Англійська терміносистема ринкових взаємин: синтагматичні та парадигматичні особливості

Виявлення лексичних, семантичних та дериваційних особливостей термінологічних одиниць у терміносистемі ринкових відносин. Дослідження лексичної спряженості термінів англомовної терміносистеми з їх відповідниками в німецькій та українській мовах.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 13.07.2014
Размер файла 48,8 K

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В работе впервые на микро- и макроуровнях исследуется терминосистема рыночных отношений, показано взаимосвязь и отличия терминологических единиц данной терминосферы в английском, немецком и украинском языках. Впервые разработано компьютерную программу автоматического реферирования текстов. Новым является и попытка в данной работе объединить традиционные методы терминологических исследований с некоторыми прикладными аспектами функционирования терминов в текстах по специальности.

Ключевые слова: термин, терминосистема, норма, нормализация, терминопланирование, мотивированность, лексическая сопряженность, реферирование, интернационализация, моделирование.


Kudelko Z.B. English Terminology of Marketing: Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Peculiarities. - Manuscript.

Thesis for the scholarly degree of the Candidate of Sciences in Philology. Speciality 10.02.04. - Germanic Languages. - L'viv Ivan Franko National University, L'viv, 2003.

The thesis presents the researches of the English terminology of marketing, highlights paradigmatic and syntagmatic peculiarities.

The importance of this work lies in the modern English marketing terminology research in the statics and dynamics. It reveals the mechanisms of the English terminological building in the marketing terminology, making possible to shape rather objective approaches to optimization and standardization of this terminological sphere and promotes optimal building up of the Ukrainian marketing terminology, taking into consideration the experience of the target language.

It deals with the concept of norm in the language, the specific features of term in the normalization context, aspects of the linguistic normalization of terminology, interlinguistic interferences and principles of their classification.

The thesis touches upon lexical-semantic peculiarities of the marketing terminology: synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, word-building aspects. It provides classification of the synonyms (semantic and stylistic; full and partial) in the analyzed terminology, shows the ways of their appearing and methods of avoiding them in the terminological spheres. The research highlights the problem of polysemy, which is a negative phenomenon in the terminology and the ways of preventing it. The analysis proves homonymy to be not characteristic for the researched term system. The classification of antonyms is also given in this work. The antonymy of the marketing terminology is systematic one. The thesis analyzes the ways of terms building in the marketing terminology and presents their classification. It points out the problem of terms motivation, its realization, kinds, and practical aspects of the marketing terminology standardization, taking into consideration extralinguistic and intralinguistic factors of normalization. The work shows the correlation between national and international components in the terminology and gives recommendations of their preferences, based on the terms motivation. The compiling principles of explanatory terminological dictionaries, used for the formation of the Ukrainian-English-German-Russian explanatory dictionary, are shown in the work.

The thesis highlights the problem of the languages closeness, the coherence between English, Ukrainian and German languages. Some tables, showing the results of the languages closeness research are presented in the work.

It also touches upon some syntagmatic aspects of terms functioning in the economical texts, lexical-semantic ties as possible variant of automatic abstracting of texts, some terminological aspects of the building up of the educational texts in English. The computer program of automatic abstracting of the texts is presented in the thesis, based on the quantity of the lexical-semantic ties in the text.

Various methods are used in the research: the main one is the analytical-descriptive (the research of the ways of the terms creation in the structural and semantic aspects). The comparative method (functioning of the marketing terms in English, Ukrainian and German), statistical method (quantitative research of correlations between different facts) and componential analysis (observation of the terminological units functioning in the economical texts) are also applied in the research.

The thesis studies the marketing terminology at both the micro- and macroniveau for the first time. Of big scientific and practical value is the computer program of automatic abstracting of the text elaborated in the research. The work combines traditional methods of research with some applied aspects of the terms functioning in the economical texts.

The research of the English marketing terminology gave possibility to establish or elaborate on the objective basis:

· Some regularities and peculiarities of the linguistic aspects of the English terms functioning taken as an example marketing terminology;

· Usefulness of the applying not only descriptive or statistic approaches, but also applied ones, which give possibility to make more deep analysis of the linguistic phenomena and to get more proved results;

· Specific features of the term and to establish systematic-structural frame for the given terminology;

· Some criteria of the terminology normalization, some principles of the specialized text construction, possible principle of the text abstracting.

The results of the research can be used in the lectures devoted to the problems of terminology, in the theory and practice of lexicography and scientific-technical translation, in the processes of normalization, standardization of the English marketing terminological system, in the recommendations concerning introduction of the new lexical material in specialized texts. The realized value of the given thesis is compiling of the Ukrainian-Russian-English-German explanatory and translation dictionary of the marketing terms (more than 2000 terminological units), which will be useful both for the specialists from different fields and for linguists as it is not only an illustrative material, but a means of terminology standardization.

The key words: term, terminology, norm, normalization, motivation, terminological planning, closeness of languages, abstracting, internationalization, modelling.

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