Supporting mechanism of the foot

The study of anatomy and physiology of the foot and toes. The structure of the most important parts of the skeletal system. Characteristics of the metatarsal, metatarsus and phalanges. Analysis of muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints the feet.

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Дата добавления 20.05.2016
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Ministry of Health and Social Development

Semey State Medical University

Chair of anatomy and histology


Topic : Arches of the foot, supporting mechanism of the foot. The flat foot.

Performed by

Tokenova Madina,

Checked by

Kozhanova S.K.

Semey 2016



1. Anatomy and physiology of the foot and toes

2. The bones of foot

3. Ligaments, tendons and joints of the foot

4. Arch of foot

5. The flat foot

6. Types of the flat foot

7. Prevention of the flat foot



The stack is arranged and functions as an elastic movable vault. Vaulted structure of the foot is not in all animals, including apes, and is a hallmark of human caused bipedal locomotion. Such a structure has arisen in connection with the new functional requirements imposed on the human foot: an increase in the load on the foot in the vertical position of the body, reducing the area of ??support in conjunction with the economy of the construction material and the strength of the whole structure.

1. Anatomy and physiology of the foot and toes

Feet and toes - the most important part of the skeletal system. During walking and running, they can withstand the weight of the body and move it, as well as help to maintain balance when changing position. It is also proved that the foot are many biologically active points, impact on which leads to certain reactions of the organism. Recent studies have also found on the feet portions susceptible to the action of a magnetic field. The mechanism of these effects is not yet fully understood - as well as the ability of yogis walking barefoot on the glass and hot coals without causing self-harm.

In general, healthy human foot adapted to operatively support. That is why the toes is significantly shorter than the arms, and have low mobility. However, this does not happen at once: the thumb on the foot of a newborn baby usually agile and strong, with a good gripping ability, but over time it loses the majority of such functions.

It is well known that after prolonged exercise, some people know how to manage your toes almost as well as the fingers on his hands: to play musical instruments, paint, write, sew (Japanese), weave (Bengalis). The famous Russian ethnographer Nikolai Maclay wrote that the Papuans have seen many who know how to keep your toes large items.

In men, common elongated shape of toes, and for women - shortened and flattened. In appearance, the fingers are three types of feet: 60% of people have "Egyptian" foot with the thumb, which is longer than the rest; 25% - "quadrilateral" foot with the thumb and second finger is almost the same length; 15% have a "Greek" foot with the second finger is longer than the others.

The smallest on foot, as is known, the fifth finger - little finger. Due to the fact that it practically does not participate in the function of the foot support, some researchers predict future it virtually complete disappearance.

However, one can argue with this: unlike a human skull, which has evolved over thousands of years, the foot structure has hardly changed. Its shape remains the same: the bones in the foot 25, and more than 100 bundles muscle 33, part of which is attached to the bottom of the tibia.

2. The bones of foot

Human skeleton of the foot, as well as the brush is divided into three divisions: the tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges (Figure 1).

Tarsal bones include seven cancellous bone, arranged in two rows between the tibia and the metatarsus. Back row formed by the talus and the calcaneus, and the front - the navicular, cuboid, medial, intermediate and lateral cuneiform bones.

Below is the talus calcaneus and anteriorly and lie down navicular, cuboid, and sphenoid bone. Calcaneus - the largest bone of the foot. It is located under the talus and significantly stands out from under her. The heel bone is one of the main supporting bones of the lower extremity.

On the bottom side of the talus are three articular surface for articulation with the calcaneus: anterior calcaneal articular surface, the middle calcaneal articular surface and the back heel articular surface. Astragalus with tarsal bone forms the lower leg ankle.

Hock - this is the front part of the foot between the heel and the toes. The metatarsals are the five short tubular bones. The shortest and thick - I metatarsal bone, the longest - II metatarsal.

As in the metacarpal bones, recovered the body of the metatarsal bones, head and base. Grounds metatarsal bones join to form joints with a cuboid and three cuneiform bones. The metatarsals are also connected with the main heads phalanges.

Bones of fingers (phalanges) differ from foot bones fingers brush their size: they are much shorter. At the toes, as well as the brush, there are three phalanges: the main, middle, and end. The exception is the thumb (I finger), the skeleton of which consists of two phalanxes: main and end. Phalanx is a tubular bone. The base of each of the main phalanx has flattened hole, forming a joint with the head of the corresponding metatarsal bone. Phalanx does not play a significant role in supporting the function of the foot, as they only lightly touch the ground.

It should also be noted that the bones of the tarsus and metatarsus are not coplanar. Astragalus is located on the heel and navicular - above the calcaneus and cuboid. With this mutual arrangement of bones of the foot are formed by its arches, which provide support for a spring leg. The arches of the foot are the convexity facing upwards. In fact, the foot rests on the ground only a few points: the back - it tuberosity of the calcaneus, the front - head of metatarsal bones, mostly II and V.

3. Ligaments, tendons and joints of the foot

The bones of the foot are connected together by ligaments that strengthen the joints. A very important role plays the ligaments in supporting the arches of the foot.

Bundles foot are often subjected to trauma: fractures and tears. Note that quite often, the term "tension" can not be attributed to the ligaments, as ligaments are quite solid structure. Therefore, when there is usually traumatizing them a break or, more often - a partial tear.

Tendons - it is with the help of which the muscles attach to bones. In its structurally they resemble bundles. And the ligaments and tendons are formed from collagen fibers, which are as it were woven into a rope. This provides them with a certain strength and elasticity.

The most famous is the tendon on the foot Achilles tendon. It is attached to the heel bone and is a continuation of the gastrocnemius muscle. It is involved in flexion of the foot.

The bones of the foot, connecting with each other to form a joint. Each joint is surrounded by a joint capsule, which strengthens ligaments. From inside the joint cavity is covered by synovial membrane.

From a practical point of view, the most important are the transverse tarsal joint or Chopart joint and tarsometatarsal joints, combined called Lisfranc joint. Through these joints made where necessary forefoot amputation.

Most of the foot joint stiffness referred to as the shape of the bones and ligaments strong movement in them is limited. The greatest mobility have the metatarsophalangeal joints, which may flexion, extension, abduction and adduction of fingers and trochlear shape interphalangeal joints of the foot, allowing for a slight flexion and extension of individual phalanxes.

Professional load on the foot is in it clearly visible changes. An example is the dancers stop. When standing and moving around on his toes the whole weight of the body falls on the first three fingers, so the metatarsals and phalanges of the fingers at the dancers relatively heavier than people of other professions.

Despite the fact that the human foot is narrowly specialized as a support body and movement, in some cultures it is used as an auxiliary organ of labor. Therefore, movement in the joints of the foot reach their high mobility and muscle are different skill. If necessary, the mobility of the joints of the foot can be increased by appropriate exercises.

The complex of the foot bone connected almost motionless using tight joints, forming a so-called solid foundation of the foot, which includes 10 bones: os naviculare, ossa cuneiformia mediale, intermedium, laterale, os cuboideum, ossa metatarsalia I, II, III, IV, V.

From ligament to strengthen the arch of the foot plays a decisive role lig. plantare longum - the long plantar ligament. It starts from the bottom surface of the calcaneus, stretches forward and is attached to the deep fibers tuberositas ossis cuboidei and surface - to the base of the metatarsal bones.

Exchanging through the sulcus ossis cuboidei, long plantar ligament makes the furrow in the osteo-fibrous canal, through which the tendon m. peronei longi.

4. Arch of foot

The most surprising thing in the structure of the human foot are its vaults. Only a human foot is built on the principle of a strong and elastic arch with short fingers. The bones of the foot form a set of 2 - longitudinal and transverse, which appeared in connection with the vertical position of the human body. The foot rests on the floor area not its entire plantar surface, and only the calcaneal tuber behind and heads I and V metatarsal bones in the front, which provides it with springs properties.

The longitudinal arch of the foot can be represented as a system of five arches, each of which starts from the calcaneal tuber and extends forward up to the respective heads of the metatarsal bones. On the inner side of its longitudinal arch of the foot above, the outer - below. This is easily seen, even at the sight of the plantar surface of the foot. The outer part of the foot supports when standing or walking, the inner spring in motion. Therefore, the outer part of the longitudinal arch of the foot (formed by arcs extending to the IV and V fingers) are called support arch and the inner part (I-III of the arc) - spring vault.

The transverse arch of the foot is well expressed in the heads of the metatarsal bones. Normally the foot rests in the anterior head only extreme (I and V) metatarsal bone head II, III and IV form a convex metatarsal arch.

Foot vaulted structure is maintained due to the shape of bones and ligament strength, especially the long plantar ligament and the plantar fascia - the so-called passive foot tightening. Not less important role in strengthening the muscles of the arches play - active tightening, which are located both longitudinally and transversely. On the sole distinguish 3 groups of muscles: one exercise movement of the thumb; the other - the little finger; third, lying in the middle, are all toes. These muscle fiber bundles extending in different directions, help retain the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot.

The muscles of the foot

Foot performs the following movements: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, rotation inward and outward. All the movements are carried out in the joints with the help of leg muscles (Figure 2). On foot, the tendons are located long leg muscles, flexion and extension of the foot and its toes, as well as their own muscle of the foot.

By the shin muscles involved in the movement of the foot, are:

soleus muscle (bends shin and foot - plantar flexion);

long peroneal muscle (foot bends, lifts its outer edge, strengthens the transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot);

flexor digitorum longus (starts on the rear surface of the tibia below the soleus muscle, the tendon of this muscle passes to the foot behind the inner ankle and is divided into four tendons that attach to the terminal phalanges II-V fingers - bends terminal phalanx II-V fingers, flex the foot, turning it outwards);

long flexor of the hallux (big toe bends; involved in flexion and supination of the foot, enhances the longitudinal arch of the foot);

peroneus brevis (tendon of the muscle takes place on foot behind the lateral side of the ankle, fastens on the basis of at metatarsal bone, the muscle starts from the lower two-thirds of the outer surface of the fibula, raises the outer edge of the foot, prevents rotation of the sole of the foot inward flex foot - plantar flexion);

tibialis posterior muscle (starting on the back surface of the fibula, flex foot - plantar flexion, and leads her supiniruet);

tibialis anterior muscle (starts from the tibia, extends the foot in the ankle joint, simultaneously raises the inner edge of the foot and supiniruet it; strengthens the longitudinal arch of the foot)

long extensor hallucis longus (starting from the upper third of the anterior surface of the fibula, tendon of extensor hallucis longus is at the rear of the foot and is attached to the terminal phalanx of the big toe, muscle extends the thumb of the foot, is involved in the extension of the foot in the ankle joint).

The muscles of the foot muscles are separated dorsum of the foot and the muscles of the plantar surface. The muscles of the rear foot - mainly flexors, the muscles of the sole - mainly flexors.

At the rear of the foot are two muscles - the extensor digitorum brevis and extensor digitorum longus short. foot skeletal ligament joint

Extensor digitorum brevis - is underdeveloped muscle, which begins in the anterior upper and outer surface of the calcaneus, runs along the rear of the foot, its three tendons reach the II-IV fingers and connected to the extensor digitorum longus tendon. Tendons are fixed on the rear of the foot and at the level of ankle tape-shaped transverse fibers fascia shin - retinaculum extensor tendons (upper and lower retainer extensors).

Extensor hallucis brevis muscle lies behind the extensor digitorum brevis. It starts on the top surface of the calcaneus and is involved in extension of the great toe.

In turn, there are three groups among sole muscles: the medial (thumb side) lateral (from the side of the little finger) and the middle.

The muscles of the medial group carried out the movement of the thumb. This group includes: muscle, abductor big toe (removes the thumb of the foot from the midline of the sole inside), adductor hallucis muscle (resulting in the thumb to the middle of the foot line, is involved in flexion of the thumb) and the flexor hallucis brevis muscle (flexes the big toe).

Muscles of the lateral group is driven pinky. It includes the abductor muscle of the little finger (flexes the proximal phalanx of the little finger, while taking his little finger back), and a short flexor foot pinky (little finger bends).

The muscles of the middle group (which includes 4 worm-like muscle, flexor digitorum brevis muscle, quadratus plantae muscle and intercostals 7: 3 and 4 rear plantar interosseous muscle) is bent toes and some of their phalanx, and the lead is removed fingers. Moreover, providing the fixation fingers at a certain position, they allow their conversion to the reference points on standing or moving.

5. The flat foot

According to medical statistics, to two years in 24% of children have flat feet, to four years - from 32%, to six years - from 40%, and to twelve years every second young person is diagnosed flat feet.

Flat feet - a foot deformity characterized by flattening its arches. Doctors call flatfoot disease of civilization. Uncomfortable shoes, synthetic surfaces, lack of exercise - all this leads to abnormal development of the foot. Warp stop is of two types: transverse and longitudinal.

When there is transverse flat flattening the transverse arch of the foot.

When longitudinal flat observed flattening of the longitudinal arch, and foot contact with the floor almost the entire area of ??the sole. In rare cases there may be a combination of both forms of flatfoot.

In normal shape of the foot rests on the foot outer longitudinal arch and the inner vault is a leaf spring, which provides the elasticity of gait. If the muscles that support the arch of the foot, are weakened, the entire burden falls on the ligament, which stretched, flattened foot.

When flatfoot violated the support function of the lower extremities, worsening of their blood supply, causing aching and sometimes leg cramps.

The foot becomes sweating, cold, cyanotic. Flattening hundred-Py affect the position of the pelvis and spine, which leads to a violation of posture. Children with flat feet, walking is widely waving hands, stomp heavily, buckled at the knees and hip joint; their gait is tense, awkward.

Promotes the development of flatfoot rickets disease, weakness and reduced physical development, as well as excessive obesity, in which the foot is constantly acting on excessive weight load. In children, early (10-12 months), many beginners to stand and walk on legs, developing flatfoot. Harmful effect on the formation of the foot long walking children on hard ground (asphalt), in soft shoes without a heel. With a flat and even flattened foot shoes wear out faster than usual, especially the inner side of the sole and heel. By the end of the day, children often complain that it is too narrow shoes, but in the morning it was just right to them. This occurs because after prolonged load deformed foot flattens even more and, consequently, longer.

6. Types of the flat foot

In accordance with the reasons because of which there is a flattening of the foot, flat is divided into five main types. Most found the so-called static flat.

Often static flat feet cause and long-term load, related to the professional activities of the person, "the whole day on their feet."

For static flatfoot is characterized by pain following areas:

on the bottom, in the center of the arch and the inner edge of the heel;

on the rear of the foot, in its central part, between the navicular and talus;

for the inner and outer ankle;

between the heads of tarsal bones;

shin muscles due to their overload;

in the knee and hip joints;

in the thigh muscles due to the surge;

in the lower back on the basis of enhanced compensatory lordosis (deflection).

The pains are worse in the evening, after the weakening of rest, sometimes ankle swelling appear.

Another form of the disease - traumatic flat.

As the name implies, this disease occurs as a result of injuries, mostly fractures of the ankle, calcaneus, tarsal and metatarsal bones. Heel in conjunction with the navicular and cuboid bones, as well as tubular metatarsal bones reminds arched vault, lined with a skilled bricklayer. Now imagine that this body of the bomb struck. Needless to say, it is difficult then to restore the original thin, hard work of the Creator.

Next view - congenital flat feet. It should not be confused with the "narrow heel" aristocratic lady of the static characteristic of flatfoot. The cause of congenital flatfoot different.

The child before he is firmly on its feet, that is, up to 3-4 years, the stop due to the incompleteness of the formation is not that weak, just as flat as a board. It is difficult to assess how functional it vaults.

Therefore, the baby must constantly monitor and, if the situation does not change, he ordered corrective insoles.

Rarely (2-3 times out of a hundred), it happens that the cause of flat feet is an anomaly of intrauterine development of the child. As a rule, these children are, and other disorders of the skeleton structure. Treatment of this type of flatfoot should start as early as possible. In difficult cases, resorting to surgery.

Rachitic flat - not innate and acquired, formed due to improper development of the skeleton caused by a deficiency of vitamin D in the body and as a consequence of inadequate absorption of calcium - this "cement" of the bones. From static flatfoot rachitic it differs in that it can be prevented by conducting the prevention of rickets (the sun, fresh air, gymnastics, fish oils).

Paralytic flat foot - the result of paralysis of the lower limbs and most often a consequence of sluggish (or peripheral) paralyzes the muscles of the foot and lower leg caused by polio or other neuroinfection.

Often people do not realize that he had flat feet. Often, in the beginning, even when pronounced illness, he does not feel pain, but only complains of a feeling of fatigue in the legs, problems in selecting shoes. But later, pain when walking is becoming more tangible, they give in the hips and lower back; calf muscles tense, appear corns (areas of skin omozoleniya), bone and scar growths at the base of the thumb, the deformation of the other toes.

7. Prevention of the flat foot

To prevent flatfoot recommend moderate exercise for the muscles of legs and feet, daily foot baths cool, walking barefoot.

Highly recommended walking barefoot in the summer on the loose, uneven surfaces, as this child involuntarily carries weight on the outer edge of the foot and toes is short, thus strengthening the arch of the foot. For children with impaired posture and flatfoot in physical training and morning exercises introduced specific corrective exercises.

Conducting studies on the development of movements. From the first months of life for the development of motor activity toys hung over the bed and lay on the floor of the arena. In an effort to reach out to them, children quickly master new moves. It is important that the clothes do not hesitate to baby's movements. Children who are constantly lying in bed, especially the tightly wrapped, become sluggish, lethargic, flabby muscles are made of, the development of late movement.

for the development of movements Classes are held with children under one year alone, daily for 5-8 minutes, and with children from 1 to 3 years - not only individually but also in groups of 4-5 people: duration of employment is gradually increased to 18 - 20 minutes. d.lya children 3 years and older conducted special gymnastics, outdoor games, morning exercise. The load in outdoor games and physical exercise should be strictly dosed. Not recommended for exercises with prolonged muscle tension, due to the delay or voltage breathing. The total duration of activities for children 3-5 years old - 20 minutes, for children 6-7 years old - 25 minutes.

For more emotional recovery, developing a sense of rhythm and tempo of exercise carried out by the music. Gymnastic wall fences for climbing, slides, stands for jumping, as well as balls, hoops, flags and other equipment makes it easier to grasp the desired movement, does gymnastics lessons more exciting and less tiring. During warmer months, the movements carried out on the development of employment in the area. Clothing in the classroom should be easy, does not restrict movement. During walks in the winter time, children sledding, skiing, skating; in the summer - on bicycles. On the site the children perform certain types of work: planting flowers and vegetables, loose soil, watered and weed beds, transported and transferred sand, earth, snow, and so on. All this is good and promotes the development of muscle motor skills, but provided the inventory, which children enjoy (shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, and so on.), Corresponding to growth, body proportions and strengths of the child. For example, in a bicycle seat away from the pedals to be lowered is the length of the tibia with the foot. On average, for children 3-5 years, it is equal to 25, for children 6-7 years old - 30 cm The most convenient to the vertical distance from the steering wheel to the seat for children 3-5 years -. 18 and 6-8 years - 20 cm .

Children's skates for the best of their stability should be a small height and have a wide blade. Footwear for skating should be low, with thin soles, without heels, with a solid backdrop and lacing from the sock. These shoes provide good stability of the foot and prevent its dislocation. Cords shoes at fingers loose, and tight on the rise. Systematic physical exercise contribute to the development of children's musculoskeletal system, increase the excitability of the muscles, pace, strength and coordination of movements, muscle tone, overall endurance, promote the formation of correct posture. Most muscle activity entails the strengthening of heart activity, in other words, the heart exercise - the body of work that affects the entire body ensuring nutrient and gas exchange. That is why at the present time is given so much importance to the proper organization of physical education of children of all ages.


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