Women role in soft power of international relations: Turkey case

A rare sight of female leaders of major political parties playing an important role in shaping future political leaders. Representation of women in world politics and decision-making processes. Representation of women in international relations.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 02.02.2023
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Postgraduate student of Baku State University

Women role in soft power of international relations:turkey case

Nazrin Famil Chiragli


Nazrin Famil Chiragli. Women role in soft power of international relations: Turkey case. Worldwide, women are still under-represented in leadership positions. Female heads of state or government are still a minority, although the number has increased over the past 20 years. Currently, only approximately one in four members of lower or single houses of parliament worldwide is a woman. In 2018, the number of women presiding over houses of national parliaments was 55. Women are still largely excluded from the executive branches of government. They are also under-represented among senior-level civil servants and seldom represent their governments at international level. A number of factors appear to contribute to this under-representation: women are seldom leaders of major political parties, which are instrumental in forming future political leaders. Gender norms and expectations also reduce the pool of women putting themselves forward for selection as electoral candidates. Women s representation in world politics and decision-making processes indicate main problems based on different spheres in international relations. In this article, while analyzing the role of women in the society first of all, some of the concepts, processes will be overviewed. The articles explores that gender discrimination lead underrepresentation of women in international relations. Women s role and place in decisionmaking mechanisms will be evaluated in the gender indicators. Women in government, including prominent examples such as Hillary Clinton, Christine Lagarde, Angela Merkel and Michelle Bachelet of Chile, accelerate the modern women's movement. In 2010, the United Nations took the historic step of championing women's rights when the General Assembly created the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, better known as UN Women.

Key words: gender, woman, international relations, international politics, decision-making, gender norms, citizen rights, gender discrimination.


Чирагли Н.Ф. Роль жінок у "м'якій силі” в міжнародних відносинах: кейс Туреччини.

У всьому світі жінки недостатньо представлені на керівних посадах. Жінки-глави держав або урядів як і раніше становлять меншість, хоча за останні 20 років їх кількість збільшилася. Приблизно лише кожен четвертий член нижніх або однопалатних парламентів у всьому світі - жінка. У 2018 році кількість жінок, які головують у палатах національних парламентів, становила 55. Жінки, як і раніше, значною мірою виключені з виконавчих гілок влади. Вони також недостатньо представлені серед високопоставлених державних службовців і рідко представляють свої уряди на міжнародному рівні. Здається, причиною цього є низка факторів: жінки рідко є лідерами великих політичних партій, які відіграють важливу роль у формуванні майбутніх політичних лідерів. Гендерні норми і очікування також скорочують число жінок, що висувають свої кандидатури на виборах. Представленість жінок у світовій політиці та процесах прийняття рішень вказує на основні проблеми, засновані на різних сферах міжнародних відносин. У цій статті, аналізуючи роль жінки в суспільстві, перш за все, будуть розглянуті деякі концепції та процеси. У статтях досліджується, що гендерна дискримінація призводить до недостатнього представлення жінок у міжнародних відносинах. Роль і місце жінок у механізмах прийняття рішень будуть оцінюватися з гендерних показників. Жінки в уряді, в тому числі й такі видатні приклади, як Хілларі Клінтон, Крістін Лагард, Ангела Меркель і Мішель Бачелет з Чилі, прискорюють сучасний жіночий рух. У 2010 році Організація Об'єднаних Націй зробила історичний крок у захисті прав жінок, коли Генеральна Асамблея створила Структуру Організації Об'єднаних Націй з питань тендерної рівності та розширення прав і можливостей жінок, більш відому як «ООН-жінки».

Сьогодні недостатнє представництво жінок в політиці і механізмах прийняття рішень ясно вказує на існування гендерної дискримінації в основних структурах, інститутах і процесах міжнародної політики і глобального економічного порядку.

Ключові слова: гендер, жінка, міжнародні відносини, міжнародна політика, прийняття рішення, гендерні норми, цивільні права, гендерні нерівноправності.


Чирагли Н.Ф. Роль женщин в "мягкой силе” в международных отношениях: кейс Турции.

Во всем мире женщины по-прежнему недостаточно представлены на руководящих должностях. Женщины-главы государств или правительств по-прежнему составляют меньшинство, хотя за последние 20 лет их число увеличилось. В настоящее время только примерно каждый четвертый член нижних или однопалатных парламентов во всем мире - женщина. В 2018 году число женщин, председательствующих в палатах национальных парламентов, составляло 55. Женщины по-прежнему в значительной степени исключены из исполнительных ветвей власти. Они также недостаточно представлены среди высокопоставленных государственных служащих и редко представляют свои правительства на международном уровне. Похоже, что этому недопредставлению способствует ряд факторов: женщины редко являются лидерами крупных политических партий, которые играют важную роль в формировании будущих политических лидеров. Гендерные нормы и ожидания также сокращают число женщин, выставляющих себя на выборах в качестве кандидатов на выборах. Представленность женщин в мировой политике и процессах принятия решений указывает на основные проблемы, основанные на различных сферах международных отношений. В этой статье, анализируя роль женщины в обществе, прежде всего, будут рассмотрены некоторые концепции, процессы. В статье исследуется, что гендерная дискриминация ведет к недостаточной представленности женщин в международных отношениях. Роль и место женщин в механизмах принятия решений будут оцениваться по гендерным показателям.

Женщины в правительстве, в том числе такие выдающиеся примеры, как Хиллари Клинтон, Кристин Лагард, Ангела Меркель и Мишель Бачелет из Чили, ускоряют современное женское движение. В 2010 году Организация Объединенных Наций сделала исторический шаг в защите прав женщин, когда Генеральная Ассамблея создала Структуру Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам гендерного равенства и расширения прав и возможностей женщин, более известную как «ООН-женщины».

Ключевые слова: гендер, женщина, международные отношения, международная политика, принятие решения, гендерные нормы, гражданские права, гендерные неравноправия.


Women's participation in international politics and decision-making mechanisms, which constitute half of the world's population, may point to problems related to the structure of these societies and the functioning of international relations. Having a say in politics participation and decision-making mechanisms gives some important clues about the forms and dimensions of the relationships that the individual has with the political, economic and social institutions that he / she lives in. These relations include monitoring politics and decision-making processes, voting rather than obtaining information, being candidates in elections, actively participating in politics, and demanding to participate in decision-making mechanisms. Today, insufficient representation of women in politics and decision making mechanisms clearly indicates the existence of gender discrimination in the basic structures, institutions and processes of international politics and global economic order. Beyond the inadequate and incomplete representation of women, it should be taken into consideration that the structuring of the current political and economic order actually has a number of characteristics that create and maintain this discrimination.

This study is not based on the necessity of women to participate in politics more quantitatively, but on the necessity of women in politics to give a language and style specific to women in Turkish politics. Why and how all the language and methods of masculine politics in after the discussion of the main problematic of the study they have to use will be revealed. Then, it will be discussed why women need to perform themselves as women in politics, and what characteristics of women they should establish. political leader international

Feminist approaches in international relations

The fact that the decisive actors of politics are men, not women, has a long history. Due to the nature-culture dualism, patriarchal ideology has identifed woman with nature and presented men as the creator of civilization and culture. The roots of this problem are known in the ancient Greek, where politics begin to emerge. 17th and 18th centuries, the social position of women began to be questioned but it was not a questioning such as “individuals”. Through for centuries women struggled for “equality,freedom,brotherhood” they realized that this brotherhood was a “brotherhood”. Woman who realized the concept of “human” actually means “man” in the Declaration of Human and Citizen Rights they began to fight for it. In fact, the 17th century in which egalitarian discourse evolved from women is the period when modern political thought emerged Sandra Harding, “Introduction: is there a feminist methodology?”, Sandra Harding, Feminism and Methodology-Social Science Issues, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1987. P. 1-13.. Therefore, it can be said that, the attitudes to relation between women and politics were shaped based on dominant political thoughts of this period.

Looking back on history, we can observe that, women are either non-citizens or deprived of human rights. For example,accoring to the books, “Man,State and War” by Kennet Waltz or “Leviathan” by Thomas Hobbs who has hegemony on the foreign policy of stateor rules the country characterized by male, contrary to this the side who always threatens security or be in the source of problems was identifed a female characters. Currently most of the independent states in the international relations, based on patriarchy not only in internal,foreign policy but also in economic,social priorites and still continues this course.For the first time,in the discipline of the international relations the question Where woman are in the international relations asked by Cynthia Enloe and with the book of “Bananas,Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of international Politics” presented an important example of feminist wave.

It is impossible to evaluate the approach of feminism in the theory of international relations without analyzing the history of its existence and development. This approach taken from the Latin “feminine” word means woman suggests that, many women are struggling with similar problems regardless of race, religion, or nationality. Feminism values these problems not only within gender equality, but also from political, economic, psychological aspect. Feminism, which became evident at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century, has risen in line with the demands of women to enjoy rights such as voting and equal opportunities in education. This process is called First Wave Feminism in the line of development. The effects of Second Wave Feminism ''developed in the USA and European countries since the 1960s, especially in the 1970s, has been began to appear. In this period, it was seen that feminism, which had an impact not only on social and political life but also on scientific field, criticized the rules, definitions, tools and methods of social sciences Caroline Ramazanoglu, Feminizm ve Ezilmenin Зeliзkileri, зev. Mefkure Bayatli, istanbul, Pencere Yayinlari, 1998. P. 19.. These critiques focus on the idea that there is in fact a hidden “male outlook on the basis of social sciences. It is stated that the direct and indirect contributions of women to these areas are ignored and the woman is made invisible. It is argued that these areas should be reviewed again with a feminist perspective. In the second wave of feminism, the idea of sisterhood based on solidarity among all women has come to the fore as a unifying ideology. The sense of sorority is based on the perception that women generally have a perception that is contrary to that of men, and that men dominate women and that they benefit from this sovereignty Christine Sylvester, Feminist International Relations-An Unfinished Journey, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2002. P. 3-17.. In the late 1980s, a period of changes in definitions, concepts and theories was introduced with changes in the international system. In this new period, which has developed especially after the disappearance of the bipolar system, it is seen that individuals begin to express themselves with their racial, ethnic, religious and sexual identities as well as their citizenship.

Feminism critics of the basic rules and concepts of international relations

This period is called Third Wave Feminism tab in the line of historical development of feminism and the purpose of the discussions in this period is to spread the women's movements to a wider base. In addition to this, it is seen that the micro issues that limit and oppress the woman are taken into consideration, and that the actions and education to increase the awareness will be promoted. During the 18-19-th century, many feminist writers and thinkers (Catherine Macaulay, Mary Wolstone Craft) argued that women should have the same mind and potential as men, so they should have the same civil and political rights. The unification of the public and social aspects of political life is a fundamental political right to which they are deprived. Today, even if all states recognize that men and women are equal citizens and have prepared a legal infrastructure, equal legal rights do not mean equal opportunities and equal political representation and participation. One of the most important reasons for this fact is the fact that the woman is still dependent on the man in the framework of the patriarchal social order and on the other hand it is dependent on the state. The right to choose his representatives has been translated into the demands of feminists during the 19 th century. Women's political movements, especially women's rights to gain the right to vote in the second half of the 19th century in England and other European countries have emerged. In the end of these struggles, women over 30 years of age were granted the right to vote in England in 1918. British women, who continued to fight for equal votes, finally got the right to vote in March 1928 on an equal footing with men.

Another political right associated with the rights of citizenship is political representation. Equality of political representation represents an equal number of women and men. The statement of democracy based on equality of political representation was put forward in a meeting organized by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg in 1989.


Even though it is stated that women and men, who are an invariable part of all societies, have equal value in constitutions and other legal and political regulations and that they benefit from equal rights, it is only a great optimism to say that even in the most developed countries of the world, the equality between women and men is fully implemented. The existence of women as human beings in the 21st century all over the world; protecting thei physical and spiritual integrity; it is an indisputable fact that they face serious problems that can only be addressed within the framework of human rights, such as taking part in economic, political and social structures and processes equally.

As a result, the incomplete and inadequate representation of women in international and national politics and decision-making mechanisms has a meaning beyond the lack of representation and participation. The increase in the numerical presence of women in politics and decision-making mechanisms should not be considered as a requirement of fairness and equality.

Since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, the state has been concerned with the economic and social development of the country. To that end, the Kemalistregime implemented a number of legal and social reforms in the first two decades of the Republic. In 1924, the Caliphate was abolished and by 1926, the Sheria, the religious law, was replaced by the secular Civil Code, which was adopted from the Swiss Civil Code. The laws in the new Civil Code established women's rights in the areas of marriage, divorce, inheritance and property ownership. Family law made polygamy and marriage without the agreement of the partners illegal and civil marriage was made the only legally valid form of marriage, while religious marriage remained as an additional option to those who are married by civil authorities; the minimum marriage age was raised to the legal age of majority for both sexes; “consent of both parties” was made a requirement for a valid marriage; divorce by repudiation was prohibited; equal inheritance rights to men and women as well as the women's right to freely own an dispose of property were granted as fundamental consequences of the secular civil legislation that was adopted. In addition, the principle of “equal pay for equal work regardless of sex” was recognized and women were actively encouraged to have higher education and careers. Women received the right to vote in municipal elections in 1930 and to vote and stand for election in municipal and national elections in 1934. The introduction of the new legal framework was intended to transform the nation into a secular, “modern”, and industrial state. Women were considered central to the success of the new secular and modernizing ideology. For this purpose, they had to be freed from the traditional Islamic values, because Islam and women's rights were considered to be incompatible. “State feminism”, therefore, supported women's rights and encouraged education and employment of women To increase the schooling opportunities for women, several measures were taken. Early on, co-education was established at the primary and university levels. Families were obliged to send their daughters to primary schools, and compliance was monitored by the Ministry of National Education. Although these Kemalist measure opened up new doors for women, the system provided limited opportunities for rural women, and especially for the women who were living in the East and South-East, where the modernization attempts were blocked by the religious and ethnic tribal leaders. Those women also had another disadvantage: they were speaking their local languages at home and this meant that the ones who did not attend school missed the opportunity to learn the principal language of the country, which is Turkish. To this day, about a quarter of the Kurdish and Arabic women of Turkey are not able to speak Turkish and are dependent on their male household members almost all speak for information about Turkish society and their legal rights


1. Mustafa Aydin, “Uluslararasi iliзkilerde Yaklaзim, Teori ve Analiz”, Ankara Ьniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakьltesi Dergisi, Cilt 51, Sayi 1, 1996. P. 111.

2. Fred Halliday, “Hidden from International Relations: Women and The International Arena”, Rebecca Grant Kathleen Newland, Gender and International Relations, Bloomington, Open University Press and Indiana University Press, 1991. P. 159.

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