Мовна об’єктивація концепту бог в англійському дискурсі XIV–XX століть

Аналіз змісту і фреймової структури концепту "бог", його місце, специфіка вербалізації та категоризації в англійській мовній картині світу. Закономірності об’єктивації концепту "бог" у світському дискурсі. Історична динаміка щодо біблійного прототипу.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.07.2014
Размер файла 60,4 K

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Ключевые слова: культурный концепт, прототипическая категория, картина мира, межфреймовая структура, слот, светский и религиозный дискурс, диахроническое варьирование.


Polina A.V. Language objectivation of the concept GOD in the English secular discourse of the XIV-XX centuries. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Philology, Speciality 10.02.04 - Germanic Languages. - Kharkiv Vasyl Karazin National University. - Kharkiv, 2004.

The cultural concept GOD is a three-level structure: its etymological level consists of non-biblical and Bible-based etymology; the archetype TRINITY reveals its original form. The concept GOD is the prototype of the category DEITIES, which in secular worldview is understood against the domain PELIGION/ SUPERNATURAL, and in the religious one GOD is opposed to UNIVERSE being its equal counterpart.

The conceptual frame network of the concept GOD integrates five basic frames: thing, action, taxonomy, possessive, comparison. Compared to the religious discourse in the secular discourse the meaning of the concept is semantically scarce, the slots “time/place”, “aim”, “instrument”, “existence”, “quantity” are historically variable, the possessive frame is absent, the concept functions as a means of expressing emotions. In religious discourse the concept GOD is the referent of the conceptual metaphor, while in secular discourse it is its correlate. It serves as referent of the conceptual metonymy in both types of discourse. In secular discourse as compared to religious one the conceptual frame network demonstrates the greatest difference in the XVIII and XX and the most similarity in XIV-XV and XVI-XVII centuries.

Key words: cultural concept, prototypical category, worldview, conceptual frame network, slot, secular and religious discourse, diachronic changes.

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