Principles of television activity in the context of promotion of Ukrainian national-spiritual values

The principles of television activity and programs for children, in which they promote Ukrainian national-spiritual values. The main precondition for the effective influence of television programs on children as the organic combination of regional value.

Рубрика Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ
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The article:

Principles of television activity in the context of promotion of Ukrainian national-spiritual values

Oksana Bilous, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

The principles of television activity and TV programs for children are considered, in which they promote Ukrainian national-spiritual values. Absolute, eternal, national, civic, and family values and the values of personal life are characterized. It is emphasized that the main precondition for the effective influence of television programs on children is the organic combination of regional, national and human values.

Key words: television, principles, children, national and spiritual values, education, content and topics of television programs.

Understanding the real functioning of the media system, which includes television, in conditions of information-psychological and military aggression of Russia against Ukraine is reduced to two major areas of interpretation of the status of their social value. Firstly, “it can be recognized as a special axiological-information mechanism that translates, addresses and, under certain conditions even changes values in society, - notes Tetiana Kuznetsova. - The axiosphere created by them sets axiological behavior patterns with which the recipients correlate their moral principles, value orientations, and even produce stereotypes of thinking under the influence of translational patterns” [3, с. 39]. Secondly, “media form such informational space, where sensation, the contrast between begging and luxury, scandal, tragedy, naturalism stimulate sensuality and at the same time, because of the constant observation of pain, violence, sex, they make the person insensitive, and sometimes completely indifferent in real life, - emphasizes Nina Zrazhevska. - With the latest technical means of communications, people are still becoming alienated from them, since it is impossible to comprehend their myth-creation, ideological essence. Under the influence of media culture, means of achieving goals, bringing up children, and family relations are transformed” [2, с. 35].

Our conceptual approach to the scientific outline of the optimal ways of positive influence of television in the system of promotion of Ukrainian national-spiritual values in the conditions of war is to determine the components of the values of national-patriotic beliefs, which should be systematically and professionally told in television programs for children, promoting the regional, national and universal values. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that dozens of national minorities live in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian nation is the heart of a political nation. Undoubtedly, the Ukrainian state must support the cultural and national aspirations of national minorities. At the same time, Ukrainian society has the right to expect a positive “final” result of national education: “the pupil of the national school eventually should grow patriot of Ukraine. And if attempts of the state education system to make a Russian “Ukrainian” (in the national-ethnic sense) is a violation of human rights, then wishing that the Russians, the Jews and Pole, along with the Ukrainians, would be faithful citizens and patriots of Ukraine, respect for the law and traditions of the people on whose land they live, is quite legitimate” [1, с. 154]. Russian Vyacheslav Iagupov rightly stresses: “all school graduates in Ukraine must know and speak at least three languages: the state language, native - for non-Ukrainians and language that is common in European countries” [5]. Thus, the Ukrainian political nation should have a Ukrainian cultural characteristic (language, political symbols, the main state tradition), - rightly says Vasyl Lisovyi. Such an approach to solving the problem is most promising in view of providing as a basis for the existence of an independent Ukrainian state and for political stability in general. This promising way of bringing citizens into a political nation also has the best rational justification. “The existence of national states is an essential prerequisite for preserving the cultural diversity of the world: because any national minorities rely on preserving their ethnic identity to dominate their culture in those political nations whose core they are creating in national states. For example, the Germans living outside of Germany relies on preserving their ethnic identity in the existence of a German political nation in which German culture is dominant. And so on” [4, с. 181].

To make the contribution of television more effective in promotion Ukrainian values, the main thematic content of the programs should be the values that distinguished Omelian Vyshnevsky:

“Absolute eternal values that are universal value, universal human nature and unlimited scope of application (kindness, honesty, love, justice, dignity, wisdom, freedom, truth, etc.).

National values that are significant to one nation and not always clear to others. For example, the sense of nationalism is understandable and close to the enslaved peoples and foreign to those who have never lost their independence. This group of values includes such concepts as patriotism, a sense of national dignity, state-building aspirations, historical memory, aspiration for national unity, etc.

Civic values - are based on the recognition of the equality of all people and are embodied in democratic societies and in the lives of communities that recognize the principles of democracy. It is about human rights and freedoms, obligations to other people, the idea of social harmony, respect for laws, etc. Their antipodes are the ideas of racism, class or caste hate, and so on.

Family values that embody the moral foundations of family existence, - relationships of generations, marital fidelity, care of children and other family members, preservation of the memory of ancestors, etc.

The values of personal life - matter primarily for the person himself, determine the features of her character, behavior, style of private life, etc.” [1, с. 125].

The main prerequisite for the effective influence of television programs on children is an organic combination of regional, national and human values. Among them, in particular, love for parents, children, families, intercourse, mutual care about health, moral and spiritual, healthy lifestyle; love to his native home, streets, villages, towns - a small homeland and the Motherland - Ukraine; folk mythology (world creation tales, legends), traditions, folklore, including small children's folklore genres - songs, remarks, proverbs and sayings, scribes, billboards, riddles and other pearls of national and national creativity; native state Ukrainian language, because in the language of the people it is encoded spirituality, history, centuries- old experience, cultural achievements, ideological ideas, originality, uniqueness; the true history of Ukraine in close connection with local lore, which reveal the heroism and tragedy of the fate of Ukrainians, their unique way of life, character, color of life, original way of thinking, national psychology, which prevents historical neglect, nihilism and conformism; Ukrainian national culture, literature, art (songs, music, dancing, embroidery, carpet weaving, carving, easel painting, etc.), artistic word, calendar-ritual poetry; respect for national heroes, veterans of labor, state and national symbols, celebration of important Ukrainian historical dates, events, holidays; respect for all nations (their languages, cultures, customs, traditions), tolerant attitude towards national minorities living in Ukraine, the culture of interethnic communication and unity is an important part of universal values.

These components are not a mechanical set of formulas and rules. They belong to the system of educational and communication actions aimed at the development of active, creative personality, capable of self-realization. Mastering these values young person, depending on the age, gradually defines moral obligations to himself, his family, the collective body to which it belongs, the society, its nation and, eventually, humanity as a whole. So we can state that national patriotic self-consciousness is a process that is reflected from the individual to the general. Therefore, “national covers faith in absolute ideals; civil - national and eternal ideals; family values - also synthesize civil, national and eternal ideals. The level of personal values actually reflects the value of all levels and is oriented towards them. In this way, from the lower to the higher, all education process should go” [1, с. 131].

To scientifically grounded principles of creating programs for children of different age categories on television also belong:

objective, reliable, balanced reflection of life, competent, deep and accessible explanation of the true history of the native land in the context of Ukrainian historical development, heroic struggle for freedom and independence of Ukraine, comprehension of national symbols, holidays, customs, traditions;

subordination of television broadcasts to the psychological and pedagogical purpose of forming national-patriotic beliefs in children;

harmonious combination in programs for children of socio-political, scientific- cognitive, literary, artistic, entertaining, sports materials;

the specificity of television broadcasts for children, the preparation of which requires taking into account age characteristics of the audience, providing programs with dramatic art, persuasiveness, emotionality, enthusiasm, attractive national heroes, and constant characters.

Conceptual consideration of the principles of the functioning of television in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war opens a scientific approach to the analysis of the thematic orientation of programs for children, understanding interest of young viewers, specificity of the preparation of materials (emotionality, imagery, sincerity, dramaturgy, dynamism, logic, composition), taking into account the age-old features of the children's audience, determining the role of parents and teachers in forming the culture of communicating children with the TV.


television program value

1. Вишневський О. Сучасне українське виховання. Педагогічні нариси / О. Вишневський. - Львів : Львів. обл. наук.-метод. ін-т освіти; Львів. обл. пед. т-во ім. Г Ващенка, 1996. - 238 с.

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3. Кузнецова Т.В. Аксіологічні моделі мас-медійної інформації : монографія / Т.В. Кузнєцова. - Суми : Університетська книга, 2010. - 304 с.

4. Лісовий В. С. Культура - ідеологія - політика / В. С. Лісовий. - К. : Видавництво ім. Олени Теліги, 1997. - 352 с.

5. Ягупов В. Моя думка про другу державну мову / В. Ягупов // День. - 2012. - 15-16 черв.

Розглянуто принципи діяльності телебачення і створення телепрограм для дітей, у яких пропагують українські національно-духовні цінності. Схарактеризовано абсолютні, вічні, національні, громадянські, сімейні цінності та цінності особистого життя. Виокремлено вартості, які повинні бути головним тематичним наповненням передач для того, щоб внесок телебачення у процес пропагування українських цінностей був ефективнішим. Наголошено, що головною передумовою ефективного впливу телепередач на дітей є органічне поєднання у них регіональних, всеукраїнських і загальнолюдських цінностей. Серед них, зокрема, любов до батьків, дітей, родини, взаємопошанування, любов до рідної оселі, вулиці, села, міста, народна міфологія, рідна державна українська мова, правдива історія України, українська національна культура, пошана до національних героїв, ветеранів праці, державних та національних символів, повага до всіх націй (їхніх мов, культур, звичаїв, традицій), толерантне ставлення до національних меншин, які живуть в Україні. У процесі опанування дітьми українських національно-духовних цінностей взаємодіють батьки, педагоги, журналісти. Ефективність їхнього пропагування у телепрограмах значно залежить від уміння дотримуватись принципів його діяльності.

Ключові слова: телебачення, принципи, діти, національно-духовні цінності, виховання, зміст і тематика телепередач.

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