Construction preschool children your language system

Features of construction by preschool children of their own language system. The considerations of children on language phenomena. The basic skills of preschoolers, observation and analysis of linguistic phenomena. Stage language concepts formation.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 02.12.2017
Размер файла 27,3 K

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The article:

Construction preschool children your language system

Svitlana Demyanenko (Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine)

У статті розкрито особливості побудови дітьми дошкільного віку власної системи мови. Висвітлено та проаналізовано розмірковування дошкільників над мовними явищами та фактами, що свідчить про метамовний розвиток дітей. Охарактеризовано елементарні вміння дошкільників спостереження й аналізу мовних явищ.

Ключові слова: мовна система, метамова, метамовна діяльність, факти мови, мовлення, тлумачення мовних явищ, мовні знання, імпліцитні знання, експліцитні знання, метакогнітивна діяльність, рефлексивна діяльність, когнітивна діяльність.

В статье раскрыты особенности построения детьми дошкольного возраста собственной системы языка. Освещены и проанализированы рассуждения дошкольников над языковыми явлениями и фактами, что свидетельствует о метаязыковом развитии детей. Охарактеризованы элементарные умения дошкольников наблюдения и анализа языковых явлений.

Ключевые слова: языковая система, метаязык, метаязыковая деятельность, факты языка и речи, толкования языковых явлений, языковые знания, имплицитные знания, эксплицитные знания, метакогнитивная деятельность, рефлексивная деятельность, когнитивная деятельность.

The article deals with features of construction by preschool children of their own language system. The considerations of children on language phenomena and facts that proves development of children are highlighted and analyzed. The basic skills of preschoolers to make observation and analysis of linguistic phenomena are characterized.

Key words: language system, metalanguage, metalanguage activity, the facts of language and speech, and interpretation of linguistic phenomena, linguistic knowledge, implicit knowledge, explicit knowledge, metacognitive activity, reflexive activity, cognitive activity.

Aim of the article: to show the specific features of meta-language displays in the 6-th years old Ukrainian-speaking children which reveals in the process of spontaneous evaluative and control speech actions and are presented on different levels of reasoning.

Introduction. Vocal development is one of the major constituents of child's personality forming and readiness to school studies. It must become the center of the process of reading and writing studies and language units mastering.

The philological education of a man begins from the period of a pre-school childhood, from a moment, when 3-4 annual children independently profess interest to the linguistic world. 5-6-years- old children «concentrate'», «begin to think and reason» over the language phenomena and facts. The process of language mastering begins with the independent child's constructing of the own language system, where a child is an active subject of this process - language personality which is forming. In his/her becoming the important role plays meta-language activity which is related to the analysis of learning language by a child.

Pre-condition of meta-linguistic displays of children is unrealized by them during the act of their own language practice in the process of which actualizes the biologically laid ability to explicit the ideas about language and produce verbal actions involuntary, mechanically, unintentionally. These natural meta-linguistic reflexivity and cognitions of pre-schoolers are basic for the further real comprehension of their own language and its objectivizing. The arbitrariness of situation of the verbal act is related to explication of the linguistic «knowledge» (procedural knowledge) independently done by children, limits, and sometimes fully eliminates the possibility to utter about a language. Children own the implicit linguistic knowledge but they are not always ready to recreate them on the tasks of adults. And even if they explicit these knowledge, their verbalization comes true considerably more difficult (declarative knowledge).

Meta-linguistic activity of children comes true not only in nominations of the linguistic terms but also in the process of spontaneous evaluation-control language actions which appear on the different levels of realized. Such unintelligent, not analyzable, emotional at the level of feeling, but not thought generalization of the own language experience is used by a child (so-called «feeling of language») concordantly L. Bozhovych (L. Bozhovych, 1995), for regulation and «out of conscious» control (A.M. Leontiev, 1983) of language both verbal, and in future - a writing one. Consequently, showing the certain interest in language reality: sounds, words, sentences, utterances the pre-schoolers try independently to define, to interpret, the language phenomenon, carrying out a reflexion over speaking, form their «own» understanding, bring in it (in most cases) a subjective sense, distant from the objective maintenance of language definitions. An organic need to meta-language activity in modern children realizes with the absence of linguistically correct technologies of control over the process of language definitions becoming, which makes it impossible to give a skilled help from the side of adults.

The purpose of the article - to reveal the design features of preschool children's own language system.

In a general scientific sense meta-language traditionally understands as any human or artificial language (language of the «second level») which describes other language (language of the «first level») and serves for the description of objects and properties of the surrounding world. A language which is described in a meta-language is accepted to name as an evident language, or language-object. In linguistics a term «meta-language» is related to the meta-language function of human language and after claims of N.D. Arutiunova, unlike a man a language does not have the secondary sign system which would expose its sense: a language does it itself, interpreting one senses through the other one, paraphrasing them, but keeping the limits (Arutiunova, 2008).

Theoretical establishment of the problem. To the meta-language research were devoted the scientific works of H.P.Beliakova, D.B.Elkonin, L. Ye.. Zhurova, М. I. Zarandia, І.І. Karabayeva, S.N. Karpova, T Tulviste and others. During the last years researchers appealed to the problem of language concepts development in 5-7 years old children (A.M. Bohush, M.S. Vashulenko, S.F. Zhuikov, N.I. Zelenko, L.O. Kalmykova, М. Лvov, N.P. Orlanova, К.С. Pryshchepa, O.I. Savchenko, H.O. Fomichova, O.N. Horoshkovska etc.); the phenomenon of transparency of language sign value is distinguished by such scientists as O.O. Potebnia, A.R. Luria, A. Shaff, L. Fedorenko, L.O. Kalmykova; the ability of 4-5 years old children to realize the language phenomena in terms of special technologies application assert P.I. Halperin, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, L.Ye. Zhurova, N. Zarandia, A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, D.B. Nikolenko. To this problem devoted their researches T. Tulviste, S.N.Tseitlin, H.R.Dobrova (phenomena of the meta-language order) [Tulviste 1990; Tseitlin 2000]. H.R. Dobrova examines structural activity in the process of capture a language, studies gender specific features and socio-cultural features of meta-language of children [Dobrova 2009]; N.O. Zolotova studies the dependence of meta-language capabilities of children on a motion of current intellectual activity of a child [Zolotova 2005]; L.V. Krasylnikova exposes realization by a child of meta-language and procedural knowledge and their dependence on vocal abilities (Krasylnikova, 2009) and others.

Research method. As testify the researches of the scientists and own supervisions the source of genesis of language concept «word» arrive at junior pre-school age. Already children of 4 years age are able to master substantial signs of the language units. In this connection the research was conducted in two stages: step by step we establish the children's simplest ideas about a «word» and fixed, when exactly the first primary presence of spontaneous utterances of children appear about a «word» as language concept, which is perceived by them earlier then the other terms and, which is most widespread in the practice of work of a pre-school educational establishment. For this purpose was used a questioning of children for the exposure of their primitive utterances and ideas about a «sound» and «word». The children were asked: «What is a word?», «Explain, why do you think that it is a word?». It was educed from the got answers, what system of connections stands after a word-concept on this stage of the development of a child.

After questioning was studied a character of children's answers and was done psychological and methodic analysis of results we got. Answering a question, pre-schoolers equated a word-term with the actions of some creatures, recreated a certain feature or any function of the adopted object or creature; entered this object or creature into a certain concrete situation; united words-terms with certain objects and phenomena.

Analyzing the answers of the fourth and fifth years old children, we notice in them general lines: confluence of word and object or creature. Such answers of children testify it: «Word is a kitten»; «Word is a mother», «Word is a table». About the answers of such a type it should be said, that they appear in pre-schoolers on the basis of transparency of the word-term «word», through which they see objects and creatures, without noticing a word. Such our supervisions and experience of practical work confirm the existence of a phenomenon, after О. О. Potebnia, «glass-word» [Potebnia 1985: 13]. Pre-schoolers do not separate a word as a language sign, as the name of objects and creatures, i. e. they do not objectivize words as a linguistic reality, as the special language phenomenon. Answers of children like «Word in a verse», «Word is a song» testify about the first empiric generalizations as a result of spontaneous reflexion over the speaking. Such generalizations repose on associations, related to the use of the term «word» in a certain vocal situation. That is why primary child's language generalizations can form a certain maintenance of a language concept, its insignificant certain measure. In a reply to a question «What words do you know?» pre-schoolers pronounced a sound, named some letter, said a sentence or word- combination or even answered that they know no words, but know a ditty, verse, riddle. Some children named words on denotation of objects (table, chair, and window), such answers point to the presence of primitive lines of a language concept. While answering a child begins to think, reflex spontaneously, finds in the consciousness the language means (words, phrases) which carry in itself though some explanations to the put questions of a researcher. A pre-school child equates a word with the process of speaking, broadcasting. A child does not own the substantial features of these concepts in such case, but due to a spontaneous reflexion and present for his/her language sense, he/she tries to express the own, formed on the basis of the personal supervisions and language experience judgement. Such answers present the least amount among the polled children: in the fourth years old - 5%; fifth - 7%. It was noticed that these children are active in an intercourse, in co-operating with born in the same year, have notedly a higher level of the development of speaking comparatively with the persons of the same age. But the basic amount of children of the investigated group gave a near-zero result. These were the pre-schoolers which tried to answer, but did not do it, felt shy, shrugged, avoided answers, refused to answer («I don't want to talk»). Answers of children on a task to name a word, which marks an action, feature, the name of an object were not educed.

Thus, in 3,5 a child begins to pronounce correctly all the sounds, name separate objects and things familiar to them. Their speech begins to acquire the current coherent character. It presents (in some children) the judgements about language and speaking. As the got results of a research of children's knowledge of language testify, in the primitive concepts of children about words and sounds terms «word» and «object» are combined. Concretely «attaching» language terminology to the objects which children watch, associating words- terms with their specified cases of the use in the own speaking under influence of perception of certain sounds and words from adults, children spontaneously seize the knowledge about sound and word.

The aim of the second stage of our research consist in a receipt of the objective data about the state and features of capture the language concepts by children of the sixth year of life, and also finding out of those terms, at which in children realizes the natural development of concepts about a language; i. e. to educe and fix those factors which cause spontaneous, elemental formation of language concepts in children.

At determination of the maintenance of a term of language concepts in children, we adhered to the opinions of О.О. Leontiev that it is important to find the way out of psycholinguistic structure of vocal activity of a child, from its spontaneous reflexion over the mother tongue - (phenomenon of «separating» of unrealized «feeling of a language» from the system of psycholinguistic units (units of speaking, which without any organized studies can be separated (distinguished) by a pre-school child [Leontiev 1999]. Such psycholinguistic units, formed in a child in the practice of vocal intercourse, are sentence, word, syllable, sound. Thus, from the totality of language units as the criteria of experimental study by the children of language concepts such concepts were chosen, as a «sound», «word», «sentence». The children mostly «net» them in the process of studies - on the employments and during the games, for example, the name of games: «Catch a sound», «Names the word», small «Box of words», «Think of a word on the offered sound» etc. yet from three or four age in a pre-school according to the Base component of a pre-school education in Ukraine. In accordance with the State standards of initial school the language concepts are defined from the first form and they become the subject of study and analysis.

On the basis of certain tendencies of mastering by children language definitions there were established four general levels of language concepts mastering which are characterized by certain features.

Sufficient level of language concepts mastering. Children realized 1-2 signs, their generalizations due to sense operations which were near to theoretical knowledge about language units and had an explicit character. Children's judgements about language units were current; we observed a certain objectification of language means, spontaneous refluxing of utterances, a sufficient arbitrariness and premeditation were showed up in their verbal broadcasting, and also displays of vocal abilities. Expressing reasoning concerning language concepts, senior pre-schoolers intelligently operated by mastered in a kindergarten signs, correctly used knowledge about them in a practice of broadcasting. By substantiating the opinion of language definitions, they named the language parameters heard from adults, including the sense ones, which they independently distinguished due to the well-developed «filling of a language» and formed psycholinguistic units (sense); owned by initial abilities to carry out objectification of languages and reflexion over broadcasting (children began to think over the said, added the skipped facts, details, corrected themselves during their uttering, reasoned, how shall I say more precisely and better). Children applied the got knowledge about a language in their practical activity.

Satisfactory level of language concepts mastering. Children of a pre-school age named the specific features of the separate language concepts, with which they met in a kindergarten, but, by answering the question of experimenter, they more frequently used the substantial and unimportant signs, their generalizations had the empiric character; pre-schoolers almost faultlessly distinguished the sense units («a fine dress», «in a garden») in the stream of broadcasting, but here they were not always able to end the division done by them, applying the got knowledge about specific features; in their judgements about language units they used an explicit knowledge; they not always correctly objectivize two or three words sentences, words in them, had difficulties with the selection of sounds. Children tried to carry elementary knowledge about language concepts in using language in broadcasting; they had a spontaneous reflexion over the broadcasting.

Low level of language concepts mastering. This group was entered by children whose empiric language generalizations of «language filling» are formed and had an implicit spontaneous knowledge about language; pre-schoolers sometimes correctly distinguished in broadcasting the sense units, but they did not operate with even formal signs. Although they knew the terms «sound», «word», «sentence», they were fully unable to objectivize corresponding to them language units; current and realized language was absent, they did not overcome child's phenomenon of «transparency of language sign»; sometimes the elements of spontaneous reflexion of broadcasting were observed. The intonation completeness of child's sentences not always coincided with the semantic completeness of sentence as a language standard.

Stage language concepts formation. This group was entered by children who did not answer the question of a researcher. They even did not have elementary development of concepts, although developed «language sense» helped them at implementation of experimenter's tasks instead of language units to distinguish and count up the units of sense, which, as a rule, did not coincide with units of language. Children knew and named terms, but did not operate by them; they didn't objectivize language units and reflex broadcasting. It remained at the level of vocal skill. Indexes of knowledge levels of children of the sixth year of life about a concept «sound», «word», «sentence» is given in a table below.

preschool children language


Amount of children %

Language concepts

KG (165 children)

KG (%)

EG (165 children)

EG (%)

Sufficient level Sound















Satisfactory level Sound















Low level
















Forming stage

















Such results of the conducted research can be explained by the fact, that during the cognitive preparation in a pre-school establishment the necessary for meta language development elementary abilities of supervision and analysis of the language phenomena are not always provided for children, although they show the living interest in language phenomena, especially to those who percept them for the first time by hearing and also show capacities for language objectivizing.


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