National and regional tele marathons during the war: comparative characteristics

The topic of research on how television journalism uses a wide range of opportunities available to it to conduct an informational struggle live for the dissemination of true data is relevant in the article. Telethons in Ukraine during a large-scale war.

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National and regional tele marathons during the war: comparative characteristics

Oleg Galiv

Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University Ternopil

National and regional tele marathons during the war: comparative characteristics

Television was and remains one of the most powerful means of mass communication. Its influence is particularly noticeable in the period of large-scale wars, because then information becomes not just information, regardless of the form of its presentation, but a tool of counterpropaganda, an element of national security, and the dissemination of information - an opportunity to convey the truth, which is vital for society and the state, to the consumer of information about the real state of affairs. It is at this stage that the telespace of Ukraine is today, the importance of which in the war against the enemy has reached a completely new, more important and systemic level. Taking into account the standards and principles of television journalism and Ukrainian legislation, which regulates and controls television production during martial law in a different way, television continues to work to ensure uninterrupted public information.

Having regard to it, actual is a theme of research of that, how televisional journalism uses the wide spectrum of accessible to her possibilities of live to conduct an informative fight for the sake of distribution of truthful data. In particular, with the use in the modern Ukrainian televisional production of telemarathons. Research showed that telemarathons in Ukraine in the period of the large-scale war unfolded by Russia against Ukraine, had become the popular and effective type of distribution of information about the state of affairs at the front, analytic geometry of events of the past and present time, major decisions of imperious structures, analysis of the decisions accepted by the governments of solidarity in this war of the states with Ukraine and international organizations. Due to the novelty in televisional space, television marathons became accessible to not only the audience of the national TV channels but also supporters of regional medias.

The specific of televisional marathons, their production and use, in televisional space has good prospects for strengthening of the televisional broadcasting and opposition to propaganda from the side of country-aggressor, and also for the sake of operative distribution of actual and exact information, gives an opportunity to being in teleether of representatives of government and General staff bodies that presently are the original source of information, and also to the analysts and representatives of public environment, that help to defend informative safety of the state.

Also it is an index of high level of organization of televisional production, him permanent development and possibility to react on the necessities of consumers of information. In fact, the world does not stand in place swift development and popularity of social networks, messengers and onlinemedias need a deserving competition from the side of traditional media.

Due to telemarathons televisional journalism accepts this call and though even on such conditions a bit loses distribution of information in an operationability, however due to her exactness and verification does impossible mass distribution of disinformation and fakes, that there are many, for example, in Telegram and they work on an enemy.

Key words: large-scale war, telethon, television, media space, Ukraine.

Олег Галів


Телебачення було і залишається одним із найпотужніших засобів масової комунікації. Особливо його вплив відчутний у період широкомасштабних війн, адже тоді інформація стає не просто відомістю, незалежно від форми її подання, а інструментом контрпропаганди, елементом національної безпеки, а поширення інформації - можливістю донесення життєво необхідної для суспільства і держави правди до споживача інформації про справжнє становище речей. Саме на такому етапі на сьогодні перебуває телепростір України, значення якого у війні проти ворога вийшло на зовсім новий - більш важливий і системний рівень. З урахуванням стандартів і принципів телевізійної журналістики і українського законодавства, яке регламентує і контролює телевізійне виробництво у час воєнного стану по-іншому, телебачення продовжує працювати для забезпечення безперебійного інформування суспільства.

Зважаючи на це, актуальною є тема дослідження того, як телевізійна журналістика використовує широкий спектр доступних їй можливостей наживо вести інформаційну боротьбу заради поширення правдивих даних. Зокрема, з використанням у сучасному українському телевізійному виробництві телемарафонів або, як ще їх називають, телемаратонів.

Дослідження показало, що телемарафони в Україні в період широкомасштабної війни, розгорнутої Росією проти України, стали популярним і дієвим типом поширення інформації про стан речей на фронті, аналітику подій минулого і сьогодення, найважливіших рішень владних структур, аналізу рішень, ухвалених урядами солідарних у цій війні держав із Україною і міжнародних організацій. Завдяки своїй новизні в телевізійному просторі, телемаратони стали доступними не лише глядачам загальнонаціональних телеканалів, а й прихильникам регіональних медіа.

Специфіка телевізійних марафонів, їхнє виробництво і використання у телевізійному просторі має хороші перспективи для підсилення телевізійного мовлення і протистояння пропаганді з боку країни-агресора, а також задля оперативного поширення актуальної і точної інформації, дає можливість присутності у телеефірі представників органів влади і Генерального штабу, які нині є першоджерелом інформації, а також аналітикам і представникам громадського середовища, що допомагають відстоювати інформаційну безпеку держави. Також це показник високого рівня організації телевізійного виробництва, його постійного розвитку і можливості реагувати на потреби споживачів інформації. Адже світ не стоїть на місці і стрімкий розвиток і популярність соцмереж, месенджерів і онлайн-медіа потребують гідної конкуренції з боку традиційних медіа. Завдяки телемарафонам телевізійна журналістика приймає цей виклик і, хоч навіть за таких умов трохи втрачає в оперативності поширення інформації, утім завдяки її точності і перевірці унеможливлює масове поширення дезінформації та фейків, яких є багато, наприклад у телеграм-каналах, і вони працюють на ворога.

Ключові слова: широкомасштабна війна, телебачення, телемарафон, Україна, медіапростір. television journalism war


In the conditions of large-scale war of Russia, the state Ukraine spares large attention to not only Armed forces and to economic security but also safety informative. In fact, information - a weapon too, the zone of defeat of that is not controlled and arrives at a not alone continent. Therefore, report of true and exact information both to the internal consumer - citizens of Ukraine and to the audience foreign is important thing in victory over an enemy. A researcher Olena Prudnykova notices in one of the researches, that "modern television became a main instrument for distribution of reports that pour in on consciousness and subconsciousness of people" [12]. Television, it is both known, forms thinking as separate people and whole societies. Therefore, his role for counteraction Russian disinformation and to the truthful informing of Ukrainians and foreigners in a fight against an enemy in the conditions of large- scale war - enormous. In the context of Ukraine both and national level and in regional mass media for the sake of providing of audience the exact, honest, tested information of release use televisional marathons.

Raising of problem. From February, 2022 the most televisional channels of country on national levels nurse in the format of continuous televisional marathon, that has for an object to inform the audience of flow of event in Ukraine from the day of large-scale war of Russia. After their example own televisional marathons are conducted by the regional TV channels. For example, TV Channel Kyiv. Unfortunately, the detailed analysis of structure of televisional marathons of national and regional levels, and also their comparative description is not until now.

Research actuality. 76 % Ukrainians trusted the general telemarathon of the Ukrainian channels "United News" at the beginning of May, 2022, questioning of Gradus Research Company asserts, conducted on the order of National public broadcasting companies of Ukraine [17]. At the end of May this index though something and diminished, however remained at high enough level of trust of the Ukrainian audience are 75 percents [16]. Amount those, who knows about existence of televisional marathon of news, tell presented research, folds of 91 % Ukrainian citizens according to given. As marked in the results of research, among the habitants of cities with a population over 50 thousand the audience of marathon are 7.88 million Ukrainians. Actually all of them are 7.83 million - trust the "United News". Thus 2,98 million citizens look him every day [18]. It at that by the most popular sources, from where Ukrainians ladle information, there are social networks and Web-sites. Already television and radio go after them.

This research gives an idea about that, as far as ponderable in the construction of informative politics of the state in the conditions of large-scale war there is influence of television on perception of clear and tested information by Ukrainians, barriered from disinformation injections of the Russian machine of propaganda, and also in opposition to the chaotic news and dangerous news reports social networks swarm that and anonymous Telegram - chats. Realizing importance of clear, reliable and as far as it maybe in the conditions of war of operative information, the local TV channels after after national started the own televisional marathons. Thematically and national, and regional marathons (on the example of the TV channel Kyiv) are near, and here after the amount of guests, duration, to the exit and other qualificatory features differ in, what and awake interest researchers. In of fact televisional marathons in the past on of Ukrainian of television - the phenomenon is not too widespread, but today is a new valuable page in development of the televisional broadcasting of country on regional and national levels.

Analysis of the last researches and publications. The subjects of the televisional broadcasting of Ukraine many scientific researches and publications are sanctified to. Speech goes as well as about peaceful, so about military periods. Mostly it the reviews of genres, thematic palette, stages of becoming and development of television, realities in that function certain medias, to influence of television on consciousness of people. In 2019th the candidate of sciences from social communications Olga Yatchuk in research affected the question of forming of conception of genre features of the interactive broadcasting and direct ether on television [15]. Anatoly Slobodian in research "Estimation of influence of television on social behavior of people" tells television and his consequences about negative influence [10]. The process of development of Luhansk regional television from the beginning of military aggression of Russian Federation against Ukraine in 2014 shows in research of E. Solomin "Ukrainian of centrism and propaganda: the realities of regional television broadcasting in the of Luhansk of region" [11]. Structural basis of the televisional operating on the example of press marathon, that was translated live, studies "Architecture of and tempo of the press marathon of the of President of of of Ukraine V. Zelenskyi" Kostyantyn Hrubach [2]. To the theme to comparison of national and regional telemarathons of period of Russian-Ukrainian large-scale war, their structures, to the general and excellent features in a scientific environment now it is not spared sufficient attention. In research examine a telemarathon as hours-long or days-long teletranslations, that takes place continuously.

Aim of the article - to investigate the general lines of national "United News") and regional (on the example of the TV channel Kyiv) marathons of period of large-scale war, their general and excellent features. To analyse effectiveness of such marathons and their negative parties. The achievement of the put aim envisages implementation of such tasks: description of national and regional telemarathons of war period, analysis of their broadcasting, estimation of positive and negative parties.

Exposition of basic material of research. Televisional marathons in Ukrainian televisional space the phenomenon is a not new. But to February, 24, 2022 to the televisional marathons the Ukrainian chanals were succeeded mostly or during cultural events or during political campaigns, for example, in days elections. Exactly then a release during a few o'clock of live continuously translated an audiovisual product. From the day of large - scale of war Russia against Ukraine a telemarathon got the new breathing - became the method of report of true and clear information to the population with the aim of acquaintance of them about events at the front, reaction of the world on war in Ukraine, action of government.

To "set, that in the conditions of martial law realization of single informative politics is the priority question of national safety, providing of that will be realized by the association of all national TV channels the programmatic filling of that consists mainly of news, research and information broadcasts on the only informative platform of strategic communication - twenty-four-hour informative marathon the "United News #of UApa30M", - registers in the decision of РНБО, that put the decree in an operation in March president Volodymyr Zelensky" [14]. A telemarathon started as early as the first day of large - scale war.

A specific of functioning of telemarathon is the "United News". Structure, subjects, general description. Above the production of televisional content of telemarathon the "United News" (to March, 1, 2022 also "#UAtogether") in different periods worked six releases. It is the public national TV channel, three mediaholding that belong to the private structures, "1+1 Media", "Inter Media Group" and "Starlight Media" and Management of broadcasting company of Parliament of Ukraine. Before the 6th TV channel was a channel "Medias are a group Ukraine", that in course of time was closed. Therefore, from November, 2022 instead of him to the production of telemarathon of joined the accrued channel "We are Ukraine".

A production is divided into a few slots that changed in dependence on that, what amount of channels produces an audiovisual product. Therefore, every channel in twenty-four hours has a certain interval of televisional time, that must close. Broadcasting takes place around the clock without interruption (during the air raid, the studio is spoken from shelters) and is broadcast both on the air of the TV channels that produce it and rebroadcast by other TV channels of Ukraine. According to the structure of the marathon, the slots consist of news studios (newscasts), live broadcasts of journalists from the field, official briefings, addresses of the President, analytical studios with experts. Without regard to an association in a general telemarathon, the anchorwomen of marathon are the most knowable anchorwomen of different medias. Also the rating programs of separate channels are part of ether. In the of six hours' slot of the Public TV channel from May, 28, 2022 - it 94 days of marathon - a release told about the themes of heavy fights on Donbas, attempt of the Russian troops to gain a foothold in the district of Lyman, street fights in Severodonetsk and necessary delivery to Ukraine of heavy weapon from western partners.

The slot a channel began from the news producing in that an anchorman first of all shortly told about a situation in Lyman, from where evacuated a local population. A next theme is information from British secret service that Russia prepares treading on Slovjansk and Kramatorsk [1]. Farther a channel shortly told about a situation in Severodonetsk, alluding to the official figures of head of Luhansk military administration. Farther the journalist of Public television from the place of event told about the Sumy area that too the day before was attacked by an enemy. This was plugging of journalist in direct ether. A next theme for a discussion was in relation to the receipt of status of member Ukraine in ЄС and action in support this initiative in different countries. Other anchorman was the moderator of ether during this discussion [3]. Two guests from Warsaw and Berlin real-time told about actions in these cities.

Afterwards, the editorial offered the viewers a large analytical material on why this status is important for Ukraine and what it will give us and whether it is realistic for a country at war to become an EU candidate. After that, the host and the topic for discussion were changed again in the studio. Among them - the day of the capital, the anthem of Kyiv, the meeting of the Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. The host discussed the topic of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine, its activities, agreement or disagreement with the position in Moscow on the war in Ukraine and the future of this church in our country with the guests - the Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience Olena Bohdan and the Rector of the Open Orthodox University Heorhiy Kovalnko [4].

The next guest of the studio is military expert Pavlo Chernyk, who spoke live about the situation at the front and how Western weapons will change the course of the war. The next block in the slot was again information about the situation in the regions that are constantly shelled by the enemy. To inform about the shelling of Kharkiv and the region, the editorial office put on the air the mayor of Kharkiv Ihor Terekhov. After that, the broadcasts from Mykolaiv, Sumy and Lutsk were switched on again to understand the situation on the border with Belarus. The topic of Belarus was completed with the discussion of the situation with the Head of the Cabinet of Representatives of Svitlana Tykhanovska Valeriy Kavalevsky. Then the material about how the territorial defense of Odesa region functions and prepares for the defense of the region was broadcast. It was just the middle of the slot.

During the next 3 hours of the 6-hour slot, the structure of information presentation did not undergo significant changes. Again there was an informational newscast, analytical studio and an exclusive interview with the Ambassador of Germany to Ukraine, which journalists recorded in advance. The next half hour was again dedicated to the topic of European integration. Along with analytical studios and newscasts, the slots of the marathon are also filled with patriotic videos and inspiring stories. The last hour was dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Kyiv during the war and the work of doctors in this difficult period.

In the slot of the ICTV channel (together with STB they work in the marathon as representatives of a single media group) the structure of information presentation is also unchanged. There are main topics related to operational events at the front and in Ukrainian cities, as well as topics that the hosts in the studio analyze together with the guests in the studio. Talk (analytical studios) are diluted with newscasts (using traditional information genres - stories, short reports, live broadcasts of correspondents). At least 12 guests were presented in the ICTV slot in the marathon for November 14, 2022 [8]. They were Volodymyr Fesenko - political scientist, Alina Dotsenko - director of the Kherson Regional Museum, Serhii Tsehotskyi - major, officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after Yakiv Handziuk, Mykhailo Fedorov - Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Oleksandr Pertsovskyi - head of the passenger direction of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia", Tetyana Sapian - Communications Advisor of the State Bureau of Investigations, Andrii Tkachuk - Officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhii Shkarlet - Minister of Education and Science, Vladyslav Dmytriv - Head of Bashtanka District State Administration, Dmytro Sakharuk - Executive Director of DTEK, Kateryna Chueva - Deputy Minister of Culture, Tetiana Laktionova - Deputy Head of the National Social Service of Ukraine.

All TV channels broadcasting the national marathon are united by a single logo. Later, not only the information and analytical product was also allowed into the marathon. For example, on the Day of the National Flag, a concert of the "Evening Quarter", which had previously been broadcast exclusively on 1+1 TV channel, was shown in prime time on the national telethon. This incident immediately caused a wave of discontent and questions from both experts and viewers. In some broadcasts, TV channels resorted to large on-site studios at places significant for Ukrainians.

Features of the telethon of the "Kyiv" channel. Structure, themes, general characteristics. TV channel "Kyiv" is not a national channel, therefore it is not involved in the production of the national telethon "United News". Instead, on February 27, the channel's editorial office announced on its official website that "Kyiv TV Channel" and "Kyiv 98 FM" radio station are working in an emergency mode and will continue to work as long as it is technically possible and safety allows. During the day, the channel provides the most up-to-date information from the coordination services of the city and the suburbs. We try to carefully check all the messages we broadcast on our air in order not to spread fakes and prevent panic [13]. Since then, the TV channel has its own daily many-hour continuous broadcasts. Compared to the national marathon, they are smaller in scale and differ in thematic focus and involvement of guests. The structure of information presentation is somewhat similar. A characteristic distinctive feature is the scale of the studios. If the national marathon is broadcast from several different premises, and therefore the picture is constantly changing, the TV channel "Kyiv" works daily from one studio of a stable format.

Depending on the information content of the day, the editorial office of the TV channel offers viewers a daily marathon lasting up to 12 hours. In the marathon of 26.08.2022 (184th day of the full-scale war), the air under the slogan "Kyiv holds the strike" began with the most important events related to the situation in the world in the war of Russia against Ukraine, the trip of American officials to Taiwan and sports news [7]. The next part of the broadcast was a discussion of the fact that Ukrainian pilots celebrate their professional holiday on this day [5]. A separate information and analytical block was devoted to the critical situation in Mariupol, where, according to the official Ukrainian authorities, there is a real communal collapse. Given that it was morning; the marathon air was diluted with horoscopes for different zodiac signs. After that, the floor was given to a military observer of the TV channel, who told the viewers the main military news. Then a dog handler came to the studio and told how to properly raise a pet. Later, the viewers were told about show business news. After that, the TV hosts were replaced. And the informational and analytical review of the most important events continued. Then the floor was again given to the military observer, who together with the guest analyzed the need for Western weapons for Ukraine.

At the 5th hour of the almost 12-hour marathon of the "Kyiv" TV channel, the hosts were replaced again, but the topic of war continued to be discussed with the guest - an instructor from the UAV operator training center. Another topic for discussion was the analysis of whether Russian propaganda media should be criminally liable for hate speech. Also among the guests of this marathon were the Deputy Head of the National Bank - about damaged banknotes in the occupied territories, and the MP - about the criteria for admission of children to schools in the conditions of war.

Traditional addresses of the President of Ukraine and briefings of Ukrainian officials are shown on the air of the marathon of the "Kyiv" channel, as well as in the national telethon [6]. In the marathon for April 1, more than 20 guests, most of whom were military men, became guests of the air. In the final hour, the viewers were shown a joint information project of the TV channel together with Radio "Kyiv" "Picture of the Day" - where the host summed up the most important events together with the guests.

The editorial board started the marathon of 31.10.2022 with important journalists' interviews on rolling blackouts and the situation with electricity supply in the capital in general. Other topics discussed in the studio by the hosts together with the guests were the vulnerable fleet, people's reaction to the air raid alert, Kherson direction, Russian military settling in the occupied houses of Severodonetsk, massive shelling of Ukraine, cooking simple and nutritious food in extreme conditions, movies to watch on Halloween, strikes on Kyiv (Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko), means of combating Iranian drones, the possibility of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, demining of the liberated settlements from the occupiers, what to expect in winter. Like the national marathon, TV channel "Kyiv" actively uses informational, analytical and fiction genres of television during the marathon. Along with the stories, live broadcasts and communication of the hosts with the guests prevail.

Conclusions and prospects for further researches

Television is one of the key tools to ensure uninterrupted informing of society about the situation in the country, given the large-scale war. In the fight for the audience with telegram channels and online media, television is constantly looking for new approaches. One of them during the war is telethons. This is a departure from the usual concept of a telethon - a televised fundraising event that lasts many hours or even days and aims to raise money for a charitable, political or other cause. In modern Ukraine, from February 24, 2022, it is a television event within the framework of the state's information policy during the war. Thanks to the telethons, viewers have the opportunity to quickly receive not just information, but verified information from the primary sources, which today are the General Staff, local governments (military administrations, where they are established) and representatives of state and government agencies.

In terms of comparative characteristics, the structure of both the national and regional telethons is similar - uninterrupted hours-long broadcasts, where newscasts and analytical studios alternate. The editors use the accepted informational, analytical and fiction genres to create audiovisual products within the marathon (short reports, conversational studios with guests, live broadcasts of correspondents, briefings, analytical big interviews, on-site studios, essays...). But these genres are not pure, but are constantly intertwined with each other. In terms of time limits and thematic content, the national marathon (Unified News) is more concentrated on the war, has a more serious pool of guests (top state officials, influential politicians, government officials, military, first echelon experts, international speakers) and looks much better in terms of thematic division, picture, has more recognizable hosts, is deeper in terms of information content and priority of topics. The regional marathon (Kyiv TV channel), although concentrating on the topic of war, has interspersed less serious topics, often solely to fill the TV time, some of the guests are less recognizable to the general Ukrainian viewer (although each broadcast has guests who are also speakers of the national marathon - for example, military experts, spokespersons of military structures, representatives of the public sector and Kyiv city, as the channel was founded by the Kyiv City Council). The research shows that the regional marathon is mainly aimed at its audience - viewers of the Kyiv TV channel, so both topics and guests are focused in this way. Although the war, the situation in the country, individual cities and in the international sector is the main thread that connects every broadcast. It is also important that the daily regional marathon is made by the same number of employees in the editorial office, and the duration of the marathon per day can reach 12 hours. In the national marathon, each separate slot is filled by a separate editorial office. In terms of the level of organization of work and key messages during the large-scale war, these two telethons play an important role in the information policy of the state.

Despite the criticism that representatives of opposition forces and other TV channels (which could also be engaged in the production of the telethon - for example, "Espresso" and "Channel 5") were not allowed to broadcast the national telethon, violation of standards in the broadcast of the national telethon (as it was repeatedly written by the specialized publication "Detector Media"), less coverage of the regional telethon and its weaknesses compared to the national one, both marathons are an example of new approaches to television production.

These telethons are a kind of television chronicles of the war, which show the situation on a daily basis and allow the viewer to constantly receive verified information. The problem is that during the 9 months of full-scale war, telethons have not just taken root, but have become somewhat boring for viewers. However, according to Ukrainian officials, national television broadcasting will work in this format until the Victory.


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