Modernization of South Korea: origins, achievements, and the experience for Ukraine
The reasons of the economic achievements of South Korea, which made a leap from poverty to the top of the advanced economies of the world. The similarity of the problems of Korea and Ukraine since 2014, which were at the epicenters of strategic conflicts.
Рубрика | Международные отношения и мировая экономика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.10.2022 |
Размер файла | 123,7 K |
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In particular, the head of domestic diplomacy stressed that Ukraine remains a strategically important logistics hub for multimodal container transportation between the EU and Asia. The Minister's support for Asian countries' trade liberalization efforts may be seen as Ukraine's commitment to developing longstanding bilateral free trade agreements with East Asian countries, particularly with the Republic of Korea. It may also be seen as the readiness to consider the institutional possibilities of involving Ukraine in the format of the Comprehensive Regional Economic Partnership established in November 2020 in which for the first time the long-standing competitors -- South Korea, China, and Japan -- as well as ASEAN countries, Australia, and New Zealand united in a common preferential trade area. In this regard, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Seoul, being currently prepared by diplomats, of course, inspires certain optimism about the systemic intensification of our bilateral relations.
Such a contrasting example of the two Koreas is in many ways instructive for our country. It convincingly testifies in favor of the fact that there are no a priori talented effective nations outside of historical circumstances and outside a certain system of values, social order and system of social institutions. It also says that in the modern dynamic and highly competitive world, relying on the baggage left over from previous generations, living turned to the «glorious past» and following the path of extensive development may doom the country, within the life of one generation, to vegetate on the margins of the world civilization.
On the contrary, consolidation of the nation, its political and business elite around the modernization project, as a national idea of the future, is capable of working miracles, as vividly and convincingly evidenced by the South Korean «Miracle on the Han River».
There is finally one more lesson -- to become a completely different, it is not at all necessary to radically change the vision of the historical past, to throw away the common cultural or linguistic heritage. One just needs to form a fundamentally different picture of the future based on fundamentally different values and institutions and put this vision into practice.
Exactly the combination of a strong socially responsible state with competitive structural democracy and a social and work ethic based on a fusion of Confucian and Christian values that gave the effect of the «Miracle on the Han River». Ukraine does not even have that limited historical time it took for the modernization transformation of South Korea. Since today the world around is changing so rapidly and moving forward, it is time to remember and rethink a wise phrase from the beloved fairy tale of childhood -- «Alice Through the Looking Glass»: «Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!» [19].
With all due respect to national traditions, we in Ukraine need to discontinue «holy wars» for the past and focus on building the future by adapting and creatively integrating most competitive values and management technologies of the Confucian East and the liberal West.
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13. Mitu B. Confucianism and the Contemporary Korean Society. Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies, 2015, No. 1, pp. 31-38.
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15. Kistersky L., Romanenko O. (Eds.). Reformation: The Success of Europe and a Chance for Ukraine. Prague: Coretex CZ SE, 2020, 300 p.
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19. Carrol L. Through the Looking-Glass, And What Alice Found There. Ch. 2. Salt Lake City, UT. The Project Gutenberg eBook, 1991 [Most recently updated: April 28, 2021], available at: (accessed on: 20.05.2021).
Список використаної літератури
1. Lone S., McCormack G. Korea since 1850. -- Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1993, -- xi, 226 p. -- P. 184--185.
2. Кістерський Л., Мармазов В., Піляєв І. Диво на річці Ханган. Чим цікавий досвід Республіки Корея для України // День. -- 2021. -- 14 трав. -- С. 7.
3. Kim S. Introduction / In: Confucianism, Law, and Democracy in Contemporary Korea; [S. Kim (Ed.)]. -- London; New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015. -- P. 5--24.
4. Sweijs T. et al. Why are Pivot States so Pivotal? The Role of Pivot States in Regional and Global Security / The Hague. The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (HCSS), 2014. -- 51 p.
5. Wu Yu-Shan. Pivot, Hedger, or Partner Strategies of Lesser Powers Caught between Hegemons / Taiwan and China; [D. Lowell (Ed.)]. -- Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2017. -- P. 197--220.
6. Кіндзерський Ю.В. Інклюзивна індустріалізація для сталого розвитку: до засад теорії та політики формування // Економіка України. -- 2021. -- № 5. -- С. 3--39 (doi: https://
7. Choi W. et al. Beyond Korean style: Shaping a new growth formula / McKinsey Global Institute. -- New York, NY: McKinsey & Company, 2013. -- 96 p. [Електронний ресурс]. -- Режим доступу: Pacific/Beyond%20Korean%20Style/MGI_Beyond_Korean_style_Full_report_Apr2013. ashx (дата звернення: 11.03.2021).
8. Swiston A. Korea's Growth Prospects: Overcoming Demographics and COVID-19 // IMF Working Paper. -- Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund. -- 2021. -- March. -- 37 p.
9. Jamrisko M., Lu W., Tanzi A. South Korea Leads World in Innovation as U.S. Exits Top Ten / Bloomberg. -- 2021. -- Feb. 3 [Електронний ресурс]. -- Режим доступу: https://www. drops-out-of-top-10 (дата звернення: 01.04.2021).
10. Schwak J. K-Quarantine: exporting South Korea's COVID-19 management strategy / East Asia Forum (2021, March 11) [Електронний ресурс]. -- Режим доступу: https://www.eastasiaforum. org/2021/03/11/k-quarantine-exporting-south-koreas-covid-19-management-strategy/ (дата звернення: 19.01.2021).
11. Schweitzer A. Civilization and Ethics. -- Ch. I: The Problem of the Optimistic World-View. -- Princeton, NJ: A. & C. Black, Limited, 1923. -- P. 11--19.
12. Sancho I. Does Confucianism Matter in the Study of Korea? EPEL lecture / University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2015 (Submitted on July 23, 2020) [Електронний ресурс]. -- Режим доступу: (дата звернення: 08.12.2020).
13. Mitu B. Confucianism and the Contemporary Korean Society // Romanian Journal of Sociological Studies. -- 2015. -- No. 1. -- P. 31--38.
14. Choi Y. The History of Confucianism in Korea / Confucianism in Context: Classic Philosophy and Contemporary Issues, East Asia and Beyond; [W. Chang, L. Kalmanson (Eds.)]. -- Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2010. -- P. 33--52.
15. Reformation: The Success of Europe and a Chance for Ukraine; [L. Kistersky, O. Romanenko (Eds.)]. -- Prague: Coretex CZ SE, 2020. -- 300 p.
16. Кістерський Л., Бурлай А., Липова Т. «План Маршалла» для України // Стратегічна панорама. -- 2000. -- № 3-4. -- С. 90--97.
17. Судакова Н. Как Корея за 40 лет из отсталой аграрной страны стала технологическим лидером // Ведомости. -- 2019. -- 14 фев. [Електронний ресурс]. -- Режим доступу: (дата звернення: 28.04.2021).
18. Омельченко Т. Посол Республики Корея: «Для малых и средних корейских предпринимателей инвестирование в Украину является весьма рискованным» / mind. -- 2021. -- 16 лют. [Електронний ресурс].--Режим доступу: posol-respubliki-koreya-dlya-malyh-i-srednih-korejskih-predprinimatelej-investirovanie-v- ukrainu-yavl?fbclid=IwAR1VsdyhcATyfLvTyZDKWOrVM3mJyBcPtrEdmDXhTGxwThVen- qx0AhBKhA (дата звернення: 07.04.2021).
19. Carrol L. Through the Looking-Glass, And What Alice Found There. -- Ch. 2: Salt Lake City, UT. The Project Gutenberg eBook, 1991 [Most recently updated: April 28, 2021] [Електронний ресурс]. -- Режим доступу: h/12-h.htm (дата звернення: 20.05.2021).
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