Відтворення мовно-стилістичних особливостей творів Е.А. По в українських перекладах

Шляхи та засоби відтворення лексико-семантичних, образно-стилістичних та формально-структурних компонентів віршових творів Е.А. По в українських перекладах. Особливості відтворення стилістичних домінант прозових творів письменника в плані діахронії.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.06.2014
Размер файла 48,4 K

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Ключевые слова: Эдгар По, жанры поэтического перевода, переводы стихотворные / прозаические, лингвостилистические особенности, полисистема, комплексный анализ, рецепция.


Rykhlo O.P. Rendition of Linguostylistic Peculiarities of Edgar Allan Poe's Works in Ukrainian Translations. - Manuscript.

A thesis for the Scholarly Degree of Candidate of Philology in speciality 10.02.16 - Translation Studies. - Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University. - Kyiv, 2002.

The thesis researches the reception of Edgar Allan Poe by Ukrainian literary polysystem. This includes the history of the Ukrainian translations of E.Poe's writings, literary and critical reviews and literary practice from the late XIX to the close of the XX c. The thesis analyzes the Ukrainian translations of E.Poe's prose and poetry, defines the peculiarities of their meter, rythm, phonetics, grammar, lexis, images, and contents. The translations have received critical evaluation as facts of Ukrainian literary process; their historical, literary and artistic values have been defined. The dissertation is the first comprehensive study of its kind. It consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, list of references and two appendices.

The dissertation expands on the fundamental theoretical issues of the translation studies used in the dissertation. The basic problems, elucidated here include the notions of polysystem, repertoire, canonized vs non-canonized, primary vs secondary texts and models, center and periphery, ultimately applied to delineate the situation in Ukrainian literary polysystem with the aim of placing translated literature as a separate system within it. Our ratiocinations force us to state the non-peripheral position of translated literature within Ukrainian literary polysystem. The peculiarity of this historically acquired position resulted in specific genres of poetic translation, discussed in their distinctive features, with further projection of the latter upon the rendition of E.Poe's oeuvre into Ukrainian. We also dwell upon such notions as translatability, adequacy, multiplicity of translations to substantiate the appropriateness of implementing a complex approach to analyzing translated works of literature, involving some notions of structural typology.

The paper also particularizes the history of Ukrainian translations of E.Poe, analyzes the author's reception in Ukrainian polysystem from the late XIX to the close of the XX century, reflected both in literary criticism (P.Hrabovskyi, B.Danchytskyi, V.Koroliv-Staryi, M.Johansen, O.Biletskyi, B.Rubchak, I.Karabutenko, H.Hordasevych, M.Strikha and others) and literary and translatorial practice (H.Chuprynka, M.Voronyi, L.Mosendz, Y.Malanyuk, Y.Kosach, I.Drach, S.Vyshenskyi, Y.Pokalchuk, O.Irvanets, etc.).

The dissertation inquires into Ukrainian translations of E.Poe's “The Raven,” “Eldorado,” “Annabel Lee,” “The Bells,” and other less renowned poems (translated by P.Hrabovskyi, V.Shchurat, L.Mosendz, S.Hordynskyi, H.Kochur, V.Koptilov, D.Pavlychko, H.Hordasevych, Y.Kryzhevych, A.Onyshko, M.Tupailo, M.Strikha). The characteristics of the translations basically correspond to the epoch and conditions in which they were created. The early ones were often brought to life in concentration camps or in emigration. This, coupled with the situation in Ukrainian literary polysystem, resulted in some texts, that can be placed, without denying many of their literary values, among those purporting mostly to acquaint the Ukrainian reader with E.Poe's works, while the later attempts can be said to strive at translatorial perfection. Their notable achievements are also those of conveying the singularities of E.Poe's euphony and phonosemantics.

The paper looks at Ukrainian translations of the author's short stories and novelle (I.Petrushevych, P.Karmanskyi, V.Koroliv-Staryi, I.Mysyk, M.Johansen, B.Tkachenko, H.Luzhnytskyi (Meriam), R.Dotsenko, etc.) brought out by Lviv, Kyiv, Kharkiv and other publishers. The bulk of these translations, was produced in the late XIX - early XX centuries, when the norms of translation were not clearly established. For this reson many of them are imperfect from the viewpoint of modern requirements. These translations are characterized by word for word or overly loose translation, stylistic errors, inadequate treatment of extralinguistic features, etc. Besides, their language often bears regional marks and is archaic today. However, the situation is changing for the better with the new or revised old translations.

The findings of the dissertation will be contributory to the theory and history of literary translation, especially in the context of Ukraine's culture, and to the studies and further development and translation of E.Poe's heritage in Ukraine.

Key words: Edgar Poe, genres of poetic translation, translations of prose / poetry, lingostylistic peculiarities, polysystem, complex analysis, reception.

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