Formation of character and image of sportsman as a competitive advantage in mass media

The media as an individual's area of activity that focuses on the collection, processing and dissemination of relevant information. Social networks - an interactive internet structure that brings together a group of members with common interests.

Рубрика Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ
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„<...> it is more enjoyable when you talk to attractive-looking interlocutors.-- (IN4). „<...> it can lead to the good results that everyone hopes for. I take that into consideration as well.-- (IN5).

Analyzing the importance of an attractive athlete's appearance in the athlete's image-building process, media representatives were asked how important an attractive athlete's appearance is to the athlete's image formation. The respondents assured that it is probably more fun to look at a beautiful, athletic, workout body, but that is not the most important aspect. Consequently, it can be argued that an attractive athlete's appearance can form an athlete's image but that is not necessarily associated with his or her image as a great athlete. The physical and social attractiveness subcategory aims to find out if a beautiful, sexy athlete can create a better image. All interviewees confirmed that they had more fun talking to and looking at a more handsome athlete, and emphasized that various clothing / footwear organizations in this case offer the athletes to promote their brand, which not only provides the athlete with an additional source of income but also fame. Consequently, physical attractiveness can only affect the athlete's image formation on certain, mostly "spicy" topics. However, an athlete who does not show good results or good play, even with an attractive physical appearance, will not gain media prominence due to his or her appearance. It can also be argued that the external beauty of an athlete is more important to those for whom sport is merely an episodic pastime rather than a lifestyle.

Concerning the sub-category of symbols (personality, social attractiveness, style, clothing, design), media representatives had to answer whether an athlete's personal style appeal, style, or modern outfit meeting the up-to-date fashion could create a better image. The interviewees assured that the audience is always interested in the style of the athletes, off-field, but for the media such things should not matter. So, an influential athlete who shows good results can shape fashion and style trends before gaining influence as a great athlete.

Analyzing the importance of body fitness / body beauty in the athlete's image-making process, it was sought to find out whether journalists consider the interlocutor's body beauty in providing information about athletes. The respondents said that all athletes are athletic and it is more enjoyable talking to attractive-looking interlocutors, but this is not the cornerstone that shapes an athlete's image. This means that looking after themselves and strong athletes can attract more media attention about themselves, especially those engaged in professional sports beyond a certain age limit towards the end of their careers.

The third part of the interview sought to find out whether the promotion of lifestyle and personal qualities could be identified as decisive factors in creating a favorable image of the athlete in the media. To achieve this, a qualitative category was identified "Publicity of Lifestyle and Personal Features", which is divided into three sub-categories: lifestyle and life story, athlete as a model to follow, relationship efforts.

Table 7. Athlete's lifestyle and personal qualities in image formation

Sub category

Proving statement

Lifestyle and life story

„<...> dramatic episodes create spicy news that can generate heightened public attention“. (IN1).

„<...> an athlete, like every human being, has a variety of episodes that can, in one way or another, shape his or her image.-- (IN2).

„<...> it creates a more negative image when too many scandalous facts are shared and publicized.-- (IN3).

„<...> the most prominent examples are the regular "rape" scandals that cast a shadow over all athletes whatever way you look.-- (IN4).

„<...> athletes' lives are constantly watched by the media and are noticed and written about.-- (IN5).

Athlete as an example to follow

„<...> it can become a role model for other athletes. In Lithuania, such is Rimantas Kaukenas and his foundation.-- (IN1).

„<...> it certainly creates a leadership role even though he may not even be on the field.-- (IN2).

„<...> if an athlete is socially responsible, it obviously adds good image points to him.-- (IN3).

„<...> Rimantas Kaukenas is now very often associated and positioned as the ambassador of his support fund.-- (IN4).

„<...> a way of improving the image that the media will in all cases support and talk about. A great example is Rimantas Kaukenas and his support fund.-- (IN5).

Relations „<...> an open and sociable athlete can create an attitude of "good" and "right" athlete hip efforts about themselves.-- (IN1).

„<...> that is the cornerstone of image-building interacting with those who constantly watch and support you, no matter what happens.-- (IN2).

„<...> even smiling is very important and has a great influence.-- (IN3).

„<...> with the help of social networking this happens more intensively.-- (IN4).

„<...> a connection between the athlete and his or her fan is essential.-- (IN5).

Analyzing the importance of lifestyle and life history in the process of athlete image development, it was sought to determine what importance in athlete 's image formation have dramatic episodes existing in personal life and / or exclusive (positive and / or negative) private lifestyles. The respondents stated that an athlete, like every human being, has various episodes that can shape his or her image in one way or another. Dramatic episodes create spicy news that can generate heightened public attention. So, to summarize, dramatic episodes of life, stories are popular with readers as lightweight content news, so the media often uses this in the hope of increasing readers' interest and readability index.

The sub-category of athlete as role model has been explored to determine what importance in athlete's image formation has the fact that the athlete is socially responsible, a good role model, a good leader in the community. In this regard, the respondents identified that a socially responsible athlete can set an example for other athletes. As an example, respondents gave Rimantas Kaukenas and his foundation. This means that being a socially responsible athlete naturally creates a favorable image of a community leader and this does not go unnoticed by the media.

When it comes to athletes' efforts to have good relationship with fans, the question naturally arises what importance in athlete's image formation has the fact that an athlete appreciates his fans and spectators and communicates with them. The respondents speak unanimously on this issue and identify the relationship between the athlete and his or her fans as necessary. So it can be said that communicating with those who constantly watch you and keep you up, no matter what, is required. This means that an open and sociable athlete can create an image of himself as a "good" and "fair" athlete.


The term of image is not defined in the scientific literature and there is no unambiguous explanation of the concept. Some authors emphasize this term by exploring a person's individual traits, style, clothing and behaviour, while others emphasize the importance of an organization's image. An image is defined as a special image created by the psyche, a set of false or true images, judgments that have been made about an individual, their group, or society as a whole about a particular object. Professional image is not just a set of professional qualities of an individual. There are distinguished such behavioral aspects as individual posture, speaking manners and correctness, style of clothing, general culture of a person, which determine the first impression of an individual and create visual information that includes physiological characteristics of an individual.

An athlete's image consists of structural elements such as the athlete's experience, which includes competitive style, athletic mastery and behaviour during competitions, attractive appearance, expressed in physical and social attractiveness, style, clothing, body beauty, and demonstrated lifestyle that is characterized by a distinctive life story, relationship endeavors where the athlete is a role model and based on the lifestyle the image and athlete's reputation are formed.

An athlete's image consists of structural elements such as the athlete's experience, which includes competitive style, athletic mastery and behaviour during competitions, attractive appearance, expressed in physical and social attractiveness, style, clothing, body beauty, and demonstrated lifestyle that is characterized by a distinctive life story, relationship endeavors where the athlete is a role model and based on the lifestyle the image and athlete's reputation are formed. According to the media representatives, sporting experience and the demonstration of an athlete's lifestyle within each of the sub-categories are significant structural elements in shaping the athlete's image. The structural elements of an athlete's image such as an athletic experience, attractive athlete's appearance, publicity of lifestyle and personal qualities form the necessary whole for shaping an athlete's image, however, the athlete's charismatic style, unusual playing technique, successful performance, exciting and persistent matches, respect for opponents, fans and statement for fair play are all crucial. Dramatic episodes of life attract attention, while social responsibility and reputation retention play an important role. Physical attractiveness can only influence athlete's image formation on certain, mostly "spicy" topics, but an athlete who does not show good results or good play, even with an attractive physical appearance, will not gain media prominence due to his or her appearance. According to the informants, the external beauty of an athlete is more important to those for whom sport is merely an episodic leisure rather than a lifestyle. An attractive image of an athlete may in part result in advertising space, television coverage or increased sponsorship. The media plays a key role in shaping the image of the athlete and is an important tool in the process


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