Английский язык

Ознакомление с английским алфавитом. Вводно-фонетический курс. Изучение особенностей грамматики английского языка. Предложение правил, текстов и практических заданий по теме. Русско-английский словарь. Рассмотрение короткого резюме данного языка.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид учебное пособие
Язык русский
Дата добавления 04.05.2014
Размер файла 117,4 K

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Учебное пособие для студентов

Английский язык

Автор: Хусаинова И.С.


английский граматика словарь язык

Учебно-методическое пособие по дисциплине "Английский язык"

Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие подготовлено в соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования.

Пособие рассчитано на весь курс обучения иностранному языку для разных специальностей и форм обучения, порядок и сроки изучения тем могут быть изменены расширением кафедры иностранных языков.

Автор учебно-методического пособия: И.С. Хусаинова


Английский алфавит (The English Alphabet)

1. Unit 1. Grammar: Вводно-фонетический курс

2. Unit 2. Grammar: Местоимения. Text: Tom's family

3. Unit 3. Text: My working day. Grammar: Present Simple Tense (простое настоящее время)

4. Unit 4. Text: At the Russian delegation. Grammar: Present Progressive (Continuous) (настоящее продолженное время)

5. Unit 5. Text: Meeting a businessman. Grammar: Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершенное время)

6. Unit 6. Text: Discussing contract terms. Grammar: Past Simple Tense (простое прошедшее время)

7. Unit 7. Text: At the Airport. Grammar: Future Simple Tense (простое будущее время)

8. Unit 8. Text А: Going through passport control. Text B: Going through the customs. Text C: At the hotel. Grammar: Past Perfect Tense (предпрошедшее время)

9. Unit 9. Text: Talking business. Grammar: Past Progressive Tense (прошедшее продолженное время)

10. Unit 10. Text: Discussing prices and terms of payment. Grammar: Reported Speech (косвенная речь)

11. Unit 11. Text: A visit to the plant. Grammar: The Sequence of Tenses (согласование времен)

12. Unit 12. Grammar: Modal Verbs and their equivalents (модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты)

13. Additional Unit. Grammar: Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous) Tense. Text: Correspondence concerning the purchase of computers

Check yourself

Language summary

Russian-English Dictionary (Русско-английский словарь)

Список используемой литературы

Английский алфавит (The English Alphabet)

Печатные буквы

В письме

Название буквы

Печатные буквы

В письме

Название буквы

A a

A a


N n

N n


B b

B b


O o

O o


C c

C c


P p

P p


D d

D d


Q q

Q q


E e

E e


R r

R r

[a: (r)]

F f

F f


S s

S s


G g

G g


T t

T t


H h

H h


U u

U u


I i

I i


V v

V v


J j

J j


W w

W w

[ мd?blju:]

K k

K k


X x

X x


L l

L l


Y y

Y y


M m



Z z

Z z


1. Unit 1. Grammar: Вводно-фонетический курс

Правила чтения ударных гласных

Тип слога

A a

E e

I i

O o

U u

Y y

Открытый слог













Закрытый слог













Глас + R

Глас + R + согл


















Глас + R + глас













Краткая сравнительная характеристика английских и русских гласных звуков:

[e] - произношение примерно как [э] в словах эти, жесть.

[ж] - среднее между звуком [э] и [a], напоминает мягкий a в слове дятел.

[?] - произносится как [a] в слове казак.

[a:] - похож на удлиненный [a-a] в слове казак.

[o:] - произносится как протяжное [o] в слове порт.

[?:] - долгий звук, средний между [o] и [э], напоминает звук [ё] в слове


[u:] - соответствует русскому звуку [y] в слове уголь.

[ai] - близок, рус, [ай] в слове дай.

[au]- близок, рус, [ay] в слове пауза.

[ei] - близок, рус, [ей] в слове лей.

[ou] - близок, рус, [оу] в слове клоун.

[oi] - близок, рус, [ой] в слове бой.

[i?] - близок, рус, [иэ] в слове дай.

[u?] - близок, рус, [уэ]

[е?] - близок, рус, [эа]

Чтение сочетаний согласных букв:

ck [k] luck ph [f] phone

qu [kw] question sh [?] she

ch [t?] chess kn [n] knife

tch [t?] catch ng [?] long

th [р] this nk [?k] think

th [и] this

wh + o [h] who

wh + стальные глас. [W] what

wr вначале слова перед глаголом [r] write

Grammar Practice.

1. Прочитайте слова согласно правилам чтения.


2. Use A or AN (используйте A или AN)

a. …actor.

b. …manager.

c. … e-mail address.

d. … lesson.

e. …telephone number.

f. … holiday.

g. … teacher.

h. English teacher.

3. Антонимы (поставьте буквы в правильном порядке)

a. Finish

artst _______

b. Morning


c. Open

solce _______

d. Go to bed

teg pu_______

4. Use (поставьте): "I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE and THEY"

a. … is a table.

b. … are in the car.

c. … is a cat.

d. … am a student.

e. … is a teacher.

f. … is Mr. Bell.

g. … is a young man.

h. … am fine.

i. … is in London.

… are a good friend.

5. Use (поставьте):"am, is, are "

a. He … a student.

b. You … French.

c. I … a teacher.

d. It … a car.

e. Ann … a doctor.

f. Pete … happy.

g. The book … thin.

h. Nick … from London.

J. They … economists.

k. She … a young lady.

6. Read the text (прочитайте текст)

Hello, my name is Pat. I am from France. I am a student of Russian at Moscow University. And this is my friend Nick. He is a student, too. He is from London. He is English. He is a good student. And these are Ann and Dan. They are from Canada.

Vocabulary (слова)

1. a friend - друг;

2. a student - студент;

3. this - это, этот; (ед.ч)

4. these - эти; (мн.ч)

5. too - тоже, так же;

6. good - хороший.

7. Phrases to remember. (Запомните словосочетания).

1. Hello! Hi! - Привет!

2. How do you do - здравствуйте.

3. How are you? - Как дела? - I am fine. - Хорошо.

4. Meet my friend - Познакомьтесь с моим другом.

5. My name is … - Меня зовут …

6. Glad to meet you - рад познакомиться с Вами.

7. Pleased to meet you - Приятно познакомиться.

8. See you soon - До скорого (свидания).

9. Good bye; Bye-bye; Bye - До свидания; пока.

10. Thank you - Спасибо.

11. You are welcome - Пожалуйста.

8. Make up dialogues. (Составьте диалог).

2. Unit 2. Grammar: Местоимения. Text: Tom's family

Вопросительные виды предложения.

Text: Tom's family

I am Tom Brown. Tom is my first name and Brown is my surname. I am seventeen. I want to tell you a few words about my family. My family is Large. I have got a mother, a father, a sister, a brother and a grandmother.

First of all some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of English. She works at college. She likes her profession.

My father is a computer programmer. He is forty-six. My father knows all about new radio sets and likes to repair old ones. My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps to run the house. She is fond of knitting. My sister Helen is twenty five. She is married and has a family of her own. My brother Boris is eleven. He is a schoolboy. He wants to become a doctor.

I want to become a student. I d like to learn foreign languages.


1. parents - родители

2. a pensioner - пенсионер

3. to run the house - вести хозяйство

4. to knit - вязать

5. to repair - чинить, исправлять

6. own - собственный

7. to be fond of smth. - увлекаться чем либо

8. first of all - в первую очередь

9. a few - несколько

10. a mother = mummy, mum, - мама

11. a father = dad, daddy - папа

12. a sister - сестра

13. a brother - брат

1. Use (поставьте): "I, HE, SHE, IT, WE, YOU and THEY"

a. … am English.

b. I have two books … are good.

c. The book is not yellow … is grey.

d. Are … a student?

e. You and I are Russian … are English.

2. Use (поставьте): "AM, ARE, IS, HAVE GOT, HAS GOT"

a. The cat … in the box.

b. I … a student.

c. Mr. Brown … a daughter.

d. Nick … my good friend.

e. She … a large family.

3. Use (поставьте): "MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, IT, OUR, THEIR, ITS"

a. Mary has got a new bag. … is very big.

b. My friends have got a new car … car is very nice.

c. I have a small cat … is very funny.

d. We are French … friends are English.

e. My daughter has got a dog … nose is long.

4. Use:

a. "TO BE" in the right form.

(поставьте "TO BE" в правильную временную форму).

1. My son … a student.

2. His name … Nick.

3. We … teachers.

4. I … a doctor.

5. My friends … engineers.

6. They … good friends.

7. His daughter … a little girl.

8. She … three years old.

9. She … a good student, she not?

10. What … your name? My name … Mary.

b. " HAVE GOT " or "HAS GOT"

1. He … a large family.

2. They … a very nice flat in Moscow.

3. Peter … many friends at school.

4. My mother … three children.

5. I … two cousins, an aunt and an uncle.

5. Put all possible questions to the following sentences.

(поставьте предложения в четыре формы вопроса)

1. She is my friend.

2. Ann is from Canada.

3. Pete is French.

4. They are good students.

5. He is in London.

6. Finish the following (закончите следующие предложения)

1. My mother's sister is my … and her brother is my ….

2. My wife's mother is my … and her father is my ….

3. My wife's sister is my … and my wife's brother is my ….

4. My mother has got a sister, her son is my mother's

5. My father has got a brother; his daughter is my father's ….

Members of a family (члены семьи).

a mother - in - law - тёща, свекровь.

a father - in - law - тесть, свекор.

a sister - in - law - невеста, золовка.

a brother - in - law - зять, шурин, деверь, свояк.

an uncle - дядя.

an aunt - тётя.

a cousin - кузен, двоюродный брат (сестра).

a niece - племянник.

7. Put these questions into the correct order.

(поставьте слова в правильном порядке)

Example: is / name / your / what? What's your name?

a. married / you / are?

b. old / you / how / are?

c. your mother / old / how / is?

d. job / your / what / is?

e. your teacher / from Britain / is?

f. student / you / are / a?

g. the USA / you / are / from?

3. Unit 3. Text: My working day. Grammar: Present Simple Tense (простое настоящее время)


My working day.

On weekdays the alarm - clock wakes me up at 6.30 and my working day begins. I do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bath room, take a warm shower, clean my teeth and shave. After that I go to my bedroom to get dressed.

Usually my mother makes breakfast for me. When I have breakfast, I listen to the latest news on the radio.

I leave the house at 7.30 and go to the nearest underground station. It takes me an hour and a half to get to work. I usually arrive at work at ten minutes to nine though my working day begins at 9 sharp.

I translate fax messages from English into Russian. Sometimes my boss wants me to write a letter to our business partners abroad.

At 1 o'clock we have lunch. We usually have lunch in a small cafe. At 2 o'clock we come back to work. And we work hard till 5 o'clock.

I come home at about 7 o'clock in the evening.

My parents usually wait for me at home. We have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room drink tea watch TV or just talk.


1. an alarm - clock - будильник

2. to do morning exercises - делать утреннюю зарядку

3. to get dressed - одеваться

4. to leave the house - уходить из дома

5. it takes smb. One hour to do smth - требуется один час сделать что - либо

6. abroad - за границей

7. latest - последний

8. nearest - ближайший

9. to translate - переводить

10. a fax message - сообщение по телефону

11. hard - усердно, усиленно

12. to wait - ждать

1. Fill in the blanks (заполните пробелы подходящими по смыслу словами).

a. On weekdays the … wakes me up at 8.30.

b. After that I go to my bedroom to …

c. It … me an hour and a half to get to work.

d. When I have breakfast, I listen to … news on the radio.

e. I usually … work at ten minutes to nine.

f. Sometimes my boss … me to write a litter to our business … abroad.

2.Match the words and phrases.

(составьте словосочетания, соединив колонки. А и B).


1) Listen to

2) It takes me

3) Go to the bedroom

4) Have lunch

5) Arrive

6) Work hard


1) in a small cafe

2) at work

3) till 5 o'clock

4) the latest news

5) an hour and a half

6) to get dressed

3. Fill in the prepositions where necessary.

(вставьте предлоги там, где это необходимо)

a) I leave … the house at 7.30 and go … the nearest underground station.

b) We usually have lunch …a small cafe.

c) … 1 o'clock … the afternoon we have lunch.

d) My parents usually wait … me.

e) And we work hard … 5 o'clock.

f) Usually my mother makes breakfast … me.

4. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

(поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы).

a) She works at college.

b) He washes his hands.

c) We often drink coffee together.

d) She writes letters.

e) Her parents usually wait for her.

5. Choose the correct variant out of four.

(Выберете правильное слово)

1) Who … to go to our concert?

a) does want

b) do want

c) want

d) wants

2) How long … you to get to work?

a) does it take

b) it takes

c) do you take

d) take

3) When do I listen … text and dialogue?

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) to

4) She is away on business…?

a) hasn't she

b) isn't she

c) is she

d) doesn't she

5) At 1 o'clock we have lunch…?

a) haven't we c) isn't it

b) do we d) don't we

4. Unit 4. Text: At the Russian delegation. Grammar: Present Progressive (Continuous) (настоящее продолженное время)


At the Russian delegation.

This is Mr. Voronin. He is an engineer of the Ministry of trade. The engineers of the ministry often go to different countries to do business with foreign companies. Now Mr. Voronin is in London. He works at the Russian trade delegation.

Mr. Voronin is usually very busy. He has got much work to do every day. His office hours begin at 8:30 in the morning he looks through Russian and English newspapers and journals. He is interested in the latest political and business events.

During the day Mr. Voronin works on the computer, meets English businessmen and discusses with them prices for different goods, terms of payment, shipment and delivery. Sometimes he discusses business maters on the phone. Together with Russian inspectors he often goes to plants.


1. trade - торговля.

2. the Russian trade Delegation - Российское торгпредство

3. business - торговля, дело, работа

4. to do business - вести торговлю.

5. to discuss business - обсуждать деловой вопрос.

6. office hours - рабочий день.

7. to look through - просматривать.

8. to be interested in smith - быть заинтересованным в чем либо.

9. an event - события.

10. a price (for) - цена (на).

11. the terms (of) - условия.

12. payment - платеж.

13. shipment - отгрузка.

14. delivery - поставка.

15. a mater - вопрос.

16. an inspector - приемщик.

17. a plant - завод.

18. equipment - оборудование.

19. to make a contract - заключать контракт.

20. to make an appointment - назначать встречу.

for (some day) - на какой либо день.

at (o'clock) - на какой либо час.

with (smb.) - с кем-либо.

21. catalogue (for) - каталог (на).

22. a quotation - котировка.

1. Open the brackets using the Present Progressive (Continuous) tense.

(откройте скобки и употребите глаголы в Present Progressive).

1- Where are our children? It's quiet at home. - They (lie) on the carpet and (draw).

2- What you (do) now? I (look for) my key. I can't open the door.

3- Listen! Somebody (sing) a lovely song.

4- Why you (put on) the coat? It's sunny today.

5- Why you (cry)? Is something wrong?

6- I don't speak any foreign language, but I (learn) English now.

7- He (go) to speak to his parents.

8- I (meet) Liz tonight. She (come) from London.

9- Let's go for a walk. It (not/rain) now.

2. Present Simple/Present Progressive (Continuous).

Choose the correct variant. (Выберите правильный вариант)

1. It (often/rain) in this part of the world.

a.) is often raining b.) often rains

2. Take your umbrella. It (rain) cats and dogs.

a.) rains b.) is raining

3. Granny is in the kitchen. She (make) apple-cake.

a.) is making b.) makes

4. My wife (often/make) apple-cakes.

a.) is often makes b.) often makes.

5. I don't know Spanish, but I (learn) it now.

a.) am learning b.) learn

3. Present Simple/Present Progressive (Continuous).

(А) right-правильно (B) wrong - не правильно

In this case correct it - в этом случае исправьте.

1. Tom is in his room. He plays the piano.

2. Jim is speaking five languages.

3. I'm looking for my glasses. Where are they?

4. My brother is smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

5. I do not understand what he is speaking about.

6. How much is it costing to send a letter to Paris?

7. My parents are never drinking strong coffee.

8. What are you thinking about?

9. The play is beginning at half past seven.

4. Insert preposition where necessary.

(Поставьте предлоги).

1. The banks close… 7 o'clock… the evening.

2. He usually leaves home early… the morning.

3. The play begins… half past seven.

4. We arrive… London.

5. Bye, see you… Tuesday.

6. Bob is going to play tennis… next Sunday.

7. He lives… Chicago.

8. Let's go… cinema.

9. Look… this photo.

10He arrive… university… 9 sharp.

5. Insert pronouns in proper forms.

(Поставьте местоимения).

1. She washes… hands and face.

2. Do you know that man? Yes, I know…

3.That is his book. Give… to him.

4.Peter likes to eat. …Breakfast is always big.

5.Look at them. … Are playing like kids.

6Are… a teacher? No…, am not.

7. Can … help…?

5. Unit 5. Text: Meeting a businessman. Grammar: Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершенное время)


Meeting a businessman.

Blake: Now. Mr.Voronin how about our quotation and catalogues? Have you looked through them?

Voronin: Sure. We've studied them closely. The new model of tools is certainly good.

Blake: Yes, it's of high quality. We've just started producing the model and we've already received a lot of orders.

Voronin: Your tools meet our requirements and we are interested in buying them. Mr.

Blake, have you seen our contract form?

Blake: Not yet.

Voronin: Would you like to look through it?

Blake: Yes, certainly.

Voronin: Here you are, Mr. Blake. Please study our terms and let's meet again next


Blake: All right, Mr. Voronin. Good-bye for now.


1. to study closely - изучить внимательно.

2. high price - высокая цена

3. quality - качество

4. to be of high quality - высокого качества

5. to produce - изготовлять, производить

6. an order (for) - заказать (на что либо)

7. a requirement - требования

8. to meet the requirements of - отвечать чьим либо требованиям

9. to buy - покупать

10. a contract form - типовой контракт

11. tools - инструменты

1. Insert an exact word from the text.

(поставьте правильные слова, используя текст).

1- How about our… and…?

2- We've… them….

3- The new model of… is certainly good.

4- Your tools meet our … and we are … in buying them.

2. Make up words out of the following letters.

(поставьте буквы в правильном порядке).

1- escoly

2- aqlyuit

3- qeietsnrmure

4- dopurec

5- dreor

3. Put all possible questions to the following.

(поставьте предложения в четыре формы вопроса)

1- You have looked through them.

2- We've studied them closely.

3- We've already received a lot of orders.

4- They've just started producing the model.

5- You have seen our contract form.

4. Insert prepositions where necessary.

(Поставьте предлоги)

1- Let's meet again … next Tuesday.

2- I'd like to look… it.

3- We are interested … buying them.

4- We've received a lot… orders.

5- The new model… tools is certainly good.

5. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect Tense.

(Откройте скобки, используя Present Perfect).

1- I'm afraid / I (forget) my book at home.

2- … the secretary (yet/come)?

3- … you (ever/be) to Italy?

4- Kelvin (already/leave for) Manchester.

5- I (not/see) Tom for ages.

6- … you (have) a holiday this year?

7- Alan (work) in the bank for a year.

8- They (already/inform) her about the accident.

6. Unit 6. Text: Discussing contract terms. Grammar: Past Simple Tense (простое прошедшее время)


Discussing contract terms.

Mr. Blake studied the Buyer's contract terms and on Tuesday he came to the Russian Trade Delegation to discuss them with Voronin.

Voronin: Good morning, Mr. Blake.

Blake: Good morning, Mr. Voronin.

Voronin: May I offer you a cup of coffee?

Blake: Yes, thank you. Well, Mr. Voronin, I think we can discuss business now.

I'd like to clarify some details with you. How many machines would you like to buy?

Voronin: We can buy 40 machines.

Blake: And when do you require the goods?

Voronin: As soon as possible, say, in December.

Blake: In December? Let me see. I'm afraid, that's impossible. Our machines are selling very well and we are heavy with orders. We can deliver only 15 units in December.

Voronin: And what about the other 25 units?

Blake: We can deliver them only in 6 months.

Voronin: All right. And how about the terms of delivery? I hope they suit you.

Blake: Yes, we agree to sell the goods FOB English port and we can accept

payment for collection too.

Voronin: Fine. Now comes the question of price. I must say that your price is not attractive to us. Can you give us a 10% discount?

Blake: That's a bit difficult. The fact is our machines are in great demand at this price. However we can offer you a discount of 5% as we've been good partners for a long time.

Voronin: I think we can agree to a 5% discount. Could we meet tomorrow at 10 to sign the contract?

Blake: Yes, certainly. Good buy.

Voronin: Good buy. See you tomorrow.


1. a buyer - покупатель

2. a seller - продавец

3. can (could) - мочь, уметь, быть в состоянии

4. to offer - предлагать

5. to clarify - уточнять, вносить ясность

6. in detail - подробно

7. to require [ri'kwai?] - требовать

8. as soon as possible - как можно скорее

9. to be heavy with orders - иметь много заказов

10. to deliver - поставлять

11. to suit - устраивать, подходить

12. to agree to smth. - согласиться на что-либо

13. with smb. - согласиться с кем-либо

14. to accept - принимать

15. payment for collection - платеж в форме инкассо, платеж по факсу

16. attractive - привлекательный, приемлемый

17. a discount - скидка

18. the fact is - дело в том, что

19. a demand - спрос

20. however - однако

21. to sign - подписывать

1. Insert a word or a word combination from the text.

(поставьте слово или словосочетание из текста в пробелы).

1. I'd like to … some … with you.

2. Could we meet … at 10 … the contract?

3. I hope they … you.

4. I'm … that's impossible.

5. And when do you … the goods?

6. We can … payment. … too.

7. Can you give us a 10%...?

8. Let me....

9. As soon as....

10. Now comes the ... of price.

2. Make up words out of the letters.

(составьте слова из предлагаемых букв).

1. c e a c t p

2. e g n e r

3. t u s i

4. r e i d e y l v

5. g s n i

3. Fill in the prepositions where necessary (поставьте предлоги).

1. I'd like … clarify some details ... you.

2.... December.

3. We are heavy ... orders.

4. What about the other ... 25 machines?

5. How about the terms ... delivery?

4. Open the brackets using the Past Simple.

(раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильное время).

1. I walked quickly because I (fell) cold.

2. It (take) him 2 hours to get to London.

3. My husband (speak) to his boss last week.

4. Yesterday Mr. Blake (drink) too much at the party.

5. Ten minutes ago I (hear) a strange noise.

6. I sleep well, but last night I (not / sleep) at all.

7. He (not / play) tennis yesterday.

8. They (live) in a small house last year.

9. It seemed impossible for him to win, but he (win).

10. My dad always goes to work by car, but last week he (go) to work on foot.

5. Present Perfect / Past Simple . Choose the correct variant .

(выберите правильный вариант).

1. We (not / have) a holiday last year.

a.) didn't have

b.) haven't had

c.) hadn't have

2. … it (stop) raining yet?

a.) didn't stop

b.) is it stopped

c.) has it stopped

3. Don't worry about your letter. I (send) it the day before yesterday.

a.) sanded

b.) have sent

c.) sent

4. I can't find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) by mistake.

a.) took

b.) takes

c.) has taken

5. - Are you tired?

- Yes, a little. I (paint) the ceiling today.

a.) have painted

b.) painted

c.) paint

7. Unit 7. Text: At the Airport. Grammar: Future Simple Tense (простое будущее время)


At the Airport.

Heathrow Airport in London is a very large and busy place. Hundreds of planes land and take off and thousands of passengers get on and off planes at Heathrow every day. They fly to and from ninety countries. People usually make reservations for flights in advance, especially in summer time.

Voronin has been to London for a year and today he is going to fly back to Moscow. He has just arrived at Heathrow. He is speaking to a clerk at the check-in desk.

Voronin: Can I check in for the flight to Moscow here? Clerk: Yes, sir. May I see your ticket and passport, please?

Voronin: Certainly. Here you are. Clerk: Will you put your luggage on the scales? Oh, it's too heavy. You must pay an extra charge for overweight, I'm afraid.

Voronin: I'll take out a couple of the catalogues then.

Clerk: Can you put the luggage on the scales again, sir? It's all right now. You may take your ticket and passport and here is your boarding pass.

Voronin: Thank you.


1. hundred ['h?ndr?d] - сто, сотня

2. to land - приземляться, совершать посадку

3. to take off - вылетать, отправляться

4. a thousand (of) - тысяча

5. a passenger - пассажир

6. to get on - садиться ( на самолет, поезд)

7. to get off - сходить, выходить (из транспорта)

8. a reservation (for) - предварительный заказ

9. a flight - рейс, полет

10. in advance - заранее

11. to fly - лететь

12. back - обратно, назад

13. to arrive - прибывать, приходить

14. to check in - регистрироваться

15. a check in desk - место регистрации

16. luggage - багаж

17. scales - весы

18. to pay (for) - платить

19. extra - дополнительный (сверх нормы)

20. a charge [t?a:dз] - цена, плата

21. to take out - вынимать

22. a couple (of) - пара, два

23. then - тогда

24. a boarding pass - посадочный талон

25. an information desk - справочное бюро

26. on time - вовремя ( в точно назначенное время)

27. in time - вовремя (заблаговременно)

28. a delay [di'lei] - задержка, опоздание

29 a departure lounge [di'pa:t?? 'laundз] - зал для отъезжающих пассажиров

30. to wait (for) - ждать

31. a duty-free shop - магазин беспошлинной торговли

32. an announcement [?'naunsm?nt] - объявление

1. Put the questions to the following sentences.

(поставьте в вопросительную форму следующие предложения).

1. People usually make reservations for flights in advance. (Who)

2. Hundreds of planes land and take off at Heathrow every day. (Special)

3. Voronin has been to London for a year. (Alternative)

4. He has just arrived at Heathrow. (General)

5. He is speaking to a clerk. (Tag)

2. Open the brackets using the Future Simple Tense.

(откройте скобки, используя время Future Simple).

1. I'm tired. I (go) to bed.

2. It's late. I think I (take) a taxi.

3.... I (answer) the question?

4. We don't know their address. What (we / do)?

5. I'm afraid they (not / wait) for us.

6. Diana (come) to the party tomorrow?

7. We (not / book) the tickets in advance.

8. You (arrive) in Paris tomorrow evening.

3.Choose the correct variant.

(выберите правильный вариант).

1. I can give Bob the message if I (see) him.

a.) will see

b.) see

2. If I (hear) any news, I (phone) you.

a.) will hear, will phone

b.) will hear, phone

c.) hear, will phone

3. If the weather (be) fine tomorrow, we are going to have picnic.

a.) is

b.) will be

4. Hurry up! If you (catch) a taxi, you (meet) Mary at the station.

a.) catch, will meet

b.) will catch, meet c.) will catch, will meet

5. When I (arrive) in Manchester next week, I (phone) you.

a.) will arrive, will phone

b.) will arrive, phone

c.) arrive, will phone

8. Unit 8. Text А: Going through passport control. Text B: Going through the customs. Text C: At the hotel. Grammar: Past Perfect Tense (предпрошедшее время)


A: Going through passport control.

Now Borisov is at Heathrow Airport in London. He is going through passport control.

Immigration officer: Could I see your passport, please?

Borisov: Here you are.

Immigration officer: What's the purpose of your visit to London, sir?

Borisov: I am here on business.

Immigration officer: How long will you stay in London?

Borisov: For 3 weeks.

Immigration officer: Your passport is in order. Please go through the Customs over there.

Borisov: Thank you.

B: Going through the customs.

Customs officer: How much luggages have you got?

Borisov: Just this suitcase.

Customs officer: Have you got any things to declare? I mean perfume, cigarettes, spirits?

Borisov: I've got two blocks of cigarettes.

Customs officer: You can have them duty-free.

Borisov: Shall I open the suitcase? I've got only my personal things in it.

Customs officer: No, that is not necessary, I'll just mark it. Have a nice stay in Great Britain, sir.

C: At the hotel.

Mr. Stanley: Good afternoon. I'm from Bond Co. We have reserved accommodation for Mr.Borisov at your hotel.

Receptionist: Wait a minute, please I'll check it. Yes. That's right. A single room with a bathroom from today. The room is on the third floor, No 301.

Borisov: I hope the room is not noisy.

Receptionist: It's very quiet .It doesn't face the street. Now, sir, will you fill in the form, please? (Borisov fills in the form)

Receptionist: Thank you. Here is the key to your room. I'll call the porter and he'll take your luggage up to your room in the lift.

I hope, you'll enjoy your stay at our hotel, Mr. Borisov.


1. to go through [иru:]-пройти через….

2. a purpose ['p?:p?s] (of) -цель, намерение

3. a visit (to)-визит, посещение (в)

4. (in) order ['o:d?] - (в) порядке, (в) исправности

5. (out of) order - не в порядке, неисправный

6. the customs - таможня

7. to go through the customs - пройти таможенный досмотр

8. a customs officer - таможенник

9. to declare [di'klе?] - декларировать

10. to be duty-free - не подлежать налогообложению

11. an immigration officer - сотрудник иммиграционный службы

12. a reception [ri'sep?n] - прием

13. to fill in - заполнять

14. to fill in a form - заполнять бланк

15. a key (to) [ki:] - ключ

16. mark [mЛ:k] - отмечать, делать отметки

17. to check [t?ek] - проверять

18. a porter ['po: t?] - портье

I Word study

1. Find in text opposites to the following.

(найдите в тексте антонимические значения).

a. on holiday

b. for a week

c. out of order

d. close

e. with a bathroom

f. on the first floor

g. is not quiet

h. a double room

II Grammar Practice

2. Write 3 forms of the following verbs.

(напишите три формы следующих слов).

a. to make

b. to take

c. to spend

d. to see

e. to meet

f. to have

g. to learn

h. to get

i. to buy

j. to go

3. Open the brackets using Past Perfect Tense.

(откройте скобки, используя Past Perfect Tense).

1. Jill was afraid she (forget) her key at home, but she found it in her handbag.

2. Dad wasn't at home when I came back. He (go) out twenty minutes before.

3. Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody (leave) it the day before.

4. I apologized I (not/phone) her.

5. Mr. Jackson said that he (already/buy) everything for lunch.

4.Past Perfect / Past Simple. Choose the correct variant.

(выберете правильный вариант).

1. We were late. The meeting (start) an hour before.

a.) started

b.) had started

2. That morning she (dress), (phone) somebody, and went out.

a.) dressed a.) phoned

b.) had dressed b.) had phoned

3. That morning she went out after she (phone) somebody.

a.) phoned

b.) had phoned

4. He has tired because he (work) hard in the garden all day.

a.) worked

b.) had worked

5. After I (write) all my letters, I went to the kitchen to make coffee.

a.) wrote

b.) had wrote

6. He (already promise) to play football with his friends.

a.) already promised

b.) had already promised

5. Past Perfect / Present Perfect. Choose the correct variant.

(выберете правильный вариант).

1. Why are you looking so unhappy? - I … my purse.

a.) have lost

b.) had lost

2. Mother asked the children if they … some biscuits for tea.

a.) has bought

b.) had bought

3. Tell Tommy about these wonderful islands. He … about them.

a.) has never heard

b.) had never heard

4. I'm so happy to see you again. I … you since I left London.

a.) haven't seen

b.) hadn't seen

5. She said she … him since she left London.

a.) hasn't seen

b.) hadn't seen

9. Unit 9. Text: Talking business. Grammar: Past Progressive Tense (прошедшее продолженное время)


Talking business.

Ross import is interested in buying pumps for a new shop of a large plant in Siberia [sai'biэria]. The shop is already under construction and the customers require the goods.

Urgently, as they must complete the construction of the shop by the end of the year.

Mr. Borisov, a representative of Ross import, who deals in this kind of equipment, got instructions to buy pumps from a British company. As soon as he arrived in London he contacted Bond & Co. A leading manufacturer of pumps. Mr. Stanley, the manager of the company, invited him to come to his office.


1. a pump [рЛmp] - насос

2. a shop [?эр] - цех

3. to be under construction - строиться

4. urgently ['?:dз?ntli] - срочно

5. to complete [k?m'plit] - заканчивать

6. a representative [repri'zent?tiv] - представитель

7. to deal [di:l] (in) - заниматься чем-либо

(with) - торговать с кем-либо

8. an instruction [in'strЛk?n] - инструкция

9. leading ['li:di?] - ведущий

10. a manufacturer ['mжnju'fжkt ??r?] - изготовитель

11. to place an order (with) - размещать заказ (у)

12. immediate ['imi: djэt] - срочный, немедленный

13. balance (of) - остаток

14. to contact - связаться

15. to ship - отгружать

16. a lot - партия (товара)

17. shipping facilities - транспортные средства

18. to change for the better - измениться к лучшему

I Word study

1. Fill in the blanks with words or word-combinations from the text

(заполните пробелы словами из текста).

1. He … Bond & Co. A … … of pumps.

2. The customers require the goods….

3. They must … the construction of the shop … … of the year.

4. The shop is already … …

5. He got … to buy pumps from a British company.

2. Put prepositions where necessary

(поставьте предлоги).

1. Ross import is interested … buying pumps.

2. They must complete the construction … The shop … the end … the year.

3. Who deals … this kind … equipment?

4. A large plant … Siberia.

5. Mr. Stanley, the manager … the company.

3. Put all possible questions to the following sentences.

(поставьте предложения в четыре формы вопроса)

1. The shop is already under construction.

2. Mr. Borisov is a representative of Ross import.

3. Ross import is interested in buying pumps for a new shop.

II Grammar Practice

4. Past Progressive (Continuous) Tens

(поставьте глаголы в Past Progressive Tense).

1. When I arrived, Tom (lie) on the sofa and (speak) over the phone.

2. The police caught Dan when he (rob) a shop.

3. He couldn't speak because he (die) of laugh.

4. What you (do) between one and two?-I (play) the piano and heard nothing.

5. When you rang me yesterday I (have) a bath.

6. I (sit) by, the window when I heard the noise.

7. At six o'clock I (wait) for Jane at one station.

5. Past Progressive / Past Simple. Choose the correct variant.

(выбрать правильное время).

1. Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane, I (meet) Thomas, an old friend of mine

a.) met

b.) was meeting

2. While my son (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door.

a.) waited

b.) was waiting.

3. We (just talk) about him when he suddenly (come) in

a.) just talked a.) came in

b.) were just talking b.) was coming in.

4. Yesterday while Dad (shave); he (cut) himself slightly

a.) shaved a.) cut

b.) was shaving b.) was cutting

10. Unit 10. Text: Discussing prices and terms of payment. Grammar: Reported Speech (косвенная речь)


Discussing prices and terms of payment.

After Mr. Stanley and Mr. Borisov had discussed the number of pumps, the time and the terms of delivery. They started discussing the price and the terms of payment.

Stanley: Good morning, Mr. Borisov.

Borisov: Good morning, Mr. Stanley.

Stanley: Happy to meet you again.

Borisov: The pleasure is mine.

Let's get down to business. I'd like to start with the price. Mr. Stanley, I 'm sorry to say it is not acceptable to us.

We think you have quoted a very high price.

Stanley: Oh… per unit is quite a reasonable price. As you know we have improved the model. And besides the price includes export packing.

Borisov: Yes, we know that. But we also know that the prices on the world market for this type of pumps are lower than yours.

Stanley: But the quality of our pumps is higher and we've delivered a lot of pumps to different countries of the world at these price.

Borisov: And still, Mr. Stanley, we find the price a bit high. I'd like to stress that it's our trial order with your company and if we are satisfied with our transaction you can expect repeat orders from us.

Stanley: Well, the only thing we can do is to give you a discount of 2% off the value of the contract.

Borisov: Fine. That settles the price problem.

Stanley: And how about the manner of payment? I hope payment by a Letter of Credit against shipping documents will suit you.

Borisov: Yes, it will.

Stanley: Good. You are to open a L/C with the Moscow Narodny Bank after our Notification of the Readiness of the goods for shipment.

Borisov: All right. One more thing, Mr. Stanley. Our people would like to visit your Manufacturing plant, if it is possible.

Stanley: No problem. We can easily arrange it and I myself will take you there.

We'll do our best to make your visit useful.

Borisov: Thank, you, Mr. Stanley.

Stanley: Thank, you, Mr. Borisov. We are looking forward to establishing good business relations with your company. You are welcome to our company any time.


1. the pleasure is mine - я тоже, мне тоже приятно

2. to be acceptable (to smb.) - быть приемлемым (кому-либо

3. to quote [kwout] - назначать

4. per [p?:] - за (штуку, единицу товара)

5. a unit ['ju:nit] - единица (товара), штука

6. the goods - товар

7. packing ['pжki?] - упаковка

8. a market [m'a:kit] - рынок

9. on the world market - на мировом рынке

10. to stress - подчеркивать

11. trial ['trai?l] - пробный

12. to be satisfied with - быть удовлетворенным

13. repeat - повторный

14. value (of) - стоимость

15. to settle - 1. решить, договориться 2. разрешать, улаживать

16. a manner (of) - способ

17. to open a Letter of Credit (with) - открыть аккредитив

18. against - против

19. against shipping documents - против отгрузочных документов

20. a Notification of the Readiness - уведомление о готовности товарa к отгрузке

21. of the goods for shipment

22. a manufacturing plant - завод-изготовитель

23. to arrange [?'reind3] - организовать, устроить

24. to establish [is'tжbli?] - устанавливать

25. relations [ri'lei?nz] - отношения

26. to look forward to - с нетерпением ждать

27. to look forward to establish - стремиться к установлению

II Grammar Practice

1. Reported speech. Choose the correct variant.

(выбрать правильный вариант).

1. John sad: "I'm sorry to disturb you, Eliza".

a.) John told that he was sorry to disturb Eliz.

b.) John told Eliza he was sorry to disturb her.

c.) John said to Eliza he had been sorry to disturb her.

2. He said: "Where is Jill going?"

a.) He asked where Jill was going.

b.) He asked where Jill went.

c.) He asked where Jill was going.

3. The doctor asked: "how do you feel?"

a.) The doctor asked how did I feel.

b.) The doctor asked how I felt.

c.) The doctor asked how I had felt.

4. "Will you be free tomorrow?" Colin asked Richard.

a.) Richard asked would Colin be free the next day.

b.) Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.

c.) Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow.

5. "Where is the nearest bus stop?" the old man asked to policeman.

a.) The old man asked where the nearest bus stop was.

b.) The old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

c.) The old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

6. The teacher said to us "Be quiet, please".

a.) The teacher asked us be quiet.

b.) The teacher told us to be quiet.

c.) The teacher said to us to be quiet.

7. Don't swim too far, asked dad.

a.) Dad asked him not to swim too far.

b.) Dad asked him don't swim too far.

c.) Dad asked him if he wouldn't swim too far.

2. Insert a proper preposition: for; since; ago. (выбрать предлоги).

1. Dad isn't at home. He went to the work an hour...

2. Jill hasn't been there... three years.

3. They have lived there...1984

4. They got that flat twelve years...

5. He has worked for this company...April.

6. Two years...Deny bought a car.

7. I phoned him two days...

3. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

(изменить прямую речь в косвенную).

1. Jack told his father, "I've lost my notebook."

2. Henry said to me "I didn't throw stones at your dog."

3. He said "I have eaten nothing for two days."

4. Mary said, "I don't want to wear my old dress."

5. I said to my sister, "George has written me a long letter."

4. Change the following sentences into direct speech.

(изменить косвенную речь в прямую).

1. The teacher told his students that he was going to give them a test.

2. I told him that I hadn't seen his brother for a long time.

3. Henry told the teacher that he liked arithmetic, but he didn't like algebra.

4. We told the teacher that we didn't understand his question.

5. I told the taxi-driver that he was driving too fast.

6. She said that her children were playing in the garden.

5. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. Use "told" or "asked".

(изменить прямую речь в косвенную, используя "told" or "asked").

1. I said to Jack: "Please give me your dictionary".

2. The teacher said to Tom: "Collect the exercise-books and put them on my table".

3. I said to my friend: "Meet me outside the cinema at six o'clock".

4. Mary's mother said to her: "Don't go out without your coat".

5. The teacher said to the student: "Clean the blackboard, please".

6. Change the following sentences into Indirect speech.

(изменить прямую речь в косвенную).

1. Margaret asked Richard: "Where are you going for your holidays?'

2. Ann asked Mary: "What do you usually have for breakfast?"

3. The teacher asked Bob: "When did you learn to swim?"

4. Mary's mother asked her: "Where have you put your shoes?"

5. I asked Bob: "Why didn't you answer my letter?"

6. I asked "The old gentleman: "Are you feeling tired?"

7. The hotel manager asked the visitors: "Did you sleep well?"

8. A man stopped me in the street and asked: "Have you got a match?"

9. The teacher asked us: "Do you understand the question or not?"

10. He asked his secretary: "Do you want to be an engineer or doctor?"

11. Unit 11. Text: A visit to the plant. Grammar: The Sequence of Tenses (согласование времен)


A visit to the plant.

When Mr. Stanley and the Russian engineers arrived in Glasgow they hired a taxi to the Central Hotel where Mr. White, the production manager of the plant, had reserved accommodation for them.

At a quarter to 9 Mr. White's car picked them up at the hotel and took them to the plant. Mr. Stanley introduced Mr. Borisov and Mr. Kozen to Mr. White and told him that the Russian engineers wanted to see the production shops of the plant.

White: If you like I can show you round the whole plant, so that you can get a good idea of the range of our products.

Borisov: We'd be delighted to, if it doesn't take too much of your time!

White: I'll be happy to help you and answer any of your queries. I'll lead the way. (In the plant.)

White: This is the assembly shop and here you can see the finished products. We produce pumps of high capacity for different applications. Look, here is the latest model. We modified it last year.

Borisov: How does it compare with the previous model?

White: That's a good question. It's easier to operate and more reliable as compared ith the previous model. Besides, its capacity is higher than the capacity of the pumps of other companies. We export this model to many countries of the world.

Stanley: I say, John, Mr. Borisov told me on our way here that he wanted to see your test department as well. Is it possible?

White: Yes, of course. We thoroughly test every pump and we've had very well reports from the customers both in our country and abroad. This is where we test our pumps. In fact they are starting a test. If you want to see the test we must go to the shop right now not to miss it.


1. We'd be delighted to - we'd be very glad

2. a production manager - начальник производства

3. to show round - провести (по заводу)

4. a range [reind3] - ассортимент

5. finished products - готовые изделия

6. to be delighted [di'laitid] - быть в восторге

7. a query [`kwi?ri] - вопрос (неясность)

8. an assembly shop - сборочный цех

9. capacity - мощность, производительность

10. as compared (with) - по сравнению (с)

11. reliable [ri'lai?bl] - надежный

12. a test department - цех испытаний

13. thoroughly [`иЛr?li] - тщательно

14. a report [ri'po: t] - 1. отзыв; 2. доклад

15. a drawing [`dro:i?] - чертеж

16. available [?'veil?bl] - наличный, имеющийся в распоряжении

17. correspondence - переписка

18. abroad [?b'ro:d] - за границей

I Word study

1. Complete the sentience with the information given in the text.

(заполните пробелы словами из текста).

1. The Russian engineers wanted to see...shops of the plant.

2. I can...you...the whole plant.

3. I'll be happy to help you and answer any of your...

4. This is the...shop.

5. We produce pumps her...for different...

6. We...it last year.

7. It's easier...

8. We...this model to many countries of the world.

9. He wanted to see your... …

10. We...every pump and we've had very good...from the customers.

2. Match the words in column A with those in column B.

(составьте словосочетания, соединив колонки. А и B).


1. Show A. manager

2. Assembly B. department

3. Test C. round

4. Production D. shop

II Grammar Practice

3. Sequence of tenses. Choose the correct variant.

(выберите правильный вариант).

1. Mike hoped that his friend (help) him.

a.) would help

b.) will help

c.) helped

2. Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt (be ill) for five days.

a.) was ill

b.) has been ill

c.) had been ill

3. He gave all his money to me because he (trust) me.

a.) would trust

b.) trusted

c.) had trusted

4. We said that Andrew (go) to enter that college.

a.) is going

b.) went

c.) was going

5. My parents decided that we (celebrate) my birthday on Saturday.

a.) would celebrate

b.) shall celebrate

c.) celebrated

4. Open the brackets using Sequence of tenses.

(поставьте глаголы в правильное время).

1. When I (arrive) the lecture already (start).

2. He suddenly (realize) that he (travel) in the wrong direction.

3. Unfortunately when I arrived Ann just (leave) so we only had time for a few words.

4. When I came in they (sit) round the fire.

5. When I (arrive) at the station Mary (wait) for me.

12. Unit 12. Grammar: Modal Verbs and their equivalents (модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты)

Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

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Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты






Физическая или умственная способность или возможность совершить действие

I, you, we, they, he, she, it, can read

I, you, we, they ,he, she, it, could read

Эквивалент to be able to

To be able to

I am

you, we, they are

He, she, it is able to read

I, he, she, it was

you, we, they, were able to read

I, you, we, they, he, she, it

will be able to read



I, you, we, they, he, she, it, must read

Эквивалент to have to

Эквивалент to have to

To have to

Должен, вынужден

I, you, we, they have to read

he, she, it has to read

I, you, we, they, he, she, it

had to read

I, you, we, they, he, she, it

will have to read

To be to

Должен (по плану, по договоренности)

I am to

you, we, they are to

he, she it is to read

I, he, she, it was to

you, we, they were to read