International Ukrainian-Canadian relations in the post-soviet era: establishment and development

Establishment of the international Ukrainian-Canadian relations in the post-Soviet era. Canada was the first of the western states to acknowledge the independence of Ukraine. The Canadian support Ukraine. Official visits of the first persons of states.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 21.07.2018
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international ukrainian-canadian relations in the post-soviet era: establishment and development

Mykhaylyuk V.V.

Establishment of the international Ukrainian-Canadian relations in the post-Soviet era began in December 1991, when Canada was the first of the western states to acknowledge the independence of Ukraine. Until 2018, several dozens of mutual visits of executives were made. The visit results were fixed as the “Special Partnership" and the “Road Map" of Ukrainian-Canadian relations and several agreements were reached in various spheres. They made a set of activities aimed at the development of various international cooperation fields.

A significant event in the development of Ukrainian-Canadian international relations in the post-Soviet era was an official visit of the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko to Canada in 2014 and his working visit in 2017. In 2016, the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau paid an official visit to Ukraine. Official meetings were held under conditions of the Russian aggression, occupied Donbas and annexed Crimea. The conducted negotiations contributed to the deepening in all spheres of international cooperation. The Canadian support to Ukraine was enhanced in the international arena.

Agreements between Ukraine and Canada are good for both countries. This mainly concerns the political and international sphere; deepening of trade and economic cooperation; relations in the defense sector; environmental cooperation; cooperation in education and social and cultural, and humanitarian sphere; interregional cooperation; and cooperation with ethnic Ukrainians in Canada.

There are two stages in the development of relations between Ukraine and Canada in the post-Soviet era: the first stage - before the autumn of 2014 and the second stage - from the autumn of that year to the present day. They are particularly evident in the political and military-defense spheres.

Key words: Ukraine, Canada, post-Soviet era, international relations, international cooperation.

ukrainian canadian international visit

Михайлюк В.В. Міжнародні українсько-канадські відносини пострадянської доби: становлення та розвиток.

У статті наголошується, що Канада першою із західних країн визнала незалежність України. До 2018 року відбулося декілька десятків взаємо візитів урядових осіб. Результати візитів були закріплені як «Особливе партнерство» та «Дорожня карта» українсько-канадських відносин і ряд домовленостей в різних їх сферах. Вони склали комплекс заходів, що спрямовувалися на розвиток різних сторін міжнародного співробітництва.

Метою статті постало висвітлення міжнародних відносин українсько-канадських відносин у сучасності та ретроспективі.

Домовленості між Україною та Канадою мають позитивне значення для обох країн. Виділяються два етапи у взаєминах між Україною та Канадою у пострадянську добу: перший - до осені 2014 року і другий - з осені того ж року до сьогодення. Вони особливо чітко позначаються в політичній та військово-оборонній сферах.

Ключові слова: Україна, Канада, пострадянська доба, міжнародні відносини, міжнародне співробітництво.

Михайлюк В.В. Международные украинско- канадские отношения постсоветской епохи: становление и развитие.

Рассмотрение важных аспектов украинско-канадских международных отношений в постсоветскую эпоху является предметом и главной целью исследования.

Канада и Украина имеют значительный позитивный опыт сотрудничества, который обогащен взаимно полезными связями не только на государственном, но и, в чисто международном, сотрудничеством украинской диаспоры с коренными украинцами.

В последнее время возобладала тенденция к укреплению взаимоотношений во всех сферах, особенно, в экономической и оборонной. Канада постоянно подтверждает свое стремление к укреплению международного сотрудничества с Украиной.

Ключевые слова: Украина, Канада, постсоветская эпоха, международные отношения, международное сотрудничество.

Михайлюк Владислав Виталійович, кандидат історичних наук, докторант кафедри всесвітньої історії та історії України Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля (м. Сєвєродонецьк).

Рецензент: д.і.н., доц. Пекарчук В.М

General problem setting

Present international relations of Ukraine with other states were established early in the 90-ies of the XX century. In this relation, Canada was first of the western states, which acknowledged the independence of Ukraine in December 1991. Diplomatic relations between independent Ukraine and Canada were established on January 27, 1992. In the first half of the 90-ies, the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine, the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada and the Consulate General of Ukraine in Toronto were opened. In 1991, the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine L. Kravchuk paid a visit to Canada. This commenced the political dialogue between two states. Until 2017, several dozens of mutual visits of executives were made. As a result of these visits, the relations between Ukraine and Canada were fixed as the Special Partnership; a “Road Map” of Ukrainian-Canadian relations was signed, and a number of agreements in various fields were reached [1].

The social and cultural relations also developed, especially due to activities of the Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada. In the author's opinion, it makes sense to study the status and development of Ukrainian-Canadian relations in political, economic, military, social and cultural and other spheres of international relations.

Analysis of previous researches and publications

Domestic and foreign scientists have repeatedly addressed the problem of development and establishment of Ukrainian-Canadian relations at the up-to- date stage. They include experts in international relations, economists, historians, politicians, sociologists, and others. We cannot mention such persons as N. Konon and A. Skrebnieva [2], L. Shymko [3], O. Bielokolos [4] and others.

The purpose and objectives of the research are to define the most important stages when the international Ukrainian-Canadian relations in political, economic, military, and social and cultural spheres were settled.

Basic material presentation

The major goal of the Ukrainian-Canadian relations in the post-Soviet era, above all, was the adoption of new political and international legal documents. Joint declarations signed by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Canada in the period of 1994 to 2001 fixed the relations between Ukraine and Canada in the political and international spheres as the partnership. In 2009, the heads of these Ministries signed a “Road Map” of Ukrainian-Canadian relations. The above documents identified, first of all, the principles of cooperation: democracy was claimed as main assurance of security, prosperity, and freedom and was grounded on the rule of law; each state had the right to choose domestic and foreign policy that has to promote the prosperity, welfare and security of the European-Atlantic Community. Second, the political dialogue between Ukraine and Canada is implemented by paying high-level visits, and also continuing the efficient cooperation with international organizations and two-way political consultations. Third, the European- Atlantic security is aimed at strengthening peace and safety in the region and the world. Fourth, the cooperation in the field of security was based on unconditional support to the territorial integrity of Ukraine, joint fight against international terrorism, crime, human trafficking, arms and drugs traffic, and corruption. Fifth, the cooperation in the military sphere was confirmed by Ukraine and Canada by their wish to continue the practice of military and political consultations and engagement of Canada into reforms in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Sixth, the cooperation in economic, trade and power spheres was aimed at promoting the growth of trade and investment volumes and developing the power sector of Ukraine on the market principles, etc. Seventh, personal contacts and cultural exchanges were based on the expansion of relations in the consular sector, through two-way cultural, educational and professional exchanges [5]. Thus, the above agreements between Ukraine and Canada were aimed at deepening the economic, political, humanitarian, cultural and other cooperation and were of priority and long-term nature.

Significant events in the development of Ukrainian-Canadian international relations in the postSoviet era were an official visit of the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko to Canada in 2014 and his working visit in 2017. In 2016, the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau paid an official visit to Ukraine.

Official meetings were held under conditions of the Russian aggression, occupied Donbas and annexed Crimea. The conducted negotiations that took this fact into account, demonstrated the interest of the Ukrainian and Canadian governments in deepening the political, trade, economic, military and other spheres of cooperation. The Canadian support to Ukraine was enhanced in the international arena. Canada rendered new financial assistance for the development of the Ukrainian economy [6]. These visits, especially in autumn of 2014, in our opinion, can be considered as the beginning of a new stage in Ukrainian-Canadian relations.

In this period, the negotiations on a free trade zone creation between Ukraine and Canada were completed. The draft Free Trade Agreement includes legal provisions. In particular, the following was identified: national regime and market access; objectives, principles and general provisions on trade promotion; emergency and protection measures; sanitary and phytosanitary measures; technical barriers to trade; e-commerce; competition policy, monopolies and state-owned enterprises, public procurement, intellectual property, and environment; labour; transparency; settlement of disputes, etc. [7]. Therefore, this document has a positive effect on the development and stabilization of the entire economic sphere of Ukraine. However, it should be noted that Canadian investments in the Ukrainian economy remain rather low. This poses risks for Canada, which are, first, related to the presence and consequences of the global financial crisis; second, the imperfect legal base in Ukraine as to the stay of foreign investment capital and corruption.

Between Ukraine and Canada close relationships are built in the defense sector. One of the leading elements of two-way cooperation in this sphere is the participation of Ukraine in the Canadian Program on Assistance to Military Education (MTAR) which our country joined to in 1993. The goal of this program is the linguistic and professional training of specialists for participation in peacekeeping operations. The Canadian side has conducted training for almost 1,000 Ukrainian military men. According to this indicator, Ukraine is the second among the countries which representatives take part in the above program.

Since 2014, in connection with the events in Donbas and the Crimea, the cooperation in this sphere has significantly enhanced. In 2015, the S. Harper's Government sent 200 soldiers from the Royal Canadian Regiment the Western Ukraine for training Ukrainian military men. Canada has started rendering humanitarian aid in the form of medical kits, night vision equipment, and military uniforms.

In March 2017, Canada extended the military training mission UNIFIER till 2019 by sending about 200 Canadian military men. Canada has been consistent in maintaining the policy of sanctions and joint international pressure on Russia from the beginning of the armed aggression. On April 5, 2017, Ukraine and Canada entered into a defensive agreement in Ottawa. The agreement should secure the military partnership between two states and create a legislative framework for closer cooperation between the armed forces. The signing of the agreement, according to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine S. Poltorok, will improve the provision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with up-to-date military equipment and weapons. According to the Ambassador of Ukraine A. Shevchenko, the agreement identifies five priority areas of cooperation: 1) defence researches, development and production; 2) tangible support; 3) logistics; 4) defense policy; 5) military education [8].

The main spheres of cooperation between Ukraine and Canada include environmental cooperation, cooperation in education and social and cultural sphere.

Since the late 90-ies the Government of Canada, through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), has been rendering financial assistance in the implementation of the Canadian-Ukrainian environmental cooperation program. The program identifies the following areas of activity: assistance in developing National Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory System in Ukraine; assistance in developing an administration and management structure for climate change issues in Ukraine; assistance in developing legal regulations for implementing joint projects and defining sectors and individual Ukrainian industrial enterprises, which may be of particular interest to Canadian companies in the development and implementation of joint projects [9]. The programme implementation will result in an increased possibility of Ukraine to comply with the requirements of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Kyoto Protocol. Ukraine has received substantial long-term assistance in developing the administrative structure and organizational infrastructure for climate change in Ukraine.

In the 90-ies of XX century - at the beginning of the XXI century, positive changes in education take place. First of all, a pool of faculties, graduates and doctoral students, as well as students from Ukraine passing short-term and long-term internship at Canadian universities increase. New forms supported by the Canadian Government and conducted by Canadian educators and scientists in Ukraine have been introduced. They include training, seminars, conferences, forums on urgent problems related to education and science.

The Ukrainian-Canadian cultural and humanitarian, and social cooperation successfully continues. In accordance with the provisions of the Joint Declaration on special partnership between Ukraine and Canada and the Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation between Ukraine and Canada entered in 1994, the parties undertook to cooperate actively to accelerate the distribution of information on national achievements in the sphere of culture, science and education, and to popularize new achievements in these spheres and to expand cultural, sport and information exchanges. The adopted documents contain provisions on long-term cooperation, and also two-way exchange in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, promotion of contact expansion between political parties, trade unions, funds, schools and higher education institutions, human right protection organizations, religious, women's and youth organizations, and environmental and other associations [10].

Features of the Ukrainian-Canadian cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian, and social sphere are caused by the available Ukrainian Diaspora in Canada numbered in 1.2 million people, which has an extremely developed system of public and cultural organizations, scientific and research institutions, museums, art collectives, and creative associations, etc.

In general, there are more than 1,000 ethnic Ukrainian public organizations and unions in Canada, most of which are united in the organizations of the Ukrainian Canadians Congress (UCC). The priority task in the bilateral relations in this sphere is to preserve the national cultural and ethnic identity, satisfy the linguistic, educational and other needs of Ukrainian Canadians, as well as to involve actively Ukrainian organizations in Canada to the processes of democratic development of Ukraine.

An effective tool for the Ukrainian-Canadian relationship development in the cultural and humanitarian and social sphere is the deepening of interregional cooperation. Ukraine is visited annually by leaders of the provinces, and Canada is visited by heads of regional state administrations, who sign memoranda of cooperation and understanding between relevant administrative units [11].


International relations between Ukraine and Canada in the post-Soviet period are essential for the self-esteem of our country in the world. Agreements between Ukraine and Canada are good for both countries. This mainly concerns the political and international sphere; deepening of trade and economic cooperation, relations in the defense sector; environmental cooperation; cooperation in education and cooperation in the social and cultural, and humanitarian sphere; interregional cooperation; and cooperation with ethnic Ukrainians in Canada.

There are two stages in the development of relations between Ukraine and Canada in the post-Soviet era: before the autumn of 2014 and from the autumn of that year to the present day. They are particularly evident in the political and military-defense spheres.

Further studies of the problem can be performed in political, economic and historical directions to find ways to overcome the economic and legal barriers to improvement of the above spheres of relations.


1. Politychni vidnosyny mizh Ukrainoiu ta Kanadoiu [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu:

2. N.Ie.Konon, A.V. Skrebnieva. Ukrainsko-kanadski vidnosyny: suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku // Hrani. - № 2 (130) liutyi 2016. - S. 27-32.

3. Shymko L. Novi vidnosyny Kanady z Ukrainoiu: odyn krok upered, dva kroky - nazad [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: dyskusiyi/novi-vidnosyny-kanady-z-ukrayinoyu.

4. Bielokos O. Ukraina - Kanada: osoblyve partnerstvo u dynamichnomu sviti [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu:

5. Priorytety ukrainsko-kanadskykh vidnosyn (Dorozhnia karta) [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: htt- p://

6. Kanada nadala Ukraini kredyt na 200 mln. kanadskykh dolariv [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: htt- p://

7. Uhoda pro vilnu torhivliu mizh Ukrainoiu ta Kanadoiu [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: htt- p:// _lnu_torg_vlyu_m_zh_Ukra_noyu_ta_Kanadoyu.pdf.

8. Ukraina i Kanada pidpysaly oboronnu uhodu [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: ukrayina-kanada-pdpisali-oboronnu-ugodu.html.

9. Ukraina ta Kanada: mizhnarodni stosunky [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: htt-p://

10. Kulturno-humanitarne spivrobitnytstvo mizh Ukrainoiu ta Kanadoiu [Elektronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: htt- p://

11. Stan ta perspektyvy ukrainsko-kanadskykh vidnosyn [Ele- ktronnyi resurs]. - Rezhym dostupu: htt-p://

12. Політичні відносини між Україною та Канадою [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу:

13. Н.Є.Конон, А.В. Скребнєва. Українсько-канадські відносини: сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку // Грані. - № 2 (130) лютий 2016. - С. 27-32.

14. Шимко Л. Нові відносини Канади з Україною: один крок уперед, два кроки - назад [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: dyskusiyi/novi-vidnosyny-kanady-z-ukrayinoyu

15. Бєлокос О. Україна - Канада: особливе партнерство у динамічному світі [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу : http: //www.ukrslo vo .net/ukraine/ukraine-and-world/28725.html

16. Пріоритети українсько-канадських відносин (Дорожня карта) [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу:

17. Канада надала Україні кредит на 200 млн. канадських доларів [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу:

18. Угода про вільну торгівлю між Україною та Канадою [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: _v_lnu_torg_vlyu_m_zh_Ukra_noyu_ta_Kanadoyu.pdf.

19. Україна і Канада підписали оборонну угоду [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: oboronnu-ugodu.html.

20. Україна та Канада: міжнародні стосунки [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу:

21. Культурно-гуманітарне співробітництво між Україною та Канадою [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу:

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