Acmeological life coaching of the modern competetive expert formation
An acmeological life-coaching of the organization of a human as a person. Assay of criteria for the formation of competitiveness of a specialist. Priorities for improving the efficacy of the system of training and share of experts with higher education.
Рубрика | Иностранные языки и языкознание |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.02.2018 |
Размер файла | 32,8 K |
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UDC 378:33
At the present stage of social development the integraton of acmeology and synergetics is observed. In the conditions of impossibility and irrationality of mechanical borrowing of foreign practices in the functioning of acmeological training it is important for Ukraine to correlate the national higher education development with the global trends of acmeological training organization that opens new prospects for integration in the educational and professional spaces of the foreign community.
So, the problem of graduates' professionalism in recent years has become the focus of the national education system. This is due to the aggravation of contradictions between the dynamics of demand of enterprises and organizations on specific specialists, qualified professionals and their training system. The labor market makes more specific demands to the current and potential employees, but graduates cannot always meet them. Most young professionals are not able to apply this knowledge in practice, they have no desire for career growth and further professional development, there is not any readiness for teamwork.
Employers observe the lack of professional skills, the lack of ideas about the future job responsibilities, a low level of special knowledge. For the successful functioning of graduate training, educational institutions should have a generalized model of the mechanism of the formation of a competitive specialist taking into account the specificity of his or her future professional activity and the close cooperation with employers.
Today acmeological learning is a competitive specialist as one of the determining factors of creating intellectual and productive forces of the society, the development of spiritual culture of the Ukrainian people, the guarantor of future success in strengthening the image of Ukraine as a sovereign, independent, democratic and legal state.
The foreign scientists who have studied the regularities and mechanisms that provide the possibility to achieve the top of an individual development are Sh. Buhler, E. Erikson, T. H. Olport, K. Rogers. The main representatives of this area of the research among the domestic scientists are V. H. Kremen, S. M. Nikolayenko, M. F. Stepko [1], M. G. Zhulinsky [2], Ya. I. Kuzminov, L. L. Lyubimov, M. V. Larionova [3] and others. In their works they consider the concepts that highlight the development of higher education and the features of the specialist formation in the labor market. An urgent task is to study the requirements of employers to the qualitative characteristics of graduates, which allows the latter ones to compete in the labor market in comparison with the other participants, to take their working place according to the profile of the obtained specialty and to effectively perform their functions.
Taking into account the necessity of the formation of the mechanism of the modern competitive specialist education, it should be noted that the question of the acmeological potential development of future specialists in the process of studying in higher educational institutions of Ukraine remains unsolved. So it is necessary to reveal in details, the main directions and the mechanism of the formation of modern competitive specialist in general and the higher education in particular, and that is the aim of this article.
A cultural and educational revival was developed on the stage of the restruction of the country and this process continued in the conditions of Ukraine's achieving statehood. It has shown that creative and spiritual forces of Ukrainian people and their intellectual potential are not exhausted, and today we are witnessing the transformation processes of spiritual values and cultural policy of the independent state. The cultural development at a present stage of Ukraine's functioning as a free state has proved that only a complete and original national culture ultimately ensures historical existence of the ethnic group. Therefore, the main task of the national cultural revival is to overcome Ukraine's cultural colonialism [1].
The national modern education system was formed in the 1990s in the conditions of significant changes in the spiritual life of the society in the context of general civilizational transformations caused by the spread of new educational technologies and by the significant expansion of opportunities and needs in an individual, personal human development. The reforms were focused on creating a new system of education in Ukraine, preservation and enhancement of the acquired experience during the Soviet era and at the same time on making significant adjustments to the goals, objectives and content of the educational process [2].
After the proclamation of independence of Ukraine a new phase of higher education development in the state began. Its main features are the expansion of international relations of Ukrainian higher educational institutions, the introduction of computer technology in the educational process, certain democratization in controlling/administering the education system, the introduction of student government, the expansion of the network of higher education institutions, the opening of private universities.
In 2005 Ukraine joined the Bologna process, pledging to make the appropriate changes in the national education system and join in the work on defining the priorities while creating the single European Higher Education Area.
The task to identify the points of convergence and to work out the common understanding on the qualification levels in terms of competences and learning outcomes is set for the purposes of the Bologna Declaration by the project «Establishing educational structures» initiated by the European Commission and the European Association of Universities.
Professional competence indicates the quality of education. It is a factor that plays an important role in forming the competitiveness of young people in the labor market. Learning outcomes are sets of general and specific competencies, which include student's knowledge, understanding, skills and are determined for every module and for the program as a whole [3].
General competences are divided by categories: instrumental (cognitive abilities, methodological abilities, technological skills, linguistic skills, communicative competence), interpersonal (ability to express feelings and attitudes, criticism and self-criticism, teamwork, etc.), system-based (combination of understanding, attitude and knowledge, which allows to analyze the components of the system and its integrity, ability to plan system changes, to design new systems).
Special competencies definition is based on analyzing specific areas of experts training (business administration and management, teacher training education, geology, history, mathematics, physics, chemistry). Special competencies include:
- for the first cycle:
1) the ability to demonstrate the knowledge of the basics of the subject and its history;
2) the ability to logically and consistently demonstrate the acquired knowledge;
3) the ability to distinguish new information in context and give its interpretation;
4) the ability to demonstrate an understanding of the general structure of the discipline and the connection between its sections;
5) the ability to understand and to use the methods of critical analysis and theory development;
6) the ability to use the methods and techniques of the subject correctly;
7) the ability to assess the quality of research in the subject field;
8) he ability to understand the results of experimental verification of scientific theories;
- for the second cycle
1] to know the subject at an advanced level, i.e. to know the latest methods and technologies (of the research], to know the latest theories and their interpretation;
2] to monitor and critically reflect on the development of the theory and practice;
3] to know the methods of independent research and to be able to explain the results at an advanced level;
4] to be able to make an original contribution to the discipline, taking into account the canons of the subject, for example within the qualification thesis;
5] to demonstrate originality and creativity;
6] to gain proficiency competence.
In foreign countries, there are two basic approaches to profile education: profiling within a single institution or profiling within certain types of educational institutions (academic, technical, professional, etc.]. But in all countries, regardless of the national specificities, profile education is based on determining the list of subjects or educational areas, content, skills / competencies needed to prepare young people for adult life.
The generalized variant is a combination of the following components:
- general educational subjects, obligatory for all students, namely National Language (Languages], Higher Mathematics, the Humanities (History of Ukraine, Social Science, Law], Physical Training and Foreign Language. In Sweden the general educational component includes 8 compulsory subjects / educational areas on which about a third of the training time is given;
- major subjects that correspond to the profile / direction of studying. The major is the main component of the content of higher education at this level, providing a profound study of the subjects chosen;
- elective subjects (general or profile-based] that give students the opportunity to develop knowledge in the chosen field of study through extensive modules on the speciality or related to it. It is possible to choose among the courses opposite to the profile subjects or the courses of a general nature;
- interdisciplinary fields / topics / courses, focused on the formation of core competencies. This is the ability to learn, think critically, make decisions and solve problems; acquire new knowledge throughout life; work in a team;
- religious / moral education (at the request of students];
- practical subjects / courses, involving the volunteer work in the community.
Approaches to the formation of the individual curriculum of a student range from the variant of the fixed list of obligatory subjects / courses (France] to providing the opportunities to a student to choose from the proposed list of subjects / courses (the USA].
The concept of modernization of Ukrainian education seeks to renovate vocational education based on competence, strengthened practical orientation of professional education and maintained fundamentality. A modern specialist must possess a high level of competence to withstand competition in the labor market and in future - to ensure the competitive position of the company.
For the coordination of the actions towards training a qualified employee it is necessary to define a system of relations with an employer in which he or she is a qualified customer in the labor market and educational services. This system can be based on:
1] the formation of the partnerships with companies to effectively adapt to changing demands and forming a common set of competencies relevant to the requirements of a particular segment of the labor market.
So, low efficiency of knowledge, i.e. the ability of specialists to use their knowledge and skills in practice does not satisfy employers first of all. According to the opinion of the experts at the scientific and practical seminar «European qualification frameworks (EQF] on the formation of the enterprise staff and the tools of managing the staff are the paradigm of the staff manage- ment», which was organized by Mykolayiv V. O. Sukhomlinsky National University (Laboratory of entrepreneurship and business] [4], we give the most important consideration to this parameter.
From the point of view of an employer a significant gap between acquired theoretical knowledge and their practical application, a low level or absence of «soft skills» (the ability to behave naturally in public and to present oneself, communication skills, self-control etc.] also lower the competitiveness of any institution of higher education in the labor market. In this context, the task of a higher educational establishment is to prepare a professional of a market type that meets the requirements and expectations of a potential employer.
The majority of the surveyed employers indicated the following reasons for their concerns connected with young specialists-graduates: they do not have any stability and reliability, they do not have enough responsibility, they have no ability to work for the result, they do not perceive themselves as workers, they have high expectations connected with wages. In terms of our study we can conclude that employers regard higher education as a sign that a priori distinguishes a graduate from anyone who has no higher education.
Thus, employers should be well implemented in education; without making up any ephemeral plans they should organically participate in the process. Higher education institutions should maintain contacts with various companies (enterprises) and carry out comprehensive measures within a university.
According to the European standard a graduate immediately takes a job and performs his or her duties. The diploma ensures a high level of training. Taking a specialist a firm believes that he or she is prepared properly, its guarantee being a high status of the educational establishment. If a specialist is not properly prepared and a firm has complaints against him or her, the image of the institution may be lost forever, its reputation can be seriously affected.
A modern society demands well-educated people who are able to improve themselves, to make innovative, responsible decisions and predict their consequences; people who want to achieve high results. To develop appropriate qualities and skills of young professionals is the task of higher education institutions, as in conditions of growing competition between the universities the problem of graduates' competitiveness in the labor market and the ability to promote their professional career it becomes extremely important.
2) the purposeful organization of practical training and diploma projects with due account for the requirements of consumers of educational services, active presentation of their graduates in job fairs.
Thus, the formation of a competitive graduate today is among the major criteria that indicate the quality of the educational process in higher educational establishments. It goes without saying, it will depend on a set of competencies and knowledge acquired in higher educational institutions and needed to compete in the labor market. life coaching specialist education
The competences should be the key factor for a new paradigm of education, but in the process of their formation the following problems can occur: the desire to «hypercompetence», vagueness, fragmentation of the competence, the lack of consistency in the implementation of the learning process.
Therefore the faculty that prepares professionals who are in demand in the labor market cannot work without the participation of employers in identifying the goals and objectives of training. The implementation of the tasks aimed at the involvement of business representatives into universities has a number of difficulties. It is difficult for the employers to introduce prospective requirements for specialists which education should focus on. An association of employers often does not have any imagination what is an ideal graduate.
It should be admitted that the association is not interested in such a common understanding of an ideal graduate, as human resources of a particular company, enterprise, corporation are a factor that determines its competitive advantage in the market. The involving of business representatives to the higher educational establishments is not connected with the providing of the basic (core) educational program. Entrepreneurs do not have any time resources for regular classes with students, for the consultations or conducting research. And the specifics of doing business in Ukraine (the imperfection of legal framework, the prevalence of «uncivilized» forms of solving the problems, etc.) do not contribute to the fact that in the formal educational process all the nuances of doing business are reflected. It is difficult to expect from an instructor-businessman to open all «secrets» of doing business, because it threatens increased competition. In addition, success in business does not always match with pedagogical abilities and special pedagogical knowledge.
We offer professional level curriculum, developed by experienced specialists and approved by the competent bodies of Education and Science of Ukraine for core subjects in organic conjunction with programs of special courses (Figure 1).
Fig. 1. Professional (competence) training model
The school of competences (career centre) is based on employers' organizations with the necessary architectural accessibility, material and technical base, staffing and is located within the territorial accessibility for students of the region, or in a separate institutional setting.
The versatility and unpredictability of the modern labor market encourages a future specialist to acquire a large amount of knowledge, skills and competencies while studying in higher educational establishments. It can increase his or her competitiveness in the job search until the graduation.
The labor market is carefully studied, the employers direct matrix to the career centre to form a contingent of listeners of the career center. The optimization of the learning process is conducted. According to the results of the survey which was held among Ukrainian employers, the rating scale of the most needed professions in the near future is defined and on its basis the curriculum of the students of the career centre is made. This is a learning process with the use of the laboratory of mentoring.
The training program in the career center is optimized with the curriculum of the higher educational establishments and the employers' professional criteria for this speciality. After the course students receive a certificate of their further education in a selected speciality and employment opportunities if the selected direction is stated by an employer.
Quality matrix of a specialist in demand
The speciality in demand at the private enterprise "Milky Way"
Qm- qualifying features of a specialist in demand;
i = 1, m-competences for a speciality in demand;
J = 1,.., n- a speciality in demand;
aij- a specialist in demand.
Qm = all + a13 + a14 - a training plan according to the competence requirements
«и |
«12 - |
«1т |
II |
«21 |
«22 * * |
«2 т |
1а |
«п2 - |
«тп _ |
The quality matrix is developed for private enterprise "Milky Way"
To organize the training of a mentor- instructor it is necessary to note that an instructor of the school of competences should be able to provide:
- variability and personal orientation in the educational process (designing of individual educational trajectories);
- practical orientation of the educational process with the introduction of interactive and activity components (development of project research and communication methods);
- completion of professional selfdetermination of students and the formation of skills and competencies required for continuing of higher education in the relevant area of production;
- projecting of educational process directed to self-determination and self-realization of the listeners and self-determination in the professional sphere, the development of professional intentions and interests;
- the maximal individualization of learning, the intensification of creativity in the students' activities, the development of their research and project activity, the organization of social practices, the support of individual educational programs as a core component of the educational process;
- the organization of a productive interaction with all subjects of the educational process on the principles of cooperation, collaboration and co-creation;
- the organization of social partnership, with both the educational needs of the listeners and regional labor market needs;
- the projecting of educational environment, which significantly expands the educational environment to include various sociocultural factors and cultural institutions, educational resources;
- the realization of a professional selfeducation as a source of personal and professional growth through satisfying one's needs, interests, attitudes, values and plans.
The list of competences |
A competence |
A specialist of management of foreign economic activity |
The components of the curriculum |
1 |
The ability to provide reasonable proposals for the formation and development of regional foreign policy |
Х |
2 |
Planning and forecasting economic operators' activity |
3 |
Forecasting the dynamics of demand for export and import products |
Х |
4 |
Conflict management |
Х |
5 |
Employers' requirements |
So, to overcome possible difficulties in the development of competency models of the educational process it is necessary to determine whether the curriculum relates to competences; to assess a potential competency of educational subjects; to analyze the needs of employers for molded competences; to determine how the educational process meets the modern scientific achievements.
It should be noted that as a result of implementation of the competence approach in higher education it is necessary to use the form of cooperation and the efficiency of interaction of employers and young professionals in the job market. For the full realization of the ways of increasing the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market it is important to include employers participating in the formation of competitive professionals. However, to provide the whole process with integrity, graduates should be included in it and they should get interested in their independent work on augmenting their competitive advantage. After all, such a mechanism will significantly increase the adequacy of specialists training by the requirements of real production, will create the tools that allow graduates to present themselves in the labor market, and allow employers to determine the compliance of graduates to the necessary competences.
The assessment of tools of the graduate professional competence, the modelling of the mixed types of classes student-employer with a top part «the ways of working» and the acquaintance with the technology and methodology of the tasks development for independent and individual students' work in learning are for the further researches.
1. Kremin V. G. Higher education in Ukraine: a study guide / V. G. Kremin, S. M. Nikolayenko, M. F. Stepko. -- K. : Liyera Ltd., 2005. -- 327 p.
2. Zhulinsky M. G. Moderm Ukrainian society and science / M. G. Zhulinsky // Humanitarian sciences, 2004. -- № 2. -- P. 124--126.
3. The materials of the scientific and practical seminar «European qualification frameworks (ERK) on the formation of the enterprise staff and the tools of managing the staff are the paradigm of the staff man- agement». Mykolayiv V. O. Sukhomlinsky National University (The Laboratory of entrepreneurship and business), April 28.
The article studies an acmeological life coaching of the person's formation as the subject of a life path and develops the means of achieving social and professional heights by an individual. It also analyzes the criteria for the formation of professional competitiveness, defines the priority directions of the improvement of the effectiveness of training and using specialists with higher education, justifies the quality matrix of a professional and its implementation mechanism.
Key words: acmeology, higher education, a specialist, competitiveness, an employer, the matrix of quality.
У статті розглядаються акмеологічний лайф-коучинг формування людини як суб'єкта життєвого шляху і розробляються засоби досягнення особистістю соціальних і професійних вершин. Проаналізовано критерії формування конкурентоспроможності фахівця, визначено пріоритетні напрями підвищення ефективності системи підготовки та використання спеціалістів з вищою освітою, обґрунтовується матриця якості фахівця та механізм її впровадження.
Ключові слова: акмеологія, вища освіта, фахівець, конкурентоспроможність, роботодавець, матриця якості.
В статье рассматривается акмеологичсекий лайф-коучинг формирования человека как личности; разработаны средства достижения им социальных и профессиональных вершин. Проанализированы критерии формирования конкурентноспособности специалиста, определены приоритеты повышения эффективности системы підготовки и задействованности специалистов с высшим образованием, сформирована матрица качества специалиста и пути ее реализации.
Ключевые слова: акмеология, высшее образование, специалист, конкурентноспособность, работодатель, матрица качества.
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