Some recommendations for the optimization of building of titles

Research headlines of scientific papers, as well as analysis and provision of some recommendations to optimize the construction of these headings, given the frequency of their use. The main types of communicative failures, identified in the names.

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Suvorova S.A.

The effectiveness of title to the respondent, in our view, directly depends on the correct assessment of the situation and scientific contexts.

Try to identify the ways to make better understanding of processes and forking.

The problem of the efficiency of the title might be in the difference in the background knowledge of recipients, as well as in the standards of the conduct, including communicative. Background knowledge are involved in the process of the emit statements, as when we select the theme, and in the internal programming, as well as on the stage, which Chafe calls the categorization [219]. Background knowledge affect to the semantic programming through the various structures of the Organization of the knowledge-frames and scripts. Categorization of objects and phenomena of reality, is a universal cognitive mechanism, and at the same time brings cultural conditionality, as a volume of categories in different pictures of the world is usually different. In the process of understanding the differences in background knowledge could not prevent to the adequate re-establishment of scientific models of the world created by the author of scientific articles and transmitted over the title of the article. The survey conducted by us, we made sure that titles containing full information are the most understandable and interesting to a large number of respondents if they have background knowledge in relevant areas of expertise, while they have insufficient background knowledge in applying of its own system of values, the respondent may make incorrect hypotheses and make false inferences about the implied senses. Picture of the world is also directly involved in the processes of understanding and causing scientific statements contained in the title. Accounting the differences in academic paintings of the world, the scientific analysis of the communicative situation and the correctly reconstructed source of information help to create more successful with communicative point of view the title for scientific articles. The scientific level of communicative competence also could make a decisive role.

If the author wants to be understandable, should, using the title, predict a reaction of the reader. Moreover, if there is the necessary background knowledge he himself produces the proper system expectations of the interviewee.

An important factor is also the accounting of the context. Don't need to block the understanding, sating the title with the all sorts of abbreviations and to create incorrectly the structure of the text of the title. The correction of strategy is proposed if it is necessary. Examples: “The Bermuda triangle: which hypothesis is closer to the truth?” [FM, 97]. In this example, the text of title is presented, taking compression is the colon, which shared the title into two parts, the logical bunch is implemented fully. If there is the background knowledge, the system should be fully implemented in the reader (86).

“The role of science in the preparation of engineers on high-tech issues” [FM, 86] (90) when reading the background knowledge is activated, in which, inter alia, one includes knowledge of the specifics of this section of the science. The following example we will attempt to adjust the structure of title: “improving the image quality of infrared cameras based on matrix HgCdTe INFRARED devices photoreceptor - range” [FM, 104] in this title they used English alphabet and reducing IR (22), quick perception is blocked. Change the structure, remove the reduction, for example: “Photodetector devices originally curvilinear range. Matrix framework increases the quality of the thermal image HgCdTe; After introducing of the changes, the respondents gave 42 choices of understanding”.

The following example: “Informative ensuring of the establishment of aviation technology in the works of NTUU “KPI” and Antonov Design Bureau. O. k. Antonov [FM, 44] - specificity of the titles is a set of abbreviations denoting the scientific and technological community is involved in the development of aeronautical engineering (NTUU KPI, ASTC). It deepens the difference in background knowledge and affects the standby system, thus decreasing the ability to quickly extract information from the context of this title (18). Change the title: “Informative supporting under creating the aviation technology in the engineering projection Research Center them. O. k. Antonov” (36).

“VoIP: changes in the telecommunications industry” [FM, 104] - the ways of compression of the text used in the construction of this title not only weaken logical bundle between the first and second part of the title, but also the set of reductions “VoIP”, which has a negative impact on the system of expectations (10 elections respondents). “Gauge interpretation of ONE HUNDRED” [FM, 63], “conceptual proposal for standardization of projects in the construction of new and modernization of existing power plants and boilers in the development and implementation of investment programmes of RAO UES of Russia until 2020 [FM, 60] received 17 elections”.

In the process of scientific communication and background knowledge of system expectations play a special role: their lack is poorly compensated even if well formed mechanism correlates the new information received from the title with linguistic context. Example: “Some illogical elements of scientific cognition of the objective reality” [FM, 97] - 8 elections; when you read the title and you are short of the background knowledge about specific scientific terms how illogical elements, even with further reference to the scientific information obtained from the context of the article initially reduces the efficiency of the system and expectations it will lead the reader to communicative discomfort.

Each of the parts of models of the title can be a source of communication failures. This is partly due to the fact that the model does not answer the question about the role of the scientific picture of the world in the process of scientific communication. To accomplish this, appropriate, in our view, more deeply to explore the interaction of cultural and scientific presuppositions as a component of background knowledge with those expectations of communicators.

As a result of a survey among students in specialized technical departments, we have made the process of communicative failures when understanding the titles of scientific articles based on the following criteria: purpose and installation of the participants of the communicative process, System expectations, background knowledge and value orientations.

Pic. 1. Vectors optimization of scientific title

Analyzing the most successful models of the headings, we try to analyze possible sources of misunderstanding of these titles. The source is in the differences in background knowledge and lexical-semantic features titles for scientific articles. Source leads to differences in reading comprehension of the title of one or more components: according to the degree of differences in background knowledge on the acceptability of some form of filing of scientific information in the title of the article etc. These differences form for each participant their own expectations for the title read scientific articles, chosen theme, structure and semantic content headings, forms, filing of scientific information, mathematical formulas , scientific and other reductions. The author of further titles might make, from the point of view of the respondent, the error on the Organization of scientific communication in this title: he chooses the wrong structure of titles (or the minimum or maximum complicated, using a large number of cuts, it is too squashed and detached from the subject of scientific information or vice versa, etc.). And in the final stage of reader reaction occurs, which can block further ways to understand: bewilderment, false reasoning about the intentions of the author.

Thus, we have identified the following types of communicative failures when understanding of title:

a) the misunderstanding on the part of the reader, the gaps in the information structure of the title;

b) the misunderstanding of the respondent spatio-temporal organization of communication;

c) the difference in the perception of some) of the key concepts of the scientific message contained in the title;

g) the misunderstanding of the motives and objectives of the author of the article;

d) the differences in evaluation of scientific phenomena discussed in the understanding their significance;

e) the differences in the perception of key scientific concepts of the topic.

The data indicates that communication failures in the process of scientific communication are not regular that confirms the initial finding of risk areas in a situation of scholarly communication.

Based on the results of our study, we try to identify the main potential vectors optimization of titles of scientific articles, relying on the relevant TITLE-text and TITLE-the reader (Pic. 1).

Opposition to TITLE-TEXT, in our view, suggests the following optimization: headline scientific communicative name

1) the establishing as far as possible connection with key words of scientific work;

2) the compliance of correct percentages of the general terminological and special terminological vocabulary;

3) the avoidance of congestion in header graphic cuts;

4) the concentration on the expression of rematical parts of the text due to truncation of the topic;

5) the matching of header structure to the genre conditioning text.

Link TITLE-reader, in our view, gives rise to such recommendations on optimization of the header:

1) the limited volume of the title (7 words 2);

2) the removal of long chains of the nominative in the genitive case;

3) the widespread using of punctuation marks (colons, dashes), capable of replacing potentially eliminative parts of the text;

4) the increasing of the lexical diversity by eliminating the lexical dies;

5) the presentation of some part of information implicitly, with the aim of increasing the interest of the reader.

Conclusions. In our work we examined the features of header content of scientific works. Noting that the content of headers differs with considerable diversity, we tried to match it with the accepted classification of Sciences. Our work presents the semantic header subspecies, taking into account the frequency of their use in scientific journals.

We identified two groups title: onimnye and appellations. For the first keywords are onomastic units, for the second - appellations. The latter group is divided into three subgroups:

1) the headings of articles of broad general scientific perspective, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of keywords - general terminological vocabulary;

2) titles of scientific papers of general nature, including as keywords philosophical terminology in combination with varying terminology of science;

3) articles of the special terminological issues, the hallmark of which is the saturation of the specialized terminology.

To determine the source of communicative successes and failures when preparing of titles we interviewed a number of headers. The survey results indicate that for the success of the title non-linguistic factors (background knowledge of respondents) and linguistic factors are important, and first and foremost, optimum use of terminological units is important.

This study made it possible to formulate a number of recommendations on optimization of building titles of scientific papers [193, 194].


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2. Krzyzanowski, with title // The Literary Encyclopedia. Glossary of literary terms: 2 t. / ed. H. Brodsky. - М. ; L., 1925. - T. 1. - C. 245-249.

3. Popov A.S. the syntax structure of modern newspaper titles and its development / A. S. Popov // Development of syntax of modern Russian language. - М., 1966. - P. 22

4. Chafe W.L. Value and structure of the language / W.L. Chafe. - Moscow : Progress, 1975. - 432 p.

5. Suvorova S.A. On the question of the construction of communication failures title of scientific work / S.A. Suvorova // The modern scientific bulletin. Series “Jurisprudence. Psychology and Sociology. Philology”. - № 29 (168). - 2013. - Belgorod : Publisher Rusnauchkniga, 2013. - P. 89-93.

6. Suvorova S.A. To a question about the effectiveness of the scientific title / S.A. Suvorova // Scientific notes of Taurida National University. Vernadsky. The series “Philology. Social communications”. - Volume 26 (65). - № 1. - 2013. - S. 404-408.


The article is devoted to the study of titles of the scientific papers, as well as analysis and providing of some recommendations for the optimization of building these titles in accordance with the frequency of their use.

Key words: title, background knowledge, article, scientific communication, text, mechanism, context.

Стаття присвячена дослідженню заголовків наукових робіт, а також аналізу та наданню деяких рекомендацій для оптимізації побудови цих заголовків з огляду на частоту їх використання.

Ключові слова: заголовок, фонові знання, статті, наукова комунікація, текст, механізм, контекст.

Статья посвящена исследованию заголовков научных работ, а также анализу и предоставлению некоторых рекомендаций для оптимизации построения этих заголовков, учитывая частоту их использования.

Ключевые слова: заголовок, фоновые знания, статьи, научная коммуникация, текст, механизм, контекст.

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