Кольороназви в індивідуально-авторській картині світу Максиміліана Волошина

Аналіз загального колористичного ряду у ліриці М. Волошина. Визначення пріоритетних мовних засобів вираження кольору. Вивчення кількісного і якісного складу лексико-семантичного поля кольороназв. Виявлення індивідуальних особливостей колірних номінацій.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.08.2014
Размер файла 45,7 K

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The appropriateness of the use of concept “color worldview” was proven; the basic, tincture and indirect names were differentiated in the structure of colour worldview of M. Voloshin; complete list of color names in such groups as water, earth, air and fire in the lyrical cyclus of verses of the poet, as well as in the lyrical cyclus “Inscriptions on water-colours” were presented and systematized.

The linguistic research of color names was conducted in the main modern trend: address to the theory of the lexico-semantic field (LSF). During our research the composition and structure of LSF of color were exposed in the author color worldview of M. Voloshin.

New approach to the selection of peripheral areas in LSF of color in the colour worldview, enabling more detailed to differentiate the nearest, near, distant and extreme peripheries, was offered.

The research of microfields structure within bounds of LSF of color allowed to trace the mechanisms of the macrofield of the color creation in the color worldview of the poet in particular and in the general language worldview in whole.

Key words: color name, individual-authorial worldview, lexico-semantic field, metaphor, M. Voloshin.

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