"Media dictionary" as an instrument of national language consciousness study
Development of a lexicographic product, the idea of which is being developed by an group of scientists of the Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications. Draft dictionary entry, which will give an idea of the future lexicographic publication.
Рубрика | Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.06.2021 |
Размер файла | 22,8 K |
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Saint-Petersburg State University
“Media dictionary” as an instrument of national language consciousness study
Ekaterina A. Shcheglova
The purpose of the research is the presentation of a new lexical graphic product, the idea of which is developed by the initiative group of scientists from the High school of journalism and mass communications in St. Petersburg State University. Nowadays there is a wide range of scientific researches devoted to the national language worldview. But there has not yet been an attempt of systematic fixation and linguistic analysis of word complex, building such a part as media view. Meanwhile, modern media are trend-setters for both the language sphere and the mental field. “Media dictionary”, as we believe, is called to, firstly, create a register of words which may be considered the key ones for this moment; secondly, reveal the semantic changes, happening to these words in media discourse; thirdly, follow the further life of the key words in the language. Such work is of a certain interest for completely different reading groups: casual consumers of media content, students of philology and journalism, those who study Russian as a foreign language, journalists to correct their speech behaviour. But most of all our edition is addressed to the scientific society, because it is meant to become an irreplaceable instrument for studying the current condition of the language worldview, to reflect the contemporary stage of the thinking history, to fix the last dynamic processes in the lexical system. We find it important to create the dictionary edition in the interactive form, which is correlated to the character of the dictionary: key words are very dynamic and changeable units. The work contains the project of the dictionary article, which helps to present the future lexical graphic edition.
Keywords: “Media dictionary”; current key words; media view; media reality; media discourse; language consciousness; worldview; ideographic dictionary
lexicographic publication journalism
«Медиасловарь» как инструмент изучения национального языкового сознания
Екатерина Александровна ЩЕГЛОВА
ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет»
Целью данного исследования является представление нового лексикографического продукта, идея которого разрабатывается инициативной группой учёных Высшей школы журналистики и массовых коммуникаций Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. В настоящее время в научном пространстве существует широкий круг исследований национальной языковой картины мира. Однако не было попытки системной фиксации и лингвистического анализа совокупности слов, составляющих такую её часть, как медиакартина. Между тем медиа в настоящее время являются законодателями мод как в сфере языка, так в области мысли. «Медиасловарь», как мы его себе представляем, призван, во-первых, создать реестр слов, которые можно считать ключевыми для текущего момента; во-вторых, выявить семантические изменения, происходящие с такими словами в медиадискурсе; в-третьих, проследить дальнейшую судьбу ключевых слов в языке. Подобная работа будет небезынтересна совершенно разным группам читателей: обычным потребителям медиаконтента, студентам филологических специальностей и факультетов журналистики, всем изучающим русский язык как иностранный, самим журналистам для корректировки своего речевого поведения. Но прежде всего наш проект обращён к научному сообществу, поскольку должно стать незаменимым инструментом в изучении текущего состояния языковой картины мира, отразить современный этап истории мышления, фиксировать последние динамические процессы в лексической системе. Принципиальным для нас является осуществление словарного издания в интерактивной форме, что согласуется с самим характером словника: ключевые слова - единица чрезвычайно подвижная и изменчивая. В данной работе содержится проект словарной статьи, который позволит дать представление о будущем лексикографическом издании.
Ключевые слова: «Медиасловарь»; ключевые слова текущего момента; медиакартина; медиареальность; медиадискурс; языковое сознание; картина мира; идеографический словарь
The worldview study has a long tradition within several scientific directions: philosophy, psychology, linguistics. Its core character is the ability to express “the specific of human and his genesis, his relations with the world, the most important conditions of his existence in the world” [1, p. 18].
At present the language worldview study develops in two directions: 1) the reconstruction of the system of representations in the given certain language on the basis of systematic semantic analyses; 2) single concepts, being specific for a given certain language and having no analogues in other languages. The trend to unite these two directions may be found in the works by N.D. Arutyunova, A. Vezhbitskaya and others [2; 3]. It is important for this research in the system of scientific ideas about the language worldview: firstly, to understand its national specifics; secondly, to possess the ability to gradually change [4].
Nowadays the acute problem for scientific reconsideration is the journalistic worldview or media view. This aspect of the language worldview study relates to the observed in various sciences (philosophy, sociology, linguistics) notion of media reality, based on the fact of changing one reality for another, created by media (researches of A.A. Negryshev [5], A.V. Polonsky [6] and others). Thus, media view reflects media reality and is an integral part of the worldview, its current state. Within linguistics this part of the language worldview of a contemporary human may be studied through selection and semantic processing of the key words, building it.
The notion “current key words” was introduced by T.V. Shmelyova, but her works touch upon the history of appearance and functioning of only some lexical units, having the needed characters [7]. Then the patterns of the appearance and the functioning of keywords in the news media discourse were considered (E.A. Shcheglova [8]). The acute elaboration of the register of such words and their semantic comprehension is proved by the existence of such linguistic social projects as “The word of the year”, “The dictionary of changes”, “The dictionary of the year”. From this viewpoint we consider it necessary to create the interactive “Media dictionary”, containing the current key words, following the principle of “lexical graphic parameterization” formulated by Y.N. Karaulov [9]. Such “Media dictionary” allows: 1) understanding the historical fluidity of the elements of the language worldview as it is presented in media space; 2) revealing the manifestation of national specifics in the choice of such words by the language consciousness and their functioning; 3) distinguishing the linguistic mechanisms of lexical units entering the range of key words, expressing the elements of the system of representations comprising the language worldview.
It is important to notice that the understanding of the necessity to lexically and graphically describe the notion system of the language in the Russian scientific tradition rises from the works by I.I. Sreznevsky and L.V. Sherba. But in the Russian lexical graphic practice ideographical dictionaries are one of the youngest types of lexical graphic editions, reflecting the achievements of cognitive linguistics and the work on the logical-notion lexical classification. The integration of the work on ideographic dictionaries and the understanding of the language worldview is vitally important, i. e. the dictionary in this case is a necessary instrument for studying its fragments, which provides accuracy and objectiveness of the findings [9-12]. Among the existing Russian dictionaries the special place is occupied by the “Russian semantic dictionary” (1982) written under Y.N. Karaulov, and the “Russian semantic dictionary” (the first volume - 1998) edited by N.Y. Shvedova, which lay the methodological foundation for such dictionaries in the Russian tradition. The logical continuation of this work is to make the dictionaries of current key words, reflecting the present system of notions of the language worldview. That is the interactive “Media dictionary”, able to become the foundation for creating the dictionary of the epoch key notions, and it embodies the idea, expressed by L.V. Sherba, but not yet realized in the real lexical graphic practice: “Ideological dictionaries... finally must become the material for building the history of thinking, reflected in the language” [13, p. 295]. It is important to notice that the suggested lexical graphic vector is close to the works in the Laboratory of computer lexicography of Saint Petersburg state university headed by G.N. Sklyarevskaya: “The Russian key word dictionary” [14] is extremely important for understanding the Russian language worldview, but it only states, but does not follow the dynamic changes, sometimes happening so rapidly. It is important that the existence of such dictionary is meant in interactive form, b ecause it allows fixing and reacting to the dynamic processes of such a changeable unit as current key words, which do not presuppose the relative stability in the language consciousness unlike the concepts.
As the methodological foundation for “Media dictionary” we suggest using the tradition of compilation of ideographic and semantic Russian dictionaries. This is conditioned by the fact that such a type of dictionaries is meant to demonstrate the way lexical arrays, semantically formed, fulfill the informative and constructive functions, presenting the “life pictures” (N.Y. Shvedova [12]). Thus, the founding concept of the semantic dictionaries is the idea that the lexical language system is a level created and regulated by the language. In this case the planned dictionary is a logical continuation of the concept, because it is meant to distinguish the lexical and semantic classes not in the language, but in the speech; exactly speaking - in its certain variant, which is media speech (on the functioning of vocabulary in media speech see [15; 16]). Thus, the idea has an obvious practically oriented meaning - to define the fragments of the national worldview in speech works of media sphere. The vocabulary, selected in the process of work with the dictionary, is to be classified into semantic fields, using the unity of seme as a differentiating semantic sign.
The empiric material for the dictionary includes, first of all, the texts of professional journalists, dedicated to the most important events on the current agenda (cultural, economic, political, sport etc.), secondly, the texts of social media (social networks, forums, blogs etc.). This is the case because the semantic shifts, happening to a word in the texts of professional journalists, fix later in the word usage of regular Internet users. Thus, as an example, the given article contains texts on the case of the Skripals.
The selection of words, which are currently key for the language worldview, means several stages.
1. The computer processing of texts of the collected empiric material to get the quantitative data on the word usage.
2. The analytical processing of the findings and selection of the most frequent lexical units of key words, corresponding to several criteria of selection: derivative links; usage in conceptually meaning fragments and strong positions (headlines, beginnings, ends) of a text; appearance of extra linguistic syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections. Considering this as a foundation, the word spire was distinguished in hyper media text dedicated to the Skripals' poisoning in Salisbury.
3. The formation of lexical semantic fields connected with a certain event discourse, which becomes the main principle of systematization of the dictionary lexical material.
The lexical graphic practice has a tradition: it is supposed that it is enough to describe three parameters - empiric material, vocabulary and the dictionary article structure if characterizing any dictionary. The above-mentioned parameters are also added with an addressee. Following the tradition, we shall characterize the potential future of the lexical and graphic edition.
Addressee. “Media dictionary” is addressed to the wide variety of users: Russian philologists, practicing journalists, Russian-learning foreigners, students of linguistic specialties and journalism, and to the wide audience interested in the latest processes of the language life.
Vocabulary. The empiric material of “Media dictionary” was characterized above, its is the foundation with principles described within the research methods for the further selection of current key words, which will comprise the vocabulary of the would-be dictionary. Thus, the principle for the formation of the dictionary is based on following the quantitative and qualitative changes in the word usage in media di s- course, which allows distinguishing the current key words.
The dictionary article structure. The dictionary article compilation is meant in accord with the following structure:
1. the leading word:
2. peculiarities of writing:
3. grammar characteristic;
4. stylistic notes;
5. semantic notes;
6. definition, the first one being the usage, fixed in the Russian dictionaries;
7. illustration from media texts (following each definition);
8. the set expressions;
9. stylistic notes for the set expressions;
10. semantic notes for the set expressions;
11. definition of set expressions;
12. synonyms and antonyms of new meanings;
13. historical and cultural characteristic of the word, explaining the peculiarities of the word formation as the current key word, factors which led to the semantic shift.
The dictionary article project.
spire, n., m. 1. a narrow high construction of pyramid or cone form on the top of a building: Men... told, that they had been to London to “hang out”, and to Salisbury - to watcj the local cathedral with a high spire and old clock (Kommersant).
2. vulg., agres., fig. male generative organ: 5 facts about two Russian fags battering slush with a 123-meter Gothic spire early spring in Britain (headline, Snatch.news)
? iron., ^fig. to watch the spire, to watch the spires, to look at the spire, to observe the spire, to take a look at the spire 1. is used as an example of a paraphrase of a lie, falsification, nonsense: Two men came to watch the spires: social nets ridiculed the story of Petrov and Bashirov about the trip to Salisbury (headline, New Time); We drank coffee both, It has bee invisibly snowing for two days, We watched the spire and all that (social networks); 2. homosexual relations, invitation to them (compare rude rumpy- pumpy - in Russian the words “spire” and “rumpy-pumpy” have the same root): Petrov and Bashirov have ridiculously been made into fags who go to watch the 123-meter spire and then make a rumpy-pumpy in cheap English motels (Snatch.news); syn. to watch the cathedral, to observe the cathedral: Let's go to Salisbury and watch the cathedral (mem).
* Semantic shifts are connected with the investigation of the Skripals'attempted assass i-nation in Salisbury on March 4, 2018. The actualization of the ward happened after the publication of the interview with the suspects (Andrey Petrov and Ruslan Bashirov) on September 14, 2018; they claimed that they visited Salisbury with touristic purposes, to watch the cathedral and its spire in particular.
Thus, the interactive “Media dictionary” is a lexical graphic edition which is meant to solve several tasks: 1) to create the register of the current key words presenting the foundation of the language consciousness of contemporary human, who is accustomed to the reflected in media worldview - media view; 2) to study the mechanism of appearance of such words in the national language consciousness and their seman- tization; 3) to register the additions, spread, transformations and other dynamic processes in the national language worldview, following the possibilities of the transformation of some key words into concepts; 4) to lead the contemporary reader in media space. In our opinion, the multiple functionality of “Media dictionary” with the currently demanded interactive form makes such edition a priceless instrument for studying the national language consciousness at the present moment of its existence.
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16. Prokofeva N., Vasilieva V. Slang toponyms and newsmakers' nicknames as a communicative contact and indicator of comic culture in the modern Russian journalism // International Review of Management and Marketing. 2015. № 5 (Special Issue). P. 1-10.
Информация об авторе\Information about the author
Щеглова Екатерина Александровна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент института «Высшая школа журналистики и массовых коммуникаций». Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, г. Санкт-Петербург, Российская Федерация.
Ekaterina A. Shcheglova, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Institute “School of Journalism and Mass Communications”. Saint-Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
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курсовая работа [87,9 K], добавлен 09.06.2013История издания и специфика контента. Характеристики и показатели аудитории The Guardian. Основные характеристики бизнес-модели издания. Особенности национального британского СМИ. Концепция открытой журналистики (open journalism). Новые жанры и формы.
реферат [689,9 K], добавлен 06.10.2016Особенности тенденции конвергенции СМИ в целом и явления, к которым приводит эта тенденция. История и направления деятельности медиа-холдинга "РосБизнесКонсалтинг". Реализация концепции конвергенции издательским домом Independent Media и "КоммерсантЪ".
курсовая работа [99,7 K], добавлен 12.11.2010Описание явления социальных сетей и современной ситуации на соответствующем рынке. Изучение видов взаимодействия в интернете и взаимодействия различных типов аудитории в социальных сетях. Рекомендации по продвижению СМИ на примере журнала "Катрен-Стиль".
дипломная работа [2,6 M], добавлен 20.06.2014Influence of television on modern political practice. Nature of media power and its impact on political system of society, its character, practice and institutions. Dangers of new mediated symbolic politics for the democratic political practices.
реферат [25,0 K], добавлен 28.05.2012Генезис и функциональное назначение журнала путешествий как научно-популярного издания. Обзор ценностных ориентиров в журналах путешествий на примере "Вокруг света" и "National Geographic". Сравнительный анализ типологических моделей журналов путешествий.
дипломная работа [278,7 K], добавлен 19.11.2017The study of the functional style of language as a means of coordination and stylistic tools, devices, forming the features of style. Mass Media Language: broadcasting, weather reporting, commentary, commercial advertising, analysis of brief news items.
курсовая работа [44,8 K], добавлен 15.04.2012Lexicography as a science. Dictionary: notion, functions, classification, components. The characteristics of Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. Theory and practice of compiling of dictionaries. Dzhonsonovskiy Method of creation.
реферат [41,3 K], добавлен 30.04.2009Characteristic features of Slang. Feature Articles: Magical, Ritual, Language and Trench Slang of the Western front. Background of Cockney English. Slang Lexicographers. The Bloomsbury Dictionary Of Contemporary slang. Slang at the Millennium.
курсовая работа [69,2 K], добавлен 21.01.2008Russian mass media as the tool of democracy. The law on mass-media of 1991. Strengthening the rights of mass-media and their restriction. Role of the state in becoming. Latent forms of the state intervention. Monitoring by authority of regional editions.
контрольная работа [16,4 K], добавлен 17.04.2011Mass Media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media.People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media.
топик [5,0 K], добавлен 29.10.2006School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.
реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013