Комунікативні інтенції "Я-висловлень" у сучасному англомовному дискурсі: лінгвокогнітивний та прагматичний аспекти

Дослідження еволюції тлумачень поняття дискурс у лінгвістиці. Роль компонентів структури мовної особистості адресанта у формуванні та реалізації інтенцій. Актуалізація комунікативних інтенцій адресанта в авторському дискурсі сучасної англійської мови.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.08.2015
Размер файла 75,9 K

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Ключевые слова: авторский дискурс, интенция, коммуникативно-семантическая группа, концепт, лексический класс глагола, речевой акт, фрейм, „Я-высказывание”.


Hnatkovska O.M. Communicative Intentions of “I-Utterances” in modern English discourse : linguocognitive and pragmatic aspects. -- Manuscript.

Thesis for а Candidate Degree in Philology. Speciality 10.02.04 - Germanic Languages. -- Chernivtsi National Yuriy Fed'kovych University. -- Chernivtsi, 2009.

The research focuses on the peculiarities of intention actualization in the “I-Utterances” of fiction, newspaper and scientific discourses.

The role of communicative, cognitive and discursive characteristics of the addresser's language identity in the processes of formation, verbalization and realization of intentions is determined. The formation of intention is stipulated by addresser's conceptual worldview, knowledge frames and discursive thinking. Its verbalization depends on the addresser's language worldview and discursive competence; and its realization - on the utterance deictic elements, interlocutors' roles and statuses, register and style of communication, and addresser's discursive activity and behaviour.

A complex approach to the communicative phenomenon of intention research, using conceptual, frame, contextual and linguostatistic analyses, is suggested in the thesis.

The concept INTENTION comprises notional, image and value constituents. The first one consists of 47 conceptual features singled out on the basis of componential analysis of the concept nomination “intention”, its derivatives, synonyms and antonyms. The second constituent is made up by metaphorical models designed by means of the contextual analysis of the concept name and its derivatives. It illustrates the connections concept INTENTION has with other concepts (PERSON, SPACE, FORM and their subconcepts). The third constituent includes the existing associations and value judgments connected with the concept name and its derivatives.

The realization of intention in language worldview is modeled as the action-frame with slots AGENТ, PATIENT, CAUSATIVE, FACTIVE, AFFECTIVE, INSTRUMENT, RECEPIENT, combined with the slots of other basic frames THEN, SUCH, SO, SO MUCH, POSSESSION, PART, CORRELATE, CONTAINER.

Addresser's language identity realizes its intentions in discourse utterance. Author's “I” is represented in fiction discourse as writer's “I”, character's “I”, narrator's “I” and observer's “I” whereas in newspaper and scientific discourse - as author's “I” and quoted “I”. The correlation of subjective “I” expressed by the pronouns “I, me, my” and objective “I” expressed by other personal and possessive pronouns determine the degree of discourse subjectivity. The degree of objectivity is higher in every discourse, with the scientific discourse being the most objective

Intentions in discourse were classified by means of analysis of the “I-Utterance” speech act illocutionary force, lexical and grammatical properties of the verb in “I + Verb” combination that constitutes the basis of “I-Utterance”. All the verbs under analysis are grouped into 18 classes and their tense forms - into opposition Past : : Non-Past.

The types of communicative intentions characteristic of “I-Utterances” in modern English discourse are: reporting (narrative, explicative, specifying, representative, reminding, summarizing, confirming, denying, reproaching), assertive, supposing, promising, menacing, warning, predicting, offering, demanding, requesting, advising, gratitude, apology, interrogative intentions. All the types are represented only in fiction discourse. However, the predominance of reporting intention typical of “I-Utterances” in all the discourses testifies to the fact that informing the addressee is the main purpose of these discourses addresser.

The suppositional and demanding intentions proved to be the most lexically and grammatically formalized in modern English discourse. The dominant communicative-semantic group for the first intention actualization is “I + (V mental activity) non-past; and for the latter one - “I + (V volitional activity)) non-past”. The rest of intentions have different dominant verb classes of verbalization.

The results of correlation analysis (coefficient of contingency K and criterion ч2) show that there is not much difference between the frequency of narrative, specifying and interrogative intentions in all types of discourse, between explicative and demanding intentions in fiction and newspaper discourse. The least intensive connection between intention frequency distribution is characteristic of descriptive intention in scientific discourse, the most intensive - of gratitude intention in scientific discourse.

Key words: author's discourse, communicative-semantic group, concept, frame, intention, “I-utterance”, lexical verb class, speech act.

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