The role of biographical facts of prominent linguists in the course of "General linguistics"

The biographical facts, in particular less known ones, about life of the famous Ukrainian and Russian linguists are considered. Determining the corresponding stages in scientists’ lives and research works which attracted attention of historical linguists.

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Glushchenko V.A.,

Tyshchenko K. A.

Problem statement and its relationship with important scientific and practical tasks. The analysis of historical linguistic literature has showcased that the distinguished scientific figures of Russian and Ukrainian linguistics of the XX century had been always caught the attention of researchers not only regarding their linguistic achievements, but also concerning the interesting facts of their own life. References to that sort of biographical information can be found in the works of M. A. Zhovtobriukh, L. V. Matveeva, H. Ponomarenko, V. Rusanivskyi and others.

Analysis of the last researches and publications. It is known that the scientific literature contains a range of investigations, devoted to the studying of biographical facts about famous linguists such as M. 0. Maksymovych, N. N. Dumovo, Y. D. Poliva- nov, N. S. Trybetskoi, R. 0. Yacobson, S. 0. Kart- sevkyi, A. Y. Krymskyi, P. 0. Buzuk, M. F. Sulyma, B. D. Tkachenko, В. M. Hantsov, I. I. Ohienko, O. Y. Prytsak, V. I. Simovych, S. Y. Smal-Stotskyi, S. S. Smerechynskyi, Y. V. Shevelov etc. However, the question of their educational aspect, particularly during studying «General Linguistics», is not comprehensively researched. That fact determines the relevance of the proposed article.

The aim of our research is to resolve the issue of biographical facts' educational capacities derived from the lives of outstanding Ukrainian and Russian linguists of the XX century.

The process of achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

1) to explore who of the modem linguists examined the biographies of the scientists mentioned above;

2) to determine the corresponding stages in scientists' lives and research works which attracted attention ofhistorical linguists;

3) to figure out the data that remained unnoticed by the researchers;

4) to demonstrate what kind of little-known biographical facts retained their significance for modem linguistics and in what way they are important for the education of future linguistics and literature teachers.

Presentation of the main research material. The modem comparative study allows to investigate these less known facts from the lives of linguists, which have been concealed for rather a long time. Unfortunately, only now we have an opportunity to inquiry carefully all the tragic biographical sketches of famous linguists.

We are aware of the fact that most scientists were repressed and had no possibility to work in their mother land, thus, were forced to emigrate abroad. All this, of course, influenced greatly their research activities. Therefore, while studying linguistic statements of any scientist, it is advisable to get acquainted with his biography at first.

It is extremely important to know what position was occupied by the linguist chosen for analysis, what aspects of his or her theses become leading and predominating as well as what are the traits that influenced the formation of the significant person.

Facts from the history of Ukrainian and Russian linguistics of the XX century (after the fall of the Russian Empire in 1917) possess significant educational potential. Glushchenko V. A., Tyshchenko K. A. The role of biographical facts ofprominent linguists in the course of «General Linguistics»

If the period up to the early 30-ies in Ukraine is characterized by active development of applied linguistics, focusing on the history of eastern languages and theoretical study of grammar, during the 1930-1940-ies there was the CPSU (b) official ideology struggle against Ukrainian language and culture, which was reflected both on linguistic personnel as well as the directions of the linguistic research [4, 648].

During Stalinism times many Ukrainian linguists were repressed. Remarkable and outstanding scientists were arrested and died: P. 0. Buzuck, M. D. Hladkyi, P. D. Hladkyi, V. K. Demianchuk, M. H. Yohan- sen, A. Y. Krymskyi, О. B. Kurylo, К. T. Nimchynov, O. N. Syniavskyi, M. F. Sulyma, B. D. Tkachenko and others. Scientific activity of repressed V. M. Hantsov was interrupted.

Some Ukrainian linguists came to be beyond Ukrainian state boundaries. These are P. Kovaliv, O. Ohienko, 0. Pritsak, V. Simovich, S. Smal-Stotskyi, S. Smerechynskyi, Y. Shevelov.

The fate of Russian linguists was the similar. N. N. Dumovo, Y. D. Polivanov became the victims of repression, N. S. Trybetskoi, R. 0. Yacobson, S. 0. Kart- sevskyi and others were forced to work in emigration.

During the period of planning a «new language doctrine» of M. Y. Marr, Ukrainian and Russian comparative linguistics, was forced to be in the so called underground [1, 203, 222]. It is a fate of both science and humans. And this is the fact that philology students should be aware of.

Autobiographical material has a great educational significance. However, facts belonging to such an intimate area as private life should be used very carefully. Engagement of biographical material provides many examples of how the realm of science attracts spiritually and morally young people, involved in scientific activities, increasing their wealth and enriches people, and, therefore, the whole mankind.

Thus, the history of Ukrainian linguistics is inseparably linked with the name of a famous philologist, ethnographer, historian and naturalist, the first head of the Kyiv University Mykhailo Olexandrovych Maksymovych (1804-1873). He occupies the prominent place among the great thinkers and educators of Ukraine. Bom in Poltava, his parents Olexander Ivanovych Maksymovych and Hlykeriya Fedorivna Tymkivska were natives of Cossack families, dedicated into nobility, Mykhailo Maksymovych first studied in Zolotonosha monastery school and later in Novgorod-Siverskyi gymnasium. Love to science and creativity was raised in the boy by his uncle Illiya Fedorovych Tymkivskyy, teacher, writer and ethnographer, professor of Kharkiv University. Maksymovych received higher education at Moscow University, where he studied at literary and natural departments. After graduation a talented young man was engaged in scientific work in the field of botany and was preparing for teaching. At the age of 22 he became the head of the University botanical garden and herbarium [3, 44].

The young scientist maintained working and personal relationships with A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, K. F. Ryleev, A. I. Hertsen, V. G. Belinskyi, V. F. Odo- yevskyi and others. In 1827 Maksymovych protected scientific thesis and obtained the degree of Master of natural history. He began working at the Botany department at Moscow University. Among M. 0. Maksymovych lectures audience were M. Y. Lermontov and A. I. Hertsen.

During 11 years of scientific and teaching activity Maksymovych published 100 works on natural history. In particular, he was one of the first who substantiated the principle of cellular organisms' structure. In 1833 as the recognition of his achievements Maksymovych was appointed for a position of a professor and head of the botany department at Moscow University.

At the same time he was productively engaged in academic humanities science. In 1827 his book «Mal- orossyysky Songs» was published, which attained high appreciation among philologists and writers, including Pushkin and Gogol.

In 1834 Maksymovych became the head of Kiev University. He contributed a lot to the organization of educational process in the newly created university. In 1843, due to his initiative Kyiv archaeological commission was created, where the scientist worked extremely vigorously and productively. M. 0. Maksymovych recommended the commission to appoint an artist Taras Shevchenko (in December 1845); the poet had been working in the commission for almost half a year.

Maksymovych wrote and published a number of works on history, literature and linguistics, translated «The Tale of Igor's Campaign» (the total number of his publications is 260).

In 1871 in Kiev Ukrainian and Russian scientists and writers celebrated the 50th anniversary of Maksymovych scientific and literary activity. He was elected as a correspondent member of the Russian academy of sciences, honorary member of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev and Odessa universities and many scientific and literary societies [3, 48].

Maksymovych's life and work is a prime example of fruitful cooperation and enrichment of Ukrainian and Russian science and culture. And there lies a great educational value of scientist's biographical material.

A teacher of general linguistics may found many bright facts in the biographies of linguists, repressed in times of Stalinism. The biographical data of A. Y. Krymskyi is indicative. Arrested in July 1941, Krymskyi through extreme circumstances of brutal interrogation did not lose a striking polemicist reaction, integrity; his memory did not mislead him as well. The scientist aptly refuted the accusations by citing the facts and documents that were easy to check. Old, sick, extremely exhausted, Agatangel Yuhymovych found the strength not to sign anything, did not plead himself guilty and did not defame anybody. «I was not and never could be the Ukrainian nationalism ideologist, - he said to the investigator, - because it contradicts to all my nature and my outlook» [2, 49].

Krymskyi's case belonged to those legal inverstiga- tions that were not even close to the searching for truth; that was a performed task - to charge and convict the man. Therefore, despite the objective, truthful scientist answers, the investigator considered it possible to charge the prominent linguist in the «Ukrainian nationalism» and «anti-Soviet nationalist activities» [2, 50].

On October 30, 1941 Krymskyi arrived in Kustanai prison in Kazakhstan. The scientist immediately was brought to the hospital camera with the diagnosis: oldness, exhaustion and weakness. On January 25, 1942, he died.

I. U. Hrechynyn, a political prisoner, the witness of the linguist's last days, many years later described the terrible conditions that Krymskyi suffered before his death: overcrowding and terrible stench, mainly tuberculosis patients, people on the benches, on the floor - and among them Agatangel Yuhymovych. He approached people, talked and taught. Finally, he was taken hopelessly sick to another cell, he asked to pass on to Kyiv the news about him. «My address is simple, - he said. - Kyiv. Academy of Sciences. Krymskyi. And that is all» [2].

Meanwhile, no one knew where he was. Scientists, family, Academy of Sciences were searching for him. In 1947 M. Y. Krymska appealed to the Academy Presidium to issue her brother's death certificate, because she was sure that he had died in the evacuation. But at that time the Academy of Sciences did not know anything.

A. Y. Krymskyi was posthumously rehabilitated on May 2nd, 1957. Since that time Academy held celebrations in honor to the scientist, his articles and monograph came out and a five-volume collection of his literary and scientific works was published. However, until recent times there are numerous scientists' works left in manuscript; its scientific heritage has not undergone a full investigation; there is not a true documentary biography of academician Krymskyi.

As we can see, the appeal to the linguists' biographies enables students to focus on the high human qualities of scientists (while, of course, does not promote turning the linguist image to the icon).


A conducted research indicates that the issue of educational opportunities of biographical facts about famous scientists is exceptionally essential.

For now not only their scientific heritage requires a substantial analysis, but also the autobiographical facts that gained less publicity. This is related to those scientists first and foremost, who suffered repression. Among them there are many Ukrainian linguists, namely P. 0. Buzuk, M. D. Gladkyi, P. D. Gladkyi, V. K. Demy- anchuk, M. H. Johansen, A. Y. Crymskyi, О. B. Kurylo, К. T. Nimchynov, 0. N. Synyavsky, M. F. Sulyma, B. D. Tkachenko, V. M. Hantsov and others.

Indeed, a laige number of unknown facts should be carefully researched. The main goal for historical linguists is to figure out exactly the biographical material that should be used for educational work with students. Furthermore, it is necessary to remember that every fact of linguist's private life should be used exorbitantly watchful.

An appeal to biographical data is an integral part of today's youth research. Meanwhile the youth seeks for a professional and cultural development as well. These are worthy representatives of the Ukrainian nation who enrich their people and hence all the mankind. Let us note that the knowledge of linguists' biography enables the upbringing of the best human qualities among students. Life passes of the outstanding scientists is the most appropriate exemplar of what should be endeavored by contemporary generation.

Thus, the course «General Linguistics» provides the teacher with a wealth of material that may be used for the education of future teachers-linguists who will spread «reasonable, good, eternal» principles.

We envision in a deep study of the little-known biographical facts about prominent Ukrainian and Russian linguists of the twentieth century as well as within the analysys of their educational opportunities for teaching a number of linguistic disciplines.


biographical ukrainian russian linguist

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Матвеева Л. В. А. Ю. Кримський і Українська Академія наук / Л. В. Матвеева, Е. Г. Циганкова // А. Ю. Кримський - неодмінний секретар Всеукраїнської Академії наук: Вибране листування. - К.: Обереги, 1997. - 172 с.

Пономаренко Н. Михайло Максимович / Н. Пономаренко, Г. Сергієнко // Історія України в особах: XIX - XX ст. - К.: Україна, 1995. - С. 43-49.

Русанівський В. М. Україністика /В. М. Русанівський // Українська мова: Енциклопедія /НАН України, Ін-т мовознавства ім. О. О. Потебні, Ін-т української мови, Вид-во «Українська енциклопедія» ім. М. П. Бажана. - К.: Українська енциклопедія, 2000. - С. 646-652.

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