Foreign policy factors of public diplomacy: comparative context of changes during 2013-2018
The impact of innovative technologies on the international system changed the methods and content of traditional diplomacy. The components of Ukraine’s public diplomacy strategy. A gap between the intentions and outcomes of governmental communication.
Рубрика | Международные отношения и мировая экономика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.10.2020 |
Размер файла | 443,6 K |
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Pipchenko N.
Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of International Information, Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Ryzhkov M.
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of International Information, Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Abstract. The information impact of innovative technologies on the international system significantly changed the forms, methods and content of traditional diplomacy that it needs to be considered in the implementation of foreign policy activities because the preservation of the optimal balance between security and active foreign policy requires sufficient political, intellectual, technological, organisational and financial resources. In the paper, it was studied such trends of Ukraine's public diplomacy as an image, investment, culture and media, as well as compared Ukraine's position and the Eastern Partnership countries in the international rating indexes during 2013-2018/2019. The results show that there is a gap between the intentions and outcomes of governmental communication with the foreign audience but Ukraine's position is better among the Eastern Partnership countries. The findings suggest that a conceptual program of public diplomacy should be developed in Ukraine for effective explanation state's foreign policy initiatives to the global and domestic public. The paper draws conclusions about the main components of Ukraine's public diplomacy strategy which can be an area for further research.
Key words: public diplomacy; foreign policy; European integration; Ukraine; Eastern Partnership countries.
Анотація. Інформаційний вплив інноваційних технологій на міжнародну систему суттєво змінив форми, методи та зміст традиційної дипломатії, що необхідно враховувати при здійсненні зовнішньополітичної діяльності, оскільки збереження оптимального балансу між безпекою та активною зовнішньою політикою вимагає достатньої кількості політичних, інтелектуальних, технологічних, організаційних і фінансових ресурсів. У статті розглянуто іміджеву, інвестиційну та медійну складові публічної дипломатії України, а також проведено порівняльний аналіз позицій України та країн Східного партнерства в міжнародних рейтингових індексах протягом 2013-2018/2019 рр. Встановлено розрив між намірами та результатами урядової комунікації з закордонною аудиторією, проте позиція України виявилась кращою у порівнянні з іншими країнами Східного партнерства. Результати дослідження показали, що в Україні має бути розроблена концептуальна програма публічної дипломатії для ефективного пояснення зовнішньополітичних ініціатив держави світовій та внутрішній громадськості. У статті представлено висновки щодо основних складових стратегії публічної дипломатії України, що може сприяти подальшим дослідженням.
Ключові слова: публічна дипломатія; зовнішня політика; європейська інтеграція; Україна; країни Східного партнерства.
public diplomacy strategy ukraine
Аннотация. Информационное воздействие инновационных технологий на международную систему существенно изменило формы, методы и содержание традиционной дипломатии, что необходимо учитывать при осуществлении внешнеполитической деятельности, поскольку сохранение оптимального баланса между безопасностью и активной внешней политикой требует достаточного количества политических, интеллектуальных, технологических, организационных и финансовых ресурсов. В статье рассмотрены имиджевая, инвестиционная и медийная составляющие публичной дипломатии Украины, а также представлен сравнительный анализ позиций Украины и стран Восточного партнерства в международных рейтинговых индексах в течение 2013-2018/2019 гг. Установлено разрыв между намерениями и результатами правительственной коммуникации с зарубежной аудиторией, однако позиция Украины оказалась лучшей по сравнению с другими странами Восточного партнерства. Результаты исследования показали, что в Украине должна быть разработана концептуальная программа публичной дипломатии для эффективного объяснения внешнеполитических инициатив государства мировой и внутренний общественности. В статье представлены выводы относительно основных составляющих стратегии публичной дипломатии Украины, что может способствовать дальнейшим исследованиям.
Ключевые слова: публичная дипломатия; внешняя политика; европейская интеграция; Украина; страны Восточного партнерства.
The current problem. Creation of a positive international image for Ukraine, promotion of national interests at the global level is a purpose of national importance which implementation involves power, political and social institutions of a state according to their competence. The basis of public diplomacy of Ukraine is its program and institutional support, i.e. availability of conceptual, program and legislative documents regulating activities of government, NGOs and corporations regarding promotion of the state's positive image, especially in the context of the European integration aspirations of Ukraine. Key trends of Ukraine's public diplomacy at the European level include promotion of regional stability; consolidation of peace and international justice; support for gradual convergence in foreign and security policy; conflict prevention and crisis management; cooperation to improve efficiency of multilateral institutions to enhance global governance; creation of positive perception of the state's foreign policy.
The aim of the article. The paper discusses the conceptual background providing theoretical foundations on the public diplomacy; researches the organizational component of Ukraine's public diplomacy, as well as its practical aspects; presents the comparative analysis of Ukraine's position and the Eastern Partnership countries in the international rating indexes.
Analysis of the latest publications and the theoretical background. At the present stage of international development, there is a transformation of traditional diplomacy and the transition to the use of information networks, communication technologies and techniques for the implementation of the state's foreign policy. In connection with this fact, the distinctions between domestic and foreign policy become much less clear and the degree of openness of diplomatic institutions under the influence of high technologies is growing. Therefore, the activity of the ministries of foreign affairs is becoming more transparent to the public. The theoretical basis of the concept of public diplomacy is the studies of the changes in international relations in view of the development of globalization, progress in information and communication technologies and the growing influence of public on foreign policy, as well as the transformation of the nature of the state's power.
For the first time, modern definition of the term `public diplomacy' was used in 1965 by American scholar E. Gullion [Cull, 2013] who interpreted public diplomacy in the context of public influence on the process of adoption and implementation of foreign policy tasks. According to E. Gullion, public diplomacy goes beyond traditional diplomacy and includes influence on public opinion in other states, the interaction of the internal and external political and cultural groups for harmonization of their interests, informing through the media about the state's foreign policy and the diplomats' activity, as well as strengthening intercultural communication. Consequently, the term covered the spectrum of communication initiatives of international actors no longer limited to propaganda.
Studies in the field of public diplomacy can be divided into the base and instrumental approaches. At the level of the base approach, the investigation of public diplomacy focuses on the different understanding of the correlation between the public diplomacy content and the state's foreign policy. Researchers B. Signitzer and T. Coombs [Coombs, 1992] claim that main objects of public diplomacy are the impact on foreign audiences through the media in the short term and the implementation of cultural and exchange programs for creating of mutual understanding space in the long term. Nowadays, these objects of public diplomacy complement each other and contribute to the dissemination of foreign policy information and ensuring cultural communication. In this context, J. Manheim [Manheim, 1994] notices that it is necessary to use strategic communications for supporting own foreign policy interests and the cultural and educational exchanges, as well as the media projects for influence on the perception of foreign policy initiatives.
Within the base approach, it can be noticed the study of the transformation of the state power in contemporary international relations and the role of public diplomacy. American researcher J. Nye [Nye, 2008] introduced the term `soft power' as the ability of the international actors to achieve their goals without coercive measures. Thus, public diplomacy plays a significant role in using the state's soft power to achieve foreign policy tasks, as well as ensuring the long-term relations and a favourable space for the supporting of national interests; therefore, effective public diplomacy goes beyond the public relations, information dissemination and promotion of the state's image.
At the level of the instrumental approach to public diplomacy, it was launched the systematic analysis of interactions between the media and the foreign policy institutions. In particular, D. Abshire [Abshire, 1976], J. Lee [Lee, 1968], A. Hoffman, R. Manning, B. Wedge [Hoffman, 1968], G. Rawnsley [Rawnsley, 2016] investigate the transformation of the state's role in modern information flows caused by the development of international broadcasting and definition of the media as a non-state actor. Other research papers [Archetti, 2012; Cull, 2013; Brown and Shannon, 2017; Tam, 2019] are aimed at the study of the features of using communication tools to contacts national leaders or foreign ministers with the governments of other states or the public, the formation of political and technical conditions for the purposeful dissemination of foreign policy information to potential audience, the use of computer technologies for the creation of analytical systems, etc. At the same time, the scientists marked out such main tools of public diplomacy as media, Internet, social media, cultural and educational programs, image and investment projects. Particular attention of researchers [Brown and Shannon, 2017] is paid to the role of public diplomacy in supporting national and international security by way of building alliances, fighting extremism and dispelling disinformation.
With the growth of the influence of non-state actors on the state's foreign policy, it appears the scientific papers [Jordan, 2003] devoted to the interaction of foreign policy institutions with civic organizations. Civil society actors are expected to play a leading role in areas not regulated by interstate relations: for example, they can be a source for defining the internal impulses of community development, agents for the rapid dissemination of ideas and information and acting as mediators to prevent and resolve conflict situations.
Among the Ukrainian scholars, the significant contribution to the study of public diplomacy was made by O. Zernetska [Zernetska, 2016], M. Ozhevan [Ozhevan, 2015], G. Pocheptsov [Pocheptsov, 2013] and others. At the same time, the research of the public diplomacy cannot be considered scientifically systematized because the domestic scientific works deal mainly with related issues and partly focus on the role of public diplomacy in the system of foreign-policy communication.
Fig. Concept of Public Diplomacy
As a result, the basic principles of public diplomacy are a set of concepts the intersection of which distinguish its specific features that include international and diplomatic relations, national interests, political culture, cultural diplomacy, image diplomacy, state branding, etc. These concepts form the original matrix of public diplomacy based on defining the political culture, government institutions and national identity as the social phenomena of international cooperation (Fig.).
Source: compiled by the authors.
Therefore, the matrix of public diplomacy, the basic principles of which is a complex of international political and communication relations, allows us to consider public diplomacy at an interdisciplinary level considering political, international and communication theories of global development. The paper is one of the systemic studies of the public diplomacy issues in Ukraine and its effectiveness to ensure the state's foreign policy goals. In the following parts of the paper, the practice of the Governmental Institutions of Ukraine and the achievements in public diplomacy are considered.
The important research results. Organizational component ensuring innovative public work in Ukraine before 2019 were ministries and departments whose powers included foreign policy, foreign trade and other international activities which performed state programs on the formation of positive investment, tourist and cultural image. Thus, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was responsible for the implementation of the political component of international positioning; the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, as well as its specialized departments, were responsible for implementation of foreign trade and promotion of tourist attraction of the state; the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine implemented historical and cultural support for national interests abroad; the Ministry of Information Policy together with the State Committee of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, news agency Ukrinform promoted media image of Ukraine.
Importantly to note, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, is as defined the main government agency that provides support and creates a positive international image of Ukraine in the world. The activity of the ministry involves dissemination of positive information in the host countries and filling global information space with information resources that promote national interests. Among the positive results of the activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in public diplomacy, it is possible to distinguish the establishment in 2017 of the Ukrainian Institute designed to present Ukrainian culture in the world and to disseminate information about the scientific, educational and tourist potential of the country. The introduction of the regulatory procedures to conducting study visits and press tours to Ukraine of foreign experts, media representatives and others, contributes to ensuring the national interests of the state. In addition, Ukraine's diplomatic missions have the opportunity for supporting trips of Ukrainian experts to participate in the international political and cultural events aimed to promote Ukraine's position in the world.
One of the urgent tasks for Ukraine is the creation of an attractive investment climate since the state has great economic potential and favourable conditions to attract investments. The leading role in the promotion of the investment image of the state had the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine whose task was economic positioning, the formation and implementation of state investment policy and export control. In 2015 the Office of Export Promotion under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade [20] was established; this Office engages in searching for companies interested in obtaining information on future trade missions, business activities and other events regarding required country markets, products, services and sectors. It is assumed that due to trade missions of Ukraine abroad the joint delegation consisting of representatives from government and business will visit different countries for B2B meetings. The office is also engaged in the organization of business forums, construction of positive messages about Ukraine, development of branding and informational materials.
Separately, we would like to note that the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine agreed with the Ministry of Finance on the establishment of Export-Credit Agency for risk insurance and exporters' support. The Ministry of Economic Development with the help of consulting company PwC has prepared the Act on establishment of Export-Credit Agency [2] that was adopted in December 2016. In particular, in order to create conditions for the large-scale expansion of exports of Ukrainian goods and services in foreign markets, protect Ukrainian exporters against the risks of non-payment and financial losses and increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian producers in world markets the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine established the Export- Credit Agency.
Separately, let's consider the activity of the Ministry of Culture, Ukrainian Institute of National Memory and the State Agency for Cinema on cultural and artistic positioning of Ukraine abroad before 2019. In particular, their activity aimed to promote the cultural heritage of Ukrainian people outside Ukraine and world culture in Ukraine; implementation of EU program `Creative Europe'; support for programs of intercultural and interethnic dialogue, sharing successful international and national experience; support for international cultural exchanges and promote cooperation of public institutions, NGOs and the private sector in international cultural and artistic space.
The promotion of Ukraine abroad in educational, research, scientific and technical fields belonged to the competence of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine aimed to organize and coordinate the innovative activity of the state and focused on the development of volunteering and national-patriotic education. The Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine was engaged in support for the positive image of Ukraine in global information space, in particular, the tasks of the Ministry were providing and distributing socially important information on Ukraine abroad; supporting the state information resources; developing the action plan and program documents together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education; popularizing the domestic TV production abroad; organizing and supporting the Ukrainian international broadcasting.
The analysis of the organizational component of Ukraine's public diplomacy indicates that for measures aimed at supporting the state's international image, it should be created the official reports on the achievements of Ukraine in the formation of a favourable investment climate and developed the online travel platforms for the advertising of the national tourism products and possibilities; for the fulfilment of the state's political tasks, it is necessary to form the digital hub on the Ukrainian Institute activity for contributing to the expansion of Ukraine's presence in the European and world information space; for the efficient functioning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the diplomatic missions abroad, it is necessary to improve the common closed network for the operative information exchange with the government institutions. The implementation of these issues will contribute to the awareness of the international community, the formation of Ukraine's positive international image, the intensification of cooperation with international organizations, the acceleration of European integration processes, the attracting foreign investment, the growth of credibility to the Ukrainian enterprises, the increase exports and improve national tourist attraction.
Practical implementation of projects in Ukraine's public diplomacy took place in several stages: the first stage until 2005 was carried out through the information and educational projects characterized by inconsistency due to the lack of the national image programs; the second stage until 2010 was marked by the emergence of the state image and tourism projects aimed at changing Ukraine's political perception and the integration into the European and Euro-Atlantic community; the third stage until 2013 was characterized by the development of the brandbook `Ukraine' and the implementation of investment, sports and cultural image projects; the fourth stage after 2014 is focused on updating national approach to promoting Ukraine on the international arena and using modern media tools for supporting national interests.
Separately, it can be marked the project `Brand Ukraine' which was the first experience of government institutions in the field of country's promotion. The main goal of the national brand strategy, developed by Investinua Capital Limited (London, the UK) and CFC Consulting (Kyiv, Ukraine) with the support of CNN International and the Ivox marketing agency, was the monitoring of the state's perception abroad and the creation of the image campaigns for leading international TV channels. As a result of the interaction, it was presented brand book of Ukraine ( but it should be noted that after the public discussion of the brand strategy, on the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry decided not to use this project for the own image campaigns. In addition, the State Agency for Investments and Management of National Projects of Ukraine was responsible for the implementation of the investment reform in 2011 aimed at solving social problems and renewing regions. But only one component of Ukraine's investment image campaign was implemented during the holding of the road shows for the presentation of national projects to leading international business circles.
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine was ensuring the formation of the state policy in investment and tourism and implementing the government program `Ukraine. Open for U' supported by Western NIS Enterprise Fund and Titanium Presentations since 2015. In particular, it was held the presentation of the thematic videos and the information booklets prepared for the international exhibitions and bilateral business summits, among which it can be singled out the promotion videos dedicated to the tourism potential `Experience Ukraine! We are open for tourism', to the investment potential of the infrastructure, agriculture, energy and IT sectors `Transport Ukraine', `Grow Ukraine', `Energize Ukraine' and `IT Ukraine', as well as to the national fashion industry `Made in Ukraine'. From May 2018 the new brand strategy of Ukraine `Ukraine now' is also presented that demonstrates the attractiveness of Ukraine for tourism, cultural interaction and business. The official brand `Ukraine now' from Banda Agency received the prestigious Red Dot Designer Award from the German Design Center.
In 2017-2018, with the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the information campaigns were held on supporting the Eurovision 2017, the London Conference of Reforms, the de-occupation of the Crimea `#CrimeaIsBleeding', the introduction of a visa-free regime with the EU, the film project `Cyborgs', etc. Among the positive public diplomacy's attempts is also the holding of the #CorrectUA campaign on the use of the correct form of transliteration of Ukrainian cities. Overall the 197 image projects for the 14 million foreign audiences were realized in 2018 while near 240 information events will take place in 2019 [14]. Besides, the exhibition of paintings by the Ukrainian correspondent R. Suschenko, who was serving a sentence in prison in Russia, was organized to support the Ukrainian prisoners of war in the Press Club Brussels Europe. As a result of the armed attack and seizure of Ukrainian military boats `Berdyansk', `Nikopol' and a harbour tug `Yana Kapu', Ukrainian diplomats launched several campaigns with such hashtags as #FreeUkrainianPOWs, #RussiaAttacksUkraine, #StopRussianAggression, #FreeAzovSeaSailors and #BanRussianShips.
In consequence of the aggravation of Ukrainian-Russian relations after 2014, the governmental institutions reconsidered the tools for supporting the state's foreign policy interests and initiatives and intensified the work of Ukrainian diplomatic missions. Therefore, the important part of the country's image on the international arena is such directions as the cooperation with the international organizations, the development of the bilateral economic relations, the activity of the foreign cultural representations, the support of cultural needs of the Ukrainian diaspora, the integration into the world political and economic space, the effectuation of Ukraine's international cultural and investment projects, informing on the heredity of Ukrainian culture from Kyivan Rus and counteracting Russian misinformation.
Currently, there is a need to conduct national campaigns which would not only cover a broad audience but also contribute to the expansion of cooperation with non-governmental media. Support for European policy of Ukraine should be implemented by means of reforming information sphere by the Europe standards, borrowing experience of broadcasting systems of the EU Member States, developing an effective model of Ukrainian television, large-scale information campaign to ensure access to European legal, bibliographic and other databases. So, thanks to joint efforts of Ukraine and EU the level of support for ideas of European integration can increase that will eventually contribute to the entry of Ukraine into the European political, economic, legal, cultural and information space.
Ukraine considered as a potential regional leader, so the comparison of international rating indexes of Ukraine and the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova) in public diplomacy allows to better understand the regional potential of the states and their perception in Europe. In particular, the following indexes selected for the evaluation: Nation Brands, Country Brand Index and Country RepTrak, as well as Doing Business, Worldwide Governance Indicators and Global Competitiveness Index which allowed to represent the peculiarities of the image perception of Ukraine's and the Eastern Partnership countries' during 2013-2018.
Nation Brands from Brand Finance was set up with the aim of `bridging the gap between marketing and finance'. Nowadays Brand Finance evaluates the national brand of 100 countries. It needs to note that Ukraine has the strategic branding services to can be leveraged to grow economies. Such branding services create an economic impact to ensure resources, allocated to those activities which have the most value and support the state's long-term position. Among 100 countries, Ukraine ranked 60th in 2018 that is more than 15 positions lower than in 2013. Consequently, the value of Ukraine's brand has almost halved from 2013 (126 USD bn) till 2018 (84 USD bn). Experts from Brand Finance explained that continuing military instability in Ukraine is a major problem for the development of the national brand, therefore, the Governmental Institutions must endeavour improving state's reputation in the EU, the US and beyond [15; 16]. Nevertheless, such Eastern Partnership countries as Armenia, Belarus and Moldova do not belong to the top 100 most valuable nation brands. At the same time, Azerbaijan's position ranges from 71st till 84th places with Brand Value near 36 USD bn. Georgia spends on average 13 USD bn and has the 92nd place during the investigated period. As a result, Ukraine has the best position on promoting own brand among the Eastern Partnership countries.
Country Brand Index from Future Brand measures consumer or corporate brands - ranking them according to the strength of perception across such association dimensions as `value system', `quality of life', `business potential', `heritage and culture', `tourism' and `made in'. In general, the index covers brand perceptions of 118 countries around the world. In the latest report about Country Brand Index, Ukraine ranked 74th in 2014-15, before this it was 99th in 2010 and 75th in 2009. As a result, experts evaluate Ukraine as a country with the below average perceptions of the country brand [5].
According to Country RepTrak from Reputation Institute, Ukraine remains a country with a weak level reputation among 70 investigated states. Nevertheless, Ukraine lost only 3 positions compared to 2013 and ranked 45th in 2017 [6] but among the 55th largest countries by GDP, Ukraine was not presented in 2018. In addition, other Eastern Partnership countries are not investigated by the researchers of the Reputation Institute and Future Brand.
Another index demonstrating the effectiveness and quality of business regulation in the country is Doing Business from the World Bank Group. In accordance with the Summary of Doing Business Reforms, Ukraine made dealing with construction permits easier by reducing fees, strengthened investors protections by requiring detailed immediate public disclosure of related party transactions and made paying taxes easier by reducing the rate for the unified social contribution tax. It needs to note that Ukraine improved index indicators from 137th in 2013 till 71st in 2019. The best position in this rating has Georgia from 9th till 6th place while Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Moldova belong to the top 50 states that show high business development [8; 9].
The Worldwide Governance Indicators reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for over 200 countries and territories for such dimensions of governance as `voice and accountability', `political stability and absence of violence', `government effectiveness', `regulatory quality', `rule of law' and `control of corruption'. During 2013-2017 Ukraine demonstrated the highest average rank in the category `voice and accountability' and the lowest average rank in the category `political stability and absence of violence'. In general, Ukraine improved its indicators `regulatory quality', `government effectiveness' and `control of corruption' that can facilitate more positive perceptions of Ukraine abroad and intensification of internal reform processes [25].
The average value of such category as `voice and accountability' is the lowest in Azerbaijan and Belarus; the categories `government effectiveness', `rule of law' and `control of corruption' are the highest in Georgia among the Eastern Partnership countries (table).
Table Worldwide Governance Indicators for analysed countries, during 2013-2017*.
Voice and Accountability |
Political Stability and Absence of Violence |
Government Effectiveness |
Regulatory Quality |
Rule of Law |
Control of Corruption |
Armenia |
30,45 |
33,19 |
50,12 |
37,92 |
45,36 |
34,51 |
Azerbaijan |
7,40 |
23,78 |
43,93 |
25,03 |
30,35 |
16,97 |
Belarus |
9,40 |
49,57 |
33,69 |
30,89 |
22,31 |
46,04 |
Georgia |
56,01 |
32,35 |
70,28 |
52,88 |
62,24 |
74,41 |
Moldova |
47,23 |
38,62 |
34,59 |
40,15 |
40,66 |
19,64 |
Ukraine |
43,87 |
9,03 |
34,53 |
29,14 |
23,73 |
16,79 |
* The average value of percentile rank among all countries ranges from 0 (lowest) to 100 (highest).
Source: compiled by the authors according to World Bank Group.
Global Competitiveness Index from World Economic Forum tracks the performance of close to 140 countries on 12 pillars of competitiveness that are the main determinants of long-term economic growth. Consequently, the state position in the rating allows to understand the complex nature of the development challenge, to design better policies, based on public-private collaboration, and to restore confidence in the possibilities of continued economic progress. Experts of World Economic Forum highlighted such the most problematic factors for doing business in Ukraine as an inflation, a corruption, a policy instability, the tax rates and the tax regulations. As a result, the rating of Ukraine remains almost unchanged during the investigated period. It needs to note that other Eastern Partnership countries have the same problems on the long-term economic growth and the comprehensive activities for creating a positive business and investment image [10].
The findings from the comparative analysis suggest that Ukraine has better position among the Eastern Partnership countries because of the development of consistent image projects to support political and economic initiatives of the government institutions. At the same time, other states of the Eastern Partnership do not have the appropriate development of this direction and only in the last years have intensified activities on the transformation of the perception of the state image at the international and European level. However, political and economic instability remains the main obstacle to the formation of a positive perception of Ukraine in the world. The problem of institutional support of Ukraine's image is the low efficiency of existing government programs and the specific practices of government institutions. Therefore, development and implementation of public diplomacy strategy will update the administrative political structure, form an integral image of Ukraine as a political actor, and involve the public in foreign and domestic political processes taking place in the country.
Conclusions. Formation and implementation of the public diplomacy strategy would allow improving its content; ensure the cultural and information presence of the state abroad; deepen constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation in economy, culture, education, science, innovation, tourism and sports; increase the prestige and positive image of Ukraine in the host countries; disseminate information about the achievements and spiritual values of the Ukrainian nation to ensure effective communication of the state with Ukraine's citizens who are permanently residing or temporarily staying abroad.
Public diplomacy as a tool for information and analytical support of foreign policy and economic activity covers the practice of interstate relations, implemented through information and communication technologies, and is used by diplomatic missions in the current operational, tactical and strategic planning. As a result, the communication factor of foreign policy and economic appears in the information support of the diplomatic activity and is realized in three directions: the first is the ideological support of foreign policy and economic by developing and promoting initiatives and proposals that would be in line with the national interests of the state; the second direction is the practical provision of foreign policy and economic activities in order to maintain international authority and active influence on world policy implemented through the active using information and communication technologies for solving problem and crises; the third direction is organizational within which the information provision of diplomatic institutions in the host countries and the optimal coordination of activity of the diplomatic representations with the centre and other foreign missions are carried out.
Taking into account the prospect to develop and expand this research, it would be relevant to continue investigating any threats to Ukraine's political and economic positions in the EU and the world. Additionally, it requires analyses of past and present activities of the Ukrainian diplomatic missions abroad to improve national political, economic and cultural promotion in the European countries, so that in the future it may become an example for the development of other regional directions of Ukraine's public diplomacy.
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