The EU's foreign policy on its nuclear program

The European Union’s handling of the Iranian nuclear crisis. The nuclear problem as an example of European Union’s handling international crises. The prospects of EU approach in the final solving of the Iranian case and in future international crises.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 21.06.2016
Размер файла 56,6 K

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The EU obviously lacks coherence and military power to act as a traditional actor of international relations. The situation in Libya, besides the demonstration of the lack of coherence, once again proved its military weakness, though did not force the EU to contribute more to common defense and security policy. Yet the Member States, which are shaping the EU CFSP, are traditional actors and they are using the EU framework to amplify their capabilities. It could be said that the EU tries to be a traditional actor in a realist perception, but lacks resources and thus needs to find other ways to pursue its interests. Libya showed that separate military action is not an option for the EU, even as a measure of last resort, which is a serious limitation to its scope of actions. Here, the Iranian case presents an “other way” with severe economic sanctions as a biggest stick, and since this way worked out, it should not be denounced as completely ineffective.

Iranian case is important because it demonstrated that despite all its shortcomings, all the problems the EU has acting together, it can achieve certain results even without deepening the integration in the sphere of CFSP. The European approach, uniting some common visions of European Member States about the crisis handling, demanded better cooperation, but not integration and thus, may be a way out of a dilemma between preservation of sovereignties and effectiveness.

However, crisis management demands quick and unilateral actions and EU capabilities may not be enough for some situations since the EU often fails to come up with single positions (Iraq and Libya as examples), or to back up this position with some serious coercive measures - like in Ukraine.

It may be further investigated, whether the European CFSP will continue to serve as an amplification of capabilities for the leading Member States and the triumvirate of France, the UK and Germany will keep its leading role in coming crises. The analysis of present and future crises may also note any changes to the EU line of action, assess its effectiveness and outline, whether the Union will be developing into a stronger crisis management actor, keeping the same internal structure of its CFSP, or the Iranian case will remain an exception.

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