Лексико-семантическое поле "Fashion" в современном английском языке

Суть полевого принципа описания явлений языка. Теория поля в лингвистике. Анализ и реконструкция лексико-семантического поля "fashion" в современном английском языке. Выявление ядра, ближайшей и дальней периферии указанного лексико-семантического поля.

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Quoted in Marcel Haedrich Coco Chanel: Her Life, Her Secrets (1972), ch.1

(translated by Charles Lam Markmann).

В данной цитате…

· Fashion is made to become unfashionable.

- Gabrielle known as Coco Chanel

In Life,19 Aug

· . Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess.

- EdnaWoolman Chase

Always in Vogue, ch.12.

· Fashion is more tyrannical at Paris than in any other place in the world; it governs even more absolutely than their king, which is saying a great deal. The least revolt against it is punished by proscription. You must observe and conform to all the minutiae of it, if you will be in fashion there yourself; and if you are not in fashion, you are nobody.

- Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield

Letter to his son, 30 Apr.

· Fashiona word which knaves and fools may use, Their knavery and folly to excuse.

- Charles Churchill

The Rosciad, l.455^6.

· One had as good be out of the World, as out of the Fashion.

- Colley Cibber

Love's Last Shift: or, The Fool in Fashion, act 2, sc.1.

· Art produces ugly things which frequently become beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time.

-Jean Cocteau

In the New York World-Telegram and Sun, 21 Aug.

· A romantic interest in our own sex, not necessarily carried as far as physical experiments, was the intellectual fashion.

- Cyril Vernon Connolly

Of Oxfordduring his student days. Quotedin Peter Quennell The Marble Foot (1977).

· Fashion, though Folly's child, and guide of fools, Rules e'en the wisest, and in learning rules.

- George Crabbe

The Library (published1808), l.167^8.

· One week he's in polka-dots, the next week he's in stripes 'Cos he's a dedicated follower of fashion.

- Ray (mond Douglas) Davies

'Dedicated Follower of Fashion'.

· Mrs Boffin†is a highflyer at Fashion.

- Charles John Huffam Dickens

^5 Our Mutual Friend, bk.1, ch.5.

· I have forgot much, Cynara! Gone with the wind, Flung roses, roses, riotously with the throng, Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind; But I was desolate and sick of an old passion, Yea, all the time, because the dance was long: I have been faithful to thee, Cynara! in my fashion.

- Ernest Dowson

Verses,'Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae'.

· So in all humours sportively I range; My muse is rightly of the English strain, That cannot long one fashion entertain.

- Michael Drayton

Ideas Mirrour,'To the Reader ofThese Sonnets'.

· A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion, Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle With words and meanings.

-T(homas) S(tearns) Eliot

Four Quartets, 'East Coker', pt.1.

· Fine cloth is never out of fashion.

-Thomas Fuller

Gnomologia, no.1537.

· It is in vain to mislike the current fashion.

-Thomas Fuller

Gnomologia, no.2968.

· The present fashion is always handsome.

-Thomas Fuller

Gnomologia, no.4718.

· Their dress is very independent of fashion; as they observe, 'What does it signify how we dress here at Cranford, where everybody knows us? 'And if they go from home, their reason is equally cogent, 'What does it signify how we dress here, where nobody knows us?'

- Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn ne e Stevenson Gaskell

Of the Cranford ladies. Cranford, ch.1.

· And, even while fashion's brightest arts decoy, The heart distrusting asks, if this be joy.

- Oliver Goldsmith

The Deserted Village, l.263^4.

· When a writer calls his work a Romance, it need hardly be observed that he wishes to claim a certain latitude, both as to its fashion and material, which he would not have felt himself entitled to assume had he professed to be writing a Novel.

- Nathaniel Hawthorne

The House of the Seven Gables, preface.

· Fashion constantly begins and ends in the two things it abhors most, singularity and vulgarity.

-William Hazlitt

'On Fashion', in the Scots Magazine.

· Fashion is only the attempt to realize Art in living forms and social intercourse.

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

The Professor at the Breakfast Table, ch.6.

· : He hath been beyond-sea, once, or twice. : As far as Paris, to fetch over a fashion, and come back again.

- Ben Jonson

GENTCARL1600 Every Man out of His Humour, act 2, sc.2.

· Fashion is the image of an age and can tells its story better than a speech.

- Karl Lagerfeld

In the Daily Telegraph, 20 Oct.

· Fashion is free speech, and one of the privileges, if not always one of the pleasures, of a free world.

- Alison Lurie

The Language of Clothes.

· Hegel says somewhere that all great events and personalities in the world reappear in one fashion or another. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.

- Karl Heinrich Marx

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, section1.

· I don't consider myself a fashion victim. I consider fashion a victim of me.

- Paul Merton

In the Daily Telegraph, 21 Apr.

· I was here convinced of the truth of a reflection I had often made, that if it was the fashion to go naked, the face would be hardly observed.

- Lady Mary Wortley ne e Pierrepoint Montagu

c.1716 In a Turkish bath in Sofia. Collected in Lord Wharncliffe (ed) The Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1837).

· We must not seek to fashion events, but let them happen of their own accord.

-Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

In conversation with Bismarck, Biarritz, 4 Oct.

· And it is a wonder what will be the fashion after the plague is done a stop periwigs, for nobody will dare to buy any hair for fear of the infection that it had been cut off the heads of people dead of the plague.

- Samuel Pepys

Diary entry, 3 Sep.

· Fashion should be a game.

- Mary Quant

Quant by Quant.

· You hear of me, among others, as a respectable architectural man-milliner; and you send for me, that I 704 may tell you the leading fashion.

-John Ruskin

The Crown of Wild Olive, 'Traffic', lecture 2.

· Fashion is something barbarous, for it produces innovation without reason and imitation without benefit.

- George Sandys

6 The Life of Reason, 'Reason in Religion'.

· So fashion is born by small facts, trends, or even politics, never by trying to make little pleats and furbelows, by trinkets, by clothes easy to copy, or by the shortening or lengthening of a skirt.

-Wolfgang Rudolph Schmitt

A Shocking Life, ch.9.

· I think she was cut out for a Gentlewoman, but she was spoiled in the making. She wears her clothes as if they were thrown on with a pitchfork; and, for the fashion, I believe they were made in the days of Queen Bess.

-Jonathan Swift

Polite Conversation, dialogue1.

· No woman can look as well out of the fashion as in it.

- Mark pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens Twain

Letter,16 Apr, quoted in Franklin Walker and G Ezra Dane (eds) Mark Twain's Travels with Mr. Brown (1940), letter14.

· Fashion is what one wears oneself. What is unfashionable is what other people wear.

- Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde

Lord Goring. An Ideal Husband, act 3.

· But all is turned, through my gentleness, into a strange fashion of forsaking.

- Sir Thomas (the Elder) Wyatt

'They Flee from Me'.

Выводы по второй главе.

Во второй главе нашей работы мы представили лексико-семантическое поле «Fashion», в которое вошли 94 лексемы и 41 цитата. Затем с помощью метода компонентного анализа, наряду с дефиниционным методом, мы распределили лексемы, входящие в поле, на ядро поля, ближнюю и дальнюю периферии.

В ядро ЛСП «Fashion» мы включили саму лексему fashion и однокоренные этой лексеме единицы (всего 10 лексических единиц): fashionability, fashionable, fashionableness, fashionably, fashioner, ultra-fashionable и так далее.

В ближнюю периферию вошли лексемы, которые мы разделили на три микрополя clothes(39лексических единиц): underpants, beret, lingerie, swimming trunks, jogging suit, blouse, waistcoat, overcoat; accessories(25 лексических единиц): handkerchief, jewellery, ring, umbrella; footwear(20 лексических единиц): boots, shoes, slippers, sneakers, trainers, moccasins.

В свою очередь первое микрополе clothes было разделено на четыре области underwear(22 лексические единицы): trousers, jumper, jeans, waistcoat, cardigan, suit и т.д.; outerwear(8 лексических единиц): brassiere, knickers, lingerie, pants, tights и т.д.; sportswear(5 лексических единиц): bikini, swimming costume, tracksuit и т.д. и headgear(5 лексических единиц): beret, veil, helmet, cap, hat.

К дальней периферии мы отнесли цитаты известных людей, в состав которых входит сама лексема fashion и охарактеризовали каждую по лексическому значению(42 цитаты).


В представленной работе принималась попытка к биполярному рассмотрению лексико-семантического поля «Fashion»: с точки зрения описания элементов данного поля, вычлененных с помощью анализа словарных данных.

Наша работа включала в себя два этапа: изучение теоретических основ лексико-семантического поля, а также анализ поля «Fashion» в современном английском языке.

Исследование полей составляет огромный пласт в лингвистической науке. На сегодняшний день можно встретить множество определений этому понятию. В нашем исследовании мы определили поле как ядерную структуру множества лексических единиц, объединенных общим (инвариантным) значением и отражающих в языке определенную понятийную сферу.

На втором этапе выпускной работы нами было определено лексико-семантическое поле «Fashion», выявлены ядро, ближняя и дальняя периферии данного поля. Напомним, что при выделении ядра основным является критерий частотности единиц. Между ядром и периферией нет чёткой границы. Ядерные элементы обеспечивают стабильность группы: чаще всего они наиболее употребительны в речи.

В результате анализа к ядру ЛСП «Decision» были отнесены лексемы, которые имеют корень fashion(10 лексических единиц).

К ближней периферии мы отнесли лексемы, которые напрямую связанны с таким явлением нашей жизни, как мода. Мы включили сюда микрополя clothes, accessories, footwear. В свою очередь первое микрополе было разделено на четыре области underwear, outerwear, sportswear и headgear. Всего было исследовано 39 лексем входящих в ближнюю периферию лексико-семантического поля «Fashion».

В дальнюю периферию лексико-семантического поля «Fashion» мы включили цитаты, составляющей которых, является сама лексема fashion. Всего нами было проанализировано 42 цитаты.

В ходе исследования поставленные цели достигнуты, а задачи - выполнены.

Говоря о перспективах дальнейшего исследования, можно отметить возможность анализа других лексико-семантических полей, находящихся во взаимодействии с лексико-семантическим полем «Fashion».


1. Васильев Л.М. Теория семантических полей//Вопросы языкознания. - М.-1971.-№5.

2. Гальперин И.Р. Очерки по стилистики английского языка - Москва, 1958.

3. Никитин М.В. Лексическое значение слова - Москва, 1988.

4. Никитин М.В. Основы лингвистической теории значения - Санкт - Петербург, 1988.

5. Полевые структуры в системе языка - Воронеж, 1989.

6. Чумак-Жунь И.И. Лексико-семантическое поле цвета в языковой поэзии И.А. Бунина: состав и структура, функционирование//Автореферат. - Киев, 1996.

7. Щур Г.С. Теория поля в лингвистике - Москва: «Наука», 1974.

8. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь - Москва, 1990.

9. Collin`s New English Dictionary, 1956.

10. Dictionary of Current English, 1990.

11. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 2001.

12. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (British English), 2007.

13. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 2005.

14. Wikipedia - ru.wikipedia.org

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