Problems of translation of phraseology
Display problems of the translation of phraseology in the works of scholars. The study of the specifics of phraseological units and ways of translating figurative phraseology. Difficulties translation of phraseological units and ways of their overcoming.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | контрольная работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.07.2015 |
Размер файла | 26,0 K |
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- Introduction
- Chapter I. Phraseological units and somatic phraseological units within
- 1.1 Defenition of a phraseological unit
- 1.2 Definition of a somatic phraseological unit
- Chapter II. Types of somatic phraseological units
- 2.1 Phraseological fusion
- 2.2 Phraseological unities
- Chapter III. Obstacles of somatic phraseology units translation
- 3.1
- 3.2 Association resemblance of somatic phraseological units
- 3.3 Stylistic non-differentiation and polysemy of phraseological units
- Chapter IV. Somatic phraseology translation and ways of obstacle clearance
- 4.1 Basic methods of somatic phraseology translation
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
Phraseological units fill in the gaps in lexical language system which is unable to maintain completely the names of the (new) lines of reality recognized by a human and in many cases are the only means of naming units, features, processes, conditions and situations and etc.
Phraseology unit translation is one of the most complicated and challenging issues being developed within the frameworks of the modern translation science. The complication the phraseology semantic structure causes obstacles in their translation. Phraseological units are so-called “micro-texts” including various information of reality objects. They both name the units of reality and transfer information about psychological and emotional state of a speaker and his or her perception of the reality. The statement that phraseological units belong to translation units naturally does not doubt in the fact that a translation unit does not obligatory coincide with a unit of any accepted levels of the language hierarchy. Taking phraseology into consideration it means that its' units may be deemed as translation units whether it is an independent language level or not. Herewith it is important during translation to recognize each phraseological unit as a minimal and completed translation unit analogous to a word.
Problems of phraseology translation are generally considered by many scholars: V.S. Vinogradov, N.L. Shadrin, S. Florin, E.F. Arsenteva, A.V. Fedorov. V.N. Komissarov, the difficulties associated with the translation of phraseological units are examined the most explicitly in the works of Y.P. Solodub, L.F. Dmitrieva, S.E. Kuntcevich, E.A. Martinkevich, N.F. Smirnov.
The subject of our study is to identify ways to overcome the problems in the translation of phraseology. The object of study are pieces of fiction.
The aim of this work - to analyze the main difficulties of translation of phraseological units and to find ways to overcome them.
To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the tasks as per the below:
-to study structural specificity of phraseology;
-to identify problems of translation of phraseological units;
- to study methods of translation figurative phraseology.
During the study such pieces of fiction as «Peter Pan» by J.M. Barrie and «The Wind in the Willows» by Kenneth Graham were investigated.
Chapter I. Phraseological units and somatic phraseological units within
1.1 Defenition of a phraseological unit
Many researchers (YP Solodub, VV Vinogradov, G. A. Golikova, VN Komissarov, etc.) have worked on the concept of phraseology, and studied their structural specificity and isolated types of combinations. So, according to the definition of Solodub Y.P. an idiom is a sustainable combination of words with a holistic generalized value arising on the basis of figurative rethinking (semantic transformation) of a verbal complex Solodub Y.P. Fiction translation theory and practice. M, 1997, p 113.
In linguistics ,phraseology is the study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs , and other types of multi-word lexical units (often collectively referred to as phrasemes), in which the component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently. For example, ` Dutch action' is composed of the words Dutch of or pertaining to the Netherlands' and auction `a public sale in which goods are sold to the highest bidder', but its meaning is not `a sale in the Netherlands where goods are sold to the highest bidder'. Instead, the phrase has a conventionalized meaning referring to any auction where, instead of rising, the prices fall
For example:
1) A skeleton in the cupboard - 'family secret; trouble hidden from outsiders';
the real McCoy- 'a great thing, something very valuable;
2) I grin like a Cheshire cat - 'grinning from ear to ear'; Peeping Tom- 'man with a morbid curiosity, secretly watching over the other';
If you have motivation values shaped in a particular phraseologism we very clearly perceive it as a separate component of a lexical word and we are aware of the role of each of them in the creation of a holistic generalized value of all idiomatic unity.
In the absence of imaginative motivation values of a phraseologism its components largely lose their lexical properties, thus in some way erased even real borders separating them, they form a single «fusion», which is a plan for the appropriate idiomatic expressions. The same, p.115
1.2 Definition of a somatic phraseological unit
In recent years the interest to phraseological units, containing somatics in their composition increased. This is due to the fact that somatisms represent one of the oldest strata in the vocabulary of various languages and are included in the core of the basic structure of the word foundation of a language. The reason for the constant attention to somatisms is the fact that the process of self-awareness among the surrounding reality and self-perception of humans as individuals began with sensations that arise directly through the senses and parts of his own body. According to S. N. Beliavsky: «the human body was one of the most available for observation and study of the object, and the words denoting parts of the human body, is as old as human consciousness itself» Belyavsky. Origin of ancient orthodox and Russian language close to Greek and Latin M.,1988, p.19. Somatisms have great potential for the formation of phraseological units. These components of phraseological units are in his self-owned to high-frequency area of lexical composition, to its most ancient, ancestral and social important part. Using the names of body parts in a figurative sense - as comparisons, metaphors, idioms, proverbs, people are trying to express their ideas better or to produce a greater impression of the above. Native speakers use words, calling their organs, to describe the most different spheres of reality, including emotions. A body is the closets thing to a person, we often use comparison with it when talking about something the most familiar. However, their main and direct value always prevail in a language. The popularity of somatic phraseological units also contribute to the relevance of the content, vivid imagery, the nation, the grammatical simplicity of design and stylistic diversity. A characteristic feature of somatic phraseology is available in numerous languages analogues, very close in shape orientation of phrases. This feature sharply distinguishes somatic phraseological units from other thematic groups of other units.
So we may conclude that somatic phraseological units are the phraseological units where names of parts and sensory organs of a human body are used on purpose of comparison, metaphors, idioms and proverbs.
Chapter II. Types of somatic phraseological units
2.1 Phraseological fusion
Phraseological fusions are lexically indivisible phrase, the value of which is not determined by the value of their constituent single words. For example, the sense of momentum twiddle - «mess around» with the drop of a hat - «rashly», Sodom and Gomorrah - «the bustle, the noise, carelessly - «sloppy», just to make sure - «certainly» not be motivated by the value of the component parts, as, first, in the lexical system of modern language is not fully on the value of independently existing words thumbs, Bay, floundering, Sodom, Gomorrah, and secondly, the meaning of the words beat down (after), the sleeves, to give, to drink is in the terms and conditions of this phrase is lexically weak, even devastated (cf: core values beat - «to strike», pull «move down» sleeves «part of a garment covering the hand; to give - «give» to drink - «absorbing liquid»). Thus, the main feature of phraseological fusion is its lexical indivisible, absolute semantic coherence, in which the value of turnover cannot be inferred from the meanings of its constituent words. Semantically fusion turns in most cases out to be the equivalent of the word (in the terminology of V.V. Vinogradov, «a kind of syntactically compound word») V.V. Vinogradov. Selected Works. Lexicology ans lexicography. M.1997, p.134. For example: topsy-turvy - «Vice versa», hand on heart - «honest, upright», atrociously - bad, coward (or cowards) to celebrate «be afraid, be afraid», etc. Talking about somatic phraseological fusions we may highlight such examples as
- hand of the heart;
- from tip to toe;
- not to see beyond one's nose;
- sprinkle ashes upon one's head
Phraseological fusion is the main form of somatic phraseological units.
2.2 Phraseological unities
Along with phraseological fusions researchers identify phraseological unities. Phraseological unity is a phraseological unit, integral generalized figurative meaning which can be metaphorically motivated on the basis of lexical meaning of an exchanged component included in their composition Sologub Y. P. Fiction translation theory and practice. M,1997, p.114. Examples: to pour oil on the flame(s)-` to pour oil on the fire', to tear one's hair- ` to tear my hair out, (to live) a cat and dog life-to live like cat and dog'. Their high valence level is based on the phraseological, or internal form, i.e. visual representation, the «picture» on which is comprehended and perceived itself holistic generalized figurative meaning. Theoretically, the presence of identical values and internal forms of idioms can be explained by a certain commonality of figurative and conceptual associations that occur in different languages and in different nations as a result of similarity of their life experience; an important role can play the cultural realities, to some extent, reflect the general path of development of these peoples. Illustrative examples include the following phraseological unity: «to carry coals to Newcastle» is «to engage in useless and unnecessary thing», it is semantically identical with the idiom in the Russian language -` to go to Tula with the samovar'; «when pigs fly» means «never», that is semantically identical with the idiom in the Russian language - «when the fish will sing». The above phraseological unity is absolutely identical to their values and stylistic colouring (most often they belong to the conversational style of the literary language, but can be used in common parlance). Identical in motivating their value phraseological images they, however, are not: each has a unique, specifically national character (this means that one of the important components of phraseological structure of their values is an ethno-cultural). Sologub Y. P. Fiction translation theory and practice. M,1997 ,1997, p. 117
In English we can find the below somatic phraseological units as unities:
-have your nose in something;
-put a hand on something;
-be on a friendly foot with somebody;
-pull a leg and etc.
translation phraseological difficulty
Chapter III. Obstacles of somatic phraseology units translation
The similarity of phraseology with the free combination J. A. Golikova noted that figurative expressions require much more attention from a translator because unlike non-picturesque idioms, frequently with established versions of the translation into Russian language represent, is much more complex structures from the point of view of semantics . Translation of winged words, proverbs, similes and other figurative language instruments is a difficult task; when it is executed the interpreter lies in wait for a number of dangers, ignorance of which may lead to significant distortions of the meaning of the translated idioms Golikova J. A. Modern English lexicology and phraseology.M, 2004, p. 213 Some difficulties in the translation causes the similarity of idiom with a free combination, for example: a) «to let one's hair down» - keep yourself very relaxed, uninhibited,
b) «by the skin of one's teeth”» - means «with no room to spare, barely» . Dealing with an idiom someone takes it as a free word combination in translation and here blunders arise. Thus, in the translation of the novel of Greenwood ` Squad performs' we are informed that the hero of the novel came from his brown study' that may not come as a surprise, because before that he was in the yard. In this case the English idiom to be in a brown study , that is, `thinking deeply' was adopted for the free combination of words and was not recognized. This circumstance led to a number of gross errors in translation Komissarov V. N. Modern translation and interpretation studies. M, 2002, p. 17.
So the first to be done is to recognize a phareological unit in a text.
3.2 Association resemblance of somatic phraseological units
L.F. Dmitriyeva, S.E. Kuntsevich, E. A Martinkevich, N. F. Smirnova note that is very frequent at full coincidence of a form of Russian and the English phraseological unit of their value can not coincide.
So, English expression of «to lead by the nose” means «messages on a string, entirely to subordinate» unlike Russian «to fool»;
«to stretch one's legs» matters opposite to that arises, namely: 'to walk, warm up feet'.
Similarly «to throw dust in the eyes» means «to deceive', and `to show off '-'to brag, put on airs».
An idiomatic expression can be incorrectly interpreted because of its associative similarity with the corresponding phraseological unit of target language.
For example:
«to pull the devil by the tail» -under the influence of Russian this expression can be intepreted as 'to hold god by a beard', instead of value - 'to ask for troubles'.
Such coincidence very is very frequent in English. Therefore when transfer it is necessary to consider that many English phraseological units, despite their similarity in Russian have various values.
3.3 Stylistic non-differentiation and polysemy of phraseological units
English idioms are famous for their semantic and stylistic non-differentiation and polysemy. Dmitrieva L.F. Kuntsevich S.E., Martinkevich E.A., Smirnova N.F. , English language. Translation course. Student's Book. Moscow- Rostow-na-Donu, 2005 , 2005, p. 62
For example:
- to be on foot means «to be in work» and on the other side - «to be in good relations to someone»;
- You never can tell- can be both translated 'who knows' and 'you never can tell' that is not stylistically equivalent.
The divergence between the corresponding phraseological units can be connected with connotive components of their semantics. So, the English phraseological unit of «to save one's skin» corresponds to Russian «to rescue the skin» when it is used in negative sense. But the same phraseological unit can have a positive connotation, and then such translation will be wrong. For example:
«Betty saved Tim's skin by typing his report for him» - Betty helped Tim out ( rescued from troubles) , having printed for him the report .
Thus, the stylistic not differentiation and a polysemy of phraseological units, and also their similarity to a free combination and associative similarity present the main difficulties at the translation into Russian.
Chapter IV. Somatic phraseology translation and ways of obstacle clearance
4.1 Basic methods of somatic phraseology translation
Most of researchers (V.N Komissarov, L.F. Dmitriyeva, S.E. Kuntsevich, E. A. Martinkevich, N. F. Smirnova) specify the four main ways of the translation of figurative phraseology. They are as per the below:
- method of phraseological equivalent;
- method of phraseological analogue;
- word-for-word translation;
- descriptive translation.
The first type of compliances is called usually phraseological equivalents. When using such compliances all complex of values of the translated unit remains. In this case in the language of translation there is a figurative phraseological unit coinciding in all respects with phraseological unit of the original, for example:
-to catch in the neck - взять за горло;
- to turn the other cheek - подставить другую щеку.
Use of such compliance allows to reproduce most fully the foreign-language phraseological unit, and the translator first of all tries to find it. However thus it is necessary to consider two circumstances limiting possibility of application of the first type of phraseological compliances.
First of all there are very few phraseological equivalents. Most often they are found in the so-called international phraseological units borrowed by both languages from any third language, mainly from Latin or Greek: the hill of Achilles-` Achilles' heel'. Komissarov V. N.,Modern translation and interpretation studies. M, 2002, p. 172 .
Equivalent units can be borrowed and during later period. So, both English, and Russian languages borrowed a proverb from French: «Le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle-The game isn't worth the candle» - «The game isn't worth the candle» (Игра не стоит свеч).
Secondly, as V.N Komissarov notes, at loan by both languages of the same phraseological unit its value in one of them can change, and as a result these phraseological units will be «false friends of the translator» - similar in a form, but different in the contents. For example, English «to lead by the nose» and Russian «to fool» in a form coincide, but the English phraseological unit means «completely to subordinate, order», and Russian «to deceive». Similarly «to throw dust in the eyes» means «to deceive“.
Method of a phraseological analogue is connected with a selection of an analogue to a translated phraseological unit. If there is no phraseological equivalent one may select a unit of the same figurative meaning in the translation language.
-cry on somebody's shoulder -- `плакаться кому-либо в жилетку;
-work one's fingers to the bone -- `работать, не покладая рук';
-catch somebody red-handed -- `поймать на месте преступления'.
Here it should be noted that phraseological units with national connotation may not be translated into Russian with nationally connotated Russian idioms.
Word-for-word translation (or calquing) is possible only in case when a figurative expression clear to a Russian reader appears as a result of such translation. For example: «to have a good nose for something» means «to be able to catch something by a smell» (иметь хороший нюх на что-то). Such word-word translation is clear a Russian reader. Such calquings possess certain advantages and are rather widely used in translation practice. First, they allow to keep a figurative system of the original that is especially important in a literary translation. Secondly, they give the chance to overcome difficulties which arise when in the original the image is beaten for creation of the developed metaphor. V.N. Komissarov, Modern translation and interpretation studies. M.,2002, p.174
A translator uses the descriptive method to translate a phraseological unit when there is no equivalent or analogue available and the idiom cannot be translated word-for-word.
Below please find the examples:
- get up somebody's nose- раздражать;
- back-to-back - вполотную
We may see that there are no calquings or word-for-word t for such idioms and they should be translated with the proper means of Russian language.
Thus we may conclude that each of the four methods of the translation are suitable for a particular case and a translator should analyze the idiom and the context to select a proper method to translate the idiom.
Thus it is possible to draw a conclusion that when transfer phraseological units the translator is faced by two main objectives:
1) strict observance of standards of word compatibility in the translation language;
2) transfer figurality of the idiom translated.
But it is possible to reach these tasks not always since in translation process we meet many obstacles. The main obstacles can be presented in the table № 1.
Table № 1.
Obstacles |
Examples |
English |
Russian |
Similarity of phraseology with a free word combination |
to let one's hair down |
держать себя очень непринужденно, раскованно |
Association resemblance of somatic phraseological units |
to lead by the nose to throw dust in the eyes |
всецело подчинить кого-либо. Обманывать, сбивать с толку |
Differences in style and stylistic differentiation |
Be on foot |
1) быть в производстве; 2) иметь хорошие отношения с кем-либо |
To clear the above obstacles one has to use the main ways to translate figurative phraseology specified in Table 2.
Table № 2
Translation method |
Examples |
English |
Russian |
Method of phraseological equivalent |
To catch in the neck |
взять за горло |
Method of phraseological analogue |
cry on somebody's shoulder |
плакаться в жилетку |
Word-for-word translation |
to have a good nose for something |
иметь хороший нюх на что-то |
Descriptive |
get up somebody's nose |
раздражать |
Herewith one should take into the consideration that idioms in both Russian and English languages have national features and while translation from one language to another these features shall not be shown.
1. Barrie J.M. Peter Pan: available on
2. Graham Kenneth .The Wind in the Willows: available at
3. Balli Sh. French Stylistics. M., 2001
4. Belyavsky E.V. Origin of ancient orthodox and Russian language close to origin of Greek and Latin. M., 1988
5. Vinogradov V.V. Selected works. Lexicology and lexicography. M., 1997
6. Golikova J.A. Modern English lexicology and phraseology. M.,2002
7. Dmitrieva L.F., Kuntsevich S.E., Martinkevich E.A., Smirnova N.F. , English language. Translation course. Student's Book. Moscow- Rostow-na-Donu, 2005.
8. Kazankova O.A., Rostowa M.L. Somatic phraseology units of English and Russian languages with semantic component “nose”/ “нос» M., 2009
9. Komissarov V.N. Modern translation and interpretation studies. M.,2002
10. Kunin A.V. English-Russian phraseology dictionary. M., 2005
11. Solodub Y.P. Fiction translation theory and practice. M., 2005
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