History of regional relations in foreign political activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1991-2014)

The partnership relations of the regions of Kazakhstan with the regions, border regions of the country, which differ in their importance and effectiveness, have been studied. Bilateral needs of the regions for further contacts have been determined.

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Ganiy M. Karassayev Department of Source Studies, Historiography and History of Kazakhstan, Institute of State History Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kanat A. Yensenov Department of Source Studies, Historiography and History of Kazakhstan, Institute of State History Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Bekmurat R. Naimanbayev Department of Kazakhstan History and Geography SILKWAY International University Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan, Alya A. Oskembay Faculty of History, Philology and International Relations Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University Ust-Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan, Hadisha K. Ermukhanova Department of Scientific Information, Institute of State History Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan


Lately legal framework of Kazakhstan's relations with other countries has been formed, the confidence and respect of the world community for the country has increased. This research article examines the regional partnerships of the East Kazakhstan and North Kazakhstan regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 1991 to 2014 on the basis of archival data, documents in collections and analysis of scientific papers. The multifaceted partnerships of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the regions, districts, border areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan distinguished by their importance and effectiveness are studied. Experience in this area shows that such a partnership in foreign policy allows for the full realization of relations, especially in the economic and social spheres. Through such cooperation, it will be possible to deepen interstate relations on the basis of mutual benefit. It will be possible to identify the specifics and bilateral needs of the regions, andfurther establish contacts on a regular basis. Thus, the purpose of all agreements with foreign countries concluded since the beginning of the 90s of the XX century in economic, cultural, health, education, science and other areas was to involve all regions of Kazakhstan in this relationship. Such activities take into account the provision of cooperation and exchange of experience with countries that have developed through high technical development

Keywords: customs, diplomacy, international relations, integration, multi-vector directions


Історія регіональних відносин у зовнішньополітичній діяльності Республіки Казахстан (1991-2014). Гані Карасаєв, Кафедра джерелознавства, історіографії та історії Казахстану Інститут державної історії Комітет науки Міністерства освіти та науки Республіки Казахстан Нур-Султан, Республіка Казахстан. Канат Єнсенов, Кафедра джерелознавства, історіографії та історії Казахстану Інститут державної історії Комітет науки Міністерства освіти та науки Республіки Казахстан Нур-Султан, Республіка Казахстан. Бекмурат Найманбаєв, Кафедра історії та географії Казахстану Міжнародний університет Silkway Шимкент, Республіка Казахстан. Аля Оскембай, Факультет історії, філології та міжнародних відносин Східно-Казахстанський державний університет ім. С. Аманжолова Усть-Каменогорськ, Республіка Казахстан. Хадіша Єрмуханова, Науково-інформаційний відділ Інститут державної історії Комітет науки Міністерства освіти та науки Республіки Казахстан Нур-Султан, Республіка Казахстан

Останнім часом сформувалася правова база відносин Казахстану з іншими країнами, зросла довіра та повага світового співтовариства до країни. У цій статті досліджуються регіональні партнерства Східно-Казахстанської та Північно-Казахстанської областей Республіки Казахстан у період з 1991 по 2014 роки на основі архівних даних, документів у збірниках та аналізу наукових праць. Досліджено багатогранні партнерські відносини регіонів Республіки Казахстан з регіонами, районами, прикордонними районами країни, що відрізняються їх важливістю та ефективністю. Досвід у цій сфері показує, що таке партнерство у зовнішній політиці дозволяє повною мірою реалізувати відносини, особливо в економічній та соціальній сферах. Завдяки такій співпраці можна буде поглибити міждержавні відносини на основі взаємної вигоди. Таким чином можна буде визначити особливості та двосторонні потреби регіонів та надалі регулярно встановлювати контакти. Отже, метою всіх угод з іноземними країнами, укладених з початку 90 -х років ХХ століття в економічній, культурній, охоронній, освітній, науковій та інших сферах, було залучити до цих відносин усі регіони Казахстану. Така діяльність враховує забезпечення співпраці та обмін досвідом із країнами, які розвивалися завдяки високому технічному розвитку

Ключові слова: звичаї, дипломатія, міжнародні відносини, інтеграція, багатовекторні напрями

partnership border bilateral kazakhstan


From the very first days of independence, in the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, special attention was paid to the active involvement of various sectors of the country. This is due to the fact that the main direction is to connect the vast regions of the country with the rest of the world, including the border areas of neighboring countries on industrial, economic, cultural, educational and scientific and other issues. Through such a plan, the purpose of all agreements concluded with foreign countries since the early 1990s in the economic, cultural, health, education, science and other areas was to involve all regions of Kazakhstan in this relationship. It is known that such activities are aimed at ensuring cooperation and exchange of experience with developed countries through high technical development.

When considering the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan during the years of independent development, it should be noted that the legal framework of Kazakhstan's relations with many countries has been formed, the confidence and respect of the world community for the country has increased. The necessary preconditions for Kazakhstan's integration into global and regional economic processes have been laid, and foreign policy priorities have been selected. Kazakhstan's foreign policy priorities were formed primarily under the influence of long-term factors such as the country's geographical location and its national interests. Kazakhstan pursues a multi-vector foreign policy. A lot of work has been done in the field of foreign investment. Agreements have been reached with campaigns and companies from leading countries around the world. Specific directions in foreign policy have been identified. Currently, the Republic of Kazakhstan is a country with its own place in the world community [1].

Materials and methods

New research data from the archives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AP RK), the State Archive of the East Kazakhstan Region (SAEKR), the State Archive of the North Kazakhstan Region (SANKR) and the Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation (AFP RF) were used to write this research article. A set of documents related to international relations was used as well. Foreign and domestic research papers on the topic were analyzed and referenced. The authors believe that in order to scientifically determine the multivector policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the theoretical and methodological literature, as well as archival data. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the treaties on international relations, archival documents and the works of state figures and scientists. Regarding the problem of theory and methodology in international relations Russian scientist P.A. Tsygankov, noted: “The theory of international relations, which emerged in the early XX century, has rapidly strengthened and gained the status of one of the most important social disciplines in the academic community and the expert community. I t has also gained recognition in the political arena among those who make important foreign policy decisions. The normative nature of the theory-methodology is related to the role of ideas and proposals in understanding its object. From this point of view, there are three ideas about its object. Theory and methodology as a system of international relations and as an international society. The denterminist methodology follows from the view of international relations as a system of relatively homogeneous elements - states that form a stable whole - international relations. Historically and functionally, international systems differ in the relative location of these elements and the way they are organized” [2].

The book “Belasu” by the famous politician, diplomat, statesman (now the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan) Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the formation and development of foreign policy of independent Kazakhstan. The author wrote: “After the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan was faced with a difficult choice. What foreign policy should be pursued to protect their interests as much as possible? After the signing of the Lisbon Protocol, the long work of diplomatic recognition in our country, the sending of foreign embassies and missions of international organizations to Kazakhstan, the First President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev's meetings and talks with the leaders of the world's leading countries has been conducted. In the face of Kazakhstan, the world community has seen a mature state that is fully responsible for the fate of the world order, able to cooperate with and develop it, to engage in dialogue on the most pressing issues of international life” [3]. Therefore, from these conclusions, the authors see in a real historical context that the Republic of Kazakhstan has joined the world community and has taken its place in it and began to establish contacts with foreign countries.

Aitken Jonathan, a well-known British public figure, in his book “Kazakhstan. Surprises and Stereotypes” wrote that “Kazakhstan has a small population living in the vastness of the land. It is enough to see the scale of the country's challenges and opportunities looking at the map once. Its northern border with Russia (6847 kilometers) is longer than the land border of Canada and the United States. It is the ninth region in the world, stretching 1,533 km from the shores of the Caspian Sea, which borders Europe in Asia, to the border with Western China” [4]. In other words, these data provided by a foreign expert show that the Republic of Kazakhstan is a country with a large territory in the world, a great desire to cooperate with it, to get acquainted with its regions. It is clear that bilateral relations with developed countries are encouraging for Kazakhstan. It is necessary to study the history of partnership relations implemented by the Republic of Kazakhstan with neighboring countries and foreign countries during the period of sovereignty, analyze them on a scientific basis and show their importance. It is obvious that by providing such a scientific analysis, it is possible to make proposals to improve the efficiency of further development of the country's activities in this direction.

Results and discussion

After gaining independence in 1991, the Republic of Kazakhstan as a separate state established political, economic and diplomatic relations with near and far abroad. Kazakhstan has reached many agreements in partnership with foreign countries. For example, in 1995, Ispad International purchased 100% of the assets of the Carmet Metallurgical Plant in Temirtau ($200 million), which is a leading exporter of metal products in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The trade turnover between the two countries last year amounted to 307 mln. USA dollars. A well-known event in the relations between Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom was the exhibition “Investment Opportunities in Kazakhstan” in 1996 in London. Trade and economic relations between Kazakhstan and Germany are developing more actively. There are more than 70 German companies in the country. The well-known events in trade and economic relations with France include the following: Renault, Koch, Euroconter, Schneider, Sofrelia and others. A group of French businessmen, including leaders of large companies, visited Kazakhstan in 1996. During the visit, preliminary agreements were reached with Renault on the establishment of a joint venture, the construction of a gas pipeline from Aktobe to Karachaganak, the construction of a gas pipeline from Akmola airport, Almaty metro, Karachaganak field. Today, there are twenty joint Kazakh - French companies and banks in Kazakhstan, including the well-known “Elf Aquitaine”, “Total” and “Mulikens”.

Trade and economic relations between Kazakhstan and Turkey are developing steadily. Turkish companies are already carrying out construction work in Kazakhstan worth $1.5 billion, which should have reached $5 billion in 2000. Today, more than 30 Turkish companies are accredited in Kazakhstan, more than 90 Kazakh-Turkish joint ventures operate. “Turkish business can be found everywhere” [5]. It is known that as a result of such agreements, many regions of Kazakhstan are in contact with the regions of these countries and are working effectively together. From the first days of independence, special attention was paid to Kazakhstan's relations with the CIS member states and interregional ties. In particular in 1993-1994, Kazakhstan signed 5 agreements with Azerbaijan in order to regulate trade and economic cooperation and mutual obligations. In 1993-1995, 23 agreements were signed with Georgia on the regulation of economic relations, finance, customs, science and technology, agriculture, railway transport. In 1993-1994, 4 agreements on economic cooperation were signed with Armenia. Large-scale legal agreements have been established with Ukraine. Among them are more than 30 signed intergovernmental agreements: The Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation of January 20, 1994, the Agreement on Free Trade of September 17, 1994, 20 joint ventures on the basis of economic cooperation between the two countries in the field of heavy industry from 1994 to 2000. In 1994, Ukraine became the second largest economic partner of Kazakhstan in terms of trade relations with the CIS countries, accounting for 10% [6].

The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev speaking at a joint meeting of CIS leaders and governments in Almaty on February 10, 1995, said: “Despite many unavoidable challenges, we have made significant progress in our movement, especially last year, which was marked by large -scale integration efforts. It can be said that there are zones of active integration, including Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan interaction. These phenomena were preceded by an active beginning in the Central Asian region between Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Important decisions for the development of relations were made on the basis of bilateral agreements between Kazakhstan and Russia” [7]. Thus, he identified fundamental role in the future development of member countries. Multifaceted relations with a number of regions of Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation, Central Asia, China and Mongolia have been established and many activities have been implemented. The importance and effectiveness of cooperation between the adjacent regions and territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation are marked among them. For example, meetings of heads of production and business circles of these regions with the participation of the Presidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation have become a tradition to sign multilateral and bilateral agreements. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev noted that “There is a positive development of cross-border relations in the regions and territories of Kazakhstan and Russia” [8]. The border area cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan is a key instrument of economic and humanitarian relations between the two countries. During the meeting in Omsk (January 26), the Vice Prime Ministers of the two countries (A.A. Bolschakov and V.L. Mette) signed an agreement on cooperation between the border areas of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan [9]. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on June 3, 1999, “Kazakhstan (after Ukraine) currently ranks second in terms of intersectoral agreements with the subjects of the Russian Federation. There is an interregional association for the development of Siberian raw materials, which includes 12 Russian and 9 Kazakh regions (MACE). International agreements on cooperation between the border regions of Russia and Kazakhstan are being implemented. This is about the Altai, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orenburg, Saratov, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk regions and, accordingly, the border areas of Kazakhstan” [10].

Economic and other cooperation between the border areas of the two countries has been carried out systematically since the beginning of the XXI century. For example, in 2006, 76 out of 88 districts of the Russian Federation have trade and economic relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The most active participants in foreign trade are Astrakhan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Samara, Volgograd, Kurgan regions and Altai Region. 12 Russian border territories provide half of the volume of trade between the countries, and two-thirds belong to the Urals and Siberia. To date, more than 40 agreements in various areas of interstate relations have been signed between the regions and territories of Kazakhstan and Russia. Currently, there are about 400 enterprises and representative offices in the border area. From the first days of independence, relations with certain border areas of the People's Republic of China began to be implemented in the interests of both countries. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in an interview with journalists of the magazine “Talents of China” on July 24, 1995 stated that “Our meeting in the autumn of 1993 gave an important impetus to the development of cooperation between Kazakhstan and China in various fields. The relations between our countries based on good neighborliness and friendship provide a good basis for deepening relations between Kazakhstan and China, deepening various ties between the two peoples. Kazakhstan assumes particular importance to the development of comprehensive relations with your country and appreciates the intensity and friendly nature of our relations” [11]. Thus, he stressed the importance of close bilateral ties in various fields.

An official intergovernmental statement at the time noted that “China is Kazakhstan's largest trading partner after Russia. The trade turnover between the two countries reached 600 million US dollars by the end of 1996, or almost doubled compared to last year. Karmetkombinat pays $120 million to China and a long-term agreement is being reached to supply steel and tin concentrate from China for the production of tin with the participation of Chinese partners at the suggestion of the plant” [12]. This showed the need for further cooperation. In the pursuit of the development of bilateral relations with the countries whose territories are bordered by the regions of Kazakhstan, the issue of establishing a clear connection with the historical homeland of the national diasporas in the border areas is taken into account. They included economic, cultural, educational, scientific, linguistic and other relations with the Kazakh population located in the border areas with neighboring countries and they aimed at systematic work in these areas. They covered the work on implementation of comprehensive contacts with non-Kazakh nationals living in the border areas of the country with their historical compatriots and thereby resolving the issue of interethnic relations with neighboring countries and other work. The examples of the East Kazakhstan region demonstrate that the main content of the relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the border areas of neighboring countries is aimed at the actual implementation of these goals. In particular, in the second half of the 90s of XX century, in accordance with the State Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the East Kazakhstan regional administration began to provide employment and accommodation services to repatriates from Mongolia, China, Iran and other countries. Most of the repatriates to this historical place were those who reluctantly moved from this region of Kazakhstan and aimed to establish close ties with the Kazakhs of the Altai, Tarbagatai, Bayan -Ulgii regions of the People's Republic of China and Mongolia. The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided an opportunity for repatriates to settle down and work in a new place. According to archival documents of this content, according to the East Kazakhstan regional department of migration and demography, as of September 1, 1998, there were 1,074 repatriates in the region, amounting to 15,340 people.

In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the allocation of quotas for repatriates” in the budget of the region in 1998 provided 61.5 million tenge for the reception and placement of repatriates. Since the beginning of 1998, 21 houses were purchased for repatriate families for 2050.0 thousand tenge, another 22 houses were selected and paid for. There are 1808 repatriates of working age in the region. 1054 of them are permanently or temporarily employed. Despite the complexity of socioeconomic development and the severe lack of budget funds, the Akim of the region and local authorities are doing everything possible to receive, accommodate and prepare repatriates - ethnic Kazakhs for the new situation [13]. At the same time, the Government of Kazakhstan, on the basis of agreements with the Governments of the People's Republic of China and Mongolia, facilitates economic, social, cultural and educational cooperation of these repatriates with their relatives in these countries. The result of this work is that the number of Kazakhs returning to their homeland is constantly growing. At the same time, since the first decade of the XXI century, the East Kazakhstan region has become a kind of joint action of the state with the CIS and other countries in the economic, cultural, health, education and science spheres. Among them, the basis of external relations in the region has become tourism. According to actual data: “Compared to the total number of visitors in 2010, the number of tourists in 2013 increased by 28.8% ”.

In 2013, there were 277 accommodation facilities (hotels, country houses, boarding houses, camps, rural recreation centers), 347 symbols of the tourism industry (providing tourist services) in the East Kazakhstan region, which provided services in the amount of 3.2 billion tenge [14]. Therefore, the region pays regular attention to the development of international tourism and mutually beneficial relations with neighboring countries. In particular, for the development of domestic tourism in the region, the akimat annually organizes participation in international and national exhibitions. For example, on February 11, 2014 in Ust-Kamenogorsk International Tourism Exhibition “Introduce yourself and the East to the world” was organized. The exhibition was implemented with the participation of tourism companies from Russia, China, Mongolia, Slovakia, regional governors, heads of national and local tourism organizations, and contributed to the development of tourism in the region at the international level. A number of memorandums were signed during the exhibition. They are: The first, the East Kazakhstan Department of Tourism and External Relations - “Machaon International”, Slovakia. The European Commission “Mahaon International Association” has allocated 88 million tenge for the development of rural tourism in Ridder, Katon-Karagai and Kurchum districts; the second, LLP “Irtysh” and E.S. Kanapyanov planned to build a tourist base on the shores of Lake Sadyrkol (Sibe Lakes area); third, LLP “Meridian” (East Kazakhstan) and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (China) - signed a visa agreement; the fourth, the Municipal State Institution “Tourist Information Center” and the Mongolian tourist company “Zavhan” signed an agreement to meet with representatives of travel agencies from Germany and France from May 28 to June 3. In cooperation with the United Arab Emirates, in March 2014, Abu Dhabi participated in the International Tourism Exhibition “GIBTM -2014”. During these activities, a number of contracts were concluded.

LLP “Bayan” health complex - in the summer of 2014 signed an agreement with representatives of 6 companies (“TREDEWAY Sagency”, “BINMOSTRAVEL”) on the admission of UAE citizens for anthrax treatment, LLP “Katon-Karagai deer park” - a five-star “Rakha Beach hotel” in Abu Dhabi. Hotel has signed an agreement to open deer antler production offices. From April 27 to May 1, 2014 in the business and exposition areas of the city-resort of federal significance Belokurikha in the Altai Territory the International Tourism Forum “VISIT ALTAI” was held. Participation in this forum provided an opportunity to organize recreational and medical activities in the East Kazakhstan region. A Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of tourism was signed there. It is planned to regulate the single international tourist routes (Russian Federation - Republic of Kazakhstan - China). Officials of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, DEDEMAN Hotel Association in Ust-Kamenogorsk prepared a project “Training for hotel business managers”, the resu lts and recommendations of them were sent to the Republic of Turkey, Antalya and Belek cities. As part of the Program for the development of priority areas of the tourism industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014, 4 important developing investment projects for the development of tourism in the East Kazakhstan region were considered. The Department of Tourism and External Relations of the East Kazakhstan region, in addition to the above, from the period of its justification, economic, cultural spheres organized relations in various fields. For example: April 8-10, 2014 in Barnaul “Days of the Altai Krai” of the East Kazakhstan region were held. As part of the event, meetings were organized with representatives of the East Kazakhstan region and business groups of the Altai Krai. The meeting took place in the Altai Business Incubator, as a result of which memorandums and contracts were signed.

According to the memorandum signed on April 9, 2011, on September 18, 2014 between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the East Kazakhstan region was the opening of a children ' s tuberculosis hospital in Semey for 5.2 million euros. Within the framework of the meeting, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mohamed Algafili met with Chairman of the Development Fund of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mohamed Suleiman Aldalilan, as well as Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Kazakhstan Hamad Alnuwasir. On March 26-28, 2014, as part of the celebration of “Nauryz H oliday” in Shaueshek, Xinjiang, China, days of Culture of the East Kazakhstan region of international level were organized. It is known that mutual cooperation in the field of tourism between the People's Republic of China in the border area has been established since the first days of Kazakhstan's independence. In particular, the official document for the implementation of such relations between the two countries at that time it was written that “On July 16, 1992, an agreement was reached between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the PRC on further development of tourism tourism” [15]. The schedule of the tour group of the East- Kazakhstan regional sports department is compiled in conjunction with the customs. Today 3 groups (930 people) were missed. All these groups were organized by the company “Ust-Kamenogorsk Tourist” Kaztursovet, as it is the only one having a direct contract with the Foreign Policy Department of the Altai Krai of the People's Republic of China.

The regional administration together with the branch of the corporation “Atameken” recently accepted the delegation of the leadership of the Koktugai region. Altai (Xinjiang, China) and discussed the issues of trade, tourism, agriculture, etc. [15-17]. This relationship continued further. During the meetings of the heads of regions and business circles of Kazakhstan and China, the issues of further development of joint activities in the field of tourism, agriculture, construction of the Bakhty-Ayagoz railway, green energy were discussed. Following the meeting, memorandums on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation were signed between the Department of Culture, archives and documentation of East Kazakhstan region, Ayagoz district of East Kazakhstan region, Durbyzhyn district of Xinj iang, China. On May 23-24, 2014, at the initiative of the East Kazakhstan regional administration, the first exhibition “OSKEMEN EXPO - 2014” was held. The exhibition organized a project competition “Energy of the Future”, after three meetings of expert groups, the winners were determined in 21 nominations. The guests invited by the East Kazakhstan Department of Tourism and External Relations were Nobel Laureates Kurt Wutrich and Svyatoslav Timashev, as well as foreign scientists Klaus Thiessen, Alexei Kavokin, Giuseppe Eramo and they shared their achievements in science. Within the framework of the trade-economic, scientific-technical, cultural-humanitarian agreement between the Akimat of the East Kazakhstan region and the Akimat of the Plzensk region, a delegation of the Czech Republic headed by the Governor of the Plzensk region Vaclav Schleis visited on September 16-19, 2014. During the meeting it is planned to visit JSC “Asia Auto”, dairy complex “Bobrovka”, construction and energy facilities. According to the bilateral agreement, LLP “Techstroyinnovation” and the Czech company “Friedlantskiestroyirny Rasl and son” signed an agreement on the implementation of equipment for th e production of thermal and sound and fire insulation boards with a capacity of 8950000 euros and a capacity of 30.0 tons per year. The total cost of the project is 22 million euros. On September 17 this year, a capsule was installed in Ust-Kamenogorsk for the construction of a plant for processing heat-generating materials for business development.

On October 16-18, 2014, Ust-Kamenogorsk hosted the 13th meeting of the International Coordination Council “Altai - our common home”. The meeting was attended by leaders of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, Mongolia, the Altai Krai of the Russian Federation and the Altai Republic. They discussed joint projects in trade, economic, social and humanitarian spheres, cooperation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The work plan of the International Coordinating Council “Altai - our common home” for 2015 was signed. On October 22-23, 2014, a delegation of the Federal Territory of Saxony met with Manfred Liebl, Chairman of the Saxony Economy in Russia, Vice President of the Expert Advisory Center for Mechanical Engineering. Within the framework of the meeting, a forum was held with the participation of entrepreneurs from the Federal Territory of Saxony and leaders of large enterprises of the East Kazakhstan region, including “Innovative production technologies that modernize entrepreneurship for metalworking enterprises”. The main purpose of the forum was to develop business relations with enterprises of the East Kazakhstan region, to attract investment in the East Kazakhstan region. On November 3, 2014 a meeting of the Akimat of the East Kazakhstan region with the chairmen of the company “POSCO e & c” of the Republic of Korea was held. The issues of implementation of concession investment projects of East Kazakhstan region on the basis of public-private partnership were discussed during the meeting. Construction of a multidisciplinary polyclinic for 300 people in Ust-Kamenogorsk through the “Bukhtarma Reservoi” at a cost of 230 million tenge. The construction of a bridge in the amount of US dollars was considered. The funds allocated for the construction of the bridge amounted to 20.8 billion tenge, the cost of a multidisciplinary hospital - 14.4 billion tenge. Economic, cultural, social cooperation between the North Kazakhstan region and the neighboring regions of the Russian Federation, as well as with some areas of foreign countries, has been based on the first years of independence. Since the end of XX century, various agreements have been concluded with the border regions of Russia and several Polish provinces, and their implementation is being carried out.

To this end, in December 1999, an official delegation of the Kurgan region of the Russian Federation paid a working visit to the North Kazakhstan region. During the meeting the participants discussed “Cooperation in trade, economic, scientific, technical, humanitarian and other areas between the Kurgan region of the Russian Federation and the North Kazakhstan region”. The issues of improvement and specification of the Agreement were discussed: law enforcement agencies of Korgan and North Kazakhstan regions, heads of customs services held working meetings to jointly address issues of illicit drug trafficking, arms trafficking, as well as coordination of the fight against organized crime; Following the meeting of the heads of enterprises of Petropavlovsk with the delegation of Korgan region in JSC “PZTM”, the participants agreed to exchange information on the types of products, changes in prices in the domestic market, as well as the implementation of joint projects; Exchange of parts and units between “Kurgandormash” OJSC - “PZTM” OJSC; Electrical equipment between KEMZ JSC and Kirov Plant JSC; Kurganmashzavod OJSC - Power Aggregates Plant LLP production and production of low-capacity engines; JSC “KAVZ” - “On the development of individual components and parts for the implementation of the project” Ural buses “between the Petropavlovsk complex of machine-building enterprises” [18].

During the official visit of the delegation of North Kazakhstan region to Tyumen region of the Russian Federation on August 28, 2002, the issues of deepening multifaceted cooperation between the border areas of the two countries were discussed. Among them are the provision of conditions for education in the native language in preschool institutions in the districts of Tyumen region and sending high school graduates of Tyumen region to study at the North Kazakhstan University in “Kazakh language and literature”, and high school graduates of North Kazakhstan region “Russian language and literature”. “Agreements have been reached to send him to Ishim University to study in his specialty”. Economic and social cooperation between the North Kazakhstan region and the neighboring regions of the Russian Federation, including Korgan,

Tyumen and Omsk regions, continues every year with new joint activities. For example, the official report of the Department of Economy of North Kazakhstan region reports on the implementation of the Agreement on trade, economic, scientific, technical, humanitarian and other cooperation between the Korgan region of the Russian Federation in the 1st quarter of 2001. It considered the issue of production of 200 small-capacity engines worth 75.0 thousand US dollars between Kurganmashzavod OJSC LLP “Plant for the production of small-capacity engines”.

The trade turnover with the Kurgan region of the Russian Federation in January-February 2001 amounted to 1376.1 US dollars. The foreign trade turnover in 2001 amounted to 12.8 million US dollars, or 4.2% of the total turnover with the Russian Federation, including exports of 5.8 million US dollars, imports of 7.0 million US dollars. The main exports were chemical products, mineral products. The majority of imports, in particular, 36.6% are metallurgical products [19-21]. In addition, on the basis of joint plans, the North Kazakhstan region has established a number of areas of cooperation with the Russian-dominated Omsk region of Russia, and services are provided in accordance with bilateral plans. In order to further deepen such relations, an agreement “On cooperation in trade, economic, scientific, technical, humanitarian and other fields” was signed on September 3, 2001 between the leadership of the Omsk region of the Russian Federation and the akimat of the North Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Parties shall, within their competence, promote the maintenance and development of socio-economic, scientific, technical and cultural ties between the Omsk region of the Russian Federation and the North Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, guided by the principles of mutual respect and equality. It undertakes to refrain from actions that could cause economic, environmental or other damage to any of the parties. Along with the border regions of Russia, the foundation was laid in various directions of relations of this region of Kazakhstan with certain regions of the far abroad. For example, the relationship between entrepreneurs of the North Kazakhstan region and the voivodships of the Republic of Poland, established at the beginning of the XXI century, is very important. At the invitation of the Polish side, on May 27-31, 2001, a delegation from the North Kazakhstan region visited the Polish Voivodeship of Dolnosilez and on May 31 visited the Volikopolskoe Voivodeship. During the visit, the delegation visited the agricultural machinery manufacturer “PILMET” and the pharmaceutical company “NASSO-LEK”, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, more than 20 Western companies and partnerships visited the Valbzhihsk special economic zone. The delegation visited the enterprise “NEUREKA”, which manufactures and maintains milk coolers. As a result, LLP “SK -Leasing” (Petropavlovsk) with the pharmaceutical company “NASSO -LEK” (Poland) in the North Kazakhstan region sent to the North Kazakhstan region 3 units of the company “Ffisomilk 4” with a capacity of 1.5 liters and Ffisomilk an agreement was signed on the sale of refrigeration units for 1 liter of milk [22].


In conclusion, the above differentiated data determine the course, results and significance of the accession of the two regions of Kazakhstan to the international relations of the country. The participation of the regions of the country in the implementation of the state's multifaceted foreign policy plans demonstrates the full integration of the republic into the world economic, social and cultural community. It is obvious that the work being done in differentiated directions in the East Kazakhstan and North Kazakhstan regions testifies to the full implementation of the multifaceted foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the requirements of modern globalization. This is greatly influenced by the fact that independent Kazakhstan, which has a worthy place in the world community, is establishing mutually beneficial relations in geopolitics, economic and other areas. It is because Kazakhstan is located in the middle of the Eurasian continent and is known as a country that connects Europe and Asia and has great transit potential. That is, it shows that the Republic of Kazakhstan has every opportunity to establish and implement partnerships wit h any country in the world.

From the full participation of its regions in the multi-vector foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: the regions of the country will have the opportunity to exchange experiences with individual regions of neighboring countries through joint work in various areas; the prospects for the establishment of equal relations in the economic, transport, trade, social areas in accordance with the existing features of the population of the neighboring regions of the independent countries in the natural, historical, domestic, cultural, etc.; interregional direct contacts of neighboring countries in the field of education, science and culture will be established; bilaterally agreed areas at the governmental level will facilitate inter-regional equal cooperation, direct cooperation in the social, cultural, educational, scientific and health spheres in a short period of time; independent interactions between the nations of the border areas of the states will be established, as a result of which the implementation of joint measures for the further development of the diaspora as a nation, the establishment of close ties with their compatriots will be ensured. This is evidenced by the fact that the multinational state pursues the policy of the nation, which provides understanding of neighboring countries.


1. Abdakimov, A. (2010). History of Kazakhstan (Vol. 5). Almaty: Atamura.

2. Tsygankov, P.A. (Ed.). (2017). Theory of international relations. Moscow: Yurait Publishing House.

3. Tokayev, K.K. (2008). Belasu. Almaty: Daur.

4. Aitken, J. (2011). Kazakhstan. Surprises and stereotypes. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literature.

5. Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation (AFP RF). Fund-897, Series-4, File-13, pp. 59, 60, 63.

6. AFP RF. Fund-897, Series-3, File-21, pp. 157,162.

7. AFP RK. Fund-5-H, Series-1, File-4798, p. 1.

8. Alibekov, A., Erbolatov, M., Zhanajdarov, S., Zhumabaev, S., Syzdykova, E., & Shackov, V. (2007). Kazakhstan-Russian relations. Collection of documents and materials. Moscow: Vega Publishing House.

9. AFP RF. Fund-897, Series-2, File-8, p. 81.

10. AFP RF. Fund-897, Series-6, File-10, p. 4.

11. Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AP RK). Fund-5-H, Series-1, File-5059, p. 21.

12. AFP RF. Fund-897, Series-4, File-13, p. 61.

13. State archive of the East Kazakhstan region (SAEKR). Fund-1425, Series-3, File-71, pp. 1-3.

14. Information of the Department of Tourism and external relations of the East Kazakhstan region. (2014). Retrieved from https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/vko-toureast?lang=ru.

15. AP RK. Fund-75-H, Series-1, File-468, pp. 2, 3.

16. Haydanka, Y. (2020). Urgent decentralization problems in the Czech Republic at a regional level: Political, administrative and sociological dimensions. Public Policy and Administration, 19(2), 253-265.

17. Ermachkov, I.A., Vidishcheva, E.V., Mineeva, E.K., & Balanyuk, L.L. (2021). The temporary regulation on military censorship as a historical source. Bylye Gody, 16(2), 1008-1015.

18. State Archive of the North-Kazakhstan region (SANKR), Fund-669, Series-1, File-607, pp. 31-32.

19. Department of Economics of the North-Kazakhstan region. (2021). Retrieved from https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/sko-uebp?lang=ru.

20. Yensenov, K.A., Karasayev, G.M., Dyusen, S.Z., Naimanbayev, B.R., & Islamov, M.K. (2019). The model of interethnic accord in the Republic of Kazakhstan (1991-2018): Historical research aspect. Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Istorie, 35(1), 79-92.

21. Buley, N.V., Bondaletov, V.V., Makushkin, S.A., Bondaletova, N.F., & Kozyrev, M.S. (2016). Public administration and municipal governance and its significance for a modern democratic society. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(8 Special Issue), 220-224.

22. SANKR. Fund-669, Series-1, File-818, pp. 32-33.

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