Cooperation and academic exchanges between Ukrainian and Chinese universities: the main features

The problem of development of cooperation and academic exchanges between Ukrainian and Chinese universities. Overview of cooperation and academic exchanges between Ukrainian and Chinese universities. Increasing student understanding of multiple cultures.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 17.06.2024
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Cooperation and academic exchanges between Ukrainian and Chinese universities: the main features

Nataliya Mukan

Lviv Polytechnic National University Yixuan Wang Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article is devoted to highlighting the problem of cooperation and academic exchanges development between Ukrainian and Chinese universities. The aim of the article is as follows: to substantiate the main features of cooperation and academic exchanges between Ukrainian and Chinese universities. The article presents the results of analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the problem under research (academic exchanges and their influence on personality development, international cooperation and its influence on university development, globalisation and its influence on state development as well as its educational system). It is justified that globalisation of educational sphere presupposes the development and intensification of universities' cooperation and academic exchanges between various countries. Ukraine is a crucial component of China's "Belt and Road Initiative". It is proven that a significant part of foreign cultural issues, which play a noteworthy role in international relations, is education. The idea of international educational exchange is primarily represented by several aspects: education is a crucial tool for preserving a nation's culture; it is normative and stable, having been formed within a comprehensive institutional system; it is a valuable means of disseminating values; it has a younger audience; it can influence the next generation's acceptance, tolerance, and understanding of other cultures, fostering mutual understanding and trust between cultures; and it should be conducted with an open and understanding mind-set.

The goal of international educational exchange is to increase students' appreciation and understanding of many cultures. Working together with the global academic community enhances the academic discipline by encouraging innovation and information sharing.

International educational exchanges facilitate students' and teachers' understanding of other nations' educational policies and systems. International educational exchange, as a concept, includes a number of elements that, when combined, help to overcome geographic barriers to learning.

Key words: academic exchanges, "Belt and Road Initiative", China, cooperation development, education system, globalization, higher education, international collaboration, international education, students, Ukraine, university, university faculty.


academic exchange student university

Мукан Наталія, Ван Ісюань. Співпраця та академічні обміни між університетами України та Китаю: основні особливості.

Стаття присвячена висвітленню проблеми розвитку співпраці та академічних обмінів між українськими та китайськими університетами. Метою статті є обґрунтування основних особливостей співпраці та академічних обмінів між українськими та китайськими університетами. У статті наведено результати аналізу науково-педагогічної літератури з досліджуваної проблеми (академічні обміни та їх вплив на розвиток особистості, міжнародне співробітництво та його вплив на розвиток університету, глобалізація та її вплив на розвиток держави та її системи освіти). Обґрунтовано, що глобалізація освітньої сфери передбачає розвиток та інтенсифікацію співробітництва університетів та академічних обмінів між різними країнами. Україна є серед пріоритетів китайської ініціативи «Один пояс, один шлях». Доведено, що значну частину зовнішньокультурних питань, які відіграють важливу роль у міжнародних відносинах, становить освіта. Ідея міжнародного освітнього обміну, насамперед, представлена кількома аспектами: освіта є найважливішим нормативним і стабільним інструментом збереження культури нації, сформувавшись у цілісній інституційній системі; вагомим засобом поширення цінностей; має молодшу аудиторію; може вплинути на сприйняття, толерантність і розуміння наступним поколінням інших культур, сприяючи взаєморозумінню та довірі між культурами; потребує відкритості мислення й усвідомленості. Метою міжнародного освітнього обміну є підвищення оцінки та розуміння студентами багатьох культур. Співпраця з глобальною академічною спільнотою покращує академічну дисципліну, заохочуючи інновації та обмін інформацією. Міжнародні освітні обміни сприяють розумінню студентами та викладачами освітньої політики та систем інших країн. Міжнародний освітній обмін, як концепція, включає низку елементів, поєднання яких допомагає подолати географічні бар'єри для навчання.

Ключові слова: академічні обміни, ініціатива «Один пояс, один шлях», Китай, розвиток співпраці, система освіти, глобалізація, вища освіта, міжнародна співпраця, міжнародна освіта, студенти, Україна, університет, викладачі університету.


Nowadays people are becoming more and more aware of the modernization of education and the significance of reviving the nation through science and technology and fortifying it with talent. The fight for talent development and educational resources is eventually inextricably linked to the increasingly intense competitiveness in the global community. In the multipolar world of today, education is focused on globalisation. The cultivation of talent, the training of talent, and the enhancement of educational development have become concerns that universities worldwide will have to deal with and consider. Universities frequently organise faculty and student participation in international exchange programmes, encourage development cooperation between the two parties, and conduct a number of academic exchanges in order to enhance operations and advance university development. Additionally, it's a means of establishing the academic framework needed to continue developing creative genius with a worldwide perspective.

It is obvious that modern scientists research different aspect of cooperation and academic exchange between universities from various countries: academic exchanges and their influence on personality development (Amit, & Wulff, 2022; An, & Chiang, 2015; Kittler, 2018; Li, 2015; Liu, Cheng, & Chen, 2022), international cooperation and its influence on university development (Chou, & Ching, 2020; Rezaei, Yousefi, Larijani, Dehnavieh, & et al., 2018; Shayery, Zayed, Islam, Hossain, & et al., 2022; van Der Wende, 2015; Xu, 2019), globalisation and its influence on state development as well as its educational system (Edwards, Moschetti, & Caravaca, 2022; Li, 2018; Pham, Hoang, Lai, Dong, & et al., 2022; Pilipchuk, Strelnikova, Batova, Subkhonberdiev, & Lyalyuk, 2022; Stromquist, 2002).

The aim of the article is to substantiate the main features of cooperation and academic exchanges development between Ukrainian and Chinese universities.

Research results

Ukraine is a crucial component of China's "Belt and Road Initiative" (Belt and Road Portal, 2021). International friendship has defined the relationship between China and Ukraine ever since Ukraine declared its independence. Studying the international cooperation and academic exchange programmes between Ukraine and

China is significant due to the two countries' 32-year history of amicable relations and cooperative development of international relations.

Additionally, China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative marks ten years in 2023. The governments of the two nations have supported the two peoples' cooperation during the past ten years, which has produced positive outcomes in a number of areas, including the political, cultural, educational, and economic. Every nation on the planet has the same outlook on the idea of utilising talent to build the nation and science and technology to boost it. "This ability to attract talent from around the world on a highly competitive basis allows these institutions to further strengthen their capacity, and as they are propelled through the rankings, also their reputation" (Van Der Wende, 2015, p. 71).

International collaboration and academic exchanges between universities have grown in importance as the most significant forms of educational exchange and cooperation programmes between the two countries in today's education and talent-rich nation. The idea of global education and exchange is influenced by global university collaboration and exchanges as well as the networked economic theory of the 21st century. It causes people to focus more intently on how education is being provided in the new environment and how it is changing. This has several beneficial effects for future research on the trajectory of growth in international student exchanges. China and Ukraine's partnership under "One Belt, One Road" Initiative has produced impressive results, particularly in the spheres of culture and education, which have a lot of promise (Belt and Road Portal, 2021).

Education is a significant part of foreign cultural issues, which play a noteworthy role in international relations. The advancement of international cultural exchanges is highly valued by all nations and is considered a crucial component of their foreign policy. Globalisation has been growing in scope and pace, especially in the 21st century with the emergence of the information age and the extraordinary spread of the market economic system. It has quickly permeated every facet of politics, society, and education (Li, 2018). Consequently, the globalisation of education has commenced and is gradually emerging as a significant trend in the advancement of global education. Education is not racialized and transcends national boundaries at the same time. Countries should pay greater attention to and emphasise international educational exchanges and cooperation as a vital conduit for the growth of international relations and the promotion of international cooperation. In international educational exchanges and cooperation, it is necessary to deepen understanding between people from various regions and countries and to create an environment of mutual trust and exchange. International collaboration and exchanges in education are beneficial for advancing global peace and stability (Rezaei, Yousefi, Larijani, Dehnavieh, & et al., 2018).

The idea of international educational exchange is primarily represented by several aspects: education is a crucial tool for preserving a nation's culture; it is normative and stable, having been formed within a comprehensive institutional system; it is a valuable means of disseminating values; it has a younger audience; it can influence the next generation's acceptance, tolerance, and understanding of other cultures, fostering mutual understanding and trust between cultures; and it should be conducted with an open and understanding mind-set.

Exchanges in education across national boundaries must to be conducted with compassion and inclusivity. These fundamental qualities of education are what establish it as a reliable, systematic, institutionalised, long-term communication route in cross-cultural interactions. Wide-ranging international collaboration and educational exchanges will successfully foster mutual understanding and long-term trust between individuals from various nations and cultural backgrounds. People generally recognise the fundamental significance of international collaboration and educational exchange in international relations.

In order to comprehend the significance and importance of international educational exchanges - which are not only an inevitable trend in their development but also a deeper understanding of the study of educational cooperation and exchanges between the two universities - we must have a clear understanding of the connotation of these exchanges. Its influence is extensive and diverse, extending beyond university cooperation and teaching exchange initiatives. There are several topics that warrant additional investigation, beginning with the following: the value of multidisciplinary interaction, academic cooperation and research, cultural diversity, education reform, and policy consequences.

The goal of international educational exchange is to increase students' appreciation and understanding of many cultures. Students can encounter and learn first-hand about the values, beliefs, rituals, and traditions of various cultures through interactions with peers from different origins and nations (Kittler, 2018). Students' global viewpoint and cross-cultural communication skills are developed, and prejudices, preconceptions, and cultural barriers are dismantled as a result of these cross-cultural experiences (Amit & Wulff, 2022). Students and teachers can collaborate on academic projects and research through international educational exchanges.

Working together with the global academic community enhances the academic discipline by encouraging innovation and information sharing. Participating in research programmes helps students hone their critical thinking, problem-solving, and research skills. Exchanges of knowledge between instructors and students across international borders offer a forum for mutual learning. The educational systems, topic specialisations, and instructional strategies of other nations can be advantageous to students. Simultaneously, educators have the opportunity to improve their pedagogy and teaching skills by sharing experiences and best practices with their foreign colleagues. This exchange of knowledge and reciprocal learning can support educational reform and innovation while also raising the standard of instruction (Xu, 2019).

Cooperation and exchange between many academic areas are encouraged by international educational exchanges. Students can improve comprehensive thinking and problem-solving skills by combining information and abilities from several fields through interdisciplinary interaction. For instance, fusing the humanities and arts with scientific knowledge can promote creativity and original thought.

International educational exchanges facilitate students' and teachers' understanding of other nations' educational policies and systems. They can offer helpful references for their own educational reforms and policy formulation by comparing and learning from the experiences of other nations. Exchanges of ideas and perspectives on education across international boundaries can also foster innovation and progress in the field of education. With the goal of learning from one another, advancing together, and sharing the fruits, the educational concept of "One Belt, One Road" has increased communication and exchange between local universities in China and the countries along the route, strengthening awareness of international exchanges in local universities. The number of educational exchanges and academic cooperation between Chinese and Ukrainian universities has been growing annually, and studies and visits between the two nations have deepened exchanges and communication while expanding worldwide perspectives.

International educational exchange, as a concept, includes a number of elements that, when combined, help to overcome geographic barriers to learning. These elements include cultural diversity, reciprocal learning, interdisciplinary cooperation, equity and inclusion, sustainable development, language learning, global awareness, academic cooperation, educational reform and policy implications, and the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage. In order to educate students for the complexity and diversity of today's world, these components work together to create an integrated and holistic educational philosophy that strives to provide them global perspectives, intercultural communication skills, and the ability to address global concerns. It fosters international collaboration and understanding and helps to create a more peaceful, inclusive, and long-lasting educational system for the future.

Education in human society is a social existence that is constantly advancing the modernization process while breaking down physical and social barriers like system and culture. Globalisation of education aims to achieve full communication (material and informational), greater global consensus, and more common action (Li, 2015; An, & Chiang, 2015). The modernization of education in the new stage of development is reflected in the globalisation of education, which is an objective development trend that goes hand in hand with the process of globalisation. This modernization is primarily seen in the growing interconnectedness of global education, the strengthening of interdependence, the global flow of educational resources, and the execution of educational activities on a global scale. It is typified by inequality, hegemony, global localization, openness, and dynamism.

In light of the globalisation of education, the following development tendencies have been seen in global education: globalisation has caused countries to step up their efforts to seize the international education market and compete for foreign student resources. It has also led to an increase in the homogenous global education phenomenon and an increase in the exchange of students, teachers, courses, teaching materials, theories, systems, funds, and projects worldwide. The speed at which educational resources are flowing globally has accelerated, and global educational links have generally strengthened.

There has been an acceleration in the movement of educational resources globally and a general strengthening of worldwide educational relations. The rising frequency of transnational movement of educational elements, including students, teachers, curriculum, teaching materials, funding, projects, and even concepts and systems on a worldwide scale, is a primary indicator of the increased pace of the global flow of educational resources. In such circumstances, there is also a rise in the number of international students studying abroad, the exchange of educational personnel between nations, and the number of cross-border educational cooperation projects, including international student exchanges, joint training programmes, international academic exchanges, and international diploma mutual recognition. The lines between nation-states have become less and less important in educational activities between nations, and overall, educational links have gotten stronger (Chou, & Ching, 2020).

As a result of globalisation, educational services are now more widely traded internationally and are experiencing a growth in this sector of the economy. In international relations, education plays a crucial role and influences political economy. Beyond political, economic, and military concerns, it is believed that education and cultural matters constitute the fourth and most compassionate component. Third, nations are stepping up their attempts to compete for foreign student resources and grab hold of the international education market as a result of the globalisation of education (Pham, Hoang, Lai, & et al., 2022; Pilipchuk, Strelnikova, Batova, Subkhonberdiev, & Lyalyuk, 2022).

The idea of "globalising education" has also set off a trend in which there is a growing international exchange of instructors, students, curricula, resources, theories, systems, funding, and initiatives; this interaction is not just between two nations (Shayery, Zayed, Islam, Hossain, & et al., 2022). It exhibits the qualities of a two-way multilateral interaction rather than being a one-way output or input. On the other hand, if the globalisation hypothesis is affecting how people view different educational concerns, then education has become both a driving force behind globalisation and a crucial instrument for coping with its obstacles. The economic function of education is one of the main reasons it is vital in the globalisation process (Stromquist, 2002). Furthermore, education serves political, cultural, and economic purposes in addition to economic ones (Stromquist, 2002). With the assistance of soft power theory in addition to human capital theory, nations all over the world actively create their own educational programmes and compete in the global education market in the age of globalisation. The importance of education in economic development is demonstrated by the idea of human capital, and its significance in boosting the nation's soft power and extending its cultural influence is demonstrated by the notion of soft power. As a result, nations everywhere are actively pursuing education, partly due to the competition and soft power it offers, but also because they recognise the tremendous pull that human resources have on their economic growth. All throughout the world, educational progress will inevitably follow the path of globalisation in order to keep up with the inevitable trend of economic globalisation (Liu, Cheng, & Chen, 2022; Edwards, Moschetti, & Caravaca, 2022).

From the perspectives of China and Ukraine, the two nations enjoy the following advantageous circumstances for collaboration and exchange in education. China and Ukraine each have advantages in some fields and specialisations, which helps to foster the complementarity of educational resources. International competition is become more intense as a result of the world's increasing multipolarization and economic globalisation. Conversely, innovation serves as the foundation for advancements in science and technology, provides an endless source of energy for economic growth, and plays a significant role in boosting a country's competitiveness. Therefore, both nations place a high value on the training of internationalised talent, particularly that of inventive individuals, in order to increase their respective levels of international competitiveness.


Thus, from the standpoint of adhering to the globalisation trend, meeting the opportunities and challenges associated with education globalisation, and managing the increasingly competitive international external environment, or from the standpoint of raising the two nations' educational standards, strengthening their respective national soft power and scientific and technological prowess, raising the standard of humanistic exchanges between them, and strengthening their partnership of comprehensive strategic collaboration, it is imperative that Ukraine and China step up their educational exchanges and cooperation. In addition to indirectly reflecting the paths and directions taken by the two nations to improve the effectiveness of future educational exchanges and cooperation, this analysis also looks at the causes and problems of the educational exchanges and cooperation between Ukraine and China. This analysis may, in part, be helpful in determining the future course of these developments as well as the formulation of China's new-era policy regarding Ukrainian education.


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Belt and Road Portal. (2021). International Cooperation: Profiles. Retrieved from:

Chou, C. P., & Ching, G. S. (2020). Evolving international academic exchanges: The shifting cross-strait university practices between Taiwan and China. International Journal of Research, 9(4), 1-9.

Edwards, J., D. B., Moschetti, M. C., & Caravaca, A. (2022). Globalization, privatization, and the State: Contemporary education reform in post-colonial contexts. Taylor & Francis.

Kittler, M. (2018). Do we understand each other? Discussing academic exchange from a cross-culturalcommunication perspective. International Studies of Management & Organization, 48(3), 333-351.

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Pham, H. H., Hoang, A. D., Lai, S. L., Dong, T. K. T., & et al. (2022). International education as an export sector: an investigation of 49 Vietnamese universities and colleges using Bayesian analysis. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1-19.

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