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The research subject is the promising directions of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Bahrain at the present stage. In this context, the author focuses on two factors, affecting the intentions of both countries, - relations between Washington and Manama and domestic political situation in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The purpose of the article is the analysis of the level and the nature of these factors' impact on the dynamics of relations between Russia and Bahrain at the present stage. The research methodology is based on the system approach, which helps cover the text" and the context of relations between the two states in 2017. The author uses the historical, factor, content - and event-analyses. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that this problem hasn't been studied sufficiently enough so far, and by the viewpoint of the analysis, which covers foreign and domestic policy having impact on bilateral relations between Moscow and Manama. In conclusion, the author considers the effectiveness and the possibility of Russia's role as a mediator and a pillar in local and regional conflicts influencing Bahrain's security.

Keywords: Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, Shia, Sunni, regional security system, domestic policy, foreign policy, USA, cooperation, Bahrain, Russia.

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