The concept of power in American media discourse

The article provides the in-depth analysis of the concept of power in American media. The article also defines the concept of "media discourse", accentuating the central feature - the combination of the interaction of neutrality and expressiveness.

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The concept of power in American media discourse

Olesia Reshetar

Senior Lecturer of the Department of English Philology of the UzhhorodNational University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine


The article provides the in-depth analysis of the concept of power in American media discourse within the framework of the linguo-cultural paradigm. The study of concepts is currently one of the priority areas of scientific research not only with linguists, but also with scientists from other fields. The focuse is put at taking into account a number of concept characteristics based on the features of its structure, content, verbalization prospective and its representation potential for nationally marked, cultural phenomena, moral and value characteristics. A review of the scientific interpretation of the concept, complemented by the analysis of various interpretations of the key term is presented and the author's definition of the studied phenomenon is proposed. The article also defines the concept of "media discourse", accentuating the central feature - the combination of the interaction of neutrality and expressiveness with an emphasis on information conversion processes. The integration of media discourse into social and personal spheres with the objective of achieving the desired illocutionary effect is noted, which determined the choice of this type of discourse as a field of scientific research. The method of field structuring of the POWER concept is applied, the core and periphery are distinguished. In the study, based on existing schlolarly approaches, three structure components of the concept under analysis are distinguished: etymological, conceptual, and associative-figurative. According to the results of the first, it can be assumed that the sociocultural conceptual content of POWER has a gender nature and is the result of a metaphorical reinterpretation of the realities of the natural world. The conceptual side of the concept is reflected in the lexical meanings of words, represented by the material from dictionary articles. The special emphasis of the study is on the verbalization of the POWER concept by phraseological units, since it is phraseology that represents the entire culturally and nationally marked heritage of the peoples.

Keywords: concept, media discourse, linguo-cognitive approach, phraseological units.

Problem statement

The anthropocentric paradigm, which now guides researchers in the field of philological sciences to an in-depth study of verbal structures, linguistic phenomena in close connection with specific social processes, with a specific person, community or society requires new approaches to the study of linguistic phenomena. The emergence of the concept in linguistics marked a new level in the understanding of methods, regularities and features of language interaction, consciousness and culture.

In linguistics, the comprehension of the nature of a certain concept is essential, since upon its command, a complete structure of all kinds of concepts, terms, and features of their existence and functioning emerges quite naturally and effortlessly. Conceptually significant elements of the world picture, reflected in linguistic form, reveal all shades of their meaning on account of semantic analysis, which includes methodological techniques of prototype theory, methods of describing word concepts, which reflect the sum of textual interpretations of the content. The study of each individual concept of a certain system contributes to the generalization and accentuation of features in one or another fragment and a deeper understanding of the general systemic laws of the language as a whole. Modern understanding of the concept and its structure is based on a long tradition of language units analysis through the prism of logical-linguistic categories. The fact of concept interpretation taking into account its characteristic features and the peculiarities of its manifestation, content, structure, degree, verbalization possibilities and its relationship with established models and existing stereotypes is undeniable. In our study, the accent is placed on the characteristics of the POWER concept on the grounds of modern American media discourse.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The doctrine of the conceptual nature of human thinking is the basis of linguistic and cultural studies and cognitology and was primarily represented in the works of linguists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The first of the modern authors who, on the basis of the anthropological approach to language study, established by V. von Humbldt, E. Sapir and B. L. Whorf, came to the conclusion that we conceptualize the world not directly, but through language, was A. Vezhbytska. At present, scientists I.O. Golubovska, S.A. Zhabotynska, M.P. Kochergan, V. M. Manakin, O.O. Selivanova, as well as R. Jackendorf, J. Lakoff, M. Minsky, C. Fillmore, V. Chaif, M. Schwartz are working on the study of concepts and peculiarities of their linguistic embodiment.

Despite the significant history of scientific exploration of this problem, there are still debatable issues, regarding the definition of the term, the methodology of its investigation, etc., the study of concepts and the peculiarities of their use is currently one of the priority areas of scientific and theoretical research not only for linguists and philologists, but also for researchers of other scientific fields, especially in new research paradigms.

The concept of media discourse is relatively new in linguistics and is connected with the emergence and spread of a new type of communication, characteristic of the information mass-media space. Media typology is the object of the study of discourse analysis, intercultural communication, medialinguistics, etc. Media discourse presupposes any type of discourse that is implemented in the media sphere and produced by mass media [1,12]. Media discourse is represented by printed media, TV and radio, and Internet content.

According to M.R. Zheltukhina, the purpose of creating media discourse is the transmission of political, socio-cultural and other information for the purpose of promoting certain ideas, exerting influence, and forming a certain public opinion [1, c. 7]

Alan Bell notes that media discourse is designed to convey information about current problems in society, social, political, ethno-cultural and other events and phenomena. It plays the chief political and ideological role, influences the activities of social institutions, contributing not only to the dissemination of socially significant information, but also serving as a means of social education [2, c. 23].

It is the English-language media discourse, actualized by the scope of speeches and written texts created by journalists that are distributed throughout the world through newspapers, magazines, and especially Internet content, that arouses considerable interest in scientists. The significant role of the USA and other Englishspeaking countries, their key positions on the world arena draw the attention of researchers to the English-language media discourse, the most important feature of which is the combination of the standard of formality and expression, the interaction of neutral and expressive-evaluative language units. It is this characteristic feature that determined our choice of the research matter.

The aim of the study is to explore the concept of POWER in the American publicistic language matter of media discourse. The research is based on the material of journalistic works (mainly news and analytical articles) and publications on news Internet resources, in particular: The Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the USA Today and others.

Results and discussions

concept power american media

The study of concepts is currently one of the priority areas of scientific research not only for linguists, but also for scholars presenting other disciplines. In linguistics, concept is one of the fundamental terms of cognitive linguistics, which considers it in a variety of aspects.

In modern scientific thought, there are two main views on the structure of the concept: cognitive and linguo-cultural one. In the field of cognitive linguistics, there are several models of the structure of the concept: the frame one - data structuring in a stereotypical situation, the field model - consists of the core and layers of the periphery and the schematic one - relying on conceptual metaphors. Despite certain differences in the definitions of the concept, most cognitologists recognize that this phenomenon is characterized by a definite structure. Considering the concept from the standpoint of linguistic and cultural studies, representatives of this approach single out three of its main components:

1) a conceptual component that reflects the definitional structure;

2) a figurative component, which fixes cognitive metaphors in linguistic consciousness;

3) a meaningful component determined by the place occupied by the concept in the lexical-grammatical system of a certain language, it also includes etymological and associative characteristics.

Conceptual analysis of the text involves finding ways of linguistic objectification of conceptual categories, i.e. concepts. The concept, which is revealed, first of all at the lexical level, appears as the main unit that realizes the creative individual-author perception of reality. O. Kaganovska notes that the speech plan of the textual concept is a manifestation of its verbal nature, and in this case the textual concept appears as a reality reflected in consciousness not directly, but through the language.

As a rule, researchers associate the text concept with the content of the text or with the idea, as some kind of mental image of the text. O. Kaganovska notes that the speech plan of the textual concept is a manifestation of its verbal character, and in this case the textual concept appears as a reality reflected in consciousness not directly, but through the language [3].

A.M. Prykhodko describes the concept as a complexity, which, in addition to the content, assessment and relationship of the speaker to the described object, also contains the following components: universal (universal); national - cultural, social. group, individual-personal, the formation of which is influenced by personal characteristics (education, upbringing, individual experience, psychophysiological features) [4, p. 45].

The following concepts are traditionally distinguished by the format of representation: single, double gestalt, cluster, cumulative, pictorial, parabolic, essay.

The most common classification is the division of concepts into universal and national ones. The former are presented in the form of general human knowledge, the latter - focuse on a specific nation.

Therefore, the concept is a conductor of information that reflects the content of acquired knowledge, life experience and the results of knowledge of the world. A person thinks by means of concepts, and these thoughts pass through the prism of philosophical, religious, national-cultural, psychological and other non-verbal factors that reflect the complex nature of the concept. The concept is a kind of link between the word and reality. With the help of the concept, the word penetrates into the linguistic picture of the world and interacts with other lexical units. That is, the concept is a central semantic category in the scientific-linguistic description of the linguistic reflection of the surrounding realities and the world as a whole. Concepts are also a spiritual heritage in the minds of people.

Modern media discourse is the sphere of language, in which there is an intensive development and a steady tendency towards new transformational processes. At the same time, mass media effectively influence the cultural and social context of personal opinion formation and individual decision-making. Media discourse is integrated into social, personal and professional spheres and can be used to achieve an appropriate illocutionary effect.

The fundamental difference of mass media discourse, in addition to the production of certain knowledge, evaluations of objects and their images as a result of speech-thinking activity, is the provision of the methods of broadcasting this information. That is, the central concept of mass media discourse is not socio-political processes, but methods of their description and information transmission [5]. Processes of converting information into meanings (construction of knowledge), transition of knowledge from one level (institutional) to another (everyday), fusion of any type of information (political and entertainment, events and advertising), etc. take place in the media discourse. Thus, the analysis of media discourse is aimed, on the one hand, at identifying the essential elements of the process of creating and translating meanings during mass communication, and on the other hand, at determining the role of the media context in meaning creation. Media discourse emerges as a leading type of discourse that permeates all types of institutional and everyday communication.

Since "POWER" is considered primarily as a category of political science and sociology, in order to reveal the nature of the concept, it will be appropriate to pay attention to the nuances of its implementation and connotation, the speech activity that is connected with the represented concept precisely in the media space.

In our study, we use the method of field structuring of the concept, which involves the selection of its core and periphery. The concept is not characterized by stability and immutability, the components of conceptual features intersect and pass into the boundaries of other systems.

The POWER concept includes basic and peripheral levels, which are fundamental and optional, respectively, which are distinguished by deepening knowledge and concretizing the content of the concept. The core of the concept consists of a central content element, which is characterized by semantic stability, and primary bright images, and the periphery - from abstract signs.

In our scientific investigation based on existing approaches to the structure of the concept, we distinguish the following components: etymological, conceptual, associative, figurative. We suggest starting with the etymological component, studying the etymology of the name of the concept of POWER in the English language, which is represented by the lexeme 'power'. The results of the etymological analysis of the name of the studied concept suggest that the sociocultural conceptual content of POWER has a gender nature and is the result of a metaphorical reinterpretation of the realities of the physical world, namely, the supremacy of a man, which endows him with the ability to continue the human race, and therefore, makes him the master of the world [6, p.57].

The conceptual side of the concept is reflected in the lexical meanings of the words that represent it, the research material of the conceptual component of the concept was the articles of encyclopedic, explanatory dictionaries containing the key lexeme "power". According to The Oxford English Reference Dictionary [7] and Longman Dictionary [8], in the English language the word "power" is used in the following meanings:

- (a natural or unusual ability for doing something);

- (the physical strength to do something);

-(political control of a country or government, official or legal authority to do something);

- (official or legal authority to do something);

- (a person who exercises control, influence, or authority);

- (a very wealthy or powerful businessman, group or organization);

- (a country that is able to influence other countries because of its economic or military strength);

- (the source of energy);

- (a large amount or quantity);

- (possibility to use mechanical force or do some work);

- (mechanical or electric energy);

- (certain source of energy);

- (energy that can be used to make a machine work or to make electricity); -(used in mathematics for saying how many times you multiply a number by itself);

- (technical the ability of a lens to make things look bigger) [Longman Dictionary; Oxford English].

Based on the analysis of the definitions, we conclude that the following aspects of the POWER concept are reflected in the semantic content of the lexeme:

- strength, power, energy, productivity; - might, power (state), influence, power;

- the state; - authority; - ability, opportunity; - many, a large number. Accordingly, the representative word of the studied concept is the lexeme

"power", within which the following definitions are identified:[7.8]

* The ability or right to control people or events

* The position of having political control of a country or government

* A natural or special ability to do something

* Energy that can be used to make a machine work or to make electricity

* A country that is strong and important and can influence events, or that has a lot of military strength

At the same time, the aforementioned lexeme is the core of the studied concept, while the lexemes - authority, control - form the near periphery, whereas command, jurisdiction, - present the far periphery.

In the language, the concept of POWER is represented by means of a number of synonymous units, specific statements, texts, as well as by means of paroimia, phraseological units and metaphors. It should be noted that it is paroimia, phraseological units and metaphors that represent the figurative and valuable component of the concept.

It is phraseology that represents the accumulation of centuries-old experience of a nation, is an imprint of its worldview, by means of language transmission of its labor and cultural experience, as well as customs and traditions in a figurative and emotional form. Phraseologisms complement the picture of the world created by lexical units. A property of a certain part of phraseological units is their ability to represent the active image of the world [9, c. 52]. It is this characteristic feature that determined our scientific investigation matter, which focuses precisely on the phraseological verbalization of the POWER concept in American media discourse.

Having analyzed a number of the most influential and reputable newspapes, we singled out the following phrases that verbalize the concept of POWER:

- come to power

(To start having political control) [Longman Dictionary]

"But, Schulman contends, the real key to understanding the awards comes down to power: “who has it, who's straining to keep it, who's invading the golden citadel to snatch it. " [10]

- to seize power

(to take the authority/power by force) [Longman Dictionary]

"If the Russians could seize the seat of power in Ukraine, or at least cause the government to flee in panic, the defense of the country would quickly unravel. Moscow could install a puppet government. "[11]

- to take power

(- to take the authority/power by force) [Longman Dictionary]

He waits to take power after winning the presidential election. [11]

- gray power

(the political or economic power of older people) [Longman Dictionary]

"These events illustrate the surging growth of “gray power" as a political force in recent years. Today, one in every 10 Americans is over 65, and as that percentage rises the influence of the elderly is expected to increase further" [12]

- the power behind the scenes

(one, maintained, or held out of public view or in secret, revealing what is done without the public) [The Free Dictionary]

"A new history of the Oscars reveals the power behind the glamour".

"When elections in February saw the PPP emerge as the largest party, Zardari named a prime minister of his choosing. However, last month he decided being the power behind the scenes was not enough"[10]

- the powers that be

(- the unknown people who have important positions of authority and power, and whose decisions affect your life) [Longman Dictionary]

"You don't go overnight from a revolutionary situation and the disappearance of the powers-that-be to a stable democratic regime" [12]

From the presented examples, it can be concluded that representatives of American society consider power as an object of acquisition, return, loss (to take, seize, come to power). In the abovementioned examples, such signs of the concept as: coming to the rule, the ability of seizing authority are identified. A particularly interesting characteristic of power as something hidden, secret, not open for everyone for the reason that important decisions, "big politics" are made behind the scenes, "behind closed doors" is actualized in these examples.

The phraseological unit "gray power" represents the culturally marked feature of the American nation, where historically the highest levels of political power were represented be experienced senior politicians. In American culture this phraseological unit is extremely relevant, since sustainable democracy, represented by experienced politicians, occupies a leading place in the system of basic social and moral values of the American nation, is one of the pillars of statehood and represents one of the fundamental elements of American cultural code. In the understanding of US citizens, knowledge, experience (which comes with age) appear as power, and the power of the US is to ensure peace, stability and security around the world.

Idiomatic expressions play an extremely important role in the representation of the meaning of the concept, among which the following are to be highlighted:

- the corridors of power

(the places or positions occupied by those with authority, especially in the upper levels of government) [The Free Dictionary]

"At the very least, there should be more outrage right now -- significantly more. There should be viral impeachment scuttlebutt inside nearly every D.C. corridor of power over the fact that Trump allowed two high-level members of a foreign government, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and ambassador (and reputed spy recruiter) Sergey Kislyak, into the Oval Office "[13]

- the balance of power

(- the situation where the power held by one governing body or adversary is balanced by the power of another)

(- the various magnitudes of power and authority being exerted simultaneously between multiple opposing people, groups or bodies) [The Free Dictionary]

"Take a look at what Russians like to call the “correlation offorces” and you can see that there has been a significant change in the global balance of power:

Simply put, the United States and its European allies are up, and Russia is down. ”[14]

”The Ukraine war has reminded the world of an inescapable fact: America's military might, intelligence dominance and strategic partnerships are overwhelmingly powerful. The changes in the balance of power are still in process. But the world is different from what it was before Feb. 24, and for now, it's going America's way. ” [14]

”And just wait until the votes start pouring in. Will the judges throw a presumptive Republican nominee in jail for contempt of court? Once it becomes clear that they will not, then the power balance within the courtroom, and in the country at large, will shift again to Trump”. [15 ]

- power play

(- an action, behavior or strategy intended to assert or exaggerate one's power, authority, influence; )

(- a strategy, using one's power or authority to carry out a plan or to get one's way) [The Free Dictionary]

"China's awkward power play at the BRIGS summit ”[15]

- power dissolve

(- to devolve into a more chaotic or disorderly state) [The Free Dictionary]

"Putin's defeat could become a very messy affair, through a desperate Russian attempt to use nuclear weapons, or simply through the spread of chaos and fragmentation across Eurasia as Russian power dissolves” [14]

- fall from power

(- to lose one's authority or power in a particular situation or setting)

(- to go out of office) [The Free Dictionary]

"When the moment came, his fall from power was as full of drama and controversy as his ascent”. [16]

- limit power -

(- to stop an amount or number from increasing beyond a particular point) [Longman Dictionary]

”What limits those powers? The most obvious answer is the institutions of justice -- all of which Trump, by his very election, will have defied and revealed as impotent. ”[15 ]

- pardon power -

( - The pardon power (or, the power to pardon) refers to the executive power to alter, cancel, or substitute a criminal sentence or punishment outside of the judicial branch. This power is also frequently referred to as executive clemency. The pardon power is most commonly exercised by a head of state, but it may also be exercised by or with the consultation of a government minister, a cabinet, a specially-appointed committee, or a legislature.)

(- A pardon completely exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime) [Oxford Constitutional Law]

" Where the Presidential Candidates Stand on Pardon Power" [17]

- exercise power over

(- to assert control or authority over somebody or something) [The Free Dictionary]

”As Bachner and Ginsberg argue, civil servants exercise real power over how the government operates. They write and enforce rules and regulations. They might not decide what becomes law, but they have a hand in how laws are drawn up and how laws are implemented”. [18]

- a power trip -

(- you are on a power trip, you are enjoying your power or authority in a way that other people think is unpleasant ) [Longman Dictionary]

"Power Trip' Review: Giving a Push to Civilization” [19]

- in power

(- having some degree of political power, control, authority)

(- in control, in charge) [The Free Dictionary]

"President Joe Biden on Saturday said Russian leader V. Putin “cannot remain in power, ” ratcheting up international pressure and further uniting NATO allies against Putin over his invasion of Ukraine.” [20]

- abuse of power

(- improper use of authority by someone who has that authority because he or she holds a public office) [The Free Dictionary]

"Even given his latest series of unforgivable crimes, including obstruction of justice, abuse of power andflagrantly betraying our intelligence partners, the GOP doesn't care. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell especially doesn't care -- no matter how much the Democrats scream on the floor of the Senate, he doesn't care. ”[13]

- soft power -

(- the ability of a nation or other political entity to reach a desired outcome by non violent methods (such as diplomacy, negotiations and foreign aid) and without the use of threat or force) [The Free Dictionary]

“Given the aims of the C in BRICS, neither the B, R, I or S nor other countries that have expressed an interest in joining, such as Indonesia, can really be enthusiastic about becoming Beijing's vassals just to teach Washington a lesson” . “That's one reason why the forum will struggle to project soft power, much less hard. ” [15]

- middle powers -

(- in international relations, a middle power is a sovereign state that is not a great power nor a superpower, but still has large or moderate influence and international recognition) [The Free Dictionary]

“Forming a coalition with Russia and China gives Global South states leverage in their dealings with the US-led West. It also helps generate a more multipolar world, long a goal of the South's middle powers. ”[15]

The abovementioned idioms represent power in the mind of an Englishspeaking person, as a authority that can be used (exercise power over), lost (fall from power, out of control), which can be controlled (the balance of power). It is interesting to identify the idiom: "middle power" countries, which for US representatives are lower in rank and importance on the world political map, especially considering America's undisputed leading position. Another interesting idiomatic expression is "soft power", a concept that has gained great popularity in the USA, whose democratic traditions and values are oriented towards the peaceful settlement of any conflicts.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

The conducted study of the concept of POWER in the paradigm of modern US media discourse allows us to conclude that the corresponding concept exists in the minds of representatives of American nation as a complex mental formation that condenses diverse ideas about power. These ideas are explained by various linguistic means: individual lexemes, word combinations and phraseological expressions, which were the objects of special attention of the present research. The following actualized features of the concept were defined as: coming to rule, the authority of seizing power, power as a force that can be used, lost, controlled, as well as a particularly interesting characteristic of power as something hidden, secret, which happens "behind closed doors". This study showed that the concept of POWER is one of the relevant concepts, as evidenced by the variety of means of its verbalization. A wide representation in the phraseological fund of the language testifies the significance and relevance of this concept for the English-speaking linguistic culture and serves as a prerequisite of further research, in particular, in terms of metaphorical representation.


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  • Описание явления социальных сетей и современной ситуации на соответствующем рынке. Изучение видов взаимодействия в интернете и взаимодействия различных типов аудитории в социальных сетях. Рекомендации по продвижению СМИ на примере журнала "Катрен-Стиль".

    дипломная работа [2,6 M], добавлен 20.06.2014

  • Oprah as one of the longest-running daytime television talk shows in history. General characteristics of the Oprah Winfrey Show, acquaintance with guests. Relationship with the activity of one of the most influential in the world of american leaders.

    презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 28.05.2015

  • Сущность понятия имидж политического деятеля, принципы и mass-media каналы его формирования, анализ зарубежного опыта. Имидж председателя Законодательного Собрания Краснодарского края: исследование краевых печатных СМИ, перспективы позиционирования.

    курсовая работа [87,9 K], добавлен 09.06.2013

  • Анализ деятельности издательств. Издательства и ассоциации в книжном бизнесе США. Журналы по книжному бизнесу. Association of American Publishers - организация, представляющая интересы издателей книг, журналов, аудио и электронных продуктов в Америке.

    курсовая работа [84,8 K], добавлен 09.01.2014

  • Analysis of the publishing content. Relationship of international relations and the complexity of editorials in periodicals wider audience. The similarity between international relations and newspaper editorials in the western and communist countries.

    статья [21,3 K], добавлен 23.02.2010

  • Chinese media and government. Xinhua (the China News Agency) and People's Daily, the two most important print media. Internet censorship in China. Central Television, talk Radio, cable TV and satellites. The role of "internal" media. Market competition.

    курсовая работа [404,3 K], добавлен 09.12.2010

  • Russian mass media as the tool of democracy. The law on mass-media of 1991. Strengthening the rights of mass-media and their restriction. Role of the state in becoming. Latent forms of the state intervention. Monitoring by authority of regional editions.

    контрольная работа [16,4 K], добавлен 17.04.2011

  • Mass Media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media.People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media.

    топик [5,0 K], добавлен 29.10.2006

  • Concept as a linguo-cultural phenomenon. Metaphor as a means of concept actualization, his general characteristics and classification. Semantic parameters and comparative analysis of the concept "Knowledge" metaphorization in English and Ukrainian.

    курсовая работа [505,9 K], добавлен 09.10.2020

  • Act of gratitude and its peculiarities. Specific features of dialogic discourse. The concept and features of dialogic speech, its rationale and linguistic meaning. The specifics and the role of the study and reflection of gratitude in dialogue speech.

    дипломная работа [66,6 K], добавлен 06.12.2015

  • The study of the functional style of language as a means of coordination and stylistic tools, devices, forming the features of style. Mass Media Language: broadcasting, weather reporting, commentary, commercial advertising, analysis of brief news items.

    курсовая работа [44,8 K], добавлен 15.04.2012

  • Monarchy – a government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a person engaged in reigning who reigns over a state or territory, usually for life. The concept and the essence.The succession to the throne as the element of the Monarchy.

    курсовая работа [35,3 K], добавлен 13.08.2011

  • The term "concept" in various fields of linguistics. Metaphor as a language unit. The problem of defining metaphor. The theory of concept. The notion of concept in Linguistics. Metaphoric representation of the concept "beauty" in English proverbs.

    курсовая работа [22,2 K], добавлен 27.06.2011

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