Features of the United Nations Development Program in Eastern European Countries

General characteristics of the history of UNDP development, consideration of the structure and powers of the main bodies. Features of the UN Development Program in Eastern Europe. Analysis of the main problems of democracy and freedom of speech.

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Дата добавления 27.05.2022
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Features of the United Nations Development Program in Eastern European Countries

Halyna Lutsyshyn, Iryna Klymchuk


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the functioning of the United Nations D e- velopment Program in Eastern Europe. Particular attention was focused on researching and deepening knowledge about the peculiarities of the formation and the historical basis of the United Nations D e- velopment Program. The whole historical period of the development process of UNDP is divided into stages or decades, each of which was marked by a certain event.

After analyzing the structure and responsibilities of UNDP, we determined that the system of or¬gans is quite well-formed and successfully functioning. The main body is the Executive Board, which implements and coordinates UNDP policy, makes decisions and decisions. A separate accountable body is the Bureau of the Executive Council, which advocates organizational and formal issues. In the hierarchy of organs, there is such a concept as “regional groups” - a certain number of countries that represent the region of the world. The regional group of Eastern European countries includes 4 coun¬tries: Albania, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine. Thus, to study the functioning of the UN Development Program in Eastern Europe, Moldova, Belarus, and Ukraine were selected. Each of the countries stud¬ied, have its own programs, especially their implementation procedure, the budget and the areas they are targeting. The mobility and flexibility of UNDP make it possible to adapt the peculiar and some¬times even very specific character of the country's activities.

Keywords: United Nations Development Program, Eastern European countries, global problems, agenda, sustainability, cooperation.


Особливості функціонування Програми розвитку ООН у країнах Східної Європи

У статті здійснено всебічний аналіз особливостей функціонування, напрямів та основних сфер діяльності Програми розвитку (ПР) ООН у країнах Східної Європи. Зокрема, розглянуто особливості формування та еволюцію Програми розвитку ООН. Так, встановлено, що ПРООН має тривалу історію свого розвитку. У статті виділено основні етапи розвитку ПРООН, кожне тривалістю у десятиліття: 1) 1960-1970 рр. - становлення ПРООН; 2) 1980-200 рр. - формування нових інститутів ПРООН; 3) 2000-2019 рр. - розширення діяльності ПРООН. Станом на сьогодні діяльність ПРООН координується затвердженим Порядком денним у сфері сталого розвитку до 2030 р. та 17 Цілями сталого розвитку.

Проаналізувавши структуру і повноваження основних органів ПРООН, встановлено, що основним органом є Виконавча рада, яка здійснює та погоджує політику ПРООН, приймає постанови та рішення. Окремим підзвітним органом є Бюро Виконавчої ради, яке займається організаційними та формальними питанням. Також в ієрархічній структурі органів ПРООН функціонує спеціальне утворення «регіональні групи» - представлене відповідною кількістю країн, які репрезентують свій географічний регіон. Безпосередньо у статті розглянуто регіональну групу Східноєвропейських країн, що налічує 4 країни, які обираються на визначений термін і працюють на ротаційній основі. У 2019 році, до регіональної східноєвропейської групи було включено 4 країни, серед яких - Україна та Молдова. Дослідивши нормативно-правову базу ПРООН, ми дійшли висновку, що дана організація діє відповідно до основних рішень ООН, прийнятих меморандумів та резолюцій.

У дослідженні функціонування Програми розвитку ООН в країнах Східної Європи автори зупинилися на Молдові, Білорусі та Україні. Встановлено, що спільним аспектом діяльності Програми розвитку ООН у країнах Східної Європи є те, що вона узгоджується з Регіональною програмою ПРООН в Європі та державами-членами СНД. Так, у 1990-х роках ПРООН уклала відповідні угоди із урядами Молдови, Білорусі та України, де прописані умови надання допомоги цим державам.

Проаналізувавши діяльність Програми розвитку ООН в Східноєвропейському регіоні на прикладі Молдови, Білорусі та України, ми прийшли до висновку, що спільним у діяльності ПРООН для трьох держав, є програми у сфері розвитку демократії та свободи слова, а також захисту прав людини. Проте кожна з досліджених країн має свої програми, які реалізовуються відповідно до внутрішньої специфіки, а також власний бюджет та різні сфери поширення. Доведено, що саме мобільність та гнучкість ПРООН дає змогу цій програмі вдало адаптуватися під своєрідний або критичний, інколи навіть досить специфічний характер кожної країни.

Ключові слова: Програма розвитку ООН, країни Східної Європи, глобальні проблеми, порядок денний, сталий розвиток, співпраця.

development democracy history

Statement and relevance of the study. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which actively cooperates with national governments of the states, develops a partnership with nation¬al, regional and local authorities, civic organizations and the private sector, among the UN agencies. In recent years, UNDP has successfully implemented a large number of projects aimed at poverty alleviation, population growth, environmental protection, and promotion of democratic governance. Therefore, the study of the experience of UNDP in Eastern Europe is important and relevant. In today's context, the countries of Eastern Europe continue to face numerous challenges, such as weak democratic practices, increased inequalities in the incomes of the population, unemployment problems and, more¬over, the social approaches of the states to their solution are obsolete and need to be improved. In many parts of the subregions, tensions remain linked to disputed areas, cross -border and post-conflict situations. Poverty remains the highest among European countries. The dynamics of the European Un¬ion's neighborhood policy has an impact on development programs, and some countries have focused their foreign and domestic policies on European integration, while in other countries eurosceptic sentiments have spread. Therefore, appropriate to examine the development and impact of UNDP in countries such as Eastern Europe, such as the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus. These countries have a different political structure, different foreign policy priorities, and this is why weak social cohesion and ethnic tensions are characteristic.

The purpose of the article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the peculiarities of the func-tioning, directions and main areas of the United Nations Development Program in Eastern Europe. According to the research purpose the following tasks were formulated: to study the peculiarities of the formation and historical foundation of the United Nations Development Program; to analyze the structure and authority of the main UNDP bodies and critically understand their role in the functioning of the organization; consider the UNDP legal framework; to define the essence, main features, objec¬tives, and specifics of the United Nations Development Program; to analyze the United Nations De¬velopment Program (UNDP) in the East European region and the tools for its implementation; to char¬acterize the main principles and peculiarities of the formation of UNDP activities on the example of Moldova, Belarus, and Ukraine.

Latest research and publications. When analyzing the history of the creation and operation of UNDP, it should be noted that the UN legal acts and decisions of the UNDP Executive Board are the main sources for writing this article. A key source is the Sustainable Development Agenda up to 2030. The main activity of UNDP today is based on this document. The agenda contains guidelines, main goals and strategic plan for sustainable development in the world.

Oddly enough, today there is no comprehensive scientific and research work that would analyze and compare the activities of UNDP in each individual country. Moreover, it is difficult to find one work that would pay particular attention to the development and activities of UNDP in Eastern Europe. Indeed, the countries of this region in question are the most volatile and need constant analysis and review of their sustainable development policies.

It is worth noting that each UNDP country has a similar database of documents that facilitates and systematizes the research activities of representatives of the United Nations Development Program and their results.

The state of the scientific study of the activities of UNDP also includes the work of Ukrainian scholars: M. Matvienko, O. Kovtun and L. Chekalenko.

The following used sources can be merged as electronic resources, journalistic and informational materials from the Internet by A. Rashkowski and B. Barniczak.

UN annual reports are the most accurate and valuable materials. It is important to note that there is a solid UN base of documents and a large number of UNDP periodic analytical materials that enable our chances to examine the results of their activities on their own. It became apparent that the activi¬ties of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the countries of Eastern Europe are hard¬ly investigated and analyzed, and therefore require further in-depth study.

Research methods. To solve the problem a complex of general scientific methods were used, in particular: historical method, method of analysis and synthesis, system method, statistical method, generalization method. In the course of work also used certain methods of the formal-logical scientific knowledge: description, classification, method of interpretation, inductive and deductive methods.

Presentation of the main provisions. After the Second World War, against the backdrop of an ev¬er-changing geopolitical climate, new challenges emerged to established practices and functions, espe¬cially in the area of conflict resolution, humanitarian aid, and social security. In resolution 2029 (XX) of 22 November 1965, the General Assembly decided to unite the two organizations and the world forever changed . The expanded Technical Assistance Program (RPTD) and the UN Special Fund have united forces to form the UN Development Program in order to better coordinate development efforts. The United Nations Development Program has been operational since January 1966 .

It was agreed that UNDP's “general mission” should be to assist participating countries in their commitment to sustainable human development, in this context, to focus on those areas where UNDP had a prominent comparative advantage, in particular, on capacity building in the neediest regions and countries such as the least developed countries and Africa - to help them develop national capacities to achieve sustainable human development, and to give priority to poverty eradication and development Equality. The history of the establishment and operation of the United Nations Development Program distinguishes between periods, each of which was marked by a certain victory or progress in the activities of this program in various fields. These historical factors are undeniably important since it is through their analysis that it is possible to understand why the current United Nations Develop¬ment Program is the one we know today. The first period begins with the date of creation, that is, from the `60s. The first challenge was the eradication of desert locusts, which at that time posed a grave threat to agriculture and was successfully resolved. The next period of development is in the 1970s. They have yet to be called “years of knowledge sharing and resources”, as the first global project of UNDP was implemented precisely at this time. Having experience in regional projects, UNDP launches its first global project called Global One. At the same time, UNDP launches the TOKTEN program, a global UNDP-based mechanism that utilizes the expertise and knowledge of foreign citizens who have moved to other countries and have achieved professional success abroad . The 1980s have historically been regarded as years of UNDP struggle with great challenges: the transition of a number of countries to democracy, the promotion of entrepreneurship and the beginning of the struggle for gen¬der equality. New development steps were made in the 1 990s. UNDP publishes its first annual Human Development Report, which has an unprecedented view of the situation. The 2000s and up to now a new era of development has come. The Millennium Development Goals - this event marked the new stage of UNDP. The United Nations has adopted a set of eight Millennium Development Goals that need to be achieved by 2015. At the top of the list is the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger. Today, UNDP is guided by the established Sustainable Development Agenda up to 2030. This agenda was based on the experience of the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that ended at the end of 2015 and contributed enormously to raising public awareness, in¬creasing political will and mobilizing resources to combat the eradication of poverty. Today, the core of the program is 17 Sustainable Development Goals (CSR). Universality is an important and unique feature of the Agenda until 2030, which means that it applies to all countries at all levels of development, taking into account their different capabilities and circumstances .

One of the main reasons why UNDP is a reliable partner for development around the world is that it acts in accordance with the principles and values of the United Nations. It means re specting the control of each country over its own future, bringing together countries for common goals and objectives. In the achievement of success, the system of UNDP bodies and the documents on which they rely on their activities play a primary role. The Executive Board of UNDP is the main body that implements the policy formulated by the General Assembly, as well as its coordination, control, and guidance. It consists of representatives from 36 countries of the world, working on a rotational basis and divided into regional groups. As of 2019, the Regional Group of Eastern European States is Albania, the Republic of Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine. The next UNDP body is the Bureau of the Executive Council consisting of one President (President) and four Deputies elected from among the members at the first regular session each year, taking into account the need to ensure equitable geographical representation. Since 2001, the presiden¬cy was conducted by completely different groups of states. The countries of Eastern Europe took over the presidency in 2006, 2011 and 2016 . Key documents under which the activities of UNDP bodies are carried out:

* Rules of procedure of the Executive Board from 2011;

* UNDP Strategic Plan, 2018-2021;

*UNDP Integrated Resource Plans and Integrated Budget Estimates, 2018-2021;

* UNDP's liability system since 2008 .

Consequently, UNDP seeks to promote and protect human rights, to support a responsible and in-clusive democracy around the world, including through political dialogues, the inclusion of rights and values and principles, as well as special programs of financial and technical assistance. UNDP describes itself as “the global development network of the United Nations, an organization that adv o- cates for change and combines countries with knowledge, experience, and resources to help people build a better life” .

The purpose of UNDP in Eastern Europe is to promote the eradication of poverty in all its forms, accelerate the transition to sustainable development and ensure the ability of countries and people to withstand crises and shocks. UNDP works to ensure that the most vulnerable are not left behind, de-velops solutions to accelerate sustainable development, and helps to prevent and respond to crises and shocks. The countries of Eastern Europe have made significant progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals of 2015 and expressed strong support and commitment to the Sustainable Devel-opment Agenda by 2030 .

Almost every country in the Eastern European region faces challenges in reconciling economic and social progress with environmental sustainability, which is often compounded by slow progress in the reform of state institutions, government structures and the development of the private sector. The problems of inequality and vulnerability are growing and growing. The region of Eastern Europe also faces energy, environment and climate risks, including disaster and energy shortages. The activities of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Eastern Europe are based on a document adopt¬ed by the Executive Board of UNDP Draft Regional Program Document for Europe and the Com¬monwealth of Independent States (2018-2021)11.

To study the functioning of the UN Development Program in Eastern Europe, Moldova, Belarus, and Ukraine were selected. Since these countries were formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they are neighbors and it is expedient to investigate their pace of development and peculiarities within the framework of UNDP activities.

Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe, whose economy is heavily dependent on agri-culture. It has the lowest human development index on the continent and is the least visited country in Europe. An equally important negative factor for Moldova's development is the frozen a rmed Trans- nistria conflict, which does not allow the country to fully realize its interests. Because of such a large number of problems in the country, UNDP's activities are a very responsible step, which is countless hopes. UNDP Moldova is guided by its Program Document for the Republic of Moldova. Today, UNDP Moldova has three goals that the document identifies as a pillar of a future successful country:

* Fair governance, human rights, and gender equality;

* Sustainable, inclusive and fair economic growth;

* Ecological stability and elasticity .

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Moldova provides for equalization and e x- pansion, focusing on programs and communities that are not fully or marginalized, and therefore the “no-one's behind” principle applies. The so-called “burden” for the Republic of Moldova is disadvan¬taged communities and regions with a special status, such as Gagauzia, Taraklia and the Transnistrian region, so it is very important to improve the situation and solve the urgent problems of these territories. That is why UNDP provides intensive individual and contextual assistance in temporarily complex regions, aimed at improving livelihoods, strengthening sustainability, building trust among com¬munities, supporting business development, helping to create jobs and creating green jobs, and provid¬ing access to justice and quality social services. UNDP operates in Moldova in accordance with the Moldova-United Nations Framework Partnership for Sustainable Development for 2018 -2022, which is in line with the priorities of the Government of Moldova . The United Nations in Moldova states that: “By 2030, Moldova will become a country without poverty and corruption, inequality is reduced, and social inclusion and cohesion are strengthened, s o that” nobody is left behind “the country where respect and promote human rights, gender equality, and empowerment of women, rule of law, environmental sustainability and welfare of the population” .

The Republic of Belarus is located in the eastern part of Europe. The country has a transition economy, and it is obvious that the structural characteristics inherited from the former Soviet bloc. Belarus has a relatively low level of poverty and inequality, while unemployment remains at a very low level: less than 1% of the workforce. It is difficult to name Belarus as a poor country in Eastern Europe, but this should be due to the continued UNDP work and the successful implementation of the Millennium Development Goals. The activities of UNDP in Belarus are currently governed by the Instrument on the State Program of Belarus for 2016-2020. Under the new UNDP program, it promotes:

* Strengthening governance that is inclusive and accountable;

* Pursuit of a growth path based on inclusion principles;

* Providing universal access to basic services for vulnerable groups .

These areas are key components of UNDP's work in Belarus, in which it already has good opportu-nities and can mobilize experience as needed.

The document on the state program of Belarus for 2016-2020 contains a number of priorities and partnerships that are rationally implemented in accordance with Agenda 2030 and the UNDP Strategic Plan. The legal basis for UNDP in Belarus is the Framework for Development Assistance for Belarus (2016-2020), which defines the basic principles of UNDP's work in the country.

Ukraine is the first largest country in Europe - a country of broad, fertile agricultural plains, with large masses of heavy industry in the East. Today, Ukraine has chosen the whole path of development through what is going through the toughest challenges of history during all years of independence. That is why UNDP plays an important role in the country's recovery and development. At the present time, the economic situation leaves much to be desired, for example, 57% of Ukrainians live below the poverty line. Instability and conflicts are a huge problem in all spheres of life . In 2013-2014, the “Revolution of Dignity” unfolded against imperfect governance, corruption and impunity, and supe r- seded the administration. Subsequently, a conflict broke out in eastern Ukraine, where separatists were taken over by local authorities in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Moreover, Ukraine lost some of the territories - the Crimean peninsula was annexed by the Russian authorities. Conflicts have led to widespread human rights violations, sexual and gender-based violence, and economic decline, and internally displaced persons are particularly vulnerable. Like every country, Ukraine has entered into treaties that oblige it to promote its goals. The Program Document for Ukraine (2018-2022), which was adopted at the second regular session on September 5-11, 2017 in New York. The strategy of Ukraine's program is based on three interconnected ways of development:

* Comprehensive and effective democratic governance;

* Inclusive and gender-responsive sustainable development;

* Restoring peace and building peace in areas affected by conflict .

UNDP in Ukraine also acts in accordance with the Framework Partnership between the Govern¬ment of Ukraine and the United Nations for 2018-2022. Approval of such a document is a widespread phenomenon between participating countries and the UN. This Framework Agreement between Ukraine and the UN is formulated with the participation of the Government, the UN in Ukraine, civil society and other stakeholders, and reaffirms the commitment of all partners to support the Sustainable Development Agenda by 2030 in national priorities. In eastern Ukraine, UNDP continues to work with other United Nations agencies to strengthen the resilience of conflicting communities. For example, a joint UN-Women program enhances women's economic opportunities through investments in the d e- velopment of women's entrepreneurship and the integration of gender-sensitive budgeting in devel-opment strategies .

Conclusions. Thus, despite the relevance of the studied issues, it has not yet been properly reflected in specific research works. Although UNDP has been assisting national governments and civil society in addressing the most pressing issues of their economic and social development for several decades, there is no comprehensive research, scientific or analytical works in this direction. There are certain stages of UNDP development that correspond to decades: 1) 1960-1970 - the formation of UNDP; 2) 1980-200 - formation of new UNDP institutions; 3) 2000-2020 - expansion of UNDP activities. Today, UNDP is guided by the established Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030 and 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Looking at the achievements of UNDP from the 1960s to the present day, it is difficult not to notice how priorities and the world are changing, how everyday problems have turned into modern threats and challenges.

Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine were selected to study the functioning of the UN Development Pro-gram in Eastern Europe. As these countries are neighbors, it was advisable to study their pace of de-velopment and the specifics of UNDP activities. A common aspect of the UNDP in all Eastern European countries is that it is implemented in accordance with the UNDP Regional Program in Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. In the 1990s, UNDP entered into an agreement with the governments of Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine, which set out the conditions for providing assistance to states.

It should be noted that common in the activities of UNDP for the three states are programs in the field of democracy and freedom of speech, as well as the protection of human rights. However, each of the studied countries has its own programs, features of their implementation, budget and various areas in which they are aimed. It is the mobility and flexibility of UNDP that allows it to adapt to the peculiar or critical, sometimes even very specific nature of the country's activi ties.

Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe, the country with the lowest human development index on the continent and with a frozen internal conflict. Having identified the main principles and features of the formation of UNDP activities in Moldova, it should be noted that UNDP pursues three goals or pillars in the future: fair governance, human rights and gender equality. To implement this direction in Moldova there are a number of projects: The project “Migration and Local Development” has the main goal - to maximize the impact of migration on socio-economic development through a strengthened institutional framework and diaspora, the project “Restraining corruption through stable integrity in the Republic of Moldova”. Sustainable, comprehensive and equitable economic growth finds its way into every project in Moldova, as the economic component is part of any project. That is, support for economic growth and development are implemented with the help of projects in the field of ecology or combating corruption. For example, the Confidence Building Support Program aims to increase trust between people on both sides of the Nistru River by improving 4 areas, one of which is the economy. The activities of the UN Development Program are regulated by documents concluded between the UN and the government: the Program Document for the Republic of Moldova, the Framework Program of Partnership of the Republic of Moldova and the United Nations for Sustaina¬ble Development for 2018-2022. The Moldovan government, community and UNDP representatives are working to achieve the country's goals and see Moldova as a country free of poverty and corru p- tion by 2030, inequality is reduced, and social inclusion and cohesion are strengthened.

Belarus is the country of Eastern Europe, which is almost the opposite of Moldova, as the unem-ployment rate is less than 1%, a country with a high level of human development and gender equality index, the ranking of doing business for the last 8 years moved Belarus to 57th place (out of 129). This progress has been made through dedicated public cooperation in the area of the Millennium Develop-ment Goals, which has been met ahead of schedule. It is worth noting that UNDP contributes to the further development and improvement of life in the country. UNDP activities in Belarus are currently governed by the 2016-2020 Belarus State Program Document.

Under the new program, UNDP contributes to: strengthening the management system, which is in-clusive and accountable. The main initiatives working in this area: “Support to the National Coordinator for Sustainable Development and Strengthening the Role of Parliament in Sustainable Development” and “Support for Local Development in the Republic of Belarus” aimed at assisting government agencies and organizations in improving standards of proper governance through an participatory approach and enhanced dialogue between government, business, non-profit organizations and citizens. The pursuit of the trajectory of economic growth, based on the principles of inclusion, is now imple¬mented through the project “Support for economic deve lopment” at the local level in the Republic of Belarus. Ensuring universal access to basic services, especially for vulnerable groups, is implemented through a number of local and national projects, such as “Prevention of non-communicable diseases, promotion of healthy lifestyles and support for the modernization of the health care system in Belarus”.

UNDP has been working for a long time in Ukraine, which has survived revolutions, annexation of territories and today is fighting for the return of the eastern territories and the cessation of aggression. UNDP activities in Ukraine are based on the Program Document for Ukraine (2018-2022), in accordance with the Framework Program for Partnership between the Government of Ukraine and the United Nations for 2018-2022. Such activities are also based on three interrelated paths of development: comprehensive and effective democratic governance is one of the key priorities of today, as overcoming corruption is expected to improve the state political system and public life, which is why the rule of law in Ukraine. Inclusive and gender-responsive sustainable development is implemented through the project “Restoration of Governance and Reconciliation in Crisis Communities of Ukraine/EU”, which implements a gender response and approach to participation in recovery planning and service delivery. Restoring peace and rebuilding conflict-affected areas.

23 UNDP projects are being implemented in Ukraine. Today, the focus is made on rebuilding conflict-affected areas, which is why most projects are aimed on this area. As of 2019, the following initiatives: “Supporting the Economic Recovery of Eastern Ukraine”, “Ukraine's Early Recovery Program” and “Promoting Entrepreneurship among the Population Affected by the Conflict in Ukraine (Stage 2)” are in place.

Список джерел

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1. Zakon Respublyky Moldova «Ob utverzhdenyy Natsyonalnoi stratehyy razvytyia "Moldova- 2020"» ot 11 yiulia 2012 hoda №166 s yzmenenyiamy y dopolnenyiamy ot 03.07.2014 h. Parlament Respublyky Moldova [Online]. URL: http://extwprlegs1.fao.org/docs/pdf/mol189418.pdf (Accessed

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5. Chekalenko L. D. (2015) Ukraina v OON: vidstoiuvannia Nezalezhnosti Naukovyi visnyk

Dyplomatychnoi akademii Ukrainy, Vyp. 22(1), S. 30-36. [Online]. URL: http://irbis-nbuv.gov.ua/cgi- bin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64.exe?C21COM=2&I21DBN=UJRN&P21DBN=UJRN&IMAGE_FILE_DO WNLOAD=1&Image_file_name=PDF/Nvdau_2015_22%281 %29 5.pdf (Accessed 29.05.2020).

6. Country programme document for the Republic of Moldova (2018-2022) (2017) Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme [Online]. URL: https://www.undp.org/content/ dam/moldova/docs/Legal%20Framework/CPD%202018-2022.pdf (Accessed 28.05.2020).

7. Country programme document for the Republic of Belarus (2016-2020) (2015) Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme [Online]. URL: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/ 796791 (Accessed 30.05.2020).

8. Country programme document for Ukraine (2018-2022) (2017) Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme [Online]. URL: https://undocs.org/en/DP/DCP/UKRZ3 (Accessed

02.06.2020) .

9. Development Goals: 2015 Progress Chart (2015) Department of Economic and Social Affairs,

United Nations [Online]. URL: https://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/2015_MDG_Report/pdf/

MDG%202015%20PC%20final.pdf (Accessed 26.05.2020).

10. Future of UNDP: Executive Board Decision 94/14 (1995) Executive Board of the United Na¬tions Development Programme [Online]. URL: http://web.undp.org/execbrd/pdf/DP971.PDF (Ac¬cessed 18.05.2020).

11. Raszkowski A., Bartniczak B. (2019) Sustainable Development in the Central and Eastern Eu¬ropean Countries (CEECs): Challenges and Opportunities Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Insti¬tute, №4, 18 p.

12. Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme, of the United Nations Population Fund and of the United Nations Office for Project Services (2011) United Nations Development Programme [Online]. URL: https://www.undp.org/content/dam/ undp/library/corporate/Executive%20Board/Rules_of_Procedure_E.pdf (Accessed 21.05.2020).

13. The General Assembly Resolution 2029 (XX): Consolidation of the special fund and the ex¬

panded programme of technical assistance in a United Nations Development Programme (1965) Offi¬cial Website of the United Nations [Online]. URL: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/

RESOLUTION/GEN/NR0/217/92/PDF/NR021792.pdf?OpenElement (Accessed 15.05.2020).

14. The General Assembly Resolution 48/162: Further measures for the restructuring and revitaliza-tion of the United Nations in the economic, social and related fields (1993) Official Website of the United Nations(2015) Official Website of the United Nations [Online]. URL: https://www.un.org/ documents/ga/res/48/ares48-162.htm (Accessed 21.05.2020).

15. The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015 (2015) Official Website of the United Nations

[Online]. URL: https://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/2015_MDG_Report/pdf/MDG%202015%20

rev%20(July%201).pdf. (Accessed 19.05.2020).

16. United Nations Development Programme (1966) Official Website of the United Nations [Online]. URL: https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home.html (Accessed 25.05.2020).

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