Mass communication in foreign economic activity: content and structure

Analysis of the content and structure of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity as a process of open transmission of messages. Peculiarities of defining the main subjects of mass communication in the field of foreign exchange.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 21.07.2024
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University of Customs and Finance

Mass communication in foreign economic activity: content and structure

N. Kodatska candidate of sociological sciences head of the Journalism department

O. Oblasova candidate of historical sciences docent of the Journalism department

O. Tsvietaieva candidate of social communications sciences docent of the Journalism department


Purpose. To analyze the content and structure of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity as a process of open transmission of messages, the subject of which is any aspect of foreign economic activity, and to develop on this ground the basic directions for training specialists in mass communication, in particular in the sphere of foreign economic activity.

Research methodology. The structural-functional analysis method was used to determine the structure of mass communication and study its functions; the modeling method was applied to develop the directions for training specialists in mass communication.

Results. The essence of foreign economic activity and its regulatory and legal definition were considered. The content of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity is elaborated as a social activity of creating, disseminating and consuming mass information, the subject of which is any aspect of foreign economic activity. The analysis of the mass communication structure was carried out and characterized such of its components as subjects of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity, means of communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity, effects of mass communication, as well as types of communications in the system of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity. In the system of mass communication, the following subsystems are distinguished: creation (production) of mass information product; its dissemination (transmission); consumption (use) of this product; mass culture inherent in the subjects of mass information relations, which determines the corresponding value paradigms, behavioral models, technologies of working with mass information. The subjects of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity are identified, namely: government authorities, enterprises, public organizations (associations), researchers (experts), related to the sphere of foreign economic activity, individual citizens as consumers, employees of the sphere, participants of foreign economic activity, specialized communicative institutions (international economic media, international advertising and PR agencies, etc.). Such types of communications in the system of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity are distinguished as: media communication (informational and analytical content), advertising communication (advertising content and advertising campaigns), and PR communication (PR content and PR campaigns). Based on the defined structure of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity, a model of training specialists in mass communication, in particular in the sphere of foreign economic activity, is offered.

Novelty. The content of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity is elaborated as a social activity of creating, disseminating and consuming mass information, the subject of which is any aspect of foreign economic activity to a large, anonymous to the sender, heterogeneous and dispersed audience in Ukraine and abroad using specialized and institutionalized communicative means, such as mass and corporate media, online platforms of foreign economic activity entities, as well as advertising and PR communication entities.

Practical significance. The developed approach to understanding the essence of mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity can be the basis for the development and implementation of educational programs for training specialists in mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity, aimed at training specialists in this area of practical activity.

Key words: mass communication, mass information, foreign economic activity, communication effects, model of training specialists in mass communication in the sphere of foreign economic activity.


Кодацька Н. О., Обласова О. І., Цветаева O. В. Масові комунікації у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності: зміст і структура

Мета дослідження - аналіз змісту та структури масової комунікації у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності як процесу відкритого передавання повідомлень, предметом яких є будь- який з аспектів зовнішньоекономічної діяльності, розробка на цій основі базових напрямів підготовки фахівців з масової комунікації, зокрема, у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності.

Методологія дослідження. У ході дослідження використано метод структурно-функціонального аналізу для визначення структури масової комунікації та вивчення її функцій; моделювання - для побудови напрямів підготовки фахівців з масової комунікації.

Результати. Розглянуто сутність зовнішньоекономічної діяльності та її нормативно-правове визначення. Розкрито зміст масової комунікації у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності як соціальної діяльності з творення, поширення та споживання масової інформації, предметом якої є будь- який з аспектів зовнішньоекономічної діяльності. Проведено аналіз структури масової комунікації й охарактеризовано такі її складові, як суб'єкти масової комунікації у сфері ЗЕД, засоби комунікації у сфері ЗЕД, ефекти масової комунікації, а також види комунікацій у системі масової комунікації у сфері ЗЕД. У системі масової комунікації виокремлено такі підсистеми, як: творення (виробництва) масовоінформаційного продукту; його поширення (трансляції); споживання (використання) цього продукту; масова культура, притаманна суб'єктам масовоінформаційних відносин, що зумовлює відповідні ціннісні настанови, моделі поведінки, технології роботи з масовою інформацією. Визначено суб'єктів масової комунікації у сфері ЗЕД, а саме: органи публічної влади, підприємства, громадські організації (спілки), дослідники (експерти), дотичні до сфери ЗЕД, окремі громадяни як споживачі, працівники сфери, учасники ЗЕД, спеціалізовані комунікативні інституції (міжнародні економічні медіа, міжнародні рекламні та PR-агентства тощо). Виділено такі види комунікацій у системі масової комунікації у сфері ЗЕД, як: медійна комунікація (інформаційний та аналітичний контент), рекламна комунікація (рекламний контент та рекламні акції), та PR-комунікація (PR-контент та PR-акції). Ґоунтуючись на визначеній структурі масової комунікації у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності, запропоновано модель підготовки фахівців з масової комунікації, зокрема, у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності.

Новизна. Розкрито зміст масової комунікації у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності як соціальної діяльності з творення, поширення та споживання масової інформації, предметом якої є будь-який з аспектів зовнішньоекономічної діяльності великій, анонімній для відправника, гетерогенній та розосередженій аудиторії в Україні і за кордоном за допомогою спеціалізованих та інституалізованих комунікативних засобів - масових і корпоративних медіа, онлайнових платформ суб'єктів зовнішньоекономічної діяльності, суб'єктів рекламної та PR-комунікації.

Практичне значення. Розроблений підхід щодо розуміння сутності масової комунікації у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності може бути основою для розробки та впровадження навчальних програм для підготовки фахівців із масової комунікації у сфері ЗЕД, спрямованих на підготовку фахівців за цим напрямом практичної діяльності.

Ключові слова: масова комунікація, масова інформація, зовнішньоекономічна діяльність, комунікаційні ефекти, модель підготовки фахівців з масової комунікації у сфері ЗЕД.


The relevance of this study lies in the fact that, in addition to the ambiguous understanding of the «mass communication» concept by scholars, the problem is still a too general idea of the mass communication content in specific areas of human activity, in particular in the economic sphere. For example,

Mykhailyn's definition states that mass communication is «broad (involving the entire population) and comprehensive (covering all socially important topics) communication» and refers to mass communication as «mass dialogue carried out through journalism» [1, p. 240]. At the same time, the implementation of mass communication in various areas of professional activity, in particular in the economic sphere and, more specifically, in the field of foreign economic activity, has its own specifics. Identification of this specificity with a clear structuring of such communication's elements is important not only from a research point of view but also for the organization of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity and the training of specialists to work in this sphere.

Petila noted that mass communication regarding culture, economics, ideology, an individual or a group, politics, and society, as well as information, communication, and media technologies, can act as an autonomous discipline as well as an interdisciplinary field of research, a component of various discourses with separate views on discussions, values, theories, meanings, and relations with other disciplines [14, p. 17].

The issues of the essence of mass communication were studied in the works of such Ukrainian and foreign scholars as H. Lasswell, H. McLuhan, J. Habermas, U. Schramm, V. Rizun, O. Kholod, H. Pocheptsov, N. Kostenko, O. Zernetska, S. Kvit, and others.

Mass communication in certain areas of activity was studied as a special type of social communication that takes place throughout society and is an essential condition for social development and organization. The peculiarity of mass communication determines its social conditionality, which gives grounds to consider it in the system of social relations as a certain type of such relations [4, p. 36]. However, in the context of foreign economic relations, there are actually no specific studies of mass communication processes.

Consequently, the offered topic is actually unresearched and needs to be studied in various aspects related to it, starting with the justification of the terminology and specification of the research subject.

Problem statement and research methods

The purpose of this article is to elaborate on the content and analyze the structure of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity as a process of open transmission of messages, the subject of which is any aspect of foreign economic activity, and to offer on this ground the basic directions for training mass communication specialists, in particular, in the field of foreign economic activity. mass communication foreign economic

The research uses the method of structural-functional analysis to determine the structure of mass communication and study its functions; the method of modeling is used to develop areas for training mass communication specialists.


Despite the large number of definitions for the «mass communication» concept, we will not focus on any particular definition of this term but will point out only the most significant features of this phenomenon that are important for discussing our topic. We are based on the understanding of mass communication as a process of open transmission of messages to a large, anonymous to the sender, heterogeneous, and dispersed audience through specialized and institutionalized communication media.

According to the Economic Code of Ukraine (Art. 377), foreign economic activity is an economic activity that, in the course of its implementation, requires crossing the customs border of Ukraine by property and/or man power [2]. The Law of Ukraine «On Foreign Economic Activity» defines foreign economic activity as activities of business entities of Ukraine and foreign business entities, as well as the activities of state customers under the defense order in cases defined by the laws of Ukraine, based on the relationship between them, taking place both in the territory of Ukraine and outside [10].

Taking into account these definitions, mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity will be understood as the process of open transmission of messages, the subject of which is any aspect of foreign economic activity, to a large, anonymous to the sender, heterogeneous, and dispersed audience in Ukraine and abroad through specialized and institutionalized communication means such as mass and corporate media, online platforms of foreign economic activity entities, as well as advertising and PR communication entities.

In a broad sense, mass communication is considered the process of disseminating social information through various technical means to quantitatively large and dispersed audiences, while mass communication is carried out on a society-wide scale. S. Head argued that mass communication is the nearly simultaneous delivery of identical messages through their reproduction and dissemination among a large and undifferentiated mass of people [5, p. 42]. According to N. Danylenko, mass communication is an institutionalized, socially conditioned macro-process of production, dissemination, and exchange of information that is realized with the help of special technologies and means (technically equipped mass media) [14, p. 28].

N. Kostenko describes mass communication as a fundamental state of modern society, in which the complex structure of social and cultural space with its numerous sectors, interconnected functionally and on deterministic patterns, is realized in symbolic forms and images that can be perceived and understood by corporate, mass and individual consciousness [13, p. 371]. According to O. Zernetska, the nature of mass communication is the production of information with the help of the latest technical means, which is caused primarily by the environment of dissemination and functioning of values and behavioral models for the public, embodied, in particular, in mass culture [4, p. 48].

Considering the sociological model of mass communication, the following main elements of this model can be distinguished: social subjects interacting in the information process, specific social institutions of these subjects through which this interaction is mediated, and mass information itself as a set of knowledge, values, and norms. In other words, mass communication is seen as the activity of a social subject on the production and dissemination of social information aimed at shaping the direction of the thoughts and actions of a social object, which is carried out through various means of communication [5, p. 43]. It is also possible to distinguish three main groups of mass communication functions, which include the following functions: satisfying the relevant range of needs of a person as an individual; satisfying the relevant range of needs of social groups and a person as a member of the relevant group; satisfying the relevant range of needs of society as a whole as an integral social system and a person as a member of this society [9, p. 68].

As noted by V. Dreshpak, the system of mass communication includes such subsystems as: 1) the creation (production) of a mass information product; 2) its dissemination (broadcasting); 3) the consumption (use) of this product; and 4) the mass culture inherent in the subjects of mass information relations, which determines the relevant value paradigms, behavioral models, and technologies of working with mass information. From this point of view, the mass communication system should be considered not only as a technical channel for the dissemination of mass information but also as a complex sociotechnical system with a structured internal environment that is influenced by numerous external environment factors [3, p. 109]. That is why a specialist in mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity should have the competencies to work within all these subsystems and perform relevant professional tasks.

Since the field of foreign economic activity is formed at the intersection of national spheres of economic relations, the influences of the internal environment are multinational, and the factors of the external environment reach a global scale. Mass communication has institutional forms and implies the existence of a certain organization (platform) to ensure information exchanges between large and spatially dispersed audiences. Acts of mass communication can be systematic or occasional, depending on the purpose.

The subjects of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity can be: government authorities, enterprises, public organizations (associations), researchers (experts) involved in the field of foreign economic activity, individual citizens as consumers, employees of the field, participants in foreign economic activity, specialized communication institutions (international economic media, international advertising and PR agencies, etc.). Each of them can perform different functions in the mass communication system: creating, transmitting, and consuming messages. To do this, the subjects must have the necessary information and skills to search for it, process it, and interpret it properly.

We define communicators as people who initiate, conduct, support, or complete the communication process. The role of mass communication communicators is played by professional communicators who act according to the rules of professional communication. Professional communicators include those who use language or sign systems created on the basis of language, apply paralanguage visual means, artistic images, and objects created after fictional images to communicate [12, p. 114]. Communicators in the field of foreign economic activity include specialists in mass media, advertising, and public relations, representatives of the authorities, press services of enterprises, and organizations involved in the process of open transmission of messages covering any aspect of foreign economic activity. The thematic of such messages should relate to a wide range of socially significant issues in the foreign economic sphere. At the same time, such thematic specificity requires varying degrees of audience readiness, so popular economic information adapted for understanding by non-professionals, as well as specialized information aimed at large audiences of experts, should be addressed. In other words, in order to fulfill its social functions of serving the relevant public interests in general and social groups in particular, mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity should take into account the needs and psychological characteristics of certain elements of society. We define communicants, or recipients, as the end users of the information contained in the communicator's message. At the same time, the communicative orientation to the communicant is the most important aspect of communication since it is the basis of information exchange. Moreover, we consider the communicant as a person who perceives the message and, in accordance with his or her cognitive strategies and situational conditions, interprets the communicator's message, correcting or fully implementing its goals.

Means of communication in the field of foreign economic activity can be mass media, corporate media of all kinds, as well as various international forums, exhibitions, and conferences, which are characterized by regularity in their appeal to the mass audience. At the same time, they should also play the role of a communicative means in modern society and be a certain link between the subjects of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity and civil society as a whole [9, p. 68].

We consider mass communication effects to be any result of mass influence. Communication effects are a necessary result of the influences generated by communicators, and these mass effects are determined exactly through the study of the masses' reactions to these influences. The effects of communication in the field of foreign economic activity can be knowledge and ideas about this area, for example, about the system of institutions and means for regulating foreign economic activity, protecting the rights and interests of foreign economic activity entities; attitudes toward phenomena, processes, and foreign economic activity entities; and maintaining, adjusting, or changing the economic behavior of the communicants.

In the system of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity, it is reasonable to distinguish the following types of communication: media communication (information and analytical content), advertising communication (advertising content and promotional campaigns), and PR communication (PR content and PR campaigns) [15, p. 36]. We define media communication as communication in which various media are used to transform content into information; these are print, audiovisual, and online media, i.e., those that are designed to receive communication by a significant number of participants in the mass communication system. Advertising communication can be defined as a social technology of targeted information action aimed at giving a certain direction to mass or group activity. In other words, advertising is a form of communication between an advertiser and a consumer that disseminates information about goods and services through both traditional media and specialized advertising channels. PR communication can be considered a process of influencing public opinion based on proper coverage of information under the condition of mutually satisfactory two-way communication. Also, public relations can be defined as a special management function that helps to establish and maintain mutual channels of communication, understanding, acceptance, and cooperation between the organization and the public and involves managing problems or crisis situations [14, p. 112].

Based on the defined structure of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity, we offer a model of training specialists in mass communication, in particular in the field of foreign economic activity. The basic directions of this model include the acquisition of general and professional competencies. The general cycle of training consists of educational components for shaping the worldview of specialists, providing the acquisition of knowledge in history, cultural studies, philosophy, information law, Ukrainian and foreign languages in the professional field, etc. The professional cycle of training consists of educational components that are of great theoretical and practical importance for prospective specialists in the fields of journalism, advertising, and public relations. In particular, the «Mass Communication in the Field of Foreign Economic Activity» discipline reflects the main focus of the «Journalism, Advertising, and Public Relations» educational program developed by us and is aimed at the comprehensive formation of a higher education student as a universal specialist in mass communication, in particular, in the field of foreign economic activity. It includes such modules as the basics of foreign economic activity, mass communication systems in the field of foreign economic activity, and technologies of mass communication for foreign economic activity entities. The professional cycle of specialists' training also consists of educational components of journalism specialization, namely: «Theory and Methodology of Mass Communication», «Content and Products of Print Media», «Content and Products of Audiovisual Media», «Content and Products of Online Media», etc. Moreover, the Advertising and Public Relations course includes such mandatory educational components as «Advertising, Content, and Products of Advertising Communication», «Public Relations, Content, and Products of PR Communication», «Organization of Advertising and PR Communication» and others, which ensure the acquisition of relevant competencies.


The complexity of the mass communication structure in the field of foreign economic activity necessitates the training of specialists with a focus on acquiring a wide range of competencies in media communication (journalism, actually), advertising, and public relations.

The article elaborates on the content of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity as a process of open transmission of messages, the subject of which is any aspect of foreign economic activity, and on this ground, it offers the basic directions for training specialists in mass communication, in particular in the field of foreign economic activity. The study analyzes the structure of mass communication and characterizes its components, such as subjects of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity, means of communication in the field of foreign economic activity, effects of mass communication, and types of communication in the system of mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity. Moreover, the essence of foreign economic activity and its regulatory and legal definition are considered. It is also determined that in order to implement its social functions of serving the relevant public interests in general and social groups in particular, mass communication in the field of foreign economic activity should take into account the needs and psychological characteristics of certain elements of society.

To summarize, we developed the model of training mass communication specialists, in particular in the field of foreign economic activity, and its basic directions include the acquisition of general and professional competencies that are of great theoretical and practical importance for prospective specialists in the fields of journalism, advertising, and public relations.

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