Feathers in the press: how media coverage shapes bird conservation

Analysis of the media bird conservation cases: Recovery of California Condor population, Bird collisions with buildings, Plastic pollution in oceans affecting seabirds, Illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia, and the conservation of Spoon-billed Sandpiper.

Рубрика Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ
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Дата добавления 31.01.2024
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Feathers in the press: how media coverage shapes bird conservation

P. Katerynych, Ph. D. in Journalism Department of Cinema and Television Arts, Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

The purpose of this study is to analyze the media coverage and impact of five different bird conservation cases, namely Recovery of the California Condor population, Bird collisions with buildings, Plastic pollution in oceans affecting seabirds, Illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia, and the conservation of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper.

Research Methodology. For this study, we conducted a literature review of relevant articles, news reports, and scientific papers on the five selected cases. We analyzed the media coverage and impact of these cases using a table format, which included information such as the research data, case description, media coverage, media impact, and suggestions for future coverage.

Results. Our analysis revealed that the media plays a crucial role in raising awareness and driving action on bird conservation issues. For example, in the case of the Recovery of the California Condor population, the media coverage helped to create public support for conservation efforts. Similarly, in the case of the Illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia, media coverage raised public awareness, leading to policy changes and stricter law enforcement. However, our analysis also revealed that some cases received less media coverage than others. For instance, the issue of Bird collisions with buildings received less attention, despite being a significant threat to bird populations globally. We suggest that the media can use interactive techniques, such as virtual reality experiences, to increase public awareness of this issue and drive action towards reducing bird collisions.

Novelty. This study's novelty lies in its comprehensive analysis of media coverage and impact across five different bird conservation cases. We provide suggestions for future coverage and highlight the importance of media engagement in driving conservation efforts.

Practical Importance. Our analysis provides insights into the media's role in bird conservation and suggests strategies for effective coverage of these issues. This study's practical importance lies in its potential to drive action and create public support for bird conservation efforts globally.

Key words: Bird conservation, Media coverage, Media impact, California Condor, Bird collisions, Plastic pollution, Illegal bird trade, Spoon-billed Sandpiper.

Пернаті в ЗМІ: як висвітлення в медіа впливає на охорону птахів

Катеринич П.В.

Мета дослідження - проаналізувати висвітлення в ЗМІ п'яти різних випадків природоохоронних орнітоініціатив, а саме: відновлення популяції каліфорнійського кондора, зіткнень птахів з будівлями, забруднення океану пластиком, що впливає на морських птахів, нелегальної торгівлі птахами в Південно-Східній Азії та охорони рідкісного кулика - лопатня.

Методологія дослідження. Проаналізовано висвітлення та вплив 5 природоохоронних ініціатив у ЗМІ, враховуючи таку інформацію: опис випадків, висвітлення в ЗМІ, вплив ЗМІ на подальший розвиток ініціатив та пропозиції щодо подальшого висвітлення. Застосовано компаративний (порівняльно-історичний) аналіз обраних ініціатив.

Результати. Аналіз показав, що ЗМІ відіграють важливу роль у підвищенні обізнаності та стимулюванні дій щодо збереження птахів. Наприклад, у випадку з відновленням популяції каліфорнійського кондора висвітлення в ЗМІ допомогло створити громадську підтримку природоохоронним зусиллям. Аналогічно, у випадку з нелегальною торгівлею птахами в Південно-Східній Азії висвітлення в ЗМІ підвищило обізнаність громадськості, що призвело до змін у політиці та більш суворого правозастосування. Однак деякі випадки менше висвітлені в ЗМІ, ніж інші. Наприклад, питання зіткнення птахів з будівлями не набуває належного розголосу саме в аспектах експертних думок та аналізу проблеми, попри те, що є значною загрозою для популяцій птахів у всьому світі. Обґрунтовано, що ЗМІ можуть використовувати інтерактивні методи, наприклад VR, для підвищення обізнаності громадськості про аналізовані ініціативи.

Новизна. Новизна цього дослідження полягає в усебічному аналізі висвітлення та впливу медіа на п'ять різних випадків збереження птахів. Подано пропозиції щодо майбутнього висвітлення та підкреслено важливість залучення ЗМІ до природоохоронної діяльності.

Практичне значення. Результати аналізу дають уявлення про роль ЗМІ в збереженні птахів. Запропоновано стратегії для ефективного висвітлення цих питань. Практичне значення цього дослідження полягає в тому, що воно може стимулювати природоохоронні дії та сприяти підвищенню громадської підтримки зусиль зі збереження птахів у всьому світі.

Ключові слова: охорона птахів, ЗМІ, каліфорнійський кондор, зіткнення птахів з будинками, забруднення пластиком, нелегальна торгівля птахами, кулик-лопатень.

Ptaki w mediach: jak przekaz medialny wptywa na ochronq ptakow

Katerynych P.

Celem badania jest analiza przekazow medialnych dotyczqcych piqciu roznych przypadkow inicjatyw zwiqzanych z ochronq ptakow, tj. odtworzenia populacji kondora kalifomijskiego, kolizji ptakow z budynkami, zanieczyszczenia plastikiem oceanow oddziafujqcego na ptaki morskie, nielegalnego handlu ptakami w Azji Pofudniowo-Wschodniej oraz ochrony rzadkiego biegusa tyzkodziobego.

Metodologia badania. Przeanalizowalismy przekaz medialny 5 inicjatyw ekologicznych, uwzglqdniajqc nastqpujqce informacje: opisy przypadkow, przekaz medialny, wpfyw mediow na dalszy rozwoj inicjatyw oraz sugestie dotyczqce dalszego informowania. Zastosowano analizq porownawczq (komparatywno-historycznq) wybranych inicjatyw.

Wyniki. Nasza analiza wykazata, ze media odgrywajq waznq rolq w podnoszeniu swiadomosci i stymulowaniu dziatan na rzecz ochrony ptakow. W przypadku odtworzenia populacji kondora kalifornijskiego, relacje medialne pomogty rozwinqc publiczne wsparcie dla dziatan ochronnych. Podobnie, w przypadku nielegalnego handlu ptakami w Azji Potudniowo-Wschodniej, relacje medialne zwiqkszyty swiadomosc spotecznq, prowadzqc do zmian w polityce i zaostrzenia przepisow. Jednak nasza analiza wykazata rowniez, ze niektore przypadki otrzymaty mniejszy zasiqg medialny niz inne. Na przyktad problem kolizji ptakow z budynkami nie uzyskat odpowiedniego nagtosnienia w postaci opini'i i analiz ekspertow, mimo ze stanowi istotne zagrozenie dla populacji ptakow na catym swiecie. Uwazamy, ze media mogq wykorzystac interaktywne metody, takie jak VR, aby zwiqkszyc swiadomosc spotecznq w zakresie analizowanych inicjatyw.

Nowosc. W tym badaniu wszechstronnie analizujemy relacjonowanie zagadnien zwiqzanych z ochronq ptakow na przyktadzie piqciu roznych przypadkow. Przedstawiamy sugestie dotyczqce przysztych sposobow relacjonowania i podkreslamy znaczenie zaangazowania mediow w ochronq przyrody.

Znaczenie praktyczne. Nasza analiza zapewnia wglqd w rolq mediow w ochronie ptakow i sugeruje strategie skutecznego relacjonowania tych kwestii. Implikacje praktyczne wynikajqce z niniejszego badania obejmujq mozliwosc stymulowania dziatan ochronnych i przyczynienia siq do zwiqkszenia wsparcia publicznego dla wysitkow na rzecz ochrony ptakow na catym swiecie.

Sfowa kluczowe: ochrona ptakow, media, kondor kalifornijski, kolizje ptakow z budynkami, zanieczyszczenie plastikiem, nielegalny handel ptakami, biegus tyzkodzioby.


Birds are among the most iconic and cherished creatures on our planet, inspiring us with their beauty, grace, and remarkable adaptations. However, birds are facing unprecedented challenges as their habitats are destroyed, their food sources are depleted, and they are exposed to a wide range of threats such as climate change, pollution, and illegal trade [30]. The conservation of birds is therefore an urgent and vital task that requires the engagement of scientists, policymakers, and the general public [5; 11].

In this analysis, we examine five cases that illustrate the challenges and opportunities of bird conservation in different parts of the world. These cases include the recovery of the California Condor population, bird collisions with buildings, plastic pollution in oceans affecting seabirds, illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia, and the conservation of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper. Each case presents unique challenges and opportunities, and requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines scientific research, policy interventions, and public engagement.

The recovery of the California Condor population is one of the most remarkable conservation success stories of our time. This iconic bird of prey was on the brink of extinction in the 1980s, with only 27 individuals remaining in the wild. Through a combination of captive breeding, habitat restoration, and public education, the California Condor population has now increased to over 400 individuals, and the bird has been downgraded from critically endangered to endangered. This case illustrates the power of science-based conservation, and the importance of public engagement in achieving conservation goals [10].

Bird collisions with buildings represent a growing threat to bird populations in urban areas, with millions of birds killed each year in North America alone [15]. The problem is particularly acute during migration season, when birds are attracted to the lights and reflective surfaces of buildings [45]. To address this problem, a range of interventions have been proposed, including turning off lights during migration season, using bird-friendly building designs, and public education campaigns [28; 26; 45]. The success of these interventions depends on the cooperation of building owners, architects, and the public.

Plastic pollution in oceans is another major threat to bird populations, with millions of seabirds dying each year from ingesting or becoming entangled in plastic debris [46]. This problem affects not only remote island habitats but also urban coastlines and estuaries. To address this problem, a range of interventions have been proposed, including reducing plastic waste, promoting recycling and upcycling, and public education campaigns [37]. The success of these interventions depends on the cooperation of governments, industries, and the public.

Illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia is a major threat to the survival of many bird species, including some of the most iconic and threatened birds in the world [22; 39]. Birds are poached from the wild for their meat, feathers, and song, and sold in local and international markets. This trade is driven by cultural, economic, and political factors, and is difficult to address through law enforcement alone. To address this problem, a range of interventions have been proposed, including community-based conservation, sustainable livelihoods, and public education campaigns. The success of these interventions depends on the cooperation of local communities, governments, and the international community.

Finally, the conservation of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper is a case that illustrates the challenges of conserving a species on the brink of extinction. This tiny shorebird breeds in remote tundra habitats in Russia, and migrates to Southeast Asia, where it faces a range of threats, including habitat loss, hunting, and climate change [35]. To address this problem, a range of interventions have been proposed, including habitat restoration, captive breeding, and international cooperation [35]. The success of these interventions depends on the cooperation of governments, conservation organizations, and the public.

The purpose of the study and research methodology

The purpose of this study is to analyze several cases of bird conservation issues and explore how the media has covered these topics. To achieve this goal, we conducted a systematic review of scientific articles, news reports, and online media coverage related to the California Condor population recovery, bird collisions with buildings, plastic pollution in oceans affecting seabirds, illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia, and the Spoon-billed Sandpiper.

A comparative analysis approach was used in this study to examine five cases related to bird conservation issues. The cases were selected based on their relevance and significance to bird conservation issues, and were analyzed using a comparative framework to identify common themes, patterns, and best practices in media coverage and impact. Data was collected from various sources including scientific publications, media reports, and conservation organizations' reports.

The comparative analysis allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the media coverage and impact on bird conservation issues across different cases and contexts. The analysis focused on the media's role in raising awareness, engaging audiences, and inspiring action, as well as identifying effective strategies for media coverage and outreach.

The results of this comparative analysis can provide insights and guidance for journalists, media outlets, and conservation organizations in their efforts to effectively cover bird conservation issues and maximize their impact. The findings can also inform future research on the intersection of media and conservation, and contribute to the development of more effective strategies for conservation communication.


The California Condor is a critically endangered species and one of the most iconic and emblematic birds of North America. The media has covered the California Condor recovery efforts extensively over the past few decades. Articles, documentaries, and news segments have been produced to raise awareness about the bird's plight and the conservation efforts to save it [16; 18].

For example, the documentary «The Condor's Shadow» by Jeff McLoughlin and the PBS Nova episode «Broken Wings» both highlight the challenges facing California Condors and the efforts to save the species [42; 36]. The Condor's Shadow was inspired by a January 2010 article in the Santa Barbara Independent, The Great California Condor Comeback, written by Matt Kettmann [27]. Furthermore, the «Condor Cam» initiative by the Santa Barbara Zoo offers a live webcam stream of California Condors in the wild, providing audiences with an immersive and interactive experience of the bird's natural habitat [31].

The use of interactive techniques has been a powerful tool in engaging audiences in the California Condor conservation effort. For example, the website «Condor Kids» offers interactive games, videos, and educational resources to teach children about the California Condor and the importance of conservation efforts [13]. Similarly, the «Condor Spotter» app allows users to report sightings of California Condors in the wild, contributing to the data collection efforts of conservationists and engaging the public in the conservation process [13].

The media coverage of the bird's plight has helped to raise awareness about the importance of conservation efforts and the need for action [20; 34]. For example, after the release of the documentary «The Condor's Shadow», the US Fish and Wildlife Service reported receiving an unprecedented number of donations and inquiries about California Condor conservation [10]. Similarly, the «Condor Cam» initiative has helped to increase public engagement in the conservation effort and raise awareness about the importance of protecting the bird's natural habitat [14].

Through various means such as highlighting conservation measures, raising awareness about the bird's challenges, and actively involving audiences in the conservation process, the media has played a crucial role in promoting effective strategies and contributing to the overall success of the recovery program. Among the various techniques employed, interactive approaches have proven especially useful in creating an immersive experience that engages audiences in the bird's natural habitat and the importance of conservation efforts.

Bird collisions with buildings is a widespread problem that affects millions of birds worldwide. Media coverage of this issue can help raise awareness, promote solutions, and encourage action to reduce bird collisions.

One example of media coverage of bird collisions with buildings is the «FLAP» (Fatal Light Awareness Program) campaign in Toronto, Canada [17]. The campaign included billboards, social media posts, and a website that provided information about the problem and solutions. The campaign also encouraged individuals and organizations to take action, such as turning off unnecessary lights during bird migration periods and making buildings more bird-friendly.

In the United States, the American Bird Conservancy launched the «Lights Out» campaign, which encourages building owners and managers to turn off unnecessary lights during migration periods to reduce bird collisions [3]. The campaign has been covered by numerous media outlets, including National Geographic and The New York Times [21; 38; 25].

To popularize this issue in the media in the future, there are several tactics that could be used. One approach is to focus on local stories and solutions, highlighting efforts by individuals and organizations in specific communities to reduce bird collisions. For example, the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania launched the «BirdSafe Pittsburgh» campaign, which includes a bird-friendly building certification program and outreach to building owners and managers [47]. The campaign has been covered by local media outlets, including the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and WESA (a local NPR station).

Another tactic is to use interactive tools to engage audiences and promote solutions. For example, the «Bird Collision Mapper» is an online tool that allows users to report bird collisions with buildings and view data on reported collisions [1; 8]. The tool has been covered by media outlets such as The New York Times and The Washington Post [23; 29].

Birds colliding with buildings, particularly windows, pose a significant anthropogenic threat to bird populations, with rough estimates ranging from 100 million to 1 billion birds killed annually in the United States [32]. Overall, media coverage can play an important role in raising awareness about bird collisions with buildings and promoting solutions to reduce collisions. By highlighting local stories and solutions and using interactive tools to engage audiences, the media can help to encourage action and protect bird populations.

Plastic pollution in oceans is a growing environmental problem that affects seabirds globally. Studies have shown that millions of seabirds are killed each year due to plastic ingestion, entanglement, and other plastic-related injuries [40; 48]. One example of effective media coverage of plastic pollution and seabirds is the «Albatross» film produced by Chris Jordan [2]. The film depicts the tragic effects of plastic pollution on Laysan albatrosses on Midway Atoll, a remote island in the North Pacific Ocean. The film's graphic imagery of dead albatross chicks filled with plastic debris has had a profound impact on audiences worldwide and has helped to spur action on plastic pollution.

Another example is the «Albatross Task Force» (ATF) program. This program was initiated in 2006 by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in the United Kingdom and is currently active in several countries including South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile [7]. The ATF program aims to reduce seabird bycatch in fisheries, which is a major threat to many seabird species. Bycatch refers to the accidental capture of non-target species during fishing operations, and it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of seabirds are killed annually as bycatch in longline and trawl fisheries.

The ATF program involves working closely with fishermen and fishing industries to develop and implement seabird bycatch mitigation measures, such as the use of bird-scaring lines, weighted hooks, and night-setting of fishing gear. These measures have been shown to significantly reduce seabird bycatch and have helped to save thousands of seabirds each year.

In addition to the direct conservation benefits, the ATF program also raises awareness about the issue of seabird bycatch and promotes a culture of responsible fishing practices. The program has been recognized as a successful example of collaboration between conservation organizations, fishing industries, and governments to address a significant conservation issue [19].

To further popularize this issue in the media, journalists can use a variety of tactics, such as:

1. Highlighting local efforts to reduce plastic pollution: Journalists can showcase initiatives by local communities, organizations, and businesses to reduce plastic use and waste. For example, in Australia, the Boomerang Alliance, a coalition of environmental groups, has successfully campaigned for statewide bans on single-use plastic bags, which has helped to reduce plastic waste and its impact on seabirds and other wildlife [9].

2. Using data and visuals to illustrate the scale of the problem: Data and visualizations can help to convey the enormity of the plastic pollution problem and its impact on seabirds. For example, interactive maps that show the distribution of plastic debris in oceans can help audiences understand the global scope of the problem.

3. Highlighting success stories: Journalists can showcase successful conservation efforts that have helped to reduce plastic pollution and its impact on seabirds.

By using these and other tactics, journalists can help to raise awareness about the devastating impact of plastic pollution on seabirds and other wildlife, and inspire action to address this pressing environmental issue.

Illegal bird trade is a significant conservation challenge in Southeast Asia, with millions of birds trapped and sold each year, often to meet demand for traditional medicine, food, or the pet trade [24]. The trade affects hundreds of species, including many that are already threatened with extinction, such as the Javan Green Magpie, Bali Myna, and Rufous-headed Hornbill [4].

The illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia has been covered by the media, but coverage has been sporadic and often limited to local news outlets [22]. However, in recent years, there have been some examples of successful media campaigns that have helped to raise awareness of the issue and inspire action.

One such example is the «Eyes on the Forest» program, which aims to stop illegal logging and wildlife trade in Sumatra, Indonesia. The program is a collaboration between several NGOs, including BirdLife International, Fauna & Flora International, and WWF Indonesia. They work to monitor and report illegal logging and wildlife trade activities to the authorities, as well as raise awareness among local communities about the importance of protecting forests and wildlife [44]. This initiative has been covered by various media outlets, including the BBC, who featured an article on the program and its efforts to stop illegal bird trade in Sumatra. Another example is a feature by Mongabay, which highlights the challenges and successes of the Eyes on the Forest program in tackling illegal logging and wildlife trade [33].

Another initiative is the «Stop the Illegal Bird Trade» campaign by TRAFFIC, a wildlife trade monitoring network [43]. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the impact of the illegal bird trade on wild populations and the importance of conserving threatened species. TRAFFIC works with governments, law enforcement agencies, and conservation organizations to reduce demand for wild- caught birds and enforce laws against the trade. The TRAFFIC campaign received coverage in outlets such as BBC News, Al Jazeera, and The Guardian, shedding light on the impacts of the bird trade and the efforts to combat it.

To popularize the issue in the media in the future, it is important to continue to use a variety of media tactics to engage audiences and raise awareness. Some tactics that could be effective include using social media influencers to reach younger audiences, creating engaging and interactive online content, partnering with celebrities or high-profile individuals to increase visibility, and holding public events or protests to draw attention to the issue. It is also important to continue to work with local communities and grassroots organizations, as they can play a key role in raising awareness and promoting conservation efforts.

The Spoon-billed Sandpiper. The species has been declining rapidly due to habitat loss, hunting, and other threats, and is now estimated to number less than 1,000 individuals in the wild [12]. The plight of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper has received increasing attention in recent years, with conservation organizations and media outlets working to raise awareness and mobilize support for the species.

One notable example of media coverage of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper is the BBC series «Saving the Spoon-billed Sandpiper», which aired in 2018 [6]. The series followed a team of conservationists as they worked to save the species by collecting eggs from the wild, hatching them in captivity, and releasing the young birds into the wild. The series was widely praised for its engaging storytelling and powerful conservation message, and helped to raise awareness about the plight of the species among a broad audience.

In addition to traditional media coverage, a number of interactive tools and techniques have been used to raise awareness about the Spoon-billed Sandpiper and its conservation needs. For example, the conservation organization Birds Korea created a virtual reality (VR) experience that allows users to explore the Spoon-billed Sandpiper's habitat and learn about its conservation needs. The VR experience has been used at conservation events and outreach programs to engage audiences and build support for the species [41].

Moving forward, there are a number of tactics that could be used to popularize the issue of illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia and raise awareness about its impact on the Spoon-billed Sandpiper and other species. One approach could be to leverage the power of social media to reach new audiences and engage with younger generations. For example, the conservation organization TRAFFIC has used social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to share information about illegal bird trade and raise awareness about its impact on wildlife [43].

Another tactic could be to collaborate with local communities and organizations to raise awareness about the issue and promote more sustainable practices. For example, in Indonesia, the conservation organization Burung Indonesia has worked with local communities to promote ecotourism as an alternative to bird hunting and trapping. By engaging with local communities and promoting alternative livelihoods, conservation organizations can help to build support for sustainable conservation practices and reduce the impact of illegal bird trade on species like the Spoon-billed Sandpiper.

The following table (Table 1) summarizes the main findings and recommendations of the case analysis of five bird conservation issues: the Recovery of the California Condor population, Bird collisions with buildings, Plastic pollution in oceans affecting seabirds, Illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia, and Spoon-billed Sandpiper. The table provides an overview of the main research data, media coverage, and impact, as well as practical suggestions for improving bird conservation efforts.

Table 1. Key Messages and Recommended Actions for Each Case Study

Case Study

Key Messages

Recommended Actions

Recovery of the California Condor population

Successful conservation efforts can save endangered species. Public education and awareness campaigns can help to build support for conservation initiatives. Ongoing monitoring and research are necessary to ensure long-term success

Support funding for conservation efforts. Educate the public about the importance of conservation and the role they can play. Continue to monitor the population to ensure that conservation efforts are successful

Bird collisions with buildings

Buildings are a major threat to bird populations. Simple measures, such as turning off lights at night and using bird-friendly building designs, can help to mitigate this threat. Public education and awareness campaigns can help to build support for bird-friendly building practices

Encourage bird-friendly building practices through building codes and regulations. Educate the public about the importance of bird-friendly building practices and the role they can play. Work with architects and developers to promote bird-friendly designs

Plastic pollution in oceans affecting seabirds

Plastic pollution is a major threat to seabird populations. Plastic can harm birds in many ways, from ingestion to entanglement. Reducing plastic use and properly disposing of plastic waste can help to mitigate this threat

Support policies that reduce plastic use and encourage proper disposal of plastic waste. Educate the public about the harm caused by plastic pollution and the role they can play. Support organizations that work to remove plastic from the environment

Illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia

The illegal bird trade is a major threat to bird populations in Southeast Asia. Many species are threatened with extinction due to over-harvesting and habitat loss. Effective law enforcement and public education are necessary to combat this threat

Support law enforcement efforts to combat the illegal bird trade. Educate the public about the harm caused by the illegal bird trade and the role they can play in combatting it. Support organizations that work to protect threatened bird species



The Spoon-billed Sandpiper is critically endangered. Habitat loss and hunting are major threats to the species. Conservation efforts, such as captive breeding programs, can help to save the species from extinction

Support funding for conservation efforts, such as captive breeding programs. Educate the public about the plight of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper and the role they can play in conservation.Work with governments to protect the species' habitat and regulate hunting

Based on the analysis of the five cases presented in this article, it is clear that the media plays a critical role in raising awareness about bird conservation issues, engaging audiences, and inspiring action. Through effective coverage, the media can bring attention to critical conservation issues, highlight successful conservation efforts, and create a sense of urgency among the public and policymakers.

bird population condor


The case of the California Condor population demonstrates the power of media coverage in helping to recover endangered bird populations. By consistently covering the issue over a long period of time and using interactive techniques such as live-streaming and webcams, the media was able to engage audiences and raise awareness about the importance of conservation efforts. This resulted in increased funding and support for the conservation program, which ultimately led to the successful recovery of the California Condor population.

In the case of bird collisions with buildings, media coverage has helped to raise awareness about this issue and inspire action to reduce the number of bird fatalities. By highlighting successful interventions such as the use of bird-friendly building design and lighting practices, the media has encouraged the implementation of more bird-friendly practices in building design and construction.

The issue of plastic pollution in oceans affecting seabirds has received significant media coverage in recent years, resulting in increased awareness about the devastating impact of plastic pollution on marine wildlife. Through investigative journalism and scientific reporting, the media has exposed the extent of the problem, resulting in increased public pressure on policymakers and industry to take action to reduce plastic pollution.

The illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia is a complex issue that has received limited media coverage in many countries. However, in countries where media coverage has been more extensive, such as Indonesia and the Philippines, it has helped to raise awareness about the problem and inspire action to combat illegal bird trade. Through investigative journalism, the media has exposed the extent of the problem and the role of criminal networks in driving the trade, resulting in increased public pressure on policymakers to take action.

The case of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper highlights the critical role of media coverage in raising awareness about little-known bird species facing extinction. By highlighting the unique features and conservation needs of this species, the media has helped to generate support for conservation efforts and funding for research and conservation programs.

Overall, the analysis of these five cases demonstrates the importance of media coverage in raising awareness about bird conservation issues and inspiring action to protect endangered bird populations. The media has the power to bring attention to critical issues, highlight successful conservation efforts, and create a sense of urgency among the public and policymakers. Through effective coverage, the media can help to ensure a sustainable future for birds and the ecosystems they depend on.


1. ACM Web. The sad, powerful science of Global Bird Collision Mapping. Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis. 2021.

2. Albatross.

3. Audubon. Lights out.

4. Bale R. New evidence shows the illegal pet trade is wiping out Indonesia's birds. Animals. 2021.

5. Bargheer S. Moral entanglements: conserving birds in Britain and Germany. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018.

6. BBC. Rare spoon-billed sandpiper chicks in breeding `first' die. BBC News. 2016.

7. BirdLife South Africa. Albatross Task Force. 2022.

8. Global bird collision mapper. BirdSafe.

9. Boomerang Alliance.

10. California Condor Recovery Program: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. FWS.gov.

11. Citizen science for coastal and marine conservation / eds.: J.A. Cigliano, H. L. Ballard. London: Routledge, 2017. P. 261-278.

12. Clark N.A., Anderson G.Q., Li J., Syroechkovskiy E.E., Tomkovich P. S., Zockler C., Green R. E. First formal estimate of the world population of the Critically Endangered spoon-billed sandpiper Calidris pygmaea. Oryx. 2018. № 52 (1). P. 137-146.

13. Condorkids: United States. California condor.

14. Dale J.P., Goggin J., Leyda J., McIntyre A., Negra D. Live cuteness 24/7: Performing boredom on animal live streams Katy Peplin. The Aesthetics and Affects of Cuteness. 2016. P. 122-139.

15. Elmore J.A., Hager S.B., Cosentino B.J., O'Connell T.J., Riding C.S., Anderson M.L., Loss S.R. Correlates of bird collisions with buildings across three North American countries. Conservation Biology. 2021. № 35 (2). P. 654-665.

16. Esther Kettel. In defence of vultures, nature's early-warning systems that are holy to many people. The Conversation. 2023.

17. FLAP Canada. Home.

18. Grable J. Newest flock of Wild California condors faces an old threat: Lead poisoning the revelator. The Revelator.

19. Simple change to fishing gear saves thousands of birds in Namibia. Guardian News and Media.

20. Top-flight recovery: The inspiring comeback of the california condor. Guardian News and Media.

21. Hauser C. Turn the lights out. here come the birds. The New York Times. 2021.

22. Heim W., Chan S., Holzel N., Ktitorov P., Mischenko A., Kamp J. East Asian buntings: Ongoing illegal trade and encouraging conservation responses. Conservation Science and Practice. 2021. № 3 (6).

23. Hunt K. How birds are adapting to climate crisis. CNN. 2022.

24. Kamp J., Oppel S., Ananin A.A., Durnev Y.A., Gashev S.N., Holzel N., Chan, S. Global population collapse in a superabundant migratory bird and illegal trapping in China. Conservation biology. 2015. № 29 (6). P. 1684-1694.

25. Kay J. Nighttime lights reset birds' internal clocks, threatening dawn's chorus. Science. 2021.

26. Kensek K., Ding Y., Longcore T. Green building and biodiversity: Facilitating bird friendly design with building information models. Journal of Green Building. 2016. № 11 (2). P. 116-130.

27. Kettmann M. The Great California Condor Comeback. The Santa Barbara Independent. 2010.

28. Lao S., Robertson B.A., Anderson A.W., Blair R.B., Eckles J.W., Turner R.J., Loss S. R. The influence of artificial light at night and polarized light on bird-building collisions. Biological Conservation. 2020. № 241. P. 108-358.

29. Lee J. When birds collide, with buildings. The New York Times. 2009.

30. Lees A.C., Haskell L., Allinson T., Bezeng S.B., Burfield I.J., Renjifo L.M. Butchart S.H. State of the World's Birds. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2022. № 47. P. 231-260.

31. Live california condor nest camera. Santa Barbara Zoo. 2022.

32. Loss S.R., Will T., Loss S.S., Marra P.P. Bird-building collisions in the United States: Estimates of annual mortality and species vulnerability. The Condor. 2014. № 116 (1). P. 8-23.

33. Conservation news - Environmental science and conservation news. Mongabay.

34. California condor, facts and photos. National Geographic.

35. Pain D., Hughes B., Syroechkovskiy E., Zockler C., Chowdhury S., Anderson G., Clark N. Saving the Spoon-billed Sandpiper: a conservation update. British Birds. 2018. № 111. P. 323-333.

36. Broken wings. PBS SoCal.

37. Provencher J.F., Borrelle S.B., Bond A.L., Lavers J.L., Van Franeker J.A., Kuhn S., Mallory M.L. Recommended best practices for plastic and litter ingestion studies in marine birds: Collection, processing, and reporting. Facets. 2019. № 4 (1). P. 111-130.

38. Renkl M. Lights out, America! (songbirds are counting on us). The New York Times. 2022.

39. Ribeiro J., Reino L., Schindler S., Strubbe D., Vall-llosera M., AraOjo M. B., Nuno A. Trends in legal and illegal trade of wild birds: A global assessment based on expert knowledge. Biodiversity and conservation. 2019. № 28. P. 3343-3369.

40. Roman L., Schuyler Q., Wilcox C., Hardesty B. D. Plastic pollution is killing marine megafauna, but how do we prioritize policies to reduce mortality? Conservation Letters. 2021. № 14 (2).

41. Rowan B. Going to the birds! Koreatimes. 2018.

42. The Condor's shadow: A documentary film on the california condor. The Condor's Shadow. 2013.

43. Wildlife Trade Specialists. TRAFFIC.

44. Tryse D. Eyes on the forest: Sumatra.

45. Van Doren B.M., Willard D.E., Hennen M., Horton K.G., Stuber E.F., Sheldon D. Winger B.M. Drivers of fatal bird collisions in an urban center. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021. № 118 (24).

46. Wang L., Nabi G., Yin L., Wang Y., Li S., Hao Z., Li D.Birds and plastic pollution: recent advances. Avian Research. 2021. № 12. P. 1-9.

47. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Allegheny Bird Conservation Alliance. 2018.

48. Wilcox C., Van Sebille E., Hardesty B.D. Threat of plastic pollution to seabirds is global, pervasive, and increasing. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences. 2015. № 112 (38). P.11899-11904.


1. ACM Web. (2021). The sad, powerful science of Global Bird Collision Mapping. Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis. [in English].

2. Albatross. [in English].

3. Audubon. Lights out. [in English].

4. Bale R. (2021). New evidence shows the illegal pet trade is wiping out Indonesia's birds. Animals. [in English].

5. Bargheer S. (2018). Moral entanglements: conserving birds in Britain and Germany. Chicago: University of Chicago Press [in English].

6. BBC. (2016). Rare spoon-billed sandpiper chicks in breeding `first' die. BBC News. [in English].

7. BirdLife South Africa. Albatross Task Force. (2022). [in English].

8. Global bird collision mapper. BirdSafe. [in English].

9. Boomerang Alliance. [in English].

10. California Condor Recovery Program: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. FWS.gov. [in English].

11. Cigliano J.A., Ballard H.L. (Eds.). (2017). Citizen science for coastal and marine conservation. London: Routledge [in English].

12. Clark N.A., Anderson G.Q., Li J., Syroechkovskiy E.E., Tomkovich P.S., Zockler C., ... Green R. E. (2018). First formal estimate of the world population of the Critically Endangered spoon-billed sandpiper Calidris pygmaea. Oryx, 52(1), 137-146 [in English].

13. Condorkids: United States. California condor. [in English].

14. Dale J.P., Goggin J., Leyda J., McIntyre A., Negra D. (2016). Live cuteness 24/7: Performing boredom on animal live streams Katy Peplin. The Aesthetics and Affects of Cuteness, 122-139 [in English].

15. Elmore J.A., Hager S.B., Cosentino B.J., O'Connell T.J., Riding C.S., Anderson M.L., ... Loss S.R. (2021). Correlates of bird collisions with buildings across three North American countries. Conservation Biology, 35 (2), 654-665 [in English].

16. Esther Kettel (2023). In defence of vultures, nature's early-warning systems that are holy to many people. The Conversation. [in English].

17. FLAP Canada. Home. (2022). Retrieved from https://flap.org/ [in English].

18. Grable J. (2023). Newest flock of Wild California condors faces an old threat: Lead poisoning the revelator. The Revelator. [in English].

19. Guardian News and Media. (2021). Simple change to fishing gear saves thousands of birds in Namibia. The Guardian. [in English].

20. Guardian News and Media. (2022). Top-flight recovery: The inspiring comeback of the california condor. The Guardian. [in English].

21. Hauser C. (2021). Turn the lights out. here come the birds. The New York Times. [in English].

22. Heim W., Chan S., Holzel N., Ktitorov P., Mischenko A., Kamp J. (2021). East Asian buntings: Ongoing illegal trade and encouraging conservation responses. Conservation Science and Practice, 3 (6) [in English].

23. Hunt, K. (2022). How birds are dapting to climate crisis. CNN. [in English].

24. Kamp J., Oppel S., Ananin A.A., Durnev Y.A., Gashev S.N., Holzel N., ... Chan S. (2015). Global population collapse in a superabundant migratory bird and illegal trapping in China. Conservation biology, 29 (6), 1684-1694 [in English].

25. Kay J. (2021). Nighttime lights reset birds' internal clocks, threatening dawn's chorus. Science. [in English].

26. Kensek K., Ding Y., Longcore T. (2016). Green building and biodiversity: Facilitating bird friendly design with building information models. Journal of Green Building, 11 (2), 116-130 [in English].

27. Kettmann M. (2010). The Great California Condor Comeback. The Santa Barbara Independent. [in English].

28. Lao S., Robertson B.A., Anderson A.W., Blair R.B., Eckles J.W., Turner R.J., Loss S.R. (2020). The influence of artificial light at night and polarized light on bird-building collisions. Biological Conservation, 241, 108-358 [in English].

29. Lee J. (2009). When birds collide, with buildings. The New York Times. [in English].

30. Lees A.C., Haskell L., Allinson T., Bezeng S.B., Burfield I.J., Renjifo L.M., Butchart S.H. (2022). State of the World's Birds. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 47, 231-260 [in English].

31. Live california condor nest camera. Santa Barbara Zoo. (2022). [in English].

32. Loss S.R., Will T., Loss S.S., Marra P.P. (2014). Bird-building collisions in the United States: Estimates of annual mortality and species vulnerability. The Condor, 116 (1), 8-23 [in English].

33. Conservation news Environmental science and conservation news. Mongabay. [in English].

34. California condor, facts and photos. National Geographic. [in English].

35. Pain D., Hughes B., Syroechkovskiy E., Zockler C., Chowdhury S., Anderson G., Clark N. (2018). Saving the Spoon-billed Sandpiper: a conservation update. British Birds, 111, 323-333 [in English].

36. PBS SoCal. Broken wings. [in English].

37. Provencher J.F., Borrelle S.B., Bond A.L., Lavers J.L., Van Franeker J.A., Kuhn S., ... Mallory M.L. (2019). Recommended best practices for plastic and litter ingestion studies in marine birds: Collection, processing, and reporting. Facets, 4 (1), 111-130 [in English].

38. Renkl M. (2022). Lights out, America! (songbirds are counting on us). The New York Times. [in English].

39. Ribeiro J., Reino L., Schindler S., Strubbe D., Vall-llosera M., AraOjo M.B., Nuno A. (2019). Trends in legal and illegal trade of wild birds: A global assessment based on expert knowledge. Biodiversity and conservation, 28, 3343-3369 [in English].

40. Roman L., Schuyler Q., Wilcox C., Hardesty B.D. (2021). Plastic pollution is killing marine megafauna, but how do we prioritize policies to reduce mortality? Conservation Letters, 14 (2) [in English].

41. Rowan B. (2018). Going to the birds! Koreatimes. [in English].

42. The Condor's Shadow. (2013). The Condor's shadow: A documentary film on the california condor. [in English].

43. Wildlife Trade Specialists. TRAFFIC. [in English].

44. Tryse D. Eyes on the forest: Sumatra. Eyes on the Forest: Sumatra. [in English].

45. Van Doren B.M., Willard D.E., Hennen M., Horton K.G., Stuber E.F., Sheldon D., ... Winger B.M. (2021). Drivers of fatal bird collisions in an urban center. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (24) [in English].

46. Wang L., Nabi G., Yin L., Wang Y., Li S., Hao Z., Li D. (2021). Birds and plastic pollution: recent advances. Avian Research, 12, 1-9 [in English].

47. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. (2018). Allegheny Bird Conservation Alliance. [in English].

48. Wilcox C., Van Sebille E., Hardesty B.D. (2015). Threat of plastic pollution to seabirds is global, pervasive, and increasing. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences, 112 (38), 11899-11904 [in English].

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