Using the globalization experience of the world's leading countries in the field of intellectual property protection in Ukraine

Modern trends in the development of intellectual potential and protection of intellectual property based on the globalization experience of the world's leading countries. Conceptual foundations of combating crime in the field of intellectual property.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 05.02.2024
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National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»

Using the globalization experience of the world's leading countries in the field of intellectual property protection in Ukraine

Zolotar A.S., PhD student

Attorney at law in financial and investment law, self-employed


In this scientific article, the author examines modern trends in the development of intellectual potential and protection of intellectual property based on the globalization experience of the world's leading countries - the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden and France. The author focuses on the fact that their positive experience can be used by Ukraine, because the intellectual potential and the system of protection of intellectual rights in our country in the conditions of globalization and dynamic development of information technologies are exposed to much greater risks and threats, and the current legislation has long since not covered the necessary spectrum legal regulation of intellectual property relations. In particular, the experience of the USA can be useful in the formation of reliable legislative regulation, the creation of an effective Strategy for the development of Ukrainian intellectual property for the coming years, the establishment of stricter responsibility and control over the observance of intellectual property rights. The benefit of Great Britain's experience can be obtained if we go the way of establishing partnership and cooperation of our country in the investigated area, as well as establishing a tougher penalty for violations in this area. It is also appropriate to borrow the conceptual foundations of combating crime in the field of intellectual property, to develop plans for its prevention and countermeasures. The German experience will be useful in the following aspects: borrowing the desire for reliable and simple legislation, establishing an open type of relations between the state in the form of its authorized bodies that conduct their activities in the field of intellectual property, with citizens (right holders) in the information field, increasing educational and innovative level of development of the population of Ukraine. The use of Swedish experience may take place when borrowing Swedish technologies for the protection of intellectual property, in particular, the use of blockchain technology. The French practice of dynamic and innovative updating of legislative acts can be useful in the process of revising and modernizing the national legislation of Ukraine.

Key words: globalization, globalization processes, intellectual property rights, protection of intellectual property rights, digitalization, digital technologies, digital environment.


Золотар А. Використання глобалізаційного досвіду світових країн-лідерів у сфері охорони інтелектуальної власності країн-лідерів у сфері захисту інтелектуальної власності в Україні

У цій науковій статті автор досліджує сучасні тенденції розвитку інтелектуального потенціалу та захисту інтелектуальної власності на основі глобалізаційного досвіду провідних країн світу. Відображаючи позитивні прояви розвитку інтелектуальної власності та її захисту в таких країнах, як США, Німеччина, Великобританія, Швеція та Франція, автор зосереджує увагу на тому, що інтелектуальний потенціал - ключовий фактор формування економіки, яка заснована на знаннях, і саме від того, наскільки активно відбувається процес відтворення інтелекту і знань, залежать якість і темпи розвитку економіки певної країни, зокрема й України. Автор визнає, що інтелектуальний потенціал та система захисту інтелектуальних прав в нашій країні в умовах глобалізації та динамічного розвитку інформаційних технологій зазнає ще більших ризиків та загроз, а чинне законодавство вже давно не охоплює необхідного спектру правового регулювання відносин інтелектуальної власності. Зважаючи на прагнення України до всебічного економічного, політичного та правового розвитку та утвердження її позицій в Європі та світі, а також враховуючи сучасну роль інтелектуальної власності як двигуна прогресу, автор констатує необхідність перегляду підходу нашої країни та її ставлення до інтелектуальної власності. Зокрема, досвід США може бути корисним при формуванні надійного законодавчого регулювання, створенні дієвої Стратегії розвитку української інтелектуальної власності на найближчі роки, встановленні більш жорсткої відповідальності та контролю за дотриманням прав інтелектуальної власності. Користь досвіду Великобританії можна отримати, якщо піти шляхом налагодження партнерства та співробітництва нашої країни у досліджуваній сфері, а також встановлення більш жорсткого покарання за порушення у цій сфері. Доцільно також запозичити концептуальні основи боротьби зі злочинністю у сфері інтелектуальної власності, розробляти плани її попередження та протидії їй. Німецький досвід буде корисним в таких аспектах: запозиченні прагнення до надійного та простого законодавства, утвердженні відкритого типу відносин між державою в особі її уповноважених органів, які ведуть свою діяльність у сфері інтелектуальної власності, з громадянами (правовласниками) на інформаційному полі, підвищенні освітньо-інноваційного рівня розвитку населення України. Використання шведського досвіду може мати місце при здійсненні запозичення шведських технологій захисту інтелектуальної власності, зокрема використання технології блокчейн. Французька практика динамічного та інноваційного оновлення законодавчих актів може бути корисною у процесі перегляду та модернізації національного законодавства України, а досвід першочергового впровадження європейських та світових стандартів у цій сфері - позитивним кроком на шляху до євроінтеграції. З огляду на це, можемо запозичити окремі аспекти розвитку інтелектуальної власності, які вже отримали позитивні результати від їх впровадження в зарубіжних країнах.

Ключові слова: глобалізація, глобалізаційні процеси, права інтелектуальної власності, захист прав інтелектуальної власності, цифровізація, цифрові технології, цифрове середовище.

Statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. One of the most important factors influencing intellectual property, as well as its content, nature and mechanism of action, is the process of globalization. The manifestation of this influence can be both direct and consequential, that is, it depends on globalization changes in the state and its legal system. This is confirmed by globalization's stimulation of the main trends in the development of intellectual law - the intensification of regulation and the expansion of the scope of action.

The heyday of the information age fell precisely on our present day, given that research on the protection of intellectual property in the conditions of the rapid development of information technologies in the 21st century has been at the peak of the most relevant and debatable for years. The processes of globalization and comprehensive internalization of the world economy have influenced the emergence of new forms and methods of intellectual property protection in the digital age. The change in the paradigm of knowledge about the civilization of the 21st century increased the value of intellectual property, and therefore affected the scale of its use, which emphasized the state's attention on the need for legislative influence on intellectual processes in the country as a whole and on the existing complex of problems in this area, in particular. Unfortunately, our state has not yet adapted to the dynamic development of society, the processes of globalization and digitalization, and therefore the issue of protecting intellectual property rights in the conditions of innovative development of the state and society is becoming more and more relevant, because the defining role of this property in our society is manifested in the fact that that the right of intellectual property makes creativity an important driving force of its economic, cultural and social development (Babenko, 2014). Also, according to world experience, intellectual property plays the role of a strategic resource in the system of national wealth formation and has a significant impact on the level of the country's competitiveness. The existing problems of legal protection and the use of the potential of intellectual property in the development of an innovative model of development of our country do not allow its economy to move to a qualitatively new level of development - the level of an innovative economy. Taking this into account, it is considered appropriate to identify problematic issues, the existence of which prevents the improvement of the situation in the field of intellectual property of Ukraine and the innovative development of its economy using the experience of developed countries of the world and Europe in particular, which is gaining relevance on the way to Ukraine's European integration plans.

Analysis of the latest research and publications on this topic, selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem, to which the article is devoted. In recent years, global globalization processes have attracted the attention of an increasing number of scientists from various countries, because these processes have a significant impact on all spheres of society's development. In recent years, quite a number of scientists have been engaged in the study of global challenges, as well as the determination of the role and place of our country in the globalizing world, including such Ukrainian scientists as Yu. Bogutskyi, V. Voronkova, O. Dmytrii, M. Kozlova, V. Manzya, T. Chubko and a number of others. Among foreign scientists, Z. Zeibot, A. Marques, R. Santiago, D. Soriano, J. Fuynias, M. Shker and a number of others studied the issue of world globalization and its impact on certain areas. Certain aspects of the protection of intellectual property rights in the digital era were studied by both Ukrainian and foreign scientists. In particular, among the Ukrainian ones, we can single out scientific research by S. Boyarska, V. Voronkova, N. Kapitanenko, V. Lyashchev, A. Shabalin, I. Yavorska, etc., and among the foreign ones - by M. Brown, R. Bryan, J. Davis, M. Liffer, J. Pila, M. Ryan, R. Hauk and many others. Among the scientific studies of Ukrainian authors, there has not yet been a comprehensive study of promising directions for using the globalization experience of other countries in the field of intellectual property for the development of the intellectual potential of Ukraine and increasing the level of protection of intellectual property at the national level. In view of this, we consider the research topic to be relevant and promising in scientific research.

Forming the purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to analyze the directions and trends of the development of intellectual property in foreign countries in the conditions of globalization processes and informatization, to outline the possibilities of their application in Ukraine.

Presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results. The modern development of the world economy takes on the manifestation of a fundamentally new mechanism of its functioning, the basis of which is knowledge as intellectual resources, results of activity and, above all, intellectual property. There is a causal relationship between the processes of globalization of the world economy, the emergence of a new economy, and the processes of development and improvement of the international system of intellectual property. A new sector of world trade was formed - the intellectual property market. In the economic processes taking place in the world, the exchange of intellectual results has turned into an independent sphere of economic relations. The formation and development of the intellectual property institute led to the fact that knowledge is used in a commercial form. The leading countries of the world actively use this resource for their growth, for integration into the world system.

The globalization of business and the introduction of modern technology for the production of information in the global Internet allow us to talk about the onset of the era of the global information revolution and the formation of an information society. The development of technology, especially digital technology, not only fundamentally changes the rules of information preservation and dissemination and creates serious challenges for traditional laws on the protection of intellectual rights, but also creates a serious impact on the knowledge economy, international trade of intellectual property, globalization, civil society and brings changes for international legislative system as a whole. This thesis emphasizes the importance of effective and reliable protection of intellectual property for every modern state.

The dependence of the development of national legislation of Ukraine in the field of intellectual property on global globalization processes has not been fully established to this day. However, one can agree with the position that domestic development of the legal system is impossible without taking into account the provisions of the legal systems of other countries and the provisions of international law. It is safe to say that no legal system is a purely national phenomenon. No state created its legal system without taking into account the experience of other countries. Today, we can talk about the more frequent use of borrowing foreign globalization experience of intellectual property protection, because we are talking not only about borrowing legal norms, but also entire institutions and sub-branches of intellectual property law. In the conditions of globalization, the internationalization of domestic intellectual property law is much more active and multifaceted. Therefore, it is expedient for our country to use the experience of developed countries in order to increase the effectiveness of intellectual property protection in the information environment in the conditions of globalization. intellectual property globalization crime

According to the indicators of the latest International Property Rights Protection Index, the top five countries, evaluated by various indicators, are the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Sweden and France (2022 International IP Index). That is why we will consider these countries within the scope of our research as the best examples for borrowing world experience in the field of intellectual property.

USA. For many years, the USA has been in the leading position among countries that actively implement innovative technologies for the development and protection of intellectual property rights, in particular on the Internet. The US has paid considerable attention to the issue of intellectual property for quite some time. This is evidenced by the fact that throughout the 20th century, active discussions on this matter were held on its territory, and they do not stop until now (Filippetti & Archibugi, 2015). The special attitude of the USA to intellectual property has both material and ideological prerequisites. In particular, the USA is characterized as one of the most active producers of patents at the international level, which are issued for research and inventions, it is here that leading investment companies are located, the direction of which investments is precisely intellectual property, both on the territory of the USA and on other continents. Most of the leading American companies, such as General Motors, Disney, IBM, Microsoft, Google and Amazon, build their business precisely on intellectual property. Given the cross-border activities of US companies, this country became the first country that, through diplomatic relations, achieved protection of intellectual property rights of its companies and rights holders not only on the territory of the country, but also abroad. However, these are not all the reasons that lead the intellectual property of the USA to a leading position in the world.

The roots of the strengthening of the regime of intellectual property rights in the USA go back to the so-called «quiet revolution» that took place in the USA in the last century. This revolution in the field of intellectual property is characterized by a number of following changes. First, the Bay-Dole law was adopted in the USA, the essence of which was to allow research centers at US educational institutions to receive profits from the implementation of innovations, which are financed from the state budget (Choi, Yoon & Siegel, 2022). Secondly, the volume of patenting has increased, as new areas that were not previously covered by intellectual property were actively developed. Third, the funding of the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) was introduced through fees collected from applicants rather than from the public budget. This move was unprecedented because it led the USPTO to issue patents to all applicants, regardless of whether the inventions were patentable. Fourth, the judiciary in intellectual property cases increasingly awarded harsher punishments to guilty parties. The controversy of the consequences of the "quiet revolution" still causes a number of discussions, but these were the first steps of the United States towards the development of effective protection of intellectual property.

Today, the US holds the lead in eight out of nine categories of intellectual property protection (2022 International IP Index). The permanent adoption of intellectual property development strategies was an important step to the fact that the USA today holds the lead among the countries of the world in the field of development and protection of intellectual property. The last development strategy was approved in 2018 and covered the period from 2018 to 2022. This strategy is aimed at ensuring the interests of inventors and entrepreneurs in the field of protecting their intellectual property, as well as establishing for them reliable, predictable and high-quality intellectual property rights, which is necessary for further innovative and economic development. The strategy envisages the achievement of the following three main goals in the future:

increasing the level of quality and timeliness of patent issuance in the USA;

increasing the level of quality and timeliness of trademark registration;

approval of the course to maintain world leadership through the development of policy in the field of law enforcement and protection of intellectual property (2018-2022 Strategic Plan, 2018).

Also, the priority areas of intellectual property development in the USA for these years were:

provision of reliable, high-quality and predictable rights of citizens in the field of intellectual property;

modernization of existing digital technologies in order to adapt them to the protection of intellectual property;

promotion of intellectual property rights outside the state;

provision of consultations and assistance regarding the issues and problems of the citizens in the field of intellectual property;

approval of a reliable model of financing the intellectual potential development policy, etc.

Older strategies for the development of intellectual property in the United States also had certain goals, the achievement of which is evidenced by the leadership of the United States in the field of intellectual property among the leading countries of the world. In particular, important strategic goals that have already been achieved are:

Use of legal software at the federal level;

Increasing transparency. The United States places great importance on information and information sharing between various federal agencies and the public;

Contacts with rights holders. The US government supports and engages with intellectual property rights holders at all stages;

Monitoring reporting (to know about everything that is happening in the field of intellectual property). To achieve this goal, the government obliged the relevant bodies to report once a year in an open format on the number of criminal cases opened for crimes committed during the year in the field of intellectual property.

Establishment of cooperation in the activities of federal, state and law enforcement structure whose activities are directly related to intellectual property. A coordinated mechanism of state regulation of intellectual property and its control is the key to successfully combating violations in this area and minimizing criminal encroachments on the rights of owners of intellectual property.

It is also worth noting that today the legal base of the USA on intellectual property is one of the most convenient, most understandable and developed in the world (Makarenko, 2019). This makes it easy for governments and companies to protect infringed rights and hold perpetrators accountable. The active development of innovations and IT technologies also positively affects the development of intellectual property, the reliable protection of which is the sphere of influence of the most effective legislation in the field of intellectual property in the world. Although the harshness of punishments for violations of intellectual property in the United States has decreased over the past decade, the ability to bring guilty parties to justice has expanded significantly.

In view of the above, it can be stated that for Ukraine, the experience of the USA can become the most useful in the field of reforming legislation in the field of intellectual property and establishing an effective mechanism for its protection. In particular, the first step should be to improve the legislative framework and increase its reliability and efficiency in law enforcement. It is also advisable to develop a Strategy for the development of intellectual property on the territory of Ukraine, similar to the one approved in the USA in 2018-2022, but taking into account modern trends and problematic aspects of the protection of intellectual property rights in Ukraine. It should be noted that an attempt was already made to adopt a strategy in this area in Ukraine, but it was never approved («Oleksii Liubchenko...»). It is also advisable to improve the mechanism for ensuring the observance of intellectual property rights, for which a highly coordinated institutional mechanism of state structures whose activities will be coordinated and effective should be developed at the national level. At the same time, to bring the state structures that carry out regulation in the field of intellectual property protection closer to the right holders, to provide them with the opportunity to receive the necessary information regarding the protection and protection of their intellectual rights both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad.

United Kingdom. Intellectual property in the UK has also long been recognized, as evidenced by the following facts:

adoption by the parliament of this country back in 1266 of the first legislation that regulated the use and protection of trademarks;

it was Great Britain that became the country where patent rights were introduced the earliest;

it was here that the first codified act in the field of copyright protection was issued in 1710 (Neville-Rolfe, 2016).

It is these facts that testify to the special attitude in Great Britain to the protection of intellectual property rights since ancient times. The current attitude towards them has not changed, as evidenced by the strategy adopted by the UK government in 2016 entitled «Protecting Creativity, Supporting Innovation: Protecting Intellectual Property Rights 2020» and the new strategy, which was approved by the Intellectual Property Office in February 2022, entitled «Strategy countering violations of intellectual property rights for 2022-2027» (Intellectual Property Counter-Infringement Strategy 2022 to 2027, 2022). It can be noted that Great Britain and the USA pay considerable attention to the development of strategic documents in the field of intellectual property development, which proves the special attitude of the governments of these countries to intellectual property. However, the Strategy for the Development of Intellectual Property of Great Britain has its own features, which emphasize the current problems of the development of intellectual property in it and the implementation of effective ways to solve them. In particular, the Strategy establishes that this country is a leading actor in the establishment of partnership and cooperation on the modernization and improvement of the global standard in the field of intellectual property protection, thus bringing the protection of intellectual property rights in Great Britain to a leading position in the world. The basics of interaction between law enforcement agencies, rights holders and the government are also established in order to establish the reliability of intellectual property protection.

The steps that the country should take in order to implement this Strategy are:

creation of a new body, the activity of which will be dedicated to the implementation of world-leading experience in the development of intellectual property and its protection;

to become a leader in establishing interstate cooperation at the governmental and interdepartmental levels in the field of intellectual property protection and combating crime in this field;

to create electronic open registers of cases in which proceedings have been initiated as a result of infringement of intellectual rights;

to carry out preventive activities regarding the prevention of criminal activity in the field of intellectual property, etc (IPO launches new strategy to address IP crime and infringement).

Taking into account the specified provisions, we can use the experience of Great Britain in Ukraine by:

borrowing individual provisions to create one's own intellectual property development strategy;

obtaining assistance from other states in building further policy of Ukraine in the sphere of intellectual property through bilateral and multilateral interaction;

implementation of a more responsible attitude to violations in the field of intellectual property, implementation of effective mechanisms of prevention, prevention and prosecution of guilty persons for violations in this field;

conducting educational events and implementing separate courses to inform the population about intellectual rights and their protection.

Germany. It is Germany that for several decades holds one of the leading positions in the field of science, technology, research and development, and also receives recognition at the world level for its quality innovations. For a long time, Germany has been making maximum efforts in the direction of creating a reliable system of protection of intellectual property and rights to it, based on a complex of legal and institutional means of its provision. All this is done with the aim of protecting the intellectual rights of the owners and giving them the opportunity to freely save, use and profit from innovative activities. The fact that Germany occupies a leading position in the field of development and protection of intellectual property in our time has had a significant impact on the openness of information data regarding the protection of intellectual property rights and the presence of a highly educated population that has knowledge about intellectual property and its protection.

To date, the following positive aspects can be identified in the development of intellectual property in Germany, the application of which may be useful in Ukraine:

creation of a reliable and effective legislative framework;

ease of going through the intellectual property registration procedure;

a positive approach to encouraging the introduction of high-quality innovations in the country;

strengthening the protection of innovative works of intellectual property;

strengthening the cultural and educational component of the population in the field of intellectual property protection;

borrowing the experience of litigation in the field of intellectual property (Kolesnikova & Korosh- chenko, 2021).

Sweden. Sweden is considered one of those countries that understood the full potential of intellectual property before everyone else and are actively involved in its development. The introduction of innovative trends in the development of intellectual property and the establishment of international cooperation in this area are the main directions of Sweden's policy in the field of intellectual property. Sweden is also characterized by the presence of a perfect legal framework, as close as possible to European standards and provisions of international agreements in this area. Sweden is one of the first countries to actively test innovative digital technologies in the field of intellectual property protection. In particular, several years ago, the Swedish land registry began testing the registration of real estate transactions using this technology, and the tests have already moved to the second stage. They did this in collaboration with the startup - also Swedish - Chromaway and the consulting firm Kairos Future. The second stage consists of testing the integration of technology into the banking processes of both financial organizations. The tests being carried out in Sweden are undoubtedly the most ambitious blockchain application to date, and it is likely that it will infect other countries in the European Union. A step in the right direction was the approval in 2016 of a European directive that introduces new standards for digital signatures and seals required for digital authentication required by blockchain (Aste, Tasca & Matteo, 2017). Also, a number of other innovative technologies are being implemented here, the use of which may be useful for Ukraine in the future. In addition, a positive experience for our country can be the introduction of enhanced control over violations of intellectual property rights.

France. France is the last country to enter the top five in the field of intellectual property in 2022. It is France that has one of the best developed legislation in the field of intellectual property. Mainly, the country achieved such success thanks to a number of actions of the French government. It is the French government that today is a successful guarantor of the rights and legitimate interests of its citizens, particularly in the field of intellectual property. The main advantage of government management in this area is that the government constantly adopts new legislation in the field of protection and protection of intellectual rights and easily abandons those normative acts that do not justify themselves. One of the clear examples is the so-called HADOPI Anti-Piracy Law, for the implementation and control of which the government even created a separate agency. The main provision of this act was to establish the norms that an Internet user who was caught three times illegally downloading copyrighted products on the same Internet was limited in access to the Internet by completely shutting it down and imposing a rather large fine in particular, according to sources, the warning about the first violation of copyright on the Internet was given to about two million French citizens («Frantsiia: «chorni spysky» piratskykh saitiv»). A smaller number of citizens received the second warning - only 186 thousand, while 663 court cases were actually initiated for the third violation in this area. However, the imposition of a fine was awarded to only one person, after which over time this law received recognition of its provisions as unconstitutional. That is, the government easily abandoned a regulatory act that did not justify itself and proceeded to develop more effective legislation.

It should also be noted that France is one of the first to implement EU directives in the field of intellectual property, i.e. it brings its own legislation closer to EU regional standards in this field, and also actively participates in international initiatives regarding intellectual property. Thus, the experience of France can be useful for Ukraine in the context that legislation in the field of intellectual property must be constantly updated and brought closer to regional and world standards in this field. At the same time, it is not necessary to get attached to those laws that are not effective, but to follow the path of developing new norms and acts, and if the latter are unjustified, to proceed to the development of new ones. At first glance, such an approach may seem frivolous, but intellectual property is developing so quickly in today's digital environment that even the latest legislation that today regulates the current issues of intellectual property protection may not cover the issues necessary to regulate relations in this area tomorrow.

Research conclusions and prospects for further research in this scientific direction. Thus, the events of recent years testify to the fact that intellectual property rights have gradually moved from the sphere of legal regulation to the sphere of global political governance. The world's leading countries are constantly working to establish their intellectual potential in the international arena and at the same time strengthen the legal protection of intellectual property, taking into account innovative risks and threats in this area. Ukraine, standing on the path of forming its own model of intellectual development and protection of intellectual property, must adapt the positive experience of the world's leading countries in this field to the peculiarities of Ukrainian society - the mentality of the population, its attitude to change. After all, the process of formation of a national model of intellectual development is not limited to the activity of the state, but is also directly dependent on changes in the outlook of all members of society. We believe that our state has a unique opportunity, based on the experience of other countries, to approve an effective plan for the development of the sphere of intellectual property. But success in this area can be achieved not only by the fact of adopting the intellectual property development strategy, but by the possibility of its further implementation. The transition to a more modern model of intellectual development, built on the best examples of international experience, will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy, increasing the welfare of the population and stabilizing social relations in the field of intellectual property.

The conclusions and recommendations obtained in the research process can be used in reforming the current legislation of Ukraine in the field of legal regulation of intellectual property in the conditions of digitalization, as well as serve as a theoretical basis for further scientific research.


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