History of partnership relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with far abroad countries (1990-2000)
The political, economic and cultural partnership of the Republic of Kazakhstan with Japan, Turkey, South Korea, India, Israel, Mongolia and other foreign countries in the first decade of independence. The establishment of multifaceted relations.
Рубрика | Международные отношения и мировая экономика |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.07.2022 |
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History of partnership relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with far abroad countries (1990-2000)
Gani M. Karasayev
Department of Source Studies, Historiography and National History
Institute of the State History Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan
Rysgul R. Ospanova
Department of History of Kazakhstan Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Bekmurat R. Naimanbayev
Department of Kazakhstan History and Geography Silkway International University Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan
Історія партнерських відносин Республіки Казахстан з країнами далекого зарубіжжя (1990-2000)
Гані Карасаєв
Кафедра джерелознавства, історіографії та історії Казахстану
Інститут державної історії Нур-Султан, Республіка Казахстан
Рисгул Оспанова
Кафедра історії Казахстану Казахський національний педагогічний університет імені Абая
Алмати, Республіка Казахстан
Бекмурат Найманбаєв
Кафедра історії та географії Казахстану Міжнародний університет БИЫ>ау Шимкет, Республіка Казахстан
Особливе значення мають відносини з іноземними державами, які почали реалізовуватися в перші роки незалежності Республіки Казахстан. Відомо, що ведення економіки країни відповідно до вимог світових ринкових відносин, отримання інвестиційної та фінансової допомоги від цих країн, обмін досвідом, налагодження імпортно-експортних торговельних відносин стали основою майбутнього країни. Ось чому налагодження багатосторонніх відносин нарівні з іноземними країнами, економіка яких досягла рівня випереджаючого розвитку, включено до основного плану роботи зовнішньої політики Республіки Казахстан. У статті розглянуто політичне, економічне та культурне партнерство Республіки Казахстан з Японією, Туреччиною, Південною Кореєю, Індією, Ізраїлем, Монголією та іншими зарубіжними країнами в перше десятиліття незалежності. Були використані дані, документальні матеріали та праці вчених, що займаються міжнародною політикою, зроблено науковий аналіз висновків по темі та надано рекомендації щодо подальшого вивчення справи
Ключові слова: зовнішня політика, азіатський континент, культурні відносини, дипломатія, зовнішня міграція
The relations with foreign countries, which began to be implemented in the first years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan are ofparticular importance. It is known that conducting the country's economy in accordance with the requirements of world market relations, receiving investment and financial assistance from these countries, exchange of experience, the establishment of import-export trade relations have become the basis for the future of the country. That is why the establishment of multifaceted relations on an equal footing with foreign countries, whose economies have reached the level of advanced development, is included in the main work plan of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The article considers the political, economic and cultural partnership of the Republic of Kazakhstan with Japan, Turkey, South Korea, India, Israel, Mongolia and other foreign countries in the first decade of independence. Data, documentary materials and works of scientists dealing with international politics were used, a scientific analysis of the topic conclusions were made, and recommendations for further study of the case were given
Keywords: foreign policy, Asian continent, cultural relations, diplomacy, external migration
From the first days of its independence, the Republic of Kazakhstan has been focusing on relations with foreign countries located on different continents of the world. The establishment of relations with the countries of the Asian continent, the Middle East, which have developed economies, achieved world-class success in education, science and health, and developed economies in line with market requirements were among them. That is why it is necessary for Kazakhstan, which has just gained independence, to get acquainted with the achievements of these countries in this area and to exchange experiences at various levels. The achievement of investment plans of these countries in the economy of Kazakhstan was among them. To achieve this goal, “Kazakhstan considers the main direction of foreign policy as the further development and strengthening of relations with Central Asian countries” [1].
The Republic of Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India, Israel, Singapore, Malaysia and other developed countries were among those countries. Mongolia has been one of the countries that Kazakhstan established multilateral cooperation in the first period of independence. During this period, Mongolia's livestock and mining industries began to enter the market more intensively. At the same time, it was necessary to establish multilateral contacts with the large Kazakh diaspora living in Mongolia, to organize the return of their wishes to their historical homeland at the bilateral level. Researcher of international relations A.E. Dzhorobekova in her work “Theory of International Relations” wrote that “International relations is an integral part of science.
It covers the history of diplomacy, international law, the world economy, military strategy and other areas, and comprehensively studies various objects. Therefore, the theory of international relations plays an important role. It has its own concept, theory and methodology” [2].
Lee Kuan Yew led a delegation of the Government of Singapore to the Republic of Kazakhstan at the beginning of the planning period for the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an independent state in the early days of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The transcript of the meeting is stored in the archives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It should be noted that the leaders of the two countries discussed ways to develop the new state and analyzed many issues. At the meeting, Lee Kuan Yew met with President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. He gave Nazarbayev a number of advice and recommendations on the development of the country. In particular, the issues of development of a market economy and restructuring of the state were discussed. Li-Kang-Yu President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev was advised that in order to develop the state, first of all, it is necessary to develop small and medium-sized businesses [3].
Veteran of diplomacy of the Republic of Kazakhstan S.A. Kurmangozhin writes in his “45 Years of Diplomatic Service: Memoirs: “Kazakhstan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs began to take shape in the early 1990s. Interstate relations, interaction of diplomats and their relations with the central office have improved, as well as relations with foreign economic and foreign countries. Thus, the leadership of the republic began to pursue a foreign policy” - he wrote [4]. James Griffen, President of Mercator Corporation of the United States of America in his paper “We, Americans, “Time is money” expressed his viewpoint assessing Kazakhstan's partnership with foreign countries as a real witness “In my opinion, one of the most important steps taken in the country recently was the establishment of the National Agency for Foreign Investment. The existence of such organizations is typical for Western countries with developed economie s” [5]. In the book “Belasu” the famous politician, diplomat, statesman (now the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan) Kassym -Zhomart Tokayev provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the formation and development of foreign policy of independent Kazakhstan. The author writes: “International experts assess the prospects of Kazakhstan as a modern thinker who analyzes the relations between Kazakhstan and the Far East ” [6].
Theoretical and methodological issues of the historical study of partnerships between Kazakhstan and foreign countries should be in the forefront. To do this, it is a very important issue to review the documents of bilateral or multi-vector negotiations, based on archival data and scientific literature, analyze it in terms of historical research and study the relationship of states on theoretical and methodological principles, referring to the works of experts and scholars on interstate relations. Therefore, the main object of research in this article is to consider the economic, political, diplomatic and cultural relations of Kazakhstan and the Far East. Then the issue of conceptual analysis of interstate relations is also important.
Materials and methods
New research data from the Archives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (AP RK), the Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation (AFP RF), the State Archives of Turkestan region (SATR), the State Archives of Akmola region (SAAR) were used to write the research article. In addition, foreign and domestic research papers on diplomacy and international relations were analyzed and referenced.
The methods of historiography, objectivity, historical comparative analysis and historical sequence were mainly used in the theory and methodology of scientific research. It is obvious that the partnership of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign countries, which we are studying, is a connection of states of international level. Relations between the countries of the world are bilateral or multi-vector. In particular, they focus on specific areas such as economic, political and cultural ties. The most important issue is the historical study and research of interstate relations. In other words, considering the relationship between the two countries, we also see the ongoing processes of world-class relations. From these processes we can study the development, prospects and co-development of states with the rest of the world.
Results and discussion
Special mention should be made of the justified relations with the Republic of Turkey, one of the above- mentioned countries. It is known that Turkey and Kazakhstan are united by thousands of years of historical, cultural and ritual traditions. At the same time, “among the countries of the region, the Republic of Turkey is more adapted to European development, as it is a member of NATO, has active ties with the EU, and has close military-political ties with the United States and Europe. That is, Turkey is a window to Europe for the Muslim world, a real example of Eurasia. Turkey was one of the first countries to actively support Kazakhstan's initiative to establish the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA). He fully understands Kazakhstan's desire to establish a structure to ensure the security and confidence of all members of this organization in the Eurasian Valley [7].
The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev wrote that “Turkey was the first country to recognize Kazakhstan's independence. Focusing on the specifics of relations with this country, it is an important regional partner for us. In April 1993, Turgut Ozal arrived in Kazakhstan. Speaking at the Supreme Council, the Turkish leader said: “Turkey is doing and will continue to help Kazakhstan, because the development of one nation contributes to the development of another”. N.A. Nazarbayev: “My first official visit to Turkey in October 1994 raised bilateral relations to a higher level. A new Friendship and Partnership Agreement has been signed with the country's new President Suleyman Demirel and Prime Minister Tansu Chiller. During the first difficult years of independence, Turkey provided significant foreign policy support to Kazakhstan. Regular Kazakh-Turkish high-level meetings have become a tradition. Close political ties have deepened economic and cultural cooperation. In mid-1995, more than 150 Turkish companies were registered in Kazakhstan and direct flights were launched. Every year, hundreds of young Kazakhstanis study in Turkey, and Turkish students study in Kazakhstan” [8].
Attention was also paid to the implementation of cooperation in the field of defense and military relations between the two countries during the described period. In particular, “the Republic of Turkey is the first foreign country that has established active cooperation in the military sphere and in the creation of its armed forces since the independence of Kazakhstan. Since then, our countries have made great strides in defense cooperation. For example, agreements and integration in the field of technology, military cooperation, joint development and testing of defense products, as well as joint supply and integrated use of advanced defense equipment are being implemented” [9].
Until the mid-1990s, the foundations of economic relations between the states were laid steadily, and their volume has been growing year by year. For example: “Trade and economic relations between Kazakhstan and Turkey are developing steadily. Turkish companies have already invested $ 5 billion in Kazakhstan in 2000. 1.5 billion dollars. Today, more than 30 Turkish companies are accredited in Kazakhstan; more than 90 Kazakh-Turkish joint ventures operate. Turkish business can be found everywhere in Kazakhstan” [10]. At the same time, the types of activities between the Kazakh and Turkish diasporas living between Kazakhstan and Turkey, which are located in the two countries, have been identified and specific measures have been taken. According to official data from the 90s of the XX century” the number of Kazakhs in Turke y - no more than 20 thousand” [11]. Relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh Diaspora in Turkey have been fruitful in the course of joint activities in a spirit of mutual understanding. The same can be said about the interstate cooperation with the Turkish diaspora in Kazakhstan.
For Kazakhstan, which has long been under the rule of others and has experienced the consequences of dependence, the implementation of the requirements of mutual equality and complete freedom in relations with the states in the new situation has been a priority since day one. This requirement has become an integral part of the foreign policy of the President. Well-known Kyrgyz politician Zh. Saadanbekov said “At the first Istanbul Summit of the Turkic states, N.A. Nazarbayev refused to sign a joint statement prepared by the Turks stating that the Central Asian states should unite around Turkey on the basis of common historical roots, common language and cultural brotherhood, and a common community. N.A. Nazarbayev was always on the side of the truth and remained a pragmatist because it was a legitimate step. The accuracy of his predictions was known. Kazakhstan has become a modern state on the basis of historical circumstances. It is necessary to restore the broken ties in a civilized way as like-minded people without starting the independence that has just been realized” [12].
Along with Turkey, the Republic of Kazakhstan has made significant progress in relations with Japan, South Korea and India [7]. It is because, as mentioned above, it was clear that it was necessary to establish relations with developed Asian countries. That is why in the early days of independence the foundation of bilateral relations with Japan was laid. After all, Japan, a distant Asian country, has also been interested in establishing comprehensive relations with Kazakhstan since independence. N.A. Nazarbayev wrote “In April 1994, I went on an official visit to the Land of the Rising Sun. I set several goals. I wanted to agree on the creation of production and economic platforms in Kazakhstan for the flood of Japanese goods spreading across Asia. It would be great if Kazakh-Japanese capital became a center of influence in Central Asia. We have every reason to believe so. There are enough sources of raw materials. Relevant laws have been adopted. The level of education of our people is also high. If we solve the land issue and provide additional guarantees for the activities of foreign companies, Kazakhstan would become the only bridgehead for Japan to enter the markets of the CIS and the West, China, Iran and Turkey. I suggested setting up a joint commission to discuss these issues. The issue of construction of the West Kazakhstan-Kumkol oil pipeline, the Central Asia- Kazakhstan-China-Japan gas pipeline was also discussed during the talks” [13].
As a result of the bilateral agreements implemented in this situation it is noted that “These days, bilateral cooperation between Kazakhstan and Japan is actively developing including political, economic and humanitarian cooperation. Japan is the largest supplier of our country among these countries. Japan's relations with Kazakhstan are dominated by economic sectors. Focusing on this issue, the main task of Kazakhstan is to attract Japanese investors. At the same time, Japan has become a major donor to our country. The main place in the deepening of Japan's relations with Kazakhstan is given to the economic direction. The main task of Kazakhstan was to attract large Japanese investments. In other areas, including the acceleration of scientific and technical cooperation, earthquake prediction, environmental protection, the peaceful use of space, the solution of the Aral Sea problem, etc.” [14].
In particular, “Japan's Official Development Assistance” has allocated a number of funds to Kazakhstan. For example, in 1996, 72.36 million tenge was allocated for the reconstruction of the Dostyk railway station and in 1997, $215 million was allocated to Kazakhstan for the construction of a road bridge across the Irtysh River in Semey. An agreement on the distribution of US dollars was signed. Japan is a producer of vehicles (28% of imports), electrical equipment and household appliances (17%), as well as metal products (30%) to Kazakhstan. The large Japanese companies “Mitsubishi”, “Mitsui”, “Sumitomo”, “Itochu”, “Chori”, “Nichimen”, “Nisse Iwai” and others have witnessed the active participation in the development of economic ties between our countries.
Cooperation in science and technology is developing. In connection with the accession of our country to the NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons), in March 1994 the Republic of Kazakhstan and Japan signed the Agreement on the Elimination of Certain Nuclear Weapons in Kazakhstan and the Agreement on the Establishment of the State System for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials” [7]. Kazakhstan's next integration with the Republic of Korea in the early 1990s began. “The main event in bilateral relations with the Republic of Korea was the signing of the Declaration on the main areas of cooperation and cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea, the agreements on scientific, technological and cultural cooperation between the Governments of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea. N.A. Nazarbayev paid an official visit to Seoul in May 1995. In March 1996, the Governments of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea signed the Agreement on Support and Joint Protection of Investments.
The trade turnover of Kazakhstan with the Republic of Korea for seven months of 1996 amounted to 153405.3 thousand US dollars, including exports - 124105.4 thousand dollars, imports - 2919969 thousand dollars. The Kazakh-South Korean intergovernmental commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation has been established. Kazakhstan has begun to develop a number of joint economic projects with enterprises” [15]. According to official Russian data on the course of econ omic, trade and other relations between the two countries, “the priority for South Korea, a leading Asian country, is the establishment of joint ventures in Kazakhstan is the development of trade, which is less than a dollar. It should be noted that the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is actively calling for the investment of South Korean capital in the republic” [16].
Thus, from the first days of independence, Kazakhstan “has high hopes for financial and technological assistance to Japan and South Korea” [17]. And its results were characterized by more systematic implementation each year on the basis of mutual benefits. From the first years of independence, Kazakhstan's relations with India, a major Central Asian country, have also developed in a mutually beneficial manner. The reason: “The Republic of India is a major regional power that has a real impact on the situation in South Asia and the world. He is one of the well-known leaders of the Non-Aligned Movement and an authoritative member of the world community. The initiative of bilateral relations was taken by President N.A. Nazarbayev's official visit to India in February 1992. The Declaration on the main requirements and directions of interstate relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of India, the Protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations, the Interstate Agreements in the field of trade and economic, science and technology, culture, art, education, media and sports were signed.
The Indian side supports Nazarbayev's initiative to convene the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) and regularly participates in its meetings [18]. The level of multifaceted Kazakh-Indian relations in the 90s of XX century: “Currently, 6 Indian companies and partnerships operate in Kazakhstan, 9 joint ventures are registered. According to the results of 1995, the bilateral trade turnover amounted to 14.6 mln. dollars. The trade turnover in January-September 1996 amounted to 15 million 085.4 thousand dollars, including exports - 747.5 thousand dollars, imports - 14 million, 337.9 thousand dollars. The main types of exports are leather products, ferrous metals. Types of imports: grain products, processed vegetable products, organic chemicals, pharmaceuticals, essential oils, soap and detergents, paper and cardboard, technical equipment, mechanical equipment.
In 1993-1996 there were a number of major Indian trade representatives in Kazakhstan. An exhibition of Indian goods was organized in Almaty in December 1995. In October 1996, the largest exhibition of Indian goods and technology was held with the activities of the Chambers of Commerce of Kazakhstan and Indian goods. An important event in strengthening cultural cooperation was the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Kazakh poets Abai and Zhambyl in India, the publication of a collection of poems by Abai in Hindi, and the 125th anniversary of Mahmatma Gandhi in India, whose postage was issued in Almaty in October 1995” [19]. From the first days of independence, Kazakhstan's relations with Israel began to develop on a planned basis. The Kazakh side praised the cooperation between the two countries. Special attention was paid to the development of science, medicine and high technology. It is planned to develop cooperation in oil and gas production as well. In pursuit of this goal in December 1995, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev During his official visit to Israel and met with heads of state and business leaders: “Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world. We have significantly higher per capita reserves of oil, coal, iron, chromium, manganese ores, many non-ferrous metals and phosphates than the world average.
The country is a major producer of grain and livestock products, grain exports in favorable years will reach 10 million tons. We produce 20 million tons of oil annually. Its proven reserves are two billion tons, and gas reserves are 2 trillion square meters. Their exploration and development is significantly related to the economic and export potential of our country. Today, the world's largest oil companies, which are waiting for their development, are showing real interest. In Kazakhstan Chevron, Mobile, British Gas, British Petroleum, Agip, Elf-Akiten and other companies are already operating. Non-ferrous metallurgy is one of the leading industries. Its share in the country's industrial output is 11.6%, and in exports - 35%. There are more than 40 enterprises in the field of chemical and petrochemical production. The products of mechanical engineering make up about 8% of the total industrial output of the republic and are concentrated in 380 production facilities” [20]. The pace of development of various sectors of the economy of Kazak hstan was reported. Many bilateral agreements have been signed. The Israeli government praised Kazakhstan's efforts to enter the market economy. The plan of joint work was approved. At the same time, full support was given to the initiatives of the leadership of Kazakhstan to regulate the world's hotbeds of war, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and the closure of test sites.
Since the early 1990s, the basis for multifaceted cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and Mongolia has been laid, and its scope has been expanding year by year. Both countries were interested in establishing a new era of ties between the historically rooted Kazakh and Mongol peoples. “Kazakhstan-Mongolia relations are mainly active. About 30 agreements and treaties have been signed between the two sides. More than half of it is in economic direction” [21]. Along with the regulation of economic and trade relations, as well as integration in other areas, it became important for our country to establish various relations with the large number of Kazakhs living in Mongolia these days, resettled in different periods of history. Among the issues on the agenda was the relocation of those wishing to return to their historical homeland to Kazakhstan, as well as the joint decision on their resettlement [22].
It is known that from the first years of independence, Kazakhstan took many concrete measures and many Kazakh families living in Mongolia began to return to their historical homeland. New legal provisions and programs have been adopted to fulfill the wishes of Kazakhs living in all countries wishing to return to their historical homeland, to determine the international legal status of this case. For example, on December 31, 1996, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev's Decree No. 3308 approved the “Program to Support Compatriots Living Abroad”. It sounded “The level of cultural, social and economic development of the diaspora in these countries is completely different. Comprehensive research and solution of the Kazakh diaspora, the unity and interconnectedness of scientific research and practical activities are not given much attention.
Comprehensive improvement of work with compatriots abroad will be possible only with regular and targeted state support. It is necessary to create a system of thoughtful measures to ensure maximum satisfaction of socio-economic, cultural, and educational needs of the Kazakh diaspora, to allow those who want to return to their historical homeland” [23]. With the adoption of the St ate Program, targeted work has begun on its implementation. Among such works, due to the large number of people wishing to relocate to Kazakhstan on a regular basis, a new impetus was given to the settlement of migration with the Republic of Mongolia. An official government report reads: “A draft Simplified Agreement on renunciation of Mongolian citizenship has been developed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other relevant agencies. The draft agreement on tax-free migration of migrants from Mongolia to Kazakhstan through the territory of Russia to the Russian side was developed and presented [24; 25].
Effective ways to address the existing problems in the regulation of migration between the two countries were considered. As a result, since then, the volume of comprehensive contacts with historical compatriots in Mongolia has increased. There are many types of legal and material conditions for those who want to relocate. There are plans to place them in different regions of Kazakhstan. The number of placement quotas has been increased and is beginning to be determined by efficiency. For example, in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the second half of the 1990s, according to the state plan for the repatriation of Kazakh citizens wishing to return to their homeland, “Akmola region was given a quota for the arrival of 150 families in 1996. 89 of them applied for reunion with their relatives. ... In total, 72 out of 89 families in the quota came. Almost all migrants from Mongolia with quotas were provided with housing. Families were provided with jobs in Atbasar, Krasnoznamensk and Tselinograd districts [26].
The directory of settlements of compatriots who voluntarily returned to their historical places in the regions of Akmola region for 1992-1996 was as follows. In particular: “From Mongolia: 18 families with 113 members in Alekseev district; 255 families with 1304 people are located in Atbasar district, 307 families with 1627 people in Mongolia in Ereimentau district, 243 families with 1257 people in Seleti district, 146 families with 694 people in Shortandy district. In total, 1457 families with 7470 people from Mongolia came and settled in the region” [27]. The repatriation of Kazakhs from abroad, including the Russian Federation, China, Mongolia, Iran and Afghanistan, where there are many of them, continues in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of bilateral agreements with these countries. Its regions and districts of the Republic of Kazakhstan are also involved in cooperation with foreign countries. These ties are based on economic, trade, tourism, cultural, sports, health, education and science cooperation with the regions of these countries. In particular, during this period, “the foreign relations of the Southern region of the country for the purpose of sustainable economic, cultural and social development were distinguished by their breadth. For example, in the South Kazakhstan region”. The geography of foreign trade t urnover is very wide and the region interacts with more than 70 countries around the world [28].
The total foreign trade turnover of the region for six months of 2002 amounted to 147 mln. USD, and 92 million went to experts in the textile industry, chemical production, non-precious metals and leather and leather products. Turkish, Korean and Japanese companies supply machinery and equipment, plastics, rubber products and rubber. Today, 73 joint and independent foreign enterprises covering 9415 people operate in the region. The total authorized capital of joint ventures is 3.9 billion tenge, including 68.6% in the share of foreign founders. The amount of investments of these enterprises in fixed assets reached 755 million tenge. The enterprises provide services in the field of processing of petroleum products, cement, pharmaceuticals, clothing, furniture, tobacco, textiles, tea and real estate.
Most of the joint ventures and foreign companies are located in Shymkent. The companies, established with the participation of partners from Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, sell food, chemical products, construction materials and machinery. The largest of them are the joint ventures Coca Cola Almaty Botlers and Irma-2. Shymkent-Profile and Gunel Ltd. Pvs, which produce plastic and aluminum products using spare parts imported from Turkey, are a special category. In 6 months of 2002, these enterprises produced 75 mln. tenge worth of products. Since its inception 28 mln. Asia Nasib LLP, which has invested more than KZT 1 billion in the publication of Shara-Bara newspaper, provides publishing services [29; 30].
In the second half of the 90s of XX century, in accordance with the State Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the East Kazakhstan regional administration began to provide employment and accommodation services to returnees from Mongolia, China, Iran and other countries. According to archival documents, according to the East Kazakhstan regional department of migration and demography, as of September 1, 1998, there were 1,074 repatriate families in the region, amounting to 15,340 people. In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the allocation of quotas for repatriates” in the budget of the region in 1998 provided 61.5 million tenge for the reception and placement of repatriates. Since the beginning of 1998, 21 houses for 2050.0 thousand tenge have been purchased for repatriate families, 22 more houses have been selected and paid for [31]. Most of these repatriates were Kazakh families returning from Mongolia. At the same time, contacts with representatives of Turkish and Korean enterprises and business circles of the East Kazakhstan region have been strengthened. In particular, “Officials of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey and the DEDEMAN Hotel Association in Ust-Kamenogorsk prepared a project” that is “Training for hotel business managers”, the results and recommendations of which were sent to the Republic of Turkey, Antalya, Belek” [31].
On November 3, 2014 a meeting of the Akimat of the East Kazakhstan region with the chairmen of the company “POSCO e&c” of the Republic of Korea was held. The issues of implementation of concession investment projects of East Kazakhstan region on the basis of public-private partnership were discussed during the meeting. In Ust-Kamenogorsk it was considered the construction of a multidisciplinary polyclinic for 300 people and the construction of a bridge in “Bukhtarma Reservoir” for a cost of 230 million US dollars. The funds allocated for the construction of the bridge amounted to 20.8 billion tenge, the cost of a multidisciplinary hospital - 14.4 billion tenge [31].
In addition to this work, the administration of the East Kazakhstan region is working on future contracts with foreign medical centers in the field of health care. For example:
According to the decisions of the agreement signed on March 19, 2014 between the Kangwon Province of the Republic of Korea and the Akimat of East Kazakhstan region, the research agency of the Korean Agency for International Community a memorandum on the implementation of the project “Strengthening the urgent medical support system in Kazakhstan ” was signed. The purpose of the project is to strengthen the system of emergency medical care in East Kazakhstan, exchange educational and business experience with specialists of the Republic of Korea, conduct advanced training courses for medical workers of East Kazakhstan, provide capacity building in the field of emergency care.
The project “Construction and operation of the city polyclinic for 300 beds in Ust -Kamenogorsk” is developed and approved. The total cost of the project is 14.4 billion tenge [31].
The established trade, economic, political and cultural partnership of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the countries of the world, including the developed countries of the Asian continent, in the first decade of independence is characterized by its effectiveness and importance for further development. At the same time, it can be considered that the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed an exemplary experience in this field. Therefore, it is necessary to publish the first results of Kazakhstan's cooperation with these countries in the field of historical research, to make documentaries on the foreign policy and partnerships of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to make special educational programs, to organize fundamental research projects at the international level. We believe that attention should be paid to performance. We suggest that the research community should pay constant attention to the research and implementation of research projects that tell the story of the directions and stages of Kazakhstan's foreign relations and analyze the results. It is known that through such organizational work it is possible to achieve the promotion of the relevance, effectiveness and experience of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the global level. And it is known that this will determine the worthy place of our state in world politics.
In conclusion, in the foreign policy of the first decade of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the establishment of comprehensive relations with the above-mentioned countries with developed economies and a special place in the world community was characterized by such concrete results:
relations with these countries are based on mutual equality and cooperation. In Kazakhstan, many joint ventures have been established and effective work has been done in the course of agreements with the business community, finance and industry of these countries;
investments and financial assistance were provided to the industries of the country. Specialists from Kazakhstan's heavy and light industries, trade, finance and other fields visited these countries and exchanged experiences;
stable cooperation in education, science, health, culture has been ensured;
many regions of Kazakhstan are involved in multifaceted cooperation with these countries, and the work done has yielded positive results;
these states have assessed Kazakhstan as a reliable partner as a result of concrete measures taken on the basis of such requirements of mutual equality and understanding.Such cooperation measures, which are characterized by their effectiveness in terms of mutual business, have continued since the beginning of the twentieth century.
The concrete work done has contributed to the integration of the economy of Kazakhstan, other areas of state development into the requirements of cooperation in a peaceful world, market relations. And this has determined the correctness and effectiveness of the foreign policy of our state in this era.
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