Трансформація граматичної категорії стану при перекладі (на матеріалі іспанської та української мов)

Трансформація стану як граматична проблема перекладу. Фактори і причини перекладацьких рішень, пов'язаних з передачею форм дійсного, пасивного, поворотного і взаємного застав в перекладі з іспанської мови на українську. Трансформація пасивного стану.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2013
Размер файла 46,2 K

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Ключевые слова: переводческая трансформация; межъязыковая асимметрия; трансформация залога; модели перевода; залог; функционально-семантическое поле.


Sergiy Fokin. Grammar voice transformation in translation (on basis of Spanish and Ukrainian languages). - Manuscript.

Sergiy Fokin. Thesis for the Candidate Degree in Philology. Speciality 10.02.16 - Translation Studies. - Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. - Kyiv, 2004.

The thesis is focused on the analysis of voice transformation in translation, one of the common transformations used by translators in their practice.

Regular transformation types of active, passive, reflexive and reciprocal voices in translation from Spanish into Ukrainian have been established, as well as factors, conditioning these transformations.

A comparative analysis establishes a high symmetry between Spanish and Ukrainian voice forms and their categorial meanings. Though, this high symmetry does not guarantee their regular equivalency in translation, as a category form interacts with other categories and with categories of modality, imperativity, atributivity, aspectuality, conditionality and others, formal means of which reveal wide asymmetry between the original language and target language. Thus, the voice transformation should be considered as a way of achieving translation equivalency and overcoming interlingual asymmetry, wich is manifested in norm, system, usage and frequency differences between the two languages.

In most cases the voice transformation corresponds to transformational model of translation and includes not only morphological but also syntactical and lexical levels. The lexical changes in voice transformation can be commonly explained by situational context and these transformations are characterized by situational model of translation. The possibility of using one of these models is conditioned by stylistic characteristics of the text.

Key words: translation transformation; voice transformation; translation model; voice; interlingual asymmetry; functional-semantic field.

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