The periodical "Rillya" (1910-1914) for scientific and educational area: content analysis
Clarification of thematic content for the scientific and educational space on the pages of the Ukrainian-language agricultural illustrated magazine "Rillya". The formation of agricultural research in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century.
Рубрика | История и исторические личности |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.10.2024 |
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National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
The periodical “Rillya” (1910 - 1914) for scientific and educational area: content analysis
Svitlana Nyzhnyk PhD (History), Head of the Scientific Bibliographies and Biographical Research Sector,
Halyna Solovei PhD (History), Head of Department of Document Support and Preservation of Scientific Funds
The purpose of the research is to clarify the thematic content for the scientific and educational space on the pages of the Ukrainian-language agricultural illustrated periodical "Rillya" (1910 -1914) at the beginning of the 20th century. The research methodology is based on the principles of historicism, objectivity and source studies methods, in particular the method of internal criticism of sources. There have been applied the methods of comparison of various publications related to the periodical "Rillya", which have survived to our time and have been included in diverse publications being part of the agricultural periodical during different historical periods. Owing to the application of methodological tools, in particular, personalization, multifactoriality and interdependence of the historical and logical connection, the development of agricultural research in Ukraine has been highlighted at the beginning of the 20th century. The Scientific Novelty. The analysis of the Ukrainian- language periodical "Rillya" (1910 -1914) as a historical source was carried out and the significance for the study of the history of agricultural science and education at the beginning of the 20th century was shown for the first time. The Conclusions. The Ukrainian-language agricultural illustrated periodical "Rillya" is an extremely valuable source for researching the scientific and educational space of Ukraine. The publications of the periodical can be divided into several thematic areas. One of the defining ones was the one that contained the author's publications about farming, cattle breeding, grass sowing, gardening, horticulture, beekeeping and other branches of agriculture. The key issues for farming were described in detail: "Wherewith and How to Fertilize a Field in Kyiv Region and Podillya", "Fodder Carrots in Winter", "Replanting of Winter Crops", "How to Clean Wheat From Slag", "Something About Weeds and the Fight Against Them" etc. The reasons for the decrease in the yield of agricultural crops and the deterioration of soil fertility have been singled out. It has been determined that a large part of the publications on the pages of the periodical "Rillya" were addressed to landowners and farmers, primarily agronomic assistance and legislative materials. There are a number of scholars known in Ukraine and in the world among the authors of scientific and practical texts (A. Ternychenko, P. Havsevych, V Yavorskyi, Ye. Arkhypenko, M. Lutskevych, F. Kryzhanovskyi, Ye. Chykalenko, O. Yanata, etc.), who became a kind of link between science and production. Most of the information on the pages of the periodical "Rillya" was dedicated to societies, primarily agronomic. The areas of activity, the structure and peculiarities of the functioning of societies, their contribution to the popularization of agricultural knowledge and the development of scientific affairs in Ukraine were revealed at the beginning of the 20th century. It was found that the members of such associations were well-known public figures, philanthropists, publicists, agronomists, mostly enthusiasts. They promoted professional and fiction literature in their native language, national periodicals, and supported important Ukrainian initiatives. We consider the materials and notes devoted to the cooperation issues in the countryside to be valuable. The editors 'focus was on issues of development and popularization of agricultural science and practice in foreign countries.
Key words: "Rillya"periodical, education, society, Ukrainian historiography, agriculture.
Світлана НИЖНИК
кандидатка історичних наук, завідувачка сектору наукової бібліографії та біографістики, Національна наукова сільськогосподарська бібліотека НААН України, м. Київ,
кандидатка історичних наук, завідувачка відділу документного забезпечення та збереження наукових фондів, Національна наукова сільськогосподарська бібліотека НААН України, м. Київ,
Метою статті є з'ясування тематичного контенту для науково-освітнього простору на сторінках україномовного сільськогосподарського ілюстрованого часопису "Рілля" (1910- 1914) на початкуХХст. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на принципах історизму, об'єктивності та джерелознавчих методах, зокрема методі внутрішньої критики джерел. Використано методи зіставлення різних публікацій щодо часопису "Рілля", що збереглися до нашого часу і в різні історичні періоди були включені до різних видань, що були складовою сільськогосподарського журналу. Завдяки застосуванню методологічного інструментарію, зокрема персоналізації, багатофакторності та взаємозалежності зв'язку історичного і логічного, висвітлено становлення сільськогосподарської дослідної справи в Україні на початку ХХ ст. Наукова новизна. Уперше здійснено аналіз україномовного часопису "Рілля" (1910 - 1914) як історичного джерела, показано його значущість для дослідження історії сільськогосподарської науки, освіти на початку ХХ ст. Висновки. Україномовний сільськогосподарський ілюстрований часопис "Рілля" є надзвичайно цінним джерелом для дослідження науково-освітнього простору України. Публікації часопису можна поділити на декілька тематичних напрямів. Одним із визначальних був той, що вміщував авторські публікації про хліборобство, скотарство, травосіяння, садівництво, городництво, бджільництво та про інші галузі сільського господарства. Детально описуються ключові для ведення господарства питання: "Чим і як угноювати поле на Київщині і Поділлі", "Кормова морква зимою", "Пересів озимини", "Як чистити пшеницю від сажки", "Дещо про бур'яни та боротьбу з ними" та ін. Розповідається про причини зниження урожайності сільськогосподарських культур, погіршення родючості ґрунтів. Встановлено, що велика частина публікацій на сторінках часопису "Рілля" була адресована землевласникам та хліборобам, насамперед ідеться про агрономічну допомогу та законодавчі матеріали. Серед авторів наукових, практичних текстів вказано низку знаних в Україні й у світі вчених (А. Терниченко, П. Гавсевич, В. Яворський, Є. Архипенко, М. Луцкевич, Ф. Крижановський, Є. Чикаленко, О. Яната та ін.), які стали своєрідною ланкою між наукою та виробництвом. Велика частина інформації на сторінках "Ріллі" присвячена товариствам, насамперед агрономічним. Розкрито напрями їх діяльності, структуру і особливості функціонування, внесок у популяризацію сільськогосподарських знань та розвиток дослідної справи в Україні на початку ХХ ст. З'ясовано, що членами таких об'єднань були відомі громадські діячі, меценати, публіцисти, господарі-агрономи, в основному ентузіасти. Вони пропагували фахову й художню літературу рідною мовою, національну періодику, підтримували важливі українські ініціативи. Ціннісними вважаємо матеріали і замітки, присвячені проблематиці кооперації на селі. Увагу редакції привертали питання розвитку та популяризації сільськогосподарської аграрної науки і практики у зарубіжних країнах.
Ключові слова: часопис "Рілля", просвітництво, товариство, українська історіографія, сільське господарство.
The Problem Statement
Agricultural periodicals occupy one of the most important places in the source base of the history of Ukraine. They are considered to be crucial factors in the popularization of practical achievements of agriculture, scientific achievements and ideas, as well as a powerful means of communication at the beginning of the 20th century. The agricultural periodical “Rillya” stands out among them, it was founded in 1910 and became the first Ukrainian-language publication in the Russian Empire dedicated to the needs of agriculture in Ukraine. The subject of the periodical was devoted to the coverage of the history of the peasantry in Ukraine, it covered the issues on the agrarian history of Ukraine, the science and practice of agriculture, horticulture, onion growing, fruit-growing, animal husbandry, beekeeping, entomology and other branches of agriculture. Actually the thematic array of the periodical “Rillya” needs careful study and qualitative analysis, in order ensure agricultural specialists and scholars in full, the correspondence of the thematic content to the international level, and the possibility of gaining authority in the world. scientific educational agricultural magazine
The Review of Recent Research
A historiographical analysis proves that there are no special studies of the analysed publication. The periodical was covered in the publications by V. Verhunov (Verhunov, 2005, 2012, 2022), I. Demuz (Demuz, 2014), A. Bilotserkivska (Bilotserkivska, 2010), O. Anikina (Anikina, 2014), І. Shandra, (Shandra, 2021), O. Kapralyuk (Kapralyuk, 2023), V. Chalavan (Chalavan, 2023) only fragmentary and, for the most part, in the context of examining the educational activities of individual personalities and societies. A. Zhyvotko noted the great popularity of the publication among the peasantry while analyzing the history of the Ukrainian press (Zhyvotko, 1999). O. Anikina in her research “Formation Factors of Agricultural Periodicals on the Ukrainian Territory” (Anikina, 2014) outlined the reasons for the emergence of such publications. І. Tkachenko and L. Matviichuk considered the key problems of the Ukrainian national press formation at the beginning of the 20th century on the basis of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi's journalism, firstly publications in the popular weekly newspaper “Village” and materials of Yevhen Chykalenko's diary (Tkachenko & Matviichuk, 2021).
A comprehensive historical and bibliographic study of the press of the pre-Soviet period was covered in the work “Periodical Publications ofKyiv (1835 - 1917): Index” (Volobueva et al., 2011).
It should be noted the significant number of scientific studies by A. Kobynets (Kobynets, 2001), I. Krupskyi (Krupskyi, 2007), R. Zagorulko (Zagorulko, 2012), M. Rogozha (Rogozha, 2018) were devoted to the periodicals, but their subject research was reduced to the disclosure of the national issue and the issue of the Ukrainian political movement as well as the cultural and educational one.
The studies on the agricultural periodicals remain isolated today. The informative potential of the Ukrainian-language publications of the beginning of the 20th century regarding the disclosure of the issues on popularizing the agricultural science and education development, especially among the peasants was little studied in recent historiography.
The purpose of the research is to clarify the thematic content for the scientific and educational space on the pages of the Ukrainian-language agricultural illustrated periodical “Rillya” (1910 - 1914) at the beginning of the 20th century. The object of the research is the materials of the publication “Rillya” and the reviews by the critics.
The Results of the Research. On November 1, 1910, the first Ukrainian-language agricultural periodical “Rillya” in the Russian Empire began to be published in Kyiv. The publication was distributed widely and had a great influence among the bread-growing peasants. Ye. Arkhipenko became its legal editor, although in fact it was A. Ternychenko, who became its legal editor from 1914. The periodical had already begun to work on the principle of the self-payment the next year.
The periodical's editorial and author team argued for the right of the Ukrainian people to the development and establishment of the nation persistently, in particular the development of agriculture, the spread of knowledge among the rural population, the development of the Ukrainian language, the study of history, and was aimed at the revival of the Ukrainian nation.
The existence of the periodical was mentioned in the “Commemorative Book of the Kyiv Province for 1911” (Pamyatnaya knyzhka, 1911, p. 232).
Leading Ukrainian scholars were responsible for the publication of the Ukrainian- language agricultural illustrated periodical “Rillya”: A. Ternychenko, V. Yavorskyi, Ye. Arkhypenko, D. Kulachok, K. Polishchuk, M. Kalenychenko, M. Lutskevych, V. Pavlyuk, F. Kryzhanovskyi, Ye. Chykalenko, O. Yanata and others.
In general, more than 240 authors and correspondents, representing various scientific schools, took part in the publication of the periodical “Rillya” (1910 - 1914).
A. Nikovskyi, a public figure and statesman, a literary critic, a publicist, devoted an interesting mention to the periodical “Rillya”, where he noted that the editorial board of the periodical, its office, and the editor of the publication A. Ternychenko, shared one small room. There were magazine boxes everywhere. There was a small table, a chair and a student bed in that room. A. Nikovsky equated A. Ternichenko's residence with an “ascetic's cell” and emphasized the “iron will” of the periodical editor (Zhyvotko, 1999).
The thematic headings under which the materials of the periodical's authors were published should be considered for a comprehensive vision of the structure of the Ukrainian- language agricultural illustrated periodical “Rillya” and it should be done to understand the grouping of information:
Chronicle - the publications of an informative nature, which talk about current events (education, science, agricultural exhibitions, congresses, etc.) that were planned.
Land affairs in Ukraine - the author's publications about farming, cattle breeding, grass sowing, horticulture, fruit-growing, beekeeping and other branches of agriculture.
Agronomic advice - the author's publications-advice, agronomic assistance to landowners and farmers.
Across Ukraine. The publications about agricultural and credit societies, courses, exhibition activity as a form of dissemination of agricultural knowledge for the development of contemporary agricultural education and science from agricultural science and practice.
Contributions - essays, essays by authors contributing to the publication, etc.
Notifications - notices about the price list of “Rillya” publishing house and other publishing houses, addresses, the program of the specialized magazine, announcements, information on purchasing the magazine, etc.
We should note Ye. Chykalenko as one the authors of the periodical, being also the manager at that time and an agronomist, who managed to collect high yields from small areas, since his piece of advice was in great demand among the population, in particular among the landowners and the farmers. One of these works is “Corn”, in which the author noted that the owners use corn grain in order to feed animals mostly, then send it to factories for distillation (a pood of corn produces three times more alcohol than a pood of potatoes and a one and a half times more than a pood of rye). In addition, starch and sugar were obtained from corn grain, which was used for various sweet cookies and for sprinkling dried fruits. Oil was also extracted from it. Therefore, according to the author, more attention should be paid to this culture (Chykalenko, 1912, pp. 104-107).
It should be noted that articles on the science and practice of agriculture were highlighted as a separate section. Thus, based on the analysis of field studies, A. Ternychenko indicated wherewith and how to fertilize the field to improve the fertility of the soils of Kyiv region and Podillia. The increase in the yield of agricultural crops depended not only on the type of fertilizers and the methods of their application, but also on the type of soil, crop rotation, and climatic conditions. It was noted that potash fertilizers were more effective on gray forest soils, and phosphorus fertilizers were more effective on chernozems (Ternychenko, 1912, pp. 71-73).
A. Ternychenko raised the issue of reseeding winter crops once again, because the farmers were increasingly concerned with wherewith and how to reseed an empty field in the spring. The author recommended resowing (if it turns out early in the spring that the winter crop has died) with ryegrass, barley or oats with age (Ternychenko, 1913, pp. 167-169).
P. Marenzha covered the cultivation of fodder herbs on the left bank of Ukraine in his author's work. He stopped at sowing and caring for plants, paid attention to the varieties that were studied in the fields of the Uman Agricultural School. He noted that 80 fodder plants were sown on the experimental field (they were most often sown by the farmers) for 10 years. It turned out that there were not so many herb varieties that were resistant to summer drought and early frosts to survive the winter, and to be high-yielded, which was of the utmost importance. The author made a list of recommended fodder crops for the left-bank of Ukraine (Marenzha, 1913, pp. 262-264).
Much attention was paid to information on the collection and storage of plant products in peasant farms and cooperatives on the pages of the periodical “Rillya”. P. Horlenko outlined the importance of fodder carrots for animal husbandry. The carrots could be given to all animals and it was an irreplaceable product for the young animals. The pigs and poultry were also fattened with carrots. The author's recommendation was to store fodder carrots in boxes, cellars, where it is dry and cool (Horlenko, 1914, pp. 103-105).
M. Lutskevych raised the issue of cleaning wheat from slag and recommended cleaning this crop with snow in the winter: when a pile of wheat was covered with snow, it was mixed and passed through a fan. The snow completely washed away the slag and the grain came out clean and shiny (Lutskevych, 1913, p. 147).
K. Miller carried on the column of the previous author and gave a word to the wise on combating the bread bug, first of all, he advised to destroy the testicles and pupae of the bread bug with the help of (double) plowing (Miller, 1913, p. 265).
O. Yanata was an agronomist and a botanist, who belonged to the galaxy of outstanding figures of Ukraine, raised the issue of weeds and their control. He noted that farming had become the first occupation of a peasant. But it is known that although the Ukrainian lands are the best, unfortunately, bread yields remain low compared to other countries. The author gave some valuable recommendations for the fight against cereal weeds, in particular, to improve soil cultivation, to follow crop rotations with row crops, to destroy weeds before the seeds ripen, to clean the seed well, etc. He emphasized that separate departments of agronomist specialists will be formed in all regional large agricultural stations being created in Ukraine, which will deal with the issue of weed control (Yanata, 1913, pp. 362-364).
The peasantry, which made up 90 percent of the Ukrainian nation at the beginning of the 20th century, always dreamed of land. It was the “Rillya” periodical that was intended for the needs of the economy in Ukraine and often provided clarifications on government measures and resolutions. A. Ternychenko mentioned the “New Law on Financial Aid to Immigrants for Starting a Farm”, in particular, on the list of preferential categories to whom loans were granted as “assistance without return” (Ternychenko, 1913, pp. 110-112).
Some of the articles raised the issue of assistance from the treasury for improving the economy. V Yavorsky gave an explanation of the law, focusing on the peasant rights, and drew attention to the prescription. If it was proven that the loan was not used for the purpose, “land planning commissions” and “parish management” had the right to return the loan in full; acquaints the population with the laws approved by the tsar, adopted by the Duma, etc. (Yavorsky, 1913, p. 113).
At the beginning of the 20th century the cooperation in Ukraine was at a low level, so there was little practice. First of all, it was explained by the neglected state of the craft business. The rural population barely had enough to live on. Meanwhile, the peasant economy was changing, the landowners and the farmers sought to process their harvest so that it would be more useful and profitable. The publication “Crafts in Ukraine: Craft Unions or Artils” was valuable, where the author explained the formation of craft unions, stressing that there was still not enough practice and developed statutes in Ukraine, (mostl the craft groups and artils took the charters of the agricultural unions and revised them in their own way) etc. (Sylenko, 1913, pp. 115-117).
The “Prosvita” society had been an educational and economic organization on the territory of Galicia since the end of the 19th century. It had its branches (departments) in the villages. In this way, conversations were held on current topics, training courses on cooperation, reading rooms and cooperative shops were created. The demonstration fields, where experiments were conducted, were laid in the communities. Since 1910, all agronomic and economic activities (specialist agronomists, warehouses, agricultural publishing house) were transferred from “Prosvita” to the Galician society “Silskyi Hospodar”. Agronomic assistance had significantly increased. In winter and autumn, training courses, readings and exhibitions were organized. In two years' term of operation, the “Silskyi Hospodar” society united 90 of its branches and 1,151 agricultural groups with 26,612 members. The credit cooperative societies developed in Galicia in parallel (Sylenko, 1914, pp. 53-57).
H. Sayenko shared his impressions of the agronomic readings that took place in Chernihiv region (Mutytsy village, Krolevetsk District) in 1913. The organizer of this event was the regional zemstvo. Its task was to provide bread-growing peasants with agronomic recommendations, to acquaint them with the experience of other farms (Sayenko, 1913, p. 263).
The pages of the periodical had a significant amount of information about the courses. In particular, it is stated that the Uman School of Horticulture and Agriculture will hold free courses for peasants on agriculture lasting 10 months (Rillya, 1912, p. 103); “The Tiraspol Zemstvo decided to establish general education in 1913. Everyone, who wanted to learn would be given a place and help. The Ministry of Education allocated more than 46,000 to schools in Tiraspol district” (Rillya, 1913, p. 70).
Since 1913 the periodical “Rillya” became the printed organ of the publishing company “Ukrayinskyi Ahronom”, founded on the initiative of A. Ternychenko with the aim of popularizing agricultural research and science among the rural population. In particular, thorough evidence was collected about the state of agriculture in the country, field experiments were planned and conducted, agronomic exhibitions were organized, active cooperation between industry associations was conducted, etc. (Ternychenko, 1913, pp. 230-231). The first general meeting of the newly formed society was held on February 21, 1913. The members of the society were well-known public figures, philanthropists, publicists, agronomists A. Ternychenko, Ye. Chykalenko, M. Prykhodko, P. Havsevych, S. Rozov, M. Bayer, Ye. Arkhypenko, M. Ivchenko, K. Osmak, P. Stebnytskyi, S. Gaevskyi,
Krakivskyi and others.
Ye. Arkhypenko (one of the editors of the periodical) highlighted the issues of the beekeeping, care, maintenance, wintering of bees through the column “The Beekeeper's Diary”, providing practical recommendations. The material of the article, which highlighted the methods of combating bee diseases, was interesting. Methods of treatment of an infectious disease rot were highlighted. It was how bee colonies could be preserved and their productivity improved (Prokopenko, 1913, pp. 50-52).
In order to popularize the Ukrainian periodicals, in particular the Ukrainian-language agricultural illustrated periodical “Rillya”, the editorial board printed the program of a specialized periodical with the headings “Reference Department”, “Notices”, “Subscriber Alerts”, “Address Directory”, “In Ukrainian Bookstores” (price list), as well as subscription terms. They offered additional “promotions” to encourage their subscribers. Thus, they promised “8 samples of good seeds and a wall report card calendar” in the first issue. The editorial board described the price policy and the possibility of posting information for landowners and farmers, noting that the subscriber could publish a 50-word notice free of charge, if the size was exceeded it would be a penny per word. The reference department provided addresses of the best farms, industrial and retail firms. Persons, who supply the Ukrainian farmers with seeds, livestock, poultry, tools, etc. were offered to submit their notices to the periodical “Rillya” for free (Rillya, 1910, Part 1).
It should be noted that the amount of advertising in the periodical “Rillya” was not large (2-3 pages), some issues printed several “Notices to Subscribers” with the content: I am asking for a job of a messenger or a clerk in a society, indicating nationality, marital status, region, etc.
The editorial board of the agricultural illustrated periodical “Rillya” promoted professional literature and in fiction the native language, national periodicals, supported important Ukrainian initiatives (in particular, “Donate to the Monument to T. Shevchenko in Kyiv”), spread the slogan “Yours to Yours!” etc.
The price list of the products of the publishing house “Rillya” was printed in the list of book novelties in the first place. Thus, part 24 contains the largest price list of the magazine, includes 13 authors of specialized literature (Ye. Chykalenko, V. Domanytskyi, A. Ternychenko, V Koroliv, F. Nemolovskyi, etc.) and 14 writers in the “Cheap Rural Library” series (M. Hrushevskyi, I. Nechuy-Levytskyi, M. Kostomarov, T. Shevchenko, Franko, and others).
The reviews on the agricultural publications included interesting information. Thus, in 1912, the publishing house “Our Economy” published practical advice “The Garden at the House”. D. Boronyla and the editorial board of the periodical “Rillya” note: the advice was “practical”, as the author called it, but this practicality, unfortunately, “was too much observed and the advice turned out to be too short, “rehearsal”. Because of this, of course, the systematicity of the exposition is lacking: there is nothing about crop rotation, little about cultivation and fertilization, individual crops are very vaguely described” (T.A., 1913, pp. 123-124).
It should be noted that informational and advertising material about the Ukrainian agronomic illustrated periodical “Rillya” could be found in other periodicals. In particular, the Ukrainian periodical “Dniprovi Khvyli” (1910 - 1913) had subscription terms for 1911 - 1912 (the second year of publication), which indicated the frequency, volume (with pictures), readership, price, and address. It was noted that the Ukrainian agronomists and the farmers were published in the journal, in addition to the scientific community. The subscribers would receive as a gift the twenty-fourth issue of the periodical “Rillya” with pictures, one book from the “Rillya” publishing house, two brochures on farming (Dniprovi khvyli, 1912, p. 19).
At the beginning of the 20th century, zemstvos paid special attention to the development of agriculture in the hubernias and povits, and conducted educational work among the peasants (Trygub, 2023; Romaniuk & Wisla, 2021). The agricultural exhibitions could be mentioned as the events contributing to the promotion of the agronomic knowledge and the modernization of agriculture.
The reviews on the agricultural exhibitions were published in the periodical “Rillya”, in particular, A. Ternychenko noted that the exhibition of agriculture and industry in Kyiv (1913) would be held until late autumn, and this was a great advantage, because more farmers and landowners would be able to visit it, and the participants would be able to declare themselves (Ternychenko, 1913, pp. 140-142).
The activity of the periodical was highly appreciated, in particular, at the autumn agricultural exhibition of 1913, which took place in Semenivka, Khorolsky District, the publishing house and periodical “Rillya” were awarded the highest award - a silver medal, and the Ukrainian books, brochures and the periodical were recognized as the best for the local farmers. In addition, in 1911, the periodical “Rillya” was awarded a silver medal at the agricultural exhibitions in Romny and a gold medal in Galicia (Zhyvotko, 1999, p. 221).
It should be emphasized that the editorial board of the periodical “Rillya” for a better and successful management of agriculture repeatedly focused on the agricultural congresses, so that the popular literature intended for peasants in Ukraine was written as clearly as possible, in the vernacular. This applied to all books, leaflets and articles in agricultural publications intended to raise special knowledge and a reasonable outlook among the Ukrainian breadgrowing peasants.
In the periodical there was covered a wide range of issues. Separate materials highlighted the state of agriculture in Poland, Germany, England, the USA, and China.
In 1916 the tsarist government closed the Ukrainian-language business periodical “Rillya” using the Martial Law.
The Conclusions
The agricultural illustrated periodical “Rillya” was an extremely valuable source for researching the scientific and educational space of Ukraine. The publications of the periodical can be divided into several thematic areas. One of the defining ones was the one that contained the author's publications about farming, cattle breeding, grass sowing, gardening, horticulture, beekeeping and other branches of agriculture. The key issues for farming were described in detail: “Wherewith and How to Fertilize a Field in Kyiv
Region and Podillya”, “Fodder Carrots in Winter”, “Replanting of Winter Crops”, “How to Clean Wheat From Slag”, “Something about Weeds and the Fight against Them” etc. The reasons for the decrease in the yield of agricultural crops and the deterioration of soil fertility were described. It was established that a large part of the publications on the pages of the periodical “Rillya” were addressed to the landowners and the farmers, primarily agronomic assistance and legislative materials. There are a number of scholars known in Ukraine and in the world among the authors of scientific and practical texts (A. Ternychenko, P. Havsevych, V. Yavorskyi, Ye. Arkhypenko, M. Lutskevych, F. Kryzhanovskyi, Ye. Chykalenko, O. Yanata, etc.), who became a kind of link between science and production.
Most of the information on the pages of “Rillya” was dedicated to societies, primarily the agronomic ones. The areas of activity, the structure and peculiarities of the functioning of societies, their contribution to the popularization of agricultural knowledge and the development of research in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century were disclosed. It was established that the members of such associations were well-known public figures, philanthropists, publicists, agronomists, mostly enthusiasts. They promoted professional and fiction literature in their native language, national periodicals, and supported important Ukrainian initiatives.
It was found out that the “Ukrayinskyi Ahronom” society, created at the publishing of the “Rillya” periodical, acted on the principle of self-regulation, aimed at the development of agronomic science, professional agricultural education and literature, and also contributed to increasing the efficiency of the work of bread-growing peasants.
We consider the materials and notes devoted to the issues of cooperation in the countryside to be valuable. The editors' attention was drawn to issues of development and popularization of agricultural agrarian science and practice in foreign countries.
The periodical's participation in agricultural exhibitions was highlighted, where it was repeatedly awarded, in particular, in 1911 in Romny - with a silver medal, in Galicia - with a gold medal, and in 1913, the publishing house and periodical “Rillya” were awarded a silver medal, and the Ukrainian books, brochures and a magazine recognized as the best for local farmers.
M. Hrushevsky drew attention to the fact that statesmen underestimated the Ukrainian periodicals, which had great influence among landowners and farmers. The periodical “Rillya” served as a vivid example of this, which was very popular among various strata of the population at that time, and now it is a historical source of research on agricultural science and education of the beginning of the 20th century.
Acknowledgement. The authors express their sincere gratitude to all members of the editorial board for their advice during the preparation of the article for publication.
Funding. The authors received no financial support for the research, writing, or publication.
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