Heydar Aliyev’s interest in the strengthening and development of our statehood

A thorough examination of the actions taken to maintain the customs of statehood during the presidency of H. Aliyev in the Azerbaijan SSR from 1969 to 1982. Study of the main directions of personnel training in various fields during the specified period.

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Heydar Aliyev's interest in the strengthening and development of our statehood

Anar Hamidov,

PhD student at the Department of Azerbaijani History (for humanitarian faculties)

Baku State University

(Baku, Azerbaijan)

Azerbaijan's statehood was developed and strengthened in large part because to Haydar Aliyev. Heydar Aliyev took significant strides in this direction by working seriously in a variety of disciplines, including science and education. As a result, the area of people training saw tremendous advancement. It started to pay particular attention to the training of military and educational personnel. An increasing number of Azerbaijanis started enrolling in the USSR's top universities every year. However, this has also created a lot of opportunities for highly skilled individuals to receive training in a variety of sectors. The national deaf started receiving special attention. The prerequisites for the strengthening of the state administrative system were created by the training of highly skilled professionals. Military personnel also started to become a particularly important concern. Heydar Aliyev gave military personnel's training particular consideration. Positive improvements were attempted in the oil sector, which received special attention under Heydar Aliyev's leadership of the Azerbaijan USSR. The discovery of oil and gas reserves in various USSR regions was greatly aided by the efforts of Azerbaijani oil workers, scientists, and specialists. As a result of Heydar Aliyev's actions from 1969 to 1982, notions of national statehood were able to become a driving force in the future.

Research methods. Several research techniques were applied in the investigation of the subject. The comparison method was used to assess the materials that were discovered through investigating different sources. The essay follows the historical-chronological structure. Scientific results were obtained by extensive use of comparison and analysis methodologies.

Research novelty. The thorough examination of the actions made to uphold statehood customs under Heydar Aliyev's presidency of the Azerbaijan SSR from 1969 to 1982 is the scholarly originality of the study. Based on materials gathered from multiple sources, the work done in the direction of staff training in various fields was examined throughout the aforementioned period.

Conclusion. Finally, it should be highlighted that Heydar Aliyev's multifarious statesmanship in the 1970s and the first part of the 1980s greatly enhanced Azerbaijan's social and political environment, encouraged more political engagement among the populace, and raised hopes for the nation's eventual independence.

Key words: Heydar Aliyev, education, human capital, policy.


докторант кафедри історії Азербайджану (для гуманітарних факультетів) Бакинського державного університету (Баку, Азербайджан)


Державність Азербайджану розвинулася і зміцнилася багато в чому завдяки Гейдару Алієву Гейдар Алієв зробив значні кроки в цьому напрямі, серйозно працюючи в різних галузях, включаючи науку та освіту. Урезультаті сфера підготовки людей значно просунулася вперед. Особливу увагу почали приділяти підготовці військових і педагогічних кадрів. З кожним роком усе більше азербайджанців почали вступати в найкращі вузи СРСР. Однак це також створило багато можливостей для висококваліфікованих осіб отримати навчання в різних секторах. Підготовка висококваліфікованих кадрів створювала передумови для зміцнення системи державного управління. Військовий персонал також почав ставати особливо важливою проблемою. Особливу увагу Гейдар Алієв приділив підготовці військовослужбовців. Позитивні поліпшення були зроблені в нафтовому секторі, якому під керівництвом Гейдара Алієва в Азербайджані часів СРСР приділялася особлива увага. Виявленню запасів нафти і газу в різних регіонах СРСР значно сприяли зусилля азербайджанських нафтовиків, учених і фахівців. У результаті дій Гейдара Алієва з 1969 по 1982 роки ідеї національної державності змогли стати рушійною силою в майбутньому.

Методи дослідження. У дослідженні предмета було застосовано кілька методів дослідження. Метод порівняння використовувався для оцінки матеріалів, які були виявлені в результаті дослідження різних джерел. Нарис дотримується історико-хронологічної структури. Наукові результати були отримані шляхом широкого використання методології порівняння та аналізу.

Новизна дослідження. Науковою оригінальністю дослідження є ретельний розгляд дій, здійснених для підтримання звичаїв державності під час президентства Гейдара Алієва в Азербайджанській РСР з 1969 по 1982 рік. За матеріалами, зібраними з багатьох джерел, досліджено роботу в напрямі підготовки кадрів за різними галузями протягом зазначеного періоду.

Висновок. Отже, слід підкреслити, що різноманітна державна мудрість Гейдара Алієва в 1970-х і першій половині 1980-х років значно покращила соціальне та політичне середовище Азербайджану, сприяла більшій політичній активності серед населення та породила надії на остаточну незалежність нації.

Ключові слова: Гейдар Алієв, освіта, людський капітал, політика.


statehood training personnel aliyev

Ever since Heydar Aliyev assumed leadership of the Azerbaijan SSR, despite the challenges of the era, significant strides have been made not only across all socio-economic and public domains of the republic, but also within the realms of science and education. These advances were particularly evident in the pursuit of policies rooted in Azerbaijani identity. A notable upswing in development began to take shape. The political course charted by this eminent leader, linking educational reform and scientific progress to national interests, aimed to enhance the nation's scientific potential. It sought to fortify the intellectual capabilities of the youth through a strategic educational approach. This effort included augmenting the number of students at prominent higher education institutions within the Soviet Union who were exempt from competitionbased admissions. A primary focus was also placed on the intensified training of highly skilled national personnel, manifesting through the inauguration of new fields of education and scientific inquiry, as well as the establishment of the nation's inaugural military training school. In light of these endeavors, this era could be aptly characterized as a period marked by rejuvenation and reawakening within the sociopolitical and social fabric of the USSR.

Main part

On July 14, 1969, with the election of Heydar Aliyev as the head of the republic, a significant historical turning point was initiated in Azerbaijan. This marked the strengthening of national self-awareness, fostering independent thinking by overcoming ideological barriers. Throughout Heydar Aliyev's tenure, the advancement of science and education in the republic was prominently emphasized. Large-scale projects, rooted in our national and moral values, were implemented, serving as a catalyst for a revival of national spirit, self-awareness, and ideals of freedom, independence, and autonomy. These efforts also played a pivotal role in boosting societal engagement. Alongside the determination of scientific and educational development priorities, vital measures enacted in this direction laid the theoretical and practical foundations to address emerging challenges in this realm. A comprehensive approach was taken to enhance scientific research, establishing an environment where individuals could acquire fresh knowledge and skills within the educational framework. This commitment contributed significantly to the republic's scientific and educational advancement.

In the contemporary world, the acquisition of knowledge across diverse disciplines and drawing from pioneering global experiences holds paramount importance. Considering this perspective, the endeavors and personal influence of Heydar Aliyev played a pivotal role in initiating a pivotal phase. The initiative to send Azerbaijani youth to esteemed higher education institutions in the USSR for studies, devoid of competitive admission, stood as the initial manifestation of the strategies set in motion during this period. During the discussed era, comprehensive programs were formulated to holistically nurture the development of the youth chosen for prestigious higher education institutions. Their engagement in these projects influenced both the quality and quantity of the outcomes. As a natural outcome of these efforts, our nation's national consciousness was revitalized. The sentiments of freedom and independence were fortified, leading to an extensive renaissance that became evident in the socio-political, socio-economic, scientific, and cultural aspects of our republic's life.

The plenum held on August 5, 1969 marked a pivotal historical day that played an exceptional role in the trajectory of Azerbaijan's history. This event aimed to eradicate adverse factors hindering the republic's progress. The objective was to cultivate a workforce equipped with contemporary skills and experiences while devising a strategy to enhance the populace's quality of life.

Simultaneously, the strategy addressed the causes of Azerbaijan SSR's lag behind other Soviet republics and proposed methods to combat this situation. Fundamental reforms in the material and technical foundations were also outlined, encompassing the future educational directions.

Heydar Aliyev's concept within the realm of science and education created a fertile ground for the training of proficient personnel, contributing to the reinforcement and advancement of our statehood within Azerbaijan SSR. This concept, put forth by the esteemed leader, fundamentally emerged as a novel developmental model. This model effectively actualized crucial concerns like integrating the republic's education into the global education framework and continually enhancing the people's social well-being as the paramount objective.

In the 1970s and 1980s, more than 15.000 young Azerbaijanis received education in over 250 essential fields for our republic, within 170 prestigious higher education institutions situated in more than 50 major cities across the USSR. These individuals were meticulously trained as highly skilled professionals (Mardanov, 2011:10).

The policies implemented by the esteemed leader were validated and championed during the All-Union scientific-practical conference held in Baku in April 1979, with the theme “Formation of an Active Life Position: Experience and Current Issues of Moral Education”. In his address, Heydar Aliyev highlighted key aspects, emphasizing that the elevated ideological and moral achievements already attained provided a robust foundation for more resolute efforts to elevate the population's developmental level. This approach also included a more extensive and rigorous struggle against residual remnants of the past and all negative circumstances. Comprehensive preparation in this direction was deemed as a vital and responsible stance.

Heydar Aliyev stressed the pivotal role that institutions of higher education, technical colleges, and vocational schools should play in fulfilling this task. He highlighted the significant strides taken to enhance higher education, as well as general and specialized secondary education, to elevate the quality of educational institutions' work, and to cultivate a morally healthy atmosphere therein. The remarkable progress witnessed in the political awareness, professional competence, and social engagement of many specialists who had joined various sectors of the national economy, science, and culture in recent years was acknowledged as a noteworthy outcome of these efforts. Furthermore, it was acknowledged that these achievements were not easily gained; they were the result of comprehensive reorganization within all educational institutions. It was recognized that during the 1960s, especially in higher education, shortcomings and negative situations had detrimentally impacted professional training and education, corroding the overall spiritual and psychological climate within the republic. In higher education operations, the selection and assignment of personnel were marred by grave violations of principles, distortions in entrance exam procedures and applicant selection, unethical behavior among teaching staff, and instances of bribery and abuse of authority (Ismayilov, 2011: 506-507).

Through this speech, the esteemed leader provided a profound scientific and political analysis of the socio-economic state within the republic, as well as the ongoing ideological endeavors. He highlighted prevailing deficiencies while assessing the policy's purpose, consistency, adequacy, and alignment with national interests. Moreover, he outlined the envisioned future stages of development. Heydar Aliyev conducted a critical examination of the administrative practices of the republic's institutions, substantiating his points with concrete evidence. He remarked that despite measures undertaken to accelerate scientific, educational, and economic development, to fortify ideological initiatives, to enhance personnel responsibility, and to foster a spirit of combatting negative situations, these efforts were inadequately mirrored. The application of advanced experiences had, in fact, revealed significant shortcomings in their execution.

Much later, in 2000, the National Leader Heydar Aliyev shared his insights on this matter during a conversation with journalists on the occasion of National Press Day. He recounted his efforts to combat bribery in university admissions, particularly recalling a scenario from the 1970s. At that time, the law faculty of the state university admitted 50 students annually. He observed that around 95 percent of these admissions were individuals with familial connections to prosecutors, court presidents, ministers, and other high-ranking officials This trend, where a father's profession led to the same career path for the son and even the grandson, raised concerns for Heydar Aliyev. He questioned the opportunities for talented young individuals from less privileged backgrounds, who lacked the connections to gain admission. In response, he took significant action. For instance, faculties like history and oriental studies were in vogue at the time. He prohibited the admission of officials' children, especially those affiliated with law enforcement agencies such as the militia and the prosecutor's office, to these faculties. This decision stirred considerable discussion within society. In subsequent years, Heydar Aliyev encountered some individuals employed within the prosecutor's office and the police force who expressed their gratitude. They shared that their ability to enter law school was a direct result of his measures. Otherwise, they would have faced challenges accessing such education due to their origins in rural areas and their financial constraints. The ban on admitting officials' children ensured that opportunities for education were accessible to all, irrespective of their background, and it reflected Heydar Aliyev's commitment to fairness and equal access to education (Magarramov, 2023: 117).

The esteemed leader held young individuals distinguished by their elevated spiritual and moral qualities, intellectual prowess, and extensive knowledge in high regard. He prioritized their inclusion in state administration roles. Prior to Heydar Aliyev's leadership, there were instances where high-ranking officials, particularly those within law enforcement, employed various means to secure prestigious placements for their children in the faculties of the Azerbaijan State University. Consequently, this unfair practice infringed upon the rights of children from modest backgrounds such as the poor, workers, and peasants. It dashed the aspirations of educated, innovative young minds who longed to gain entry to these faculties. Under Heydar Aliyev's governance, such inequitable practices were eradicated through resolute and decisive measures, ensuring the prevalence of genuine justice. The processes unfolded within a transparent framework, fostering an environment of openness and fairness.

Heydar Aliyev dedicated his efforts to the advancement and prosperity of our national education system. Naturally, as the leader of the republic, he couldn't ignore the distressing circumstances prevailing at the time. Recognizing the immense value of national talent, Heydar Aliyev referred to the national personnel as “our golden reserve”. He advocated the principle that “knowledge is the sole criterion” in a bid to fundamentally revolutionize personnel training in Azerbaijan. His aim was to elevate the moral and psychological climate within higher education institutions, enhance the efficacy and quality of education, and bring about significant changes. To achieve this, he directed his attention towards higher education collectives. He established stringent requirements, fostering a culture of rigorous control over every facet of higher education. This encompassed student admissions, end-of-semester examinations, state-level exams, and thesis submissions. Heydar Aliyev's commitment to raising educational standards and nurturing a culture of knowledge-based excellence in personnel training was instrumental in shaping the transformation of Azerbaijan's education system during his leadership (Gurbanov, 1997: 14).

Through sustained efforts, Azerbaijan achieved the establishment of an exceptional moral and political climate within a relatively brief timeframe. These accomplishments were the result of a series of steps meticulously designed to assess the existing conditions, bring about a more systematic approach to the ongoing efforts, and institute an educational system that would stand out among the Union republics in terms of quality outcomes and significance. This involved offering proficient education supported by advanced infrastructure and knowledge.

The progressive changes witnessed in the republic's economic landscape had profound repercussions on the societal fabric, enriching the social and cultural life, uplifting the material well-being of the populace, and elevating the quality of both their material and spiritual needs. This period laid the groundwork for the establishment of the economic, political, and moral foundations underpinning Azerbaijan's present-day independence.

During this era, Azerbaijan transformed into a highly industrialized republic within the Soviet Union, marked by widespread utilization of cuttingedge technologies. This accomplishment was undoubtedly a consequence of the robust economic foundation established during this phase

The subsequent course of historical events unequivocally demonstrated that Heydar Aliyev's activities from 1969 to 1982 set the stage for the ascendancy of ideas concerning national statehood, with these concepts progressively becoming central and galvanizing in the years to come. This era witnessed the creation of a tangible conducive business environment within the republic. A robust and positive psychological and spiritual atmosphere emerged, further bolstering socio-economic advancement. These favorable conditions contributed to the expansion of scientific and practical centers, fueling rapid development across all sectors of the economy. Scientific and technological progress accelerated, as did labor productivity. Leveraging Azerbaijan's historical background, these efforts facilitated the attainment of high esteem at the level of the Soviet Union and even global recognition. Indeed, the foundation laid during Heydar Aliyev's tenure played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of Azerbaijan's future development as a sovereign state with a strong commitment to its national identity and the well-being of its citizens

Beginning in the early 1970s, under the initiative of the esteemed leader, numerous young individuals were sent to the most esteemed universities across the former Soviet Union to pursue a wide array of professions and specialties. This undertaking signified the implementation of a visionary policy directed at ensuring the preparation of future personnel, the establishment of an enduring foundation for comprehensive and extensive development. Heydar Aliyev, the great leader, accorded exceptional attention to nurturing the holistic development of young people. He emphasized their education, opportunities for employment, broadening their global perspective through international relations, integrating them into intellectual heights, fostering their capacity for innovation, and supporting their physical and mental well-being. “Young people are our future”, he often reiterated, expressing his desire for a future Azerbaijan in the hands of intelligent, educated, and capable youth. Heydar Aliyev understood that the youth is a mirror of society, an indicator that reflects the state of affairs. They serve as a litmus test, determining the societal level within every country. The leader recognized that the progress and potential of a society are intricately tied to the aspirations and accomplishments of its youth. His visionary policies and unwavering commitment to young people continue to be felt in Azerbaijan's present and will undoubtedly resonate in its future (Mehdiyev, 2019: 96).

In the early 1970s and 1980s, the National Leader Heydar Aliyev introduced a strategically crucial education concept, leveraging the abundant scientific and intellectual resources cultivated within the republic. He remained steadfastly focused on devising solutions for the challenges that emerged from this strategy. During this period, the integration of education into the global education system on a national basis emerged as a principal objective. Moreover, progressive reforms in the domains of science and education were systematically enacted. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the Academy of Sciences, universities, and specialized institutes played a pivotal role in training talented scientists and skilled experts in fields like electronics, automation, and computer engineering. These institutions contributed to the establishment of factories dedicated to the production of electronic equipment. Notable scientific research establishments such as the Institute of Cybernetics, Space Research Center, Information and Communication Science Center, and “Oil-Gas Automation” were established. As a result, a novel and remarkably advantageous industrial sector took root within the republic, supported by a robust scientific foundation. The visionary approach of Heydar Aliyev propelled the establishment of a vibrant industrial landscape, enhancing Azerbaijan's capabilities in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. This strategic vision not only set the course for the republic's present-day achievements but also laid the groundwork for its future success (Abbasov, 2023: 76).

These cumulative efforts contributed to a heightened focus on enhancing the higher and technical vocational education system. This direction aimed to better equip the national workforce to meet the demands of modernizing both industrial and agricultural sectors, aligning them with contemporary requirements. Concurrently, initiatives were launched to rectify shortcomings in agricultural planning, with Heydar Aliyev spearheading significant historical decisions in this realm. This proactive approach yielded observable outcomes in the form of an annual rise in the training of national personnel. The network of higher education institutions expanded, and their material and technical resources were fortified. This comprehensive approach ensured that the education system was adequately aligned with the evolving needs of society, propelling both industrial and agricultural advancements. Heydar Aliyev's visionary actions facilitated a seamless transformation towards a more sophisticated and efficient education system, fostering a well-prepared workforce capable of driving the nation's progress.

It is undeniably true that establishing state independence without an intellectual foundation is an implausible feat. Statistical data verifies that until 1970, certain artificial barriers were erected for Azerbaijanis seeking admission to esteemed universities within the USSR, and even a cap on enrollment was enforced. Typically, Azerbaijanis were limited to studying disciplines like literature and music at the union-level institutions. However, a significant transformation in this approach was realized since the 1970s. During this period, under the astute direction of Heydar Aliyev, a noteworthy change emerged. Hundreds of young Azerbaijanis were granted the opportunity to pursue studies in vital fields such as economics, law, international relations, diplomacy, and technology at some of the most esteemed universities in the Soviet Union. This policy represented a courageous stride towards nurturing the intellectual bedrock of Azerbaijani statehood. The undeniable significance of this initiative in shaping the foundation of an independent nation is evident (Habibbayli, 2020: 448).

Heydar Aliyev's visionary strategy not only expanded educational prospects for Azerbaijani youth but also contributed substantially to the evolution of the nation's intellectual capital. This approach was pivotal in laying the groundwork for the development of an independent, informed, and competent nation capable of assuming a leading role on the global stage.

Young people were selected out of competition and sent to prestigious higher education institutions in the Soviet Union because the great leader Heydar Aliyev, who considers the future destiny of the republic, pays special attention and care to them. This was done so they could gain special skills that were important for increasing the scientific, technical, and cultural potential of the republic. Harmonious development in the republic was secured and the groundwork for economic and cultural advancement was laid as a result of such intricate organizational socio-economic, scientific, and cultural measures. However, the republic's higher education institutions set the stage for a major qualitative shift in this area by taking the necessary steps to secure the Soviet Union's integration with the developed higher education sector of the globe.

Heydar Aliyev's initiatives have resulted in notable advancements in military higher education. Since 1972, 300-400 young people have been sent annually to the higher military institutions of the former USSR under the supervision of the great commander. Later, national people educated at military base schools constructed outside of the republic in the 1970s and 1980s were used when the army building and the national military system of independent Azerbaijan were founded. This was the great leader's insight, and it was one of the major services he provided to Azerbaijan (Mardanov, 2011: 350).

As a result, from the perspective of our republic's future, which is marked by complex and contradictory dynamic processes, Azerbaijanism has been the primary content, and ongoing effort has been done to base the republic's activities on it. Of course, the conditions that were most influential on this were those that were produced by the socio-political and scientific-religious environments.

Heydar Aliyev made a distinction between the question of a deserving citizen and the concept of Azerbaijanism. He advised us to produce a generation that loves, respects, preserves, and promotes our nation while also doing its duty to represent it abroad. Heydar Aliyev also frequently counseled the younger generation to uphold their national traditions, to uphold moral principles, to fully know and respect their language and culture, and at the same time he wished to see them as educated, contemporary individuals who are familiar with European values and languages. Heydar Aliyev viewed the youth of Azerbaijan as educated, competent, and intellectual individuals with a free style of thinking, the ability to learn from social and global processes, a strong sense of patriotism, and a strong state mentality (Gasanov, 2018: 6).

In addition to these, the republic was home to branches of the Odessa Marine Engineers, Rostov Railway Transport, All-Union Absentee Food Industry, All-Union Absentee Cooperative, and lastly the Krasnodar Polytechnic Institutes (Baku). All of these achievements helped Heyday Aliyev develop higher education, his broad outlook, and the advancement of science and education. All of this was made possible by citizens' concern for enhancing the republic's human resources capacity (Mardanov, 2011: 355).

At the same time, it's crucial to remember that Heydar Aliyev was in power when Azerbaijan's issues first became apparent and a large space for criticism and self-criticism was created. The decisions made as a result of examining the perspectives of common people toward high-ranking authorities on certain subjects and thorough examination of the current situation went beyond stereotypes and was well received. The economy of Azerbaijan received a significant amount of investment in a short period of time thanks to Heydar Aliyev's heroic efforts and sane initiatives, and the foundation for the implementation of consistent, comprehensive, and radical changes aimed at developing a strong industrial potential in the country was laid. In addition to producing outstanding political and economic outcomes in the future, the advancement of science, technology, and advanced technology, as well as the building of contemporary industrial enterprises, may cause a significant shift in the social structure of the republic as well as a radical transformation of its cultural identity. The rise in the level of national self-awareness among our people was significantly influenced by the Constitution's declaration of Azerbaijani as the official language, the preference given to nationals for employment in government positions, the defense of Azerbaijani moral and national values, and the advancement of Azerbaijani culture, art, and literature.

The oil industry experienced significant successes during Heydar Aliyev's leadership. The significance of the factory that builds oil machines should be specifically noted among them. It is well known that in the 1970s, Azerbaijani oil engineering facilities produced 70% of the oil equipment used in the Soviet Union. The finding of oil and gas deposits in numerous USSR regions has been greatly assisted by the oil workers, scientists, and specialists of Azerbaijan. The vast oil-producing regions of the Russian Federation are now home to a sizable Azerbaijani population. It is important to note that the Azerbaijan Oil Academy was instrumental in preparing high-level employees for all of the former USSR's territories, not only Azerbaijan (Sardarov, 2020: 24).

Heydar Aliyev implemented the program of training highly qualified workers as a part of the national policy during all of his periods of leadership in Azerbaijan, saying “A youth without education cannot have a happy future” (Mardanov, 2011: 10).

Heydar Aliyev successfully achieved greater flexibility and functionality of the development mechanism with the reforms he carried out. He also ensured the dynamic rise of our republic with the pragmatist choices and actions he made, as well as the steps arising from the objective reality.


In conclusion, it should be noted that Heydar Aliyev's multifaceted statesmanship during the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s significantly improved the social and political climate in Azerbaijan, spurred the nation's citizens to become more politically active, and increased their belief in the country's eventual independence. Today, Azerbaijan has developed a state administration system based on the vast experience of democratic nations. In this framework, the foundation for the state administration system's education of intelligent and creative individuals serving the interests of the state and its citizens has been established. Therefore, in nearly every aspect of social life, we have high-level professional staff potential.


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