My native town

Slonim is my hometown. Origin of the name of the city. Improving the infrastructure under Lev Sapega. Industrial enterprises of the modern city. The main attractions of the city are Slonim. Slonim district history museum named after I.I. Stabrovskiy.

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Кафедра иностранных языков


на тему: My native town


студент 1 курса, 16МПП-1 А.С. Романовская

Руководитель М.В. Татаревич

ПИНСК 2016

My native town

slonim name industrial museum

There are many beautiful cities and towns in the world. I would like to visit some of them, to see with my own eyes what I have read or heard about. But there is no place like home. I love my native city. It's not the capital, but it is a wonderful place to live.

The name Slonim is explained by several theories - some researchers believe that constant finds of mammoth bones (elephant is slon in Russian) are the reason for that and some - that the roofs were covered with straw (soloma). It seems that the most credible version today is that the city name originates from uslon - outside city defenses.

Once Lev Sapega became the head of Slonim county in the early 1600s its infrastructure started to improve. He had bridges repaired, roads built, solid guest houses established - everything to make an impression on the delegates to the regional parliament sessions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania who convened in Slonim.

The wars of the mid-17th and early 18th centuries inflicted terrific damage on Slonim. After a period of growth it went into a deep decline which lasted for over a century. The years when Mikhal Kazimir Oginsky was in charge in the 1770s saw a return to the old ways. Oginsky had a palace built, shops open, various manufactories established, masonries constructed to accommodate the specialists. The town's sewage system was launched under his rule.

When Slonim became a ground for the Duchy parliament sessions the significance of the city and its Jewish community increased sharply. In 1642 a huge stone Baroque synagogue was built. In the course of the Russian-Polish wars in 1660 Slonim Jews suffered from the violence inflicted by the Russian army.

My city is old and modern at the same time. It is old because it was founded in the 13th century. At that time its streets were narrow, dark and dirty. Now my city looks modern because of its architecture. Almost all the buildings were built after the war. The streets and avenues are wide and clean.

I live in Slonim. It is my native town and I am proud to be its citizen. Slonim lies in a beautiful part of Belarus in Grodno region. It is situated on confluence of the rivers Shchara and Isa, 195 km to South-West from Minsk and 143 km to South-East from Grodno.

There is Zhirovichi Orthodox Monastery 10 km from Slonim. Slonim is one of the most beautiful and ancient towns in our republic. The first mention of Slonim can be found in chronicles dated back to 1252.

In the 16 th century Slonim is developed into a very important center of trade and commerce. The popular of Slonim is about 50000 people. The town is divided in several districts.

There are some places of interest in Slonim that are worth seeing: the Orthodox Church, St. Andrew's Cathedral, the Assumption Cathedral in Zhirovichi. There is the museum of Local Lore in the town. It contains a lot of exhibits telling us about Slonim people and its history. There is a memorial to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

The first monument represented as a 12-meter obelisk eternizing memory of victims of the fascist terror in Slonim was established in 1964 at the place where prisoners of Slonim ghetto had been shot dead in June-July 1942 not far from village Petrolevichi 1 in Curved Hill district. In 1994 at the place of former cemetery in Slonim a memorial complex was opened (its author is architect L. Levin). This complex memorialized victims of Holocaust in Slonim and other Slonim district settlements. Entrance to the memorial is executed in form of an arch of gate of the old Jewish cemetery.

Slonim plays an important role in the development of industry and culture in Grodno region. There are secondary schools, a gymnasium, a lyceum, a vocational school, a medical school, some cafes and restaurants and a drama theatre.

Slonim district history museum named after I.I. Stabrovskiy is one of the oldest museums of this district. The museum was founded by archeologist and local history student Josef Iosifovich Stabrovskiy who was a native of Orlovichi farmstead (Slonim district).

Up to date Slonim has got such institutions as Y.Kolas Central District Library, 5 libraries being branches of the network of public libraries in Slonim district, A. Pushkin Children's Library.

There are some industrial enterprises in the town, which produce milk, meat, paper, wool, furniture and other goods.

And what about sport? I can say that the most famous athlete of Slonim is Ivan Tikhon. He was born in the village of Hlousieviиy, Slonim district. Tikhon is a legendary hammer thrower without exaggeration: he took gold in the world championships (and even in 2003), and passed through disqualifications.

Our town is especially nice in spring and summer. You can find a lot of beautiful places in the park or near the river.

If I had to move to some other place, I would not agree. Because my hometown - the best on earth, it grew, my parents, I'm starting to grow up, and someday I will be happy to talk to your children about the best time going through childhood memories and memorials. I like my town because here I feel safe with relatives and close friends and it seems that I can read the thoughts of any person.

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