Social problems in regional printed media of the Soviet era
Conduct a retrospective analysis of the history of the formation of the Soviet mass media. Devoted to the study of the problems of regional print media of the Soviet era. Define the concept of social issues of mass media. Determine their main features.
Рубрика | Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 23.02.2021 |
Размер файла | 27,5 K |
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Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobvl Heroes National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Social problems in regional printed media of the Soviet era
Kotliar D.O., Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Social Sciences
Ukraine, Cherkasy
The article is devoted to the study of the problems of regional print media of the Soviet era, their influence on the mass consciousness and coverage of the peculiarities of social issues. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of coverage of social issues in the regional print media of the Soviet era. The immediate tasks are 1) to study the features of the Soviet mass media, to determine their main features; 2) to conduct a retrospective analysis of the history of the formation of the Soviet mass media; 3) to define the concept of social issues of mass media, to outline its key features; 4) identify the features of social issues of regional print media of the Soviet era. The goal was achieved and the planned tasks were realized on the basis of application of general scientific methods (retrospective analysis; synthesis, comparison, comparison, generalization and systematization). The materials of the article can be useful for further study of regional print media of the Soviet era.
Keywords: Press, Mass Media, Periodicals, Journalism, Photo-Movie Newspaper, Wall Newspaper, Journal.
Котляр Д. О., старший викладач кафедри суспільних наук, Черкаський інститут пожежної безпеки імені Героїв Чорнобиля Національного університету цивільного захисту України (Україна, Черкаси),
Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблематики регіональних друкованих мас-медіа радянської епохи, їх впливу на масову свідомість та висвітленню особливостей соціальної проблематики. Метою статті є визначення особливостей висвітлення соціальної проблематики в регіональних друкованих мас-медіа радянської епохи. Безпосередніми завданнями є 1) дослідити особливості радянських мас-медіа, визначити їх основні риси; 2) провести ретроспективний аналіз історії становлення радянських мас-медіа; 3) визначити поняття соціальної проблематики мас-медіа, окреслити її ключові риси; 4) визначити особливості соціальної проблематики регіональних друкованих мас-медіа радянської епохи. На основі застосування загальнонаукових методів (ретроспективний аналіз; синтез, порівняння, зіставлення, узагальнення й систематизація) була досягнута мета та реалізовані заплановані завдання. Матеріали статті можуть бути корисними для подальшого вивчення регіональних друкованих мас-медіа періоду радянської доби.
Ключові слова: преса, ЗМІ, мас-медіа, періодика, журналістика, фото-кіно газета, стінна газета, журнал.
Trends in understanding and attitude to social problems in Ukrainian society are constantly changing. In Soviet times, the print media covered only the issues that were allowed to be covered, despite the importance of conveying socially important information to the population, but today the situation has changed radically.
But, despite almost thirty years of Ukraine's independence, the involvement of some media and the policy of silence is still present in our country. Especially in some regions.
Therefore, we consider it important to investigate the problem of regional print media of the Soviet era, their impact on the mass consciousness and the peculiarities of coverage of social issues.
In the context of defining the main features of the Soviet media, it is necessary to point out the desire of the party-Soviet structures to solve several interrelated goals through the press. First, to destroy or at least snuff out the historical memory. According to V. Masnenko, the easiest option for suggestion is propaganda work with an audience with a low level of personal historical memory [12, p. 52]. For this purpose, the periodical gradually replaced the historical and cultural national substrate (to the level of ethnographic features), which was absorbed by international and allUnion rhetoric. Secondly, with a low level of historical memory, newspaper and magazine publications imposed substitutes in the form of Marxist-Leninist ideology, the policy of atheism, and the class struggle. Interestingly, such publications were one-sided, because they did not provide for reflection and discussion. This aspect is important in the formation of critical thinking, which was not needed during the dictatorship.
The press played an important role in this multi-structured process. Of course, the role of the Soviet press cannot be assessed solely from a negative standpoint. The print media helped to broaden the horizons, performed educational, informative, entertaining functions.
Thus, the main features of the Soviet media can be considered:
1. Dependence of the media on the state. The totalitarian regime as a stately society did not allow political independence in journalism (and in other spheres), forbade going beyond ideological boundaries. The press not only formed the beliefs of the masses, but also tried to achieve harmonization of official policy and “people's aspirations”. Journalists, as well as party workers, the komsomol, and the pioneers, contributed to this in every possible way. The subordinate status of the Ukrainian press was also manifested in the functioning of the Radio Telegraph Agency of Ukraine (RATAU). The editorial board of Za- karpatska Pravda newspaper expressed concern about this: «We can immediately say that RATAU does not have its own national identity... RATAU built the work in such a way that its activity put newspapers published in the Ukrainian language in a secondary position. . the agency transmits all official documents in Russian a few hours earlier than in Ukrainian, and this sometimes causes a delay in the publication of Ukrainian newspapers. Very often RATAU transmits materials with the postscript «we transmit only in Russian». And with such postscript the follow information transferred «Where Taras Shevchenko was exiled» and others where Ukraine is discussed» [12, p. 217].
2. Subject-object relations between the state (and subordinate mass media) and the person. Subject-object relations (where a person is not considered a subject, but is only an object of influence) - not as part of possible relationships in the information space and in the intersubjective context, but as the only possible relationship between the media and citizen - begin to dominate in totalitarian states, and this is one of their most important features. Bringing a fundamentally diverse world to a generalized, monotonous environment is impossible without the widespread use of violence. And this practice was a characteristic, integral feature of all totalitarian regimes [1, p. 53].
3. The policy of Russification pursued in all Soviet republics. It should be noted that a significant part of the Ukrainian printed word was of low quality, because only 1% of Ukrainian-lan- guage products were published by printing companies with the state mark of quality [4, p. 108].
4. The policy of unification. Unification - is a process that was in line with the intentions of the dictators and initially yielded the expected results. But, as we can see, in the historical perspective, unification has convincingly proved its error. According to V. Vladimirov, it turned out that «uniformity» and «diversification» are diametrically opposed ways of totalitarianism and democracy in the whole society - and, in particular, in the world of mass media [1, p. 52].
5. Manipulation of citizens' consciousness. G. Vychub gives the following description of this phenomenon: «Some turn to the press, hoping for the publicity of its influence on consciousness, others - because of its direct connection with the dictatorship, others - believing in its authority, and so on. At the same time, for some journalists working in a totalitarian state, publication is not necessary, they are indifferent to the way they achieve their goal, while others rely only on publicity as a crucial condition that can ensure success - that is, to make an impact» [2, p. 7].
6. Censorship. Censorship was an important component of the policy of a totalitarian state and, removing «politically harmful» information, effectively created the necessary value-semantic model of the information space of the USSR. The key principles of its implementation were: strict control over the ideological and political content of printed publications, broadcasting and television, intolerance of alternative judgments, prevention of criticism of communist ideology and practice, eradication of national ideals and manifestations of «national fanaticism», erosion of national feelings and political and ideological persecution of Ukrainian identity [8, p. 94].
7. Eyewash. Eyewash - creating a positive image of the system through the media. It is a report of industrial successes, of letters received by the editorial office, of workers who support the course of the party and the government, or of condemnation of those who oppose this course [6, p. 220]. According to V. Karasyk, the official attitude of the authorities to the enchantment-report is always negative. Plant directors were fired for ostentation, reality was polished in feuilletons, and the topic of combating eyewash was constantly in the spotlight, indicating that this phenomenon was widespread. Eyewash-poster is the official position of the authorities, so criticism of this type of institutional deception was possible in the form of anecdotes or external assessments from abroad [7, p. 11].
8. Struggle against religion and the church. An essential component of the content of the Soviet press was the struggle against religion and the church and the conduct of scientific and atheistic propaganda. However, it should be noted that newspaper editors and reporters often had the opposite effect on exposing and ridiculing religious remnants.
However, it should be noted that newspaper editors and reporters often had the opposite effect on exposing and ridiculing religious remnants. The press occupied a special place in the ideological confrontation, because: first, it was a powerful resource for disseminating official information; second, the press was a widespread and easily accessible means of obtaining information. Covering information about the United States, Soviet authors focused on the negative features of the opposite state. In particular, many publications emphasized the anti-democracy of the United States, where the authorities do not care about the situation, living conditions of their people, the level of their cultural development.
It should also be noted that an important feature of the Soviet press was the distortion of facts.
D. Myers points out that this feature is a «bias against evidence». In his opinion, «people are not inclined to look for information that can refute, deny what they believe in» [11]. Under such conditions, psychological and emotional comfort is created for a person.
Party-Soviet propaganda, filling the information space, acted flawlessly, covering all. Promoting party decisions, the press, radio, and television were important factors in manipulating consciousness. Yu. Kolisnyk also systematized methods of influencing the emotional state of citizens through the mass media used in Soviet times. The author identified the following methods: influence on emotions and feelings; method of direct attack of the interlocutor; method of guarantees; method of social guidance; the «smoke screen» method; formation of new needs; appeal to «higher interests» [9, p. 85-88].
The methods of collectivization used by Stalin and his entourage, cruelty and violence caused disagreement among some public figures and scholars, the desire to prevent mass repression, resettlement. Articles by G. Kaminsky, V. Kondratiev, and V. Chayanov appeared in the press, in which disagreement with the policy pursued towards the kulaks and the middle peasants was expressed, and alternative ways of collectivization were proposed. However, their ideas were rejected, and they themselves were included in the category of those who stood up for the enemies of the socialist system [15].
Thus, Soviet journalism took an active part in creating the cult of personality of Stalin. Praising his personality traits - «foresight, wisdom in the victories achieved in the years of the first five- year industrial plans», it asserted in the minds of the masses the indisputability of his authority.
The term «Ukrainian press» is usually used to describe periodicals (they can be both in Ukrainian and in some foreign language), published in the actual Ukrainian lands or in places of compact residence of Ukrainian emigrants and which cover various issues of life of Ukrainians [3].
Periodicals of the Ukrainian SSR continuously and intensively imposed the idea of struggle against capitalists, anti-communist intelligentsia, bourgeois nationalists, etc. Common features of the Soviet press include: the dependence of the press on the ruling elite, its political orientation, the availability of methods of psychological and emotional influence on citizens, censorship, the use of techniques of manipulation and construction of consciousness, enchantment, etc.
The regional press is a means of communication of carriers of different cultures and generations, a «witness» of socio-political realities, which, covering the diverse life of the region, city, helps to recreate the chronology of events, gives them an explanation, i.e. is primarily a valuable historical source, which requires detailed scientific study [13, p. 119]. soviet media print social
In the 1930's, the country published newspapers for workers of various sectors of the economy. Among them: «Commercial and Industrial Newspaper», «Building and Construction Newspaper», «Light industry», «Forest industry» and so on. Designed for a specific readership, they established close ties with it, practiced the work of field offices, published with their help special issues and issues of newspapers devoted to the most important current issues of development of their industry. The printing industry directed all its activities to increase the labor activity of the masses, helping them in every way to organize production, increase its profitability, and significantly spread best practices. In many branch publications the headings and sections were constant: «Professional Life», «Technical Innovations», «Work and Discipline», «Workers' Life», «Exchange of Experience», «Editorial Mail».
In the pre-war years, the periodical system must have had at least one daily mass general political working newspaper and several branch publications. In particular, «Robitnycha Gazeta» («Workers' Newspaper») was still published (until the end of January 1932), and in January 1930 the newspaper «For Industrialization» appeared. And although it came out as a daily economic body of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and then became a publication of Narkomtyazhprom, its character as a mass newspaper was obvious. Its permanent sections and columns eloquently speak about it: «All-Union Board of Honor», «Letters to the Editors», «Capital Construction», «The Struggle for Quality» and others. Together with the newspaper «Trud» («Labor») it hosted a number of best workers and representatives of a number of metallurgical enterprises, and with the newspaper «Technics» issued joint special and holiday numbers, issued a bulletin «Inter-Factory Roll Call».
In the 1930's the newspaper did a lot for the education of economic personnel, the exchange of experience in the organization of production and the introduction of new equipment and advanced technology. In the late 1930's, «For In- dustrialization» merged with the newspaper «In- dustry», which in turn was reorganized into the newspaper «Black Metallurgy».
Journalism of the first five years is represented by many genres. As in previous years, the genre of the article was widely used. A characteristic feature of «Pravda» («The Truth»), «For Industrialization», Belarusian «Zviazda» («The Star») and other newspapers began publishing economic reviews, open letters, collective appeals and reports. To enhance the emotional impact on readers, prominent Soviet journalists B. Gorbatov, B. Galin, F. Panferov, N. Pogodin and others introduce elements of journalism in correspondence [10].
The essay is becoming more and more noticeable on the pages of periodicals. Its different thematic orientation leads to the internal division of the essay into different types and kinds. One of the leading places was taken by the industrial essay. B. Gorbatov made it the main protagonist of the man of labor, which is torn by the thirst for creative creation. Acquaintance with the heroes of B. Gorbatov's essays «Cast Iron», «Risk», «Comintern», «Comb» and others will help to understand the spiritual world of the author, his passion for courageous natures. The restlessness and devotion of Gorbatov's heroes best characterize himself: he participated in expeditions to the Arctic in 1935 and 1936, and in the heroic flights of Molokov's crews to the North Pole. And from everywhere invariably sent essays and correspondence about working days of Soviet people to «Pravda» [14].
Thus, one of the important features of the social problems of the regional print media of the Soviet era is the focus on increasing the labor activity of the masses [10]. The second is the focus on the education of economic personnel.
The history of the development of social issues of regional print media can be divided into seven stages:
The first period - from 1917 to the mid-1920s - the period of formation of Soviet journalism. To strengthen the idea of the legitimacy of Soviet power, the first Soviet newspapers and magazines appeared from the first days of its rule. During this period there was a unification of newspapers and magazines, which were used mainly to promote the ideas of Soviet power and its policies.
The second period - from the mid-1920s to the late 1930s. During these years, the professional growth of Soviet journalists took place, and institutes for the training of professional personnel were opened. As in the previous period, there was propaganda of the policy of the Soviet power, but at this stage - collectivization and industrialization. Due to the popularity of the people, and as an authority for citizens, the press became the main organizer and propagandist of socialist competition. The growth in the number of collective farms and buildings throughout the country caused the development of the Rabsel- korov movement, whose correspondents consecrated all important events. Radio broadcasting became an increasingly powerful mass medium, and its coverage of the country's territory expanded. However, on November 15, 1934, a television program with sound was broadcast for the first time. However, it should be noted that for a long time there was only one channel - the First [13].
The third period - 1941-1945 - the period of the Great Patriotic War. During this period there was a qualitative restructuring of journalism. It was divided into military and civilian. The So- vinform Bureau was established, the main task of which was to collect and convey information about hostilities on the fronts to the rear. The underground partisan press and newspaper publications stood out in a special group, which became widespread on the scale of the war: appeals and posters were issued in thousands of copies.
The fourth period - from 1946 to 1956 - the period of return of the country as a whole and, including journalism to peacetime. The development of the national press continued, and journalists were trained at a professional level, which was facilitated by the opening of journalism faculties, the first of which was the journalism faculty at Moscow State University, which was opened in 1952. The press did not cease to be the leader of the party's ideas among the masses - in newspapers and magazines, essays, pamphlets emphasis was placed on the problems of restoring the national economy, the heroism of the people, the achievement of leaders. During the same period, thematic programs on television were formed, and the volume of radio programs increased. The struggle against cosmopolitanism and the total subordination of the press to the state played a negative role - the press blindly praised party figures, and often embellished reality. Numerous notes and articles about the positive experience of collective farms, which were largely decorated, can serve as an example [13].
The fifth period - from the second half of the 50's to the mid 80's. The period covers such long time frames, because during the thaw the press underwent minor changes, and as in previous periods, was under the strict rule of the party. In connection with the development of science and technology and the accelerated scientific and technological revolution, there were even more publications and television and radio programs, which became thematic. Thus, in November 1961 the first issue of the KVN program was released, and in April 1962 - the first issue of the «Blue Light» show. Television became the main center of influence of the authorities on the masses, but the population of the USSR remained the most read in the world.
The sixth period is the period of proclamation of Independence of Ukraine. The period of formation and development of modern journalism and other mass media [13].
In today's world there is a process of personalization, «a new way of organizing and orienting society, a new way of managing events - no longer through the tyranny of details, but with a minimum of rigor and maximum desire, with a minimum of coercion and maximum understanding, as far as possible. The process of personalization encourages participation in it, regulates leisure and entertainment, which indicates the same trend towards humanization, diversification, psychologization of social relations. The process of personalization of social information through the media is a global strategy, a general change in the conditions and desires of society» [12, p. 49-52].
At the same time, the modern model of sociocultural design is based on the acquisition of a totalitarian model of the Soviet media space, which provided for the structure of the communication process on the position of conventional and manipulative strategy with a predominance of symbolic context. Socio-cultural design in today's conditions has received additional mechanisms for implementation through the expansion of the communicative environment and means of presenting political.
Thus, the development of the political influence of the media on the political practices of young people is determined historically and by cultural, political and ideological transformations of Ukrainian society and technological transformations in the field of mass communication, which leads to improved mechanisms and technologies. Therefore, today it is not a question of the fact that the tendencies of political manipulation have a purely specific character, they intersect and continue the technologies of the past, acquiring new modifications in accordance with the tendencies of social development and goals of political agents [4, p. 151-158 ].
The persistent media policy of authoritarian ideology contributed to the fact that it penetrated into all spheres not only of economic but also of spiritual life and social society. Journalism was completely subordinated to the administrative- command system and deprived of the slightest independence.
The press became an instrument of the administrative-command system. This manifested itself in the fact that it became a political press and a means of retaliation against dissent, a leader in the ideology of class struggle and its aggravation as the country progressed to socialism.
Under the conditions of the totalitarian regime, the press became a means of forming the cult of personality of Stalin, a rigid instrument of administrative and command pressure from above; it completely determined the nature and style of the massacre of those who did not follow the instructions and directives of the press itself [5].
Thus, important topics of the social media space of the Soviet Union can be considered the formation of the cult of Stalin, the focus on increasing labor activity, the education of economic personnel. In addition, it is important to say about censorship in the Soviet press, because it prevented journalists from fully covering important social events, to inform the public properly.
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