Yaroslav Fedoruk’s scientific and administrative activities under the conditions of the crisis of the Soviet system (1960-1980s)
The purpose is to analyse the formation of Yaroslav Fedorchuk as the Soviet public and political figure with a projection to the present, clarification of diverse aspects of his participation in the industrial development of the Carpathian region.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
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Дата добавления | 10.10.2024 |
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Yaroslav Fedoruk's scientific and administrative activities under the conditions of the crisis of the Soviet system (1960 - 1980s)
Oleh Maliarchuk
PhD hab. (History), Full Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Interpreting and Translation of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk,
Volodymyr Sabadukha
PhD hab. (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk
The purpose of the research is to analyse the formation of Yaroslav Fedorchuk as the Soviet public and political figure with a projection to the present, clarification of diverse aspects of his participation in the industrial development of the Carpathian region, highlighting the contribution to the economic concept formation "the more economy is strengthened - the better is for the welfare growth of people". The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity, and systematicity. The following methods have been used: general scientific (analysis and synthesis, abstraction) and specifically scientific (critical, biographical and prosopographic). The scientific novelty consists in the fact that in 1972, in his studies a young scholar and practitioner Ya. Fedorchukfocused on the issues of improving the economy centralized management in order to boost a social welfare of population. In his candidate's thesis under the title "Effectiveness of New Technology under NTR Conditions" the scholar questioned the basis of the centralized planning - the development rate ofproduction means (group A) should be higher than the development rate of consumption means (group B). The Conclusion Taking into account the specifics of the western region of the Ukrainian SSR, the union and republican leadership focused on the strengthening of ideological and political work among population, the fight against "bourgeois nationalism", "religious remnants". However, the citizens 'position - whether to soften or increase the pressure - directly depended on the leaders of a lower and middle (regional) level of management. All spheres of the socio-political and socioeconomic life were permeated by excessive ideologization and total control. The policy of Moscow leadership in Ukraine did not achieve the desired results, both due to a passive and active resistance of the population as a whole, and due to the balanced policy of the individual party-Soviet leaders on the ground. The Ukrainian people managed to preserve the eternal spiritual values under the difficult conditions of totalitarianism owing to the ascetic work of the intelligentsia, whose bright representative was the intellectual and pragmatist Yaroslav Petrovych Fedorchuk. He did no less than those, who started an open struggle against the totalitarian system. The local population got jobs, received free housing, social guarantees, there were built schools, kindergartens, recreation camps, sanatoriums, preventive clinics, rural hospitals, and midwifery centres in the second half of the 20th century.
Key words: the Soviet power, Yaroslav Fedorchuk, personality, welfare, medicine, education, culture.
доктор історичних наук, професор, професор кафедри суспільних наук
Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу, м. Івано-Франківськ,
Володимир САБАДУХА
доктор філософських наук, доцент, професор кафедри суспільних наук
Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, м. Івано-Франківськ
Мета дослідження - становлення Ярослава Федорчука як радянського громадсько-політичного діяча з проєкцією на сьогодення, з'ясування різних аспектів його участі в індустріальній розбудові Прикарпаття, висвітлення вкладу у формування економічної концепції "зміцнюється економіка - зростає добробут народу". Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на принципах історизму, об'єктивності, системності. При проведенні дослідження застосовувались загальнонаукові (аналіз і синтез, абстрагування) та конкретно-наукові (критичний, біографічний та просопографічний) методи. Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що в 1972 р. молодий науковець-практик Я. Федорчук у своїх розвідках акцентував увагу на питаннях удосконалення централізованого управління економікою з метою поліпшення соціального добробуту населення. У кандидатській дисертації "Ефективність нової техніки в умовах НТР" він поставив під сумнів основу централізованого планування - темпи розвитку засобів виробництва (група А) повинні бути вищими від темпів розвитку засобів споживання (група Б). Висновки. Зважаючи на специфіку західного регіону Української РСР, союзне і республіканське керівництво звертало особливу увагу на посилення ідейно-політичної роботи серед населення, боротьбу з "буржуазним націоналізмом", "релігійними пережитками". Однак від громадянської позиції - пом'якшити чи посилити тиск - безпосередньо залежало від керівників низової та середньої (обласної) ланки управління. Усі сфери суспільно-політичного та соціально-економічного життя були пронизані надмірною заідеологізованістю і тотальним контролем. Політика московського керівництва в Україні не досягла бажаних результатів - як через пасивний і активний спротив населення загалом, так і завдяки виваженій політиці окремих партійно-радянських керівників на місцях. Український народ у нелегких умовах тоталітаризму зумів зберегти одвічні духовні цінності завдяки подвижницькій роботі інтелігенці, яскравим представником якої виступає інтелектуал- прагматик Ярослав Петрович Федорчук. Він зробив не менше за тих, котрі пішли на відкриту боротьбу з тоталітарною системою. У другій половині ХХ ст. місцеве населення одержувало роботу, безплатне житло, соціальні гарантії, будувалися школи, дитячі садки, табори відпочинку, санаторії, профілакторії, сільські лікарні, фельдшерсько-акушерські пункти.
Ключові слова: радянська влада, Ярослав Федорчук, особистість, добробут, медицина, освіта, культура.
The Problem Statement
yaroslav fedoruk scientific administrative activities
The historical (life) material - the biography of the Komsomol member, and therefore a party worker - is almost unfamiliar, unknown, condemned or simply stamped for the generation born during the independence of Ukraine. It is not an abstract representative of the Soviet community (a party functionary), but it is a rather expressive, colourful Volynian with his own unique mentality, a unique view of social and political processes.
Under the conditions of the monopoly rule of the CPSU and its ideology, the Soviet scholars had to rely only on Marxist-Leninist materialist dialectics and party dogmas. It was undoubtedly believed that Marxism-Leninism absorbed all achievements of a human genius - “the verity”. The scientific researches were done by the creation of various myths (“scientific fictions”) quite often in order to reinforce the ideological postulates. However, as Ya. Fedorchuk proved in his works - “economic laws are not dogma, but a trend that makes its way” or “the decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU were influenced by the pressure of local City Committees, District Committees, party organizations” (Fedorchuk, 1982, p. 123). The First Secretary of Dolyna District Party Committee of Ivano-Frankivsk region of that time wrote in the article “The Interests of Districts and Departments”, which was published in the Central Committee body of the CPSU “The Social Industry” on July 3, 1983 the following: “There can be only one conclusion. Local bodies should have a real opportunity to influence the ministries of enterprises in their territory in matters of capital investments redistribution, social structure formation of the national economy”. Innovative ideas of that time were set forth in the monograph under the title: “Effectiveness of Technology: Reserves, New Growth Trends” by V. Liebiediev, V. Poltaryhin, and Ya. Fedorchuk in 1972. There were brought in new approaches to the the socialist economy development for discussion even before Ya. Fedorchuk's candidate thesis defense in Moscow.
Scholars should pay special tribute to the practitioner and scholar, Yaroslav Fedorchuk (born in 1936 in the village of Nesvych, Lutsk poviat, Volyn Voivodeship to a peasant family with many children), whose fate witnessed tragic and bloody events in Volyn during World War II. He was a prisoner of the German captivity, a worthy representative of the generation called the “children of war”. Yaroslav Petrovych's life path was in many ways typical of an intellectual of his generation: went to a village school, studied at the university, worked at a plant, dealt with social and scientific activities. At the same time, his life path had numerous pecularities. Yaroslav started his career as a teenager working on a collective farm, later - as a full-time worker. He graduated from Lviv Polytechnic Institute with honour, postgraduate studies at the Academy of Social Sciences in Moscow. Dozens of industrial, social and household objects, and the construction of cotton spinning and sewing factories in the town of Dolyna are included into his projects. Ya. Fedorovych was candidate of economic sciences, the author of numerous monographs and more than 60 scientific papers. He was the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of IV-VII convocations, one of the founders of the All- Ukrainian Association “Batkivshchyna”.
The Analysis of Recent Research and Publications
At first glance it seems that the issue historiography is covered in scientific papers - the socio-economic processes in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 20th century. But there are no special studies on the regional leadership representatives' activities of the time in the political system of the Ukrainian SSR. The above-mentioned issue was partially covered in the works, written by O. Maliarchuk, V Ostapiak (Maliarchuk, 2008; Maliarchuk, 2020; Maliarchuk, 2023; Maliarchuk, Ostapiak, 2022), V. Marchuk and V. Maksymets (Marchuk & Maksymets, 2022). In the above-mentioned works Ya. Fedorchuk was noted as one of the party leaders of the time, who initiated specific tasks of the industrial development of the western Ukrainian towns of Dolyna and Ivano-Frankivsk. Professor V Serhiichuk gave a description of Ya. Fedorchuk in the article under the title “Not Losing the Ukrainian Soul” (Serhiichuk, 2011). In the archive, he found a document in which Ya. Fedorchuk appealed to V. Shcherbytsky regarding the return of special settlers, as a result of which the official Commission was created. V Sabadukha and V. Kosylo carried out a historiosophical analysis of the Soviet officials' activities (Sabadukha, 2023; Sabadukha & Kosylo, 2022).
In the article “A Person is his Actions” the researcher I. Havrylovych wrote about Ya. Fedorchuk's bureaucratic work: “New schools and kindergartens, ... and new maternity hospital, regional clinical hospital in “Pasichna” street, another building of the current Central Medical Centre in St. Mazepy street, the regional children's clinical hospital were constructed. New buildings of Institutes of the time were launched into use - pedagogical, medical, oil and gas, as well as the municipal centre of culture and leisure, a central indoor market, water infrastructure system and sewage. The dams appeared along the shores of the Bystrytsia Solotvynska, and nowadays there are no floods any longer, as there were floods in 1969 and V. Stefanyk Embankment and other riverside streets were flooded. The first trolleybus was launched, and a pedestrian zone was built in the centre of the city -“stometrivka”. Ivano- Frankivsk was among the top three cities in Ukraine in terms of a pubic improvement level for several years” (Havrylovych, 2021). Ya. Fedorchuk's memoirs, scientific and journalistic works became the sourcebase of our research primarily (Fedorchuk, 1972; Fedorchuk, 1982; Fedorchuk, 1983; Fedorchuk, 2007; Fedorchuk, 2011; Fedorchuk, 2012).
The purpose of the research is to analyse the formation of Yaroslav Fedorchuk as the Soviet public and political figure with a projection to the present, clarification of diverse aspects of his participation in the industrial development of the Carpathian region, highlighting the contribution to the economic concept formation “the more economy is strengthened - the better is for people's welfare growth”.
The Results of the Research
Ya. Fedorchuk's activity, who was the resident of Volyn, was connected with Ivano-Frankivsk region for more than a quarter of a century. In 1957, he was sent to work at Bolekhiv drilling plant, as a young mechanical engineer after graduating from Lviv Polytechnic. He worked for some time as a motorist's assistant due to the lack of vacant positions. In a short time, he was transferred to the position of a foreman in the town of Dolyna. The versatility of his talents was manifested in the oil fields of Piykarpattia. Consequently, he became the chief mechanic of the tower assembly office in Nadvirna. Ya. Fedorchyk got acquainted with the Secretary of the District Committee of the Komsomol when he was completing his “party task” - the construction of a diving tower on the bank of the town lake in Nadvirna. The Komsomol leader invited Ya. Fedorchuk to receive the regional Komsomol committee reward “for active work in the sphere of the communist education of the youth”. He was elected a member of the Bureau and not on the staff Secretary of Nadvirna District Committee of the Komsomol a few months later at the Komsomol conference to the surprise of the awardee.
During the “Khrushchov Thaw” the Central Committee of the CPSU demanded the nomination of local youth workers, especially production workers, in the western regions of Ukraine. There were not so many candidates in Halychyna. Due to various circumstances, the biography of young specialists, who came from the western regions, but at the same time were not local, but from other western regions, was the best choice. At the same time, the Head of Nadvirna branch of the KGB suggested that Ya. Fedorchuk should work in the KGB. Ya. Fedorchuk, who was the Komsomol engineer, refused to serve work in the KGB.
It should be mentioned that not all engineers were suggested working in the above mentioned body. Those candidates, who had organizational skills, knew production, and gained authority were chosen. In turn, the enterprise party organizer (parttorh) suggested him “joining the ranks of the CPSU” as it was customary to say at the time. There was no prospect of growth, nor the realization of plans - “to come to power” and work for the benefit of ordinary Ukrainians without the party membership card at that time. Owing to his erudition, organizational skills and experience, Ya. Fedorchuk managed to become the Komsomol youth leader in Ivano-Frankivsk region quickly.
Ya. Fedorchuk was a postgraduate student at the Academy of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the CPSU and tried to use the acquired knowledge by conducting an economic analysis of industry and scientific and technical potential of Ivano-Frankivsk region. He was one of the first, who drew attention to the fact that direct contracts of scientific institutions with enterprises that were interested in solving certain issues of production had a special place in increasing research works efficiency. It was natural that he was for the new technology of drilling wells to a depth of 7,000 meters and artificial impact on the layer for additional oil production. Hence, the amount of research work increased from 160,000 to 446,000 karbovantsi, or 2.8 times at Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas from 1965 to 1969 (SAIFR, f. P-1, d. 1, c. 3583, p. 92). Ya. Fedorchuk, a postgraduate student noted significant shortcomings in the work of the Institute and “Ukrzakhidnaftahaz” association. He came to the conclusion that scientific and research work on effectiveness of geological exploration and exploitation of the productive horizons in Prykarpattia was conducted poorly. The Institute allowed the dispersion of scientific forces and funds (90 issues were developed at the same time). Therefore, it is not surprising that only 20 kopiks were returned for every karbovanets spent on the research work (CSAHAAU, f. 1, d. 79, c. 1927, p. 3).
The specialty - political economy and the foundations of scientific management of the economy correspond the best to his knowledge and future opportunities. A young postgraduate student Ya. Fedorchuk approached the economic analysis in a somewhat new way and took an active part in meetings and symposia, making reports and delivering speeches. At the end of the first year, he was elected the head of scientific and practical seminar on the development of scientific and technical progress. There were also discussed the issues related to improvement of the management theory of the national economic complex of the country along with the study of fundamental foundations of economic science at the lectures and practical classes. It was done sincerely with the conviction that socialism was a more progressive socio-economic formation than capitalism. Postgraduate students, who had some practical experience, including industrial experience, recepted this with a glimmer of hope concerning the state of affairs improvement.
Ya. Fedorchuk, a postgraduate student drew attention to the drastic need for further improvement of the state system of economic management owing to his personal practical experience and acquired theoretical knowledge. Discarded private property, personal interest, and initiative hampered the social development. The above-mentioned was the main incentive for a young scientist to look for new theoretical developments.
The doctrine of Marxism-Leninism proclaimed that the growth of social production labour productivity in a simplified version had the following form: the share of embodied labour in a unit of production increases, the share of living labour decreases with a general decrease in their sum. A post-graduate student, Ya. Fedorchuk based on the example of the US economy for the period from 1950 to 1970 proved that the above-mentioned law did not work. On the contrary, the share of living labour increased with a fairly rapid increase in the labour productivity of social production in this country. Both the Soviet economic science masters as well as young scholars from Moscow were particularly interested in the above-mentioned conclusion. At that time discussions and exchange of opinions on certain issues were more democratic and free in the capital, in contrast to Kyiv. However, there was no general criticism in public, let alone the failure of the socialist system. There were about one hundred and fifty guests, who gathered for the defense of the thesis. The main Soviet economist, Academician Tigran Serhiyovych Khachaturov also came. He was interested in the issue of the capital investments efficiency coefficient, which was interpreted in a new way in the thesis. The interpretation of Ya. Fedorchuk differed to a large extent from the corresponding methodology adopted in the USSR, the author of which was a renowned scholar, economist T. S. Khachaturov (Fedorchuk, 2011, p. 80).
On Ya. Fedorovych's shoulders, there was the burden of the political expediency, which was menacing his scientific conclusions, thesis, and a further fate once again. Russia's imperial ambition for world domination rested on the tact of the Academy teaching staff. It was a completely different world of a human relationship, in which one could develop one's intellect and deepen scientific knowledge. Furthermore, T. S. Khachaturov admitted that the share of labour may decrease, albeit as a “temporary trend”. It was a great merit of a young scholar (Fedorchuk, 2011, p. 81).
Ya. Fedorchuk posed one of the key issues of increasing welfare of population in his candidate's thesis “Effectiveness of New Technology under the Conditions of NTR”. Even before the defense of the thesis in Moscow, new approaches to the economy development were presented for discussion by scholars. The dominant trend was the reduction of labour in a unit of social production under the conditions of the scientific and technical revolution and, on the contrary, there was an increase in the share of live labour, which contradicted the established scientific and practical dogmas adopted in the USSR at the time and had influence on the revision in central planning of the relationship between the production of the means of production and the means of consumption. In the end, it was about improving welfare of people (Fedorchuk, 1972).
A few years later, the Central Committee of the ALYCL approved the work experience of Ivano-Frankivsk Komsomol Regional Committee, which discussed the development of the folk customs, culture, language, and, separately, the improvement of living conditions for young professionals. On this occasion, an almost hour-long programme was organized on Channel 1 of the central television. Ya. Fedorchuk and the intelligentsia representatives of the village of Rozhniv, Kosiv district took part in it. Writers, school principals, employees of cultural institutions, and the First Secretary of the Party Regional Committee participated in the work of the Komsomol Regional Committee Plenum that discussed the above-mentioned issue. The Ukrainian writer, Iryna Vilde, who was included in UNESCO's list of famous people of the 20th century, came from Lviv on this occasion. In her speech, she gave high praise to the work of the Regional Komsomol Committee, personally to Ya. Fedorchuk for raising the culture of the village, developing folk traditions (Fedorchuk, 2011). Ya. Fedorchuk managed to legalize the work on development and preservation of folk traditions and everyday culture of the Carpathian villages, which were forgotten and destroyed on purpose by the totalitarian system owing to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine. It were friends from Kyiv, employees of the Central Committee of the Komsomol of Ukraine, who introduced Ya. Fedorchuk to the work of Vasyl Symonenko, Les Kurbas, Yevhen Pluzhnyk, and Vasyl Stus.
The romance cultivated by the Komsomol embellished everyday life, working man, helped to overcome obstacles in the times of “advanced socialism” and “youthful maximalism”. What Ya. Fedorchuk sought for was fulfilled - the Central Committee of the ALYCL, in agreement with the Central Committee of the CPSU, decided on the construction of Kalush Chemical and Metallurgical Combine and declared it an All-Union Komsomol building. They began to work on organizing the Komsomol headquarters, Komsomol youth brigades, ensuring appropriate working and living conditions for young people. They went to the construction of Sievierodonetsk Chemical Complex in order to gain experience of working with a group of young specialistsYa. Fedorchuk came to the conclusion there that the enterprize in Kalush was not worse than in Severodonetsk. But more attention was paid to the youth by the party and leaders in Sievierodonetsk. The main thing was that the Komsomol organizations were more open, proactive, as they said at that time - combative. The problem could only be partially solved in Ivano-Frankivsk region. Everything was “under control” in Ivano- Frankivsk region, as in all western regions of the Ukrainian SSR. Criticism of shortcomings was prohibited. It was considered, both by the party and the KGB bodies, as criticism of the Soviet government, manifestation of localism, which was immediately regarded as a hidden manifestation of the nationalism with the corresponding “conclusions” (Fedorchuk, 2011).
At the end of the 70s, two KGB officers from Moscow and Kyiv entered the office of Ya. Fedorchuk, the First Secretary of Dolyna District Committee of the party. After greetings, they began to report that “an anti-state enemy organization was discovered in the area. It included seventeen people. In particular, one party member and three candidates. Mainly, they were the residents of Solukovo and Trostianets. The group was headed by the former convict Krainyk”. It was about the dismissal of the head of the KGB district branch, V Kushchenko, from the security services. In the resolution there was also discussed the motivation for this dismissal: “For serious misconduct in work, which led to systematic manifestations of the Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism in Dolyna district”. The Kadebists, “exposed” such a large nationalist organization and wanted to report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and, together with it, to the higher party body, and start prevention. A major political action was being prepared, which would not have been complete without the arrests and imprisonment of the best Ukrainians. In the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU on political work among population of Lviv region there was focus on the struggle against the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement. In spite of this, there appeared a letter written by the poet Vasyl Stus to P. Shelest, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine already after the resolution. The Secretary of Dolyna district Committee of the party also knew about Petro Shelest's book: “My Soviet Ukraine”, Ivan Dziuba's work: “Internationalism or Russification”, a note from the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine V Malanchuk with the offers for strengthening the fight against the national communism, and about information addressed to the Central Committee of the CPSU V. Shcherbytsky about ideological work. He was jubilant regarding the national movement, which was not destroyed by any repression and persecution, and highly appreciated the courage of many Ukrainians. And he took their side - to save his Dolyna residents from prison and thereby slow down, at least to some extent, the repressive flywheel that was gaining momentum again. There was nowhere to retreat. It was about the destruction of the nation's spiritual, cultural, historical and, ultimately, language heritage. Later, two “high ranks” from the KGB visited Ya. Fedorchuk's office again. They stated that the KGB authorities followed his recommendations and not to qualify Krainyk's actions and his subordinates as a nationalist group (Fedorchuk, 2011).
The First Secretary of Dolyna District Committee of the party kept in mind one, but very important V Kushchenko's act. The underground priest of the GCC Ya. Lesiv came to meet him. The underground priest had been already imprisoned for his activities and was under the open supervision of the police officers and the Kadebists. He lived in one of the villages of the district, sixteen kilometers from Bolekhiv. He had to go to Bolekhiv every week and report that he was there by signing in the corresponding register. The underground priest asked that he could perform this procedure on the spot, in the rural council of the village where he lived temporarily. Winter raged, there was snowstorm and the way to the town was not easy. Ya. Fedorchuk asked V. Kushchenko for Ya. Lesiv not to go to Bolekhiv to register there.
It was a brave and humane act. There was the KGB branch with a staff of six to eight employees in each district of the western regions of Ukraine. The effectiveness of their work was assessed by the number of detected enemy elements, their transfer to court, prevention, and agency recruitment. The special service, despite the official ban after the relevant Khrushchov decision, still followed the party and the Soviet workers.
The Ukrainian SSR provided almost the fifth part of the national income of the USSR, more than a quarter of coal production, the third part of steel and rolled steel, and a significant part of agricultural products. The knowledgable scholar, practitioner Ya. Fedorchuk sumed up that “the contradictions in the political system could be used to advantage and build up the socio-economic system. It was necessary to build schools, hospitals, and shops in order to develop the region normally. I always had to enter into a conflict with the higher management, which did not want to work in this direction. An annoying phrase was heard: “What for do you need it?”. I was taking a risk. I had my own initiatives. This development was aimed at the progress of Prykarpattia. At that time, the western region of Ukraine developed at a high rate. Few people looked at the directives of the five-year plan. You had to work and put your heart into it, and not think about any personal benefits, and the results were positive” (Maliarchuk, 2023, p. 82).
The content of social policy in the USSR and Ukrainian SSR did not change during the period under analysis. It was based on distributive relations and centralized administrative management. The growth of the economic potential of the country and the republic made it possible to focus on the social problems, which contributed to improvement of welfare and rural life (Fedorchuk, 1989). However, it depended on the initiative to a decisive extent and attitude to the performance of their official duties on the part of the local Party-Soviet and economic apparatus - to promote welfare, medicine, education, and culture of people formally or truly.
Therefore, the interest of the nation is the only and absolute basis that gives the right to political activity and public service, and criterion of public, political and state fruitfulness of an activist should be the results of previous socially useful work. A person, who is able to act from the standpoint of the national interests, is a constitutive component of the personalism ideology. This ideology has every reason to be adopted positively by both scholars and masses, because, first of all, it does not deny the idea of humanism, second of all, it does not contradict the Christian idea of the individual, who strives for self-improvement and environment, third of all, it opens the way to those, who are able to act in the interests of states and society, and vice versa, closes the perspective to those, who use the state and power as a means of enrichment (Sabadukha, 2023, p. 22).
The Conclusion
Taking into account the specifics of the western region of the Ukrainian SSR, the union and republican leadership focused on the strengthening of ideological and political work among population, the fight against “bourgeois nationalism”, “religious remnants”. However, the citizens' position - whether to soften or increase the pressure - directly depended on the leaders of a lower and middle (regional) level of management. All spheres of the socio-political and socio-economic life were permeated by excessive ideologization and total control. The policy of Moscow leadership in Ukraine did not achieve the desired results, both due to a passive and active resistance of the population as a whole, and due to the balanced policy of the individual party-Soviet leaders on the ground. The Ukrainian people managed to preserve the eternal spiritual values under the difficult conditions of totalitarianism owing to the ascetic work of the intelligentsia, whose bright representative was the intellectual and pragmatist Yaroslav Petrovych Fedorchuk. He did no less than those, who started an open struggle against the totalitarian system. The local population got jobs, received free housing, social guarantees, there were built schools, kindergartens, recreation camps, sanatoriums, preventive clinics, rural hospitals, and midwifery centres in the second half of the 20th century.
The Prospects for Further Research. It is important to do the research on the activities of the First Secretary of Tysmenytsky District Committee of the Communist Party of Ivano- Frankivsk region, Ihor Andrukhiv (04.01.1957 - 11.12.2011), who in the fall of 1988 was one of the first to join the ranks of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Cultural and Scientific Society “Rukh” (Movement) (Malyi Rukh) and his researches initiated the study of the Ukrainian Liberation Movement of the first half of the 20th century.
Acknowledgement. We express our sincere gratitude to all members of the editorial board for consultations provided during the preparation of the article for publishing.
Funding. The authors did not receive any financial support for the research, authorship and / or publication of this article.
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