Representation of legal information in a legal journal for school children

The peculiarities of the formation of legal knowledge in a magazine "Abetka Prava" for children and teenagers. The editor-in-chief and authors of the materials. The classification of the publication rubrics. The topic of the publication’s materials.

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Representation of legal information in a legal journal for school children

Zoriana Haladzhun, Lviv Polytechnic Nationality University

After Ukraine gained independence in 1991, the number of children's periodicals increased rapidly. There was a need not only to determine their quantitative characteristics, but also to analyze their qualitative content in accordance with the functions and purpose of children's periodicals in general - the education of a new generation of Ukrainians, and the legal direction in particular - the formation of a law-abiding citizen.

The market of journal legal periodicals of Ukraine is quite saturated, among them there is a predominance of journals of a scientific and practical nature, which are usually published by higher educational institutions of the country, and editions for practitioners of jurisprudence, which are publications of specialized publishing houses, such as “Jurinkom Inter” or “Yurydychna Praktyka”. The only legal magazine for children was “Abetka Prava”, which was published in 2012-2013 by the editors of the all Ukrainian legal magazine “Pravo Ukrayiny”. There were six publications, but four issues (No. 1 and № 2/4 in 2012 and No. 1 and No. 2 in 2013), with a print run of 300 copies of each issue in 2012 and 100 copies in 2013. Larisa Denysenko was the editor-in-chief. She was a lawyer, TV journalist and writer, who led the sections - the editor-in-chief's introduction, an interview, a story with a continuation, and practical exercises (co-authored). The authors of the materials were journalists, lawyers, philologists, psychologists and teachers.

The rubric of the edition includes both permanent rubrics and those that were repeated in several issues or sounded only once. The topic of the publication's materials corresponds to the stated idea - a legal magazine for schoolchildren. Each issue of the magazine had a thematic nature and all texts were subordinated to certain aspects of the topic, were presented in different genre forms, where the authors tried to explain the essence of a certain human right, its nature, how it can be used, what are the legal mechanisms of protection and defense, and practical exercises contribute to consolidation of acquired knowledge and elementary skills of using one's constitutional right and protection against its violations.

Key words: legal publication, magazine for children, press, heading, the subject of the magazine.

Репрезентація правової інформації в юридичному журналі для школярів

Зоряна Галаджун

Зі здобуттям Україною незалежності у 1991 році стрімко зросла кількість дитячих періодичних видань. Виникла потреба не лише визначити їх кількісні характеристики, а й проаналізувати їх якісне наповнення відповідно до функцій та призначення дитячої періодики загалом - виховання нового покоління українців, і правничого спрямування зокрема - формування правосвідомого громадянина.

Ринок журнальних юридичних періодичних видань України є досить насиченим, серед них переважають часописи науково-практичного спрямування, що зазвичай видаються закладами вищої освіти країни та видання для практиків юриспруденції, що є виданнями спеціалізованих видавництв, як от “Юрінком Інтер” чи “Юридична практика”. Єдиним юридичним журналом для дітей був “Абетка права”, що виходив друком впродовж 2012-2013 років і видавався редакцією всеукраїнського юридичного журналу “Право України”. Вийшло шість номерів, але чотирма випусками (№ 1 та №2/4 у 2012 році та № 1 та № 2 у 2013 році), тираж видання становив по 300 примірників кожного числа у 2012 році та по 100 екземплярів у 2013 році. Головним редактором була Лариса Денисенко - юристка, тележурналістка та письменниця, яка вела рубрики - вступне слово головного редактора, інтерв'ю, повість із продовженням, практичні вправи (у співавторстві). Авторами матеріалів були журналісти, юристи, філологи, психологи та педагоги.

Рубрикація видання вміщує як постійні рубрики, так і ті, що повторювалися у кількох числах або ж звучали лише один раз. Тематика матеріалів видання відповідає заявленій ідеї - юридичному журналу для школярів. Кожен випуск часопису мав свою тематику, і всі тексти були підпорядковані окремим аспектам теми, викладалися у різних жанрових формах, де автори намагалися доступно, на прикладах пояснити суть певного права людини, його сутність, як ним можна скористатися, які для цього є правові механізми охорони та захисту, а практичні вправи сприяють закріпленню отриманих знань та елементарним навичкам користування своїм конституційним правом та захисту від його порушень.

Ключові слова: юридичне видання, журнал для дітей, преса, рубрика, тематика журналу.


The role of the media is determined by their social purpose, and this, first of all, is to inform and shape public opinion. The division of the press according to the nature of its audience is one of the main criteria for the classification of mass media, where along with publications for men, women, and pensioners there are newspapers and magazines for children and teenagers. Usually, these publications publish information of a general nature, trying to capture as many areas of interest as possible for their readers. We focused our attention on the only legal publication for schoolchildren in Ukraine, which represents legal information, where information of a legal nature is presented in an interesting form.

Problem statement

After Ukraine gained independence in 1991, the number of children's periodicals increased rapidly with the simultaneous expansion of the geography of their creation - if earlier they were usually formed in the capital, now they are published in many cities of our country (Dnipro, Lviv, Ternopil, Odesa, Mykolaiiv, Poltava and others ). There was a need not only to determine their quantitative characteristics, but also to analyze their qualitative content in accordance with the functions and purpose of children's periodicals in general - the education of a new generation of Ukrainians, and the legal direction in particular - the formation of a law-abiding citizen.

Relevance of the study

The market of journal legal periodicals of Ukraine is quite saturated, among them there is a predominance of journals of a scientific and practical nature, which are usually published by higher educational institutions of the country, and editions for practitioners of jurisprudence, which are publications of specialized publishing houses, such as “Jurinkom Inter” or “Yurydychna Praktyka”. The only legal magazine for children was “Abetka Prava”, which was published in 2012-2013 and was issued by the editors of the all-Ukrainian legal magazine “Pravo Ukrayiny”. Since this journal was and remains the only publication of this type for children, it was not previously studied by scientists, and therefore the classification and content of a children's legal publication were not analyzed, so it became the subject of our scientific interest.

The aim is to study the peculiarities of the formation of legal knowledge in a magazine for children and teenagers.

The objective is a journalistic experience of the specialized magazine for schoolchildren “Abetka Prava” (2012-2013).

Analysis of recent research and publications

Ukrainian legal periodicals and their role in forming national consciousness were investigated by S. Dnistryanskyi [1] and M. Zhenchenko [2], the content of the first Ukrainian legal journal “Chasopys Pravnycha” by I. Kvasnytsia [3], M. Petriv [4] and others.

In our opinion, the most thorough studies of Ukrainian children's periodicals are the studies of E. Ohar “Children's book in Ukrainian society (experience of the transition period)” [5], O. Orlyk “Tendencies and development of modern children's periodicals (2008-2011)” [6], R. Stadniychuk “Ukrainian periodicals for children. Who is who” [7], Yu. Stadnytska “Children's journalism as an object of research” [8], T. Davydenko “Structural and functional features of the press for children during the period of independence of Ukraine” [9], N. Sydorenko and O. Dubetska “Achievements and miscalculations of the press for children in Ukraine” [10].

The magazine “Abetka Prava” was published by the editors of the national periodical legal publication “Pravo Ukrayiny”, which was founded back in 1922. The magazine was registered in 2011, was published during 2012-2013 in the Ukrainian language, as a supplement to the magazine “Pravo Ukrayiny”, with frequency four times a year, circulation of 300 copies in 2012 and 100 in 2013, format 70x108/16, offset printing, was printed by CJSC “VIPOL”. The author of the idea and project manager was O. Sviatotskyi (chief editor of the magazine “Pravo Ukrayiny”, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine), chief editor - L. Denysenko (writer, television journalist and lawyer), executive secretary - N. Yakubchak and V. Pasichnyk, literary editing - V. Yakubchak, M. Zdobnikova and O. Krasnenko, computer layout and design - A. Klochko, T. Mykhaylenko and O. Kartashova, artistic design - S. Kharuk and O. Boyko. In 2012, the magazine was published in two journals: the first number appeared as a separate publication, and from the second to the fourth number - a single issue. In 2013, only two issues were published - the first and second, each in a separate publication. All materials are placed in a double column on the page, except for the table of contents, the editor-in-chief's introduction, the “Continued Story” section, the advertising page, the list of the editorial board, and the announcement of the topic of the next issue with an invitation to the publication's audience.

The number of magazine pages varies from issue to issue - 112 (№ 1, 2012) [11], 100 (№ 2/4, 2012) [12], 164 (№ 1, 2013) [13], 124 (№ 2, 2013 ) [14] and, as we can see, the smallest in terms of volume is the collective issue of three issues (from 2 to 4) in 2012. At the All-Ukrainian competition for the best printed periodical for children and youth in 2012, the magazine won in the nomination of the best magazine for youth [15].

The analysis of the editions of the publication shows that almost all sections are constant - the introduction of the editor-in-chief, the topic of the issue, the section on the topic of the issue, interviews, the school of survival (except № 1, 2013), the right lives here (except № 2, 2013), literature (except № 1, 2012), novel with a continuation. In focus, practical exercises). Some numbers contain additional sections, such as “International experience”, “Psychological conversations” (№ 1, 2013) and “Questions are answered” (№ 1, 2012).

The materials of each issue begin with a page with an introduction by the editor-in-chief - a writer, TV journalist and lawyer Larisa Denysenko, in which she addresses the reader and emphasizes the importance of the chosen topic of the issue, announcing practical advice on a specific situation, such as “how to behave when you have , freely or not, relations with representatives of law enforcement agencies, when you faced police arbitrariness. How to behave when security guards in shopping centers and stores pick on you. What to do when faced with acts of aggression, sexual violence” [14, p. 7] or “you can learn how to behave in Internet networks, which cartoons can teach you to appreciate the right to dignity. The advice of psychologists will teach you to recognize the conflict and be able to deal with it, stop and overcome humiliation. Our permanent author of the column “School of Survival” will tell you several recipes, what to do in order not to become and not to feel like a victim” [12, p. 5]; talks about the hero of the issue's interview and explains why exactly this person speaks about this problem (the issue's theme), for example: “I hope you will be interested in reading an interview with the cult singer Sashko Polozhynskyi, where he will tell what he was like as a child, what does justice and many other things mean to him” [11, p. 5], or “One of the most famous journalists in the country - Yehor Sobolev - who defended freedom throughout his professional life, was responsible for conducting numerous journalistic investigations, will tell what he considers justice, and how felt when he was deprived of his freedom for several days” [14, p. 7]; interests in reading literary pages or watching movies (“Natalia Yakubchak's story will help to understand how important frank relations with parents are. Maks Skay continues to piece together the puzzles of his life stories. This time, the story of how Maks freed his friend Nazar, who was captured by the policemen during a fight in the club, is waiting for you” [14, p. 7], “you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the stories of books, films and songs that will help you find joy in everyone days of Your life” [11, p. 5], “you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the stories of books, films and songs that will help you better understand what dignity is” [12, p. 5], “you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the stories of books, films and songs that will help you better understand what equal treatment is” [13, p. 7]. The introductory speech always ended with a thesis - “So, have you prepared? Adjusted? Then - to the start!!!”.

The next rubric of the magazine, which appears in all issues, is “Interview”, although in № 1 from 2012 it is presented at the end of the issue, and not at the beginning, as in all the others. During the publication's history, four interviews were published within the rubric - with Yehor Sobolyev, Jamala, Vitaliy Klychko, Oleksandr Polozhynskyy, all conducted by the editor-in-chief - Larysa Denysenko. In each material, the interviewer, asking the interviewee questions related to the subject of the issue, refers to his school childhood, the time of self-awareness of his individuality.

The magazine has a thematic nature, that is, each issue was published under a general theme, when all materials were subordinated to different aspects of the main idea. For example, the first magazine of 2012 was published under the theme “Juvenile courts. Children sue their parents”, from the second to the fourth - “Right to dignity”, № 1 of 2013 - “Right to equal treatment”, № 2 of the same year - “Right to freedom and personal integrity”. So, the next section of the publication is the “Theme of the issue” section, which is permanent and the most numerous, in terms of the number of materials of the magazine, is repeated from issue to issue, but contains a different number of materials: 2012 (1-4) - one material each, 2013 - eight texts in No. 1 and six materials in No. 2. Their authors were: Elina Shyshkina (in every issue, except for the first issue, where authorship is not indicated), Tetyana Pechonchyk (two articles in № 2 for 2013), Andrii Chernousov, Snizhana Pushkar, Ruslana Sirman and Viktoriya Horbunova (№ 2, 2013), Viktoriya Narizhna (two materials in № 1 from 2013), Yanina Ihnatenko, Daria Rachok, Olha Vesnyanka (two materials in № 1 from 2013) and Roman Stoyko. In addition, according to the theme of the issue in each issue, there is an additional section that deals with the topics - “Right to life - a fundamental, natural, inalienable human right” (№ 1, 2012), “Dignity and animation” and “Conflicts. Why they arise, what they are and how to deal with them” (№ 2/4, 2012), “The right to equal treatment in the TV-cinema space”, “A person with special needs” (№ 1, 2013), “Sexual violence” (№ 2, 2013).

The next section of the magazine, which is presented in all issues, is “A story with a continuation. In focus”. The materials are presented in an artistic and journalistic style, as a story about the adventures of schoolchildren on a certain topic, for example, in № 1 for 2012, the column was called “A story with a continuation. The focus is on the right to life”, the material is called “Maks Sky and his life puzzles”, the first novella “Spirit of Angels” (author - Larysa Denysenko), which tells about the problems of teenagers (students of the ninth grade) and how they can take advantage of it on the Internet, even lead to suicide, as well as how friends can help in such a situation, and which state bodies should be contacted in such cases [11, p. 86-93]. In the next issue (№ 2/4, 2012), the section was devoted to the right to dignity, the material was published under the title "Maks Sky and his life puzzles”, the second novella “Dirty Dances” in which another situation is described in an interesting way - bullying at school, the use of video material and its editing to eliminate competitors in a dance competition, as well as about the value of friendship and the importance of knowing one's constitutional rights [12, p. 84-90]. In the first issue of 2013, a continuation was published - as “A story with a continuation. The focus is on the right to equal treatment”, the third novel “Not that blood” [13, p. 148-154]; in the second - “A story with a continuation. The focus is on the right to freedom and personal integrity”, the fourth novella “Knight's Habits” [14, p. 106-113]. In our opinion, the drawings illustrating the rubric deserve special attention. There are three of them in each material - the same for all at the beginning and at the end of the work, and one more large one inside. In the first issue, the specified illustrator is Yana Rozdobudko, in all subsequent ones the same illustration, different from No. 1 of 2012, is used in all subsequent issues of the magazine.

Practical exercises on the right to life/dignity/equal treatment/freedom and personal integrity is one of the permanent sections of the publication, which indicates that these are exercises for high school children (13-18 years old) and are reprinted from the manual “Human Rights for children: a guide for teachers and trainers” authored by the editor-in-chief - L. Denysenko and O. Dzyubiy. The section describes the tasks, according to the theme of the issue, indicates the number of possible participants (groups), the time of completion, required materials, instructions/advice to the presenter, advice on feedback. The number of tasks in the issues is different - seven in No. 1 of 2012 (development of the website “Value of Life”, game “Time Capsule”, film club tape “Until I Played in the Box”, task “SelfDefense Limit”, game “Alien Appeals”, psychological game-exercise “Life Control”, exercise “Bookshelf/ Discussion of Vasyl Stefanyk's novella “News”), four in № 2/4 of 2012, five in each issue of 2013. In all editions of the magazine, after this section, an advertising page of the Guide for teachers and trainers “Human Rights for Children” is placed.

Volodymyr Batchayev was the permanent narrator of the column “School of Survival”, which is presented in all issues of the publication, except for the first issue of 2013. In his materials, the author talks about his own youthful experience, worldview, analyzes complex topics, such as “To beat or not to beat”, “I am not a victim”, “You and the police”, and also gives advice - how to avoid a fight, what strategies and tactics choose to protect yourself from harassment, how to behave when you are stopped by the police/demand to show the contents of your pockets and documents/called to the station/knocking on the door and what are the legal limits of self-defense/the rights of a law enforcement officer/your rights in a specific situation. The texts are informative, written in a simple accessible form, illustrated with photographs. The editors note that all photos used in the magazine are taken from open access on the Internet.

A review of works of literature, cinema, and music in which the issue of protecting one's right is raised is reflected in the column “The Law Lives Here” led by Anatoliy Dnistrovskyi and Yanina Ihnatenko. Presenting their own view of the work and the problem, the presenters simultaneously interpret terms and concepts that may not be familiar to the publication's audience, such as conservatism, suffragettes, radicalism, the Nobel Prize, dignity, allegory, discrimination, dystopia, xenophobia, gender and sexual-oriented tolerance and other. If in the first issue of the publication the section contained four materials, two of which were film reviews, one each of books and songs, then already in subsequent issues - № 2/4 for 2012 and № 1 for 2013 - the section received sub-sections: in the focus of literature , in the focus of cinema, in the focus of music, in which reviews of five works in each of the subsections are presented. The materials of the section are thematically illustrated with photographs of performers, authors, books, and advertising posters.

Problems that teenagers sometimes have to face, such as domestic violence, prejudice and discrimination, aggression, early pregnancy, are presented in the form of a story (“Stork”, “Arthur's Truth”, “Such a Life”, “When there is someone to love and someone to believe” ) were published in the “Literature” section. The authors of these materials were Oleh Smal, Yuliia Smal (writer, teacher) and Nataliya Yakubchak (master of philology). Each issue had one text in this section. The only material that talks about heroes who are older than schoolchildren, because they are already serving in the army, was the story “Stork”, which was published in the first issue of the 2012 edition. In addition, this issue is also interesting in that it had two sections - “One's own to one's own” and “Questions are answered”, only the first of which was later repeated one more time in the next issue.

In the section “Questions are answered”, Yanina Ihnatenko interviewed the frontman of the band “Tartak” Sashko Polozhynskyi, lawyer and journalist Yuliya Sheshuryak, lawyer, employee of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Svitlana Naumenko, lawyer Ihor Ivanenko and three schoolchildren aged 11-14 from the cities of Kyiv and Bila Tserkva for which they could sue their parents, strangers or fairy parents. After the answers, the author prepared the material “Ukrainian and American Adolescent Judicial Mentality” in which she explained the peculiarities and traditions of raising children in Ukraine and the USA, clarified the terms, laid out a call to an electronic resource where those interested can familiarize themselves with the material “In Kyiv, teenagers en masse submit to trial for parents” in which it is indicated for which acts and whether they have a chance to win in court.

We can find the thoughts presented in the form of short essays (three) in the section “One's own to one's own”, in which students of 13-15 years old, through the prism of their own experience, share a moment of realizing the value of human life, their own dignity. The headlines chosen by the authors in the first issue of the publication deserve special attention - “How to enjoy life when everything is difficult and sad?!”, “The value of life”, “Ode to joy” instead of “Requiem”. No. 2/4 contain reflections under the general theme - “What is dignity. Thoughts of schoolchildren of Ukraine, Sweden, France”. The column of the first issue ends with a poem by the eleven-year-old author - Nazar Derevyanka from Bila Tserkva about the happiness of life. At the end of the section, there is information from the editor-in-chief with a message that the section is becoming permanent and readers are invited to participate in its creation - “to share their thoughts, observations, impressions in various forms - a work, a story, an essay, a verse, a poem” [11, p. 68]. In addition, the theme of the next issue is announced - “The right to dignity. Conflicts” and a list of questions for consideration and discussion is offered. In the second issue of 2012, under this heading, in addition to reflections on the dignity of children from three countries, the writer Iren Rozdobudko's material “How to learn not to humiliate”, effective ways of resisting humiliation from psychologist Viktoriya Horbunova, and as well as warnings and advice from media lawyer Ihor Rozkladay about how to behave safely online.

In the rubric “Psychological Conversations”, psychologist and writer Viktoriya Horbunova reflects on the nature of inequality related to age and status, financial situation, gender and health, devoting a separate short section to each of the specified “grounds” of inequality. The author notes that “Our difference balances us, sometimes warns us against mistakes, sometimes prevents us from going to extremes and always shows that there is another way and another choice. ... Another important thing is that we are different, and our difference opens up new opportunities for each of us” [13, p. 93].

The translator and literary reviewer of various publications, Iryna Slavinska, in the column “International experience” using the example of the history and modernity of France - a country that is open to emigrants, explains that “Discrimination does not help anyone to live. It deepens real problems and simulates their solution” [9, p. 95]. On simple examples: historical ones - banning women from voting until the end of the 40s of the last century, banning women from initiating divorce until 1976, “male” and “female” wages; modern ones - bans in public places of wearing signs of belonging to a certain religion, permission to marry people of the same sex - she explains the artificial nature of distinguishing people by gender, skin color, belonging to a certain religion, race and other differences, and also suggests implementing the motto of the Musketeers - “one for all and all for one!”.

Conclusion and prospects for further research

The magazine “Abetka Prava” was the only legal magazine for schoolchildren in Ukraine, published by the editors of the legal magazine “Pravo Ukrayiny” during 2012-2013 in the Ukrainian language, as a supplement to the magazine “Pravo Ukrayiny”. There were six issues, but four issues (№ 1 and № 2/4 in 2012 and № 1 and № 2 in 2013), with a print run of 300 copies of each issue in 2012 and 100 copies in 2013. The editor-in-chief was Larysa Denysenko, a lawyer, TV journalist and writer, who led the sections - the editor-in-chief s introduction, an interview, a story with a continuation, and practical exercises (co-authored). The authors of the materials were journalists, lawyers, philologists, psychologists and teachers.

The classification of the publication includes as permanent rubrics: the introductory speech of the editor-in-chief, an interview, the topic of the issue, an additional rubric on the topic of the issue, a novel with a continuation. In focus, practical advice; as well as those that are in most numbers (in three out of four): school of survival (№ 1, 2/4, 2012, № 2, 2013), law lives here too (№ 1, 2/4, 2012, № 1, 2013), literature (№ 2/4, 2012, № 1, 2, 2013); the rubric “Your own to your own” is used in two issues (№ 1, 2/4, 2012), as well as the sections “Psychological advice” (№ 1, 2013), “Questions are answered” (№ 1, 2012) and “International experience” (№ 1, 2013).

The topic of the publication's materials corresponds to the stated idea - a legal magazine for schoolchildren. Each issue of the journal had a thematic nature and all texts were subordinated to certain aspects of the topic, presented in different genre forms. The topics of the journal were “Juvenile courts. Children sue parents”, “Right to dignity”, “Right to equal treatment”, “Right to freedom and personal integrity”. In the last issue, there was an announcement of the topic of the next issue - “Property Law”, but, unfortunately, it did not appear, and, as we learned from the correspondence with the editor of the “Pravo Ukrayiny” magazine, it was due to lack of funding. In the materials of the publication, the authors tried to explain in an accessible way, using examples, the essence of a certain human right, its nature, how it can be used, what are the legal mechanisms of protection and defense for this, and practical exercises contribute to the consolidation of the acquired knowledge and elementary skills of using one's constitutional right and protection from its violations.

Updating the journalistic experience of publishing a specialized magazine for schoolchildren about law, we believe that now it would be worthwhile to use this practice to start a similar publication. In the perspective of further research are the peculiarities of the formation of legal knowledge of schoolchildren in the children's and adolescent press.

legal knowledge magazine children publication


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