Features of realization of communicative function in blogs of Ukrainian journalists
The use of media for the consolidation of Ukrainians in wartime conditions. Analysis of the impact of social communications on public opinion in Ukraine. Consideration and classification of blogs as essential sources of information and manipulation.
Рубрика | Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 20,8 K |
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Private Higher Education Establishment “Academician Stepan Demianchuk
International University of Economics and Humanities”
Features of realization of communicative function in blogs of Ukrainian journalists
Horchikova A.О., Smus A.H.
The article examines one of the most popular communication platforms - blogs. This aspect of information interaction is now actively used in Ukrainian practice. Journalists have a large number of followers, which allows them to promote their projects more and become opinion leaders. Also, popular bloggers have a great influence on perception and knowledge work. With this interdependence between topics and popularity, it is impossible to trace - now a variety of thematic content is in demand.
The modern media sphere is in a new stage of the information process. Today, journalism has in its arsenal important components that predict a new level of its development: the mass audience acts as both consumers of information and its producers; the medical space expands the boundaries of social communications; the public has the right to receive comprehensive information about real effectiveness. The development of such trends in mass media allowed public opinion to actively influence the modern media space. Among the many new phenomena of the ”Web 2.0 era”, blogs are ofparticular importance as Internet communications, which have embodied their own technical and communicative capabilities of the modern interactive Internet environment.
Under the blog, the work creates a "feed of messages, which is then updated, where the notes (posts) are arranged in reverse chronological order and can be commented on by the reader. ” Today, it is commonplace to consider blogs as one of the essential sources of information that compete with traditional journalism, and blogging (blogging) as one of the new forms of information and communication activity.
The saturation of today's blogosphere is extremely high, as content on social platforms provides an opportunity to grow yourself, your business and sustain real and virtual rewards from daily activities. The given classification of blogs provides a broad understanding of the possibilities of further development of the blogosphere and its influence on the creation of a communication environment ofsociety. The influence of blog posts is reported as often as that of traditional media, and virtual diaries are consistently viewed by significantly more people than the contingent of consistent recipients of traditional media content.
Key words: blogs, blogging, new media, social networks, communication.
Особливості реалізації комунікативної функції у блогах українських журналістів
Горчикова А. О., Смусь А. Г.
У статті досліджується одна з найпопулярніших комунікаційних платформ - блоги. Цей аспект інформаційної взаємодії зараз активно використовується в українській практиці. Журналісти мають велику кількість підписників, що дозволяє їм більше просувати свої проекти та ставити лідерами думок. Також великий вплив на сприйняття та роботу зі знання мають популярні блогери. При цій взаємозалежності між темами та популярністю простежити неможливо - зараз затребуваний різноманітний тематичний контент.
Сучасна медійна сфера перебуває в новому етапі інформаційного процесу. Сьогодні журналістика має у своєму арсеналі важливі складові, що передбачають новий рівень її розвитку: масова аудиторія виступає як споживачами інформації, так і її виробниками; медичний простір розширює межі соціальних комунікацій; громадськість має право на отримання всебічної інформації про реальну дієвість.
Розвиток таких тенденцій у ЗМІ дозволив громадським думкам активно впливати на сучасний медійний простір. Серед багатьох нових феноменів «епохи Web 2.0» особливе значення мають блоги як інтернет-комунікації, які втілили у собі власних технічних і комунікативних можливостей сучасного інтерактивного інтернет-середовища.
Під блогом у роботі створюється «стрічка повідомлень, що потім оновлено, де замітки (пости) розташовуються у зворотному хронологічному порядку і можуть бути прокоментованими читачем». Сьогодні стає спільним місцем розглядати блоги як одне із суттєвих джерел інформації, що становлять конкуренцію традиційній журналістиці, а ведення блогів (блонг) - як одну з нової форми інформаційно-комунікативної діяльності.
Насиченість сучасної блогосфери надзвичайно висока, оскільки контент на соціальних платформах дає можливість розвивати себе, свій бізнес та підтримувати реальні та віртуальні премії від щоденної діяльності. Наведена класифікація блогів дає широке розуміння можливостей подальшого розвитку блогосфери та її впливовості на створення комунікаційного середовища життя суспільства. Вплив опублікованих у блогах повідомляється часто не менше, ніж у традиційних медіа, а віртуальні щоденники стабільно переглядає значно більше людей, якщо порівнювати з контингентом стабільних отримувачів контенту традиційних медіа.
Ключові слова: блоги, блогінг, нові медіа, соціальні мережі, комунікація.
Statement of the problem. Obviously, blogs are a multidimensional phenomenon, but the extent to which they contribute to the solution of common and private journalistic problems has not been fully elucidated by researchers. The situation is exacerbated by the intensive development of the blogosphere and web technologies in general, which complicates the timely formulation of theoretical provisions that reflect the real state of global communication, in which journalists perform their professional functions.
Today, the audience is an important participant not only in obtaining information, but also in its creation and dissemination. The development of the Internet has significantly increased these opportunities: there is a practice of open dialogue between producers and consumers of information products in cyberspace. Users of the global network run their own blogs, comment on messages, participate in various contests, promotions, flash mobs, etc.
Due to the rapid increase in Internet users and the development of virtual technologies, such a phenomenon as "citizen" journalism has emerged. The relevance of the study is determined by the accelerated development of the media and "civilian" journalism in general, which has caused a lot of opinions, considerations, controversy over the functioning of popular journalism in the modern information space. The media is increasingly using links to various blogs, as they condense the best and most convenient features of citizen journalism. At the same time, blogs provide a lot of space for authorial self-expression and the author's own disclosure of the topic.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The most fully represented research direction in the scientific space, which underpins the conceptualization of blogging, is the analysis of Internet communications, presented in the works of M. Castells, G. Reingold, F. Webster and others. The works of foreign researchers Breckendridge, N. Carpentier, L. Manovich, L. Servet and others are devoted to the problems of "new" media (in particular, blogs).
Task statement. The main goal of the research is to find out the features of the information content of the modern domestic blogosphere in the context of their implementation of the communicative function and draw parallels with actual journalistic practice.
Outline of the main material of the study
Journalist can use blog communication as a means of creating and maintaining his own reputation, keeping the audience's attention not so much to the content of his magazine, but to his own person, whose activities are presented not only in "traditional" media but also in "new media" space. In order to systematize the full range of possible strategies for using blogs in professional journalism, we need to turn to the analysis of the functionality of blogs in its relationship with the functions of professional journalistic communication. At the same time, there is an important methodological issue of delimiting the functions of blogs. On the one hand, we must pay attention to the communicative functionality of journalistic blogs, and in this context the key research question is "what bloggers do when communicating with the audience" [7]. On the other hand, the emphasis may be shifted to the professional status of the communicator - which bloggers do as journalists, interacting with readers. Our study was based on the following provisions. First, a journalist, while covering the facts by blogging in technical, communicative and social conditions that are not typical for traditional journalism, however, does not stop being a journalist. Using a blog as a nontrivial tool, it is able to remain, on the one hand, objective, socially responsible and effective, and on the other hand - to provide prompt, accurate and socially relevant information. In other words, a journalist as a blogger and blogger can continue to perform journalistic functions in a "non-editorial" environment, interacting directly with his audience. media social communication information
Secondly, the main symbolic means of interaction between a blogger and an audience is language, a special code that is in many ways different from the means of interaction between traditional journalists and readers. The language of blog communication is focused not so much on the representation of facts as on their interpretation in order to achieve a certain pragmatic effect. From this, as well as taking into account the technical features of blogs based on the principle of feedback, it follows the need to address the communicative issues of journalistic blogging. Thus, the second aspect of the study of functionality leads us to study the communicative functions of blogging. Third, solving professional tasks with the help of diary web entries and intensive communication with the audience involves the implementation of a kind of mental plan of journalistic interaction with the audience. The journalist, performing professional tasks in the specific communicative context of the blogosphere, plans (or "sees") a certain sequence of communicative actions, the implementation of which allows to achieve the intended professional goals [3, с. 72]. Goal setting, taking into account the specific communicative context, involves turning to the study of communication strategies implemented by a professional communicator in the blog.
To clarify the question of the functional aspect of the use of blogs in professional journalism should resort to the domestic theory of traditional journalism, in particular to the work of Miroshnychenko O.O. [4 с. 80]. The activity of mass media presupposes a clear awareness of all the possibilities of journalism as a social object, as a sphere of activity and as a sphere of creativity. Therefore, the journalistic functions of blogs need to be considered in detail. Functions (from the Latin functio - duty, purpose, role) in journalism is called a set of its responsibilities and tasks. Consider the system of functions of traditional journalism, identified by a number of leading domestic authors, and compare them with the functionality of "new media".
Communicative function, which is actually a function of communication, establishing contact, which called the original function ofjournalism. Blogs, by their nature, contain the ability to communicate technically through the ability to comment on diary entries. There is an interaction not only with the author, but also with other readers - consumers of information.
Journalists' blogs are becoming a great platform for readers to discuss and debate. Every journalist- blogger is aware that the information he publishes in his diary will be accompanied by comments from readers. The evaluation of journalistic content can be ambiguous - sometimes negative or critical, which the journalist must be prepared for in advance. The peculiarity of the communicative function of journalistic blogging is not only in direct interaction with readers, but also in the responsibility for the text. The scheme of "subject-subject" communication in blogs creates conditions for the journalist in which he must meet the needs of specific readers, rather than an abstract audience. Every blogger journalist's post is always communicatively incomplete. In other words, comments on the text can be received after a long time, in contrast to traditional journalistic materials, which the journalist often forgets after publication [6].
In the information and communication aspect, a journalist-blogger has the opportunity to present objective information regardless of editorial policy and media format, express their own opinion, correct or clarify it during a discussion with the reader, clarify information from readers (indicating the priority of sub subject-subject relations with the audience in contrast to the predominantly subject-subject relations in the context of "traditional" media), directly focus on the requests and needs of readers, adjust possible and relevant interpretations of its material.
Unlike a professional "traditional" journalist, the author of a blog does not appear as a missionary of knowledge or an advisor on key socially important issues, not as a source of information whose legitimacy is determined by his professional affiliation, but as an interlocutor, authenticity, objectivity and completeness, during his interaction with the audience.
Discussing the attitudes of the press to interact with the audience, Riley and others. mention is made of journalists who are “terrified of the need to discuss the material with readers, instead of calmly starting to write new material” [5, с. 47]. These circumstances indicate that the author of a journalistic text faces different "risks" of interaction with the audience, depending on the type of media used - traditional or "new". On the one hand, these circumstances testify to the openness, democracy and flexibility of the blog communication system. But at the same time, being often deliberately deprofessionalized, blogosphere texts have such characteristics as heterogeneity, heterogeneity, diversity, and so on. The content of blogs is often determined not by the "external" norms of the institute of journalism, editorial office, professional community, etc., but by the internal norms of the participants, the very pragmatics of communication in the blogosphere. Let us repeat that communication in the blogosphere is based on slightly different bases than in the traditional journalistic media environment: the reader is involved in information and communication interactions, becomes part of their structure; it is integrated into the communicative event "first", at the time of the author's communicative intention. Of course, this fundamentally affects the pragmatic tasks of the author of a journalistic text: not only to inform the reader, not just to convey certain meanings and meanings and offer a ready-made product to the audience, but rather to discuss information, jointly create interpretations and knowledge of events. This, significantly different from the traditional, journalistic position suggests that the author will focus his communicative actions not so much on the "typical" representative of his audience, not on the average reader, whose reaction is likely to be delayed or not empirically observed, but to specific users whose response to media text is much less likely to be passive. Moreover, the reader in the blogosphere is seen not as an "object of education", but as a subject of "joint construction of knowledge."
One of the communicative strategies of such interaction with the audience is the "aestheticization" of communication: in journalistic blogs (diaries of professional journalists, corporate blogs of journalists and diaries of "citizen journalists") such content and form of information is quite common. kind of aesthetic pleasure from working with text. The main task of the blogger is to create a situation of communication in which it would be possible not only to provide readers with information and their version of its interpretation, but also in a sense to provoke dialogue, discussion. Obviously, this can hardly be achieved without provoking interest from readers through the use of "attractive form" of records.
One of the key features of the blogosphere is the professional affiliation of the first bloggers to literary and journalistic activities. Thus, even in its infancy, the Russian blogosphere has acquired the features of "media" and not "diary", as around the world. Eventually, this specific feature managed to break the common stereotypical opinion of citizens about the affiliation of blogs to the form of entertainment for young people. It will be recalled that such a "naive" idea of this form of communication dominated the public consciousness 10-15 years ago, during the period of mass distribution of blogs on the Internet. To identify the characteristics of the communication strategies of professional journalists' blogs, one should pay attention to the phenomenon of self-presentation in blogs. Most researchers refer to the work of D. Bell, M. Castells and other influential representatives of communicative studies. Analysis of the works of the presented authors allows us to draw a basic conclusion about the motives of bloggers: catharsis." [1].
In terms of origin, capabilities, functions and content, the Internet is an information environment. However, the rapid development of Web 2.0 has led to changes in the communication environment. The possibilities and principles of the second version of the Internet have led to the transformation of socio- psychological attitudes of the Internet user. Creating a network identity (virtual self-presentation) that is different from the real one can be explained by the fact that people do not have the opportunity to express all aspects of their multifaceted "I" in real communication, while network communication gives them such an opportunity.
There are 2 levels of self-presentation in blogs - communicative and communicative, noting the following about the first level: accompanying the diary entries and comments of the user, which serves as his symbol), the name of the diary, a list of interests / antires, the so-called "status" (signature) or motto, the design of the diary. Through verbal means of self-presentation - choosing the name, title of the diary and status - the author's nominative ability is revealed and the line of language behavior planned by him is realized, as well as the main features of the virtual image we expect to see in diary texts” [2].
When studying the empirical material, we took into account the factor of pre-communicative selfpresentation, based on data in the profile, blog design, nickname, domain and avatar (userpic - from the English. Userpic - user image).
Internet culture has created a space where people can be represented under pseudonyms. A nickname in the virtual world is called a nickname (translated from English - nickname, nickname), simply put - "nickname". Nickname is the name by which a person is known on the Internet. The nickname is chosen by the user voluntarily and based on personal preferences.
As a rule, the nickname in the network is chosen for the specific purpose of self-presentation. With the active development of the phenomenon of Web 2.0, Internet culture began to lean towards the principle of deanonymization. In other words, recently there has been a tendency to use the nickname as a tracing paper of the real name or with the use of minor modifications (adding prefixes, abbreviations, puns). Based on the analysis of empirical material, we came to the conclusion that the vast majority of bloggers (about 90%) use their real name or its modification as a nickname.
This phenomenon is largely due to the fact that the journalist, like any popular person, "feeds his name." The journalist's name becomes a kind of brand, and the nickname begins to be associated with this brand.
In general, the principle of minimalism in the design of blogs was formed in the early 2000s, when the speed of Internet connection (especially Dial-Up technology - dial-up remote access via telephone line) was low and therefore the loading time of the web page was long. To reduce this time, bloggers hide large texts and illustrations "under the executioner" (from the English. Cut). However, by the end of the 2000s, the average connection speed provided by ISPs had increased significantly, and blog minimalism remained a sign of good manners. The blog's domain name, like the blogger's nickname, plays an important role in pre-communicative self-presentation. A domain is a symbolic name that is used to identify an Internet site. Thanks to domain names, the user does not need to remember complex IP addresses consisting of a number of numbers.
Typically, popular blog sites (such as livejournal. com or blogger.com) provide a third-level domain name for free. However, some journalists use a second-level domain name (plushev.com or idiot.fm) for their blog. Such domains are faster to remember, significantly reduce the number of characters in the address bar and give the blog credibility. Second-level domains are mostly used by bloggers, who are commonly called standalone - stand-alone blogs that are based on software that is completely controlled by an individual. The owner of the standalone blog has full technical and informational control, but he does not have the opportunity to be part of the online community.
The development of the blogosphere gives an idea of the field of online journalism as a separate activity, in which the audience plays an active role, creates, analyzes and disseminates important information. There is knowledge about the basic standards of "people's" journalist. The blogosphere has become an active sphere of society. Bloggers are creating new media directions that determine the further functioning of blogs in the information space. After all, the blogosphere is used not only for self-expression of the author, but also for professional purposes. Becoming an integral part of "civilian" journalism, the blogosphere carries important information from society, conveys the mood or atmosphere of events, draws attention to them. Blogs are a special kind of author's material that reports on the event in the same way as a full-fledged text by a professional journalist. Due to its interactivity and open dialogue with the audience, the blogosphere has a special impact on readers.
1. Castells M., Parks M., Van der Haak B. The future of journalism: network journalism. URL: https:// www.researchgate.net/publication/265964583_The_Future_of_Journalism Networked_Journalism_Rethinking_ Journalism_in_the_Networked_Digital_Age (application date: 12.02.2024)"
2. Horton J.L. PR and Blogging - How To Think About It. URL: http://www.online-pr.com/Holding/ PRandBloggingarticle.pdf. (application date: 23.01.2024)
3. Kozenko O. They want to put the Internet on the counter / O. Kozenko // Kommersant. 2008. № 22. 404 p.
4. Miroshnychenko O.O. Adaptation of media. Explosive release of authorship, viral editor of the Internet and the death of newspapers // Sociological Journal. 2011. № 3. p. 71-87.
5. Nosik A. Blogs against the media: notes of a barbarian / O. Nosik // Online magazine Webplanet. 2015. 50 p.
6. Wallace J. Modelling Contemporary Gatekeeping. Digital Journalism 6 (3): 274-293. URL: https://www. tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21670811.2017.1343648 (application date: 12.02.2024)
7. Kolesnichenko A.V. Criteria for selecting news in modern Ukrainian media // Mediaskop. 2018. Ed. 3. URL: http://www.mediascope.ru/2467 (access date: 11.02.2024)
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