Model of Europeanization of migrants as a way to overcome the migration crisis in European countries
The problem of finding ways out of European countries from the migration crisis. Experience of integration of migrants into the socio-economic system of European countries. Opportunities of simultaneous application of liberalization and protectionism.
Рубрика | Международные отношения и мировая экономика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.10.2022 |
Размер файла | 152,5 K |
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Размещено на
Lutsk National Technical University
Korolchuk L. PhD, Associate Professor
Chernjakova G., student of the group IERsh.p.-t.-21
Faculty of Business and Law
liberalization migration crisis european
The article examines the problem of finding ways out of European countries from the migration crisis, which is relevant and important for Ukraine as one of the main donors of migrant workers to the EU.
The existing experience of integration of migrants into the socio-economic system of European countries, which simultaneously alleviates social tensions in the communities of host countries on the emergence of "foreigners" and also allows effective use of the positive aspects of immigration, in two forms: multiculturalism and assimilation.
Based on the studied experience, empirical analysis of the Europeanization process and hypothetical - deductive method, a model of Europeanization of migrants into European society was developed as a way to overcome the migration crisis, which involves the simultaneous application of polar forms of migration policy: liberalization and protectionism. This is due to the need for the EU in the process of overcoming the migration crisis to be able to simultaneously reap the benefits that may occur in the current situation, as well as ensure supranational and economic security of the Union, due to the real threat of uncontrolled increase in migration flows to the EU.
The grounds for introducing a model of Europeanization of migrants in the current context of the Crown virus pandemic are identified, and it is argued that the model of Europeanization of migrants will help the EU not only overcome the migration crisis and strengthen by overcoming a number of domestic socio-economic problems through migrants, but also extend European values based on democracy and respect for human rights and freedoms to other peoples, which will ensure the mental convergence of different peoples of the world and thus reduce the authority destabilizing forces in the region, will accelerate the integration of new members into the EU, and Ukraine in particular.
Key words: migration, multiculturalism, assimilation, integration of migrants, liberalization of migration policy, protectionism, Europeanization.
Корольчук Л.В., к.е.н., доцент
Чернякова Ж.О., студентка групи МЕВсз-21
Луцький національний технічний університет
В статті досліджено проблему пошуку шляхів виходу європейських країн з міграційної кризи, що є актуальним і важливим для України, як одного з основних донорів трудових мігрантів до ЄС.
Вивчено існуючий досвід інтеграції мігрантів у соціально-економічну систему країн Європи, яка одночасно згладжує соціальну напругу у громадах приймаючих країн щодо появи «чужих» і також дозволяє ефективно використовувати позитивні сторони припливу іммігрантів, у двох формах: мультикультуралізм та асиміляція.
На основі вивченого досвіду, емпіричного аналізу процесу європеїзації та гіпотетично - дедуктивного методу розробено модель європеїзації мігрантів у європейське суспільство, як спосіб подолання міграційної кризи, що передбачає одночасне застосування полюсних форм міграційної політики: політики лібералізації та протекціонізму. Це пояснюється необхідністю для ЄС в процесі виходу з міграційної кризи зуміти одночасно скористатися вигодами, які можуть мати місце в ситуації, що склалася, а також забезпечити наднаціональну та економічну безпеку Союзу, в силу існування реальної загрози від неконтрольованого збільшення міграційних потоків до ЄС.
Визначено підстави запровадження моделі європеїзації мігрантів в актуальних умовах пандемії корона вірусу, а також аргументовано, що модель європеїзації мігрантів допоможе ЄС не лише подолати міграційну кризу і зміцнитися за рахунок подолання ряду внутрішніх соціально-економічних проблем завдяки мігрантам, але й поширить загальноєвропейські цінності, що базуються на демократії та повазі до прав і свобод людини, на представників інших народів, що забезпечить ментальну конвергенцію різних народів світу і тим самим дозволить знизити авторитет дестабілізуючих сил в регіоні, пришвидшить інтеграцію нових членів до ЄС, і України зокрема.
Ключові слова: міграція, мультикультуралізм, асиміляція, інтеграція мігрантів, лібералізація міграційної політики, протекціонізм, європеїзація.
Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks
Failure to solve the global problems of mankind leads to their further exacerbation. The inability of the world community to overcome the problem of war and peace, as well as the uneven socio-economic development of the world increases the mass dissatisfaction of people in underdeveloped countries with their standard of living and encourages them to seek better conditions in wealthy countries.
Today, the European Union has become a real magnet for illegal migrants who risk their lives trying to enter its territory. The migration crisis that has gripped European countries in recent years is a real test for the European community, a test of the sustainability of democratic values, humanism and a willingness to fulfill the obligations arising from international agreements.
Analysis of recent research that has begun to address the problem
It is expected that the migration crisis in the EU has attracted the attention of many scientists. Thus, the study of migration policy of the Union, mechanisms for improving the regulation of migration flows, threats from the growth of illegal migration to the EU for the economic security of the Community and the benefits for the European community from foreign migrants is the work of foreign scholars such as N. Conti [1], D. Di Mauro [1], W. Memoli [1], P. Van Wollegham [2], J. Estevens [3], P. Schubgem [4], A. Potirava [5], S. Shvets [6] and etc. Also, this issue is sufficiently covered in the research of Ukrainian scientists, such as O. Dlugopolska [7], Y. Khalilova-Chuvaeva [8], I. Bubnov [8], O. Malinovska [9], K. Novosad [ 10], N. Pak [11], A. Khomyak [12], V. Algash [13], A. Pittel [13], etc., because labor migration to the EU has long been an integral part of household realities of life of Ukrainians. Аналіз останніх досліджень, у яких започатковано вирішення проблеми.
Objectives of the article: to study the experience of developed countries of integration of migrants into their socio-economic system; to develop a model of integration of migrants into European society as a way to overcome the migration crisis; to determine the grounds for the introduction of such a model in the current conditions of the crown virus pandemic.
Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results
Although today the migration crisis in European countries has decreased in scale, it is still an urgent and unresolved problem, which, given the accumulation of negative factors, can significantly worsen and harm not only the EU but also the global economy as a whole. It has been found that the root cause of mass migration to the EU is the uneven socio-economic development of the world, due to which there are many who want to improve their living standards by moving to rich countries. In addition, in parallel with this problem, the activities of criminal groups that disseminate relevant information and assist migrants in their movement to the EU, organizing human smuggling, forging documents, providing services to guides, etc.
Given the fact that the existing negative effects of the migration crisis are offset by effective EU migration policy, as well as the interest of European countries in migrants as a labor force in the context of the nation's aging in Europe and the shortage of low-skilled workers, we can conclude for European countries to implement a liberal migration policy, which we can already see in the form of measures to promote migrants from some EU countries. The most effective way to overcome the migration crisis has proven to be the integration of migrants into the socio-economic system of European countries, which simultaneously alleviates social tensions in the communities of host countries regarding the emergence of “foreigners” and allows effective use of immigration.
The integration of migrants into the socio-economic system of the host country, as the experience of developed countries shows, can take two forms: multiculturalism and assimilation.
Multiculturalism as a form of migration policy that implies a lack of assimilation between migrants and the local population first appeared in Canada in the 1960s. Since 1971, multiculturalism has been legalized as a basic principle of public policy towards migrants, which later became officially recognized by public institutions as a natural political condition for the further socio-political development of Canadian society [8]. As V. Mamonova notes: “this concept included the racial, ethnocultural, religious diversity of Canada. From a political point of view, multiculturalism means the legitimation of cultural differences, meaning that within one state can coexist different ethnic, cultural, religious entities. It follows from this provision that migrants have the right to “public representation and preservation of their special features, way of life dictated by cultural specifics” [14].
Thus, multiculturalism presupposes the possibility of coexistence within one country of many separate ethnic groups, which retain their national identity in the host country. This is a kind of tolerant coexistence of culturally distinct social groups, which are perceived as separate elements that do not interact within the national cultures of the host countries and are characterized by a certain isolation. That is why the creation of new cultural combinations within the framework of multiculturalism in the EU has not yielded positive results. As Nicolas Sarkozy once remarked: “...we were too concerned with the identity of the person coming to the country and did not pay enough attention to the identity of the host country itself”[15].
In our opinion, the ineffectiveness of multiculturalism as a way of overcoming the migration crisis in the EU is due to the diversity of concepts “multiculturalism” and “integration”. Yes, integration, as the basis of a united Europe, implies voluntary rapprochement and multifaceted interaction, rather than isolation and cultural isolation. The vast majority of migrants integrate into the host countries of the EU only formally, that is, obtaining the desired citizenship, they continue their usual way of life within their national culture, not wanting, instead, to adopt the European values of democracy, freedom and equality. Migrants often commit crimes committed by the religion they practice, thus widening the gap of misunderstanding and alienation between them and the local population.
In turn, assimilation, as defined by the political encyclopedia: “is the process of assimilating a minority ethnic group or part of it (ethnic group, individual representatives) to another larger ethnic group or nation within which it is located. In the process of assimilation, the ethnic minority adopts the ethnocultural components of the dominant ethnos: values, norms of behavior, language, culture, national consciousness and, as a consequence, loses its own” [16].
A positive feature of this form of migration policy from a practical point of view is the use of mechanisms of interaction of the socio-economic system of the host country with migrants, so they can learn the language, qualify and, accordingly, be officially employed, pay taxes and receive social security without reproach from the local population. This approach allows to use the positive aspects of migration to the EU, namely - to saturate the European labor market with a supply of workers in which it is in short supply, as well as to solve the problem of aging in Europe through the influx of young able-bodied people.
However, from a theoretical point of view, assimilation involves the loss of migrants' own national identity, which in turn runs counter to the ideology of a united Europe, whose main motto is: “Unity in Diversity”, which is translated into Ukrainian as “unity in diversity”, which emphasizes the European community's intention not to claim the national identity of EU member states. We believe that such a motto should be applied to migrants, because they, although not whole ethnic groups, but separate groups, are also integrated into the Union.
In view of the above, we see that both forms of migration policy in the context of integration of migrants into European society are imperfect and in some respects contradictory when compared with the concept of European integration: multiculturalism does not involve interaction and adoption by migrants of common European values, and assimilation leads to the loss of national characteristics by migrants.
Thus, taking into account the shortcomings of both multiculturalism and assimilation, as well as the results of our assessment of the scale of the migration crisis in European countries in the previous section of the study, which showed that migration flows have decreased, but the problem still remains unresolved and, most importantly, there is no consensus among Member States, and therefore remains relevant in the context of national and economic security of the Union, we conclude the need to develop and implement a compromise alternative model of integration of migrants into the European Union, which, in our opinion, can be a model of Europeanization of migrants.
To do this, we find out the essence of the concept of Europeanization by studying its definitions in the works of scientists. Thus, O. Rudik defines Europeanization: “as a process of formation, dissemination and institutionalization of formal and informal rules, procedures, paradigms of policy, styles, methods of action, common beliefs and norms, which were first defined and approved during decision-making in the EU, and subsequently incorporated into the logic of internal discourses, special features, political structures and directions of public policy of member states”[17]. A. Hetmanchuk was somewhat more specific, defining Europeanization as a reconstruction of cultural and historical identity [18]. However, in the context of our study, the most important approach is D. Michel, who singles out one of the four aspects of Europeanization: “fundamental transformation of civil society, political culture and patterns of behavior, that is the introduction of democratic traditions and values” [19].
Thus, summarizing the above, the model of Europeanization of migrants is defined as an example of EU migration policy, which provides a system of measures to spread European values to all Europeans, resulting in the formation of a single integrated European society in which migrants can preserve their national identity, building their relationships with others on a democratic basis.
According to European Truth: “European integration is impossible without Europeanization” [20], which is impossible to disagree with, because the EU is not primarily a high standard of living, but democracy and respect for citizens' rights and personal freedoms, the rule of law and equality of all. This can be confirmed by the example of Ukraine, which has long been trying to join the EU and has a socio-economic potential over a number of EU member states, but has not yet integrated there due to corruption, double standards, etc., because it contradicts democratic standards.
In addition, it should be noted that the model of Europeanization of migrants to the EU ultimately involves their transformation into full members of European society who will benefit the public and receive in return state protection and access to all social services and benefits on an equal footing with the local population.
According to our study, as well as current trends in international migration under the influence of the Crown virus pandemic in the world, the reasons for the European Union to introduce a model of Europeanization of migrants may be as follows:
1. Responsibility for exacerbating the problem of socio-economic inequality in the world, which we identified as the root cause of the growth of migration flows to developed countries, because the EU is the center of the richest countries in the world, which create most of the total social product and occupied the vast majority of profitable niches in the world market.
2. The possibility of benefiting from the influx of migrants by filling gaps in the labor market with low-skilled workers, as well as helping to solve the problem of “aging of the nation” in Europe through the influx of young able-bodied people.
3. The Global Agreement on Safe, Orderly and Regulated Migration (GCM) of 2018 [21], as a result of which the signatory countries undertook to share joint responsibility in addressing migration issues, in particular to ensure migrants' access to national health systems, to fair opportunities for cheap and safe transfers of funds to the Homeland, to humane and non- discriminatory treatment, which will ultimately help reduce the vulnerability of migrants in a pandemic.
Thus, Figure 1 shows the model of Europeanization of migrants in European countries as a way out of the EU migration crisis, which was developed by the author based on the results of research conducted in previous sections, as well as empirical analysis of Europeanization and hypothetical-deductive method.
As can be seen from Figure 1, the proposed model provides for the simultaneous application of polar forms of migration policy: the policy of liberalization and protectionism. This is due to the need for the EU in the process of overcoming the migration crisis to be able to simultaneously reap the benefits that may occur in the current situation, as well as ensure supranational and economic security of the Union, due to the real threat of uncontrolled increase in migration flows to the EU.
The policy of protectionism includes in its arsenal measures to combat mass migration to European countries, which are mainly aimed at strengthening the barrier function of the Union's external border, combating human trafficking, as well as curbing migration flows to neighboring countries that are transit for migrants.
Such measures will not only help reduce illegal migration to the EU, but will also help make migration flows more controlled and predictable, which dramatically reduces the success rate of illegal immigrants in the Union and, consequently, the proceeds of human smuggling and other illegal means of enrichment at the expense of those wishing to enter European countries. This state of affairs, as well as the policy of liberalization of migrants, which will be implemented in parallel with protectionist measures, will force virtuous migrants to join the process of Europeanization to realize their desire to live and work in the EU and meet the demand of host countries for such migrants.
As we can see, the policy of protectionism in the proposed model is no less important than the policy of liberalization, because we believe that while there are easier and faster ways to get to the EU: with the help of smugglers, guides, use of forged documents, etc., until migrants prefer such ways as opposed to learning the language and culture of the host country, adopting a way of life based on common European values, which, in comparison, requires more effort and time.
In turn, the policy of liberalization for migrants implies a certain differentiation in approaches depending on the type of migrants: asylum seekers and higher paid job seekers, as the first group, unlike the second, needs integration into European society, while the second, in most cases, does not applies for permanent residence in the EU, and is only interested in getting a job and the opportunity to make safe transfers of earned money home.
Fig. 1 The model of Europeanization of migrants as a way to overcome the migration crisis in European countries
Compiled by the author for: [22; 20; 4]
Based on the above, we propose to motivate asylum seekers to their voluntary Europeanization, ie the study of European languages, culture and the adoption of democratic values. To do this, in our opinion, it is necessary to increase the level of access of migrants to free educational services, as well as motivate them to learn the language and culture of the host country: apply a salary ranking approach according to language proficiency; involve migrants in lending and assistance programs for migrants with housing linked to language proficiency and awareness of the culture and history of the host country.
As mentioned above, it is the Europeanisation of migrants that will allow them not to remain minorities, but to become full citizens of European society, benefiting it and receiving the desired standard of living in return. And their way of life on the basis of common European values will leave satisfied both migrants, who will be able to preserve their national identity, and the local population of host countries, who will live together with law-abiding citizens, easily finding common ground with them.
For the second group of migrants seeking higher paid work, we propose to take measures to further simplify the permit system for migrant workers. In this case, it should be noted that Europe is already interested in migrant workers who are willing to perform low-skilled work, who can easily get to the EU for seasonal work with the help of appropriate permits. Thus, citizens of Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia or Ukraine who have had seasonal work experience for an EU employer at least once in the previous 5 years and are invited to work again can receive an all-season record on the basis of which they can apply for visa for three years. In addition, citizens of these countries can be employed in the EU on the basis of a declaration of assignment to a foreigner, submitted by the employer to the employment office (within 6 months).
For highly qualified migrant workers, you need to obtain a “blue card” electronic certificate confirming the right to live and work in one of the EU countries (except Denmark, Great Britain and Ireland) [22]. Becoming the owner of such a card is not easy, because you need to have a European diploma, have a final employment contract with a European employer and receive an annual income not below the established level.
Europe is clearly liberalizing its labor market, but it is still difficult to access, and migrants are turning to intermediaries, who often employ them illegally, or do not keep their promises and leave with nothing, thus earning them “easy money”.
Thus, based on the mutual benefit in the employment of migrants in European countries, we propose to liberalize migration policy towards further simplification of the permit system for migrant workers, which will saturate the EU market with labor force, which is in short supply, and to provide migrants with employment and guaranteed earnings.
Thus, according to the author, the model of Europeanization of migrants will help the EU not only to overcome the migration crisis and strengthen by overcoming a number of internal socio-economic problems due to migrants, but also to spread European values based on democracy and respect for human rights and freedoms, on the representatives of other peoples, which will ensure the mental convergence of different peoples of the world and thus reduce the authority of destabilizing forces in the region, accelerate the integration of new members into the EU and Ukraine in particular.
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курсовая работа [52,4 K], добавлен 25.02.2002Characteristic of growth and development of Brazil and Russian Federation. Dynamics of growth and development. Gross value added by economic activity. Brazilian export of primary and manufactured goods. Export structure. Consumption side of GDP structure.
реферат [778,3 K], добавлен 20.09.2012Currency is any product that is able to carry cash as a means of exchange in the international market. The initiative on Euro, Dollar, Yuan Uncertainties is Scenarios on the Future of the World International Monetary System. The main world currency.
реферат [798,3 K], добавлен 06.04.2015Russian Federation Political and Economic relations. Justice and home affairs. German-Russian strategic partnership. The role of economy in bilateral relations. Regular meetings make for progress in cooperation: Visa facilitations, Trade relations.
реферат [26,3 K], добавлен 24.01.2013Regulation of International Trade under WTO rules: objectives, functions, principles, structure, decision-making procedure. Issues on market access: tariffs, safeguards, balance-of-payments provisions. Significance of liberalization of trade in services.
курс лекций [149,5 K], добавлен 04.06.2011Natural gas is one of the most important energy resources. His role in an international trade sector. The main obstacle for extending the global gas trading. The primary factors for its developing. The problem of "The curse of natural resources".
эссе [11,4 K], добавлен 12.06.2012The reasons, the background of the origin and stages of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The armed action took place between them. Signed peace documents. Method Palestinian war against Israel began to terrorism. Possible solution of the problem.
презентация [1,5 M], добавлен 22.10.2015Сутність макроекономічного поняття "економічне зростання". Його фактори – природні та трудові ресурси, капітал і технології. Загальний аналіз і схема макроекономічної моделі зростання (неокласична модель росту Р. Солоу, економічна модель Харода-Домара).
дипломная работа [59,6 K], добавлен 31.08.2009The Soviet-Indian relationship from the Khrushchev period to 1991 was. The visit by Indian prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru to the Soviet Union in June 1955 and Khrushchev's return trip to India in the fall of 1955. Economic and military assistance.
аттестационная работа [23,4 K], добавлен 22.01.2014The influence of the movement of refugees to the economic development of host countries. A description of the differences between forced and voluntary migration from the point of view of economic, political consequences. Supply in the labor markets.
статья [26,6 K], добавлен 19.09.2017