used to reconstruct certain historical phenomena according to historical sources. The scientific novelty of the current scientific article consists in the implementation of a comprehensive general analysis of historical sources on the development issue of Ukrainian archeology in the second half of the 19th - 30s of the 20th century in the context of women's history. Historical sources have been clearly systematized. The classification of sources according to the method of recording information has been applied as the most optimal. Analytical criticism of each group of sources has been carried out, the level of scientific significance and reliability of each group of sources has been determined. A chief focus is on the source base specificity of the current issue. A brief review of the researched sources has been carried out in central and regional archives.

Conclusions. It has been determined that the specificity of the source base of the issue of women s entry into the archaeological science of Ukraine is the use of a huge number of sources of a personal origin (ego-sources) - memoirs, archaeological diaries and reports, epistolary materials, etc. It has been found that the most optimal classification for the study ofsources on the issue is the classification by the method of recording information, according to which the studied sources are divided into oral and written. Such a variety of oral sources as an interview, which is actively used in the framework of oral history to obtain oral testimony about a specific event or a specific historical personality, has been studied. The analysis of the interview text with candidate of historical sciences, a senior researcher of the Institute of Archeology VM. Korpusova, who for a long time was a personal laboratory assistant of the famous female archaeologist M.I. Viazmitina, has been carried out.

Key words: archeology, women's history, archaeological excavations, ego-sources, epistolary materials, memoirs, clerical sources, interviews, cartographic sources, scientific value of historical sources.


Розвиток української археології у другій половині ХІХ - 30-х рр. XX ст. в контексті жіночої історії: джерелознавчий огляд

Наталія Шкода, кандидатка історичних наук, доцента; Алла Крилова, кандидатка історичних наук, доцентка кафедри історії та археології, Мелітопольський державний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

Метою пропонованої наукової студії є вивчення джерельної бази проблеми діяльності українських жінок-археологів Наддніпрянщини протягом другої половини XIX - 30-хрр. ХХ ст. Методологія дослідження включає застосування сукупності такихметодів: діалектичного, ідіографічного, просопографічного, порівняльного, іторичної фемінології, мікроісторії, біографічного. Також використано індуктивний і дедуктивний методи задля реконструкції певних історичних явищ за даними історичних джерел. Наукова новизна статті полягає у здійсненні комплексного узагальнювального аналізу історичних джерел з проблеми розвитку української археології в другій половині XIX - 30-ті рр. XX ст. в контексті жіночої історії. Історичні джерела було чітко систематизовано завдяки залученню як найбільш оптимальної їх класифікації за способом фіксації інформації. Здійснено аналітичну критику кожної групи джерел, визначено рівень їх наукової значущості і достовірності.

Акцентовано увагу на специфіці джерельної бази винесеної на обговорення проблеми. Здійснено стислий огляд досліджених джерел в окремих центральних та обласних архівах. Висновки. Встановлено, що специфікою джерельної бази проблеми входження жінки в археологічну науку України є використання величезної кількості джерел особового походження (его-джерел) - мемуарів, археологічних щоденників та звітів, епістолярних матеріалів тощо. З'ясовано, що найбільш оптимальною класифікацією для дослідження джерел з означеної проблеми є класифікація за способом фіксації інформації, згідно з якою джерела поділяються наусні та писемні. Було вивчено такий різновид усних джерел, як інтерв'ю, що активно застосовується у рамках усної історії для отримання свідчень щодо певної події або конкретної історичної особистості. Здійснено аналіз тексту інтерв'ю з кандидатом історичних наук, старшим науковим співробітником ІА НАНУ В.М. Корпусовою, яка протягом тривалого часу була персональною лаборанткою відомої жінки-археолога М.І. Вязьмітіної.

Ключові слова: археологія, жіноча історія, археологічні розкопки, его-джерела, епістолярні матеріали, мемуари, канцелярські джерела, інтерв'ю, картографічні джерела, наукова цінність історичних джерел.

The Problem Statement

One of modem promising areas of historical science is women's history. Women's history is multifaceted. One of its urgent problems is the study of the role of women in science, which for a long time was considered an exclusively male field. In the second half of the 20th century, scholars began to study the role of women in the development of historical science, particularly in archaeology. The research of the source base of this issue is of a particular interest. The development of archeology as a separate historical science in Trans-Dnieper (Naddniprianska) Ukraine took place during the second half of the 19th century. A gradual entry of the Ukrainian women into the space of this scientific field at the professional level also began in this era.

The Review of Recent Publications

Scientific works, in which certain aspects of the activity of Ukrainian women archaeologists of Transdnieper (Naddniprianshchyna) region during the second half of the 19th century - the 30s of the 20th century are studied, are diverse and numerous, but there are no generalizing special works of a source-scientific content on the activity issue of the Ukrainian women archaeologists of Transdnieper region during the second half of the 19th century - the 30s of the 20th century. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to study the source base of this issue (Costa, 2020; Mesa, 2022; Nelson, 2015; Rivero-Aponte, 2021; Wright, 1998).

The specificity of the source base for the study of women's entry into the archaeological science of Ukraine is the use of a huge number of sources of a personal origin (ego-sources) - memoirs, archaeological diaries and reports, epistolary materials, etc.

The Results of the Research

The majority of the historical sources on the researched topic are kept in the archives of the city of Kyiv. For example, in the Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine (CSASBPCU), the materials of the fund of the People's Commissariat of Education were analysed (CSASBPCU, f. 166, d. 2, c. 774; c. 1211; f. 166, d. 6, cc. 7656, 7660, 7661; f. 166, d. 9, c. 1482), personal funds of Professor D.V. Antonovych (CSASBPCU, f. 3956, d. 1, cc. 14, 15, 16) and N.D. Polonska-Vasylenko (CSASBPCU, f. 3806, d. 1, cc. 41, 42, 43). In the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv (CSHAUK) the materials of the fund of the Kyiv Educational District Office were studied (CSHAUK, f. 707, d. 70, c. 73; f. 707. d. 74. c. 261) and a personal fund of V.B. Antonovych (CSHAUK, f. 832, d. 1, cc. 167, 168, 173, 174, 198, 205, 216, 226). Important for the study of this issue are the documents of the State Archives in the City of Kyiv (SAK), in particular the fund of the Kyiv Higher Women's Courses (SAK, f. 244, d. 1. cc. 94, 105; f. 244, d. 1.1, c. 10, 54, 88, 110; f. 244, d. 1.2, c. 4893; f. 244, d. 17, cc. 1, 320а).

Many important documents are stored in the funds of the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archeology (SAIA NASU), in particular the funds of the All-Ukrainian Archaeological Committee (hereinafter - the VUAK) personal funds of M.I. Viazmitina (SAIA NASU, f. 34), V.V. Khvoika (f. 2, d. 3, c. 197), D.M. Scherbakivsky (f. 9, c. 168/К-420-433, c. 168/К-420-433), P. P. Efimenko (f. 67, c. 9).

The materials of the Manuscript Institute of the National Library of Ukraine named after V.I. Vernadsky (MI NLUV), in particular materials of Literary Fund (the diary of the excavations of Yu.F. Abaz) (MI NLUV, f. І, c. 7780), documents “Archive of V.S. Ikonnikov, Materials Related to Higher Women's Courses” (MI NLUV, f. 46, c. 703).

It should be noted that we examined the documents of the State Archive of Kherson oblast (SAKhO) (the fund of Kherson department of the district communal economy (SAKhO, f. 456, d. 1, c. 22); the fund of Kherson district financial department (SAKhO, f. 440, d. 2, c. 1261), the funds of the Kherson district financial department, which contain important facts about the life and scientific activity of I. Fabricius, a famous female archaeologist of the studied era. Some documents from the archive of Dmytro Yavornytsky National Historical Museum of Dnipro (NHMD) (foundation of the Ukrainian historian D.I. Yavornytskyi (NHMD, f. 10, arhive 12171, arhive 12174) highlight the scientific contribution of other famous women scholars - A.A. Skiylenko and A.A. Kartsova-Myklashevska.

The specificity of the chosen issue makes it expedient to use a certain classification of sources. We used, as the most optimal, classification of sources according to the method of recording information, according to which the studied sources are divided into oral and written.

In the scientific publication, such a variety of oral sources as an interview, consisting of thematic blocks and containing a list of mandatory aspects, was used. The interview is actively used in the framework of oral history to obtain oral testimony about a certain event or a specific historical figure. The text of the interview with V.M. Korpusova, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of Archeology of NASU, who for a long time was a personal laboratory assistant of M.I. Vyazmitina and took part in archaeological expeditions under her leadership, was studied. It is natural that V.M. Korpusova was well-versed in many issues of the course and content of these archaeological explorations, which increases the informative value and importance of this interview. Its content sufficiently fully characterizes the personality of M.I. Vyazmitina as a researcher (SAIA NASU, f. 34).

The studied written materials can be conditionally divided into two types - documentary and narrative. The complex of documentary sources is represented by clerical, legal, cartographic materials. The most numerous group consists of clerical (business) sources. Business sources arose as a result of the activities of higher educational institutions, central and regional scientific societies and institutions during the times of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.

One of the important administrative documents is the Statute of the Moscow Archaeological Society, approved by the Minister of Public Education on September 19, 1864. It contains the main goals of archaeological research at the time. According to §1, “The Imperial Archaeological Society has as its subject the study of classical archaeology, mainly monuments of the Middle Ages and modern numismatics, both Eastern and Western” (Veselovskiy, 1900).

One of the paragraphs of the Statute forbade the arbitrary conduct of archaeological research on the territory of the Russian Empire, which contributed to some extent to the cessation of “robbery” excavations of monuments.

Informatively valuable for our research is the “Regulations on Higher Courses for Women in Kyiv” of 1878 (SAK, f. 244, d. 17, c. 1). It formulated the main goals and objectives of the courses, the rules for admission, training and graduation of trainees.

The Statute of the Kyiv Archaeological Institute of 1921, which regulated all issues of management and activity of the institute (rules of admission of students, duties and powers of a director and teachers, gender of students) should be singled out (CSASBPCU, f. 3806, d. 1, c. 43).

Some clerical documents are stored in the TsDAVO. They are represented by the official correspondence of the VUAC with museums, scientific institutions, and individuals; journals of meetings, protocols of the Presidium of the VUAC; reports from archaeological expeditions, diaries of excavations (CSASBPCU, f. 166, d. 6, cc. 7660, 7661).

The majority of the letters refer to granting permission for excavations. The listed sources contain important information about the places of archaeological exploration, the chronological and cultural localization of monuments, the leaders of expeditions, and their composition. These materials were considered and approved at the state level, which determined their high level of reliability and scientific value.

Lists of students of Kyiv Higher Courses for Women (KHCW), minutes of meetings of the Faculty of History and Philology, and the Pedagogical Council were analysed (SAK, f. 244, d. 1, cc. 94, 105; SAK, f. 244, d. 1.1, cc. 10, 110).

A.A. Skrylenko's reports on replenishment of the collection of the Museum named after O. Pol were under analysis as well (NHMD, archive К 94/н-22).

In the reports there is characterized her participation in the organization of the XIII Archaeological Congress, as well as her professional competencies; there is personal information about a family status, and financial capabilities of A.A. Skrylenko and other women scholars (CSHAUK, f. 707, d. 70, c. 73; f. 707, d. 74, c. 261).

The archival funds of Archive of the personnel department of the Institute of Archaeology (APD of IA) store the personal files of female archaeologists (M.I. Vyazmytina (APD of IA, personal file of M.I. Vyazmitina) and I.V. Fabricius (APD of IA, personal file of I.V. Fabricius).

They include personal cards, autobiographies, extracts from documents on the awarding of scientific degrees, orders on the conduct of archaeological explorations, etc. The scientific value of the listed materials is that they meticulously record the main life events and scientific achievements of M.I. Vyazmitina and I.V. Fabricius.

As mentioned above, cartographic sources supplement the source base significantly. The peculiarity and advantage of cartographic sources is that they not only significantly supplement the available information, but also contain information in a concentrated form that can be considered as independent information sources. This group, which is very important for current research, includes maps of archaeological excavations made by women archaeologists, and plans for conducting archaeological excavations. They make it possible to determine a temporal and spatial localization of an archaeological research in a certain area (Kherson and Kyiv oblast), testify to the total area of excavations and the number of material objects investigated, etc. The survey map of I.V. Fabricius (a director of the Kherson Historical and Archaeological Museum) in September-October of 1928, the map of the excavations of mounds near the village of Ivanivka was found and studied under the leadership of I.V. Fabricius in 1928, excavation drawings near the village of Balyky under the leadership of V.E. Kozlovska in 1926 (SAIA NASU, f. VUAK, c. 202/13-а).

The current publication draws on a significant array of narrative sources. They can be conditionally divided into personal, historical, and scientific. The majority of narrative sources used are documents of a personal origin, in relation to which years the term ego-sources has been used in scientific circles recently. The peculiarity of the source base of this publication is that it is ego-sources that form its basis.

One of the functions of sources of a personal origin is the establishment of interpersonal communication. Ego-sources contribute to a self-awareness of an individual and establishment of interpersonal relations. The elaborated sources of a personal origin can be placed in the following order according to the degree of probability: a) autobiographies; b) diaries; c) epistolary materials; d) memoirs.

The researched autobiographies of women archaeologists allow us to reproduce and supplement information about their life and creative paths. For example, the documents of the personal fund of V.B. Antonovych of the Centre of Central Intelligence Agency of Ukraine, including autobiography, are important for the reproduction of the biography of K.M. Melnyk-Antonovych (CSHAUK, f. 832: V.B. Antonovych, c. 198).

The autobiographies of M.I. Vyazmitina and I.V. Fabricius were also discovered and researched (APD of IA, personal file of M.I. Vyazmitina; APD of IA, a personal file of I.V. Fabricius), which are stored in the funds of the NAIA of the National Academy of Sciences. The authors described the main stages of their own lives, provided many facts about their professional activities, and presented a list of scientific publications.

An important source of a personal origin is diaries, the informational content of which has a high degree of probability because they were created on the heels of events, often on the same day when these events took place. The researcher, using the testimony of the author of the diary, can determine the location of the author and his impressions of the events he witnessed.

A valuable source, in fact, a diary in terms of content and structure, is the “Travel Notes” (“Travel Notes”) of M.I. Vyazmitina, which are kept in the personal fund of M.I. Vyazmitina of the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences (SAIA NASU, f. M.I. Vyazmitina).

The author testifies about her trip to Uzbekystan in 1928 - 1929. The woman collected materials for writing a PhD thesis, the subject of which was the applied art of Central Asia. In them, the researcher describes the collections of the museums in Tashkent, Samarkand, and Bukhara in detail.

The diary of A.L. Ikonnykova, a former graduate of Kyiv Higher Women's Courses (Manuscript Institute of the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine) has been preserved. In it, the author provides information about students, their academic success, characteristics of teachers, feedback by teachers about students' achievements (MI NLUV, f. 46, c. 703).

A specific type of ego-sources is the epistolary heritage of women archaeologists. The letters contain information that is not available in other sources. The content of the epistolary materials allows us to find out the nature and strength of the influence of male archaeologists on the formation of women as scholars in archaeological science. The letters describe the interaction of female archaeologists and male archaeologists in the process of joint work. The letters allow us to trace the evolution of the attitude of men towards women in the scientific field from contempt to respect.

A chief focus is on the correspondence between D.I. Yavornytsky and A.A. Skrylenko, the curator of the museum named after O. Pol. These letters are kept in the personal fund of the scholar (NHMD, f. 10, archive К 94/н-22; Abrosymova, 1997).

The correspondence of D.I. Yavornytsky with the head of the Moscow Archaeological Society P.S. Uvarova regarding the organization and holding of the 13 th Archaeological Congress is also valuable for our research. This correspondence contains not only a complex of important testimonies about the development of archaeological science in Ukraine at the time, but also about the personality of A.A. Skrylenko (NHMD, f. 10, archive К 94/н-22, archive 12171, archive 12174, archive 12186.).

In the personal fund of D.I. Yavornytsky there is also the correspondence of the scholar with A.M. Myklashevsky, the father of A.A. Kartsova-Myklashevskaya (Abrosymova, 1997), B.E. Kozlovska (Abrosymova, 1997), I.V. Fabricius (Abrosymova, 1997), which characterize their professional activity. The majority of these letters were published in the collection “Epistolary Heritage of Academician D.I. Yavornytsky” (Abrosymova, 1997).

The letters of K.M. Melnyk, an archaeologist, and wife of V.B. Antonovych are of particular value. They are stored in the personal fund of D.V. Antonovych at the Central Agency for the Development of Social Sciences and Humanities. The wife of D.V. Antonovych was a friend and corresponded with the researcher A.A. Skrylenko for a long time (CSASBPCU, f. 3806, c. 16).

These letters reveal unknown pages of the life of the latter to us. The correspondence of K.M. Melnyk-Antonovych with a famous scholar and teacher A.S. Siniavsky has also been preserved (CSASBPCU, f. 3956), the wife of a prominent Katerynoslav activist and patron O. Pol, academician D.I. Bagaliy (CSASBPCU, f. 3956, c. 14), with V.Yu. Danylevich (CSASBPCU, f. 3956, c. 16). In his letters, V.Yu. Danylevich reports to K.M. Melnyk-Antonovych about various facts of an archaeological life at the time.

Many important facts from the biography of Kateiyna Mykolayivna Melnyk-Antonovych are contained in her correspondence with her parents - M.M. Melnyk and M.O. Melnyk (CSASBPCU, f. 3956, c. 15).

In the letters to her parents, and this is natural, sincere, frank, and intimate, Kateryna Mykolayivna shares her worries and experiences, consults about joining the Moscow Archaeological Society describes her archaeological travels with V.B. Antonovych in detail. Her correspondence with V.B. Antonovych has been preserved. It characterizes her scientific views and reveals a woman's married life. In the letters to her parents and her husband, Kateryna Mykolayivna appears as a daughter and a wife.

Some letters from the IR of the NBUV were studied, in which a dramatic period of the life of K.M. Melnyk-Antonovych during in the Soviet times is traced. From them, we learn about the support and assistance of Kateryna Mykolayivna from D.I. Bagaliya and M.S. Hrushevsky.

Thus, K.M. Melnyk-Antonovych's letters are scattered in various archival institutions, complement each other, and provide an opportunity to reproduce a relatively complete picture of the life of a female archaeologist.

Important for the current publication are the letters of V.E. Kozlovskaya, a famous female archaeologist at the beginning of the 20th century. Her correspondence is kept in the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archaeology. There is no personal fund of V. E. Kozlovska, so the materials are scattered in other funds of the archive. Her correspondence with her teacher V.V. Khvoika attracts attention (SAIA NASU, f. 2, d. 3, c. 197).

V.V. Khvoika advises the student, advises her on excavations, drawing up relevant report documentation. The contents of the letters show that V. V. Khvoika was taken care of by V.E. Kozlovska, who helped in the search of a job because at that time it was difficult for a woman to find a job in her specialty.

In the personal fund mentioned above, V.V. Khvoika found and studied the correspondence of V.E. Kozlovska with P.P. Kurinny (SAIA NASU, f. 2, d. 3, c. 197), which testifies to the long-term friendship of V.E. Kozlovska and P.P. Kurinny, and characterizes the scientific views of V.E. Kozlovska, her human qualities. Some letters contain information about the archaeological explorations of colleagues (K.M. Melnyk-Antonovych and V.Yu. Danylevych). In some letters, the researcher describes her excavations, and consults with her mentor on many scientific issues.

In the personal fund of D.M. Shcherbakivsky, as part of the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archeology, letters from V.E. Kozlovska to D.M. Shcherbakivsky were found (SAIA NASU, f. 9, c. 168/К-420-433, c. 168/К-420-433, c. 168/К-420-433) in which she touches on many issues directly related to her museum activities, the scientific life of Kyiv, characterizes the researcher as a professional museum worker and scholar.

For our research, the epistolary of M.I. Vyazmitina (Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archeology), which is stored in her fund, is of great scientific importance. M.I. Vyazmitina regularly corresponded with many famous scholars of the time for a long period.

M.I. Vyazmitina's correspondence with her teacher, a prominent art critic V.M. Zummer attracts attention (NAIA NASU, f. 34).

The contents of these letters show that these scholars were colleagues and friends at the same time. The studied letters characterize M.I. Vyazmitina first of all as a scholar. Letters to a woman from Professor M.E. Masson reveal the professor's respect for her as an archaeologist (SAIA NASU, f. 34).

Together, they conducted excavations in Central Asia (Nova Nissa), so M.E. Masson was able to personally observe the level of M.I. Vyazmitina's work.

The focus is on the correspondence of M.I. Vyazmitina with the Voloshyns (SAIA NASU, f. 34). M.O. Voloshyn was a famous writer, painter, and popular figure among the Ukrainian creative intelligentsia. He believed that M.I. Vyazmitina would successfully realize herself in the scientific field. This correspondence primarily reveals the woman's personal life, full of emotions and sincere expressions.

Memoirs are an important type of source of a personal origin. They, like epistolary materials, are characterized by a fairly high level of subjectivity, but this does not diminish their value for our publication. The value of memoirs is determined by the following factors: the author's role in the described events, the acuteness of the author's reception of real events, the author's ability to remember the sequence of events, the time of writing memoirs, etc. Memoirs, which are created almost immediately after the events, more reliably, in most cases, convey the content of these events. The content of memoirs written many years later is negatively affected by the dulling of the author's memory, and changes in the author's views and preferences. When researching the current issue, those memoirs that were written many years after the events under study were analysed.

The memoirs of P.S. Uvarova, the first female archaeologist in the Russian Empire, deserve a special focus. They contain a lot of information about the formation and development of archaeological science of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Russia and Ukraine in particular (Uvarova, 2005).

P.S. Uvarova faithfully recreated the atmosphere of the era, in particular the attitude of the archaeological scientific society to the appearance of a woman archaeologist, the author describes numerous meetings and acquaintances with Russian and foreign scholars. The researcher describes in detail the work related to the preparation and holding of those archaeological congresses that took place on the territory of Ukraine.

Valuable for our research are the memories of N.D. Polonska-Vasylenko, an archaeologist, historian, secretary of the Kyiv Archaeological Institute (Polonska-Vasylenko, 2011).

The researcher covers in detail the process of the formation of the Ukrainian scientific centre at the end of the 19th - in the first half of the 20th century, describes the activities and composition of students of the Kyiv Higher Women's Courses (she was a graduate of these courses), characterizes the educational process, and gives an assessment of the teachers. Concerning women's courses, the researcher describes in detail composition of students and assesses the manner of conducting lectures, behaviour, and abilities of teachers. In the memoirs, V.E. Kozlovska, who was a friend of N.D. Polonska for a long time, is mentioned many times.

P.S. Uvarova and N.D. Polonska-Vasilenko wrote memoirs in exile many years after the relevant events.

“Selected memories” (“Selected Memories”) of S.Y. Witte, a famous Russian statesman of the pre-revolutionary era, were studied (Vitte, 1960).

In the memoirs of S.Y. Witte, we found a lot of evidence about the origin, family status, and family life of Y.F. Abaza (nee Stubbe). Y.F. Abaza was at one time a famous singer, and public figure, collected rarities and was fond of archeological excavations, which became fashionable at that time. Y.F. Abaz explored settlements of the Trypillia culture and collected many valuable artifacts, which were demonstrated at many Archaeological Congresses. In the memoirs of S.Y. Witte, we found a lot of evidence about the origin, family status, and family life of Y.F. Abaza.

An important source of our publication is scientific sources, one of the types of narrative written sources, which is represented by the scientific works of women archaeologists (reviews, notes, scientific articles, etc.).

For example, texts written personally by K. M. Melnyk-Antonovych are stored in the Central State Historical Archive of Ukraine in Kyiv in the personal fund of V B. Antonovych (CSHAUK, f. 832, d. 1, c. 167).

The report of research in the Volyn province, the article “Archaeological Researches of 1925 in Kremenchuchyna”, which describes all the materials found, was studied.

The Historical and Cultural Atlas of Russian History, compiled by N.D. Polonskaya- Vasilenko and edited by M.V. Dovnar-Zapolskyi in 1913 - 1914, has been preserved. It consists of 3 volumes. The first volume is devoted to non-Slavic and Slavic antiquities (Dovnar-Zapolskiy, 1914), the second - to Moscow and South-Western Russ (Dovnar- Zapolskiy, 1914), the third covers the Peter era, the reign of Catherine II, the 19th century (Dovnar-Zapolskiy, 1914).

According to the content of the work by N.D. Polonska-Vasylenko, it is a lecture-illustrated course on archeology, which the researcher was going to teach at the Kyiv University of St. Volodymyr.

The majority of sources of this group are stored in the personal funds of the Scientific Archive of the Institute of Archaeology. For example, in the personal fund of M.I. Vyazmitina, the researcher's reviews of the work of I.V. Fabricius “An attempt to analyze some Scythian images”, the collection “Archaeology”, the works of A.P. Ivanova “Sculpture and Iconography of the Bosporus” and “Problems of the Bosporus” were found art, article by A.I. Furmanska “Bronze Crafts of Olbia”, etc. (SAIA NASU, f. 34).

The work of the well-known archeologist of that time A.I. Terenozhkin's “On Theoretical Direction in the Works of I.V. Fabricius” is preserved in the personal fund of P.P. Yefimenko (SAIA NASU, f. 67, c. 9), in which the author analyses the researcher's scientific works devoted to the study of Scythian culture.

women archaeologist naddniprianshchyna interview

The Conclusions

Thus, the researched source base is representative and diverse. It fully allows us to reveal the peculiarities of the process of women's entry into archaeological science at the time under study; can be used when writing prosopographic scientific works dedicated to individual figures of famous female archaeologists of the specified period.

The typological and species classification of sources was used as the most appropriate and optimal considering the specifics of the sources. This classification made it possible to establish the features of each type of document, their scientific value. The source base on the researched topic consists mainly of sources of a personal origin and clerical documentation.

Acknowledgement. We express sincere gratitude to all members of the editorial board for consultations provided during the preparation of the article for publishing.

Funding. The authors did not receive any financial support for the research, authorship and / or publication of this article.


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