Морфологія жіночих черепів XVII-XVIII ст. Батурина
Місце краніологічної серії серед відомих антропологічних типів. Застосувавши порівняння квадратичних відхилень 69 основних ознак та індексів жіночих черепів із Батурина зі стандартними. Місце жінок з Батурина в системі краніологічних типів Східної Європи.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 27.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 5,0 M |
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Морфологія жіночих черепів XVII-XVIII ст. Батурина
Долженко Ю. В.
Ніжинський державний університет імені М. Гоголя Інститут археології Національної академії наук України, Ніжин, Чернігівська обл.,
Статтю присвячено публікації та порівняльному аналізу жіночої краніологічної серії XVII-XVIII ст. з міста Батурин, знайденої 2005-2015 рр. на території Фортеці (собор Животворної Трійці) й у перевідкладеннях під час розкопок В. П. Коваленка, О. Б. Коваленка, Ю. М. Ситого, В. І. Мезенцева, В. Скорохода. У роботі використано комп 'ютерні програми, які створили Б. О. й О. Г. Козінцеви 1991 р. Залученокраніометричних ознак за Р. Мартіном.
Мета роботи - ввести в науковий обіг новий матеріал і визначити місце краніологічної серії серед відомих антропологічних типів. Для цього дати загальну морфологічну характеристику жінкам з Батурина XVII-XVIII ст. на тлі суміжних етнічних груп України й Східної Європи (синхроністичний і діахронний метод), визначити відстані між окремими серіями XIV-XIX ст. за допомогою багатовимірного канонічного та кластерного аналізу й з 'ясувати місце жінок з Батурина в системі краніологічних типів Східної Європи.
Вперше було створено загальну жіночу серію з Батурина XVII-XVIII ст., до якої залучено 33 черепа. Застосувавши порівняння квадратичних відхилень 69 основних ознак та індексів жіночих черепів із Батурина зі стандартними, можна припустити, що досліджувана вибірка неоднорідна за складом. При порівнянні жіночої досліджуваної групи XVII-XVIII ст. з синхронними й більш ранніми серіями XIV-XIX ст. зі Східної, Європи (окрім Кавказу) методом багатовимірного канонічного та кластерного аналізу відзначено її найбільшу подібність до міських черепів Поділля.
Виявлено, що при зіставленні 37 досліджуваних груп XIV-XIX ст. методом багатовимірного канонічного аналізу в тривимірному просторі, простежується зв 'язок жіночої вибірки черепів з м. Батурин і двох міських груп з Поділля. краніометрія фізична антропологія батурин
Ключові слова: краніометрія, фізична антропологія, місто, Батурин, XVII-XVIII ст., жіночий череп, морфологія.
Dolzhenko Yu.V.
Nizhyn Gogol State University
Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
This article deals with the publication and the comparative analysis of the 17th - 18th cent. female cranial series from town of Baturyn found during excavations by V. Kovalenko,
O.Kovalenko, Yu. Sytyi, V. Mezentsev, V. Skorokhod during 2005-2015 on the territory of the Fortress (the Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity) and in resedimentation. Computer software designed by B. Kozintsev and O. Kozintsev in 1991 has been applied in the research. 14 craniometric traits defined by R. Martin have been involved into the analysis.
The objective of this paper is to introduce a new material into scientific domain and define the place of the cranial series among famous anthropological types. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to provide the general morphological description of female group from Baturyn of the 17th - 18th cent. on the background of neighbouring ethnic groups from Ukraine and Eastern Europe (synchronistic and diachronic methods), determine the distance between separate cranial series of the 14th - 19th cent. with the help of multidimensional canonical and cluster analysis, and to find out the place of female population from Baturyn in the system of craniological types of Eastern Europe.
For the first time, the general female series from Baturyn of the 17h - 18th cent. including 33 skulls has been created. After comparison of square divergence of 69 basic traits and indexes of Baturyn female skulls with the standard ones, one can conclude that the researched selection is heterogeneous by its structure. The multidimensional canonical and cluster comparative analyses of the studied female group of the 17th - 18th cent. with the synchronic and earlier series from the 14th - 19th cent. from Eastern Europe (except the Caucasus) have demonstrated its closest similarity to the urban skulls from Podillia.
The comparison of 37 studied groups of the 14th - 19th cent. with the method of multidimensional canonical analysis in three-dimensional space has demonstrated the connection of the female skull sample from the town of Baturyn with two urban groups from Podillia.
Keywords: craniometry, physical anthropology, town of Baturyn, the 17th - 18th cent., female skull, morphology.
The study of the morphological features of the population of Chernihiv-Siver region is an important link in the investigation of both biological processes and the processes of the development of cultural traditions. The large territory of the expansion of Ukrainian people necessitated the study of regional features allowing us to reveal local peculiarities in detail as well as features of the entire population of Ukraine.
V. Alekseev stressed that the importance of information on the craniology of Ukrainian people cannot be overestimated. Firstly, this data enables us to compare the anthropological type of the modern population of Ukraine with the type of individual tribal groups of the medieval Slavs. Secondly, it helps to reliably compare Ukrainians with the peoples surrounding them, which is not always possible to be done on the basis of somatological data due to the difference in methodology of materials processing of individual researchers (Алексеев, 2008, с. 30).
The objective of this paper is to introduce a new material into scientific domain and define the place of the cranial series among famous anthropological types. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to provide the general morphological description of female group from Baturyn of the 17th - 18th cent. (Fig. 1) on the background of neighbouring ethnic groups from Ukraine and Eastern Europe (synchronistic and diachronic methods), determine the distance between separate cranial series of the 14th - 19th cent. with the help of multidimensional canonical and cluster analysis, and to find out the place of female population from Baturyn in the system of craniological types of Eastern Europe.
Fig. 1. Location of Baturyn on the map of Northern Ukraine
Material and methods
Sex and age determinations and measurements of anthropological material were carried out in the laboratory of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv). In contrast to the 2009 study, during which 27 female skulls and their fragments from excavations in 2005-2009 on the territory of the Fortress (the Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity) and resedimentation were processed (Ситий, 2011, с. 107-143; Dolzhenko, 2014а, p. 40-56), the author has processed four more skulls (from burials 228, 249, 276, and 290) obtained in 2015 during the excavations by Yu. Sytyi (Ситий, 2016, с. 229). In total, the author has processed all 45 adult female skulls available at the time of the study thanks to the archaeological excavations (Долженко, 2021, с. 98-114; Ситий, 2011, с. 107-143; Dolzhenko, 2014а, p. 40-56).
The skulls (for example, Fig. 2) were measured according to the standard craniological method, which indicated according to R. Martin (Martin, 1928) the numbering of traits and calculated the nasomalar and zygomaxillary angles of the horizontal contour of a face using a nomogram (Алексеев, & Дебец, 1964, Рис. 14, с. 53). The lambda craniometric point was calculated according to the method of L. G. D. Buxton and G. D. Morant (Bruzek, et al., 2017, p. 19-47). The tables with the range of the average trait values compiled by G. F. Debets (Алексеев, & Дебец 1964). were used to evaluate the measured characteristics. The sex of the buried people was determined taking into account the postcranial skeleton and the pecularities of the structure of a skull. The age was determined comprehensively considering signs on a skull, cranial sutures, and teeth (Brothwell, 1972; Bruzek, 1995, p. 93-106; Bruzek, et al., 2017; Vallois 1937, p. 499-532).
Fig. 2. Skull of the woman, aged 30-35, from Baturyn (burial 114, excavation II): a - norma facialis, b - norma lateralis, c - norma verticalis, d - norma occipitalis
The data interpretation has been carried out with the help of computer software «PCCOMP», «PCDENDU» and «CANON» developed by B. Kozintsev and A. Kozintsev in 1993, and the identification of percentages has been done with the program by A. Gromov (1996) (the software package was presented to the author during his internship).
It has also been taken into account that groups that fall into the same category during typological classification may turn out to be very distant in origin even on a Eurasian scale. This was confirmed by A. Kozintsev on the example of the Andronov (Alakulsk-Kozhumberdynsk) group from Western Kazakhstan (Козинцев, 2016, с. 388-389).
Results and their discussion
Morphological characteristics of the craniological type of the population. The anthropological traits of the female group are of some interest (Table 1). The series of 33 skulls and their fragments is characterized by moderate massiveness. The contour of a nasal bridge area and an occiput, as well as the expressiveness of the mastoid processus and the supraorbital ridges are insignificant. The external occipital protuberance is absent or developed very slightly (average score 0,4). The maximum cranial length is moderate, the maximum cranial breadth is large. The sample is brachycranic according to the cranial index (82,1). The basion-bregma height is moderate, on the border with large categories. Cranial base length is average. The height- length is hypsicranial (high skulls), the height-breadth index is moderate (metriocrania). The horizontal circumference through the craniometric ophryon point varies within the average values according to world categories (Алексеев, & Дебец 1964, Табл. 10, с. 121).
The forehead is moderately wide. The height of its curve is moderate. The occiput is moderately wide, the height of its curve is good (25,5). The face is orthognathic, moderately wide (125,5 mm) with small height (63,2 mm), well profiled at the level of orbits and an anterior nasal spine. The upper facial index is mezenic (50,2) indicating a moderately wide face in the group. The Kollman's facial index (86,4) can also be traced as it was established in eight female skulls (mesoprosopia).
The orbits are of moderate breadth and low height. The relative orbital height is moderate (mesoconchia). The nasal aperture is characterized by medium breadth and small height and is medium wide (mesorine) according to the index (50,4). The nasal bridge is moderately high in accordance with the simotic and dacrial indexes. The lower edge of the pyriform aperture of the skulls is 96,3% with an antropinic shape, and only one burial (burial 66) has an anterior nasal fossa. Measured on 27 skulls, nasal projection angle comparatively to the level of the face profile is large (26,0°). This fully correlates with the general Europoid character of the female series from Baturyn.
Comparison of the squared deviations of 69 main traits and indexes of female skulls from Baturyn with standard ones revealed that the skulls differ by an increase in variability in 28 features (40,5%) and by a decrease in 23 features (33,3%). The standard ones have 17 traits (24,6%) out of the 69 studied (Table 1).
Table 1
Average sizes and indexes of female skulls of the 17-18 centuries from Baturyn (Castle Resurrection Church, Cathedral, Fortress, Church of the Living Trinity, resedimentation).
General series
№ after Martin |
Feature |
9 (жінки) |
M |
n |
a |
m(M) |
Ms |
min. |
max. |
1 |
Maximum cranial length |
171,3 |
31 |
6,3 |
1,13 |
0,80 |
156,0 |
181,0 |
8 |
Maximum cranial breadth |
140,2 |
28 |
4,5 |
0,85 |
0,60 |
132,0 |
149,0 |
17 |
Basion-bregma height |
130,9 |
29 |
4,6 |
0,85 |
0,60 |
122,0 |
141,5 |
5 |
Cranial base length |
96,9 |
29 |
4,9* |
0,91 |
0,65 |
87,0 |
106,0 |
9 |
Minimum frontal breadth |
94,4 |
32 |
5,1* |
0-,90 |
0,64 |
85,0 |
108,0 |
10 |
Maximum frontal breadth |
119,8 |
29 |
6,6* |
1,23 |
0,87 |
108,0 |
140,0 |
11 |
Cranial base breadth |
120,5 |
28 |
5,1* |
0,97 |
0,69 |
109,0 |
130,0 |
12 |
Biasterionic breadth |
107,1 |
29 |
3 7** |
0,68 |
0,48 |
100,0 |
116,0 |
29 |
Frontal chord |
107,9 |
32 |
5,1* |
0,90 |
0,64 |
98,0 |
118,0 |
45 |
Bizygomatic breadth |
125,5 |
30 |
5,0 |
0,92 |
0,65 |
117,3 |
134,0 |
40 |
Basion-prosthion length |
92,6 |
28 |
4,8 |
0,91 |
0,64 |
84,0 |
103,0 |
48 |
Upper facial height |
63,2 |
30 |
3 2** |
0,58 |
0,41 |
57,0 |
70,0 |
47 |
Total facial height |
108,5 |
11 |
4 8** |
1,46 |
1,03 |
102,0 |
118,0 |
43 |
Upper facial breadth |
100,9 |
30 |
4,3* |
0,78 |
0,55 |
91,0 |
109,5 |
46 |
Middle facial breadth |
91,6 |
27 |
5,3* |
1,02 |
0,72 |
79,0 |
100,5 |
55 |
Nasal height |
47,9 |
31 |
2,8 |
0,51 |
0,36 |
43,0 |
55,0 |
54 |
Nasal breadth |
24,1 |
31 |
1,7 |
0,30 |
0,21 |
20,5 |
27,3 |
51 |
Orbital breadth |
40,3 |
30 |
1,9* |
0,35 |
0,25 |
36,0 |
43,0 |
52 |
Orbital height |
31,9 |
30 |
2,0 |
0,37 |
0,26 |
28,0 |
36,2 |
20 |
Porion-bregma height |
112,2 |
29 |
3,5** |
0,65 |
0,46 |
105,9 |
121,7 |
SC (57) |
Simotic chord |
9,4 |
29 |
1,9 |
0,36 |
0,26 |
13,5 |
1,9 |
SS |
Simotic subtense |
3,5 |
29 |
0,8 |
0,15 |
0,10 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
MC (50) |
Frontal maxillary breadth |
19,1 |
29 |
1,8 |
0,34 |
0,24 |
15,5 |
21,1 |
MS |
Frontal maxillary height |
6,8 |
29 |
0,8 |
0,15 |
0,11 |
5,0 |
8,0 |
DC (49a) |
Dacrial chord |
22,6 |
29 |
2,5* |
0,46 |
0,32 |
19,0 |
24,0 |
DS |
Dacrial subtense |
10,6 |
29 |
1,7* |
0,31 |
0,22 |
7,0 |
12,0 |
FC |
Canine fossa depth |
-5,2 |
27 |
1,3* |
0,26 |
0,18 |
-2,0 |
-7,0 |
31 |
Occipital chord |
92,2 |
29 |
5,2 |
0,96 |
0,68 |
83,0 |
105,0 |
32 |
Forehead profile angle from nas. |
88,6° |
22 |
4,1* |
0,88 |
0,62 |
81,0° |
97,0° |
Forehead profile angle from gl |
82,6° |
22 |
4,1 |
0,88 |
0,63 |
74,0° |
90,0° |
72 |
General facial angle |
85,6° |
22 |
2,1** |
0,45 |
0,32 |
82,0° |
90,0° |
73. |
Middle profile angle |
87,7° |
22 |
1,9** |
0,41 |
0,29 |
84,0° |
91,0° |
74. |
Alveolar profile angle |
76,8° |
22 |
6,0 |
1,29 |
0,91 |
66,0° |
90,0° |
75(1). |
Nasal protrusion angle |
26,0° |
27 |
5,5* |
1,07 |
0,75 |
14,0° |
40,0° |
77. |
Nasomalar angle |
139,8° |
30 |
3,8** |
0,69 |
0,49 |
127,0° |
149,0° |
Z Zm. |
Zygomaxillary angle |
129,5° |
28 |
4 2** |
0,80 |
0,57 |
120,0° |
137,0° |
Glabella |
1,3 |
33 |
0,4 |
0,07 |
0,05 |
1,0 |
2,0 |
Supraorbital ridge |
1,2 |
32 |
0,4 |
0,07 |
0,05 |
1,0 |
2,0 |
External occipital protuberance |
0,4 |
30 |
0,5 |
0,09 |
0,06 |
0,0 |
1,0 |
Mastoid processus |
1,1 |
30 |
0,4 |
0,08 |
0,06 |
0,0 |
2,4 |
Anterior nasal spine |
3,6 |
30 |
1,0 |
0,18 |
0,12 |
2,0 |
5,0 |
23a |
Horizontal circumference through ophryon |
497,6 |
27 |
17,8* |
3,42 |
2,42 |
460,0 |
533,0 |
60 |
Length of the alveolar ridge Maxillo-alveolar length |
50,1 |
26 |
4,0* |
0,79 |
0,56 |
41,1 |
58,0 |
61 |
Breadth of the alveolar ridge Maxillo-alveolar breadth |
59,1 |
26 |
4,0* |
0,78 |
0,55 |
52,0 |
67,0 |
7 |
Length of the occipital aperture Foramen magnum length |
34,1 |
30 |
2,4 |
0,45 |
0,32 |
30,0 |
38,5 |
16 |
Foramen magnum breadth |
29,0 |
30 |
1,8** |
0,32 |
0,23 |
24,6 |
33,0 |
Sub. NB |
Height of the forehead curve |
25,5 |
32 |
2,7* |
0,48 |
0,34 |
22,0 |
32,0 |
OS |
Height of the occiput curve |
25,5 |
29 |
2,2* |
0,41 |
0,29 |
21,0 |
30,0 |
Indexes: |
8:1 |
Cranial |
82,1 |
28 |
3,4 |
0,64 |
0,45 |
77,0 |
88,9 |
17:1 |
Height-length 1 |
76,5 |
29 |
2,9 |
0,54 |
0,38 |
71,6 |
82,3 |
17:8 |
Height-breadth 2 |
93,3 |
28 |
3,8** |
0,71 |
0,50 |
87,2 |
101,1 |
9:8 |
Transversal Frontoparietal |
67,3 |
28 |
3,8* |
0,72 |
0,51 |
60,1 |
77,1 |
20:1 |
Height-length 2 |
65,6 |
29 |
2,4 |
0,44 |
0,31 |
60,7 |
71,5 |
20:8 |
Height-breadth 2 |
79,9 |
28 |
3,0** |
0,56 |
0,40 |
74,0 |
86,2 |
10:8 |
Transversal Coronary |
85,0 |
27 |
4,0* |
0,77 |
0,54 |
77,7 |
94,0 |
9:10 |
Breadth Forehead |
79,1 |
28 |
3,9* |
0,73 |
0,52 |
71,3 |
0,52 |
45:8 |
Transversal Facio-Cerebral |
89,6 |
28 |
3,8 |
0,72 |
0,51 |
81,9 |
100,0 |
48:17 |
Vertical Facio-Cerebral |
48,2 |
28 |
2,6** |
0,49 |
0,35 |
43,1 |
53,8 |
9:45 |
F ronto-Zygomatic |
75,2 |
29 |
4,1* |
0,76 |
0,54 |
66,9 |
85,4 |
10:45 |
Coronary-Zygomatic |
94,7 |
27 |
4,9* |
0,94 |
0,66 |
85,3 |
104,8 |
40:5 |
Alveolar-Gnathic |
95,6 |
28 |
4,4* |
0,84 |
0,59 |
83,0 |
107,9 |
47:45 |
Kollman's Total Facial |
86,4 |
8 |
3,0** |
1,06 |
0,75 |
83,5 |
92,8 |
48:45 |
Kollman's Upper Facial |
50,2 |
28 |
2 9** |
0,55 |
0,39 |
46,2 |
56,6 |
54:55 |
Nasal |
50,8 |
31 |
4,2 |
0,76 |
0,54 |
41,8 |
59,7 |
Dacrial |
46,8 |
29 |
6,1** |
1,13 |
0,80 |
35,0 |
57,5 |
Simotic |
37,4 |
29 |
7 8** |
1,44 |
1,02 |
22,0 |
52,6 |
Maxillofrontal index |
37,1 |
29 |
9,1 |
1,69 |
1,20 |
25,0 |
75,9 |
52:51 |
Orbital |
79,2 |
30 |
4 2** |
0,76 |
0,54 |
68,3 |
86,2 |
63:62 |
Palatal |
79,3 |
29 |
6 4** |
1,19 |
0,84 |
68,1 |
94,1 |
61:60 |
Maxillo-Alveolar |
117,8 |
25 |
10,2** |
2,03 |
1,44 |
91,4 |
139,6 |
M - average arithmetic value; n - number of cases; о -- average quadratic deviations; m (M) - average arithmetic value error; ms - average quadratic deviation error; * exceeds the standard values of the quadratic deviation; ** less than the standard values of the quadratic deviation.
Intergroup multidimensional analysis. The comparison of the female skulls from burial grounds (Fortress, Church of the Living Trinity, Cathedral, resedimentation) in Baturyn and neighboring territories. As we know, besides Ukrainian women, there were certainly representatives of many other nationalities being with their men in the service - Poles, Lithuanians, Belarusians, Russians and many others (Тараненко та ін., 2014; Яворницький, 1990; Яворницький, 1991).
Therefore, to identify analogues among groups close to modern times, the studied series was compared to a wide range of comparative materials of the 15th - 19th cent. from the territory of Eastern Europe (except for the Caucasus). Both canonical and cluster multidimensional analysis (Дерябин, 2008, с. 212-230, 230-276) were applied to 37 groups: Uzhhorod (Долженко, & Мойжес 2019, с. 192-205; Долженко, & Мойжес, 2020, с. 71-77; Долженко, & Мойжес, 2022, с. 228-264); Lutenka of the 17th - 18th (Долженко, 2011, с. 487-507), Kyiv Podil of the 16th - 18th cent. (Долженко, 2016, с. 3-17; Тараненко, та ін. с. 249-254); Lutsk (collective series) of the 17th - 20th cent. (Долженко, & Мазурик, 2015, с. 368-386); Kyiv Arsenal (Долженко, 2010, с. 11-17; Долженко, 2011, с. 118-134); Vinnytsia (Виногродська, Потєхіна, & Долженко, 2020, с. 24-52), Rivne (Долженко, & Прищепа, 2015, с. 7-16), Ratniv of the 14th - 15th cent. (Долженко, & Златогорський, с. 11-22); Zhovnyno of the 16th - 18th cent. (Долженко, & Прядко, 2014, с. 43-50; Dolzhenko, 2014b, c. 119-132), Pidbortsi (Долженко, Пшеничний, & Бардецький, 2021, с. 43-66), Klevan village (Войтюк, & Долженко, 2020, с. 21-25), Chyhyryn of the 16th - 17th cent.; Kyiv St. Michael's Monastery of the 15th - 18th cent.; Vyshhorod of the 17th cent.; Medzhybizh of the 14th - 16th cent. (Рудич, 2010, с. 129-130, 170-171, 179-180, 185); Sumy (Білинська, & Долженко, 2013, c. 208-214).
Russian women are from Orel province, Sebezh, Stara Ladoha-1 (Алексеев, 2008, с. 311-336); Yaroslavl of the 17th cent. (Гончарова, 2011, с. 205-206); Pskov of the 14th - 16th cent. (Санкина, 2000, с. 14-15); Kozino of the 18th cent. (Евтеев, 2011, с. 433-440); Novgorod of the 16th -18th cent. (Евтеев, 2015, с. 176-192); Panteleimon Monastery (Евтеев, 2015, с. 317-318).
Balts are represented in eight episodes (Table. 5): Latvians are represented by three series of 17-18 centuries, which were investigated by R. Denisova - Leimani, Purgaili of the 18th cent. (Денисова, 1977, с. 241-243; 255-258), three groups of the 18th - 19th cent., which were processed by V. Alekseev: Latvians-1, Latvians-2 and Latvians-, Lithuanians (lietuviai) from town of Kaunas, Estonians and Finns (suomalaiset) (Алексеев, 2008, с. 226-231, 234-235).
Moldovans are represented by one sample: Varatik (Varatic) of Ryshkan district (17-19 centuries) (Великанова, 1975, Табл. 85, с. 144-145).
Table 2
The significance of the three canonical vectors for 37 female craniological series of the territory of Eastern, Central and Northern Europe
№ |
Groups |
І CV |
1. |
Baturyn |
0,800 |
0,206 |
0,332 |
2. |
Pidbortsi |
0,868 |
-0,304 |
1,452 |
3. |
Vinnytsia |
1,202 |
0,183 |
-0,037 |
4. |
Rivne |
2,027 |
-0,168 |
0,363 |
5. |
Ratniv |
1,146 |
0,329 |
0,204 |
6. |
Lutsk (collective group) |
1,540 |
-0,389 |
0,753 |
7. |
Arsenal (Kyiv) |
0,288 |
-0,190 |
0,181 |
8. |
Zhovnyno (Zhelni) |
1,216 |
0,218 |
-0,018 |
9. |
Uzhhorod |
1,123 |
-0,553 |
-1,450 |
10. |
Bilhorod (Slobozhanshchyna) |
0,379 |
-0,055 |
0,135 |
11. |
Sumy |
0,672 |
0,868 |
-0,912 |
12. |
Liutenka |
0,326 |
1,225 |
-0,539 |
13. |
Vul. Yurkivska, Podil (Kyiv) |
1,045 |
-0,360 |
-0,563 |
14. |
Medzhybizh (Mezhybozh) |
0,909 |
0,220 |
0,461 |
15. |
Mykhailivskyi monastery (Kyiv) |
0,361 |
0,749 |
-0,081 |
16. |
Chyhyryn |
-0,598 |
0,844 |
0,459 |
17. |
Vyshhorod |
-0,249 |
0,885 |
-0,133 |
18. |
Belarusians (collective series) |
-0,461 |
0,004 |
-0,287 |
19. |
Latvians-1 (Durbe) |
-0,686 |
-0,921 |
0,304 |
20. |
Latvians-2 (Western) |
-0,944 |
-0,688 |
-0,825 |
21. |
Latvians-3 (Eastern from Ludza) |
-0,428 |
0,109 |
0,431 |
22. |
Lithuanians (Kaunas) |
0,453 |
-1,665 |
-0,734 |
23. |
Odesa |
-0,785 |
-0,167 |
0,265 |
24. |
Yaroslavl |
-0,530 |
0,320 |
-0,346 |
25. |
Stara Ladoha-1, RF |
-0,543 |
0,067 |
-0,405 |
26. |
Sebezh RF |
-0,381 |
-0,438 |
-0,793 |
27. |
Varatik (Varatic) Moldova |
-0,323 |
-0,016 |
-0,351 |
28. |
Leimani |
-1,021 |
-0,347 |
0,234 |
29. |
Purgaili (central part of Vidzeme, Vidzeme) |
-0,919 |
-0,354 |
0,648 |
30. |
Kozino, RF |
0,127 |
0,500 |
-0,009 |
31. |
Pskov, RF |
-0,360 |
-0,009 |
0,415 |
32. |
Novgorod, RF |
-0,329 |
-0,203 |
0,258 |
33. |
Mordva-Erzyas |
-0,942 |
-0,012 |
0,348 |
34. |
Finns (suomalaiset) |
-0,371 |
-0,077 |
0,160 |
35. |
Ukrainians from Eastern Regions of Ukraine |
-0,612 |
-0,196 |
-0,446 |
36. |
Ukrainians from Central Regions of Ukraine |
-1,619 |
0,811 |
-0,330 |
37. |
Ukrainians from Western Regions of Ukraine |
-1,362 |
0,413 |
0,324 |
According to the I canonical vector (33,7% of the total dispersion), the series of skulls from Baturyn (Fig. 1) receives large negative values of the vector (0,800, Table 5). This CV shows its proximity to the sample from Pidbortsi in the Rivne region (0,868) and the Medzhybizh series (0,909) from western Podillia. The distribution of female series according to this canonical vector was mostly influenced by the following craniometric features: zygomatic diameter, upper facial height, zygomaxillary angle of the face, the smallest forehead breadth, breadth and height of the orbits (Table 3).
According to CV II (13,7% of the total dispersion), it is possible to notice the similarity of the studied group with small positive values of the vector (0,206) to such series as Zhovnyno (0,218), Vinnytsia (0,183), and Medzhybizh (0,220). The following values were most significant for the distribution of series in the coordinate field: the maximum cranial length, the nasomalar angle of a face, the simotic index, and the nasal protrusion angle (Table 3).
According to the CV III (13,0% of the total dispersion), the female sample from Baturyn also with small positive values of the vector (0,332) shows its similarity with the collective group of Ukrainian women of the Western region (0,324) studied by V. Alekseev and from the city of Rivne (0,363) (Table 2). Four traits were the most significant for the distribution of series: the maximum cranial breadth and height of the cranium, the nasal height and breadth.
Fig. 3. Location of 37 female series of the 14-19 centuries on the territory of Eastern Europe in the space of I and II CV according to the 14 craniological traits
Table 3
The significance of the three canonical vectors for the 37 female craniological series of the territory of Eastern, Central and Northern Europe
Trait |
CV I |
1. Maximum cranial length |
-0.423 |
-0,484 |
0.478 |
8. Maximum cranial breadth |
0.337 |
0.038 |
-0.545 |
17. Basion-bregma height |
0.491 |
0.372 |
0.558 |
9. Minimum frontal breadth |
-0.314 |
-0.126 |
0.206 |
45. Bizygomatic breadth |
0.443 |
0.156 |
-0.246 |
48. Upper facial height |
-0.805 |
0.280 |
-0.190 |
55. Nasal height |
0.015 |
0.075 |
0.091 |
54. Nasal breadth |
-0.289 |
0.030 |
0.504 |
51. Orbital breadth |
-0.499 |
0.343 |
0.107 |
52. Orbital height |
-0.250 |
-0.201 |
-0.056 |
77. Nasomalar angle |
-0.324 |
0.388 |
-0.044 |
ZZm'. Zygomaxillary angle |
0.627 |
0.253 |
0.026 |
SS:SC. Simotic index |
-0.079 |
-0.355 |
-0.326 |
75(1). Nasal protrusion angle |
0.389 |
-0.566 |
-0.557 |
Contribution to total dispersion (%) |
33.745 |
13.787 |
13.047 |
According to cluster multidimensional analysis [9], where the above-described traits and craniological groups were also involved (Fig. 4), the similarity of the studied female group to the city of Vinnytsia series can be traced already at the seventh step of clustering (distance 0,679 out of 6,437).
In general, according to craniometric data when comparing 37 studied groups with the method of multidimensional canonical and cluster analyses in three-dimensional space, the connection of the Baturyn female sample to the skulls from Western (Medzhybizh) and Eastern Podillia (Vinnytsia) can be traced (Table 2, Fig. 1-4).
Fig. 4. Location of 37 female series of the 14-19 centuries on the territory of Eastern Europe in the space of I and III CV according to the 14 craniological traits
Fig. 5. Location of 37 female series of the space of II and III CV according to the
14th - 19th cent. on the territory of Eastern Europe in the 14 craniological traits. 1-Mordva-Erzyas; 2-Baturyn
Fig. 6. Results of cluster analysis of the Euclid distance of 37 female series of the 14th - 19th cent
1. After comparison of a square divergence of 69 basic traits and indexes of the Baturyn female skulls with the standard ones, one can conclude that the researched selection is heterogeneous by its structure.
2. According to craniometry data, the comparison of 37 studied groups of the 14th - 19th cent. using the method of multidimensional canonical analysis in three-dimensional space has demonstrated the connection of the female skull sample from the town of Baturyn with two urban groups from Podillia.
3. The female group differs from the male series in higher orbits and slightly narrower face. The lower edge of the pyriform aperture is larger by antropinic shape.
In the future, it is necessary to characterize the female part of the population of Baturyn and the women of the Chernihiv-Sivershchyna region of the 17th - 18th cent. after an intragroup analysis, which will enable to consider the morphology of the region in general and check its heterogeneity.
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