The main functions of publishing house management in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war
The changes in the functioning of the publishing business after the beginning of the invasion of the RF on the territory of Ukraine. Restrictions on production and distribution of books in the Russian language. Functions of publishing house management.
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Дата добавления | 08.01.2024 |
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The main functions of publishing house management in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war
Shevchenko I., Associate Professor at the Department; Kiriak V., postgraduate student of the Department of Publishing and Editing, Publishing and Printing Institute of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Are highlighted the main changes in the functioning of the publishing business after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. It was determined that the Russian-Ukrainian war affected the transition of publishing houses to new formats of work, caused by crisis phenomena in all branches of the Ukrainian economy, limited production capacities, complicated and dispersed working conditions and a general decrease in purchasing power among the population, in particular, in the temporarily occupied and front-line territories.
Were analyzed the main changes in the field of book publishing introduced into the legislation of Ukraine after the start of the full-scale invasion. It is noted that most of these changes concern the support of the national publishing market and the establishment of international cooperation for the promotion of Ukrainian authors and their achievements abroad. Restrictions on the production, distribution and popularization of books in the Russian language, as well as the import and export of publishing products of the aggressor state, are defined.
Are singled out challenges faced by Ukrainian publishing houses while working in today's conditions. Particular attention is focused on the study of the main functions of publishing house management, in particular, short-term and long-term planning, organization and search for resources necessary for the performance of tasks, motivation and support of the team, as well as support and control at all stages of work. Are analyzed the key conditions and stages of the application of these management functions in the activities of Ukrainian publishing houses under martial law.
It was concluded that the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war affected the fundamental transformation of the publishing business, which consists in adapting to new conditions of existence in a competitive environment and applying innovative methods of restoration, production, preservation and promotion.
Keywords: publishing business, legislative framework, function, management, book industry.
Основні функції управління видавництвом в умовах російсько-української війни
Шевченко І.Б., канд. екон. наук, доц. кафедри; Кір'як В.С., аспірант кафедри видавничої справи та редагування Навчально-наукового видавничо-поліграфічного інституту, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського
Висвітлено основні зміни у функціонуванні видавничого бізнесу після початку повномасштабного вторгнення РФ на територію України. Визначено, що російсько-українська війна вплинула на перехід видавництв на нові формати діяльності, спричинений кризовими явищами в усіх галузях економіки України, обмеженими потужностями виробництв, ускладненими й розосередженими умовами роботи та загальним зниженням купівельної спроможності серед населення, зокрема, на тимчасово окупованих і прифронтових територіях.
Проаналізовано основні зміни в галузі книговидання, внесені до законодавства України після початку повномасштабного вторгнення. Зазначено, що здебільшого ці зміни стосуються підтримки національного видавничого ринку й налагодження міжнародної співпраці задля просування українських авторів і їх здобутків за кордоном. Визначено обмеження щодо виготовлення, розповсюдження й популяризації книг російською мовою, а також ввезення та вивезення видавничої продукції держави-а- гресора.
Виокремлено виклики, з якими стикаються українські видавництва під час роботи в умовах сьогодення. Особливу увагу зосереджено на дослідженні основних функцій управління видавництвом, зокрема, це короткострокове й довгострокове планування, організація і пошук ресурсів, необхідних для виконання поставлених завдань, мотивація й підтримка команди, а також супроводження та контроль на всіх етапах роботи. Проаналізовано ключові умови й етапи впровадження цих функцій управління у діяльність українських видавництв в умовах воєнного стану.
Зроблено висновок, що повномасштабна російсько-українська війна вплинула на докорінну трансформацію видавничого бізнесу, яка полягає в пристосуванні до нових умов існування в конкурентному середовищі й застосуванні інноваційних методів відновлення, виготовлення, збереження та просування.
Ключові слова: видавничий бізнес, законодавча база, функція, управління, книжкова галузь.
During the last decade, the Ukrainian book publishing business developed rapidly. New forms of sales and promotion of publications appeared, the quality and quantity of published books increased. However, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the publishing business, like other branches of the modern economic system, suffered significant losses. Restrictions in the work of publishing houses and bookstores and a general decrease in purchasing power caused the beginning of crisis phenomena in the activity of printing enterprises.
The program became an impetus for a new stage of development of the publishing business and the popularization of reading in general, but after the full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine, the book publishing industry suffered serious losses. Ruined enterprises and equipment, destroyed products manufactured before the war, closure of bookstores, departure of specialists -- all these factors finally changed the publishing business, which today needs absolute restoration and transformation.
The publishing house management system also needs significant changes, because the processes of planning, management and control have also changed due to the martial law. Managing the publishing business has become much more difficult due to new limited working conditions, reduction of production capacity, staffing, financing and the need to establish connections not only on the national but also on the international market.
The main functions of publishing house management are gradually expanding and changing, taking into account the challenges of today, so a more detailed study of this issue will contribute to a faster recovery of the book business in Ukraine after the war.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of this article is to identify possible ways to transform the work and management of the book business. The results of this study can be used by professionals in the field of publishing, editing, marketing and management.
Research results
The activities of publishing houses during the war were affected by the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Stimulating the Development of Ukrainian Book Publishing and Book Distribution” dated June 19, 2022.
Thus, Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On Publishing Business” has been amended to guarantee the subjects of publishing business support from the state in the development of national book publishing. The state subsidy is provided to distributors of book publishing products, for whom book trade is the main type of activity. At the same time, publishing products must be printed purely in the state language, in the language of the indigenous peoples of Ukraine, and in the official languages of the European Union [1]. This law prohibits the publication and import into Ukraine of books by authors who have or had Russian citizenship, and also prohibits the sale of translated literature from other languages into Russian.
Articles whose provisions are aimed at the development and establishment of international cooperation in the field of publishing are important. Due to the forced departure of our citizens abroad, the demand for Ukrainian books has increased in various parts of the world.
Thus, at the request of Ukrainian embassies, as of December, 225,000 copies were transferred: 59,500 to Poland, almost 46,200 to Austria, almost 8,000 to Great Britain, as well as to Denmark, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, etc. [2].
In our opinion, the further updating of the legal framework in the book industry will have a positive effect on the state and reconstruction of the publishing business, however, today the distribution of banned Russian literature is still ongoing. According to the latest research of the Derzhkomteleradio, more than 180 cases of distribution of publications with signs of criminal offenses were found through Google Books and Google Play services [2].
The distribution of such literature is aimed at spreading the propaganda of violence, national enmity and information against the territorial integrity of our state. That is why the support and transformation of the publishing business and legislation in this field must continue, taking into account the new threats and challenges of today.
Management of the publishing house
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, management means that responsible for controlling or organizing someone or something, especially a business or employees.
The components of publishing house management are: strategic and current management; planning; personnel and production management; marketing, finance and investment management [3, р. 51].
The head of a modern publishing house is a participant in all processes and stages of the company's activity, because in conditions of crisis and growing competition, quick and thoughtful decisions of the head are often key and decisive, especially in conditions of war and constant risks.
The main functions of management are: planning, organization performance, staff motivation, control [3, р. 51].
In our opinion, an analysis of activity results should be added to this list. The results of the completed work do not always correspond to the defined plans and forecasts, therefore, the study of the final results of the work will allow to distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of any project, which will later positively affect the quality of the finished product or publishing idea.
It is worth considering each of the above functions in more detail to find out the main and additional elements of each of them.
Planning is the systematic process of making decisions about goals and activities the organization will pursue [4, p. 90].
For the successful operation of the publishing house, comprehensive, multi-level types of planning are carried out: strategic (long-term goals), tactical (intermediate goals for the implementation of strategic tasks) and operational (current, detailed short-term planning time intervals) [3, p. 52-53].
Detailed planning is the first step for high-quality management activities and the implementation of all necessary business processes. Before this stage, it is worth investigating all possible internal and external factors that can affect the work of the publishing house. This will make it possible to anticipate possible non-standard or crisis situations in the plan. This is a kind of prediction of phenomena that may occur in the future. Planning requires the manager to be flexible, logical, critical and creative in order to consider the identified goals in the context of the opportunities and capacities available in the publishing house.
During the internal analysis, the manager should pay attention to the level of funding, readiness and professional training of the team, as well as determine the final goal that must be achieved by completing the stages of the drawn up plan.
External analysis should be much more detailed than internal, because the environment is more unstable than the internal system. Even the smallest changes can affect the work of a publishing house from the outside.
Among the main external factors are highlighted pending and existing regulations, the availability of capital, new market and growth opportunities, prices, costs, labor force, education trends, impact of immigration, diversity, and consumer demand for products [4, p. 95].
Ukrainian publishing houses were not ready for a full-scale invasion and shutdown of all printing enterprises, bookstores, warehouses of finished products, etc. The previous crisis in the publishing industry caused by the pandemic did not affect the level of preparation of publishing houses for a new, much more difficult challenge.
For example, the director of the Vivat publishing house noted that they were working in the usual mode and were preparing plans only for the release of new books, and not for the necessary actions in the event of an invasion. “We took all actions to save the business after the fact” [5].
All possible external risks affected the Ukrainian publishing market at once. Publishing houses, which were located in temporarily occupied and front-line territories, lost their enterprises and finished products, which for a long time were being prepared for release before the start of the war. In the conditions of an unstable economic situation and martial law, the state is mostly engaged in financing the country's military capabilities and restoring destroyed enterprises of critical infrastructure. At this time, other business sectors remain underfunded. These conditions will cause higher prices for rent, equipment, paint, paper and labor, etc. Citizens' need to consume Ukrainian products, in particular books, has increased since the beginning of the war, but at the same time their purchasing power has significantly decreased, which is caused by the reduction of jobs and a large number of internally and externally displaced persons.
In accordance with the approved work plan, it is necessary to organize its implementation. This process depends on the resources that the publisher has at the time of planning, as well as on the resources that can be attracted in the future.
Are located the following main resources necessary for the implementation of the planned program: human, financial, physical, informational [6].
Certain types of resources were also transformed due to the beginning of the war in Ukraine. Thus, a large number of specialists in the field of publishing, editing, advertising and design have gone abroad. Financing of the book industry is also taking place on a smaller scale due to more urgent problems of the state, such as the military sphere and objects of critical infrastructure, as well as assistance to internally displaced persons.
Publishing houses are gradually optimizing work online. A significant number of operations are performed thanks to the phone and computer, which saves a lot of resources that are necessary for full-fledged work.
Staff motivation
In order to clearly and qualitatively achieve the set goal, you need to develop motivation within your team. In wartime conditions, people need much more attention and support from the manager, because their work is affected every day by difficult circumstances, for example, shelling, alarms, lack of electricity and water, relocation, etc.
There are four types of motivation (love languages) that can be used during work depending on the personality type of each employee: words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, acts of service [7].
It is worth remembering that all people are different, so different types of encouragement should be used for each individual. In terms of online work, it can be motivational messages in work chats, video calls, bonuses for quality work. The manager must be involved in all production processes in order to understand the specifics of the work being performed and help his team when necessary.
Control is installing processes to guide the team towards goals and monitoring performance towards goals [4, p. 324].
Control is a necessary management function that should begin at the planning stage. It is necessary to understand all possible risks and crises that may arise, especially when it comes to long-term planning. The team must be familiar with all the requirements, deadlines and specifics of the work. All important elements must be explained in detail and in an accessible manner to avoid any conflicts or problems. Exercising control does not involve performing work for others and does not imply a lack of trust in the publishing team. These are necessary measures that allow timely correction, guidance and avoidance of possible errors. It is much easier to correct a defect at the initial stage of work than at the final stage. It is worth remembering that all demands must be motivated and justified, without violating the personal boundaries of the team members.
publishing house russian management
The full-scale war in Ukraine seriously affected the transformation of the book business. Among the challenges that appeared to the representatives of the publishing business, there was not only the retention of the existing positions in the market, the preservation of financial stability and a professional team, but also the search for new ways of recovery, development and popularization.
New realities require publishers to change the established processes of activity, which consists in the organization of work processes, the adjustment of logistics for the production and sale of products, as well as in the promotion of books both in Ukraine and abroad. Changes in the legislation became an additional incentive for the transformation of the book business and the implementation of new ideas that will have a positive impact on the consciousness of the modern generation.
The entire work of Ukrainian publishing houses has changed due to external factors, therefore, the forms of management and functional purpose have also been transformed, continuing to gradually adapt to new realities.
The main functions of managing a publishing house have not changed completely, but at each stage of work, it is now necessary to take into account new factors that seriously affect both the condition of each team member and the possibilities and capacities of the publishing house in general.
Список використаної літератури
1. Про внесення змін до деяких законів України щодо стимулювання розвитку українського книговидання і книгорозповсюдження: Закон України від 19.06.2022 р. № 2313-IX.
2. Остапа С. Кількість виданих в Україні російськомовних книжок зменшилася майже на 60 %. Моніторинг роботи Держкомтелерадіо за друге півріччя 2022 року.
3. Шпак В. Видавничий бізнес: навч. посіб. 2-ге вид. доп. і перероб. Київ: ДП «Експрес-об'ява», 2022. 292 с.
4. Bateman T., Snell S.M: Management, 3rd Edition. Irwin : McGraw- Hill Education, 2012. 432 p.
5. Гіржева К. Культурний бан Росії у світі. Як працює видавничий бізнес в умовах війни та чи є запит на українські книги на іноземному ринку. 2022.
6. Lloyd R., Aho W. The Four Functions of Management -- An essential guide to Management Principles.
7. King G. How the relationship theory of “love language” can help your workplace relationships, too.
1. On making changes to some laws of Ukraine on stimulating the development of Ukrainian book publishing and book distribution: Law of Ukraine dated 06/19/2022 № 2313-IX.
2. Ostapa S. Kilkist vydanykh v Ukraini rosiiskomovnykh knyzhok zmenshylasia maizhe na 60 %. Monitorynh roboty Derzhkomteleradio za druhe pivrichchia 2022 roku. [The number of Russian-language books published in Ukraine decreased by almost 60 %. Monitoring of the work of the State TV and Radio Committee for the second half of 2022].
3. Shpak V. (2022). Publishing business: education. manual. Kyiv: SE “Express-ad”. 2nd ed. add. and processing, 292 p.
4. Bateman T., Snell S. (2012). M: Management, 3rd Edition. Irwin : McGraw-Hill Education. 432 p.
5. Girzheva K. (2022). Kulturnyi ban Rosii u sviti. Yak pratsiuie vydavnychyi biznes v umovakh viiny ta chy ye zapyt na ukrainski knyhy na inozemnomu rynku. [Cultural ban on Russia in the world. How does the publishing business work in the conditions of war and is there a demand for Ukrainian books on the foreign market].
6. Lloyd R., Aho W. (2020). The Four Functions of Management -- An essential guide to Management Principles.
7. King G. (2017). How the relationship theory of “love language” can help your workplace relationships, too.
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